David Furnish and his god son, Damian Hurley were on a night out together at 2024 Virgin Atlantic Attitude Awards at Camden's Roundhouse in London. Damian admitted his mum, Liz made an amazing choice with godfathers and David revealed a big Elton John secret from the past! Report by Jonesl. Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/itn and follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/itn
00:00How are you doing? You both look beautiful. I saw you on the tube yesterday and now I'm
00:04seeing you at the Attitude Awards. There you go.
00:08So what does it mean to be at an event like this in London, at the Clowndon Roundhouse?
00:12Iconic. Is it amazing to be here?
00:14Well, I can't say no to an invitation from one of my favourite godfathers. I've got like
00:20six. I can't tell you. So yeah, it's amazing to be here.
00:24Tell me what it's like to have some quite nice godfathers.
00:29The best godfathers in the world. I'm so, so lucky. My mum picked phenomenally well
00:33and everyone's so kind and so loyal and always helpful.
00:36And come on, repay the favour. What's Damien like?
00:38Damien is an inspiration. I mean, it's been amazing watching him grow up. I'm so proud
00:45of him as a filmmaker and so proud of him as a human being. He just has the kindest
00:50heart and he's a really, really fine, amazing young man.
00:56When are you going to collaborate on some work together? Is that happening?
00:59We know we haven't discussed it, but maybe you're going to kick something off.
01:02What do you fancy?
01:04Oh god, let's scheme. That'll be our conversation for the night.
01:08I can produce and he can direct.
01:10Oh, perfect. So you've got a big week. The amazing documentary's going to be premiered
01:15tomorrow, LFF. Are you excited for the world to see? Because a vulnerable side to your
01:19husband as well as the most incredible side. How are you feeling?
01:23I'm really excited. I'm really excited to share the film. I'm very proud of it. It's
01:27extremely personal. I think of Elton's life journey and I think what it was like for me
01:34in the 80s when I was trying to come out and I had no role models and there was no visibility.
01:38And I look at his life and what he's been through and what he's had to go through and
01:43what he's overcome. And I think for a lot of people that kind of message of advocacy
01:48is very, very powerful and very empowering.
01:50And when you went through all the old archive footage, what surprised you? Was there any
01:54little suckers in there?
01:55Well, one of the surprises was that he had completely forgotten he had done his own handwritten
02:00diaries in the early 70s. Because when he was working on his book, he was asked. He
02:05writes everything down now. In the 30 years I've been with him. But he kept handwritten
02:10diaries from 69 to 76, which is effectively when he went from Reg Dwight to Elton John
02:16and had that tremendous rise to fame. They magically landed in our laps by someone who
02:20had them and found them in their crawl space and very generously and kindly gave them back
02:24to us. And that was like, oh my god. These unbelievable diaries that are this insight
02:29into this magical time in his life. That was a huge surprise and the fact that he forgot
02:34about it was a huge surprise. But I guess when you have a big life and you have so much
02:39going on, it's easy to forget.
02:41You probably don't know what a pen and paper is, do you? It's all phones these days.
02:45I know. Terrible.
02:46What does Sir Elton mean to you, Damian?
02:48You know, he's one of the most kind and loyal men in the world and has been a source of
02:54kindness my entire life and I couldn't love him more. I'm very soppy about him. My mum
02:59and I drive him crazy cuddling him every time we see him.
03:01What was it like, though, seeing him for the last time perform on stage in that iconic
03:05stadium? How was that? Was it an emotional day?
03:08The farewell tour?
03:11We went to the last ever concert.
03:13It came to Stockholm to see the final, final show.
03:16And what was the emotion like? Were there tears everywhere?
03:19We cried pathetically for the whole thing. You held it together a little better.
03:23And I think for Elton and me it was...
03:25Probably because he's like, yes, I get him home now.
03:27Yes. I mean, I was actually really happy that we got to the end, that the tour had gone
03:33so well and the fans' response had been unbelievable and Elton and his band played brilliantly
03:40and it was just nice to get to that point and to get him back so that we could spend
03:44more time together as a family. I know it sounds corny, but it's what you have at home
03:49with your family and your children that brings you real happiness in life.
03:53And do the boys like the music?
03:55They do. They do like their daddy's music.
03:58And they like it. They're much more veering more towards urban music and hip hop and that
04:03really appeals to them, but they like all kinds of music. You know, the amazing thing
04:07about streaming today is people have such extraordinary access to music. You get a
04:11subscription and you can listen to the entire history of music, so people are much more
04:15eclectic in what they like and what they listen to.
04:18And I'm sure daddy's got some friends who might work in that industry that they could
04:21maybe meet their idols.
04:23Thank you very much indeed for chatting to us. Have a nice evening. Thank you. Cheers.