• last year
Aftermath Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: On what should have been a peaceful afternoon drive, former Army Ranger Eric Daniels (Sprouse) finds himself trapped with hundreds of other commuters and a high-profile prisoner (Lachman) after a group of heavily armed ex-military contractors shut down Boston's Tobin Bridge. As their leader (Gooding) starts killing hostages, Sprouse must rely on his military training, killer instincts, and some unexpected help to get his little sister – and everyone else – home safely. Aftermath, also known as The Bridge, is directed by Canadian-American editor / filmmaker Patrick Lussier.
00:00We're gonna be late for the movies.
00:03Not if you drive.
00:11No big deal.
00:12It's just a little road work.
00:15We're counting on you.
00:19Maddie, get down!
00:27Good evening, America.
00:29The Pentagon used the testimony of a traitor.
00:33She lied to save herself.
00:35There's credit soldiers that fought bravely by her side.
00:39They won't release my comrades by 9 p.m.
00:42Or they'll be fishing bodies out of the river for weeks.
00:45They wired the whole bridge.
00:47All these people, they're gonna die if we don't do something.
00:50You really think he can stop them?
00:51I know he can.
00:57You gotta get me out of here.
00:58Help me get my little sister off of this bridge.
01:04You a Marine, kid?
01:05Army Ranger.
01:07Once a grunt, always a grunt.
01:10He knows what he's doing.
01:11But he's got somebody that he cares about.
01:13Find her!
01:16Nobody leaves till I say so.
01:21Clock is ticking.
01:23Clock is ticking.
01:27This is over when I say it's over.
01:32We're gonna have to improvise.
01:36Ever hear of evil can be evil?
01:38New way.
01:39Oh, yes, yes, yes way.
01:52Easy there, Army puke.
