• yesterday
jorgovani ceo film
00:00:00This is the first time I've seen such a thing.
00:00:17What would you like to order?
00:00:19Katerina Igora?
00:00:21Can I ask you a question?
00:00:22Yes, of course.
00:00:23Igora, first of all, congratulations for the opportunity to play in a modern adaptation of Anna Karenina,
00:00:27how will you bear such a long and demanding filming in Moscow without Katerina?
00:00:32Katerina is enough for me personally.
00:00:34Katerina, how do you feel when Igor shoots love scenes with other female colleagues?
00:00:39Well, that's all part of our job.
00:00:41I am very happy with Igor's successes, really.
00:00:44Let's go to the photo shoot.
00:00:46Photo shoot, here it is.
00:00:47Matori, you need to do something.
00:00:49In our art, you know?
00:00:51Have you read the scenario that suits you?
00:00:54Come on, Matori, don't fuck with me, bro.
00:00:56You see, I don't know where I am, I'm a woman, I can't see, fuck you.
00:00:58Who the fuck are you?
00:00:59Where am I?
00:01:01I just wanted to say hello and wish you luck.
00:01:04Matori, you didn't get an award, you know?
00:01:06Give me a break.
00:01:08I talked to Yugoslavia, I tried to convince them.
00:01:10I never did.
00:01:12What's the award I gave you?
00:01:145 out of 6?
00:01:17You're better than me, huh?
00:01:18Of course.
00:01:20Let's get married later, huh?
00:01:22Who's getting married?
00:01:23All of us, you, him, me, all of us.
00:01:25You're getting married?
00:01:31This is completely insane.
00:01:32These people don't understand that we are selfish individuals.
00:01:35They actually think that we are one person.
00:01:38I hope no one asks where Igor is.
00:01:40Where are Igor and Katerina?
00:01:41I'm going to make a new street map, bro.
00:01:43I'm going to write about Igor and Katerina.
00:01:47Yes, and now you're treating me like a friend.
00:01:49Don't rush me.
00:01:51If you have a problem, speak it out loud.
00:01:54I'll solve it.
00:01:55You can't understand that I'm sad because I didn't get the role I graduated with.
00:02:01Lucky you.
00:02:02You graduated 20 years ago.
00:02:04So what?
00:02:05You're a girl, too.
00:02:06It's going to be like this.
00:02:08It depends on the concept.
00:02:13You're mocking me?
00:02:14Well, yes.
00:02:15I wrote a letter because of you.
00:02:16So that one night I could sit with my people,
00:02:18have a drink, have a chat,
00:02:20and you bring me this degenerate.
00:02:22Don't make a fool out of yourself.
00:02:24I don't understand what I'm talking about.
00:02:26You know what I mean.
00:02:28I honestly tell you, as your old colleague,
00:02:31as your friend,
00:02:32don't eat shit.
00:02:33You're acting like a prima donna.
00:02:35Why do you care who's going to be on the show?
00:02:37Isn't it nice to be happy
00:02:39that we're going to get that award,
00:02:41that one Oleg Kirilenko supported us,
00:02:43that he wants to enter the co-production with us?
00:02:46Well, I'm going to kick his ass, too.
00:02:49Stefan, my dear Stefan,
00:02:51I want you to calm down,
00:02:52and I want you to stay calm until the end.
00:02:54Otherwise, I'm going to kick you out of the show
00:02:56and I'm going to kick your ass, too.
00:03:00Look at how you've behaved.
00:03:02No, no, no.
00:03:03I know what you're doing.
00:03:04I won't allow it.
00:03:05So this is my moment.
00:03:07I finally got a chance to do something big,
00:03:09to be seen by people.
00:03:10And what's more important,
00:03:11to make money
00:03:12that will ensure our future.
00:03:14My future.
00:03:15And the future of our children,
00:03:16if you think about it, ma'am.
00:03:18I told you I wanted children,
00:03:20but not now.
00:03:21You don't want them now,
00:03:22but you've wanted them for ten years.
00:03:24I can give birth to 15 more if I want to.
00:03:26Good luck.
00:03:27Should I interrupt something?
00:03:28No, no, no.
00:03:29Let's concentrate on something else.
00:03:30Okay, okay.
00:03:31I'll wait for you there.
00:03:32We'll go now.
00:03:33Come on.
00:03:34It's not about the children at all.
00:03:35It's about the fact that you don't know
00:03:36how to handle success.
00:03:37But let me tell you something.
00:03:38I'm warning you.
00:03:39Listen to me.
00:03:41My success is much better than yours.
00:03:44If you can't be happy because of me,
00:03:46then try to be happy because of everything.
00:03:51It'll be easier for you
00:03:52when you realize that you got this role
00:03:54and everything else
00:03:55only thanks to me.
00:03:57What did you say?
00:03:58What you heard.
00:04:12Dear audience,
00:04:13as you know,
00:04:15we're celebrating the year of hyper-production
00:04:18of the play's TV content.
00:04:20And as many expected,
00:04:22after a certain amount of time,
00:04:25quality was finally born.
00:04:27Okay, Danijela, don't be so harsh.
00:04:29We all know that a mother needs nine months
00:04:31to give birth to a child.
00:04:33The same goes for a good series.
00:04:35It still takes time.
00:04:36Okay, but if those series were written
00:04:38or filmed,
00:04:39those nine months,
00:04:40we would certainly have reached that quality earlier.
00:04:43Okay, now that we've reached that quality,
00:04:45let's give a round of applause
00:04:47to the first candidate
00:04:48for the Best Series of the Year.
00:04:50The Service Killer!
00:05:00A bloodthirsty criminal thriller
00:05:02that, from a production point of view,
00:05:04is based on leading world headlines.
00:05:07The secret to their success, of course,
00:05:09lies in the blue filter and...
00:05:11Unpredictable plot, full of surprises.
00:05:13That's what you wanted to say, right?
00:05:15Okay, it wouldn't be a surprise if it were predictable.
00:05:18She loves me, but she also loves to correct me.
00:05:21I don't get mad.
00:05:22That's why I always say
00:05:23that those who make mistakes are funnier
00:05:25than those who correct them.
00:05:27You're always funny to me.
00:05:30The next candidate is one of six series
00:05:34that entered the box office
00:05:36with Vlach magic,
00:05:37the unjustly forgotten cultural phenomenon
00:05:39of Eastern Serbia.
00:05:41It's called
00:05:44and, hopefully,
00:05:46Vlach magic.
00:05:52Okay, we didn't get a reward.
00:05:55Where are you going?
00:05:57Where are you going?
00:05:59And finally,
00:06:00we're leaving the series
00:06:03because I,
00:06:04I have to say personally,
00:06:05cried tears of tears.
00:06:07And it's not just my tears, people.
00:06:09It's the tears of my mother,
00:06:11my sister, my aunt, my grandmother.
00:06:13I even persuaded an ex-girlfriend to watch the series.
00:06:16She didn't want to at first,
00:06:17but in the end she watched it
00:06:18and, of course, she cried.
00:06:21I'll tell you.
00:06:23I have to admit
00:06:24that in my house, too,
00:06:25there was a similar shit situation.
00:06:27I think that with tears.
00:06:29By all accounts,
00:06:30the last candidate
00:06:31for the most prestigious award of the year
00:06:34is a series
00:06:35that deserves
00:06:36tears of tears
00:06:37all over Serbia.
00:06:40For Miliš Jankovan!
00:06:52Our most beautiful couple,
00:06:53Igor and Katarina.
00:06:56We're not bad, are we?
00:06:58How do you know we're not, Daniela?
00:07:00Besides, we're graduated actors.
00:07:01We should be acting, shouldn't we?
00:07:03From the acting of the host, Daniela.
00:07:06Our winners
00:07:07and winners of the golden pancakes
00:07:09of the award
00:07:10for the best TV series of the year
00:07:13will be announced
00:07:14by this year's president of the jury
00:07:16and always welcome guest
00:07:18here in Belgrade,
00:07:19producer and director
00:07:21from Bratskoye, Russia,
00:07:23Oleg Kirilenko!
00:07:49Thank you, thank you very much.
00:07:53My Serbian is not good.
00:07:58I'm sorry.
00:07:59You know,
00:08:01usually I'm awarded.
00:08:03I've never had the honor
00:08:05to award someone else.
00:08:07So be gentle with me.
00:08:12The award goes to...
00:08:22Kadzimir Yorgovani!
00:08:26That's right!
00:08:29Well done!
00:08:35Let's see.
00:08:38Kadzimir Yorgovani!
00:08:42Well done!
00:08:52Well done!
00:09:11this award
00:09:12doesn't belong to me.
00:09:14This award doesn't belong
00:09:16to these dear,
00:09:20poor people.
00:09:22This award belongs exclusively
00:09:24to you,
00:09:25our audience.
00:09:35Hello, Palma!
00:09:36Hello, Morika!
00:09:39Who has the audacity
00:09:40to choose Morika?
00:09:41That's what I thought.
00:09:46Wait, wait.
00:09:48do something now.
00:09:51Thank you, thank you.
00:09:52Thank you all.
00:09:54I'd really like to
00:09:56somehow participate in the collective
00:09:58delight and joy,
00:10:00but I can't, because for me
00:10:01the job
00:10:02simply isn't over.
00:10:05A good movie doesn't mean anything.
00:10:08A good series
00:10:09doesn't mean anything.
00:10:12Until the entire
00:10:13cinematography of this country
00:10:14is put on its feet,
00:10:16until the state
00:10:17starts investing seriously
00:10:18in the movie,
00:10:19until we have representatives
00:10:20at all European
00:10:21and world festivals regularly,
00:10:23until that happens!
00:10:26I have nothing to be glad about.
00:10:29The only thing I can
00:10:30publicly promise you
00:10:31is that I will fight
00:10:32with all my strength
00:10:33until the last atom
00:10:34of my strength
00:10:35to be recognized in the world.
00:10:37Long live the Republic!
00:10:38Long live Serbia!
00:10:50I am...
00:10:53To be honest,
00:10:54I'm surprised
00:10:55right now,
00:10:56while we're singing
00:10:57for the White Steps,
00:10:58I'm thinking
00:10:59who to thank first.
00:11:00Is it you, dear audience,
00:11:01is it the team,
00:11:02is it the young people
00:11:03who put
00:11:04some new energy
00:11:05into our work,
00:11:07completely new spirit.
00:11:09First of all,
00:11:10I'm thinking of
00:11:11our young colleague
00:11:13who believed this
00:11:14or not,
00:11:15a big round of applause
00:11:16for Maja.
00:11:24First of all,
00:11:25should I thank
00:11:26our producer,
00:11:27this young guy
00:11:28who wrote this script,
00:11:29or my best friend,
00:11:30my buddy,
00:11:31who directed
00:11:32this series so brilliantly,
00:11:33who guided us
00:11:34so intelligently
00:11:35through this
00:11:36acting process.
00:11:39first of all,
00:11:40I have to say
00:11:41a big thank you
00:11:42to my wife,
00:11:43and I thank
00:11:44my companion
00:11:45so much,
00:11:46both in life
00:11:47and on
00:11:48small screens.
00:11:50I will,
00:11:51first of all,
00:11:52and before everyone,
00:11:53thank myself.
00:12:02Excuse me,
00:12:03why are you laughing?
00:12:04Is it something funny?
00:12:05When was the last time
00:12:06you thanked yourself?
00:12:07When was the last time
00:12:08you congratulated yourself
00:12:09for your work,
00:12:10for your discipline,
00:12:11for your success,
00:12:12for the woman
00:12:13you married?
00:12:15We must not allow
00:12:17to be infected
00:12:18with false modesty
00:12:19in the name of
00:12:24I will now,
00:12:25here in front of you,
00:12:26say to myself,
00:12:27thank you, Igor,
00:12:28bravo, Igor,
00:12:29I congratulate you,
00:13:07We had a little fight,
00:13:08you pissed me off,
00:13:09I pissed you off,
00:13:10so what?
00:13:11We had a fight
00:13:12because we don't like each other,
00:13:14Of course.
00:13:16Are those shoes I bought you,
00:13:19They look great on you.
00:13:20Very nice.
00:13:21How are those Russians
00:13:22going to drive you crazy now?
00:13:24Oleg just told me
00:13:25that he's waiting for me
00:13:26when the whole Russian truck
00:13:28The whole truck.
00:13:29I believe you,
00:13:30the whole truck.
00:13:31Your hunger
00:13:32won't be enough.
00:13:33Yes, yes.
00:13:34I'm lucky
00:13:35to have space
00:13:36in a beautiful,
00:13:37wide Russian steppe.
00:13:38You'll grow up there,
00:13:39won't you?
00:13:40I will.
00:13:41I can't call you
00:13:42Tulumbica anymore,
00:13:43I have to call you Tulumbo.
00:13:49What are we toasting to?
00:13:50I'm toasting to you,
00:13:52Not to myself,
00:13:55I'm toasting to you.
00:13:56Am I interrupting something?
00:13:58I know you're both
00:13:59going to think
00:14:00that this kid
00:14:01came to bother you,
00:14:02but I just wanted
00:14:03to thank you.
00:14:05I mean,
00:14:06I don't even know
00:14:07how to say it.
00:14:08This series
00:14:09is my first experience
00:14:10with this profession,
00:14:11and I wouldn't have survived
00:14:12if it weren't for you two.
00:14:14I mean,
00:14:15especially you.
00:14:16You're like Keva to me,
00:14:20No, no, no, no,
00:14:21not in that
00:14:22sarcastic sense,
00:14:23but, you know,
00:14:24you've grown up,
00:14:25you didn't have to
00:14:26grow up around me at all.
00:14:27It's normal for you,
00:14:29if you want to help
00:14:30a younger colleague.
00:14:31I understand
00:14:32that it's normal for you,
00:14:34I still think
00:14:35that most people
00:14:36look at me
00:14:37and that most people
00:14:38don't see it as normal,
00:14:40as if it was…
00:14:42I'm leaving now,
00:14:43I'm promising that
00:14:44I'm cancelling you.
00:14:47It's normal for you,
00:14:49but you have to
00:14:50defend yourself somehow.
00:14:51It's fucked up,
00:14:53You're fucked up,
00:14:54but look at how
00:14:55beautiful you are,
00:14:57and talented.
00:15:00So you're going to
00:15:01make a mistake for sure,
00:15:02and you're going to
00:15:03learn something from it,
00:15:04and from that
00:15:05you're going to
00:15:06make one more mistake
00:15:07You make the biggest mistake, with even worse consequences, and...
00:15:13That's how it is.
00:15:14And that mistake never ends.
00:15:16No, never.
00:15:18But you get used to it quickly.
00:15:21I admire you.
00:15:24My father wanted a project that would lead to the trend of criminal series.
00:15:29But I, on the basis of the examination of public opinion,
00:15:32concluded that the market is oversupplied with such content.
00:15:36And that the public is thirsty for new romanticism.
00:15:44Take it.
00:15:45No, thank you.
00:15:46But it's real. Homemade.
00:16:00Excuse me for a second.
00:16:03Mr. Kirilenko, I wanted to ask you.
00:16:05Tell me, how did you shoot the last scene in your masterpiece, Russian Soul?
00:16:10How did it happen? Tell me.
00:16:12It was very difficult, you know.
00:16:15Well, listen, my son.
00:16:17How to say...
00:16:19If you have money,
00:16:21then you can shoot whatever you want.
00:16:26Money, money.
00:16:27Budget money.
00:16:28Oh, you'll shoot.
00:16:29Yes, yes, yes.
00:16:31Yes, yes, yes.
00:16:32This is my son, 11.
00:16:34Good evening, Mr. Kirilenko.
00:16:36Good evening, good evening.
00:16:37It's a great honor to see you here.
00:16:39It's my honor.
00:16:40Well done, it's my honor.
00:16:42I look forward to our production.
00:16:45I just hope it's not just an empty story.
00:16:50What story?
00:16:52Our, our, our future?
00:16:56He didn't understand.
00:16:57Translator, dear, translate it to him.
00:17:00He says it's not just an empty story.
00:17:03Yes, yes, yes.
00:17:04Right, right, well done.
00:17:06Go play, go play.
00:17:08I also hope that you will transfer the money to me as soon as possible.
00:17:13Money, money.
00:17:14Money, money.
00:17:15Ah, yes, yes, yes.
00:17:16You transfer money.
00:17:17Yes, yes, yes, I transfer money, yes, yes, yes.
00:17:19But now it's a party, a party.
00:17:21We, we, we.
00:17:23I mean, we are working people, working men, just like you.
00:17:28When we work, we work all the time.
00:17:31But now it's a party, a party.
00:17:33Yes, yes, yes.
00:17:34Yes, yes, yes.
00:17:37What happened to him?
00:17:38Nothing happened to him.
00:17:40We help you with special needs.
00:17:43Baggage, baggage, baggage.
00:17:45Baggage, what happened to him?
00:17:47Thank you, thank you.
00:17:51Excuse me, please.
00:17:52A good part.
00:17:54Yes, it's unique.
00:17:58It must be very expensive.
00:18:01Insanely expensive.
00:18:04Well, look.
00:18:06Well, dear friends.
00:18:12For the money.
00:18:13Thank you, thank you, thank you.
00:18:15We will send the money later.
00:18:19Money for tomorrow.
00:18:20Yes, money for tomorrow.
00:18:23Why don't you be like Maja?
00:18:25I don't want to be like Maja.
00:18:29Wouldn't you like to be the most promising young actress
00:18:31that everyone calls for everything now?
00:18:33I wouldn't sleep with anyone to achieve that.
00:18:36Daniela, what you just said is a classic example of internalized misogyny.
00:18:42That's right.
00:18:43I didn't know you were a feminist.
00:18:45It's all about the role, Deni.
00:18:48And you know, you're not rich.
00:19:02Do you know that I was watching your graduation performance when you were playing Kitty?
00:19:05What are you talking about? Where did you get that?
00:19:07Well, yes, I was watching it when I was preparing for this casting.
00:19:09Everyone on YouTube.
00:19:10Everyone is crazy about it.
00:19:11But you are so present in the silence.
00:19:14You follow so much.
00:19:15You develop so much.
00:19:16What casting?
00:19:18Well, I'm playing Kitty with Oleg.
00:19:21Oh, Kajo.
00:19:23I thought you knew that.
00:19:27Well, now I know.
00:19:31You deserve it.
00:19:34Now all doors will open for you.
00:19:36I beg you to take this opportunity.
00:19:38It's very important now.
00:19:39Kajo, don't tell me that if you don't mean it.
00:19:44I mean it.
00:19:50I mean it.
00:20:09The script is excellent.
00:20:11It's excellent.
00:20:12The way she gradually gets disappointed in him.
00:20:15And how he turns out to be that fool.
00:20:18It's crazy.
00:20:19I don't know what I would do.
00:20:20I would just...
00:20:21I would make that beginning a little bit shorter.
00:20:23You know, introduce this, introduce that.
00:20:25Then everyone says something about it.
00:20:27Then he introduces himself.
00:20:28Then he introduces himself in this movie.
00:20:30We can show him all that.
00:20:32Yes, yes.
00:20:33We can see him.
00:20:34That's what we all say.
00:20:35Where are you, artists?
00:20:36Where are you, Stevke?
00:20:38We're talking about the script right now.
00:20:39Do you know what the script is?
00:20:40It's phenomenal.
00:20:41I'm just telling him that maybe he could make the beginning shorter.
00:20:44What script?
00:20:45Wait, I'll do it, I'll do it.
00:20:46I remembered.
00:20:48Conflict of 8 billion separate cases,
00:20:52endless combinations of characteristics
00:20:55under the influence of exhausting factors.
00:20:58I'm sorry I forgot.
00:20:59That's the one with the friend with the butter.
00:21:01No, that's not it.
00:21:02What's the title?
00:21:04In the end, it turns out that it's actually a story about some
00:21:07scattered kids who are freaks
00:21:09about who fucks who.
00:21:11So you read the script, huh?
00:21:13Well, yes.
00:21:15I didn't go to Kenya last night.
00:21:17We'll talk.
00:21:19Hey, Matori.
00:21:21You know what?
00:21:35Why are you such a fucker?
00:21:38Do you want me to tell you?
00:21:39I do.
00:21:40Then you have to tell me something.
00:21:44I don't know.
00:21:49Fuck you.
00:21:52Yes, yes, yes.
00:21:55Yes, you're beautiful.
00:21:56Like in the song by Zdravko Čolić.
00:21:57That was a bomb.
00:22:00You came into my life.
00:22:06Where are you, pussy?
00:22:09Since when did you call me that?
00:22:11Well, it didn't come out even now.
00:22:16While I'm the producer,
00:22:17you're not going to stay without a job.
00:22:21You're not going to stay long, Berko.
00:22:23How long?
00:22:24Two, three, four, five?
00:22:25Come on, five.
00:22:26Come on.
00:22:29You look beautiful.
00:22:31Well, thank you.
00:22:32I mean, Michelle, you look beautiful.
00:22:34Well, yes.
00:22:38I'm going to the house to bring
00:22:43I want to treat him
00:22:45like he's mine.
00:23:03There you go.
00:23:05And on the eyes and on the balls.
00:23:10Well done.
00:23:42You're beautiful.
00:23:56Oh, Katerina.
00:23:57How are you?
00:24:00Do you want to go to the church?
00:24:02You didn't like it when I came in?
00:24:04Oh, no, I don't like it.
00:24:06I'm afraid they'll see Bobo Mićalović.
00:24:08Bobo Mićalović?
00:24:09Oh, who are you comparing me to?
00:24:19Excuse me, can I take a picture?
00:24:20Yes, of course.
00:24:23Just a little, for the light.
00:24:29There you go.
00:24:33Hello, hello, hello.
00:24:43Good evening, Katerina.
00:24:44Congratulations again.
00:24:46Thank you, thank you.
00:24:47You look beautiful.
00:24:48Thank you, colleague.
00:26:24So you admit that you wouldn't get the money for the contest,
00:26:27that I wasn't in the committee.
00:26:28What, what?
00:26:29Did I have to give it to you?
00:26:30Or did you give it to me?
00:26:32You had to give it to me.
00:26:33Because I'm the best.
00:26:34But Stefano, the committee didn't evaluate it that way.
00:26:36I don't understand what you're talking about.
00:26:38How can you have the credibility to evaluate me?
00:26:41You blame everyone.
00:26:43You know, when it's about me,
00:26:45then some morals come up, some criteria are tripped.
00:26:48You evaluate me.
00:26:50This year, I filmed more hours of material
00:26:53than you've ever filmed in your entire life.
00:26:55It's a little funny, brother.
00:26:56What's funny?
00:26:57It's funny, brother.
00:26:58It's funny that you haven't seen who you're going to be.
00:27:00That's what's funny.
00:27:02And you, only if you were a little less nosy,
00:27:05more selfish,
00:27:06and if you were to go beyond your own rights,
00:27:10maybe you'd be a good editor.
00:27:13And what's that supposed to mean?
00:27:14I have no idea.
00:27:16Stefano, I'm sorry.
00:27:17Daniel, I don't have a role for you.
00:27:19Do you understand? I don't.
00:27:20You know, if I did, I'd say,
00:27:21Daniel, I have a role for you.
00:27:23But since that didn't happen, I don't.
00:27:26Can I ask you why?
00:27:32Because you're a director.
00:27:34Because no one will take you seriously in the shot.
00:27:36Do you understand?
00:27:37If I were to film a horrible comedy,
00:27:39I'd do it like this.
00:27:40Fuck it.
00:27:41At least a casting or something.
00:27:42Daniel, what's wrong with you?
00:27:47Do you want to keep it to yourself?
00:27:49Don't send messages to the directors
00:27:52you're fired,
00:27:53you've been fired for three days.
00:27:55It's not even for a horrible comedy.
00:27:57It's for a casting.
00:27:58Do you understand?
00:28:00I don't know what you're talking about.
00:28:08You know, my friend,
00:28:09if you have the money...
00:28:12The money, the money.
00:28:13You can do anything.
00:28:14No, no, no.
00:28:15I'll do it, I'll do it.
00:28:16The money, the money.
00:28:17I'll do it, I'll do it.
00:28:18I'll do it.
00:28:20I'm sorry, Dad.
00:28:21Can we talk on the phone?
00:28:24Was that your mother again?
00:28:25Yes, yes.
00:28:28You're from a big family.
00:28:29Of course, my friend.
00:28:31Family first.
00:28:32That's it.
00:28:33Sons and daughters, that's right.
00:28:34You said it right.
00:28:35Yes, yes, yes.
00:28:36Come in.
00:28:43Tell me.
00:28:45I just want your money.
00:28:48let it be your mother,
00:28:49a hundred times.
00:28:50I'll put that woman in jail.
00:28:51No, Mom.
00:28:59What about Oleg?
00:29:01I contacted Oleg now,
00:29:02and they're making a contract for you.
00:29:04But Oleg is a liar.
00:29:06Oleg is a liar.
00:29:12What are you talking about?
00:29:13Just look at this.
00:29:14This is the original.
00:29:16The photos are black.
00:29:18Not gold, like Oleg's.
00:29:21there are three drawings on each side of the room.
00:29:24Not two, like Oleg's.
00:29:27And the numbers are Arabic.
00:29:29Not Roman, like Oleg's.
00:29:31Maybe Oleg changed something.
00:29:33How do you know?
00:29:34He didn't offer you anything.
00:29:36He's just pressuring you to give him the money.
00:29:38And my guess is,
00:29:39if you give him the money,
00:29:40Oleg won't hear or see it anymore.
00:29:42If he's lying about something so small,
00:29:46why would a man ever believe in something bigger?
00:29:48Wait, son.
00:29:49Son, don't tell me anything.
00:29:52I've been doing this job for a long time.
00:29:54For a very long time.
00:29:55I know every nook and cranny.
00:29:57I mean, you're a smart kid.
00:29:59My smart kid,
00:30:00but you're just a kid.
00:30:02I told you,
00:30:03you're stronger now.
00:30:07You took everything from me.
00:30:09You took everything from me.
00:30:10You had everything.
00:30:25Don't open your eyes.
00:30:33I don't like to explain things that are elementary to me.
00:30:36Like respect.
00:30:41Since we met,
00:30:43I've been having a kind of
00:30:47intimate dialogue with you.
00:30:50About you
00:30:52and our relationship.
00:30:56Are you fucking with me?
00:31:08Why is this all about me?
00:31:13Why are you wasting your time?
00:31:14Fuck you.
00:31:15You could write the whole script for that time.
00:31:17I'm just telling you,
00:31:18I'm not going to read this story until spring.
00:31:20Because I could die.
00:31:21So maybe you could give me a different version right away.
00:31:24You know, if you're willing to.
00:31:27Are you aware of the most people ever think about you?
00:31:32First of all, that's very ugly what you just said.
00:31:35You know, how can you even know how many people think about me?
00:31:38Second, you're a lot of gay actors, you know?
00:31:40That's why you're not going to feel that gay energy with the fish.
00:31:44Maybe you'll try with the hipsters.
00:31:46And you're not going to fuck up.
00:31:47Believe me.
00:32:24Brko, my Brko.
00:32:26We conquered Serbia, huh?
00:32:28We left.
00:32:29So the next stop is Russia.
00:32:31After that, America.
00:32:33We're going to conquer Hollywood.
00:32:34I'm going to bring Tom Cruise here to do the stunt scene instead of me.
00:32:37I'm not going to run around anymore.
00:32:38Gigo, you're more of a headache than Tom Cruise.
00:32:41Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:32:42We're going to beat him up.
00:32:44Do you want to see it?
00:32:45First, I'm going to send you there.
00:32:47Slowly, slowly.
00:32:48Brko, I'm already there.
00:32:50I'm already there.
00:32:51Brko, it was great to see you.
00:32:53See you.
00:32:54Bye, I'm going.
00:33:03What was that?
00:33:04Why didn't you tell me Maja was coming with you?
00:33:06I told you.
00:33:07No, you didn't.
00:33:08I did, but you started forgetting.
00:33:12You're pissing me off, kid.
00:33:14Hey, Katarina.
00:33:15I told you nicely, kid.
00:33:16Come with me to Moscow.
00:33:17I asked Oleg to give you that role five times,
00:33:19but he said he needed a younger actress.
00:33:22I'm sorry, but Adriana was much better than you, kid.
00:33:25She ruined it.
00:33:27I know.
00:33:28She told me.
00:33:29I congratulated her.
00:33:30You know what?
00:33:32I've been thinking.
00:33:33You were right.
00:33:34I need to get some air.
00:33:36That's right.
00:33:37Health is for us.
00:33:39Come with me.
00:33:42You know what?
00:33:43Ten horses, we'll play together.
00:33:45When do you want to play together?
00:33:46I'm bored.
00:33:48Come on.
00:33:49Enjoy the party.
00:33:51This is a party for young people.
00:33:52I'm an adult.
00:33:53Believe me.
00:33:54I have to go.
00:33:55I really have to.
00:33:56Enjoy it.
00:33:57Enjoy it.
00:34:09Go after him.
00:34:11I don't know what he's up to.
00:34:13You don't know?
00:34:15Let's go.
00:34:23Just a second.
00:34:38What happened?
00:34:39You knew everything.
00:34:40And you kept quiet.
00:34:41Because your film is the most important.
00:34:42Your series is the most important.
00:34:43The actors will kill each other.
00:34:45Someone will cheat on someone.
00:34:47It doesn't matter, does it?
00:34:50Listen, I'm going home.
00:34:51I'm going to have a drink, a lecture.
00:34:53And forget about tonight.
00:35:06Some nights are not to be forgotten.
00:35:10They are to be experienced.
00:35:13I'm going home.
00:35:35You write well, you know.
00:35:38Come on, say something nice.
00:35:40What do you want me to say?
00:35:41What do you want me to say?
00:35:42Say something nice.
00:35:45No, no, no.
00:35:46Don't be silly.
00:35:47Say something nice.
00:35:48You know?
00:35:49Something nice.
00:35:57Where's my glass?
00:35:59Where's my wife?
00:36:00She left.
00:36:01She left?
00:36:06She left.
00:36:09What should I do?
00:36:11She's sleeping.
00:36:15It's not a coincidence.
00:36:16Katarina told me about Maja and me.
00:36:18Are you crazy?
00:36:19Oh, fuck.
00:36:20I don't want to talk about it.
00:36:21It's your problem.
00:36:22That's right.
00:36:23It's all our problem.
00:36:24If someone wants to tell her, it's me.
00:36:26Is that clear?
00:36:27You know what?
00:36:28It's not the first time that Kaja
00:36:30demonstrates like this.
00:36:31You know?
00:36:32But when I'm upset, I go after her.
00:36:34Then she pokes me.
00:36:35I comfort her.
00:36:36She behaves like that because she knows she can behave like that.
00:36:39You know?
00:36:40I tell her how great she is.
00:36:41How cool we are.
00:36:42You know?
00:36:43You do that, yes.
00:36:44To get her back on track.
00:36:45Yes, that's right.
00:36:46You know what's interesting?
00:36:47I'm upset when she goes after you.
00:36:50You don't go after her.
00:36:52Because she goes after you.
00:36:53That's right.
00:36:54Because I went after her so many times.
00:36:55Shut up.
00:36:56Wait, wait.
00:36:58Shut up.
00:36:59Are you normal?
00:37:01Shut the fuck up.
00:37:02I mean, you should go after them.
00:37:04You should go.
00:37:05I should go?
00:37:06Yes, because you're their boss.
00:37:08They're your sheep.
00:37:09What do you mean, sheep?
00:37:10That's how you say it.
00:37:11Fuck him.
00:37:12Then what are you?
00:37:13Well, I'm...
00:37:14I come to him as the owner of the farm.
00:37:22And me?
00:37:23What am I?
00:37:26You have to run through the meadows,
00:37:28where you chase the deers, where you chase them.
00:37:30Yes, because you're pissed, right?
00:37:32You're pissed and you write about it.
00:37:34I mean, that's why I pay you, right?
00:37:36We're sheep.
00:37:37I'm a sheep, too.
00:37:38What? Like a sheep?
00:37:39It could be a new show for us.
00:37:41That farm, like...
00:37:43What do you say?
00:37:46Choban and sheep.
00:37:49That is...
00:37:51Like Orwell.
00:37:55I have an idea for a new show.
00:38:20Bresko juice.
00:38:22We're going to shoot a show about...
00:38:25Making a show.
00:38:28So, we have all the characters.
00:38:30We have the screenwriter, we have the producer.
00:38:34We have the director.
00:38:35We have the main actors.
00:38:40I'm interrupting something.
00:38:41No, no, sit down, Maja, relax.
00:38:42No, no, no.
00:38:43Kaja has an idea for a new show.
00:38:46Come on, get to it.
00:38:48We follow two actors,
00:38:50who are the main actors in the show,
00:38:52but they're also in private together.
00:38:54Now, listen.
00:38:55The drama starts when, during the shooting of the show,
00:38:59the main actor is now...
00:39:01I don't know if he's really in love,
00:39:03or he's in the middle of a crisis.
00:39:06Anyway, he...
00:39:09Cheats on his wife...
00:39:11With a young actress.
00:39:12It's a bit cliché.
00:39:13It's a bit cliché, but it doesn't matter.
00:39:15We'll figure it out.
00:39:16Anyway, everyone knows everything.
00:39:19They're hiding it from her.
00:39:20And then we have the critique of patriarchy,
00:39:22where men protect each other from all this nonsense.
00:39:24We have the critique of the hypocrisy of the cultural elite.
00:39:29And we have feminism.
00:39:31Where the woman will fight with the whole system.
00:39:35I mean, you have to help me a bit.
00:39:37Please, please.
00:39:41What do you say? Is it good?
00:39:43Sit there.
00:39:52I know what you're doing.
00:39:54I know you're pretending to be someone with special needs,
00:39:57to get a job,
00:39:58to get my father and all the good stuff.
00:40:01I know where you hid the coat.
00:40:03And where you're hiding it.
00:40:10Thank you, thank you.
00:40:12Wait, are you fucking serious?
00:40:13We're making a movie today.
00:40:15You're the one who threw out all that shit
00:40:17they're asking for at these artistic festivals.
00:40:19Where else are we going?
00:40:20Who's going to play that guy who's a stalker?
00:40:22You're going to play him, not me.
00:40:23No, don't be silly.
00:40:24If I want to get a little dirty,
00:40:25you keep telling me to play some Ken.
00:40:26I won't play that anymore.
00:40:27I want to play something bloody,
00:40:29something more brutal.
00:40:30But let's play together.
00:40:31You're right, but I have a good idea.
00:40:33Do you know who can play this kid?
00:40:35I don't know, who?
00:40:41Who's Maja?
00:40:42Call me Eggs.
00:41:03I'm sorry, I love you.
00:41:22I could give you a lift to Primoz.
00:41:25That would mean a guaranteed refusal for you.
00:41:29But I think I can find a happier solution.
00:41:51are you underestimating me?
00:41:56No, I'm overestimating you.
00:41:59You must have noticed Oleg's watch.
00:42:03I want it.
00:42:06If you steal it for me,
00:42:08I won't report you.
00:42:10And I'll leave you with the current plan.
00:42:14Do we have a deal?
00:42:40I won't let anyone destroy me, brother.
00:42:43Quiet, quiet.
00:42:44If you're in love with me,
00:42:46then let her be with me.
00:42:48If not,
00:42:49then I'll break up with you.
00:42:50Go back to your wife.
00:42:52Don't be a bitch to her and make a scene.
00:42:54It's not as simple as it seems to you.
00:42:57It's not simple.
00:42:58Okay, I've told you everything.
00:43:00What's not clear to you, man?
00:43:02You're right, enough.
00:43:04Next week, at this time,
00:43:06I'll move into my apartment.
00:43:08That's right.
00:43:10You promise?
00:43:12Tell me.
00:43:15Don't they have cameras here?
00:43:16Are you recording this conversation or is it a phone call?
00:43:19I'm listening, Igor.
00:43:25Can I tell you something?
00:43:27I mean, it's a little stupid,
00:43:29but it's honest.
00:43:31Go on, tell me.
00:43:35I'm a little mad.
00:43:38Can you kiss him, please?
00:43:44Kiss him, kiss him.
00:43:47First promise.
00:43:49Come on, just a little.
00:43:54I promise.
00:44:18Hey, Kaja.
00:44:19How are you?
00:44:22What are you doing?
00:44:26Let's go to the church, let's look around.
00:44:28Let's go.
00:44:51Let's go.
00:45:13Please, a little space, please.
00:45:15A little space for the artist, please.
00:45:17Please, please.
00:45:19Let's go, let's go.
00:45:29To see you,
00:45:31to follow you,
00:45:33to catch every smile,
00:45:35every look on your face,
00:45:38and to suffer.
00:45:41To listen to your voice,
00:45:43and to grasp with my soul
00:45:45your magic
00:45:47and perfection.
00:45:50To be at peace with you,
00:45:53and to be extinguished.
00:45:56That is happiness.
00:45:58Well done.
00:46:05Let's listen to the lady.
00:46:08No, no.
00:46:09Come on.
00:46:11Tell me your favorite verse.
00:46:14Come on.
00:46:16For me.
00:46:26I wanted to be silent first.
00:46:29And for the shame of my words,
00:46:31you wouldn't even know now.
00:46:33At least I hope I dared
00:46:36that you will come to us again, and that
00:46:40I will rarely be able
00:46:43to see you in our village,
00:46:45to hear your cheerful voice,
00:46:48to tell you anything,
00:46:50and then to think and suffer
00:46:53day and night for a long time,
00:46:56that you will not come to us again.
00:46:59But we know you are special,
00:47:02and it is hard for you to live in a village,
00:47:05and we, we are nothing.
00:47:09But we are sincere,
00:47:10and we want to come back to you.
00:47:20I don't know what to say.
00:47:28I don't know what to say.
00:47:40I don't know what to say.
00:47:52Do you smell Igor's perfume here?
00:47:57Do you smell Igor's perfume, believe me?
00:47:59Tell me.
00:48:02I don't know, I don't smell anything.
00:48:06Well, I smell it,
00:48:07because I bought that perfume for my birthday.
00:48:11You know what?
00:48:12I don't know how two people fall in love,
00:48:15and all of a sudden they just stop loving each other.
00:48:18How does that happen?
00:48:19Come on, you explain it to me.
00:48:20No, I don't know what you mean.
00:48:22No one knows what that is.
00:48:23Well, when you write, for example.
00:48:25When I write?
00:48:26How does it go?
00:48:29You have no idea.
00:48:31Do you spell it?
00:48:32I spell it.
00:48:33You spell it.
00:48:34I spell it.
00:48:36But don't tell anyone.
00:48:37Please, I knew, I won't.
00:48:40Keep it a secret.
00:48:41Come on, keep it.
00:48:46You know what?
00:48:47I like you a lot.
00:48:49And you and I will hang out a little more often.
00:48:52More often?
00:48:53Yes, definitely.
00:49:01I relied on you, basically.
00:49:08Oh my God.
00:49:10No, no, wait.
00:49:11I didn't mean it like that.
00:49:13You look great.
00:49:15You probably look better now.
00:49:17Do I?
00:49:19Honest words.
00:49:21I really don't know if I look better.
00:49:24Stop it.
00:49:25Don't get mad because of me.
00:49:39I'm sorry.
00:49:48I'm sorry.
00:50:09I'm sorry, I'm begging you.
00:50:11No, you're the one who's sorry.
00:50:14This is so much more than I thought it was possible.
00:50:38I'm sorry.
00:51:01You have to come to Brki.
00:51:03Just this time, please.
00:51:04If nothing happens, you don't have to come again.
00:51:08I'm begging you.
00:51:09Daniel, we're not getting the part tonight, okay?
00:51:12We're in a hurry.
00:51:13It's better to bring him in for us.
00:51:15Do you understand?
00:51:16You're humiliating yourself.
00:51:17I'm trying, Daniela.
00:51:19Find another way.
00:51:20Which one?
00:51:28Brko, good evening.
00:51:31Here I am with him.
00:51:32We've been going around all night asking people to give us a part.
00:51:35Somewhere, somewhere.
00:51:36We can't think of anyone better to ask than you.
00:51:42We know everything we need.
00:51:43The scene, the acrobatics, the emotional memory.
00:51:50We graduated.
00:51:51Did you bring your diploma?
00:52:43Is that your tulumbica?
00:52:45Is it something under your penis or was it a memory?
00:52:48Back in Antalya, while you were on vacation,
00:52:50they put up a tulumbica.
00:52:51It was really cool.
00:52:52So you're mine.
00:52:53And I'm your tulumbica.
00:52:54You're Fazoni, huh?
00:52:57Right, Maturi?
00:52:58Listen, don't take it off the piano.
00:53:01You'll screw up.
00:53:02You hear me?
00:53:15Don't take it off.
00:53:16Don't take it off.
00:53:17Don't take it off, don't.
00:53:18Come on, come on, come on.
00:53:19Hold it, hold it.
00:53:20Come on.
00:53:23Don't take it off.
00:53:24Don't take it off.
00:53:25You hear me?
00:53:29Come on, come on.
00:53:30What are you doing?
00:53:31What are you doing?
00:53:32Come on.
00:53:33What are you doing?
00:53:36You're an idiot!
00:53:38You're an idiot!
00:53:40You're an idiot!
00:53:42You're an idiot!
00:53:52What are you doing?
00:53:54Why are you smearing yourself?
00:53:56Wait, let me go.
00:53:58What's a tulumbica? I'm not pretty, I'm not perfect.
00:54:00I won't call you that anymore.
00:54:02What tulumbica?
00:54:04You're my tulumbica.
00:54:08Katarina, what are you doing to me?
00:54:10What are you doing to me?
00:54:12What were you doing upstairs with that Maya?
00:54:14Who? Maya?
00:54:16And you're calling me an egg?
00:54:18I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
00:54:20I'm ashamed of you.
00:54:22I should have known.
00:54:24What should have you known?
00:54:26You should have known how angry I was upstairs
00:54:28because you didn't tell me
00:54:30that she had a boyfriend.
00:54:32Do you know what she did to me?
00:54:34I don't want to talk about it.
00:54:36Do you know how she defended you?
00:54:38Why wouldn't she defend you?
00:54:40Do you see how good it is when you tell me
00:54:42what my problem is and I solve it for you?
00:54:44Are you crazy?
00:54:46Let me go!
00:54:48Let me go!
00:54:50Let me go!
00:54:52Let me go!
00:54:54Wait, are you looking me in the eyes?
00:54:56Are you lying to me?
00:54:58No, I'm not lying to you.
00:55:00Do you want a scandal?
00:55:02What's going on?
00:55:04Listen to me, I'm going to call the press tomorrow.
00:55:06I have everything to talk about,
00:55:08from point to point.
00:55:10Your ass won't come out this time.
00:55:12The worst ass.
00:55:14You know what I'm going to do?
00:55:16I'm going to pull you in black.
00:55:18I'm going to pull you in black when the media pull you out.
00:55:20You're going to be dead.
00:55:22You won't do that.
00:55:24You won't.
00:55:26Calm down.
00:55:28I have to tell you.
00:55:30All your friends wanted to sleep with me.
00:55:34I can't blame them.
00:55:36Some of them tried.
00:55:38Now I'm fucked.
00:55:48Stop, stop, stop.
00:55:50Dear friends, you know Kalinka.
00:55:52Where's the most expensive one?
00:55:54What is he saying?
00:55:56You have to give money.
00:55:58It's a custom.
00:56:02And you have to leave some money here.
00:56:04Of course, my friend, of course.
00:56:06But unfortunately,
00:56:08it's just not possible now.
00:56:10Because I only have a credit card.
00:56:12Fuck that card.
00:56:14I have a beautiful idea.
00:56:16You pay now.
00:56:18I'll pay tomorrow.
00:56:20You don't have to pay.
00:56:22I'll pay today and tomorrow.
00:56:24Come on, my friend.
00:56:26Come on, Kalinka.
00:56:54Let's go.
00:57:22You are everything to me.
00:57:24You are my family.
00:57:26Are you drunk again?
00:57:28No, no, I'm serious.
00:57:30Look at you.
00:57:32As soon as your sheep are not in the count,
00:57:34you are in trouble.
00:57:46I accepted you
00:57:48as my son.
00:57:52Do you think I'm stupid?
00:57:54Of course you think I'm bad.
00:57:56I can feel it in your voice.
00:57:58I feel that I'm organically
00:58:00shitting on you.
00:58:02Where did you go with that?
00:58:04No one loves you
00:58:06and respects you.
00:58:08You deserve it.
00:58:10You are not a fucking child.
00:58:12You are not a godfather.
00:58:14You are my family.
00:58:16You are everything to me.
00:58:18What should I fight for?
00:58:20Are you fighting against me
00:58:22or are you just talking about a fight?
00:58:24I won't do anything with you.
00:58:26You won't do the job you love, right?
00:58:28Do you understand
00:58:30that I stop loving because of you?
00:58:32And the reward?
00:58:34What reward?
00:58:36The audience.
00:58:38What audience?
00:58:40The audience that loves you.
00:58:42I can't believe you don't know that.
00:58:44It doesn't matter what I say.
00:58:46It doesn't matter how they react.
00:58:50I am ashamed of you.
00:58:52I am ashamed of you.
00:58:54You don't respect the audience
00:58:56that loves you,
00:58:58you don't respect me,
00:59:00you don't respect your colleagues.
00:59:02And Europe?
00:59:04Europe that you are so mad about
00:59:06that it appeared in Europe.
00:59:08You call them capitalists,
00:59:10colonialists, imperialists.
00:59:12What are you talking about?
00:59:14Lose your mind.
00:59:40It rises above me.
00:59:58What's wrong with you?
01:00:00Igor, did you destroy yourself?
01:00:08Why are you walking like that?
01:00:10I can't tie this.
01:00:12It's untied.
01:00:14I can't understand how it's tied.
01:00:22Stop, please.
01:00:24You're scaring me.
01:00:26I can't leave Katarina.
01:00:28I'm sorry.
01:00:32I'm sorry.
01:00:52What's the worst thing
01:00:54when you act with all those tears and crying?
01:00:56That's the first thing in your life
01:00:58that you're good at.
01:01:02Then why did you tell me
01:01:04that I'm a Serbian George Clooney?
01:01:10Igor, if Katarina hadn't pushed you,
01:01:12you wouldn't have accepted her
01:01:14with all your passion.
01:01:16I know.
01:01:20I'm sorry.
01:01:22You can't apologize, Igor.
01:01:24You can't always
01:01:26smile sweetly.
01:01:28I'm sorry, Maja.
01:01:30It's all solved.
01:01:32Sometimes you have to suffer.
01:01:34You have to be punished.
01:01:36You have to suffer.
01:01:38Believe me, I'm suffering.
01:01:40No, Igor, you're not suffering.
01:01:42You're just pooping.
01:01:44What happened?
01:01:46Why are you crying, Igor?
01:01:50Like a child when his parents
01:01:52pick on him.
01:01:54You're not guilty.
01:01:56You're the victim now.
01:01:58It wasn't Katarina
01:02:00who cheated on you.
01:02:02It wasn't me who betrayed her.
01:02:04In your head, we're your followers.
01:02:06Not people
01:02:08who can be hurt
01:02:10and who you're responsible for.
01:02:12I'm sorry.
01:02:14What happened?
01:02:16You're crying again, Igor.
01:02:18Are you apologizing for that?
01:02:24Katarina isn't
01:02:26apologizing at all, you know?
01:02:28Maybe she's a whore, and maybe she's fucked.
01:02:30But she's got a dick, Igor,
01:02:32you know?
01:02:34And you're...
01:02:36Let me see you.
01:02:40that slimy
01:02:46like a pig, huh?
01:02:48You know how
01:02:52rub each other on the mud, huh?
01:02:56I know.
01:03:00That's right.
01:03:02Can I...
01:03:04Can I tell you something?
01:03:08For the first time in my life,
01:03:10I'm thinking about killing myself.
01:03:12Only forward.
01:03:30Do we always have to
01:03:32fall apart like this?
01:03:34Did you just say you own a farm?
01:03:38does that farm fall apart?
01:03:42Why does it all fall apart?
01:03:44Because of you!
01:03:52The main actor is threatening to commit suicide
01:03:54in the pool.
01:03:56Is that a joke?
01:04:00We have to go to the cell.
01:04:02Later, brother, later.
01:04:04We have no other choice.
01:04:06We said we wouldn't let the actors into the cell.
01:04:08What's wrong?
01:04:12Gigi, it's the first time.
01:04:14I always say it's the first time.
01:04:38What is this?
01:04:40Where are you taking me?
01:04:42Don't worry.
01:04:44I didn't drink and I don't plan to consume anything.
01:04:46You know I'm afraid of that.
01:04:48Don't think about now, think about later.
01:04:50Listen, we have to do this.
01:04:52Look at them.
01:04:54Men's gargou.
01:05:08Move, move.
01:05:42It all costs!
01:05:44It all costs!
01:05:46What does it cost?
01:05:48A lonely dream!
01:05:50A lonely dream!
01:05:52A lonely dream?
01:05:54I won't be lonely!
01:05:56I won't be lonely!
01:05:58I won't be lonely!
01:06:00Oh, I get it.
01:06:02I won't be lonely.
01:06:04I want respect!
01:06:06I want respect!
01:06:08I want respect!
01:06:10I want respect!
01:06:12He wants respect.
01:06:14He wants respect!
01:06:16Good, good.
01:06:18That's it.
01:06:20Now it's my turn.
01:06:22I have to say a truth.
01:06:24Something general.
01:06:28I'm afraid of death.
01:06:30Give me an indication, please.
01:06:32Don't leave me.
01:06:34What genre is this?
01:06:36Is this a horror?
01:06:38Don't make me cry.
01:06:44You're killing me now.
01:06:46You're accusing me of a crime.
01:06:48Don't accuse me!
01:06:50When I asked you about Maja,
01:06:52you said it's normal and not a crime.
01:06:54But it is a crime!
01:06:56I'm guilty!
01:06:58I'm evil!
01:07:00I'm a man!
01:07:04I'm not a man!
01:07:06I'm not a man!
01:07:08I'm not a man!
01:07:10I'm not a man!
01:07:12I'm not a man!
01:07:16I'm sorry to interrupt.
01:07:18I'm a little tired.
01:07:56Can you please leave me alone?
01:08:04I realized I had a life.
01:08:30You didn't tell me anything about Raska.
01:08:34I have nothing to say.
01:08:36I just want to get rid of everything and everyone.
01:08:44No, I wasn't dreaming.
01:08:46As soon as you came in,
01:08:48I knew everything.
01:08:50I fainted.
01:08:52And I said,
01:08:54he was the one.
01:08:56My life is about to end.
01:08:58But to be alive,
01:09:02I have to know every morning
01:09:04that I will meet you during the day.
01:09:06Where are my friends?
01:09:10I'm sorry if I offended you.
01:09:12Listen, I really think
01:09:14that you two are
01:09:16brilliant actors.
01:09:18I really think so.
01:09:20I forgot to do a new scene today.
01:09:22And I have a role for you.
01:09:28Don't think I'm drunk
01:09:30so we can talk.
01:09:32I'll call you tomorrow.
01:09:36You're the best.
01:10:00The conflict of 8 billion
01:10:02rare cases of infinite
01:10:04combinations of characters
01:10:06by the action of excruciating factors.
01:10:10Do you know what I'm talking about?
01:10:16I really do.
01:10:20Do you know what I don't like?
01:10:22Our show is called
01:10:24When the Smell of Jorgovan
01:10:26and we haven't seen one Jorgovan
01:10:28in five seasons. Do you understand?
01:10:30And the script is great.
01:10:32We saw love.
01:10:34We saw human passion.
01:10:36That's something that's important.
01:10:38Do you understand? Not Jorgovan.
01:10:42Yes, but I thought more
01:10:44that Jorgovans are in the title, so...
01:10:46But they're not.
01:10:50It doesn't matter at all.
01:10:52I mean, have you ever seen
01:10:54a wounded eagle in a wounded eagle?
01:10:58Ivan Bosniacic is a wounded eagle.
01:11:04Do you understand?
01:11:08Wisely, mate.
01:11:12I haven't seen it that way.
01:11:14You know?
01:11:16But it doesn't matter
01:11:18because we don't have Jorgovan.
01:11:20Well, that's what I don't like.
01:11:24The series is probably a little,
01:11:26as I would say, more banal
01:11:28because it has so many levels, so many layers.
01:11:30Do you like our...
01:11:32Your movie?
01:11:34No, Jorgovan.
01:11:36Our series, I don't know...
01:11:40I knew it.
01:11:42Because somehow, as I tell you,
01:11:44you expect to see him, but you don't.
01:11:46But we have Jorgovan, precisely.
01:11:48Yes, yes.
01:11:50Look, no one thinks about it anymore.
01:11:52Jorgovan is like a metaphor
01:11:54that we didn't justify.
01:11:56It doesn't matter.
01:11:58I mean, I understand that we have
01:12:00two more seasons.
01:12:04We have to finish here.
01:12:06Let's make your movie.
01:12:14Play, Katarina!
01:12:16Come on!
01:12:18Bravo, bravo!
01:12:20Quickly, quickly.
01:12:22Listen, I don't know what to do.
01:12:24Someone stole my watch.
01:12:26Did you steal it now?
01:12:30You know, these watches are insanely expensive.
01:12:32It was expensive for you, I know.
01:12:34No, it costs a lot of money.
01:12:36Expensive, expensive, that's why it's expensive for you.
01:12:38All right, we'll find it.
01:12:40This is a smart house.
01:12:42You have a video surveillance here.
01:12:44Everything can be seen.
01:12:46No electricity has ever disappeared here.
01:12:48Wait for me here.
01:12:50Where are you?
01:12:54It costs a lot of money.
01:12:56Do you understand?
01:13:00Turn left.
01:13:02Give me the watch.
01:13:14Mr. Kirilenko lost his watch.
01:13:18Mother of God!
01:13:20Mother of God!
01:13:48Shut up!
01:13:52Shut up!
01:14:02Wait a minute.
01:14:04Is it possible that Katarina is in the bathroom?
01:14:06Go to the main subject.
01:14:10Are you normal?
01:14:14This is very, very stupid what you are doing now.
01:14:16This is very, very stupid what you are doing now.
01:14:22These are my watches.
01:14:24I can't believe it.
01:14:26My friend, thank you very much.
01:14:28It's very expensive.
01:14:32When the Chinese make it, who makes it?
01:14:36I have one thing to tell you.
01:14:38One idea.
01:14:40An American producer is coming.
01:14:42You and I together.
01:14:44It will be
01:14:46the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
01:14:48Take a word out of my mouth.
01:14:50My friend.
01:15:14You cut me off.
01:15:20What fires were burning.
01:15:22And you put out.
01:15:28How I was stupid.
01:15:30And you saved me.
01:15:36How I was stupid.
01:15:38And you saved me.
01:15:44After you
01:15:46my soul
01:15:48is like a desert.
01:15:52After you
01:15:54my love comes
01:15:56like a mercy.
01:16:02There are nights
01:16:04when I wander
01:16:06without wine.
01:16:10There are no days
01:16:12how much it hurts
01:16:14in the heart.
01:16:18There are no days
01:16:20how much it hurts
01:16:22in the heart.
01:16:26You will be easy
01:16:28without me.
01:16:34But how
01:16:36will I
01:16:38without you.
01:16:44hard days
01:16:50everyone hurts.
01:16:56are in a hurry.
01:17:02hard days
01:17:08everyone hurts.
01:17:14are in a hurry.
01:17:36hard days come.
01:17:40everyone hurts.
01:17:46are in a hurry.
01:17:52hard days
01:17:58everyone hurts.
01:18:06are in a hurry.
01:18:40are in a hurry.
01:18:52We love you.
01:18:54Stop. Stop.
01:19:00You have to say this.
01:19:02As if you are guilty.
01:19:04Why am I guilty?
01:19:06Are you fucking kidding me?
01:19:08You had it all. You ruined it all.
01:19:11And now we've come to the point where you have to return it.
01:19:14And in order for your character to return it,
01:19:16he has to accept the guilt and repent.
01:19:18Stefan, Kubo and Tom are great.
01:19:21You know how much it cost to film them for a day.
01:19:23Don't fuck with me, brother!
01:19:25Didn't we say we were doing it for Cannes?
01:19:27I don't have time!
01:19:31What's going on?
01:19:33Maja was a stop, she's going out.
01:19:35I'm sorry, I never listen to you!
01:19:37Look at me. Give me the guilt.
01:19:39Do you understand?
01:19:40I'm sorry for interrupting.
01:19:42I don't understand why you insist so much on that guilt.
01:19:45I mean, it's a point in love and...
01:19:49Please, everyone!
01:19:50So, there is no love without guilt.
01:19:53Give me the guilt.
01:20:04Without guilt.
01:20:10This is good.
01:20:20Let's do it again.
01:20:22We have to support each other.
01:20:24Do you understand?
01:20:25Of course.
01:20:26Let's cheer up.