
  • 2 days ago
00:00Shri Mahavishnu Ni Aarava Avataram.
00:30Parashuram created an amazing land by sending Ananthasagaram with his Gandhra Guddal.
00:43That is Parashuram's Kshetram.
00:46There Parashuram became the king.
00:49When some demons were fighting with their arrogance,
01:05He sent a brahmin demon to kill them and show mercy.
01:19Parashuram sent a brahmin demon to kill them and show mercy.
01:30He sent a brahmin demon to kill them and show mercy.
01:37If I start a war, even a graveyard will be enough in this village.
01:43Shri Mahavishnu Ni Aarava Avataram
01:51Parashuram created an amazing land by sending Ananthasagaram with his Gandhra Guddal.