• 2 weeks ago
Making 3 Ice Cream out of Play-Doh _ PJ Masks Surprise, Yowie,ASMR# Little Shop cutting fruits.
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00:00Today, we're going to make a rainbow play-doh popsicle out of toy fruit.
00:04The popsicle doesn't have any color, so we need to find all six fruit.
00:09Hey, I have these seeds. Let's plant them.
00:13Oh, which one shall we choose?
00:15How about the green ones?
00:17I'll plant one here and one over here.
00:22All we need to do now is water the seeds and watch them grow.
00:26I wonder what they'll turn into.
00:28Oh, wow! It's a giant green fruit.
00:34What is it?
00:36It's a watermelon.
00:38Let's go prepare it.
00:41I need to cut a slice.
00:47Great, let's add it to the blender.
00:50We've found the green color for a popsicle.
00:54What's this?
00:56It's a conveyor belt with all yellow things.
00:58A duck, a bee, a giraffe, and a teddy bear.
01:04And look, oh look, what's this?
01:09It's a yellow banana.
01:12Let's go prepare it for the blender.
01:16Let's cut a slice.
01:21We have our mixed color.
01:23The color yellow.
01:26Great, now let's go find another color.
01:29Here's an apple tree.
01:31I wonder what's behind here.
01:33Oh, wow! It's a red fruit.
01:36Can you guess what type of fruit this is?
01:39That's right, it's an apple.
01:42Let's go cut a slice.
01:46Oh, I'll just take the green stalk out first.
01:49We don't need that.
01:53Great, now let's go add our slice of apple to the blender.
02:01And we have our third color, the color red.
02:05What's in the fridge?
02:07Oh, it's a happy orange.
02:10And it's turned into a toy orange fruit.
02:14Let's go prepare it.
02:16I'll take the stalk out and cut a slice.
02:23Inside the orange are lots of little segments.
02:27Oh, wow! We've got our next color, the color orange.
02:31I'll roll the dice.
02:32What color has it landed on?
02:34Let's take a look.
02:36It's the color blue.
02:38That means we'll open the blue jar.
02:42Let's see what's inside.
02:45Oh, out popped a blueberry.
02:48He looks really happy to see us.
02:51And he's turned into a bunch of blueberries.
02:55Let's go add the blueberries to the blender.
02:59Great, we've now found the fifth color, the color blue.
03:04What's the last color?
03:06There's a purple door.
03:08Let's open it.
03:09What's inside?
03:11It's a bunch of purple grapes.
03:14Great, we have our grapes.
03:17Let's go prepare them.
03:21I think I'll use this half of the grapes.
03:26There they go.
03:28Now we have the last color, the color purple.
03:31Put the lid on and let's mix the fruit all together.
03:39All done.
03:41Turn it off and let's see what it's made.
03:46Open the lid.
03:48Oh, look, there's lots of colorful balls inside.
03:52Let's take them out.
03:55Let's put them in order of their colors.
04:02Now let's make them into cylinder shapes.
04:07What we need to do now is roll them out with my rolling pin.
04:12Here we go.
04:14It's bright orange, my rolling pin.
04:17And let's roll out the six colors really nice and flat.
04:26That looks about right.
04:29Let's take a closer look at what we made.
04:32Oh, wow, they're all flat.
04:37Now I'll just put them over here and I'll get some white Play-Doh and roll it out again.
04:45But not too much.
04:48And I'll get my shape of my popsicle that I made.
04:52I made it out of cardboard.
04:57And I'll just cut around the edges.
05:03Nearly done.
05:06And take the cardboard off.
05:08And let's wrap our colors all around the white Play-Doh.
05:18Making it into the shape of a popsicle.
05:23Wow, looks great.
05:25But what we need is a popsicle stick.
05:28Which color shall we choose?
05:30There's so many yellow, purple.
05:33How about this red one?
05:34Yes, that will look great.
05:36And I'll just pop it in here.
05:41And there we've made it.
05:42We've made a rainbow popsicle.
05:45Well done.
05:46Thanks for watching and see you next time on Rainbow.
05:50Today I'm cooking a dinner party with my new toy kitchen.
05:54I wonder what's on the menu.
05:56Let's read it together.
06:08Fruit salad.
06:10And a cupcake.
06:11First we need to prepare the vegetables.
06:14Can you help me find a vegetable?
06:16We found one already.
06:18We found a carrot.
06:21First, let's go wash it under the faucet.
06:25We have hot water and cold water.
06:28I'll turn on the cold water.
06:30Let's get the carrot nice and clean.
06:33All done.
06:35Now, where does it belong in the puzzle?
06:38Can you see the shape of a carrot?
06:41Here it is.
06:43It fits right here.
06:46Now let's go prepare the carrot.
06:49Oh wow, look at that.
06:52I'll use this grater to peel the carrot.
06:58Nearly done.
07:03Now I'll cut it into three slices.
07:07That's one, two, and three.
07:11What's next?
07:12Oh, how about we use this broccoli?
07:17That's one, two, three.
07:19Three broccoli florets.
07:22Next I think I'll use this eggplant.
07:26Did you know an eggplant is actually a fruit?
07:29I'll take the stalk off and cut it in half.
07:35I think I'll just use this piece.
07:38Now what's this?
07:39A spring onion.
07:42Let's cut that in half.
07:44Here you go.
07:46I'll add this to the pot.
07:50And now I'll use this chili for some extra kick.
07:57Chilies can be very hot.
08:00Oh, there you go.
08:03Now I'll go cook it in my toy kitchen.
08:06Turn it on.
08:08Add some pepper and some salt for seasoning.
08:11I'll just use my spoon to mix it around a bit so all the vegetables get cooked evenly.
08:18Nearly done.
08:20Turn it off.
08:21Our toy vegetables are cooked.
08:23Let's go serve them up on the plate.
08:26I'll use these handy tongs to take the vegetables out of the pot.
08:31Here's some carrot and what else?
08:34A spring onion.
08:36Some eggplant.
08:41A broccoli floret.
08:43That's the vegetable.
08:44Let's take them off on the menu.
08:47What's next?
08:48Oh, we need to find some mushrooms so we can make a pizza.
08:53Can you see it?
08:54Oh, it's right here.
08:55Let's pick it up.
08:58We found a mushroom.
09:01Now where does it belong?
09:03In the kitchen.
09:04Can you see?
09:05Oh, that looks right.
09:08Does it fit?
09:09Yes, it does.
09:10Now let's go make that pizza.
09:14Look at the mushroom.
09:15I'll cut it in half.
09:17We have a slice of mushroom.
09:19Let's go add it to the pizza.
09:22One slice of mushroom.
09:24What else can we put on the pizza?
09:28How about this basil leaf?
09:29Basil is a herb and it adds a bit of color to our pizza.
09:34What are these?
09:36It's a tin of sliced olives.
09:39These are black olives.
09:41Added all the ingredients to our pizza.
09:44Let's go cook it in our toy microwave.
09:47Here you go.
09:48Close the door.
09:49Now where's the button for pizza?
09:51Can you see?
09:52Ah, here it is.
09:58Oh, can you see it cooking?
10:00Oh, look.
10:01I think it's cooked already.
10:06Open it up and let's take the pizza out.
10:12Oh, look at that.
10:14It looks all crispy.
10:16It's all crispy.
10:17Let's serve it up on the plate.
10:20We've made our pizza.
10:21Now we need to cook an egg.
10:24Can you see an egg in the toy kitchen?
10:28Ah, here it is.
10:32We found the egg.
10:34Now where does it belong in the kitchen puzzle?
10:39Can you see the shape of the egg?
10:42Ah, here it is.
10:43You found it already.
10:44It belongs right here.
10:47Now I've got my cooker.
10:50Turn it on and let's fry the egg.
10:53Stir it around a bit.
10:55I think I'll add some seasoning.
10:56Some pepper and some salt.
11:02What else?
11:03Maybe a little cheese.
11:06I think that's enough.
11:08And how about some sauce?
11:14Now let's watch the egg cook.
11:15Oh, goodness.
11:18Oh, it's wibbly wobbly around.
11:22I think I'll need to cook it some more.
11:24Oh, that looks a bit better.
11:27Maybe a little bit longer.
11:28Oh, all done.
11:31Now let's go cut the egg.
11:36There are four quarters.
11:39I'll cut it in half.
11:41That's one quarter.
11:46One, two, three, and four.
11:49I'll use this piece of egg to serve up on the plate.
11:53Great, we've made the egg.
11:55Now we need to prepare some fish.
11:58Can you see the fish?
12:02Here it is.
12:04It's a blue fish.
12:08Now where does it go on the kitchen activity board?
12:13Can you see the shape of a fish?
12:15That's right.
12:16It belongs right here.
12:20Let's go prepare the fish to cook on the toy barbecue.
12:24I'll just cut a fillet.
12:26That looks about right.
12:29Now let's go cook it.
12:31Open up the lid.
12:34Oh, you can hear it sizzling already.
12:37I'll just add the fish to the grill and watch it cook.
12:45Nearly done.
12:47I'll just add some seasoning, some pepper and some salt.
12:52And all cooked.
12:54Let's go serve it up on the plate.
12:56One fillet of fish.
12:58I cooked our fish.
13:00Now we need to prepare some chicken.
13:03Can you see a chicken drumstick?
13:07Ah, here it is down on the left at the bottom.
13:10Chicken drumstick.
13:12Now where does it belong on the activity board?
13:17It goes right here.
13:19I'll just heat up my chicken in the toy microwave.
13:25Close the door.
13:27Where's the chicken button?
13:29Oh, right here.
13:37It's going round and around.
13:39Oh, look.
13:42Our chicken looks ready.
13:45Let's open the door and take it out.
13:48Now I need to prepare it before putting it on the plate.
13:52I'll just cut it in half.
13:55Let's go serve the chicken up on the plate.
13:58It goes right here.
14:00We've made our chicken.
14:01Now all we need to do is find some fruit for the fruit salad.
14:06Oh, here it is.
14:08How about we use this yellow banana?
14:12This will go great in the fruit salad.
14:15But first, where does it belong in the kitchen activity board?
14:19Oh, that's right.
14:20It goes right here.
14:21It's like the shape of a crescent.
14:23Can you see another piece of fruit that might go in our fruit salad?
14:28We found another one.
14:30An apple.
14:32Now where does it belong in the puzzle?
14:35Not here.
14:36Ah, that's right.
14:37It goes right here.
14:38I already have a can of pre-prepared fruit salad.
14:42Just open it up using my can opener.
14:48Turning it around.
14:54And open it up.
14:57I put the fruit in the bowl.
14:59Now I can add my apple and my banana.
15:03One fruit salad.
15:05I'll put it over here at the top.
15:08We've made the fruit salad.
15:09All we need to do now is make a dessert.
15:13I found this donut.
15:16But where does it belong in the activity puzzle?
15:19It's a circle shape.
15:20That's right.
15:21It goes right here.
15:23Now let's prepare the cupcake.
15:27I have the base and now I'll put my donut on top.
15:30And let's watch it cook.
15:33Hmm, what number is for cupcakes?
15:37That's right.
15:37Number nine.
15:40Open it up and we've made a beautiful pink cupcake.
15:47Let's go add it to the table.
15:49Well done.
15:50We've made everything on the menu but something's missing.
15:54How about we make some drinks?
15:57I have this orange.
15:59I'll just take one and two slices and blend it in my blender.
16:05All done.
16:07And pour it into a glass.
16:10We've made some orange juice.
16:13Look at all the things we made.
16:15Thanks for watching and see you next time on Rainbow.
