Komedian Nunung Pernah Diceraikan Lewat Pesan Singkat Karena Pengangguran?

  • yesterday
Komedian senior Nunung kembali mengungkap kisah pilu dalam perjalanan rumah tangganya. Dalam sebuah tayangan televisi, ia menceritakan pengalaman pahit saat diceraikan oleh salah satu mantan suaminya melalui pesan singkat.

“Aku diceraikan lewat handphone loh,” ungkap Nunung dengan nada kecewa.

Menurut ceritanya, Nunung dan mantan suaminya dulu menikah secara siri. Sayangnya, pernikahan mereka berakhir dengan perpisahan.
Nunung blak-blakan membeberkan alasannya diceraikan oleh sang mantan suami. Nunung merasa rumah tangganya retak karena sudah tidak adanya kecocokan antara satu sama lain.


00:00Senior Nunung's comedian retold the story of Pilu on her way to her neighbor's house.
00:06In a television show, she told her bitter experience when she was divorced by one of her ex-husbands through a short message.
00:18I was divorced through a cell phone, you know.
00:21Nunung said in a disappointed tone.
00:24According to her, Nunung and her ex-husband used to get married in secret.
00:29Unfortunately, their marriage ended in divorce.
00:34Nunung muttered the reason why her ex-husband divorced her.
00:39Nunung felt that her neighbor's house was broken because there was no match between one another.
00:47We had no match.
00:49At that time, there was no match.
00:52Her expression.
00:54In addition, Nunung said the divorce happened because she was having a hard time because she had no job.
01:05Because I really don't have a job anymore.
01:08Nunung said.
01:10The woman who is now married to Ian Sambiran,
01:14explained that her ex-husband felt that their relationship was no longer suitable.
01:20Especially after Nunung stopped working.
01:24In fact, during her active time in the entertainment world,
01:27Nunung admitted that she always gave her work results to her ex-husband.
01:33In the past, if she worked as much as she could,
01:36if there was a show, eh, two months, three months, there was no work, there was no match.
01:42She said in a sad tone.
01:45Nunung admitted that this had happened several times in her life.
01:50I was done that many times.
01:53With him, who used to be like that.
01:56His tutor.
01:58Nunung revealed that a similar incident had happened to her several times.
02:04This shows that she often becomes a victim of financial instability in her neighbor's house.
02:12Furthermore, Nunung also told that her marriage to her ex-husband,
02:17who divorced her through a short message, was a serial marriage.
02:22Unfortunately, he did not mention who the couple meant.
02:27Therefore, Nunung admitted that this had happened several times in her life.
02:34Meanwhile, Nunung was married three times, but all ended in divorce.
02:41He had been renovating the house for 15 years with three children, Didik and Dika Runiai.
02:48Divorced with Didik, Nunung rebuilt the house with Rochani Widodo in 2000.
02:54Unfortunately, their marriage only lasted six months.
02:59Then he remarried Wiki Hussein in 2006 before divorcing six months later.
03:07Nunung is currently a wife of Ian Sambiran.
03:10Both married in 2012.
03:14Ian Sambiran is Nunung's fourth husband.
03:18What do you guys think?
03:21Don't forget to write your comments below.
03:24See you!
