Aventuras bíblicas 3 . José e seus irmãos

  • 2 days ago


00:00José e seus irmãos
00:12Versão Brasileira VTI Rio
00:31José! José!
01:00I'm coming! I'm coming!
01:02So you had another one of those old dreams, didn't you, José?
01:06Well... I... Yes.
01:10And who bowed before you, brother? The King of Nile? The Queen of the Night?
01:15Ah, it's curious. There's always someone revering you. You, José.
01:19Yeah, but only in his dreams.
01:22Did someone greet you again? Who? Or what? Tell your father.
01:27Ah... Ah... The moon... Twelve stars.
01:34And... And the sun.
01:38Even the sun.
01:40You know how I protect you, José. Because you are the firstborn of my beautiful Raquel.
01:46You and your little brother Benjamin are all that's left of her.
01:50But you worry me. He thinks he's our king.
01:53Do your brothers, and even I, have to bow before you? I don't think so.
02:00I'm sorry, father. Actually, I wasn't going to talk about my dreams anymore.
02:04I... I don't know what they mean.
02:06Neither do I. But dreams are revealing, and yours worry me.
02:11I've tried to decipher them many times.
02:14Yes, you worry me. But not so much that I can't give you a gift.
02:20A gift? For me?
02:22We work, he gets a gift.
02:26Here it is.
02:29Let's go. Try it.
02:33First he thinks he's our king.
02:35Then our father dresses him as such.
02:37He certainly won it for spying on us in the field and telling our father.
02:44So, did you like it?
02:46If I liked it, this is the most beautiful tunic I've ever seen.
02:50Brothers, look at this. We've seen why the gift.
02:54A proud father doesn't need a chance to show love for a son.
02:59You won't need to wear such beautiful clothes when you go to the plains to spy on us,
03:04simple shepherds, taking care of our herds.
03:07Spy? I don't spy on you.
03:09I just visit you and come back, tell my father how everything is going.
03:13Don't say such a thing, my children.
03:15The boy only keeps me informed about the herd. That's all.
03:19And I'll wear the tunic on my next journey.
03:22These colors will keep beasts and beasts away from my path.
03:26It's strange. I thought it was the opposite.
03:29That they would be attracted to these colors.
03:32Let's change the subject.
03:34It's time for you, simple shepherds, to take your course along with the sheep.
03:39You have a five-day journey.
03:43I'll see you in two weeks.
03:50Look! Here comes the Dreamer.
03:53It's been two weeks, and you didn't think he was spying on us?
03:57If he thinks I'll bow to him, his mouth will taste the dust of this ground.
04:02I won't bow, not today, not ever.
04:06Neither will I, useless slug.
04:10What will happen to the Dreamer if he dies?
04:13No. I didn't raise my hand to kill a brother.
04:17What if the desert did it for us?
04:19Ah, a dry well.
04:21We could put him in the well and let nature take its course.
04:30And then?
04:37No! No! Let me go!
04:39Let me go!
04:40Look at the well!
04:41What are you doing? Let me go!
04:43No! No!
04:50Now you'll have time to dream down there.
04:54All your life.
05:07I'll be back later to get you out of there.
05:12Please, hurry.
05:18A caravan of Midianites on their way to Egypt?
05:24I had an idea.
05:26Let's not let José die in the well. Let's sell him.
05:29To them, the merchants.
05:34It doesn't matter that he deserves to rot down there.
05:37We must be merciful.
05:39Besides, he's our brother.
05:43So, deal closed.
05:48He's all yours.
05:52José, dream with me tonight wearing this beautiful tunic.
05:57And I bet the dream will come true.
06:18José is gone. Where is he? What happened?
06:21We sold him to the Midianites. Your share is there.
06:27We'll spit sheep's blood on this cloth.
06:30And we'll tell our father that we found the body in the plain.
06:34He'll listen to me and warn José about the beasts that surround here.
06:57He's sold to a nobleman named Potiphar.
07:00And after many years of hard work, because he's very smart,
07:04José started to take care of all the business of his year.
07:08A prize for your competence and loyalty, José.
07:11I pass you the guard of all this.
07:14Everything you see. My home and my business.
07:19You are generous, my dear Potiphar.
07:21And I am grateful to you from the bottom of my heart.
07:26Wow, he's blowing up, isn't he?
07:28Yeah, Potiphar's wife thinks the same.
07:37Well, ma'am, can I help you in any way?
07:40José, don't you think I'm attractive?
07:43Ma'am, please, I respect my love for your husband.
07:47You should do the same.
07:50José, wait. Come back here.
08:02What happened?
08:06That... that employee you brought home, a good one of us,
08:10he tried to hug me.
08:12I screamed. He ran away.
08:14He left his cape.
08:16Traitor! Grab him! Arrest José!
08:22He will be in prison until the day of his death, my dear.
08:27I promise you.
08:38José, here is the carpenter and the baker of the lighthouse.
08:41They left him angry. Take care of them.
08:51It's not comfortable here, but I think you can sleep.
08:55I don't want to sleep. I can have that dream again.
08:58I don't know what he wants to tell me, and it's driving me crazy.
09:01God knows what your dreams mean.
09:04Tell them. God will show me the meaning.
09:08I set up a vineyard with three branches.
09:17I squeezed the grapes on the chalice of the lighthouse.
09:21Then I served him the chalice, as I usually do when I serve.
09:28The three branches of the vineyard are three days.
09:31In three days you will be back to your work serving the pharaoh.
09:35When you are free, please tell him about me.
09:38I did nothing to stay in prison.
09:40I also had a dream. Would you listen?
09:42Of course I would.
09:44There were three baskets on my head.
09:46Then the birds came and ate all the food in them.
09:51What does it mean?
09:54Your three baskets are three days, gentlemen.
09:59Will I also be released?
10:01No. In three days the pharaoh will have hanged you.
10:05And the birds will eat your flesh.
10:13Everything is ready for the pharaoh's birthday celebration.
10:17Why don't we start?
10:19He is intrigued. Strange dreams.
10:21And the wise people don't know what it means.
10:24No, it can't be true.
10:30Dreams! It's already dark and cold.
10:34Your Majesty, I think...
10:36And he was right about everything?
10:39Yes, everything. Including the dead bird and the birds and...
10:45Bring the man. Now!
10:52I heard you can decipher dreams.
10:56So you are wiser than my wise men.
11:01Actually, wisdom doesn't belong to me.
11:04But to God I serve. He will help me decipher your dreams, sir.
11:08I was by the river when seven fat cows came out of the river and ate the food.
11:16Then, seven hungry cows came out of the river and ate the fat cows.
11:29Then, I dreamed of a cornfield with seven good and big spines.
11:35Then, the small and burned spines jumped to lay on their feet...
11:41and the small spines devoured the big spines.
11:44Then, they woke up.
11:48Dreams have the same meaning.
11:51God wants you to know what is about to happen.
11:54The seven fat cows and the seven good corn spines will be the next seven years.
12:00God tells you there will be seven years of famine.
12:03The seven thin cows and the seven small corn spines...
12:06are the seven years of hunger that will follow the seven years of famine.
12:10God sent you these dreams as a warning...
12:13so that you may prepare for the crisis.
12:16You must choose a wise man capable of taking care of the bread...
12:19and stocking it during the years of abundance...
12:21so that there is enough bread during the years of scarcity.
12:24A wise man, you say?
12:26Yes, I see only a wise man in all my kingdom.
12:31And you are this man.
12:33And certainly you bring within you the spirit of God.
12:38This is Joseph.
12:43He is my right hand.
12:45You will obey his words.
12:48I am the greatest of all this land.
12:52This idea was not mine.
12:54It is part of your plans to save the people.
12:57Enjoy this moment, for this is our last good harvest.
13:00You really are a wise man, Joseph.
13:07Now, start this eternal procession.
13:27The next one.
13:29Blessed be the Lord.
13:31And Joseph.
13:33The King of Israel.
13:35And Joseph.
13:37We would starve like the people of Canaan...
13:39if it were not for your foresight.
13:41The next one.
13:45He is the second most important man in Egypt.
13:48Will he sell us the wheat?
13:50You are right. We brought a lot of money.
13:53There he comes. Quick, let's turn around.
13:56Let's show respect. Let's go.
13:59Yes, what is it? Who are you?
14:02Ten brothers of Canaan...
14:04who bow before you, Your Majesty.
14:06With all due respect.
14:17God, my brothers.
14:21What is it?
14:22Is something wrong?
14:23Are you all right, Your Majesty?
14:24Oh, Lord, I ask that you guide me.
14:27What happened?
14:30You are spies.
14:33Did you plan to raise an army against our weakened country?
14:36No, sir. We are not spies.
14:39We are brothers who came to buy food for us and our families.
14:44Are they all here, or is there someone else?
14:46And is your father alive?
14:49Yes, our father is alive.
14:51And there is also another brother, the youngest, who remains with our father.
14:57Take that one over there and lock him up.
14:59Me? Why me?
15:01Would you rather sacrifice one of your other brothers?
15:07How fraternal!
15:09This one will go to prison.
15:11The others can leave with bags full of wheat.
15:16But you must return with your youngest brother.
15:22Or I will know you are spies and I will sentence that man to death.
15:26You don't want to lose a brother, do you?
15:33No, no, you can't take Benjamin, my little boy, no.
15:37If we don't take him, he will kill Simeon.
15:40Simeon may well be dead.
15:43Look, all the money we paid for the wheat was put back here.
15:48But how?
15:50My God, he will think we took the wheat and stole our money.
15:54You are right, it is a disgrace.
15:56Simeon is dead.
15:58No, wait.
15:59If we return with the money and Benjamin as we promised,
16:02we will prove that we did not steal anything and that we are not spies.
16:06Why did you say you had a younger brother?
16:09We told the truth. We did not know what would happen.
16:12Father, this wheat will not take long to finish.
16:14We will have to return anyway.
16:16And we cannot return without Benjamin.
16:18Simeon may well not be the only one dead.
16:21I have already lost, José.
16:23Benjamin is all I have left of Raquel's children.
16:26I will go, father. I will go.
16:29They are my brothers.
16:33I know. You will go.
16:36It is God's will.
16:39Brothers of José, greet brother Simeon.
16:43A free man is fine.
16:45I came to help, all together again.
17:03Benjamin, my only real brother.
17:07The other son of my mother.
17:11Benjamin, what did you say to him? Did you do anything?
17:14No. I...
17:17Very well, brothers. I ate and drank.
17:20You have the wheat and your other brother back.
17:22It is a good day for you.
17:24We toast your health.
17:28It is strange, Malvides.
17:30We are sitting according to our ages.
17:33Now how can this man know our ages?
17:38Are the Hebrews ready to go?
17:40Yes, master.
17:42I returned the money without being noticed.
17:44I hid my silver chalice in the boy's bag.
17:47To whom they call Benjamin.
18:02Stop there! Stop!
18:11My master's silver chalice is missing.
18:13You will be searched.
18:14Search us?
18:15Search yourself.
18:17If the chalice is found in our belongings,
18:19let the one who stole it die.
18:21And the rest will be yours, sir.
18:23If I find the chalice,
18:25the one whose bag is found
18:27must become a servant of my master.
18:52So, you paid the good with the evil.
18:55God must be punishing us for our sins.
18:58We are all your servants.
19:05I do not want you, boy.
19:07This one will be enough.
19:08The one who stole the chalice.
19:09And the others, go home.
19:11If you stay with him, you will kill the father.
19:13Our father.
19:17Please, sir.
19:19Listen to me.
19:20We did everything you asked of us.
19:22We even hurt an old, dear and sick man.
19:25He begged us not to bring Benjamin here.
19:28He lost the only other child that this boy's mother had.
19:31Take me, sir.
19:32I will be your slave.
19:34But please, do not kill our father by taking the boy.
19:37I also offer myself.
19:38I will be your slave.
19:39And me too.
19:40All of us.
19:43Send me to prison if you want.
19:45But free our brother so that our dear father may live.
19:49You will do all this for a father and for a brother.
19:53We will do so.
19:57I am your brother.
20:00I am Joseph.
20:05This cannot be.
20:09I am the same Joseph that you sold to Egypt.
20:13Do not be afraid.
20:15Do not blame yourself either.
20:17I forgave you.
20:19You wanted to do evil.
20:21But the Lord took you to good.
20:23Everything that happened to our family was the will of God.
20:27He brought me here to save the country and to save you.
20:32And to all the families that will be born of you and that will later become another country.
20:37Hunger will still haunt for five years.
20:40You must bring our father and your families.
20:44I, as a sovereign under the pharaoh, will take care of you.
20:48I love you, my brothers.
21:02I love you.
21:16Everything that happened to Joseph was the will of God.
21:19He sent Joseph to Egypt to save a nation.
21:23And then to save his family and all the families that will be born of them.
21:28And that will later become another people.
22:28The End