Las serias consecuencias que dejó el potente huracán Milton en Estados Unidos

  • 2 days ago
Michelle Adam detalló qué pasó en el país norteamericano debido al fenómeno.

El huracán Milton dejó importantes consecuencias en algunas zonas de Estados Unidos, precisamente en algunas zonas del estado de Florida. En el nuevo capítulo de "Tu Día", Michelle Adam explicó cómo fue el paso del fenómeno meteorológico.

"Llegó a tierra, y digo afortunadamente, en categoría 3, incluso se adelantó el horario. Iba a llegar a las 2 de la madrugada, pero llegó mucho más temprano, los vientos comenzaron a intensificarse cerca de las 7 de la tarde, y la lluvia", informó la experta.

Luego añadió que el huracán Milton tuvo un comportamiento que "por ratos aceleró su desplazamiento y a veces lo tuvo estacionario, avanzó muy lento. Luego avanzó a 24 kilómetros por hora, un movimiento bastante rápido para el desplazamiento de un huracán".

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00:00What happens is that we are super worried about the hurricane because it turns out that at night it is when it was going to hit harder in the state of Florida and particularly in Tampa, in Sarasota
00:13and that is why it is so relevant to know what happens now with the first hours of the morning, with the light of day.
00:20It is still dark.
00:22Michelle, finally, in what category did it land?
00:26It landed, fortunately, and I say it like this, in category 3.
00:31Because during the last hours of yesterday, even the schedule was advanced.
00:35Do you remember that it was going to arrive at 2 in the morning?
00:38It arrived much earlier.
00:40In fact, the winds began to intensify around 7 in the afternoon.
00:44As we had said yesterday, the winds and the rain began to intensify.
00:48But fortunately, during the last hours of yesterday afternoon, it had a behavior that accelerated its displacement for a while and for a moment it had it a bit stationary.
00:59It moved very slowly, but then it advanced to about 24 km per hour, which is a fairly fast speed for the displacement of a hurricane.
01:08And as I tell you, fortunately it went down, it went down to category 4, then it went down to category 3.
01:13And that made the winds much less intense than the 259 with which it was moving in the ocean.
01:22So that helped a lot to lower a little, I don't know, the terrible thing about this hurricane.
01:30But like this, despite everything, it left a lot of damage in its path, in its trajectory.
01:35I was checking the images until very late, until like 1 in the morning, also checking the broadcasts of different news channels.
01:43And it turns out that many of the cameras that were available for that no longer worked.
01:48Well, it also looked very dark, so it is very important to know what is going to happen minute by minute, because it turns out that it is just now that it begins to dawn.
01:57And with that clarity we are going to see how devastating it was.
02:01Well, we are trying to locate ourselves with José María del Pino, obviously.
02:06But the situation of the communications always looks complicated, because, well, you see, look at the intensity of the wind.
02:15So at any time, when we have the opportunity to contact him, we will be able to know in more detail and live about what this hurricane left.
02:26It is already on the east coast of the state of Florida.
02:30On the east coast, affecting this sector.
02:33And one of the phenomena that caught my attention the most yesterday, do you know what it was?
02:37What was it?
02:38It was the tornadoes associated with this hurricane.
02:41The images that came were shocking, because it turns out that the tornadoes, to have a relationship when it was on the west coast,
02:50and especially towards the south of Florida, both on the east side and on the west side,
02:55the tornadoes were the ones that marked, during the afternoon, the presence with strong winds,
03:02with a development of tornadoes that I really had not seen or we had not been able to appreciate so graphically and so clearly with other hurricanes.
03:12Because when the tornado moves, the peripheral cloud of the hurricane is the one that generates these tornadoes.
03:21And precisely on the south coast were where they were received approximately ...
