Sueños de libertad Cap 167 (17-10-24)

  • 2 days ago


00:06Don't sell to a lot of in the radio
00:09The Padre, Mr. Bosa Bando's fijamente sabes como si quisiera alisar me
00:13Espero que no se haya dado cuenta de nada
00:16El problema es que ahora no sabemos cómo vamos a localizar la cuerpo
00:22Con mucho que busquemos va a ser muy difícil encontrar algo Isidro
00:25Te refieres al fuego
00:27Bomberos a sufocados de misma mañana las llamas
00:30Jesús enterado de lo que estábamos haciendo y se nos ha adelantado como que se nos ha adelantado
00:37Pero qué quieres decir habla más claro habéis enterrado los restos de valentín y los ha quemado igual que hizo con la lobera
00:46Tú estás seguro de eso si el mismo vino a rastrearme por la cara lo que había hecho
00:55Se encuentra bien sí sí sí sí no ha sido la impresión
01:01estamos tan cerca sí sí sí lo estábamos
01:05Muy acercarme a los terrenos
01:07Lo pude que no encontré nada pero quien sabe igual hay alguna pista o alguna esquerla de ramiro contigo no no no
01:13mejor quedarse aquí pero yo quiero y gracias por todo amigo de verdad
01:18no va a entender tanto
01:24Bueno yo ya me iba muy bien adiós tía adiós hijo
01:29Qué te pasa estás bien sí sí sí estoy bien anda bien que te voy a preparar una infusión de las tuyas
01:39Miriam me puedes archivar estas facturas por favor
01:42gracias qué tal vas algo mejor pues siento decirle que no don joaquín
01:47estoy revisando la contabilidad del último trimestre como me ha pedido doña marta
01:51y no cuadra nada
01:53Bueno quizá deberías cotejar las facturas de más de 3.000 pesetas que están en un libro diferente ya lo he hecho
01:58es este pero no hay apuntado ni la mitad de lo que debería haber
02:02pues vuélvelo a hacer
02:03fijándote bien la otra secretaria tenía sus cosas pero me consta que era muy ordenada
02:07entonces soy yo la que no sabe hacer bien su trabajo
02:09no miria no te lo tomes así acabas de aterrizar es normal que
02:13que te cueste hacerte a la empresa si no confía a mí prefiero que no sean de compaños calientes don joaquín escucha me bien
02:19La confianza no se tiene se gana y ahora estás en el periodo de pruebas y es cuando me tienes que demostrar que no me
02:24equivocado contigo les repito que yo no me he equivocado don joaquín el problema es el desbarajuste que hay en estas cuentas
02:30es que desbarajuste habláis al parecer miriam
02:34tiene algún problema que otro con la contabilidad del último trimestre que le has pedido
02:38qué tipo de problema
02:41básicamente que falta documentar algunos gastos que no se sabe de dónde han salido
02:45Está segura
02:46lo he revisado todo varias veces y o bien esos documentos se han traspapelado o esas cantidades no se han gastado
02:52y lo que se ha hecho es maquillar las cuentas no déjame ver
03:03Don Joaquín me ha asegurado que la anterior secretaría era muy organizada y eficiente tan eficiente como desleal
03:23Mucho me tengo que el desbarajuste del que hablas debe ser el regalo de despedida de isabel en serio
03:35Quédate tranquila
03:36es ella quien ha alterado la contabilidad
03:39Pues las marcas debió arrancar algunas de las páginas cuando la despedí no me había fijado
03:46Está claro que no nos lo iba a poner fácil ni a mí ni a su sustituta y vete a saber si es lo único
03:50que ha hecho no no creo que le diese tiempo a más
03:54No te preocupes porque voy a tomar medidas al respecto
03:58Ahora mismo el problema urgente es
04:01esa vez si miriam vas a ser capaz de arreglar todo este caos que ha ser heredado
04:13Creo que no llegaba a tiempo para verte me pillas de milagro porque tengo que volver a cien a seguir en cinco minutos
04:17qué tal están las cosas por allí no tranquila
04:21No yo estoy un poco inquieta la verdad sí sí porque doña emma la mujer de don joaquín
04:27va a organizar una meréndola benéfica por el de la casa cuna
04:30y no se me tiene un poco preocupado ya y porque porque estás preocupada
04:36Mateo porque la gente para tomarse un café con pasta está muy abierta pero para abrir el monedero eso ya es otro canta
04:44Quieres que
04:46aporte algo de dinero de lo que me ha dado a mi padre
04:48no no no no te preocupes cariño que bastante problemas tenemos a nosotros al final nos va a tener que organizar una meréndola
04:55benéfica a nosotros dos bueno y a nuestro futuro
04:58esperemos que no tengamos que llegar a ese punto
05:02Bueno y tú qué tal y cómo ha ido lo de la librería es aquí que hayan traspasado lo de la librería pues
05:08piden más dinero del que nos podemos permitir
05:11allá por dio sí pero en el camino de vuelta
05:15he visto un local más pequeño muy cerca del centro y con muchas posibilidades
05:22De verdad que es muy bien digna para que se vea muy alterada esa tu nuera
05:29Está nerviosa por la merienda que tiene esta tarde con las señoras para la financiación de una casa junto puede ser
05:41Oye y cómo te ha ido con lo del documento de vendida muy pesado es
05:46había una cola que daba la vuelta a la esquina
05:51Dina si el otro día no me respondiste a la pregunta que te hice sobre damián
06:01Te conté algo
06:03para no preocuparte
06:04pero lo que yo haga con mi vida es mío
06:07entiendo tu dolor pero no dejes que la rabia y la melancolía cambien tu forma de ser no no entiendes isidro
06:14Tú no puedes saber lo que se llega a sentir
06:18cuando una descubre que la persona la que amabas es lo peor que han generado la tierra bien bueno por eso no será mejor
06:24alejarnos de ti para siempre eso será después
06:29Antes voy a conseguir que pague por cada uno de sus actos no diga no no caigas en eso
06:35tú estás por encima de él eres mucho mejor que él
06:40perdóname no quiero seguir hablando de esto
06:43tengo mucho que hacer
06:56No mateo pero es que eso es estupendo
06:59porque si es más pequeño digo yo que pedirán menos dinero no haber regalado no está porque le hace falta una reforma porque eso hasta
07:05hace dos días era un almacén de ultramarinos
07:07oye pues hay que hacer una reforma yo en mi pueblo puesto más de un ladrillo es
07:12A ver yo te lo agradezco mucho pero es que ni con esas nos alcanza seguro que no se puede intentar
07:19Hay que ser realistas mi amor es que si no tenemos más dinero de inicio no vamos a poder montar la librería por lo
07:25menos en toledo
07:26pues tú tranquilo es que seguro que encontramos la forma de sacar dinero igual que estamos haciendo con lo de la casa cuna
07:33vamos que si hace falta mateo me pongo a hacer yo
07:36las meréndolas esa benéfica con las mujeres de piti mini
07:39A ver a mí me encanta la idea lo que pasa que es que si no no vamos a poder abrir hasta dentro de un
07:45yo he pensado en
07:48En otra fuente de ingresos más directa
07:51directa como
07:53pues estoy pensando en hablar con mi padre y pedirle que me financia
07:59Que sorpresa pensaba que que ni siquiera quería aceptar el dinero que te dio y ahora le vas a pedir más dinero
08:07No yo no le voy a mendigar nada simplemente pues le voy a pedir un préstamo y le pago los intereses que me pida
08:15No cariño pues a mí me parece fenomenal como tú quieras
08:22No te preocupes que va a salir todo bien y te dejo que ya me tengo que volver a ti
08:34Que me han robado
08:35Que no sólo se ha negado a darme mi sueldo de enfermera sino que también se ha gastado todos mis ahorros la herencia que me
08:40Dejó mi padre
08:41Eso no puede ser en que se lo ha gastado pues dice que en un nuevo negocio
08:44No eso es mentira eso lo dice para darte la casa no lo creo luz
08:48Eso es muy ambicioso y ahora que está fuera de la empresa no soporta que le vean como un perdedor
08:52Si que le da igual que le vean como un sinvergüenza
08:54Ese dinero lo ganó mi padre durante toda su vida con el sudor de su frente precisamente para dejar una vida un poco más arreglada
09:00Pero porque tienen que pasar estas cosas porque las leyes tienen que ser tan injustas
09:05Confía en que no sea cierto si es que lo sea o no no tengo nada sólo dispongo de mi sueldo de enfermera y también depende
09:10De él disfruta viendo cómo me arrastro cómo me arrastro para pedir lo que es mío no tienes que suplicarle nunca más y no es
09:16Mi intención no es mi intención pero yo no puedo vivir siendo una mantenida toda la vida
09:21No me gusta que utilices esa palabra ya sabes que por mí no hay ninguno sí ya ya ya sé lo que me vas a decir
09:27Parece no es un problema que que de momento no puede aportar nada por vivir aquí ni por comer aquí
09:34Es lo que te diría cualquier buena amiga y yo te lo agradezco infinitamente luz
09:39Pero es que es muy duro perder tu dignidad
09:41A mí mi padre me educó para ser una mujer libre e independiente y durante unos años lo conseguí
09:48Tú misma forjaste tu camino estudiando enfermería y luché por mi vocación pese a todo precisamente para no tener que vivir a expensas de un marido
09:58Desde que conocí a Jesús
10:00Eso pasó en segundo plano
10:02Tampoco ha ayudado mucho que él intentará anularte como persona sea como sea tengo que recuperar mi libertad
10:09y para eso tengo que valerme por mí misma económicamente
10:13Entiendo perfectamente no es que no sé cómo hacerlo porque sólo dispongo de mi sueldo de enfermera y también depende de él
10:19Ojalá pudiera gestionar de nuevo yo los fondos del dispensario pero lo he intentado y no puedo
10:25Que no hablas tú con marta
10:28Con marta para que ella conoce a su hermano
10:34Y sólo tú puedes contarle la verdad
10:42Que repita las cuentas del trimestre
10:45Pero por qué no miras ni hablar es que revisando las hemos encontrado algunos errores
10:51Pero si la otra secretaria lo revisó y me dijo que estaba todo bien pues ya no lo está
10:56Pues yo te digo que era la primera vez que hace las cuentas y lo miré todo con lupa no si el error no es
11:00tuyo entonces aquí es que es un poco largo de explicar el caso es que eres de dirección quieren repasar todo el proceso
11:08Pues que lo asuma dirección yo desde luego con lo que tengo aquí no puedo me lo ha pedido doña marta en persona
11:15Para cuando tiene que estar esto para mañana sin falta a mañana
11:20imposible imposible
11:22Carmen ya veo que miriam te está poniendo al día del problema que tenemos
11:25Joaquín pero que locura es esta
11:27yo de verdad que no puedo ponerme hace otra vez la dichosa cuenta con el lío que tengo aquí ya ya lo sé ya sé
11:31que es una feina para todos pero tenemos que solucionar esta crisis no nos queda otra
11:35Pues yo lo siento mucho pero esa otra no no puedo ser yo
11:38de verdad que no le puedes dedicar unas horas esta tarde
11:41una hora sí pero si su de tinta china para hacerla la última vez
11:45y vamos que ya estoy otra vez con las cuentas nuevas del trimestre
11:48de verdad quien aún dedicándole todo el tiempo del mundo lo tengo para antes del lunes como pronto es no no no no tenemos tanto
11:55y no puedes hacer una revisión general
11:58Disculpe que le diga don joaquín pero eso no funciona así
12:01La cuantabilidad es como un castillo de naipena más que toque una carta
12:04van todas detrás y tienes que empezar otra vez ya ya veo que la teoría te la sabes
12:08Carmen por favor mira cuanto antes empieces antes acabarás
12:12que no puedo
12:13don joaquín lo siento mucho pero no puedo
12:20A ver padre no quiero que me regale nada lo único que le estoy proponiendo es una inversión
12:25y si todo va bien en poco tiempo pues usted podrá recuperarla incluso hasta obtener beneficios
12:31de verdad crees que con una mísera de biblioteca de 60 metros cuadrados y 20 de almacén se puede hacer algo más que malvivir
12:38quizá lo que usted llama malvivir para el resto de los mortales es prosperar con el sudor de su frente
12:43nada más mateo
12:44no hace falta ser un lince para darse cuenta que eso que me estás ofreciendo no es precisamente una oportunidad
12:49a caso la ilusión y el tesón no son factores a tener en cuenta para usted
12:52te aseguro que hace falta mucho más que ilusión para llevar un negocio a buen puerto
12:55lo sé por eso le estoy pidiendo parte del capital inicial
12:59Miren si no quiere que seamos socios al menos acceda a prestarme el dinero que me falta se lo devolveré con intereses claro está
13:06y que ganarías con eso
13:08era asfixiado desde el inicio
13:11No, no, no, escúchame tú a mí ahora
13:13si surge algún inconveniente que evidentemente va a surgir
13:16tendrías que dejar de llevar el pan a tu familia para pagarme a mí y como ibas a comprender eso no te lo iba a consentir
13:21así que
13:23casi mejor que te regales el dinero
13:25pero yo no quiero que me regale nada si es que ya se lo dije
13:27me gusta el orgullo que gastas
13:30pero no puedo consentir que te embarques en algo que te supera
13:34una librería es un negocio muy complicado hijo seguro que no más complicado que traer productos de colombia o
13:41traer el acero de la ría de bilbao verdad padre
13:44mire lo que sí me ha quedado claro de todo esto es que no quiere ayudarme
13:48lo que no quiero es ayudar a que te equivoques
13:51a equivocarme como también me equivocaba cuando escogía a claudia por encima del sacerdocio no
13:56No hijo no para mí ese tema quedó zanjado esa fue una equivocación por mi parte lo reconozco no voy a negarlo
14:03pero sienta cabeza hijo vete a trabajar conmigo
14:06estoy a punto de empezar un nuevo seno cerca de aquí es la segunda vez que me lo dice y la respuesta sigue siendo la misma
14:11no si voy a equivocarme como usted dice prefiero hacerlo siendo fiel a mis principios
14:19Carmen piensa que esto lo ha pedido doña marta en persona
14:22que ella lo sé y es la misma doña marta en persona la que me ha encargado un nuevo proyecto que me va a
14:26tener mucho tiempo fuera de la tienda un nuevo proyecto que proyecto yo soy el gerente yo no sé nada de un nuevo proyecto
14:31si es para reforzar nuestra presencia en los escaparates de las perfumerías de toledo
14:36un tele a doña marta si no me crees no no hace falta me fío de ti
14:40lo siento mucho pero si usted no me da más tiempo no
14:43no puedo imposible bueno está bien
14:47a mí no te da la documentación que tengas a miriam
14:49Sí claro por supuesto que sí muchas gracias pero eso no va a ser suficiente
14:53yo sola no voy a poder revisarlo todo para mañana tú estate tranquila que yo te busco a alguien para que te echa una
14:58mano de acuerdo y carmen quiero el bruto de facturación esta misma tarde
15:01sí por supuesto en menos de una hora lo tienen bien y lo siento mucho si te entiendo muchas gracias
15:09muy bien pues luego te veo me tengo que ir al muelle a pagar otro fuego hasta ahora
15:20puedes avisar a las chicas de que no voy a poder tomarme algo con vosotras esta noche
15:24si claro yo se lo digo luego te esperamos para la próxima gracias
15:39pero no te das cuenta que rechazando lo que me estás proponiendo te estoy ayudando hijo
15:45yo lo único que quiero es montar un pequeño negocio para mantener dignamente a mi familia
15:49padre te he contado alguna vez que yo siempre quise ser piloto de aviones no
15:57ese fue mi sueño desde pequeño pero la escuela de pilotos era muy cara y era eso
16:02entrar en la carrera militar cosa que nunca me llamó la atención y que hizo todo lo
16:08me exigió que trabajase primero en el negocio familiar para costearme la escuela de pilotos
16:12y eso es lo que hice trabajé con él muy duro codo con codo hasta que un día me di cuenta de
16:17que se me iban a dar mucho mejor los negocios que pilotar aviones y no me equivoqué y no se ha
16:23arrepentido nunca de no haberlo hecho lo que te quiero decir con esto mateo es que una cosa es
16:28lo que uno pretende ser y otro lo que la vida te ofrece más bien lo que la vida te obliga a aceptar
16:33un trabajo privilegiado pero que no ama una mujer que le conviene para ello esa es la libertad padre
16:40es esa cómo te atreves a darme lecciones ingrato aprovecha tus oportunidades
16:47tienes que no eres un ser privilegiado y lo que no voy a hacer es ayudar a que te convierta
16:51es una desgraciado de por vida no he entendido nada padre nada de nada basta
17:00tengo suficiente tengo negocios que atender negocios de verdad para todo esto
17:33y igual a están todas servidas para que sí querida muchas gracias el té buenísimo
17:39And the sweets are exquisite. I congratulate you.
17:42Thank you very much. I am very happy that they are comfortable.
17:46And I also congratulate you for your husband's new position.
17:49I understand that now you are the manager of the queen's perfumeries.
17:52Manager and co-owner.
17:56The strange thing is that the wife of such an important position works for those of the queen in her house.
18:03It is that my position in that great house is also important, Mrs. Elvira.
18:06In addition, I am one of those who think that today's women must assume responsibilities outside our homes,
18:11just as our husbands do, right?
18:13If you say so.
18:16Excuse me.
18:25Hello, Maria. Welcome. Come in.
18:28The promised is due.
18:31You have to help me with Mrs. Elvira. She is insufferable.
18:34Don't worry. I'll handle it.
18:39What a joy to see you.
18:41Likewise, honey. It's been many days since we met, right?
18:44Yes. Sit down.
18:46I think a couple of weeks.
18:49We met at mass. How are Ismael and his children doing?
18:52Great. Although with a lot of work.
18:55The railway business is getting better and better.
18:57But of course, it requires full dedication.
18:59I can imagine. A lot of nuts and bolts to count.
19:04My husband is also very busy.
19:06Family business does not understand schedules.
19:09Of course.
19:11And speaking of family, how is your sister-in-law?
19:14I haven't seen her around the church for a long time.
19:28I can't tell you anything to change your mind, can I?
19:47Yes, tell me.
19:48Mrs. Marta, Mrs. Elvira wants to talk to you.
19:51She wants to talk to you.
19:54Yes, tell me.
19:55Mrs. Marta, Mrs. Begoña Montes wants to see you.
19:57Of course. Let her in. Thank you, Miriam.
20:09I hope I don't bother you.
20:11No. Not at all.
20:14I find it strange to see you around here.
20:16Yes. I don't predict much for this office.
20:19Especially now that things with Jesus are as they are.
20:23Don't worry. Jesus no longer steps into these realms.
20:26Sit down, please.
20:32I know you don't live at home anymore.
20:34It's obvious that...
20:36I would have liked to tell you before...
20:38Don't worry. I asked Andres about your absence and he told me...
20:43the whole...
20:46The whole situation?
20:58What you feel?
21:00I've been very blind. I haven't noticed anything.
21:04And what do you think?
21:06If you think it's right, who am I to judge?
21:10The sister of Jesus.
21:11One of the Queen, the Director.
21:15Marta, I'm aware that this situation...
21:17can affect the image of the company and...
21:20and well, people can consider me indecent because...
21:23And what would be decent, Begoña?
21:28Live an unhappy, incomplete life until the end of your days just because of what they say?
21:34Let's see, I agree that if this comes to light...
21:37the company can be harmed, but...
21:40on top of that, I'd rather you be well.
21:44And I'll tell you something, regardless of Andres.
21:47I know that if you've done what you've done, it's because you haven't had a choice.
21:51And you're much better off without Jesus.
21:54And I admire you for your courage.
21:58You don't know how happy I am to hear you talk like that.
22:05Don't you want to eat another sweet?
22:07No, thank you.
22:08Didn't Begoña work as a nurse in the dispensary of La Colonia?
22:12Yes, precisely with Dr. Borrell.
22:14The doctor who wants to set up the house with her in the factory...
22:16and who is now raising funds for that beautiful purpose.
22:20Inconceivable on her part.
22:22But back to your sister-in-law.
22:24I haven't dealt much with her, but I've been told that she's a charming woman.
22:28Intelligent, cultured, nice...
22:31and also generous, because to lose her life as she does...
22:34for a daughter who isn't even hers...
22:36that's not something anyone can do.
22:37Let's stop the gossip.
22:38We have to talk about what's important.
22:40Those poor mothers who have to leave their children...
22:42when they have to go to work...
22:44Begoña isn't what she seems.
22:45What do you mean?
22:47She's a wolf in sheep's clothing.
22:50She left her home to go live in the dispensary.
22:53Are you serious?
22:58Well, Maria, I don't think that topic has to grab the attention of the ladies, right?
23:02The more people know about it, the better.
23:04Begoña is nothing more than a whore.
23:07But, for God's sake, what has that poor woman done to make you talk like that about her?
23:11No, nothing, of course.
23:13But that doesn't prevent everyone from knowing what kind of person she is.
23:19Well, we have the whole afternoon ahead of us.
23:26For my part...
23:29I would have liked to be able to share more things with you.
23:34Believe me, we all have things that are...
23:37difficult to share.
23:42Just tell me...
23:44how can I help you if you need anything?
23:47I'm so ashamed.
23:49Come on, Begoña.
23:55Jesus won't let me have my money.
23:59I have nowhere to go.
24:00And I'm dead.
24:02And your appointment?
24:03Because he's still your husband.
24:05I'm suffocating, Mirta.
24:08Jesus is suffocating me.
24:10The last thing I've heard is that...
24:13that he has spent the money for a business.
24:18And, of course, he won't give me my nurse's leave.
24:21He must be miserable.
24:22Now I understand why Luz came.
24:24Well, she was very discreet.
24:26But she asked me to manage the dispensary's money again.
24:30I suppose it's because she wanted to pay you directly.
24:33I said no because it's against the new regulations, but...
24:35But I need it, I just...
24:37It's not over yet.
24:40The regulations are there for...
24:42well, for them to have their exceptions.
24:44This supplier can wait.
24:48Your salary is your salary.
24:51Here must be...
24:53the salary of...
24:54this week and...
24:55the payment of the next one.
24:56If you agree, we'll do it like this, every 15 days.
25:01And so we'll see each other.
25:07You save my life.
25:09I'm very sorry you have to follow the regulations.
25:11What regulations?
25:12I'm the director.
25:14And your sister-in-law.
25:16I'm very sorry about this unfair situation.
25:20If we don't help each other,
25:22who will?
25:29Thank you, Tere.
25:34Hey, Pedro.
25:35You're here again.
25:37How are you?
25:38Not as well as you.
25:40Well, I hope your son's situation is better, right?
25:43And then, I apologize for not being as attentive as I should have been.
25:47You could have known better.
25:49I'm sorry.
25:50I'm sorry for not being as attentive as I should have been.
25:53You could have done little.
25:54He's a big head, like his mother.
25:55And like his father.
25:57I see you're served.
25:59Yes, thank you.
26:01I suppose you know I've come here to see Jesus.
26:04Yes, yes, he told me you were coming.
26:06May I know what that business is that you have in your hands?
26:09I hope it doesn't bother you.
26:11Not at all.
26:12Despite our differences,
26:14Jesus knows very well what he does.
26:16Yes, yes, he knows.
26:17He's very intelligent.
26:18He even knows how to read Galician.
26:20Well, you're not going to tell me what that business is that you have in your hands, are you?
26:30You don't have to be so formal, Father.
26:32You can ask me directly.
26:36I see you were listening to other people's conversations.
26:40He's my guest today, and we have something pending.
26:43I see.
26:44But what do you think if we give him the pleasure and get him out of doubt?
26:50Father, Don Pedro and I are going to build a spa.
27:00I had the same reaction.
27:02But then I realized it was a good business.
27:04I suppose those plans are for me, right?
27:06That's right.
27:07They are the plans signed by the architect.
27:11Thank you very much.
27:12I'll check it out tonight, calmly.
27:14Are we still in touch?
27:16If you'll excuse me, I have to go.
27:19It's been a pleasure to see you, Damian.
27:21And thanks for the cocaine.
27:23Don't come with me.
27:35I knew I'd forgotten something.
27:37The coffee.
27:38Seeing the ones you've already had,
27:40maybe I should have brought you a canvas.
27:42I'm sorry, but I have a lot of work.
27:44I know.
27:46I didn't know if you preferred beef or omelette,
27:51so I told Gaspar to make me one of each.
27:53I'm sorry, Don Joaquín, but what I need now is not a sandwich, but help.
27:57I knew that.
27:59And I promised you I'd look for help, and I'm a man of my word.
28:03Miriam, where do you want me to start?
28:06Are you going to help me?
28:08Of course.
28:10Don't look at me like that.
28:12I was in charge, and it's not the first or second time
28:14I have to deal with the bills.
28:17Miriam, don't doubt that tomorrow Marta will have the quarterly accounts on the table,
28:22and you and I, the pride of Las Nubes.
28:24Well, if you accept my help, of course.
28:28Very well, shall we get to it?
28:30Let's get to it.
28:34I was with the store accounts.
28:35Would you like to start with the transportation expenses?
28:40Well, if you let me choose, I'd rather start with the sandwich.
28:48What are you here for? To help me or to entertain me?
28:51But you must be hungry, woman.
28:53And the brain doesn't work without fuel.
28:55So, beef or omelette.
29:06How dare you steal the project from your cousins?
29:09Look, Father, it's the second time they call me a thief today, and I won't allow it.
29:14A thief is short-sighted, and you know it.
29:16I bought those lands legally, and I have the right to do whatever I want with them, okay?
29:20That's your problem, that you always do whatever you want without thinking about others.
29:23I know him, Father. I know what he's up to.
29:26And if he gets like this with me, it's because he's afraid that Adigna doesn't like my business with Don Pedro, right?
29:31Leave Adigna alone. She has nothing to do with this.
29:33Nobody believes that.
29:35Likewise, he shouldn't worry so much about the Merinos.
29:38They're probably calmer after I gave them half the company.
29:41Listen to me, Jesus.
29:43Disregarding this project is the way to start doing things right.
29:48And you think it's doing things right to kick me out of the company I gave my life for?
29:53From the moment he kicked me out, right from that moment, I earned the right to look for my life with my own business.
30:00And confess the truth.
30:01To you, the Merinos don't care about a pepper.
30:04What worries you is that I'm going to cast a shadow on you and your beloved chicks, Marta and Andrés, with my Valdeario.
30:12Ah, what's that about?
30:15You're doing all this to get revenge on me?
30:38Federico Jaime Santiago, God.
30:40The mess I have with the shifts.
30:46I caught you very busy.
30:48Yes, really.
30:50Well, tell me.
30:52I wanted to ask you a favor.
30:54A good friend of mine has to go to Seville to see his sister.
30:57And I wanted to know if a delivery truck could get him there.
31:02So free taxi for friends, right?
31:04Yeah, you know what happens, it's very fair money.
31:07Well, I had thought that maybe some driver wanted to have company.
31:11Company? What company?
31:13I don't know, such a long trip, that has to be very boring.
31:17You know what you're asking for is quite irregular, right?
31:20Yeah, yeah, yeah.
31:22Yes, I know that a delivery truck is not a car on the line, but I don't know, to try it ...
31:25Well, look, I've tried it, Jacinto. See you later.
31:29Well, thank you very much anyway.
31:33Hey, wait a minute.
31:41Is this friend of yours a good friend or what?
31:45As you say, no.
31:47Well, if I'm going to do you a favor like this, I'll have to find out a little.
31:50Yes, wow.
31:52Let's see, Luciano and I share a flat.
31:55I've known him for not long, but he's very good people.
31:58And besides, he's very tidy and compliant.
32:00Wow, wow, wow.
32:02What a luxury, right?
32:04Being able to share a flat with a good friend,
32:06without anyone telling you not to leave your socks on the floor,
32:09or not to put your bare legs on the table.
32:12Well, no one has to give us a hard time because we're both just as tidy.
32:16Wow, what a bunch, right?
32:18Where did you come from?
32:20Excuse me, but what do you mean?
32:23No, no, I'm glad you're so tidy.
32:25Yeah, the pity is that it won't last long
32:28because he's moving to his girlfriend's town next month.
32:31What do you mean, his girlfriend?
32:33They're getting married this summer
32:35and Luciano is going to work in his father-in-law's workshop.
32:38Oh my God.
32:42It's not that strange for people to get married, is it?
32:44No, no, no.
32:45You're married to Carmen.
32:47Yeah, yeah, but I'm not.
32:48You're not? What?
32:50Nothing, nothing, don't listen to me.
32:54And you? Do you have a girlfriend?
32:59But what does that have to do with bringing my friend to Seville?
33:02Well, because that way we ask each other things,
33:05we get to know each other a little better.
33:07I don't know.
33:09Can we be friends or what?
33:11Yes, of course.
33:13Of course?
33:15Well, when are we going to have a drink together?
33:16Can I work for you?
33:18If you want, we can tell Carmen to sign up.
33:20No, no, no, no.
33:21We'll leave the girls to take care of themselves.
33:23We're not going to have a great time together.
33:25Listen to me, Jacinto.
33:27Look, I think we can go see the bulls.
33:30To see those big men,
33:32with their hair down,
33:34facing those morlacos,
33:36with the light suits that look like dancers.
33:38I'm not much of a bull, to be honest.
33:40No? No.
33:41What about boxing?
33:43We can go see a fight.
33:44I don't like those guys
33:46hitting each other,
33:48sweating for all the pores of their skin.
33:50You know what I mean?
33:52I understand, but I'm getting lost.
33:54No, Jacinto, cheer up a little.
33:56Let's have some wine.
33:58Let's warm up.
34:00What's wrong with your eye?
34:02No, no.
34:04It's the light that's killing me.
34:06I don't know why you say that.
34:08No, nothing.
34:10Because you wink at my eye,
34:12you talk to me about dancing bulls,
34:14and I don't know what you mean.
34:16Of course you know.
34:18Do you want to know if I'm going or coming?
34:20If I'm more of a bull or a bullfighter?
34:23If I kick or get kicked?
34:26Do you want me to make you doubt?
34:28Well, look, yes.
34:30Because I don't like what you're doing with my wife.
34:32Well, look where you're going to stay
34:34with the desire to know.
34:36And I'm leaving, Carmen is waiting for me.
34:52That's an inhospitable páramo.
34:55It's impossible to find anything.
34:57But you've talked to the firemen.
34:59No one has seen anything strange.
35:01They haven't seen anything strange,
35:03but they don't even consider the possibility
35:05that the fire was caused.
35:09Begoña has left no trace.
35:11We have no choice but to blame Jesus.
35:13Calm down, Begoña.
35:15At least we're together in this.
35:17You and I are not going to be calm
35:19until Jesus is not between bars.
35:21Pay him for what he's done.
35:23I swear.
35:26What happened?
35:29This morning Jesus humiliated me again.
35:32He has mutilated my father's memory.
35:35What did he do?
35:38He has spent all the money of my inheritance.
35:42He's not going to stop.
35:44He has won over us, Andrés.
35:49What are you doing? Where are you going?
35:51Someone has to stop that bastard.
35:53It's no use.
35:55Begoña, let me do what I should have done a long time ago.
35:57I'm not going to let you lower yourself to his level.
35:59We haven't talked.
36:01We'll have to do something.
36:03Okay, okay.
36:05We're going to do something.
36:07We're going to solve this in the only possible way.
36:09We're going to do justice.
36:10And this time for real.
36:24Why did you take so long today, son?
36:29Unpunishable, he says.
36:31Come on, shut up.
36:33It's all done by a manager.
36:35What a mess we have with the quarterly accounts.
36:37What happened?
36:39Well, our dear ex-secretary left it all upside down.
36:42And I had to work hand in hand with the new secretary
36:45to be able to fix the accounts.
36:47Come on, I didn't know you already had a replacement for that witch.
36:50Yes, she has joined us today.
36:52And how is she?
36:54How is she?
36:58What do you mean normal?
37:00What kind of answer is that?
37:02I don't know, what else do you want me to tell you?
37:04Well, what's her name, how old is she, if she's nice or not, tell me.
37:05Well, her name is Miriam.
37:07She's normal, and she's, I don't know, young.
37:11Oh, really?
37:13Like to ask him for reports?
37:15Leave it, Gemma.
37:17It's useless.
37:19You know that men don't pay much attention to details,
37:21and this one less.
37:23Yes, the truth is that I don't even know why I'm asking.
37:25Hey, Gemma, how did it go with the snack?
37:28It was this afternoon, wasn't it?
37:30Have you managed to get those ladies' pockets
37:32for the Casacuna project?
37:34Well, nothing.
37:36I just need to squeeze them a little bit and I have it.
37:38How much have you collected already?
37:40I don't know, I haven't told you yet.
37:42I'm going to make an infusion.
37:44Do you want some?
37:46No, no, no, thank you.
37:48Imponderable, I like that word.
37:52Are we waiting for someone?
37:54As far as I know, no.
37:56I'll open it.
37:58Today the flan didn't go well for me.
38:03Begoña? Andrés?
38:05Good evening, can we come in?
38:07Yes, of course, come in.
38:11Is something wrong?
38:15Sorry to bother you.
38:17We wanted to talk to you about something important.
38:20What's wrong? Is everything okay?
38:22I'd like to say yes, but it's not like that, ma'am.
38:26Sit down.
38:41A while ago I decided to investigate Valentín's whereabouts.
38:47In Brazil?
38:49Yes, I was aware.
38:51I didn't want to tell you anything until I had something concrete.
38:54I asked a friend of mine who lives there to try to locate him in Manaus.
38:58But it wasn't possible because at that moment he was already dead.
39:04We had received his death certificate.
39:07Yes, a certificate that arrived at the last minute
39:11when I asked Cristóbal, my friend, to investigate.
39:15Which made me even more suspicious that there was something strange.
39:20Is that why you wanted to see the certificate?
39:23Yes, ma'am, and I apologize for not explaining the reasons.
39:26You wanted to see if it was fake?
39:31The fact is that just then I received confirmation from Brazil
39:36that there was no Valentín Merino buried in Manaus.
39:40And there was no sign that he was living in Brazil.
39:44But that's not possible, Andrés.
39:47Valentín didn't write to us from there, blaming himself for the crime.
39:51Valentín didn't write to us from there, blaming himself for the crime.
39:56Luis, that letter was fake.
40:02What do you mean fake?
40:04What are you saying?
40:06That there was someone behind that documentation?
40:10What I'm saying, Joaquín, is that your brother Valentín didn't kill Clotilde.
40:17Much less did he leave for Brazil.
40:31Hey, Venataci.
40:34How are you darling? Do you have a long way to go?
40:37I have to finish this and then I have dinner with the girls.
40:39So, if you're done, go home, I'll come later.
40:43Why don't you invite me to dinner or something with you?
40:47Well, if you want.
40:48But you're going to get bored with our conversation.
40:52And Jacinto doesn't get bored with your nonsense?
40:55Not as much as you, I'm sure.
40:57But for your information, he's not invited either.
41:00Are you sure he's staying with Luciano?
41:02I'm sure.
41:04And how do you know his partner?
41:07Well, Jacinto came to ask me to put his friend in one of the trucks going to Seville to see his sister.
41:14Well, I hope he's really into her.
41:16Because Jacinto is really a man's heaven.
41:19Yes, yes. I'm about to call him San Jacinto.
41:21Well, look, we're on the right track, aren't we?
41:24By the way, are you going on an excursion together in Toledo again?
41:28Not an excursion, a work excursion.
41:30And yes, Mrs. Marta has given us permission to go tomorrow as well.
41:34Great. Then if you're a third party, you could shake hands, right?
41:37And on the bet of singles, have a wine, what do you think?
41:39Really, Anastasio, huh?
41:42How can you be jealous of a man?
41:44Well, because you know he's Sarasa.
41:47Carmen, you're getting confused.
41:49About what?
41:51I'm telling you, that man is not...
41:53He's not an invert.
41:55But let's see if it was Jacinto himself who told you he lives with a man.
41:58Yes, with a friend of his who is a car mechanic in a workshop.
42:01And he's getting married to his girlfriend soon.
42:04His friend is getting married?
42:06I'm not married.
42:08Look, Carmen, no matter how much I tell you that Jacinto likes fashion,
42:12creams, perfumes, I tell you that he doesn't like men.
42:14And I trust my instinct, woman.
42:16But what instinct, Anastasio?
42:18Let's see, Carmen, that he doesn't like bullfighters,
42:20or boxers, or football, or footballers.
42:22That he doesn't like anything.
42:25Really, Anastasio, you have a solution, huh?
42:28Well, what else is there?
42:30What he likes, he stops liking.
42:32For me, as if he were as handsome and as manly as Rojas.
42:34I have eyes for you.
42:38So, do you trust me or ...
42:40Or what?
42:42Oh, really, son, how tasty.
42:45Look, if they give you soup with waves.
42:47You're fed up with this subject now, huh?
42:59Your brother couldn't go anywhere because ...
43:03He died the same night Clotilde did.
43:07At the hands of Jesus.
43:10He killed them both.
43:16We feel it a lot.
43:24Are you completely sure of what you are saying?
43:28Unfortunately, yes.
43:29Begoña found evidence that incriminates him.
43:32And Jesus confessed the truth to him.
43:35When I tried to report him, he began to medicate me.
43:39So that everyone would think that I had inherited my mother's mental illness.
43:43So that day ...
43:46You weren't delirious.
43:48You were telling the truth.
43:50I don't remember very well what I said, but ...
43:52But I guess so.
43:54Although Jesus and Damián made us believe it was a delirium.
43:57Jesus killed Clotilde and Valentín ...
44:00Because they were in love.
44:02I ...
44:04I found a picture of them together ...
44:07In the attic.
44:10You, my son ...
44:14And Begoña made him seem guilty.
44:19Damn it!
44:22Son of a bitch.
44:23I don't know ...
44:25Son of a bitch.
44:28He killed them when they were about to escape together.
44:34So Valentín is buried here, in Toledo.
44:38That's what we've been investigating.
44:40And ...
44:41And from that Begoña ...
44:43We managed to see ...
44:45That he was on the path of the sacred.
44:48Well, that's it.
44:50Let's go to the police with that, Luis.
44:51Luis ...
44:53No, no, it's not possible.
44:55Jesus moved his body ...
44:57When they built the road that was going to pass through there.
45:01We found out thanks to Isidro.
45:03That he found a ring that belonged to him ...
45:06In my father's car.
45:08Isidro had something to do with this.
45:10No, no, no, thanks to him we discovered that he had moved the body to the attic.
45:14And how did he do it?
45:15How did he do it?
45:20We suspect that my father helped him.
45:24Although we know that it had nothing to do with Valentín's death.
45:27I don't know if he was able to help him move his remains.
45:30I can't believe it.
45:32I can't believe it, I can't.
45:35And the last thing we know is that ...
45:37Jesus realized what we were doing.
45:42He buried the body.
45:46And he burned it.
45:53Oh my God.
46:04If we haven't said anything before, it's because we wanted irrefutable evidence to take Jesus to justice.
46:11But now without a body ...
46:12He can't be blamed.
46:14But how can't he be blamed if he's a murderer?
46:16There's no way to prove what he did, Luis.
46:20Joaquín, what are you doing?
46:22Where are you going?
46:23Don't follow me!
46:24Stay here and don't follow me, please.
46:26Where are you going, for God's sake?
46:27Stay here!
46:31Joaquín, stay here!
46:33Stay here! What are you going to do?
46:37Look for your brother!
