• last year
Peruvian authorities, in collaboration with customs, successfully seized a staggering 4001 live turtles at Jorge Chavez International Airport. The operation was initiated after discrepancies were discovered in the shipment's documentation, raising concerns about potential wildlife trafficking. Veuer’s Maria Mercedes Galuppo has the story.


00:00Peruvian authorities in collaboration with customs successfully seized a staggering 4,001 live turtles at Jorge Chavez International Airport.
00:10The operation was initiated after discrepancies were discovered in the shipment's documentation, raising concerns about potential wildlife trafficking.
00:19Among the turtles, 463 of the chirapa species lacked legal confirmation of origin, adding an alarming dimension to the trafficking attempt, reports Reuters.
00:29Further discrepancies were found in the age details of the Taricaya turtles, leading to their temporary custody at an authorized breeding center in Lima,
00:38following the joint operation by the National Forestry and Wildlife Service and the National Superintendency of Customs and Tax Administration.
