General Hospital 10/10/2024 FULL NEW 720HD || ABC GH - General Hospital 10th, Oct 2024

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00:00But circumstances demand it, and I don't know what else to do.
00:03Even though it requires betraying someone's privilege.
00:10Came here as soon as I could. What's going on?
00:12Um, Holly Sutton is looking for you.
00:14What for?
00:15I don't know, but I thought you'd want to know.
00:17Alright, I'll look into it.
00:18There's something else.
00:20Have you had any strangers hanging out around your building lately?
00:24Someone sitting in a parked car, waiting outside, watching?
00:27No. My people would notice.
00:31Because I had dinner with Jack Brennan tonight, and someone was watching.
00:36You coming to see me this late can't be good.
00:38On the contrary. I think I just may have the key to your salvation.
00:43Does he look familiar?
00:45Not in the slightest.
00:47Who is he?
00:48That is Jack Brennan. He's the new WSB station chief in Port Charles.
00:53And so how does this concern me?
00:55Well, my research indicates that Jack here is a real player.
00:58Got a different girl in every town, if you know what I mean.
01:01Which creates a very interesting context for this picture.
01:10Now, why would a known playboy like Mr. Brennan be hosting a late night dinner in his hotel suite for Carly Spencer?
01:19The same Carly Spencer claims to be reunited with Sonny Corinthos.
01:26I have information about the night John Cates was killed.
01:30Shut the door.
01:32Does anyone know you're here?
01:36Do you want to call someone? A lawyer, perhaps?
01:39No, I'm good.
01:41I advise you to think very carefully here.
01:45Why do I feel like you're trying to get me not to talk?
01:48Oh, no, on the contrary. I'm very interested to hear whatever it is that you have to say.
01:55But I do want you to understand the potential ramifications of coming forward with information so late in this process.
02:02Not just for your mother, but for you also.
02:10Just checking on you.
02:13I saw Sam leave with Rocco. I thought it might be a good time.
02:18Uh, yeah. Yeah, he was pretty beat.
02:21Are you staying long?
02:23I don't know. I mean, I can leave if anyone were to come and want to spend time with her.
02:27I just, I just want to make sure someone's with her as much as possible.
02:32You know I'm here if you need anything, right?
02:39Maybe you can, uh, help me learn how to finally keep my damn mouth shut.
02:45You're one of the most thoughtful people I know.
02:48I'm sure whatever you said isn't as bad as you think it is.
02:52Yeah, I don't know if my son might feel differently if I can't keep my promise I made to him.
02:57Not that Lou's gonna make it.
03:00If you're listening, I could show you some guidance.
03:06And I'm, I'm pretty desperate right now, so I'll take whatever you got.
03:28I'm sorry, I'm sorry it took so long.
03:30No, no, no. You were right on time.
03:33Oh, thank God.
03:35Thank God.
03:37I'm so grateful.
03:39I'm so grateful.
03:41Now you'll be able to help your sister.
04:04Rocco, when I told him that Lucky couldn't be a donor for his mom, he just, he took that news really hard.
04:16Yeah, so did Lucky.
04:18I just wanted to feel better, you know, so I promised him that we would find another donor.
04:25I understand why you say that.
04:27Thanks. But that's a long shot, right?
04:30Long shot doesn't mean impossible.
04:33No, but she can't get a donor from the National Registry.
04:37Okay, all her blood relatives pretty much have been tested. They're not a match.
04:41That leaves, what, a stranger?
04:43So we, we gotta try and convince a stranger who doesn't know her to give a part of their liver to someone who, who's in a coma and may never wake up.
04:53Oh, I'm so glad you're back.
04:55I missed you. I missed you so much.
04:57I missed you too, Mom.
04:59I heard about what happened in Somalia. Oh my gosh, oh, look at your face.
05:05It's fine, really.
05:07Does it hurt?
05:08No, you should see the other guy.
05:12Oh my gosh, your hair, it's, it's so long.
05:16I was actually thinking of cutting it.
05:18No, don't do that. It, uh, it reminds me of your father. I like it.
05:26Yeah, it's, uh, it's strange. I know he's gone, but I mean, I was halfway across the world and then I kept expecting him to suddenly walk around the corner, you know?
05:39Yeah, I know. I still have moments like that. Come sit with me.
05:46Honey, I, I'm so sorry that I, I wasn't here to lead, lead the welcome wagon, you know?
05:53That was my fault. I mean, you would have been with Lulu if I hadn't gotten myself into so much trouble.
05:59Good trouble, knowing you, but it doesn't matter now anyway. You're here and you're safe and you're healthy.
06:08Have you seen Aiden at all?
06:10Oh, good.
06:11Yeah, he's, uh, he's quite a kid.
06:14Yeah. Takes after his father.
06:18I hope not too much.
06:20Why would you say that? You two have so many wonderful qualities in common.
06:24Yeah, thanks, but anything good in Aiden is to Elizabeth's credit. She, uh, gosh, she just did an amazing job raising him.
06:34She was the one who told me that you were in here, by the way. I hope, I hope your, uh, reunion with her was okay.
06:42She didn't mention anything?
06:45No. Did something happen?
06:48I'm sorry, Mom, I, I don't know how to tell you this.
06:53Just say it, Lucky.
06:56Um, Elizabeth has said that, um, I can't be Lulu's donor.
07:05What? Why?
07:10The initial, the first round of tests, they, they, they all checked out. I mean, I, I, I am a viable donor, but...
07:18Then why can't you do it? I don't understand.
07:20When, when they tested to see if my liver was in good enough shape for the transplant, it's not. And I'm so sorry, Mom.
07:31You know, I, I would do anything to save Lulu.
07:35I, I can't help her.
07:38I appreciate your concern, but I know exactly what will come from this conversation. I've thought about it a lot.
07:44Okay. Let's get to it, then.
07:49So, where were you the night that John Case was murdered?
07:55I was at my mother's house.
07:57Yes, but, uh, not all night, right?
08:00No. I went to visit my daughter's grave. But that's not the only place I went.
08:06No. Um, according to Detective Chase, you first said that you drove that night.
08:14Or it was a rideshare then. Um, or, uh, possibly Sam's car.
08:21You seem to have trouble remembering.
08:23Well, I remember clearly now. I drove.
08:26In Sam's car?
08:28Yours, then?
08:30No, my car was at my place.
08:33Whose car did you drive? Uh, because we know Alexis had hers. It was caught on camera entering the Quartermain Estate.
08:43But that's not true. My mother did not take her car and drive to the Quartermains.
08:51Did you?
08:52Hey, stop talking, Christina. We are leaving. Now.
08:59I am committing a multitude of ethical violations just by talking to you, any one of which could get me disbarred.
09:05But it's either that, or lose my humanity. And contrary to popular opinion, I'm not willing to do that.
09:13Alexis will probably be convicted for the murder.
09:17But you, you can put an end to this travesty.
09:21What do you want me to do?
09:22I want you to convince my client to confess to a murder that you and I both know he committed.
09:28I know, I know it's a bad idea. It's awful. I just don't see any other way to help Alexis.
09:34She's my best friend.
09:36I'm sorry.
09:37I'm sorry.
09:38I'm sorry.
09:39I'm sorry.
09:40I'm sorry.
09:41I'm sorry.
09:42I'm sorry.
09:43There's no other way to help Alexis.
09:46She's my, she's my best friend.
09:49Okay, Jason?
09:50I cannot let her go down for a murder that I know she did not commit.
09:55So you've got to convince Sunny to do the right thing.
09:59You don't need me to do that.
10:01You're the only one who's going to listen to me.
10:03Sunny's already decided to turn himself in.
10:12All right, is he at the PCPD because I gotta get down there and manage that confession.
10:15He's with Carly filling her in right now.
10:19I'm not sure that makes sense because his confession has big implications for Carly.
10:24Yes, it does.
10:27Diane, that's why you need to stop him.
10:31And what do you think this private investigator's got on you?
10:36At the very least, she knows I was with Jack in his hotel room.
10:39You can explain that away.
10:40You're the owner of the hotel.
10:42You were checking on a guest.
10:44Us having dinner alone together in his hotel room may raise some eyebrows, Sonny.
10:48Well, that depends on who sicced this P.I. on you and why.
10:53Why would anybody want to be tailing you anyway?
10:56I don't know.
10:56Maybe the false alibi I'm giving you for Kate's murder?
11:05I bet you it's Martin Gray.
11:07It has to be Martin Gray.
11:09He wants to prove that Alexis is innocent by proving that you're guilty.
11:12Smart play.
11:15Alexis' trial's coming up and fast.
11:18And Christina is not doing well.
11:21She's unraveling.
11:22And I'm afraid she's going to do something to get to fifth attention.
11:27This whole thing is getting out of control.
11:32So what now?
11:34Only one thing to do, like I told you.
11:36I'm going to confess to killing Jagger Cates.
11:41But I'm your alibi.
11:42That means I'm going to go down right along with you.
11:47How did you get the photo?
11:48From the P.I. I hired to tail Carly.
11:52What else did the P.I. find?
11:55Nothing yet.
11:57Miss Brennan is no fool.
11:58I actually think he may have made my investigator.
12:02You're kidding.
12:03A seasoned WSB agent figured out that a small-time P.I. was surveilling him?
12:09Alexis, it doesn't matter.
12:10It does matter.
12:12Carly knows that we're on to her and she's not going to get caught again.
12:15This isn't nearly enough.
12:18Michael, what are you doing here?
12:19Excuse me, we are in the middle of an interview.
12:21You know, interview's over.
12:23No, it's not.
12:24I need to tell you.
12:24Christina, we both know you don't talk to the police without a lawyer present.
12:27And so does Commissioner Devane.
12:30Let's go.
12:47Sonny turning himself in can't be the only way to save Alexis.
12:50The only other option I can think is to allow Alexis to go to trial and that's not going to end well.
12:55Then we need to figure out how to stall.
12:58Give Gray more time to build a stronger case or for Sam to find the gun that Alexis got rid of.
13:02FBI is not going to agree to a continuance and that gun is long gone.
13:06Otherwise, Sam would have found it by now.
13:10This can't be how it ends for Sonny.
13:13This is not what I want for Sonny either.
13:16I love him too, you know.
13:19I haven't worked for the man for all these years.
13:22Taking his phone calls at all hours of the night.
13:24Put myself through the aggravation that being his lawyer has brought to me.
13:29Just because the man pays me so well.
13:33Underneath that gruff exterior, we both know there beats a heart of gold.
13:38It shouldn't have come to this.
13:40I made a deal with Kate.
13:41I find out who was behind Pikeman and he leaves Carly alone.
13:44Yeah, but Kate's lied to you.
13:46In order to use you to get closer to Sonny to bring Sonny down.
13:49I created this situation the minute I agreed to Kate's demands.
13:52What could you have done differently?
13:53My job!
13:57I should have killed Kate when I had the chance.
14:00I will not let Alexis go down for something that I did.
14:04And I would do the same for you, Carly.
14:05No, you can't fix this.
14:07You can't fix this.
14:08The U.S. Attorney is not going to draw a distinction between us, Sonny.
14:12They're gonna say that I was covering for you.
14:14That I was in on it from the start.
14:16I'll say that you weren't.
14:17They're gonna charge me as an accessory, Sonny.
14:20No matter what you say.
14:22Well, I'm sorry if I had known this was gonna go the way it goes.
14:25I wouldn't have asked you to get involved.
14:27But you got to see it a different way.
14:35Okay, yeah.
14:38You have to come forward.
14:40Otherwise, Alexis is gonna be found guilty.
14:42I know.
14:44And I know you would never let the mother of your child go to prison,
14:47especially for something you did.
14:50No, I can't.
14:52And Christina's not gonna let it happen either.
14:54If Alexis goes to trial, Christina's gonna start talking.
14:57And she's liable to get all of us convicted of something.
15:01Damn it!
15:02I can't promise there's not gonna be consequences for you.
15:06But I can tell you one thing.
15:07You are not.
15:09You are not going to prison.
15:11You don't know that.
15:12Okay, look.
15:13I just gotta get things under control.
15:16I got a plane on standby for you.
15:19All you gotta do is go get Donna.
15:22And leave the country?
15:24There are places with no extradition treaty.
15:27You cannot be touched.
15:29Do you hear yourself?
15:31That means you would never see Donna again.
15:33Do you get that?
15:34She's better off without a father than lose both her parents.
15:40I'm not going to do that.
15:43I can't do that.
15:45Why can't you be her donor?
15:48They found an anomaly in my liver from a parasite I picked up at some point.
15:54It's not dangerous for me, but it could kill Lulu.
16:00Are you sure you're okay?
16:01You're not keeping something from me?
16:03I promise you, okay?
16:06I'm good.
16:07I'm healthy.
16:08I'm just not good enough to save Lulu.
16:12It's okay, Lucky.
16:17No, that's the thing, Mom.
16:19It's not okay.
16:20The whole reason that I came back here was to help Lulu.
16:24You know, I thought finally maybe I could make up for not being able to save her when
16:29she was a baby.
16:30Do you know how infuriating it is?
16:33I've already failed her once and now I'm failing her again.
16:36No, that's not true.
16:37You're not at all.
16:39You're not.
16:40You can give her your love and your strength, and you can use that incredibly strong will
16:45of yours to talk to her and convince her to pull herself through this thing, and that
16:51will be enough.
16:52If it isn't, whatever happens to her is on me.
16:56No, it's not.
16:57You didn't create her illness.
16:58You're not responsible for her recovery.
17:01Mom, you don't understand.
17:04The reason I can't donate my liver is because I've spent the last 30 years trying to save
17:08because I've spent the last 13 years in combat zones, and everything I was exposed to during
17:14that time, it's affected my body.
17:15It's not some freak accident.
17:18It's because of the reckless life that I've chosen, the life I chose to lead.
17:26I just, I was convinced, I was convinced that Lucky was going to be the miracle we
17:30needed for her.
17:31Well, we were going to use every available resource to get her a donor.
17:37And if you need anything, you'll let me know?
17:41Yeah, I will.
17:45Haley, I'm glad you're here.
17:49Your boy needs you.
18:00Hey, what now?
18:04Lucky can't be Lulu's donor.
18:07Oh, I'm so sorry.
18:10I just feel like he was the last shot we had, you know?
18:15And now what are we going to do?
18:16We're just going to be hoping that we find someone?
18:22We're going to do a lot more than just hope.
18:24Lucky, listen, I'm not going to let you beat yourself up like that.
18:28It's not going to do your sister any good.
18:29And besides, it's just not true.
18:34Isn't it?
18:34No, it isn't.
18:35I mean, you had no way of knowing what was coming when you left Port Charles.
18:41And you deserve to live your own life, wherever that may take you.
18:46Emma, I had responsibilities here.
18:49I'm not going to argue with you there.
18:53But you also had dreams.
18:56And they were dreams that had a profound effect on other people.
19:00Just think about all those doctors and those patients.
19:03Where would they be right now if you hadn't provided security for that clinic?
19:07You saved lives.
19:09Yeah, but I can't save the life that matters the most.
19:14Sweetheart, if your sister was here right now, I know she would say
19:20how proud she is of you for the work that you've done in the world.
19:24I don't know about that, Mom.
19:26I don't know about that, Mom.
19:29I know you're worried about your mom.
19:31But going to talk to Anna?
19:33That was a bad idea.
19:35How'd you know I went to the police station?
19:37I had Spinelli put tracking software on your phone.
19:41Michael, you can't stalk me.
19:42You asked for my help.
19:44I did not give you the permission to invade my privacy.
19:46I didn't want to.
19:48You refused to listen to me.
19:49That's because I'm sick of everyone telling me what to do.
19:52Chrissy, telling the police what you did the night that Cates was murdered
19:56will put your future in jeopardy and likely make things worse for Alexis.
20:01How could things possibly get any worse?
20:03My mother's trial is three weeks away,
20:05and she's going to be convicted for a murder she didn't commit.
20:08One our father did.
20:11You and Donna leaving the country is not going to be easy, boo.
20:14What else are you going to do?
20:15You're going to fight this out?
20:17I can support my family while it collapses.
20:21What are you talking about?
20:24Elizabeth called before you got here.
20:27Lucky isn't a viable donor for Lulu.
20:32I'm sorry.
20:32I know how much you were counting on her.
20:34And she can't be put on the national registry because she's too sick.
20:37And finding a private donor is a long shot.
20:39So Lulu's going to die, and there's nothing we can do about it.
20:44That's why I can't leave my family, Sonny.
20:46Not when they need all the help they can get.
20:47I'm not going anywhere.
20:50And Rocco and Dante, they need you.
20:53So you can't get thrown into Pentonville.
20:56Neither can you.
20:58I know it's a long shot for me to beat these charges,
21:00but at least I have a chance.
21:03You've got none.
21:05We all think there is something we could have done to avoid this.
21:08I don't think.
21:09I know.
21:10When could you have changed the outcome?
21:12The minute Kate said Carly's name.
21:14And the moment you protested,
21:16Kate would have thrown you into solitary.
21:18You might still be there.
21:19Your family might even believe that you had died in Greece,
21:23and you would have had zero chance to carry out any plan.
21:25I had plenty of opportunities, Diane.
21:29Jason, John Cates is a federal agent.
21:33And the government, as you can see, is moving heaven and earth to find his killer.
21:38Even someone as experienced as you could hardly presume
21:41that you would simply have walked away from it.
21:43Yeah, maybe not.
21:46But it would have mattered less if I hadn't.
21:50What happens to me isn't as important what happens to Sonny and Carly.
21:57Okay, what?
21:58I doubt your sons would agree with that.
22:02I don't know.
22:03I mean, it seemed like she was about to admit to killing John Cates,
22:08or at least knowing who did it.
22:12Yes, of course I know what this means.
22:13It means the U.S. attorney is most likely prosecuting Alexis
22:16for a crime that she didn't commit.
22:18So what are we going to do about that?
22:24We need to evacuate.
22:25What is it, a fire?
22:26A bomb.
22:33We all have our flaws.
22:37Just ask my husband about mine.
22:40Mom, you're one of the strongest people I've ever known.
22:44I mean, if I wind up half the person you are, then I'll be good.
22:50You are good.
22:52You're a good man who strives to be a better man all the time, and to help others.
22:58Yeah, but I could have done that here.
23:01No, I don't.
23:02I'm not so sure about that, Lucky.
23:06I have always known that the day would come when you'd leave Port Charles and me.
23:11You're so much like your father, and for God's sakes,
23:15you were on the run with us from the time you were a little baby.
23:19By the time you were crawling, you were going off on adventures.
23:24You know, you remember when we had the Triple L?
23:30Remember that?
23:32But eventually, trouble caught up with us there, too.
23:42And we were separated from you for weeks.
23:47I mean, any other parents would be absolutely beside themselves, you know?
23:52And we were worried, of course.
23:54Don't get me wrong about that.
23:55But we also knew that even at your tender age, you knew how to take care of yourself.
24:03Well, it's because you both taught me how to survive.
24:07Yeah, we did.
24:09But hopefully, we also taught you how to thrive.
24:14And so the day came when you could no longer thrive in Port Charles.
24:18But Lucky, I've always known that one day you would come back when you were ready.
24:27And here you are, just when your sister and I need you the most.
24:35That's what I said.
24:36That's what I told you to check the cameras in the garage.
24:41They moved everyone back 200 feet and Hazardous Devices is working on the package now.
24:45What do they know?
24:46The package was found in a motor pool, so they called a canine unit and the dogs reacted to it.
24:50Okay, do they know how it got here?
24:53Not yet.
24:53IT is working on pulling surveillance.
24:57It looks like the package was deliberately placed in a blind spot,
25:00so the person who put it there won't be caught on cameras.
25:04Look, Anna, whoever did this, they knew exactly what they were doing.
25:09I don't know what Dad told you, but look,
25:11going to the police was a terrible, impulsive decision.
25:14You didn't account for all the possible consequences.
25:21Just like I didn't account for the consequences
25:24when I went over to confront Eva at her hotel room?
25:28I hate how the fallout of my decisions affected Jake and Dani.
25:31I'll be spending the rest of my life making up for my mistakes.
25:34Well, how do you plan to do that from inside a prison cell?
25:36They're used to living without me.
25:39I mean, they lose more than they gain by having me in their lives.
25:42Only Jake and Dani are qualified to make that decision.
25:45I get why you took Kate's deal back then.
25:48It was noble, it was selfless, but circumstances have changed.
25:53Not really.
25:53Oh, yeah.
25:55There are people who love and need you, Jason.
25:59You no longer have the luxury of deciding that your life isn't worth as much as someone else's.
26:03Imagine you saying that to your kids.
26:07Imagine how much hearing you say that would hurt them.
26:11That's the last thing I want.
26:13So you think about that the next time you decide to sacrifice yourself for someone else.
26:21Okay, you're gonna have to go home and you're gonna have to get your affairs in order.
26:24And you need to warn Dante.
26:26He has so much going on right now.
26:28He does not need to be blindsided by this.
26:30All right.
26:32I'm gonna talk to Jocelyn.
26:33Can you tell her I'm sorry that I didn't know it was gonna turn out like this?
26:37Hey, I did this to myself.
26:42I agreed to help you and I don't get to throw it back up in your face now that I have to
26:44deal with the consequences.
26:46Consequences that should all be mine.
26:47I'm the one who pulled the trigger.
26:48Okay, Kate was willing to kill Ava to get to you.
26:54To ruin Jason's life, my life, and put Christine in prison.
26:57And God knows what the hell he'd be doing right now if he were still alive.
27:00He's gone and our kids are safe.
27:04All it cost them was their parents.
27:08One picture of Carly with a WSB agent doesn't prove anything.
27:12It doesn't have to.
27:13All it's got to do is call into question U.S. attorney's narrative of the crime.
27:18They're never gonna go forward with a prosecution got a hole in it this big.
27:23They'll have to let you go and reopen the case.
27:26I'll still be a suspect.
27:28But you won't be the number one suspect.
27:31This picture frees you, takes the pressure off Christina,
27:34and it redirects attention back onto the real killer?
27:38Alexis, maybe.
27:40You know something?
27:40Right now, this is the only card we have to play.
27:42But by all means, you know, you're the boss.
27:44You tell me.
27:45I mean, maybe you got a thing for prison issues.
27:47Sitting around, twiddling your thumbs,
27:49praying for divine intervention while you rot in a cell.
27:52Unable to be there for your daughter.
27:55And hey, let's not forget the entire time the lovely Carly Spencer's out there
27:58entertaining notorious bachelors.
28:00Do it.
28:03I'm already on it.
28:04Martin, if when you turn that photo over to the police,
28:09you feel tempted to suggest that Sonny was covering up for Carly,
28:14go right ahead.
28:19I wish there was something I could do for Lulu.
28:21You know, anything.
28:25So does your brother.
28:30He was really crushed to find out that he couldn't be a viable donor.
28:36You know, I think part of him felt like if he would do that,
28:40it would somehow help to make up for some of the bad choices he made that put him in prison.
28:46Yeah, well, I know how hard it must be for you to see him behind bars.
28:50And I mean, I understand him wanting to make amends.
28:56But no one can bear every burden, you know?
28:59Yeah, right now I'd settle for carrying just one.
29:04I know you would.
29:07Mommy, we went through so much when I was away.
29:10And I just, I wish, I wish I had been here for you to lean on at least once.
29:20I think I'll be leaning on you plenty before this is over.
29:29What's done?
29:30Well, I just left a message for Nina asking her to use all her immediate contacts to get
29:34the word out about Lulu's condition.
29:38Yeah, and then I texted everyone on my contact list.
29:41And I mean, everyone.
29:42I mean, friends and family, everyone from the old neighborhood, every vendor,
29:46every contractor, every dishwasher I ever worked with got my SOS about Lulu.
29:52We just wait.
29:53People are going to roll up their sleeves in droves to get tested, honey.
29:57We're going to find a donor in no time.
29:59I just hope they get here and do it soon because she's looking really weak.
30:04I know Lulu's in real trouble.
30:06But, but so were the Mets in game six.
30:11And look how that turned out, huh?
30:13We don't like the Mets, we like the Yankees.
30:14I know, I know.
30:15But today, we're Mets fans.
30:18And the same rules apply.
30:21Miracles happen.
30:23Like the Mets say.
30:25You gotta believe.
30:28I have wished millions of times I could change what happened that night, but I can't.
30:35So when you say I'm impulsive, you're right.
30:39So when you say I'm impulsive, you're right.
30:43And when you say there could be consequences that I'm not prepared for,
30:47I get that because I'm living those consequences right now.
30:51So I'll listen to you.
30:54I'll keep quiet.
30:55Go ahead.
30:56For now.
30:58But if it comes down to it, I'm not going to let my mom stay in prison for a crime she didn't commit.
31:02She's innocent, Michael.
31:04Yes, if anything changes, I will.
31:08Brandon is the last person we need help from right now.
31:11It's all clear.
31:12You can go back in now.
31:14What are you saying?
31:14That the device is disarmed?
31:16There is no device.
31:18It was a false alarm.
31:19All our tests on the package show no trace of explosive material.
31:24Is it there?
31:28Well, what the hell is it then?
31:30Let's open it.
31:30Find out.
31:31I don't want to fail my boys again.
31:34But I don't want to fail Sonny either.
31:37Jason, I get that making the occasional hard sacrifice comes with your job description.
31:43But you can only make those sacrifices if you're around to do it.
31:46We all learned that the hard way those years you were lost to us.
31:49And now we're in danger of losing Sonny.
31:52Sonny chose his life.
31:54Whether you want to admit it or not, so did Carly.
31:56She chose her life.
31:57She chose his life.
31:58Whether you want to admit it or not, so did Carly.
32:01She still shouldn't have to pay for what happened to Kate's.
32:04I'll make you a promise.
32:07When it comes time to stand up beside Carly, I will do it to the best of my considerable ability.
32:12What are the odds of success?
32:15Not great.
32:16But that doesn't mean we don't try.
32:19Speak of the devil.
32:30Hey, Sonny.
32:32I'm with Carly.
32:34We need to talk now.
32:37What's going on?
32:39I'm gonna let him tell you.
32:42You know what you have to do, Diane.
32:43Let me know when it's time.
32:46Okay, bye-bye.
32:51Carly feel you in?
32:53I thought you should do that.
32:55I'm gonna put an end to this.
32:58Meaning what?
32:59I'm turning myself in.
33:00Diane's, uh, she's making a deal right now.
33:06What kind of deal?
33:08I'm confessing to Jagger Kate's killing and everything else.
33:15What's everything else?
33:16Everything the feds want.
33:17And, you know, whatever the Statue of Limitations allows.
33:25What are you gonna do about this?
33:27It's not his choice.
33:28I'm gonna give them everything.
33:31I'm gonna cop to it all.
33:33Everything they've always wanted in exchange for one thing.
33:37And what's that?
33:39No one pays for Jagger's death but me.
33:46Lights out!
33:54It's important.
33:55I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but Commissioner Devane is unavailable.
33:57I've got something Anna needs to see right now
34:00and it's vital to the case against my client, Alexis Davis.
34:03Then you need to take that up with the U.S. attorney
34:05because it is out of the PCPD's hands.
34:12What is it?
34:15Yep, it's not at all what I expected.
34:20And it's a nine millimeter.
34:22Just like the one Rick and Elizabeth saw Alexis dump off the bridge
34:25the night Agent Cates was murdered.
34:29It's the gun Alexis said would exonerate her if it was found.
34:33Lucky, your sister's body has been through an awful lot.
34:41Time is not on her side.
34:45You said that you wanted to do something.
34:51If the worst should come to pass
34:56and if we have to let her grow,
34:58will you please just stay with me and hold my hand when I say goodbye?
35:06Of course.
35:08Of course.
35:14Of course.
35:16Of course.
