Cbeebies Iconicles You And Me 1x21...mp4

  • 2 days ago


00:00Let me take you to a world that I've seen
00:03My best invention, the iconic screen
00:05They're friends and animals, the iconic crows
00:10So come along with me and I'll tell you more
00:22There's rumble and whistle
00:24Splish and splash and skitter too
00:27I'll show you their worlds
00:29The iconic crows
00:31I just can't wait for you to meet them all
00:55Hey, good to see you
00:57I'm just back from my walk in the park
00:59It was really windy
01:01I found lots of things that got blown down from the trees
01:04I found a prickly pinecone
01:08A smooth and shiny acorn
01:12And, ah, a wrinkly walnut
01:17They look very different from one another, don't they?
01:20But they all have one thing in common
01:23They're all tasty snacks for one of our iconical friends
01:30Can you guess who that could be?
01:34Let's go and find out
01:42With a wave on my hand, let's get to school
01:46Wonderful land, never seen before
01:49The iconic screen, my most amazing machine
01:52The i-i-iconic screen
01:55Wild wilderness around the garden edge
01:58Down on the farm and by the water's edge
02:01Guess which iconical is coming to play
02:04Can you guess which world we'll visit today?
02:12Now this is where the fun really begins
02:16Have you guessed who it is yet?
02:19Who eats nuts for energy and never keeps still?
02:29Did you guess right?
02:32I wonder how many nuts you need to eat to be as super springy as Skitter
03:02Hi Nat!
03:03Hi Skitter
03:07You are springy today
03:09Isn't everyone as springy as me?
03:11No, I wish I was
03:13You are the king of spring
03:15Yes, yes, yes
03:17But what about everyone in the wild wilderness, the water's edge and the farm?
03:21Hey, what about Brin? He's always springing from place to place
03:25He must be as springy as me
03:27I'm not sure about that
03:28Can we take a visit to the farm to find out, please?
04:03But counting sheep just isn't working tonight, Miss Moo
04:09But I've spent hours singing you lullabies, playing games and telling stories to get you to sleep
04:17I know, how about counting hens? That helps Miss Moo nod off to sleep in no time
04:33Apples? Honestly, I've tried counting everything in the farmyard, Miss Moo
04:40But I'm just not sleepy tonight
04:43See, look how wide awake I am
04:46Umbridge, Haystacks, what?
04:48Oh, hello Brin
04:50Oops, sorry Jasmine, I didn't mean to wake you
04:54Well, for once I don't mind, Brin
04:57I would have overslept if you hadn't woken me
05:02Yes, Brin, Jasmine is different from you and I
05:06She sleeps during the day and is awake at night
05:10All night? Wow, I'd love that
05:14Well, you're welcome to join me for a stroll around the farm if you want to, Brin
05:19It'll be nice to have some company for a change
05:22Are you sure that's such a good idea, Jasmine?
05:26I mean, Brin can't possibly stay awake all night
05:30What? I bet I can, in fact, I know I can
05:35I will stay awake all night, just you see
05:39I promise I'll be good, Miss Moo
05:42I won't make any noise and Jasmine will be looking after me
05:47Won't you, Jasmine?
05:49Oh, go on, Miss Moo, he'll be safe with me
05:52And it will give you a chance to catch up on some beauty sleep
05:56Hmm, that would be good
05:59All right, if you are sure, Jasmine, enjoy yourself and be quiet
06:06I will
06:09It's going to be so exciting
06:18Well, Brin is certainly full of bounce to be awake at that time of night
06:23He must have a lot more energy than me, I love my sleep
06:28Hmm, I still think you're springier
06:30I wish I was as springy and bouncy and energetic as you, Skitter
06:34I can show you how, Nat
06:36All you need is a crash course at Skitter School
06:39Yes, we could have lessons in springing and running
06:43And juggling too, if you like
06:45Now that sounds like fun
06:47OK, your first lesson is zigzagging
06:50I hardly ever run in straight lines, I always like to zigzag
07:00Here I go, go, go
07:04Do the same as me, it's easy
07:11Maybe this will help
07:16Go, Nat, go!
07:24Wait, I can do it, I can...
07:32Ooh, Nat
07:34It's all right, I'm OK
07:41Zigzagging was fun, but it's not easy
07:45You remind me of Brin, he's always crashing into things too
07:49Yes, but hopefully not in the dark
07:52I wonder if he caught up with Jasmine, let's find out
07:59Jasmine, wait up!
08:01Shh! Remember, you're supposed to be quiet at night
08:04You'll wake the whole farmyard
08:06Sorry, I didn't see you there
08:09I can't see anything here, there or anywhere
08:14It's too dark
08:16It can never be too dark for me
08:18My eyes are different to yours, they see much better in the dark
08:22They see much better in the dark
08:25Just give your eyes a moment and soon you'll be able to see better
08:32I see the bucket, the hay bales, the trees and the barn
08:39I can see everything now
08:42Good, your eyes just needed time to get used to finding the light in the dark
08:46What shall we do now?
08:48How about a very special night-time game?
08:52Wahoo! I've played every game on the farm
08:56I love games!
08:58Which is it? Hunt the hen's egg? Leapfrog the leapfrog?
09:07No, this is a game you've definitely never played before
09:11It's called Catch Moons
09:13Catch Moons? But there is only one moon, even I know that
09:19Oh, is that so? Miss Moo did tell you that night and day are different, didn't she?
09:25And so are the games you can play and the things you can see
09:28So tell me, how many moons can you see?
09:32One, there is only one moon
09:35Then what about that? And that? And that? And that?
09:40Wow, there are lots of moons everywhere
09:45And in this game you have to catch as many as you can before the clouds block them out, like this
09:53You catch and I'll keep count. Ready, steady, go!
10:08You need to hurry Brin, the clouds are closing in
10:11Where? Where? Oh, over there!
10:16Hurry Brin!
10:21Nice! That was brilliant fun. Can we play again?
10:27First, there's something else I'd like you to see and hear
10:30Follow me!
10:33I think spiders' webs look at their very best under the light of a moon
10:38They look so different, more magical
10:43And they don't only look different, they sound different too
11:03It's lovely. It's very quiet at night, isn't it Jasmine?
11:09Yes, that's what I love about the night
11:13But it is colder, isn't it?
11:16That's because the sun isn't in the sky to warm things up
11:19I wish the sun could shine at night too
11:25Brin? Brin? Are you still awake?
11:29Awake? Of course I'm awake! And I'm staying awake all night!
11:37What's that?
11:38They're fireflies
11:40What's a firefly?
11:42Jump into that long grass and you'll see them
11:46You look amazing! Buzz, buzz, buzzy fireflies
11:51Hey, wait for me!
11:53Not too loud Brin, you'll wake the whole farm
11:58Brin? Brin? Oh dear, Miss Moo won't be happy
12:05Brin is off again. Where does he find his energy?
12:09Fun! That's a brilliant source of energy
12:12Talking of fun, time for Skidder School Lesson 2
12:19And jump and kick and twist and flip and kick and jump again
12:28Here we go! Star jump, star jump, kick, kick, twist, somersault, finish!
12:34Let's hope it's easier than it looks
12:37Here we go!
12:39And jump and kick and twist and jump and star jump
12:49Come on star jump, running on the spot
12:54OK, somersault
12:59Erm, finish
13:04I'm not as springy as you Skidder
13:08You will be, you just need more zing
13:11Zing, zing, I know where I can get more zing
13:22Hey, that's better
13:24Brilliant, now tell your knees to bend that, they can help you spring up even higher
13:30I think this is the best they can do Skidder
13:34That's fine, I suppose my knees have had a lot more practice and are a bit springier because of it
13:40Practice makes you springier
13:42This is great Skidder, I'm learning all about how we're different
13:46The trampoline helps make me springy
13:53And skateboarding helped me zigzag almost as fast as you
13:58But stopping wasn't that easy
14:00Never mind, practice makes perfect
14:04OK, I'm ready for more Skidder School, what's next?
14:10I love watching Skidder juggle, check out how many things he can juggle at one time
14:28You're good Skidder
14:39OK, time to see if I can juggle that many too
14:43But where are the nuts?
14:45I use balls instead
14:50And three
14:52And another one
14:54No problem
15:00That was brilliant Nat, you may not be as springy as Skidder Squirrel yet
15:05But you can juggle just as well
15:10Maybe we should take a break and see if Brin managed to stay awake all night
15:22Where have all the fireflies gone?
15:25I expect they've gone to sleep
15:27But they're too small to make snoring that big
15:31Shh! We don't want to wake them
15:34I won't
15:39I wonder what they're dreaming about
15:42Elvis is probably dreaming about lovely fresh hay to munch on
15:46And I bet Curly is dreaming of playing roll down the hill with me
15:55And I bet she wins, she always wins
15:59Even in your dreams?
16:01I love dreaming about all sorts of things, not just rolling
16:07I dream of going swimming with Dapper
16:10Leaping fences with Elvis
16:13Dancing with Miss Moo
16:17I even dreamt that I went flying high up in the sky with you Jasmine
16:23Imagine that, me flying as high as the clouds
16:27Now that's a dream
16:29Do you remember any of your dreams Jasmine?
16:32Not really, I keep getting woken up
16:35Did you see that? And that? And that?
16:39See what?
16:41That! It looks like a really big firefly
16:45Ah, those are something that you can only see at night, if you're very lucky
16:50What are they Jasmine?
16:52They're called shooting stars
16:54If you see one you should make a wish and it might just come true
16:59A wish? Really?
17:01Yes, close your eyes tightly, but be careful not to let anybody hear your wish
17:07I wish, I wish I could...
17:10Keep it secret
17:12I did it
17:14Good, so what did you enjoy most about the night?
17:17I enjoyed seeing the spider's webs and hearing you play a tune on them
17:23I enjoyed that too
17:25Oh, and the buzzing fireflies, I loved the way they glowed and made patters in the sky
17:34Playing with them was great fun
17:37Oh, and I really loved playing catch moves
17:41One, two, three
17:45Eight, nine
17:47That's one of my favourite games too
17:50But my bestest thing was being out with you Jasmine
17:55You're the best
17:57Thank you Brin, and so are you
18:00Look, the field is on fire
18:03Don't worry Brin, that's not a fire, it's a sunrise
18:07The sun? You mean...
18:09Yes, it's daytime again, the night has gone
18:12You did it, you stayed up all night
18:15I did? That's...
18:23Well, was it a successful night Jasmine?
18:27Very Miss Moo, we played games, made night music, met new friends
18:33Oh and Brin even made a secret wish on a shooting star
18:37It sounds like a very busy night
18:40And did your wish come true Brin?
18:45If his wish was to stay up all night it did come true, just...
18:50It's well past my bedtime now, time for me to hit the hay
18:56Goodnight Jasmine
18:58Or should that be good morning?
19:02Sleep tight
19:06I wonder what Brin wished for
19:08To stay awake all night
19:10And he did, so his wish came true
19:13I think you're right, if I'd stayed awake all night there's something I would have definitely wished for
19:18Can you guess what?
19:20Yes, sleep
19:25Ooh, fancy a game of who, what, when, where, why?
19:28Yes, yes, yes
19:30Me too
19:34Nice, I like it
19:36Come on, let's play
19:40OK, the clock's already ticking
19:43Were you watching closely?
19:45Let's see what you can remember
19:47Question one
19:49What did Jasmine play her night-time tune to Brin on?
19:56Erm, er...
19:58Spider's Web
20:04I think spider's webs look at their very best under the light of a moon
20:08They look so different
20:11More magical
20:14And they don't only look different
20:16They sound different too
20:28Great work Skitter, you were right
20:30Yes, yes, yes
20:32Did you get that one?
20:34OK, time for a hard one
20:38How many moons did Brin catch in the moon catch game?
20:43Ooh, ooh
20:45Er, I know, I know
20:47There were one, two, three, four
20:50Are you counting too?
20:52Five, six, seven, eight
20:54Nine, there were nine moons
21:00You need to hurry Brin, the clouds are closing in
21:03Where, where?
21:06Oh, over there
21:08Hurry Brin
21:15Right again Skitter
21:19OK, time for one last question
21:22Let's see if you can beat Skitter to the answer this time
21:27How was Elvis sleeping tonight?
21:31Any ideas?
21:34Erm, er...
21:38Ah, Elvis doesn't sleep in the hay like Miss Moo
21:42Or lay in the reeds next to the duck pond like Dapper
21:46So he must have been fast asleep standing up in the top field
21:50That's it, Elvis sleeps standing up
21:56I wonder what they're dreaming about
21:59Elvis is probably dreaming about lovely fresh hay to munch on
22:07Well done, Elvis was standing up asleep in the top field
22:11Weehee, nutty-tastic
22:13Phew, just beat the clock on that one
22:21Did you guess Elvis slept standing up?
22:23Well done if you did
22:31So Nat, what did you learn at Skitter School today?
22:34Well, I learnt that practice makes you springier
22:37And that for me to spring up high I really need to use a trampoline
22:41And I learnt that you do some things differently from me
22:44You use a skateboard to go faster
22:47You use a trampoline to bounce high
22:50And you use balls instead of nuts to juggle with
22:55I also learnt that although we do things differently
22:58We still both have just as much fun
23:01You bet we do
23:03Thanks for all your help today, Skitter
23:05Any time, Nat
23:08Time for me to go
23:15Bye, Skitter
23:17Bye, Nat
23:24I hope you enjoyed Skitter School too
23:27Now, what happened to those nuts I collected earlier?
23:36I'll see you next time
