Enemies Among Us _ Full Movie _ Action Drama _ Billy Zane

  • 2 days ago
Enemies Among Us _ Full Movie _ Action Drama _ Billy Zane
00:00:00Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Inside Politics.
00:00:21I'm your host, Gretna Connolly.
00:00:23As promised, we have his party's presidential nominee, Senator Fred Edmonds of North Carolina.
00:00:30Some beer.
00:00:31Would you like another?
00:00:34Bring me two.
00:00:37Senator, welcome to the show.
00:00:41Thank you, Gretna.
00:00:43I'm happy to be here.
00:00:46Well, as we all know, you have graced through the primaries and you're way ahead in the
00:00:56early polls.
00:00:57By all accounts, most pundits believe that you will be our next president.
00:01:03We know that a splinter cell came up through Mexico into San Diego, but it's just not confirmed yet.
00:01:09It is about time. I have been waiting here for over two hours.
00:01:15From the looks of it, it seems to me you'd be enjoying...
00:01:18I move on time. Next time, I will not be here.
00:01:22Senator, there's actually been a lot of speculation as to who you might pick for your running mate.
00:01:27And most pundits believe that your selection may be Chip Majors, the governor of Louisiana.
00:01:33What is the offer?
00:01:35Five million euros, plus two million in U.S. currency, counterfeit dollars. Hundreds and twenties.
00:01:43So why is it so far under? I mean, don't you think the right people should be notified?
00:01:47The director's been made aware.
00:01:49Alright, the intel has been included with the vice president's briefing this morning on the way to work.
00:01:53Governor knows.
00:01:54Come on, man. I mean, who wants a false alarm like this with a presidential election going on?
00:01:59I will be in contact with you for the arrangement of the offshore transfers.
00:02:04Thanks for the dance.
00:02:06Cover my bill. And make sure you tip her well.
00:02:20Chip's a good friend, but I'm not really ready to say whether he'll be my choice right now.
00:02:27But what I can say is that he's a good man, and he's a man of integrity and character,
00:02:33and he would be nothing but an asset to this campaign.
00:02:49I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,
00:02:53and to the republic for which it stands,
00:02:56one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
00:03:01Devin, I have been calling you for three hours back to back.
00:03:18I have a cell phone too, you know. I know how they work.
00:03:21Hey, I'm at work, okay? I'm supposed to be at my post right now. You're going to get me in trouble.
00:03:25Yeah, but I am your sister. I am not one of your one-night stands blowing up your phone.
00:03:30You need to take it more serious when I blow up your phone like that.
00:03:33I'm at work.
00:03:34Yeah, I know. I just need someone to talk to.
00:03:39Remember when I told you that Pat and I are losing the house?
00:03:42We got our foreclosure letter in this morning, Devin.
00:03:46Devin, Pat's been trying to find work.
00:03:48But what is he supposed to do when his job got shipped to India?
00:03:53Damn, look, hey, you know I wish I could help more, but you know what? I get paid.
00:03:59Plus, I'm going through a bankruptcy with the divorce.
00:04:02Hey, you and the kids can come over and stay at my place any time.
00:04:06No. I'm not going to try and fit my two twin girls in your one-bedroom bachelor pad.
00:04:12Besides, how would I explain the stripper pole?
00:04:15Hey, look, I really got to get back to work, okay?
00:04:18But I'll be off at six. Talk about it then, I promise.
00:04:22That's not it.
00:04:25Well, what? Did you cheat again?
00:04:28Well, yes, but that's not it.
00:04:32Hey, what is it?
00:04:38Don't worry.
00:04:39All right, look, I really, I've got to go.
00:04:46They found a lump in my breast, Devin, and I'm scared.
00:04:51We don't have any insurance now. I don't know.
00:04:53Hey, hey, hey.
00:04:54I can handle this.
00:04:55Shh, shh, shh.
00:04:57It's going to be okay, all right? It's going to be all right.
00:04:59We're going to take care of things just like always.
00:05:06Look, we're going to talk about this after work, I promise, okay?
00:05:11Devin, you always fix things.
00:05:15I love you, sis.
00:05:16I love you, sis.
00:05:26And as I've always said, leave it to the common sense people of the great state of Louisiana to get it right.
00:05:36That's right.
00:05:38Look, I know what the critics are saying,
00:05:41that offshore drilling is not an end-all answer to America's energy problems,
00:05:45but darn it, we've got to do something.
00:05:48And I'm very proud to say that for many years, our state has been a pioneer in offshore drilling.
00:05:55And this nation depends on the oil and natural gas that we provide.
00:06:02And there's nothing, and I mean, I mean nothing,
00:06:05that can bring me greater pleasure at this moment
00:06:08than to stand next to one of the greatest oil men of our century,
00:06:11Jethro Timmons. Let's give it up for him.
00:06:16So without further ado, on behalf of the people of this state,
00:06:20I will drill the first hole into the $120 million drilling platform
00:06:25that stands 690 feet.
00:06:30It will weigh 8,700 tons
00:06:33and will drink up a reserve of 50 million barrels of oil from beneath the Gulf of Mexico.
00:06:39My people, she is a beauty.
00:06:42And her name
00:06:45is Aphrodite!
00:06:58Thank you so much.
00:07:03Hey, thanks a bunch, Chip.
00:07:05Listen, I'll see you back at camp for duck hunting season again, right?
00:07:07Well, you know I'm not going to miss that.
00:07:08Yeah, I'll have your phone credit as always.
00:07:11Yeah, I'm right to say that I can count on you, right?
00:07:13Are you talking about the Leadership Foundation for America?
00:07:18Count me in for five mil.
00:07:20My checkbook stands for causes I believe in.
00:07:22Good man.
00:07:25Governor Majors.
00:07:27What do you have to say about confirmed reports that you are at the top
00:07:29of Senator Evans' short list for vice presidency?
00:07:31Well, I'll explain.
00:07:32I'm at the top of Senator Evans' short list for vice presidency.
00:07:34Well, all I can say is that I'm proud of our Senator's hard work
00:07:37of being our party's nominee for the President of the United States.
00:07:40I support him completely.
00:07:43Thanks, Marjorie.
00:07:44Thank you so much, Governor.
00:07:45All right.
00:07:46I'm going to head back to the fundraiser in about 20 minutes.
00:07:48But, sir, you have to...
00:07:49No buts.
00:07:50Just be quiet.
00:07:51Just cancel it.
00:07:52Disguise it.
00:07:54I want you to head back to Central Command.
00:07:55I'm going to ride in the tail.
00:07:56I want Simmons and Cobb in the tail vehicle, all right?
00:07:58But, sir...
00:07:59No buts, okay?
00:08:00Let's shake a tail, fellas.
00:08:01I got a schedule here.
00:08:02No, I'm busy.
00:08:06Hey, you want to talk about something?
00:08:08Why don't we talk about the soaring unemployment rate in this country?
00:08:12Why don't we talk about Americans without health care?
00:08:15Why don't we talk about the roads and bridges that need to be built in this country?
00:08:20What do we have to do for this country right now?
00:08:23Let's talk about that.
00:08:24Can we talk about the failed energy policies of your party
00:08:27because of cozy relationships with big oil that have cost this nation dearly?
00:08:34Well, Gretta, I'm sorry you feel that way.
00:08:37But we believe those tax cuts worked,
00:08:40as you cannot tax the business owners
00:08:43without expecting some trickle-down effect to the low-income households.
00:08:47So you would rather this country's shrinking middle class shoulder the tax burden?
00:08:52What about the deficit that's at an all-time high?
00:08:55What about the national debt that's going to be passed down to my grandkids?
00:09:00It is no secret that we are facing some challenges.
00:09:04But we have the plan to address the concerns of all Americans.
00:09:09And we will march to Washington.
00:09:12And we will get things done.
00:09:14I believe Americans want change.
00:09:16And I'm the man to deliver it.
00:09:18How can you say you will change things with over 150 lobbyists in your campaign?
00:09:24Gretna, all those people have taken leaves of absences to work for me.
00:09:29How cute. A lobbyist is a lobbyist is a lobbyist.
00:09:33That's the first rule of Capitol Hill.
00:09:35Well, I beg to differ.
00:09:37See, what I believe is that Americans want and need
00:09:42someone who understands their pain.
00:09:45Someone who can relate.
00:09:48And not only that, someone who has the courage to lead them.
00:09:52Stand up for them and fight for them.
00:09:54Senator, you can relate.
00:09:57Forbes magazine has your net worth estimated at over $100 million.
00:10:02How can you relate to working class Americans?
00:10:05We'll let the Senator answer that question when we come back.
00:10:08After this break, got to pay some bills.
00:10:11No sirens, please.
00:10:16All right, let's go ahead and turn the sirens off.
00:10:19The sirens are off and the lights are marked.
00:10:21And you can go ahead and back to one after this turn. Thanks.
00:10:23Is that an order, sir?
00:10:24Yes, that's an order. Thanks.
00:10:27Man, that Tippins is something else.
00:10:30Kicked out of his house at 16.
00:10:3235 cents in his pocket.
00:10:34And he pulls himself up from the bootstraps. You hear me?
00:10:37Yes, sir.
00:10:39That man now sits on the Forbes 400 list.
00:10:43Now that's what this country's all about.
00:10:46This cheap-ass still bitches about tax breaks.
00:10:49But that is an example for these idiots in New Orleans, you know?
00:10:52They're still waiting for a handout for a tragedy that happened years ago.
00:10:57Hey, man.
00:10:58I'm from Greensburg, Louisiana.
00:11:02I'm a country boy at heart.
00:11:05You understand me?
00:11:06Yes, sir.
00:11:08Ain't nothing in Greensburg but hard work, sweat, and get it how you live.
00:11:15Ain't nobody giving you nothing.
00:11:18These niggers and bailout beggars and money-grubbing Wall Streeters and politicians
00:11:24ought to learn a lesson from a stand-up guy like Jethro Tippins.
00:11:33And when I get to Washington, I'm gonna give them hell.
00:11:41I can promise you that.
00:11:45Chip Manchin's gonna kick ass and take names.
00:11:56Hard work!
00:11:57Sounds good to me.
00:11:58You like that?
00:11:59Drink up, bitch.
00:12:01What you gotta say now, huh?
00:12:03You want more?
00:12:04I think he needs more.
00:12:05Tell me the truth, Hodgie!
00:12:06I want the truth!
00:12:08Tell me!
00:12:09Give it to him!
00:12:11Here you go.
00:12:12What you gotta say now, man?
00:12:14Tell me!
00:12:16Fuck you all!
00:12:17Fuck you!
00:12:18Come on!
00:12:21Fuck you!
00:12:22Fuck you!
00:12:23How you like that?
00:12:25What do you want to say now, son of a bitch?
00:12:27I'm gonna get more!
00:12:44L1 is about to move to the elevators and up to the Andrew Jackson Suite, 1776.
00:12:49Let's go.
00:12:51Hurry up.
00:13:13Okay, guys.
00:13:14I'm gonna need a little privacy.
00:13:16Just stay out here.
00:13:42You are a sight for sore eyes.
00:13:45It feels like it's been forever since I've seen you.
00:13:49What was it?
00:13:50The convention in D.C., huh?
00:13:54I know.
00:13:56Well, you're here now, so that makes me happy.
00:14:04A little business first.
00:14:08It's a thousand, right?
00:14:09Yeah, it's all there.
00:14:10I don't know why I'm doing this, you know.
00:14:12I don't have a lot of time, but there's something about the rush of it all.
00:14:16You know, it's always rush, rush, rush.
00:14:20Why don't you just come in right now?
00:14:22Just a second.
00:14:23What's wrong, honey?
00:14:24Well, I got to use it, honey.
00:14:28All right.
00:14:29I'll be right back.
00:14:30All right.
00:14:31I'll be right back.
00:14:32All right.
00:14:58It sure takes its time.
00:15:01You know, I'm going to go downstairs and get some coffee.
00:15:03You guys want anything?
00:15:07Extra black.
00:15:08I want lots of sugar.
00:15:09I don't want Splenda.
00:15:10I want sweet and low.
00:15:11Whatever you want, baby doll.
00:15:14Can you stay down in D.C.?
00:15:21I hate this detail.
00:15:30You know, Vegas is full of this South Mississippi.
00:16:01How much did they pay you, you stupid bitch?
00:16:03A hundred thousand.
00:16:04A hundred thousand?
00:16:05That's all I'm worth?
00:16:08Is this the best they got?
00:16:10Please don't kill me.
00:16:12Requests come up when you try to blow my head off a few seconds ago.
00:16:15They hire you from the beginning?
00:16:20Just be quiet.
00:16:21Let's go look.
00:16:22Just be quiet.
00:16:25They might as well talk to you.
00:16:31Let's look.
00:16:32Are you the only one?
00:16:33Let's look.
00:16:35Are you the only one?
00:16:37How many?
00:16:38How many of you died?
00:16:42Where are they?
00:16:43They're downstairs.
00:16:46There's one outside watching the perimeter.
00:16:48And another one's floating around to clean up if I make a mistake.
00:16:52Maybe if I had more time,
00:16:54I'd fuck you just to get my money's worth.
00:17:26Open the door!
00:17:31Everything's fine.
00:17:32Holy shit.
00:17:34I can explain.
00:17:35You better start.
00:17:36I was attacked.
00:17:37See, there's a gun on the floor.
00:17:39Man, this job is just getting too fucking crazy.
00:17:41They don't pay me enough for this shit.
00:17:42That's a body.
00:17:43Oh my God, a motherfucking body lying right there,
00:17:45looking at it as dead as hell.
00:17:46Man, I hope I don't see that sign.
00:17:49We're getting punked, right?
00:17:50You're punking us, right?
00:17:52Tell me.
00:17:54Shut up.
00:17:55Please, no.
00:17:56You don't understand.
00:17:57My wife.
00:17:58The press.
00:18:02Sir, I have to call this in.
00:18:04Well, you better call the ambulance also for me,
00:18:06because I'm hyperventilating over here.
00:18:08Look, I have some of the biggest campaign fundraisers in the state
00:18:11coming up here for cocktails any minute now.
00:18:13This is the biggest night of my life.
00:18:15I can't have this fuck up right now.
00:18:17Do you know who I am?
00:18:18Whatever you are, yeah.
00:18:20Do you know what I mean to this country?
00:18:21You will be doing the American people a disservice
00:18:23if you let this blow up right now.
00:18:25Please, man.
00:18:26She's just a prostitute to try to stick me up.
00:18:29Where is Ashton Kutcher?
00:18:30I know we're getting punked.
00:18:31We're getting punked, right?
00:18:34Sir, I'm sorry.
00:18:35I have to call this in.
00:18:37What do you mean?
00:18:41One million dollars.
00:18:44In cash.
00:18:46For each of you.
00:18:48And I will put you on a secret service detail
00:18:50when I get to Washington.
00:18:51Or you can have any state cozy law enforcement job you want.
00:18:57My promise.
00:19:01Sir, I'm sorry.
00:19:02I can't take that money.
00:19:03What's the matter with you, Devin?
00:19:05Come on, man.
00:19:06Would you shut up, Kyle?
00:19:07I'm calling it in.
00:19:09I want you to take your time.
00:19:11Think about this.
00:19:14Who do you think you are, huh?
00:19:15What did you sign up for?
00:19:17I'm Sergeant Devin Taylor.
00:19:19I'm Sergeant Devin Taylor.
00:19:21Louisiana State Police.
00:19:24I have a job to do.
00:19:26Who the fuck are you?
00:19:27I'm just an ordinary guy like you, man.
00:19:29But we bust our ass for 15, 20 years on this pissy job.
00:19:32I have nothing to show for it in the end.
00:19:33They don't even give us a gold watch anymore, man.
00:19:36We bust our ass day in and day out
00:19:38put our lives on the line and get stepped over.
00:19:40You know how it is.
00:19:41The good old boys being the latter
00:19:42taking care of all the good old boys.
00:19:43Well, who's gonna take care of us?
00:19:45I got four daughters, Devin.
00:19:47Four, that's a lot of college tuition.
00:19:49I got two mortgages.
00:19:50Please, Devin.
00:19:51It's just a hooker.
00:19:53I'll make it go away.
00:19:55Nobody will miss her, not even her mother.
00:20:01Do you hear yourself?
00:20:02I hear myself.
00:20:03You're gonna just throw your right and wrong
00:20:05out the window for some cash?
00:20:07Listen, birdbrain.
00:20:09It's more than just some cash.
00:20:11It's a life that we deserve.
00:20:13It's what they owe us.
00:20:14It's what they've been holding back from us, man.
00:20:16Just give them to us,
00:20:17because he has no choice, okay?
00:20:19Please, man, just walk outside
00:20:21and pretend you never saw it.
00:20:23I will make it go away.
00:20:25I'll bring your cash from off-duty.
00:20:27Please, Devin.
00:20:31You have a daughter.
00:20:33This money can change her life.
00:20:35She won't have to suffer like us.
00:20:36She won't have to struggle like us.
00:20:37She won't have to be in pain all her whole life
00:20:39paying bills.
00:20:42As a good father
00:20:44and as my good friend,
00:20:46say yes.
00:20:49I need a minute.
00:20:50We don't have a minute.
00:20:51I need a minute.
00:20:52Okay, take a minute.
00:20:53Take a minute.
00:20:54Please, take him a minute.
00:20:59You just stand right there.
00:21:00Yes, sir.
00:21:11It's gonna be okay, all right?
00:21:12It's gonna be all right.
00:21:13I'll take care of this.
00:21:14I'll take care of this.
00:21:42He's dead.
00:21:43Hey, shut up, okay?
00:21:46Just stay out here for a second, all right?
00:21:47Just stay here.
00:21:49Do not come in the room.
00:21:56Where is he?
00:21:59I need to speak to him, please.
00:22:00I'm afraid he's busy.
00:22:01Sit tight.
00:22:02He'll be out in a sec.
00:22:04Now, I don't care what he's doing.
00:22:06I am his executive assistant,
00:22:07and you know that.
00:22:09You will let me in right now.
00:22:11Sorry, Shirley.
00:22:12It's not gonna happen.
00:22:13Okay, this is bigger than what your little
00:22:16$30,000-a-year mind can understand, okay?
00:22:20We have millions of dollars in this room
00:22:23for our party,
00:22:25for the presidential election.
00:22:27You bonehead.
00:22:29He cannot be rude to these people.
00:22:31Sorry, Shirley.
00:22:32Let me out in a sec.
00:22:38Dude, I've been looking everywhere for you.
00:22:42So, what's the deal?
00:22:46I can't believe I'm agreeing to this.
00:22:48I will make it go away.
00:22:50Skaggs is a good friend of mine.
00:22:52He'll help us out.
00:22:53Look, I don't care.
00:22:55Just take care of it.
00:22:57If it blows up, it's on you.
00:23:00I hear you.
00:23:01Just leave me and Simmons out of it.
00:23:02No problem.
00:23:03No, I want your word.
00:23:04You got my word, motherfucker.
00:23:07I don't need a stinking million dollars, okay?
00:23:10I just need $100,000 for my sister.
00:23:12You can keep the rest.
00:23:13All right.
00:23:19Hey, come on.
00:23:20What are you guys doing in there?
00:23:21Making out or something?
00:23:23Coffee's getting cold.
00:23:25Hey, what's the matter?
00:23:26You guys been arguing again?
00:23:29It's just one of those days.
00:23:32I figured so.
00:23:33That's why I brought you a cup of coffee.
00:23:35Double cream like you like it.
00:23:37Can you believe these hotel prices?
00:23:39Six bucks for a cup of coffee.
00:23:43These cobs.
00:23:47He had to go get some cleaning supplies.
00:23:50Skagsy's watching his post.
00:23:53They just keep adding more and more to the job description.
00:23:57Tell me about it.
00:24:00Where do you want remaining napkin for bartender?
00:24:06I don't know.
00:24:07I guess by the bar.
00:24:09We're security things.
00:24:16You seem a little nervous around me.
00:24:19We need to talk about last weekend.
00:24:23We need to talk about last weekend.
00:24:29It's okay. It's okay.
00:24:31I'm fine. I'm a big girl.
00:24:35I guess it was a mistake on both of our parts.
00:24:38But hey, no harm, no foul.
00:24:42You know what?
00:24:44What do you say we just blame it on the tequila, huh?
00:24:48Let's just blame it on the tequila.
00:24:51Good evening, officers.
00:24:53Where's the party?
00:24:55Yeah, where's the party?
00:24:57It would be right through those doors.
00:24:59Thank you so much.
00:25:05What do you...
00:25:07Where do you want remaining fork and spoon?
00:25:13I'm security.
00:25:15I mean, somebody will be with you shortly.
00:25:21What do you say to a do-over this weekend?
00:25:23I mean, without the tequila.
00:25:26Devin, I just feel like I sent the wrong signals about me.
00:25:29You know, it's really more to me than that.
00:25:32And I don't want you to judge me by a moment of weakness.
00:25:38Jemez, how do you fix something you do in a moment of weakness that you regret?
00:25:43I tell myself the truth.
00:25:45And what's that?
00:25:48You can't unspill milk.
00:25:52Well, it's beyond your years, huh?
00:25:59Would you get the hell away from me?
00:26:24Well, you seem happy to hear from me.
00:26:27Come on, Gloria, I wasn't that bad.
00:26:30Oh, no, of course.
00:26:32My wonderful ex-husband, who cheated on me with our housekeeper
00:26:37and almost ruined my career.
00:26:40I'm sorry.
00:26:42I'm sorry.
00:26:44I'm sorry.
00:26:46I'm sorry.
00:26:48I'm sorry.
00:26:50Almost ruined my credit.
00:26:52And beat my brother up so badly he needed three nose surgeries.
00:26:57Always a pleasure.
00:26:59Why you gotta bring up the past?
00:27:01He attacked me.
00:27:02Yes, because of how you were treating me.
00:27:04We've been through this.
00:27:05I thought you forgave me.
00:27:07Thomas, what do you want? I'm working.
00:27:10Listen, Gloria, you don't only call if it's important.
00:27:12I need some info.
00:27:14What did I tell you about calling me on the phone
00:27:16and asking me hot stuff that I can't tell you?
00:27:19Gloria, please.
00:27:20You know I wouldn't ask unless it's important.
00:27:22You know I wouldn't.
00:27:23You know I wouldn't.
00:27:33What's it about?
00:27:34It's about majors.
00:27:37The governor?
00:27:39I'm sorry, can't touch it.
00:27:41Come on, baby, you know the dirt on everybody.
00:27:43I need some help.
00:27:45Are you calling me from a state-issued cell?
00:27:49I'm sorry, I can't help you.
00:27:51I'll call you from another line.
00:28:07Yes, baby doll.
00:28:08Why do I always fall for your charm?
00:28:10Because you still love daddy.
00:28:13I think I need to make another appointment with my therapist.
00:28:16That's some very important therapy for your sexy ass.
00:28:19Remember when he used to flip you?
00:28:24I could get killed for what I'm going to tell you.
00:28:27But I never told you, right?
00:28:31Majors was never CIA.
00:28:33He was high-ranking NSA.
00:28:35And guess what his area of focus was?
00:28:38Nope, Pakistan.
00:28:40That's all I know.
00:28:42Listen, Thomas, please be careful barking up these kind of trees.
00:28:46I gotta go, I've been on the phone too long.
00:28:48Hey, baby doll, I miss you.
00:28:53You just make sure the check's on time this month.
00:29:02She's hard on me.
00:29:04And good to me.
00:29:08Senator, I'd like to switch our focus now, if possible, to a more domestic issue, campaign finance.
00:29:13And I have to admit, you've been extremely effective in this area,
00:29:16reaching across the aisle for some great accomplishments in getting reform legislation passed.
00:29:21Well, thank you, Brenda.
00:29:23Actually, I'm very proud of that.
00:29:25We worked very hard to adhere to the principles that we were committed to,
00:29:30concerning the limitless contributions and the special interests,
00:29:35compromising the electoral process.
00:29:38Of course, as always, we met with a lot of resistance in Washington.
00:29:44But we got it done.
00:29:46And my leadership was instrumental in getting it done.
00:29:51And that's the type of leadership that I plan to demonstrate as President of the United States.
00:29:55But one quick question, if you don't mind.
00:29:57Your opponent's been openly critical about you on this issue.
00:30:00He says, and I quote,
00:30:02Senator Edmonds is not being straight with the American people about campaign finance loopholes.
00:30:07What do you have to say about this?
00:30:09Well, that's exactly the type of politics that we ran from.
00:30:14You see, it's that same old, same old Washington partisan bickering and finger-pointing.
00:30:22See, what they don't want to talk about is the other side.
00:30:24What they don't want to talk about is how they're going to raise our taxes
00:30:29and make government bigger when it should be smaller and more responsible.
00:30:35Well, had there been less hands-off, smaller government during the mortgage crisis,
00:30:39maybe we wouldn't be in a recession right now.
00:30:42But more importantly, Senator, before we get off track,
00:30:44there's been a lot of talk about Article 527 in the tax code.
00:30:48This would allow for organizations and foundations to raise unlimited money
00:30:52and campaign for whatever issue they choose,
00:30:55much like the swift boat veterans against John Kerry.
00:30:58Now, our sources estimate that the Leadership for America Fund
00:31:01has tapped into some $35 million that will be used to campaign against your opponent,
00:31:07and your convention host committee has also raised a ton of cash,
00:31:11and all of this is outside of the campaign finance boundaries imposed by your legislation in Congress.
00:31:16Is that a loophole, Senator? Is that what your opponent's talking about?
00:31:19Gretna, first and foremost, we have never broken any laws,
00:31:22and we will continue to be open and honest with the American people.
00:31:26Trust me, Gretna. Trust me.
00:31:29I literally wrote that law.
00:31:31How can you talk so freely about change when it's just more of the same?
00:31:35Same old player, same old games and rhetoric.
00:31:38Isn't this all just a smokescreen so the rich can get richer and the poor can stay ignorant?
00:31:42I mean, how big is the gap between the haves and the have-nots in this country?
00:31:46Oh, boy.
00:31:47And who was paying those lobbyists before they started working for you?
00:31:50And why did they choose to work for you?
00:31:53But I guess it makes sense. Somebody needs to pour your drinks and clean your big houses.
00:31:58You know what? You better get used to hanging out on that boat, you know, Missy,
00:32:02because you're going to be spending a lot of time there.
00:32:04You better get used to answering the tough questions.
00:32:08I will be calling your boss, you liar.
00:32:11You want your big government to fix every problem in your life.
00:32:14That's why we've got third-generation welfare families.
00:32:17And what about the 40 million babies who you've pro-choiced out of a chance at life, you stupid bitch?
00:32:22This man will be the next president, whether you folks like it or not.
00:32:27Hey, Bob, get the camera and let's go.
00:32:33Hey, Skagsy.
00:32:35How's your first day on the job going?
00:32:37I'm still taking it in. I'll let you know when it's over.
00:32:40What do you think about that whole offshore oil thing back there?
00:32:43Man, my mama taught me some common sense.
00:32:46Two things that don't go together is oil and water.
00:32:49But it must be nice to drop 120 mil on a piece of steel.
00:32:53I wonder if he needs a bodyguard.
00:32:56Maybe I can retire early.
00:32:59Yeah, maybe he can drop 80 grand and pay off my college loans.
00:33:03I got two mortgages, and I got to feed the Brady Bunch.
00:33:07But at least it's not as bad as Cobb's wife.
00:33:10She works for the CIA.
00:33:12You know he can't hide any money.
00:33:14If he finds a dollar on the street, she knows about it.
00:33:17And the bitch, she wants half.
00:33:20I don't see your tomboy ass in college.
00:33:22What school did you go to?
00:33:27The only historically black Catholic college in the nation
00:33:30which has the most prestigious distinction
00:33:32for sending the most African Americans to med school.
00:33:35Bio pre-med.
00:33:37I'm lost.
00:33:39Yeah, me too. Can't you tell?
00:33:42Not even going to ask.
00:33:50Hey, you can't smoke in here, man.
00:33:53You think I give a fuck about legal smoking?
00:33:55I'm having the time of day. I can smoke a whole pack right here.
00:33:58In fact, I might go back to my college days and smoke something else.
00:34:02Hey, you brought me out here for a reason, right?
00:34:05Yeah, look, I made that asshole tell me everything.
00:34:08Looks like we might have a couple of goons downstairs
00:34:11in a gray Toyota Camry.
00:34:13I need you to go check it out ASAP.
00:34:16There's 16 floors to the parking garage, dude.
00:34:19Well, I hope you got some comfy shoes.
00:34:22I'm walking. Take off.
00:34:24I'm not going down for this, okay? So take care of it.
00:34:27I got it, I got it.
00:34:29Bitch, bitch, bitch.
00:34:34Leaving my job over this goddamn cigarette.
00:34:37Can't do it.
00:34:42It's about time. You're welcome.
00:34:50Well, hello there, Mr. Patterson.
00:34:53My daddy's name was Mr. Patterson.
00:34:55You call me Jarvis, you know that.
00:34:57So how are things?
00:34:59Fashion week in Milan was to die for.
00:35:02I want to thank you, Governor.
00:35:04The contracts through Halliburton in Iraq
00:35:07shot my bottom line like a needle full of steroids.
00:35:10Do you like my dress?
00:35:13Yeah, it's wonderful.
00:35:15Not to mention the Katrina and the Gustav contracts.
00:35:18No bid.
00:35:20I mean, it was like taking candy from a baby.
00:35:23I know. I've seen your annual reports.
00:35:25As long as you guys keep taking care of us like this
00:35:28with the tax cuts and all,
00:35:30we will be strongly behind you without any question.
00:35:34And the leadership in America thing,
00:35:37I'm all over that.
00:35:40All right.
00:35:42I heard I was the sexiest governor in all the nation.
00:35:45I made you some of that peach coffee that you love.
00:35:48I left it with Annie for you.
00:35:50You shouldn't have.
00:35:51Well, you know Fiola Wyndham
00:35:53always takes care of those that take care of her.
00:35:57It's been a while since Grant passed,
00:35:59so I've been in awful stress running that business and everything.
00:36:02It's been a while since I've had a strong man to depend on.
00:36:06So how's business?
00:36:09Business is good.
00:36:10Conventions are picking back up,
00:36:11so the hotels are doing good.
00:36:13Real estate property value is way down.
00:36:15It's great they're giving them away.
00:36:17We can't buy enough.
00:36:18You know, my gran always used to say,
00:36:20if you're going to rape, rob, and pillage,
00:36:22show up with cash in hand.
00:36:23We're at the right place at the right time with plenty of cash.
00:36:27So can we count on you?
00:36:29I don't know. It depends.
00:36:31On what?
00:36:32Can I count on you?
00:36:34Oh, Fiona.
00:36:37Say hi to that wife for me.
00:36:39Oh, absolutely.
00:36:45How's the movie business?
00:36:46It's going. You know how it is.
00:36:48We know we can make money with the comic book characters and everything else.
00:36:51Well, we hope.
00:36:53Well, you are certainly racking in new tax grants.
00:36:56Can't complain. Can't complain.
00:36:57But listen, there's plenty of other states stepping it up.
00:37:00Michigan, Alaska, Puerto Rico, Georgia.
00:37:02Look, I've seen that governor from Alaska.
00:37:05But look, we've got the beautiful food down here, and we speak English.
00:37:08What, are you an Eskimo?
00:37:09Come on, Todd.
00:37:10Look, Mr. Governor, I'm not complaining. I'm just venting.
00:37:13We just want to make sure you guys stay competitive on the trail that you blazed.
00:37:16I appreciate the advice.
00:37:18Now, can I count on you?
00:37:19Of course, Mr. Governor.
00:37:21All right.
00:37:22All right.
00:37:28Okay, well, everything seems to be okay now.
00:37:30You need to give Tyson Grady a little face time.
00:37:33And CNN has called several times to get your take on whether or not you're going to get the VP nod.
00:37:38This is really happening.
00:37:40We are going to Washington.
00:37:53Tyson Grady, how are you, son?
00:37:54How are you, sir?
00:37:55All right.
00:37:56Well, it could be better, you know.
00:37:57Kind of rough hurricane season this past year.
00:37:59Well, you know, that's one of the prices of living in beautiful Louisiana.
00:38:01Yes, sir.
00:38:02It would be a whole lot more beautiful, though, if we could turn a profit while living here.
00:38:05What, are you looking for a bailout, son?
00:38:07Well, no, sir.
00:38:08Well, suck it up.
00:38:09Yes, sir.
00:38:10All right, next year.
00:38:11Next year it is.
00:38:12Next year.
00:38:13All right.
00:38:14Hey, you found it.
00:38:15All right.
00:38:16Now, listen.
00:38:17I don't have all day here, so I think I'm just going to shoot you in the head and go home.
00:38:21You got to wait.
00:38:22I'm going to get his nasty blood on him.
00:38:24Now, go ahead.
00:38:35We should at least give him a chance.
00:38:37I mean, we could at least do that.
00:38:42These two men are going to kill you.
00:38:46Please talk.
00:38:48I'm not going to be able to stop you much longer.
00:38:59You know, I know you know something, and I want to know it right now.
00:39:03Do you understand?
00:39:04I'm tired of waiting.
00:39:05Shoot him, man.
00:39:06I said wait.
00:39:17We know that you're broke for the mercenaries.
00:39:21We know about the five million euros you were recently paid.
00:39:27We know that something's going down.
00:39:32Who hired you?
00:39:34Who's the talking?
00:39:41Why don't you give me a cigarette, and I will say anything you want me to say.
00:39:47Give him a cigarette.
00:39:53You are too kind.
00:39:57You know, I lied to you.
00:40:09What was the money for?
00:40:12Who is the target?
00:40:17Is it another Colombian hit?
00:40:20Is it?
00:40:25We are done with the jungle.
00:40:35I have been in this medieval shithole for four months.
00:40:42I miss my air conditioning.
00:40:45I miss my cat.
00:40:48Not to mention I miss my boyfriend on top of me.
00:40:53Now you have two choices.
00:40:58You can either talk, or you can die.
00:41:02I'm losing my patience.
00:41:07You should try Syrian on top of you.
00:41:10Just as good, if not better.
00:41:20I told you.
00:41:22I am losing my patience, and I am tired of playing games.
00:41:28And I'm going to let these two nice gentlemen blow your brains all over the wall,
00:41:32and then I'm going to go home and not miss a moment's sleep.
00:41:35Do you understand me?
00:41:38I told you.
00:41:41Let me finish my cigarette.
00:42:18Okay, can you get any more information out of the madman?
00:42:20I mean, he's looking for a needle in a haystack.
00:42:22A couple of guns are great to hold a camera.
00:42:25Alright, ten-four.
00:42:50Excuse me.
00:43:11Excuse me, you need to step aside and let me in that room.
00:43:13I need to paddle my nose, and somebody's been in that other bathroom for over ten minutes.
00:43:17Sorry ma'am, I can't let you in the room. It's off-limits.
00:43:19Off-limits my ass. Do you have any idea who I am?
00:43:22Ma'am, I'm afraid you can't get in. I'm sorry.
00:43:24My husband built this hotel, and before I sold it to the ruler of Dubai, I was the owner.
00:43:29I bet you didn't know that now, did you?
00:43:31Ma'am, I'm sorry. I still can't let you in the room.
00:43:33Do you have any idea the size of the check I wrote the governor this evening?
00:43:37Don't you see the way that man looks at me?
00:43:40Ma'am, I'm just here for security. Please, go have a good time.
00:43:57My goodness, sweet pea, I thought you got swallowed up by the toilet bowl in there.
00:44:01Oh, you were worried about me. That's so cute.
00:44:11Now, I just love that Harrison Ford in Air Force One. Now, they don't make movies like that anymore.
00:44:16I hear you, but there's like 50 people got killed in that movie. I mean, it's just too much violence for me.
00:44:22It's only a movie.
00:44:24I know, but still. I mean, don't you think I should be worried about our five-year-old watching that?
00:44:30I mean, it desensitizes him to violence.
00:44:32Well, you can't expect the movie industry to raise your children.
00:44:35You have to decide if he watches it or not, and if he doesn't watch it. It's not our responsibility.
00:44:39Well, of course not. What about all these murders taking place out here, huh?
00:44:43I mean, what's with a little Hollywood violence going to hurt, huh?
00:44:47Sam, you have to concur. They're bad guys doing bad things. They get killed by the good guy for a good cause.
00:44:54With all due respect, Governor, killing ain't always the best way to promote a good cause, now is it?
00:44:59Yes, but sometimes it's the only way.
00:45:02Well, we just have to agree to disagree, that's all.
00:45:05Mr. Governor, are you okay?
00:45:08If you'll excuse me, I need to get a drink of water.
00:45:13Can I get a drink of water, please?
00:45:15Governor, don't waste your time entertaining Sam Boe. He's an old prude.
00:45:19I think just because he's a deacon, he can tell the whole world what's right and what's wrong.
00:45:23My husband always hated him.
00:45:25He has been an asset to our party for years.
00:45:28Yeah, well, don't be surprised if he ain't around after next year.
00:45:31Boy, I understand that the crops got leveled by the hurricanes, and you can't even compete with Brazil anymore.
00:45:36I guess sugarcane ain't king no more.
00:45:43My husband always knew how to deal with a little stiff competition.
00:45:47What about your wife, Governor? Can she handle a little competition?
00:45:53If you'll excuse me.
00:45:57Well, you know there's a lot of violence in the Bible, too, right?
00:46:00Oh, come on, man, that's different. You can't compare violence in the Bible to...
00:46:03Gentlemen, gentlemen, this is a cocktail party.
00:46:06Okay, I'm sorry. I apologize.
00:46:09Governor, can I have a quick word with you?
00:46:12Man, I'm not going to pass a law banning violence in Memphis.
00:46:15I'm so disappointed.
00:46:18Look, I just want to apologize for not contributing more to your leadership for America thing.
00:46:23It's just, um, it's just been a tough year.
00:46:27Say no more.
00:46:29You did the best you could.
00:46:31Thank you, Governor.
00:46:32Excuse me.
00:46:33Everyone, everyone, can I have your attention, please? A toast.
00:46:37The Governor would like to say a few words.
00:46:41Ladies and gentlemen, I want to thank you all for coming.
00:46:45I wanted this to be a small, intimate gathering.
00:46:49My greatest supporters.
00:46:52You know, 19 months ago, a young farm boy from the hills of North Carolina set out to change this country.
00:47:00And in doing so, set out to change the world.
00:47:04I'm praying. Privately, of course.
00:47:08That in the next few days, I will get a phone call to join him on that journey.
00:47:14And I will take all of you with me.
00:47:18I want to thank you for believing in me.
00:47:21My values and integrity.
00:47:23Some of that good down-home common sense it'll take to lead this nation.
00:47:27Oh, yeah.
00:47:28So, I'd like to pose a toast.
00:47:32To many more years of friendship and partnerships.
00:47:36A toast.
00:47:37To a new America.
00:47:40We're going to take back this country.
00:47:50Hey, police! Freeze!
00:47:52Put your fucking hands up or I'll blow your head off. Now!
00:47:55Step away from the car. Step away.
00:47:59Step back!
00:48:00Get on your knees. On your knees! Now!
00:48:04Shut the fuck up!
00:48:06Simmons, go to two.
00:48:08We got a gray Camry.
00:48:10Third floor parking garage, northwest corner. Get here now, quietly.
00:48:15Yo, Simmons?
00:48:16Shut the fuck up!
00:48:53You were too pretty to be a cop.
00:48:57If I was one to mix business with pleasure,
00:49:01I would try my first chocolate pudding, if you know what I mean.
00:49:07You know, you remind me of the Black Spice Girls.
00:49:11You know the black one?
00:49:16She looks so delicious.
00:49:22So pretty.
00:49:26But hard inside.
00:49:35So thirsty for power.
00:49:39You are so thirsty for power, you...
00:49:43You leave yourself in a helpless position.
00:49:48How do you like my English?
00:49:51I learned it in prison.
00:49:55It's just like you Americans,
00:49:58borrowing money from the Chinese,
00:50:01so you can buy fuel from your enemies.
00:50:06Your enemies pose as your friends.
00:50:15You make them stronger.
00:50:19And you leave yourself helpless.
00:50:26I did not know I was so clever.
00:50:29I should have been a philosopher instead of a mercenary soldier.
00:50:35You Americans.
00:50:38You will pay for the sins of your past.
00:50:43Just like me, you have a dirty past.
00:50:47Do you know what I am?
00:50:50Dirty ass!
00:50:53I was trained by your country to kill.
00:50:57To serve your country's interests.
00:51:03Short term thinking, don't you think?
00:51:13You Americans, you...
00:51:16always worried about
00:51:18your traffic and waiting in line for planes.
00:51:24You have no knowledge of true suffering.
00:51:30Of destruction.
00:51:33Of war.
00:51:35But don't worry.
00:51:38Very shortly, this will all be over.
00:51:42This will all be over.
00:51:58Are you okay?
00:52:00Yeah, just...
00:52:02Look, they jumped me. They got away.
00:52:04Wait, wait, wait. What do you mean, they?
00:52:06I mean, who was they? What is going on here?
00:52:09Look, I can tell something really bad
00:52:12is happening.
00:52:14I mean, come on, what's going on?
00:52:17You know, I don't get it.
00:52:19My life could be in danger.
00:52:21And my own partners who are supposed to protect me
00:52:24are hiding something from me.
00:52:26Now, Devin, what the fuck is going on?
00:52:28You don't get it, okay?
00:52:30Look, I can't tell you in order to protect you.
00:52:32You don't even want to know. Just trust me.
00:52:34Come on, what kind of sick, twisted shit is that?
00:52:37I mean, damn, who can I trust?
00:52:39Please, Tyra, you can trust me, okay?
00:52:41I would never do anything to hurt you.
00:52:43And I would never let you get hurt,
00:52:45especially not by one of my mistakes.
00:52:47So what am I supposed to think?
00:52:51I can't do this.
00:52:53Devin, I need to know what's going on.
00:52:56Something really bad happened up there, okay?
00:52:59And I made a bad decision.
00:53:01But I don't want you to be any part of it, so...
00:53:03You know what? As a matter of fact,
00:53:05why don't you just go home?
00:53:07Wait a minute. Devin, people are trying to hurt you?
00:53:09I'm not going home.
00:53:11I mean, don't you even get it?
00:53:13I only applied to this job so I could be closer to you.
00:53:16Devin, I care about you.
00:53:18And I'm not leaving.
00:53:20Look, I know whatever happened, happened.
00:53:23And it made things kind of weird between us.
00:53:25But this is going to get serious.
00:53:27Would you please just go home, Tyra?
00:53:31I'm going to stay and do my job.
00:53:33You just stay away from me.
00:53:35I know you're different.
00:53:36I know you're different.
00:53:40Look, I know I have a crazy lifestyle
00:53:42and the women are part of it.
00:53:46Look, I'm not saying anything more than what I'm saying.
00:53:51Look, I know where you're coming from.
00:53:53I know it's a pure place with good intentions.
00:53:56But just right now is just not the time.
00:53:58I'm in a world of shit, okay?
00:54:00And I need to get out of this alive, at least.
00:54:02So would you please just go home, Tyra?
00:54:04Is Cobbs in?
00:54:06Is Cobbs in on it?
00:54:11Thanks, but no thanks.
00:54:13I'm going to stay and I'm going to protect the governor.
00:54:16You just make sure none of your shit
00:54:18shovels onto my shoes.
00:54:21And thanks for the compliment.
00:54:36I love you.
00:55:07I think tomorrow's going to be the big day
00:55:09that Edmunds is going to make that announcement.
00:55:13I mean, come on.
00:55:15What were they thinking?
00:55:17You know, in a way, it makes sense.
00:55:19At least it does to them.
00:55:21I mean, he needs the new young voters.
00:55:23That's how he can get them.
00:55:25Yeah, well, that is a decision that is going to
00:55:27bite him squarely on the ass.
00:55:29You're always so eloquent.
00:55:31You know what?
00:55:33You know what?
00:55:34You're always so eloquent.
00:55:37That's why I'm an intelligence agent,
00:55:39not a politician.
00:55:41Thank God.
00:55:44They either haven't vetted him
00:55:46or they're just throwing up a Hail Mary here.
00:55:48That's the point.
00:55:50I need details.
00:55:52I know something flaky went on.
00:55:54I know it.
00:55:56I need something good.
00:55:58I love when you get all hard-nosed journalist on me.
00:56:00Grant Knight is so damn fetching.
00:56:02You know, I don't think my two ex-husbands
00:56:04are going to believe me.
00:56:06I think it's high time we did away
00:56:08with the puritanical ethic
00:56:10and realized that everything is not for everyone.
00:56:14Y'all ready to order?
00:56:16We're still working.
00:56:23Grab your pen.
00:56:26Pakistanis are trading
00:56:28information on nuclear enrichment
00:56:30with North Koreans
00:56:32in exchange for missiles
00:56:34Rumor has it your boy is in the mix.
00:56:36Okay, nothing terribly new.
00:56:38Well, it was never confirmed.
00:56:40Or is it...
00:56:42So it just died.
00:56:44Or they killed it.
00:56:46My guess, just a guess,
00:56:48is that Majors and North Koreans
00:56:50know something that the rest of us do not.
00:56:52It was all well and good
00:56:54until the deep stakes started.
00:56:56What do you mean?
00:56:58Intelligence suggests that North Koreans
00:57:00hired a hit squad to take Majors out.
00:57:02That's huge.
00:57:05Makes perfect sense.
00:57:07Do it before it becomes a VP nominee.
00:57:09Gets all that secret service detail.
00:57:11No offense to the fine state troopers
00:57:13here in Louisiana.
00:57:15Why hasn't anyone been alerted?
00:57:17If we alert everyone every time
00:57:19something like this comes over the wire
00:57:21we'd have troops on every corner of the nation.
00:57:23Hasn't been confirmed yet.
00:57:25Well, I need names.
00:57:27What do you mean?
00:57:29You're doing it?
00:57:31Well, you know,
00:57:33you've got the trained Iraqis,
00:57:35you've got the ex-KGB,
00:57:37the usual suspects.
00:57:39There's a long list of people
00:57:41who are ready for this dirty work.
00:57:43That's just lovely.
00:57:45Everybody's outsourcing these days.
00:57:47Do me a favor.
00:57:49Don't go to wire just yet.
00:57:51Just give me a little more time.
00:57:53Just hold it.
00:57:55I'll tell you more before I fly out tomorrow.
00:57:57Call me.
00:57:59There's just one thing
00:58:01I want you to do.
00:58:03Thanks for the tip.
00:58:05Yeah, you go.
00:58:07More, huh?
00:58:09How do you like that?
00:58:11One nation,
00:58:13under God,
00:58:15with liberty and justice.
00:58:17I've got the justice.
00:58:19I've got it right here.
00:58:21Go ahead.
00:58:32We know
00:58:34that something's going down.
00:58:36We know
00:58:38that something's going down.
00:58:39We know
00:58:41that something's going down.
00:59:05If I wanted to kill you,
00:59:07you'd already be dead.
00:59:10You'd have been a philosopher
00:59:12instead of a mercenary soldier.
00:59:39Like that, huh?
00:59:41Maybe I hit some track.
00:59:43I'll be right back.
01:00:10You can't pull on my shoes, bitch!
01:00:26you are a soldier.
01:00:30You are a smart man.
01:00:33This is a war.
01:00:36And we,
01:00:37we will kill you justly
01:00:39unless you give us the information that we need.
01:00:42Now, I have tried,
01:00:44and I have tried to work with you,
01:00:46but right now you leave me no options.
01:00:48You have wasted my time.
01:00:50Do you realize that I have missed
01:00:52an entire season of Ugly Betty?
01:00:57I'm sorry.
01:01:01There's nothing I can do anymore.
01:01:03Do you have the cleanup kit ready?
01:01:05Yes, I do.
01:01:07Give him ten seconds and terminate.
01:01:09Sounds good.
01:01:11My pleasure.
01:01:17All right!
01:01:26Just a second, I'm almost done.
01:01:28Folks, I seem to have a previous engagement,
01:01:30but I want to thank you and let you know
01:01:32that your generosity and gratitude
01:01:34will not go unreciprocated.
01:01:37I appreciate you doing this for me.
01:01:39I could definitely use a guy like you in Washington.
01:01:41Look, I never want to see you again.
01:01:44Governor, don't forget your peach caramel,
01:01:46and call me.
01:01:48He didn't say anything about my shoe.
01:01:50Honey, zip it!
01:01:54Come, we're moving upwards to the lobby.
01:02:06No, no, no!
01:03:09I think we're being followed.
01:03:11Pick it up, pick it up!
01:03:13Come on, son!
01:03:15Why is this happening?
01:03:17It's my first fucking day!
01:03:19You better step on it, damn it!
01:03:21Step on it!
01:03:23Call for backup, Simmons!
01:03:25Back up to Commerce Allusion now!
01:03:31Oh, no!
01:03:38Team, we're going to try and seal them in
01:03:40at the corner of Commerce and Union.
01:03:51Hurry up!
01:04:01Let me die!
01:04:03Step on it!
01:04:05Step on it, damn it!
01:04:16We'll talk.
01:04:18I don't know who the client is.
01:04:20That is why I'm still alive.
01:04:22Who is the target?
01:04:23And where?
01:04:25It is Majors.
01:04:27Your governor of Louisiana.
01:05:12Are you okay?
01:05:14Yeah, just in and out.
01:05:16Calling in as an assassination team.
01:05:18Calling in now!
01:05:19No, enough!
01:05:21Governor Majors, you're under arrest for murder.
01:05:23You are a man and will be used against you in a court of law.
01:05:25You have the right to an attorney.
01:05:27If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you by the courts.
01:05:29Do you understand these rights?
01:05:31Do you understand, you piece of filth?
01:05:45You're in Afghanistan.
01:05:48You've seen this blood.
01:05:50You know it's coming from an artery.
01:06:00I'm a fucking vice presidential nominee, you asshole.
01:06:03This is so far above your pay grade, you can't even imagine it.
01:06:10You sleep cozy at night.
01:06:12Because of things that I've done.
01:06:16Things that had to be done.
01:06:19You want to come in here and be Mr. High and Mighty now?
01:06:23It took you only three minutes to convince you to take the money.
01:06:30That was a mistake.
01:06:32But I'm going to make it right now.
01:06:34And I'm going to pay for it.
01:06:35But unlike you, I'm not going to pay with my life.
01:06:40Do you have any idea what I mean to this country?
01:06:43America needs what I bring to the table.
01:06:46What America needs is honesty.
01:06:48There's too many good, decent, hardworking people out there to put up with a piece of shit like you.
01:06:53You deserve the truth.
01:06:55The truth?
01:06:57You want to know why they want to kill me?
01:07:00Give it to me and I'll make a response.
01:07:02I know.
01:07:05I saw them doing it.
01:07:08Enriching goddamn uranium for a nuclear weapon.
01:07:12I'm the only westerner who ever laid eyes on that site.
01:07:18That's why they want to kill me.
01:07:24I've done some awful things.
01:07:30Why like this?
01:07:35I guess life just has a way of catching up to you.
01:07:38You never get away with nothing.
01:07:40It's just the way it is.
01:07:42Come on.
01:07:53You okay?
01:07:56We have shots fired. Officer down. I need the EMT.
01:07:59Ripple Road and Lull.
01:08:12Come on.
01:08:35Let me see it. No.
01:08:37Give me the phone. No.
01:08:39Give me the phone. No.
01:08:41They're just taking my phone.
01:08:43Sarah, stop taking your sister's things.
01:08:57Grandma, are we going to catch a fish this time?
01:09:00Well, it depends on a lot of different things.
01:09:02Grandma, I want to learn to be a boat captain.
01:09:04You can't do that.
01:09:06What did I teach you?
01:09:07In this country, you can do anything you put your mind to,
01:09:11as long as you work hard and believe.
01:09:14That's right.
01:09:16I'm so proud of you guys.
01:09:18Let's get in the boat.
01:09:21You're going to catch a fish today.
01:09:23I have my lucky hat on.
01:09:25Okay? Alright, be careful.
01:09:28Grandma, it's over.
01:09:30The governor's dead.
01:09:35When the time comes,
01:09:37I will be proud to accept my nomination
01:09:40for the Vice President of the United States.
01:09:43Thank you. Thank you.
01:09:45Farewell. Farewell. Farewell.
01:10:06And we're going to bring honor and justice back to America.
01:10:18People have been killing each other for years and years.
01:10:21A long time.
01:10:23When will it end?
01:10:25When will it end?
01:10:27When will it end?
01:10:29When will it end?
01:10:31When will it end?
01:10:33When will it end?
01:10:37We don't get paid to ask questions.
01:11:05We don't get paid to ask questions.
01:11:07We don't get paid to ask questions.
01:11:09We don't get paid to ask questions.
01:11:11We don't get paid to ask questions.
01:11:13We don't get paid to ask questions.
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01:11:17We don't get paid to ask questions.
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