Chanson Malade + Plus de Comptines et de Vidéos de Dessins Animés pour les enfants

  • 3 days ago
Dans cette chanson douce et réconfortante pour enfants, un petit est malade et ses parents lui offrent tout le soin et l’amour nécessaires pour qu’il se sente mieux. La chanson enseigne aux enfants comment se reposer, prendre leurs médicaments et recevoir de l’attention lorsqu'ils ne se sentent pas bien.
#maladechanson #comptines #dessinsanimés #musique #chansonspourenfants #maternelle #scolaire #éducation #petit #pourapprendre #préscolaire #vidéos #famille #babybigcheese #kidstvfrançaise


00:00Poor baby, I see that you are sick, you will get better soon, you feel so bad and I understand, I will be there for you.
00:30Everyone gets sick sometimes when there is a change of weather, you need a little rest and you will feel better.
00:45I am sorry that you sniffle, but everything will be better soon, I know that you feel so bad and I will take care of you.
01:08Look, here is the doctor, he is here to help you, he can give you medicine and you will start to feel better.
01:22Everyone gets sick sometimes when there is a change of weather, give yourself some medicine and soon you will feel better.
01:52Everyone gets sick sometimes when there is a change of weather, give yourself some medicine and soon you will feel better.
02:23Let's learn the letters, let's sing their sound, we will sing them loud and clear.
02:44A like apple, A, A, A, B like bunny, B, B, B, C like car, C, C, C and D like dog, D, D, D.
03:03E like elephant, E, E, E and F like fish, F, F, Fish, G for guitar, G, G, G and H for hat, H, H, H.
03:22Let's learn the letters, let's sing their sound, we will sing them loud and clear.
03:41E for insect, E, E, E, J for juice, J, J, J, K for kangaroo, K, K, K and L for lollipop, L, L, L.
04:04M for monkey, M, M, M and N for nest, N, N, N. O for orange, O, O, O and P like pig, P, P, Pig.
04:23Let's learn the letters, let's sing their sound, we will sing them loud and clear.
04:42Q like queen, Q, Q, Q and R for rainbow, R, R, R. S like sun, S, S, S and T for tree, T, T, T.
05:05U like umbrella, U, U, U and V like vegetable, V, V, V. W for worm, W, W, W. X for x-ray, X, X, X.
05:24Y for yo-yo, Y, Y, Y and Z for zipper, Z, Z, Z.
05:33Let's learn the letters, let's sing their sound, we will sing them loud and clear.
06:03Let's learn the letters, let's sing their sound, we will sing them loud and clear.
06:33Let's learn the letters, let's sing their sound, we will sing them loud and clear.
06:58Let's learn the letters, let's sing their sound, we will sing them loud and clear.
07:21Let's learn the letters, let's sing their sound, we will sing them loud and clear.
07:51Let's learn the letters, let's sing their sound, we will sing them loud and clear.
08:21Let's learn the letters, let's sing their sound, we will sing them loud and clear.
08:51Let's learn the letters, let's sing their sound, we will sing them loud and clear.
09:16Let's learn the letters, let's sing their sound, we will sing them loud and clear.
09:46Let's learn the letters, let's sing their sound, we will sing them loud and clear.
10:16Let's learn the letters, let's sing their sound, we will sing them loud and clear.
10:46Let's learn the letters, let's sing their sound, we will sing them loud and clear.
11:13Let's learn the letters, let's sing their sound, we will sing them loud and clear.
