Garden Rescue episode 34 2024

  • 13 hours ago
Garden Rescue episode 34 2024
00:00The Garden Rescue Team are on a mission.
00:04What's not to like?
00:05To make garden dreams come true.
00:08Oh my God!
00:09Charlie Dimmock.
00:10Plants there, plants there, plants there, plants everywhere!
00:13Lee Burkill.
00:14Take me to my people, boys!
00:17Flo Hedlum.
00:18I've gone for the big bad boy.
00:20And Chris Hull.
00:21A couple of inches made all the difference.
00:23Tell me about it.
00:25Are here to answer your gardening emergencies.
00:28It's just a wild jungle.
00:30Okay, that's a challenge.
00:32Each week, two of our designers will go head to head.
00:35Now I really hope you like this garden.
00:37The design we have gone for is...
00:40Drum roll please.
00:47And whichever designer loses...
00:49It's all about my water feature.
00:51My water feature.
00:53Helps the winner build the garden.
00:56Turning garden dreams...
00:58Please, open your eyes.
00:59Into reality.
01:01Oh, wow!
01:03That is absolutely stunning!
01:09Awaiting the team today is a crumbling, concrete-ridden garden
01:13in Cheadle Hume, Greater Manchester.
01:18This is our garden.
01:21I'm Aram.
01:22And I'm Adean.
01:23We met during the pandemic.
01:25And it was not easy.
01:28We made it work and, yeah, we got engaged.
01:30And I think nine months later, we decided to get married.
01:34And now we have a little one called Adam.
01:36Yes, Adam. He's exactly one year old.
01:40A handful.
01:41A handful.
01:43NHS workers Aram and Adean are originally from Iraq.
01:47But Aram's family came to the UK in 1991,
01:51whilst Adean's moved to the Netherlands in 1996.
01:55I've lived there for five years.
01:57Adean moved in three years ago when we got married.
02:00Yes, so I've lived in the Netherlands for, like, 25 years
02:03before I moved to the UK.
02:07In the Netherlands, we don't have loads of land and gardens,
02:11so having a garden is quite a luxury.
02:14We usually had to rent a land to garden there,
02:17but it was never at home.
02:19I always felt like I never had a proper garden to myself.
02:24She may have her own garden for the first time,
02:27but neither Adean or Aram have any idea what to do with it.
02:32When I moved in 2016, it's basically stayed the same.
02:34I've not touched it.
02:36It's a mess. I wouldn't know where to begin with it.
02:40These plants were here before I even moved into the place.
02:44Don't even know what any of them are.
02:46Not sure what this is. Not sure what that is.
02:49And this is our dining area, as you can tell.
02:52Not used all that often.
02:53Has been used for paint at some point, though,
02:55when we tried painting the fences,
02:57and that didn't work out because of British weather.
03:01The garden is so bad that Adean has had to take drastic measures.
03:07Because Adean can't garden outside, the garden has now come inside.
03:10So sometimes I'll wake up in the morning, go in to have a shower
03:14and then pull back the shower curtain and see.
03:16Ta-da! I have plants literally everywhere.
03:19So, yeah, I mean, even Aram is not safe in the shower.
03:23I've almost got it mapped out in my head where the plants are now.
03:25So I have to think strategically when I'm walking around the house
03:28where the plants are and make sure not to knock them over.
03:36When they do venture outside,
03:38the couple love to entertain family and friends.
03:41But here, the garden comes up short once again.
03:46So, at the moment, the barbecue that I'm using
03:49is just a few bricks stacked on the floor.
03:51As you can see, it's more function over style.
03:54I have to be hunched over it
03:56because there's no space for me to do anything else.
04:00If a six-inch-high barbecue wasn't enough,
04:03the next obstacle is the landing strip.
04:07It's just such an awful thing to have in the garden
04:10because you can't do anything with it.
04:12I mean, it's just like stone and...
04:14Nah, it just needs to go.
04:16Needs to go. Hate it with a passion.
04:19Yeah, we really need your help, guys.
04:22Yeah, we really need Garden Rescue to rescue us.
04:28Competing for a chance to transform Aram and Edian's concrete nightmare
04:33are Lee, who always relishes a challenge as big as this.
04:37This is a really nice space and I'm absolutely full of ideas
04:41as to how to create a journey in this garden.
04:44And Charlie, with her years of expertise in tricky garden design.
04:50Lovely big garden lends itself to lots of possibilities with the design.
04:56Hopefully, my ideas will be better than Lee's.
05:01They're such a lovely couple, aren't they?
05:04Yeah. I mean, it's a big garden as well.
05:06Look at it. I mean, it's huge.
05:08I mean, the one thing that's given me the horrors is all this concrete.
05:11I mean, it must have been the driveway, mustn't it?
05:14Yeah, or, you know, a new runway for Manchester Airport.
05:17Shall we find out a bit more? Oh, yes, please.
05:26I love to grow stuff.
05:28I really love to put my fingers in the dirt
05:31and try to grow veggies, and I just love gardening.
05:37But, I mean, I just don't have the ability
05:40to actually put those plants and veggies outside in the garden
05:44because, yeah, the garden is just a mess.
05:47The garden, for me, needs to be full of colour.
05:50For instance, I love blue hydrangeas.
05:52They just give a brilliant atmosphere to the garden.
05:55It has to be very bright to give me that sense of an actual garden
05:59that I didn't have before.
06:01Oh, I love that.
06:03I'd really, really want a raised decking area,
06:06just so that it separates the garden somewhere
06:09that's almost like a destination for our guests, our family.
06:12One thing I'd really like is having a swing
06:15and to have that space just for me and to relax a little bit,
06:19have a read of a book and, yeah, have a very good place for myself
06:23to really have that inner peace.
06:26Never had a garden before, so for me,
06:28this is basically putting my stamp on a garden or my first garden.
06:32Wow! That's exciting.
06:34Looks like we've got a willing student with this one, shall we?
06:37Yeah. She's lived in the Netherlands,
06:39and, I mean, they do lots of produce growing as well.
06:42Yeah. So this could be fun.
06:44That's wonderful because we're going to be giving them the first garden
06:48and all that enthusiasm and that willingness to learn is there.
06:51I know.
06:52And what's the budget for this one, Charlie?
06:55Oh, OK.
06:56So it's good, but it is a big garden,
06:59but then, you know, if we're going to make pocket spaces,
07:03we can concentrate the budget in those areas.
07:06Yeah. I mean, that's always my preference
07:08because you get more bang for your buck.
07:10I'm excited about this one. Yes.
07:15It's now down to Charlie and Lee to use their design skills
07:18to create a grow-your-own relaxing family garden for £5,000.
07:24Aram and Eddie-Anne then have to choose one of their designs
07:27and whichever designer loses must help the other build it.
07:31The budget will be spent on materials,
07:33with Charlie, Lee and their landscapers doing the work for free.
07:40In Cheadle Hume, the pitches have arrived.
07:47Here we go, Aram, Eddie-Anne, here's my design.
07:50I wanted to give you a garden that you could all use and enjoy
07:55and get your green fingers going
07:57and have a lovely space to socialise and be a family.
08:02I love that.
08:05Hi, Aram and Eddie-Anne.
08:06This is your very first garden
08:08and you want an area that you can entertain family and friends.
08:12You also want a garden where you can start to grow
08:14some of your own fruits, vegetables and flowers.
08:17Dodge Garden, yes.
08:19I think I finally am getting what I really want.
08:23Coming out of the patio doors, I've got this deck area
08:26because it's just very handy.
08:28Got a seating area right outside the patio doors,
08:31surrounded with lots of beautiful planting,
08:35full of colour, a path leading you down.
08:38You can either go onto the lawn
08:40or you can go onto this new patio area here.
08:43Again, surrounded with planting, with these arches, pergolas,
08:50full of climbers to give you colour.
08:53That's perfect.
08:55Charlie's off to a flying start,
08:58providing a deck, a new patio and a pergola,
09:01but Lee's got plenty on offer too.
09:04I focus my efforts and design skill at the back of the garden
09:08where I think I can really pack a punch.
09:10I've given you this gorgeous decked area
09:13with a custom wooden pergola.
09:15And this is going to become the seating area
09:17where all your family and friends can convene
09:20in your beautiful Dodge Garden.
09:22Now, I know, Aram, that you really wanted a space to barbecue.
09:25I've given you your own custom barbecue zone
09:28right next to the entertaining space.
09:30Now you're speaking my language.
09:32The two designers have gone in opposite directions.
09:36Charlie's focused on the top of the garden
09:38and Lee at the bottom.
09:40So what's Charlie got up her sleeve next?
09:44So the patio, great place for you, Aram, for your barbecuing.
09:49But we've got this spillover space of gravel
09:52so you can extend seating,
09:55but then the archway leads you through, Adyan, to your area.
10:01And I know you love growing things,
10:03so I've given you this space here
10:05and I've kept it nice and easy and straightforward.
10:08So we've got these raised beds for growing vegetables and fruits.
10:12Then along the fence line here,
10:14it's ideal for growing gooseberries and raspberries,
10:19Then I've got a trellis across here
10:22with some thornless blackberries.
10:24And then even a little greenhouse-cum-propagator
10:28so all your cuttings and seedlings you can grow on here
10:33rather than in the kitchen or the bathroom anymore.
10:38That's music to my ears, that.
10:40Charlie's self-contained fruit and veg plot
10:43is perfect for Adyan to pursue her passion for plants.
10:47Can Lee give her a slice of the good life as well?
10:51Adyan, you really wanted to get that feel
10:54of being in an allotment garden in the Netherlands.
10:57And what I've done is built you this custom separator,
11:01almost like a divider for the garden
11:03that shows that you're moving from one zone to the next.
11:06And it's going to be a real focal point.
11:08Around this custom structure, we've got these raised beds.
11:11And I'm going to be planting a mix of ornamental plants
11:15that give you colour, scent and delight
11:17with grow-your-own fruit and veg.
11:20I'm going to give you a few key items
11:22such as pumpkin, some tomatoes, chard.
11:25It's going to get you off to a flying start
11:27in getting your fingers green.
11:29I'm not sure about the pumpkin.
11:32Unlike Charlie, Lee's opted to mix the veg planting
11:36amongst the flower borders, which isn't to everyone's taste.
11:40So how will they tackle the next challenge, the relaxation area?
11:45I know you wanted a space that was much calmer and relaxed
11:50so you can wander into this seating area
11:53with these two hanging seats on a pergola,
11:57again with grapevines or clematis, and they hang down
12:01so you can sit there in the evening sun, read a book.
12:05And then as a backdrop, we've got these fruit trees,
12:08dwarf fruit trees, not too tall,
12:11so that you get apples and cherries and pears.
12:17Having my separate space, dedicated space there, that's amazing.
12:22Well, Adiaan, I know you've always wanted a swing.
12:25So this custom divider is also your swing set.
12:29In the middle, there's going to be a really fun swing
12:32that you can sit on.
12:35I know you really wanted a blue hydrangea,
12:37and I've put one in the design.
12:39It's going to sit at the back of one of these raised beds
12:41so that in the spring, you've got these bright blue flowers.
12:44I also want to give you two fruit trees.
12:47The first is going to be an apple tree,
12:49the second is going to be a cherry tree,
12:51which not only will give you cherries late summer,
12:54it will give you beautiful blossom in the spring.
12:56Aram and Adiaan, this is your very first garden.
12:59So if you want to start with a bang,
13:01make sure you pick this cracker for the design.
13:03So it's a garden for the family.
13:06I hope you like my design.
13:10Very difficult.
13:11This is very difficult.
13:16Aram and Adiaan have two very different designs to choose from.
13:21Will they choose Charlie,
13:23who's offering a large entertaining deck,
13:25barbecue patio and separate fruit and veg area?
13:30The flowers are basically on point.
13:33I really love the colour palette.
13:35I like the fact that she's put places for you to garden here
13:38and not inside the house.
13:39Yeah, I have my dedicated place now.
13:41It's actually planned.
13:42I mean, I love the fact there are two swings,
13:44so we can just swing together.
13:46Or will they pick Lee's design with its pergola and deck,
13:50all surrounded by a Dutch-inspired allotment garden?
13:54It's so structured and quite obvious that that is my place as well.
13:59There's a dedicated barbecue area.
14:01Which you love.
14:02Of course, yes.
14:03I'm just not sure about the trees being there,
14:06and they both have what we really want in a garden,
14:09so, yeah, it's going to be a very tough decision.
14:15Only one design can win.
14:18Who's it going to be?
14:21Here we go.
14:22Aram and Adrienne have come back to us.
14:27Hi, Charlie.
14:28Hi, Lee.
14:29Thank you so much for your designs.
14:31Really tough decision to make this one.
14:33Yeah, they were both so lovely,
14:35however, so different from each other,
14:37so we really had a tough job in deciding which one we wanted to go for.
14:42Well, there can only be one.
14:44We did come to a decision in the end,
14:46and the design that we chose is...
14:50Lee's design.
14:52Well done!
14:54That was a bit like...
14:55It was, it was a bit left and right, wasn't it?
14:58Oh, my gosh.
14:59So, Lee, can't wait for you to come out and make this dream come true for her.
15:02Because I don't have to trip over plants all the time.
15:06What are you doing with all that concrete?
15:08Good question.
15:10I'm really looking forward to this, though.
15:12It's that pocket garden with little areas
15:14where they can really get used to gardening.
15:16At least we won't be on top of each other,
15:18because it's a nice, big garden.
15:20Easy access.
15:21You can be on that football pitch lawn,
15:23get your stripes out.
15:29The landscaping team, led by Ben,
15:31have arrived in a soaking wet Cheadle Hume.
15:41And are ready to spring into action.
15:46Here we go.
15:47Stepping back.
15:50Whether it's not a bass, it is very, very wet.
15:53You've walked through it.
15:54There is a lot of concrete.
15:57We've got the top area of the garden just here.
16:00A huge deck to go in there,
16:02with a pergola on top of it.
16:04Let's get chopping and let's get it done.
16:06It's not raining at the minute, so let's crack on.
16:08Let's get it done.
16:09Can't get my speed up.
16:10Hold on a minute.
16:11Let's go.
16:17Time to break out this concrete.
16:25Lee's design is focused on the rear half of the garden,
16:28so all the concrete past that point has to go.
16:32If it's super thick, it could put the build schedule back hours.
16:38Actually, it hasn't smashed up too badly.
16:41We were worried because of the garage next door,
16:43it would have been really deep,
16:45but got by three, four inches.
16:47All this is going to go in the skip right now.
16:50With the concrete gone,
16:54the huge entertaining deck at the rear of the garden
16:57can be mapped out.
17:07Hey, Andy.
17:08How's it going?
17:10How's it going?
17:12How's it going?
17:14How's it going?
17:16How's it going?
17:18Okay, Andy.
17:19Now, Lee and Jamie is cracking on with the decking area.
17:22So, we are now going to create a large bed at the back.
17:26Gives them a bit of privacy as well, won't they?
17:29The barbecue area will have to move down a little bit,
17:32but for us, starting these sleepers,
17:34as soon as they've got that one in,
17:36that'll give us a fixed starting position.
17:38So we can square off their timber.
17:41And then we can get on with this bed.
17:43That's our starting point.
17:45All right.
17:54But getting this spot on isn't always straightforward.
18:04So, we've gone on a parallel line with the fence.
18:09Just come and have a little butcher's.
18:11Have a pat at it.
18:13Do we...?
18:15No, I think these have gone wrong.
18:18We've bent them out.
18:20It'll be all right. We'll sort it.
18:23Translating a design to the ground
18:25can sometimes mean adjustments are necessary.
18:29Right, Ben, have you got a minute?
18:32Right, we've got all the areas up.
18:35Obviously, while we're digging all the ground and getting the posts in,
18:38we want to get the last two posts, quarter posts in,
18:40for the rest of the decked area, which is coming outside of this.
18:43All the right of frame.
18:45So, I mean, we're thinking if we come a metre from your raised bed,
18:48so it gives them a metre opening...
18:50Yeah. gives them a good two-metre area for the barbecuing area.
18:54That's plenty, isn't it?
18:56That works perfectly.
19:11Even with the constant rain hampering efforts,
19:14the landscapers push on.
19:22And now the beds are in the right place,
19:24the soil from the deck area can be recycled into them.
19:31The beds are all complete now.
19:33We've still got two posts that go in here,
19:37where the swing's going to go here,
19:39and Jamie and Lee are smashing out the decking that's coming up.
19:45With the bare bones of his design in place...
19:48Upper touch, Ben.
19:50Down a bit. Down a bit.'s the perfect time...
19:54Down a bit. Stop.
19:57..for Lee and Charlie to make an appearance.
20:00It's very quiet this morning, isn't it?
20:02Yes, busy, busy. We're going to be busy, busy today.
20:05We are.
20:07What do you think of this?
20:09It's massive! The garden's huge!
20:11I know. And this one's going to be quite a tricky one.
20:13So what am I up to, then?
20:15Well, I'm going to put you in the back corner.
20:17Oh, OK. In the barbecue zone.
20:19Right, OK. Oh, right, so I can do anything I want.
20:22Pretty much, because I'm going to be covering the swing
20:25and these huge raised beds.
20:27That'll be gorgeous. But lots to do.
20:33Now, Adyan is from the Netherlands
20:35and they're famous for these micro allotment pocket gardens.
20:39The design that I've come up with
20:41is based on a number of raised beds.
20:43Lift the planting up, the beds warm up really early in the season,
20:47making it super easy for them to garden.
20:49I'm also using framing to help divide the garden up.
20:52At the back part, where Charlie's going to be,
20:54there's a huge custom pergola in deck,
20:56meaning that they can entertain their family and friends
20:59whilst nested in the garden.
21:01There's going to be a beautiful barbecue zone
21:03where they can cook and eat the things that they grow in these flowerbeds.
21:06And then last but not least, we've got the swing.
21:09That was really important to Adyan, because she's always wanted one.
21:12And what she wants, she shall get.
21:18Have you not got long enough arms?
21:24Just putting the rafters in for the pergola.
21:26So this pergola here is adding some height to the back of the garden.
21:30We've got some climbing roses, I think, to go on this as well,
21:33so it'll be lovely colour and scent.
21:35And, of course, you can use the rose petals in cooking
21:38and decorating cakes and also for making potpourri and things like that.
21:43So lots for Adyan to do with the roses.
21:47You want another rafter now?
21:50Creating a pergola this big does come at a cost.
21:53The wood alone set the budget back nearly £1,200.
21:58It's treated timber, so it'll last longer, weather down nicely,
22:03so you don't really need to repaint it,
22:05and it'll go that silvery grey.
22:07And it's fabulous that the neighbour's willow overhangs,
22:10so it will give them some shade as well.
22:12Because everyone says, oh, I want to sit in the sunshine,
22:15but when it's boiling hot, you want to sit in the shade.
22:22More timber sleepers are also needed to create the frame
22:25that'll stretch across the middle of the garden and house Adyan's swing.
22:30Ben, I'm going to need your help to make sure that I don't end up with wonky frames.
22:34Because you know I'm a bit lopsided when it comes to putting in posts.
22:37You like mirroring gardens as well, don't you?
22:40Can we take the string line from one post to the other?
22:48I thought this was my zone!
22:50I thought it was from here, but I thought we were friends.
22:53How are we doing, Ben?
22:54It's actually in line.
22:57That's because I've had nothing to do with it.
23:00One metre, 82, outside to outside.
23:03One metre, 82.
23:05Good catch!
23:06On 82.
23:08Safety is paramount, and with the frame stretching the width of the garden,
23:12it not only has to be durable, but extremely sturdy.
23:16There we go.
23:18Fudgy clay.
23:23Whenever you're installing a swing,
23:25you need to make sure that the foundations or supports
23:28have got enough postcrete in the bottom to secure them.
23:32So we're going down a good 600 so that the supports are really stable.
23:48Come on.
23:56This is the bit I'm good at, giving it a bit of a jib.
24:06Charlie's tackling the barbecue section at the rear of the garden,
24:11which means clearing some of the existing shrubs
24:14to make way for Lee's new planting scheme.
24:19The garden already had some mature plants in it,
24:22and one behind the deck in the new planting bed needs some careful attention.
24:31This plant here is a laurel, which is a hedging plant, really,
24:34but it's been let go, but it's great because it's evergreen
24:38and it also screens the houses next door.
24:42Now, all I'm going to do is tip back some of the growth,
24:46which will help it thicken up.
24:49Now, you could use a hedge trimmer on laurel,
24:53but I like to use secateurs,
24:55mainly because if you're using a hedging trimmer,
24:58when it cuts through and it cuts through the leaf,
25:02you'll get a really horrible brown line on it.
25:05So by using secateurs and just clipping on the stems,
25:09you won't get that messy finish to it.
25:13A little bit more.
25:16Charlie, I'd like you to shape that into a duck.
25:20You are such a comedian, aren't you?
25:23I'll give you ten minutes.
25:25I can think of some other words for you as well.
25:28Yeah, I can really see it coming together now.
25:31We've got all of these lines and the frames.
25:33It just gives you these little views of the garden,
25:36and all of a sudden, rather than it being one long corridor,
25:39it's different rooms. Nice.
25:54We've managed to pack the gazebo up, the rain's stopped,
25:57and luckily the sun's out.
25:59What do you reckon, fellas?
26:01That time, innit? Tropical.
26:03Now it's a case of getting those crossbeams in,
26:05and I'm using these really long timberlock screws
26:08to make sure that everything is super secure.
26:16That's super long screws. Super long screws.
26:23Having spent years barbecuing on the floor,
26:26Aram's one request was a proper barbecue zone,
26:30but this means Charlie's got some assembling to do.
26:33I've just got to put the barbecue together,
26:36which is always fun.
26:39I have learnt that it's a really good idea
26:42to place everything out
26:44and just get your head round it first
26:46before you start screwing things together.
26:49It also helps to follow the instructions
26:52rather than make it up as you go along.
26:55So, that's the handle for the top.
27:00Don't wobble it.
27:02You twist it and you don't use a hammer.
27:09OK, so that's for the charcoal.
27:12That's for the sausages.
27:15And then the lid goes on the top.
27:18Look at it!
27:21The hard landscaping is pretty much finished.
27:24Oh, it looks like you've got the hole ready there, Lee.
27:28It'll fit in.
27:30My big nose ring.
27:32Now Lee can fit the all-important heavy-duty hook
27:37ready for the swing that was on Eddie-Anne's wish list.
27:41What you could have worn.
27:43And just in time for a special delivery.
27:47Come on, Mr Hare, come on!
27:50Come on, Mr Hare, wheelbarrows for plants.
27:56Oh, look, you've got my favourite tulip.
27:59Have we?
28:01Yes, little beauty, little beauty.
28:03Was it named after me?
28:06Lee's design is based around two giant borders
28:10on either side of the swing...
28:16Watch me, crabs!
28:20..that'll house a combination of flowering perennials
28:24and fruit and veg plants.
28:26A big part of this garden design are the fruit trees.
28:30I absolutely love fruit trees
28:32because they're great for small gardens and new gardeners.
28:35And in this garden, we've got some beautiful specimens
28:38like this crab apple.
28:40I'm a big fan of crab apples.
28:42I love the crab.
28:44They're so fresh.
28:46They're so sweet.
28:48They're just so easy to look at.
28:50I mean, how can you not love a crab?
28:53specimens like this crabapple. Now this is going to provide loads of interest
28:59throughout the year. As you can see at the moment it's covered in fruits but in
29:03early spring the crabapple is going to be a real wildlife magnet especially for
29:06honeybees that are looking for what we call early forage when there's not much
29:10else going on in the garden and they need nectar. But it's not just the
29:14crabapple, we've got a beautiful plum, a cherry and an apple and the beauty of
29:18having a mix of different fruit trees is that they've got different pollination
29:22windows and will attract different insects. So throughout spring they're all
29:26going to go through different phases of blossom and then in the autumn again
29:30different phases of fruit. As you can see now just by having the fruit trees
29:35placed out we've got height, we've got interest and I can already see honeybees
29:40drifting in taking a look at these new beautiful trees.
29:53Charlie's got her hands full in the new border behind the deck. Now I'm popping
30:00in another evergreen here so we've got the laurel and then this camellia
30:05japonica. Lovely glossy leaves and then of course in the early spring you get
30:11these open red flowers, really lovely. It's very very slow growing, it will
30:16eventually get to two, two and a half meters tall but it'll take about 15
30:22years to get to that but it'll give a bit of color to the patio area but being
30:26evergreen it's going to screen the fence and fit in. Now the other thing to
30:30remember about camellias is they prefer an acid soil. Now I know the soil
30:39here is acid because Arum and Adiana have got camellia down there and it's
30:45looking perfectly healthy. Now the other thing to remember you don't really need
30:51to prune them but if you say want to take off a little bit because it's
30:57creeping over don't cut them late in the summertime because your best time to do
31:03any trimming on camellias is as soon as they finish flowering because otherwise
31:08if you cut them now you see these big fat buds those are next year's flowers
31:14so you'll end up cutting all the flowers off.
31:33Taking inspiration from Dutch allotment gardens Lee's raised beds will be
31:39planted to provide a riot of color all year round.
31:45Now it wouldn't be a Dutch garden without tulips. I've planned to plant
31:51drifts of different tulips and other bulbs in the garden so that next spring
31:56Adniam is going to come outside and suddenly be reminded of being back in
32:00the Netherlands. Now the beauty with bulbs is they're a really cost-effective
32:03way to bulk up your spring flowers in your gardens but the rule of thumb is
32:08that you always plant a bulb three times the width of the bulb and if you don't
32:12know which way up the bulb is you just plant them on their side but you can
32:17usually tell because they've got a tiny little basil root at the bottom. I'm
32:20going to space them out quite broadly as well because over the years they're
32:24going to double up so if you want spring color in your garden stuff that comes
32:27back year after year then bulbs are a really good place to start.
32:33Now Lee's given Adniam a framework of shrubs that are straightforward and easy for her to look after.
32:46Having a new garden, such a big garden, he doesn't want her to get overwhelmed
32:50and we're putting another evergreen in here but this time it's one of my
32:54favorites, Fatsia japonica. Got these gorgeous big glossy leaves and contrast
33:01to the camellia, quite slow growing. It will eventually get quite big, it almost
33:07makes a small tree with a bit of an umbrella canopy but this will fill this
33:13space and again perfectly happy in dappled shade. Now fatsias, you can grow
33:20them in pots but to be honest with you they're much better in the ground
33:25because they get pot bound really quickly so you do need to start feeding
33:30them otherwise they look quite sickly and you don't have that deep verdant
33:35green so I'd say pop them in the ground you'll have a much happier plant and
33:40less work. The garden may be coming alive with lush planting but it won't be
33:49complete without the one thing that's top of Adniam's wish list.
33:55Now originally this was a plank of wood, one of those old-fashioned swings but
33:59Adniam really wanted this egg chair so we've tweaked the design slightly but it
34:03does mean she's going to be able to sit here, oh, nice and comfortable in her own
34:10little egg. It also means that in the future if she wants a big swing for Adam
34:15she can switch this out so kind of has a few different uses.
34:20Probably sit here for a few hours. It is isn't it? Is it lunchtime yet?
34:23Oh yes please.
34:25With the swing ready for action, it's back to the planting.
34:35Shall I put the rosemary in the gravel?
34:37Because they can train it up the fence as a clip.
34:41Yeah, good idea.
34:45Charlie's now taking on one of the raised beds by the deck.
34:49Right, just getting the last few plants into this raised bed.
34:55And again, Lee has made it easy for Adniam so he's given her some structure with shrubs.
35:01So we've got some Senecio, Hydrangea and Ebe but then interplanted with herbaceous
35:07plants that are straightforward and easy. And this being a raised bed, it's so easy
35:11to look after because it's seating height and you can just clip things and tidy up.
35:17But you could also just be sat here surrounded by the beautiful colourful plants.
35:27Now this bed is really exciting because it's a mix of grow your own and also ornamental
35:33plants which means that not only is it going to look gorgeous, but Adniam and Aram can
35:37come outside and pick things to eat either on the barbecue or in salads.
35:43So it's got a mix of some beautiful ornamental plants and also things that you can eat like
35:48these chives and I've blended them together. There's a few little other bits like chard,
35:52we've got some spinach and some fruit bushes in here just to give her kind of a smorgasbord,
35:57a little tasting sample of the things that she can grow. And everything in here is super
36:01easy for beginner gardeners. So once she's got through one season with this and then
36:05starts next year, she's going to feel really confident. And that's key with any garden
36:09design for a new gardener, is to make sure that you give them things that you know they're
36:13going to succeed with. And as you look through, you'll see that it's not only delicious, but
36:18it looks like a feast for the eyes as well.
36:29While for Adniam, plants were the key,
36:33for Aram, it was all about having an entertainment space for family and friends.
36:50Oh, I'm liking this. It's nice, isn't it? It's like an outdoor kitchen without the sink.
36:55Look at that. The outdoor eating space in the evening sun.
37:04But there's no time to test it out just yet.
37:13Time for the finishing touch to the hanging egg chair, which is this super spongy cushion.
37:19It's the details that tie the design together.
37:23And with a bit of courage, Lee's Dutch-inspired garden is finished.
37:30Well, what a day. I have to say, what a transformation. I mean, when we walked in this morning, it was...
37:38Polite to call it a bombsite this morning, because it was just...
37:41I didn't want to upset you, but I'm loving the colour scheme. Blues, purples and yellows is really gorgeous.
37:50Yeah, because it's quite unusual to have such a contrast in the planting.
37:53What I really love is this area that you've created, where it's kind of super modern and barbecue-y, low fuss.
38:00Yeah, I can see they're going to be sat out here evenings. Aram's going to be there performing his cooking skills.
38:08Edian's going to be there with dirty fingers and hands from gardening, rushing to wash them.
38:13Well, hopefully they're going to absolutely love it, but I can't wait to see the reaction.
38:17Right then.
38:25When the team arrived, Aram and Edian's garden was a vast wasteland with lots of concrete,
38:33plenty of uneven turf, a few mature shrubs and a back-breaking barbecue.
38:43It was unused, unloved and wasn't fit for purpose.
38:49Now, it's been completely transformed into a Dutch-inspired allotment garden for all the family to enjoy.
38:58From the house, a new gravel path leads down the garden, bordered by a fresh lawn.
39:07Fruit trees draw the eye to a magnificent timber frame that divides the garden and supports Edian's swing for reading and relaxing.
39:19Two huge raised beds filled with a sea of colour, scent and produce will help her indulge her love for plants.
39:29And frame the entrance to the entertaining area with its giant raised deck, complete with a dining table.
39:43A new bespoke pergola adorned with scented climbers is backed by a border of evergreen shrubs, concealing the fence and creating a sense of privacy.
39:56And finally, Aram's old six-inch barbecue has been replaced with a new one, ready for some serious outdoor cooking.
40:07Lee's design has ticked all their boxes, but what will they make of it all?
40:13So whenever you're ready, open your eyes.
40:16Oh my God.
40:18I'm speechless.
40:20I can tell! It is a big transformation, isn't it?
40:22It is a huge transformation. I mean, there is finally, like, things going on in the garden.
40:29There's a lot going on in the garden.
40:31Oh, I think Adam likes it. Is this good?
40:34He wants to get involved.
40:37I think they're shocked. Really shocked.
40:41I love the trees.
40:43This amazing crabapple that's in fruit right now.
40:44The fact that it's just there, like, I don't have to go out into a balcony.
40:49So I can actually be active in the garden. That's just amazing.
40:54The trees are lovely.
40:57Going to be productive, bring the birds in, but also they make that area a really private area.
41:04Let's go.
41:06I love the gravel. Oh, lovely.
41:09Now, Ajaan, I know you wanted a swing.
41:14Do you want to take it for a ride?
41:16A hundred percent.
41:18Don't have to ask her twice.
41:20Oh, this is...
41:22Good night.
41:24Is this what you imagined with the swing?
41:27Yes, yes.
41:29Just to, like, sit here, chill, and then have a book, have a read.
41:33And I assume you can turn around everywhere.
41:36I can spin you now if you want. Look at this.
41:38You've got whatever view you fancy.
41:40This is the best.
41:42Ajaan thinks he's going to be sat in the swing, reading books, doing nothing.
41:46No, you won't, Ajaan.
41:48You're going to be doing a bit of weeding, doing a bit of pruning,
41:53and getting back to nature with your lovely garden.
41:59These are lovely. I didn't even notice them.
42:04And here we are at the barbecue zone.
42:06We've got you a gorgeous brand new galvanised barbecue that can be left out in all weathers.
42:10Meaning you can spend more time cooking and less time looking after it.
42:13I'm speaking my own language now.
42:15Charlie's also planted a mix of different herbs and things that you can eat around this part of the garden.
42:22Such as rosemary and fennel.
42:24You're going to love rosemary, yeah.
42:26Yes, love it.
42:28It's unbelievable. Can't have to hunch over a barbecue anymore.
42:30Yeah, oh, yeah.
42:32Makes a nice change.
42:34And do you think you know enough people to fill this huge debt?
42:36Oh, I think we'll manage.
42:38We will manage, don't worry about that.
42:40Was it worth it?
42:42Definitely. Oh, a million percent.
42:44A million percent. Adam agrees.
42:46Adam agrees as well.
42:48Is it worth it, Adam?
42:51We've got the seal of approval.
42:53I think it's a fantastic garden. Easy to maintain space for Adam to run around.
42:56And I'm sure Aram is going to come out and use the garden.
43:03Finally, there's no excuse for you to be planting inside.
43:06You can come outside, which will make a nice change.
43:08I don't have to plan my day around your plants.
43:10I'm very happy to get my green fingers going.
43:12So, yeah, win-win, I assume.