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Barcelona vs AC Milan 5 x 2 Champions League Highlights All Goals 2024 Hasil Bola Tadi Malam
00:07Clash of two European Giants to juggernaut of the global game set to go toe-to-toe with the start of the domestic campaign
00:15Just around the corner
00:17Barcelona now on the new stewardship and the new Hansi Flick regime look to recompose themselves on the continental stage
00:25The same can be said for Milan after an early exit from the Champions League a new era for the Rossogneri under
00:32Paolo Fonseca. What do we have in store here today? It's two clubs that simply demand success
00:40It is two gargantuan
00:42European Giants and away we go at M&T Bank Stadium in one final North American dress rehearsal
00:52Match day in Baltimore
00:54Today football of the other kind and the world's game take center stage a
00:59Continental clash of two European Giants to juggernaut of the global game set to go toe-to-toe
01:05Champions League a new era for the Rossogneri under Paolo. What do we have in store here today?
01:11It's two clubs that simply and away we go at M&T Bank Stadium in one final North American dress rehearsal
01:19Ten goals and ten assists in all competitions
01:24Inside now for Christiansen once again the Danish international
01:42Well, like so many modern-day players
01:44He's got a punch on for his stronger foot and doesn't want to take it gets the ball out of his feet nicely there
01:54Puts themselves forward through the energetic Eunice Musa
02:08Look at your bitch on hand
02:13The goal assisted by Christian politics on home soil
02:19Look at your bitch make no mistake at all
02:22No surprise at all the police it feels a writer home here. Can you believe the time and space he couldn't
02:29He had two or three touches turn like the qe2 almost but he had that much time
02:34He had that much time to pick out Jovich at the back post. He picks his head up
02:38Nobody closes him down totally unopposed a simplistic pass for Pulisic
02:44Nicely done great assist
02:46Jovich I think possibly his first touch of the ball
02:52Against my
03:02Captain America scores on the home soil
03:11Milan lead 2-0 in Baltimore
03:21One goal one assist inside 15 minutes for Pulisic just that willingness
03:27To run in behind the defense on his weaker left foot, but he absolutely
03:33Thwarts and flummoxes to a Stegen it almost goes in at the near post there to stay good
03:40Clutching up thin air. Did he mean it? I'm not overly sure. I think he's certainly meant to hit the target
03:47But he got a little bit lucky maybe slightly fortuitous
03:52Watching glad back
04:21Boy do we have a game on our hands?
04:24This is not exactly a defensive battle. Oh, is it both defenses so porous left and dusky?
04:30Nobody closes him down. No pressure whatsoever from DL. It's a decent first touch from left and dusky
04:37But then just a little shimmy a little shake and he passes the ball into the back of the net
04:42Yeah, I was gonna force his head down. Yeah, I was gonna get half a yard closer to him
04:49Sick playing the role of senior pest
04:53Causing a problem to say again and
04:56Ball may very well have ricocheted him off the side of the face here and straight away the referee blowing the whistle and the Milan
05:01Medical staff making their way towards Christian Pulisic
05:07Well, he comes out full throttle doesn't he
05:10And he cleans
05:13Pulisic out with the ball does to stay again, obviously no malice
05:16No intent catches him flush on the side of the head
05:19You see the way he strikes it to a stake and with the laces of that white foot that's gonna hurt. That's for sure
05:32He doesn't seem to be okay the captain of the US men's national team you Dominguez
05:39Before with Barcelona
05:54Into a Catalan cacophony he goes Barcelona level
06:03Is why Barcelona made the move permanent it's a terrific ball
06:10From pal Victor. You see just glance stop and the way to pass is
06:16Absolutely, perfect pass appreciation spot on and left and dusky doesn't miss the target this time
06:23Top your finish from left and dusky and that ball one of pure precision
06:40Mauling of
06:43Experienced midfielder
06:47Yeah, Fernandez just in the middle of the park. It's a simplistic foul
06:52Just a little bit lazy defending Fernandez widen their eyes. We're here come Barcelona
07:02Challenge made by the experience Calabria
07:07Decision now in favor of Milan
07:20So we will go
07:30Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
07:33Moulagi didn't say a kali ini kita akan membahas
07:37to do my entire young recruit Barcelona dengan status bebas transfer
07:44Barcelona the creatory decay Taui
07:46miliki masalah finansial karena itu mereka selimah manfaatkan peluang di pusat ramper dengan merekrut pemain secara gratis
07:54belakangan ini ini memungkinkan mereka mendatangkan talenta berkualitas tampak harus membayar biaya transfer yang cukup besar
08:01dalam beberapa tahun terakhir strategi ini telah membantu Barcelona mengatasi masalah keuangan mereka
08:09Recruitment bebas transfer telah
08:11menjadi bagian penting dari strategi transfer klub-klub besar Eropa Barcelona tidak terkait
08:18tidak terkecuali dalam hal ini
08:20dengan banyaknya pemain top yang kontraknya habis
08:23Barca telah mengambil keuntungan dengan
08:27datangkan mereka secara cuma-cuma tentu saja kualitas pemain yang didatangkan tetap menjadi prioritas bagi
08:34lagu-lagu anak
08:35Berikut ini ada tujuh pemain terakhir yang di rekrut Barcelona dengan status bebas transfer. Di mulutan pertama ada nama Ikei Gondogan
08:43Ikei Gondogan di rekrut Barcelona dari Manchester City pada musim panas tahun
08:482023 Gondogan meninggalkan Inggris sebagai pahlawan. The Citizen telah membantu klub memenangkan tiga gelar
08:56pemain internasional
08:57Jerman tersebut hanya menghabiskan satu musim di Barcelona. Ia mencetak lima gol dari
09:0351 penampilannya sebelum kembali lagi ke City
09:08Di mulutan kedua ada nama Indigo Martinez
09:12Indigo Martinez di kontrak Barcelona selama dua tahun pada Juli tahun 2023 setelah meninggalkan Atletic Delbao
09:20Untuk berjaga-jaga, Blaugrana memasukkan klausul pelepasan sebesar 400 juta euro di dalam kontraknya
09:27Cedera membuat Martinez menjadi pilihan kelima di bawah Aswan Safi Hernandes
09:32Namun pemain yang berusia 33 tahun itu menjadi pemain reguler di bawah Aswan Hansi Flick karena absennya Ronald Arroyo dan Andres Christensen
09:42di mulutan ketiga ada nama Flynn Casey
09:44Flynn Casey meninggalkan AC Milan meskipun menjadi pemain kunci keberhasilan mereka memenangkan gelar serika pada tahun
09:522022 dia menerima pinangan Barcelona namun Casey hanya bertahan satu musim di Barcelona
09:58Gelandang asal Pantai Gading itu memainkan sebanyak 43 pertandingan di seluruh kompetisi sebelum pindah ke Arab Saudi
10:06di mulutan keempat ada nama Andres Christensen
10:09Andres Christensen diretrik Barcelona dari Chelsea pada tahun 2022 karena kontraknya habis
10:15Christensen telah menjadi pemain reguler di jantung pertahanan Blaugrana
10:20Barcelona memenangkan La Liga pada musim pertama Christensen
10:24Makan tetapi perjalanan mereka tidak mudah
10:27itu tidak semudah itu karena kombinasi cedera dan kebangkitan Real Madrid di mulutan kelima ada nama Hector ValerĂ­n
10:35Hector ValerĂ­n telah mengasah keterampilannya di La Masia sebelum melanjutkan perkembangannya di Arsenal
10:42ya akhirnya berhasil
10:44ya akhirnya berhasil bermain lebih dari 200 kali bersama The Gunners
10:48kembalinya The ValerĂ­n ke Camp Nou pada tahun 2022 tidak terlalu main
10:53berkesan backhand tersebut hanya tampil tujuh kali sebelum dikirim ke Sporting Lisbon
10:59enam bulan kemudian
11:01di mulutan ke enam ada nama Marcos Alonso
11:04Marcos Alonso membuat lebih dari 200 penampilan untuk Chelsea, dia menghabiskan total enam musim di klub tersebut
11:12sebelum bergabung dengan Barcelona pada tahun 2022
11:18pemain yang berusia 33 tahun itu menghabiskan dua tahunnya bersama Raksasa Ketahuan namun musim keduanya cenderung cedera
11:27berulutan ke tujuh ada nama Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang
11:31Barcelona mengambil risiko saat merekrut Aubameyang dari Arsenal pada bulan Januari tahun 2022
11:38penyerang Gabon itu meninggalkan The Gunners setelah terlibat masalah disiplin
11:44transfer Aubameyang itu terbukti sebagai bisnis yang brilian, Aubameyang mencetak 13 gol dan satu asis hanya dalam 24 penampilan sebelum pergi
11:53pada musim panas untuk bergabung dengan Chelsea
11:57setelah gagal di Chelsea, Aubameyang sempat menjalani karir di Perancis bersama Marcel
12:02Bomber yang berusia 35 tahun itu sekarang bermain untuk klub Arab Saudi Al-Qasiyah
