Renegade Immortal EP27 [Eng Sub]

  • 2 days ago
Renegade Immortal EP27 [Eng Sub]
00:00神道术 Shendao Shu
00:07神道术 Shendao Shu
00:09原来这就是神道术 So this is the Shendao Shu
00:11几个冤犁出子几个 How many of you are willing to be my disciple?
00:13居然也敢在我面前造反 How dare you make a scene in front of me?
00:19这就是化神器 This is the magical weapon
00:21这里就是碎星乱案 This is the ruin of the stars
00:23四星是你为害的魔头 The demon that you harmed
00:27就来了大半的 It's coming for half of you
00:29我不可能让他从那个地方活着回来 I won't let him come back from that place alive
01:00只要沿着浮石延伸的方向前进 As long as you follow the direction of the floating rocks
01:04就能到达第一关入口 You will reach the entrance to the first level
01:09端木老贼 Duanmu
01:11这里就是古神体内 Is this the body of the Ancient God?
01:15这里只是进入古神躯体的一条通道罢了 This is just a passage into the body of the Ancient God
01:19或许只是古神的一根毛发 Maybe it's just a strand of hair of the Ancient God
01:25胡说也要有个限度 Don't talk nonsense
01:28如果这里只是一根汗毛 If this is just a strand of hair
01:30古神的躯体难道比朱雀星都大吗 Will the body of the Ancient God be larger than the Star of Zhuque?
01:34成年古神的躯体比朱雀星大上很多倍 The body of an adult Ancient God is many times larger than the Star of Zhuque
01:41那得闯得猴年马月 古神的储物袋在哪 That's a lot of trouble
01:44Where is the Ancient God's storage bag?
01:46古神从不屑于使用储物袋 The Ancient God never disdains to use storage bags
01:49他们的法宝都藏在自己的躯体之内 Their magic treasures are hidden in their bodies
01:53相面孔 初次来到古神之地 不要太贪心 I'm afraid it's your first time here. Don't be too greedy
02:01端架子给谁看 不都是奔着鹰变丹来的吗 Who do you think you are? Aren't you all here for the Eagle Transformation Pill?
02:05你说得没错 我们这次的目标的确是鹰变丹 You're right. Our goal this time is the Eagle Transformation Pill
02:11传言通关成功后在古神经脉内就可以找到 Rumor has it that you can find it in the Ancient God's meridians after you pass the level
02:17不过此行也不全是为了鹰变丹而来 But we're not all here for the Eagle Transformation Pill
02:25什么意思 What do you mean?
02:26这里宝物无数 那是因为古神即便死亡 但其神识却不灭 There are countless treasures here. That's because even if the Ancient God dies, his spirit remains
02:34只不过处于一种沉睡的状态罢了 若是能走进其体内 获得其记忆 It's just that he's in a state of sleep. If he can enter his body and acquire his memories
02:43那么他记忆中储存的功法随便一个放到现在 那都是了不得的大神童 Then the skills he has stored in his memory, no matter how you put it now, it's a great talent
02:55这些化神奇的魔头之前联手都未闯关成功 还要为此行再做千年准备 阻止此地凶险一场 得尽快找到脱身之法 These magical demons haven't passed the level before, and they have to prepare for this trip for another seven years
03:03阻止此地凶险一场 得尽快找到脱身之法
03:08这些星辰到底是什么 为什么我的记忆是如此不安 Why am I so uneasy about these stars?
03:16小子 别多想 只要不招惹 千年间他还不曾醒来过 Kid, don't think too much. As long as you don't make a fuss, he hasn't woken up in a thousand years
03:26畜生而已 何足挂齿 A beast is nothing to be ashamed of
03:38不好 Not good
03:58荒 荒兽 怎么办 What should I do with the beasts?
04:08即来小二 给我造次 Eat this, kid
04:22See my shower
05:43You want to call you again?
06:40What I'm watching which is just about
06:43What don't we all?
06:46Can tell you sound a jello you can't go over to go to him for some time. Oh, wait, it's been two years
06:52Who goes one John? You sound the whole show?
06:54Central of our studio can't do it
06:57You can't show them the question. She's a little fat
07:03What's in John's?
07:05Need to watch and I remember the whole show you can't hold you
07:08Don't you want to show me some of our future show?
07:11Not only are you good?
08:05Who could you do that?
08:07Yeah, you can't watch it on the city. That's it. I can't die
08:11Some more to talk about
09:15the sacred object in the corpse of the emperor.
09:32Since you refuse to die,
09:34I'll kill you.
09:45I'll kill you.
10:07Wan'er once said that
10:09the real treasure in the body of Jiao Long
10:11is not Jiao Yuan,
10:13but Jiao Yuan.
10:44It's gone.
10:49I can't stay here any longer.
10:55Who is this?
11:13How come there's no effect?
11:15The ghostly object in the void
11:17not only has wisdom,
11:19but also more than one.
11:21Now I can only think of a way to survive.
11:43Jiao Yuan
11:45Jiao Yuan
11:47Jiao Yuan
11:49Jiao Yuan
11:51Jiao Yuan
11:53Jiao Yuan
11:55Jiao Yuan
11:57Jiao Yuan
11:59Jiao Yuan
12:01Jiao Yuan
12:03Jiao Yuan
12:05Jiao Yuan
12:07Jiao Yuan
12:09Jiao Yuan
12:11Jiao Yuan
12:13Jiao Yuan
12:15Jiao Yuan
12:17Jiao Yuan
12:19Jiao Yuan
12:21Jiao Yuan
12:23Jiao Yuan
12:25Jiao Yuan
12:27Jiao Yuan
12:29Jiao Yuan
12:31Jiao Yuan
12:33Jiao Yuan
12:35Jiao Yuan
12:37Jiao Yuan
12:39Jiao Yuan
12:41Jiao Yuan
12:43Jiao Yuan
12:45Jiao Yuan
12:47Jiao Yuan
12:49Jiao Yuan
12:51Jiao Yuan
12:53Jiao Yuan
12:55Jiao Yuan
12:57Jiao Yuan
12:59Jiao Yuan
13:01Jiao Yuan
13:03Jiao Yuan
13:05Jiao Yuan
13:07Jiao Yuan
13:09Jiao Yuan
13:11Jiao Yuan
13:13Jiao Yuan
13:15Jiao Yuan
13:17Jiao Yuan
13:19Jiao Yuan
13:21Jiao Yuan
13:23Jiao Yuan
13:25Jiao Yuan
13:27Jiao Yuan
13:29Jiao Yuan
13:31Jiao Yuan
13:33Jiao Yuan
13:35Jiao Yuan
13:37Jiao Yuan
13:39Jiao Yuan
13:41Jiao Yuan
13:43Jiao Yuan
13:45Jiao Yuan
13:47Jiao Yuan
13:49Jiao Yuan
13:51Jiao Yuan
13:53Jiao Yuan
13:55Jiao Yuan
13:57Jiao Yuan
13:59Jiao Yuan
14:01Jiao Yuan
14:03Jiao Yuan
14:05Jiao Yuan
14:07Jiao Yuan
14:09Jiao Yuan
14:11Jiao Yuan
14:13Jiao Yuan
14:15Jiao Yuan
14:17Jiao Yuan
14:19Jiao Yuan
14:21Jiao Yuan
14:23Jiao Yuan
14:25Jiao Yuan
14:27Jiao Yuan
14:29Jiao Yuan
14:31Jiao Yuan
14:33Jiao Yuan
14:35Jiao Yuan
14:37Jiao Yuan
14:39Jiao Yuan
14:41Jiao Yuan
14:43Jiao Yuan
14:45Jiao Yuan
14:47Jiao Yuan
14:49Jiao Yuan
14:51Jiao Yuan
14:53Jiao Yuan
14:55Jiao Yuan
14:57Jiao Yuan
14:59With my skills, if I make a single mistake, I'll be doomed.
15:05I have to get out of here as soon as possible.
15:10This shape is...
15:14The Seven-Taste Spirit Stone?
15:30I knew it.
15:31Ordinary spirit stones are useless.
15:33But the last time Duanmu Ji came here,
15:35he was able to break the spell halfway.
15:37This also means that he must have a way to get out of here.
15:47It's a one-in-a-million chance.
15:49If that's the case,
15:51I'll break in and die.