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00:30I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don
01:00n't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to
01:05do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my
01:10life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't
01:15know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to
01:20do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my
01:25life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't
01:30know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to
01:35do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my
01:40life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't
01:45know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to
01:50do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my
01:55life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't
02:00know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to
02:05do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my
02:10life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't
03:15Thank you for watching!
03:45来找我 Come to me if you need help.
03:48该起床了 It's time to get up.
03:49我去准备午饭 I'm going to prepare lunch.
03:52丁 Ding
03:56微信有新的版本是否立即更新 Do you have a new version of WeChat?
04:01新版本 New version?
04:02一增加了两个新版块 One, two new versions have been added.
04:04天庭图书馆 万界试炼塔 Heaven's Library, Ten Thousand Test Towers
04:08二 可用零食升级百宝囊 Two, you can upgrade the treasure chest with snacks.
04:11上限扩大至一千个 Up to 1,000 online.
04:14天庭图书馆和万界试炼塔 Heaven's Library and Ten Thousand Test Towers
04:17这两个功能有什么用 What are these two functions for?
04:19丁 更新完成 Ding, update complete
04:22由天庭开办 四大天王馆里藏书一万 难阔了三界十域 进入虚办借阅证 Opened by Heaven's Library, managed by the Four Heavenly Kings, 10,000 books have been hidden, making it difficult to open the Three Realms.
04:31藏书难阔三界十域 藏书难阔三界十域 Hidden books make it difficult to open the Three Realms.
04:34这么说 So
04:35和我身世有关的家族也能在这里面找到线索 The family that has something to do with my family history can also find clues here.
04:39先办一个月 进去看看再说 Let's go in and see it for half a month.
04:47过去 Oh, my God.
04:53好雄伟的图书馆 What a magnificent library.
04:55就依照这玉佩的纹样找找线索 Just follow the pattern of this jade pendant to find clues.
04:58那边那位就是东海龙宫的二公主 That one over there is the Second Princess of the Eastern Sea Dragon Palace.
05:02哇 Wow.
05:03这等美貌就是放眼整个天庭也能艳压情慌啊 Such beauty is enough to dazzle the whole world.
05:08怎么天界也有这么多不懂礼貌的仙人 Why are there so many rude immortals in the Heaven Realm?
05:14啊 洛言小姐也在啊 Ah, Mr. Lu Yuan is here, too.
05:17哟 你也来这儿看书呢 Hey, you're here to read, too.
05:20二公主殿下 好巧 Your Highness. What a coincidence.
05:23都是老相识了 别跟我客气 We've known each other for a long time. You're welcome.
05:26以后叫我九幽就行了 Just call me Jiuyou from now on.
05:29你是第一次来清风阁 Is this your first time in Qingfeng Pavilion?
05:31清风阁 清风阁 I've been here before.
05:33我来的不是天庭图书馆吗 I'm here for the Tianting Library.
05:35这座清风阁只是天庭图书馆的一处 This Qingfeng Pavilion is just a part of the Tianting Library.
05:39虽然不如总管凌霄阁的藏书多 Although it's not as good as the Library of Lingxiao Pavilion,
05:42但布局确实一样的 the layout is the same.
05:45原来如此 I see.
05:47这人什么身份啊 What's his identity?
05:48看起来修为不高 He doesn't seem to have much cultivation.
05:51和二公主关系这么要好 He's so close to the Second Princess.
05:54不可能 It's impossible.
05:55传闻二公主不近男色 Rumor has it that the Second Princess is not close to men.
05:57这人铁定给二公主施了什么法术了 He must have cast a spell on the Second Princess.
06:01这个图书馆我熟 I'm familiar with this library.
06:03要不我带你逛逛 Why don't I show you around?
06:05我对天界的了解有限 I don't know much about the world.
06:07走得太近容易暴露身份 If I go too close, my identity will be exposed.
06:09还是先保证距离为妙 I'd better keep my distance.
06:11多谢公主好意 Thank you for your kindness.
06:13我自己能行 I can do it myself.
06:15他是不是脑子有坑啊 Is he out of his mind?
06:17这么好的机会不少 There are so many good opportunities.
06:19我看就是个书呆子 I think he's just a nerd.
06:23那好吧 I won't bother you then.
06:29天界一共有五座大城 There are five major cities in the world.
06:31玉京城 天雍城 紫薇城 Yujing City, Tianyong City, and Ziwei City.
06:35玉京城天界五城之首 商业最为发达 Yujing City is the top of the five cities in the world.
06:39天雍城以炼器和机关造物闻名 Tianyong City is famous for its weapons and mechanisms.
06:43仙界竟有这番奇迹 What a miracle it is!
06:45有朝一日我一定要去这些神仙住的仙城里逛一逛 One day, I must go to these fairy-like cities.
06:50不过这些城池的家族文样都查遍了 But the family patterns of these cities have been checked.
06:53和玉佩上的毫无关联 It has nothing to do with the jade pendant.
06:55该去哪里找好呢 Where should I look for it?
07:00地震 An earthquake?
07:01仙界怎么会有地震 How did the fairy world have an earthquake?
07:03赶快走 Let's go.
07:10头上七角 腹痛滚绝症 Headache, headache, headache, headache.
07:16魔族不是应该待在魔界吗 Shouldn't the Demon Clan stay in the Demon Realm?
07:18为什么会出现在这里 Why are they here?
07:20不清楚他们的目的 I don't know their purpose.
07:22他的修为和地心不相上下 His cultivation is not as good as the fairy's.
07:24还是先走为妙 We'd better leave first.
07:26地心 In front of him,
07:29我就是蝼蚁 I'm a ant.
07:31诸位上仙不用恐慌 Everyone, don't panic.
07:33我们清风阁四大天王设计的仙阵 Qingfeng Pavilion has the Four Heavenly Kings.
07:37魔族是不可能攻进来的 The Demon Clan can't attack us.
07:39那东西怎么会在他身上 Why is that thing on him?
07:43今天必须活捉他 想问个清楚 I have to ask him today.
07:47什么 What?
07:59他们似乎是冲着你来的 They seem to be coming for you.
08:01快走 我能应付 Let's go. I can handle it.
08:03那你要小心 Be careful.
08:08你没事吧 Are you all right?
08:14不好 Oh, no.
08:15怎么回事 What's going on?
08:16他们好像是被玉佩吸引过来的 They seem to be attracted by the jade pendant.
08:25请救魔尊 Please save the Demon Lord.
08:27你攻击天庭图书馆乃是大罪孽 You have attacked the Library of Heaven. It's a serious crime.
08:32本阁主必将杀了你 I will kill you.
08:35本阁主必将上报天庭 奏鸣陛下 I will report to His Majesty
08:39将你打入十八层炼狱 万世不得超生 that you will be sent to the Eighteen Levels of Hell.
08:45这就是仙人的力量吗 This is the power of immortals.
08:47好强 It's so strong.
08:48援兵来了 The reinforcements are here.
08:49想必这场骚乱很快就会结束 I'm sure the chaos will end soon.
08:52你没事吧 Are you all right?
08:53刚才多谢了 Thank you for your help.
08:54这点魔物还奈何不了我 It's nothing to me.
08:56我还有点事 I have something to do.
08:57先走一步 I have to go now.
09:05去吧 Go.
09:12醒救魔尊 Please save me.
09:14我乃禅教广城老祖座下 I am the disciple of the Great Sage of Chan.
09:17胆敢伤我 If you dare to hurt me,
09:19我师尊绝不饶你 I will not spare you.
09:25不好 Oh, no.
09:26大胆魔头 休得造次 You are a coward. Don't you dare to act rashly.
09:36那个难道是修炼了万年的上古仙兽 That is the ancient immortal who has cultivated for thousands of years.
09:39紫金花狐貂 The Purple-Gold Flower-Tiger Sculpture.
09:41也就是说 It means that
09:42这位天神是四大天王之一的魔力兽 this God is one of the Four Kings of Heaven.
09:51我的天 Oh, my God.
09:52一口吞了 He swallowed it in one bite.
09:56好多法宝仙丹 There are so many magic elixirs.
09:59紫金花狐貂咬碎了醒救魔尊的乾坤囊 The Purple-Gold Flower-Tiger Sculpture swallowed the Qian Kun Nang that saved the demon.
10:02今天发财了 I'm rich today.
10:05快抢 快抢 这些宝贝抢到一千块铁都是大赚的 Take it. These treasures are worth a lot of money.
10:10这些人的修为都远在我之上 These people are much better than me.
10:13还是赶紧溜吧 Let's get out of here.
10:18我去 Oh, my God.
10:35我们走吧 Let's go.
11:05优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive