Alien Hunt

  • 15 hours ago
A group of siblings go to their family cabin after over a decade for a hunting trip to reconnect, only to find themselves being hunted by a terrifying alien creature. Now they must team up and become the hunters before becoming the hunted.
00:00:00So he puffs up his chest real big and gets in my face and says,
00:00:26He's a hunting dog. What'd you expect? I say he attacked two kids.
00:00:30Either fence him up or we'll take him. What'd you do? Well,
00:00:34I knew if I took a dog like that by force, old boy, pull a shotgun on me.
00:00:38And then close.
00:00:42Since when is this closed? Are you sure we're in the right place?
00:00:47Yeah. Feral dog Wentworth cave. I don't know. It hardly looks official.
00:00:52What do you think they're doing out here? I don't know.
00:00:56They catch a wild dog out here. I'm scared to shoot to kill.
00:01:04Come on. Or things sounds hurt.
00:01:08What if they spot us? Just play dumb.
00:01:12They ain't going to arrest us. We're government too. Okay. Come on.
00:01:15All right. I'm about to turn it on.
00:01:34Doc. Can you hear me? Testing one, two.
00:01:40Doc. I hate your guts. If you die tomorrow, I'm going to throw a party.
00:01:59Get any of that? Nothing. Good. 600 a pop. You better not.
00:02:05They're worth every cent. How long until you can have them up?
00:02:10Sergeant. Somebody out here.
00:02:31Hold on. Oh yeah. He's on from us.
00:02:40What? We're going to go in there? Don't worry. We've never lost an intern yet.
00:02:48Just to be safe though. Better wait here.
00:02:49You seeing anything? I don't think this is such a good idea.
00:03:15I don't want to leave you.
00:03:24What was that? I don't know. It's tied up.
00:03:49Sure shit with no dog. Hands up. Who are you? Animal control.
00:04:00Well, we were just... Don't move. I found him. It's animal control.
00:04:12Miss, you don't understand. I understand that you were trespassing on federal land.
00:04:17It's a national park. We were just responding to a call about a wild dog
00:04:21up by Wentworth Cave. Wentworth Cave?
00:04:24Yeah, we saw it. It was tied up and it's...
00:04:41They're dead. Dead? What the hell happened?
00:04:46They saw everything. I had to make an executive decision. I'm sorry, sir.
00:04:58I'm sorry, sir. I should have expanded the borders and the security before we moved forward.
00:05:06Bring me the bodies. We can use them. Yes, sir.
00:05:46Hey, did you send those contracts? No, I told Mike to. If you don't...
00:05:58If you don't, they could sue us. Ask Mike. He can take care of it.
00:06:03Did you send the maintenance spreadsheets? No, that's not my job.
00:06:09Your department? And Connie's out sick with diarrhea, so if you could really just send
00:06:13those out, that would be great. It's not my job because they fired me.
00:06:18What? They fired me!
00:06:27Hello? Hey, Emily, have you sent those contracts over yet?
00:06:34Oh, they fired you! Like, just now? You already had the...
00:06:43Go for Topher. No, she hasn't sent them out yet.
00:06:50Thanks for driving all this way. Always. That's what family's for. Plus, I like Nashville.
00:06:57It gets old, trust me.
00:07:00Hey, sorry about your job. And Marcus, too. He said he couldn't be here.
00:07:06Thanks. It's weird. They said they were cutting corners, but the only corner they cut was me.
00:07:11I mean, maybe they were just cutting corners. You never know.
00:07:13No, I sucked at my job. I sucked at my job and they fired me.
00:07:22Hello? Hey, Emily, have you sent the May 10th spreadsheets?
00:07:29You can get out of the city. I'm not picking up my life so I can go run
00:07:33a gas station in Greenbrier. Careful now. Careful now.
00:07:37Sorry. I just thought I could survive the city and be independent.
00:07:40I'm not saying you move back. All I'm saying is maybe you come visit for a while.
00:07:45You see how Mama's doing? Ain't me marshaling a dog.
00:07:49And maybe we even go hunting. Hunting?
00:07:52Yeah. You remember when we got to the cabin when I went with Kate?
00:07:56Maybe we do that. I mean, the August season starts in a couple of days.
00:07:59Do we still own that cabin? I've never had the heart to sell it. Come on.
00:08:03Ain't nobody been out there since Dad died. And we can buy the mirror.
00:08:07Golly, this dumbass is still next door. I don't know. I gotta start...
00:08:13I should start looking for a new job. Am I gonna...
00:08:20Well, I guess you could sit on your phone all weekend and be miserable.
00:08:25Or you can get out and see the family.
00:08:31Look, I ain't gonna run out of new jobs by Monday.
00:08:38That's what I thought.
00:08:44John, it's not overnight parking. Ask them to move.
00:08:48They told me to eat shits and you're not a cop.
00:08:54People say that you're not a cop is a great cue to call the cops.
00:08:59I... but they... listen... not...
00:09:03Hey, hey man, I can't... I can't hear you. I'm entering the dead zone.
00:09:25She's here today.
00:09:32Good afternoon, sergeant.
00:09:46Good afternoon, sergeant.
00:09:50Still keeping us out, huh?
00:10:04Just following orders.
00:10:08Just you and the doctor out of here, right?
00:10:11No. We got several people working in that lab.
00:10:16Well, I've been working out here for five years and I've only met you.
00:10:19Well, makes sense. It's top secret.
00:10:24What kind of work is it? I mean, is it like you... if you mind sharing...
00:10:28It's confidential.
00:10:31Right. Sorry.
00:10:35Well, I won't... I won't keep you waiting. I just figured I'd stop by and say hello.
00:10:49Y'all stay safe out there. And if you need anything, you know, we're always here.
00:11:04Can't break anything down. Why am I fucking saying that?
00:11:20Look, we ain't stopping.
00:11:25Bathrooms alone make it worth going.
00:11:27It's just a gas station, all right? It's bad enough you got me driving Emily's car.
00:11:31No offense.
00:11:32Bucky's ain't just a gas station.
00:11:35Okay, it ain't no better than a Love's or Pilot.
00:11:38Oh, okay, okay. Try this.
00:11:45Ain't no better than Jack Link's.
00:11:47Shut your damn mouth.
00:11:48Hey, are we making deer jerky?
00:11:51Yes, sir. Or am I dehydrated?
00:11:53We gotta follow the old rule. Whoever shoots the deer gets the first bite.
00:11:57Remember how mad you were when I got the first bite before you did?
00:12:00Yeah, because you're younger than me.
00:12:01By like two months.
00:12:02Yeah, whatever.
00:12:04You know, I never actually shot a deer myself.
00:12:06What? Seriously?
00:12:08Yeah, I was younger than y'all. I was only 14 when Dad passed.
00:12:12Okay, how about this? Nobody gets a bite of jerky until Emily gets her first deer.
00:12:17Huh, man.
00:12:18I don't know. I haven't been hunting in so long.
00:12:21So, we'll be here to help you.
00:12:23And maybe you can't do corporate shit, but you can still do country shit, right?
00:12:28From here on as your brothers, and honorary brother, our goal is to get Emma Buck.
00:12:48So, closed? Since when?
00:13:04The cabin's on private land, right? They can't legally block it off without telling us.
00:13:08Exactly. Plus, Mama loves the National Guard. If she would have gotten a letter from them,
00:13:12she would have framed it.
00:13:14What do we do?
00:13:16I ain't worried about it.
00:13:17I don't think we should be messing with the National Guard.
00:13:22Em, you decide. It's your trip.
00:13:48It looks super old. Maybe they forgot about it.
00:13:55Well, I'll help you move it, but you heard JJ. It's your trip.
00:14:06See, that could be our jerky.
00:14:09Come on, help me scoot it over.
00:14:11That's all you.
00:14:17See that? That's white privilege.
00:14:22Cut the woke shit.
00:14:23I'm just saying.
00:14:24Look, white privilege is just a myth designed to divide us by race.
00:14:27Hell no. Look, the reality is I, as a black man,
00:14:31would never feel safe moving something set up by the National Guard.
00:14:34We own the cabin. It's on private land. How do you not feel safe?
00:14:37I showed you that video. Well, they wouldn't even let their brother into his own house.
00:14:41Oh my lord, shut up. I swear y'all haven't changed since we were 10.
00:14:46Did you guess that?
00:14:47A few hours around us and your accent's already coming back.
00:14:50It is not.
00:14:51It is. Listen to her.
00:14:52Y'all are making that up.
00:14:54Y'all are making that up.
00:14:55See, it didn't sound like this in the city. What, what?
00:14:58She's code switching.
00:14:59Hey, y'all, hush. Okay?
00:15:03They probably thought this was park land.
00:15:04There are cabins around the other side of the border. I'll show you, but my phone's acting up.
00:15:08You sure about this?
00:15:09I think it looked 100 years old. We're fine, right?
00:15:12100 percent.
00:15:13Sounds like white privilege to me.
00:15:16Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh
00:15:46What's this?
00:15:49It's huge.
00:15:52What's this?
00:15:53It's huge.
00:15:55This mine.
00:15:58Oh, sweet home.
00:15:59It's been too long.
00:16:02Thanks for inviting me again.
00:16:04Makes me feel like family.
00:16:06See, like family, you are family.
00:16:08Yeah, well, I don't see y'all enough these days.
00:16:12Gotta be more just an honorary brother.
00:16:14Don't take that the long way.
00:16:15Hey, Mary, carry this for me.
00:16:22Good news.
00:16:23Ain't no signal out here.
00:16:25First time I'm glad to hear that.
00:16:39All right, I think y'all can sleep.
00:16:41Nah, I'm the guest.
00:16:42I ain't sleeping on no air mattress.
00:16:44Come on, I got a bad back.
00:16:45That's just weird.
00:16:46Hey, y'all.
00:16:47You know I got a bad back.
00:16:47You remember that accident?
00:16:48Dad's gun safe still here.
00:16:50Gun safe?
00:16:52Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, all right.
00:16:56You said a jog in.
00:16:58I forgot about this thing.
00:17:00What's in it?
00:17:05Even on vacation, Dad was hell-bent
00:17:07on protecting the family.
00:17:08What kind of gun he had?
00:17:09It was a big old shotgun.
00:17:11It ain't for deer hunting.
00:17:12I was trying to blow the head off the damn thing.
00:17:15You know I like the sound of that.
00:17:16Let's open her up.
00:17:17Family heirloom in there.
00:17:19Look, I don't know where the keys are, OK?
00:17:20No, maybe there's a spare somewhere.
00:17:23Come on, let's play cards.
00:17:24We've already got open.
00:17:25Hey, the last thing that you need is a shotgun, OK?
00:17:28Now come on.
00:17:43Oh, it's crazy.
00:17:44Ain't nothing changed since we were kids.
00:17:47Same furniture, same appliances, same dishes.
00:17:52Yeah, I know.
00:17:52I had a bad heart.
00:17:53I was the one's that threw up in that bowl.
00:17:55I feel like you, right?
00:17:57Yeah, it's like 10 years ago.
00:18:00Oh, yeah, I was kind of a nerd, too.
00:18:02I don't like the smell of gunpowder.
00:18:04Yeah, I know.
00:18:04I hate...
00:18:05Yeah, I know.
00:18:06By the way, when's your birthday?
00:18:08It's nearly two years.
00:18:09That's like 10 years ago.
00:18:13That's a piece of...
00:18:16So what's the plan for tomorrow?
00:18:18You know, I was going to ask you the same thing.
00:18:21I haven't hunted since I was 14.
00:18:23Y'all hunt all the time.
00:18:25Well, we're going to use my Model 70,
00:18:27and we're going to put the blind where it used to be.
00:18:30What I mean is, what is your plan?
00:18:34He'd be encrypted like your daddy.
00:18:36What he means is, why even go hunting at all?
00:18:38Damn it, anyhow.
00:18:41Is that important?
00:18:43I think if you're going to take the life of an animal,
00:18:45you should have a reason.
00:18:50I want to prove that I'm capable.
00:18:52You're already capable.
00:18:54Doesn't feel like it.
00:18:56I was the only girl in the house full of boys.
00:18:58I was the youngest and the smallest.
00:19:01I went to the city to prove that I was capable,
00:19:04and I couldn't even hold down a corporate job.
00:19:07I want to show that I can do something hard on my own.
00:19:11Well, we'll just sit back and cheer you up.
00:19:14We'll be the hairiest group of cheerleaders you ever saw.
00:19:33We'll split the meat, and Mira will make the jerky.
00:19:36I'll sell the hive, we'll toss the bones.
00:19:39And J.J., well, J.J. can sell the rest of the perfect taxidermists on Main Street.
00:19:45Sounds good. Thanks, guys.
00:19:48Man, I got so many cards, but never the right ones.
00:19:53All right, guys, well, I hate to break up the fun,
00:19:55but I need to have a smoke or I'm going to lose my mind.
00:19:58Bad habit.
00:20:02I'll join you.
00:20:07Why is she so smoky?
00:20:24You don't smoke, do you?
00:20:30He'll kill you.
00:20:32Hey, look, I'm, uh...
00:20:34I'm sorry I ain't been to see you.
00:20:37Don't be. I never come home.
00:20:40Yeah, I know, but J.J. always comes to visit you in the city, and I just never bother.
00:20:45Don't feel bad. Nashville sucks.
00:20:51Look, as I get older, I want to take care of you like Dad did.
00:20:55You know, come see you more.
00:20:57Make sure you get some sleep.
00:20:59Come see you more.
00:21:01Make sure that big city don't eat you up.
00:21:03Hey, I'm serious. People are getting mugged and cars are getting stolen.
00:21:14Come on. Let's get inside.
00:21:30All right, y'all. Time is 6.45 a.m.
00:21:32We got sunset at 8.15 p.m.
00:21:36How you feeling?
00:21:40Don't be.
00:21:41You got this.
00:21:45Hold on.
00:21:47I got you.
00:21:49I had a dream I shot one.
00:21:51That's good.
00:21:52I had a dream I shot one.
00:21:53I had a dream I shot one.
00:21:54I had a dream I shot one.
00:21:55I had a dream I shot one.
00:21:56I had a dream I shot one.
00:21:57I had a dream I shot one.
00:21:58That's good.
00:22:00It means your body is ready for success.
00:22:03I'm sorry, what?
00:22:04Whatever, bro.
00:22:11You do the honors.
00:22:29And that's noon.
00:22:32Where are all the deer?
00:22:33Hey, y'all got to be patient, all right?
00:22:35Right, but I haven't seen anything.
00:22:37No skunks, no turkeys.
00:22:39Hold up.
00:22:45Ain't no birds.
00:22:51Yeah, he's right.
00:22:52No birds, no turkeys, no skunks, no turkeys.
00:22:56No birds, no turkeys, no raccoons, no deer.
00:22:59Something's up.
00:23:00Hey, look, the pop-up probably scared him away when we put it up.
00:23:02When you hear of a pop-up scaring every animal for six hours?
00:23:05You got to give it time.
00:23:07Emily and I saw a deer on the way in last night.
00:23:10All right.
00:23:33Look, something else is going on here.
00:23:34Don't tell me all this.
00:23:36This ain't normal.
00:23:37It ain't normal, but it happens.
00:23:40Tomorrow we'll set up deeper.
00:23:42Maybe we should spend some more time scouting.
00:23:45Make sure there's birds or whatever.
00:23:48Hey, don't feel bad.
00:23:50Today was a fluke.
00:23:52Was it?
00:23:54Probably screwed something up somehow.
00:23:56Don't do that.
00:23:59Don't down on yourself.
00:24:01Don't make it any more likely to shoot one tomorrow.
00:24:03Anything will make it less likely.
00:24:05But if I deserve it...
00:24:06But you don't.
00:24:07All right, so don't do it.
00:24:09Don't do it.
00:24:10Don't do it.
00:24:11Don't do it.
00:24:12Don't do it.
00:24:13Don't do it.
00:24:14Don't do it.
00:24:15Don't do it.
00:24:16All right, so quit it.
00:24:19Can't control what you can't control.
00:24:22This ain't no reason...
00:24:25Y'all hear that?
00:24:27Mark, gun.
00:24:40It's in the bushes.
00:24:41Is it a buck?
00:24:42What the hell else could it be?
00:24:47That's no buck.
00:25:01What the hell is that?
00:25:03Probably the thing that scared everything else off.
00:25:17What do we do?
00:25:32Come on, come on.
00:25:33Come on, let's go.
00:25:34Come on, come on.
00:25:35Come on.
00:25:41Hey, come on.
00:25:42Come on, let's get out of here.
00:25:43Come on, let's go.
00:25:44Come on.
00:25:47Come on, come on.
00:25:48Hey, hey, let's go.
00:25:49Come on.
00:26:08Subject 6A compromised.
00:26:11Subject 6A compromised.
00:26:14Subject 6A compromised.
00:26:18Subject 6A compromised.
00:26:27I'm here.
00:26:29Come on.
00:26:30Get down here.
00:26:49Subject out of range.
00:26:53Subject out of range.
00:27:14Give me the gun.
00:27:37Subject in range.
00:27:43Subject in range.
00:28:14Trixie, slow down.
00:28:17Slow down.
00:28:28Did somebody get that on camera?
00:28:30No, we don't have a signal.
00:28:31We don't need a signal to get a video, dumbass.
00:28:33We should get back to the cabin.
00:28:36True, y'all. I don't know where the hell we are.
00:28:38We came from that way, right?
00:28:40We came from that way, right?
00:28:42Nah, that way, I think.
00:28:45I don't know. It all looks so different now.
00:28:48But I do know my way back from Wentworth Cave.
00:28:52That's the same direction that thing just ran.
00:28:54Okay, well, then we stay close.
00:28:56Better than being lost, right?
00:28:59Hey, it's alright. I got you.
00:29:04I know I ain't sleeping outside.
00:29:06I got a bad back.
00:29:07What do you mean with a bad back, man? When did this happen?
00:29:09Hey, Tweedledee, Tweedledum, zip it.
00:29:12Alright, let's move.
00:29:20You alright?
00:29:23Come on.
00:29:39Come on.
00:29:54Least they closed those damn doors, Trout.
00:30:05Alright, how far back to the cabin?
00:30:07Like six hours.
00:30:11Just ten minute stops, alright?
00:30:22Did you hear that?
00:30:23Yeah, that was definitely a person.
00:30:26Sounds like they hurt.
00:30:37We have to help her, right?
00:30:40Hey, Em and I are gonna go check on what's up.
00:30:42Yeah, I'm gonna call for help.
00:30:44I should go with y'all.
00:30:46Who ain't leaving me out here?
00:30:47We won't go in too deep. Just scream if you need help.
00:30:54Hey, hey, hold that phone.
00:30:57Easy now, easy now. I got you.
00:30:59You got her? You got her?
00:31:06Hey, hey, call for help.
00:31:13Oh my...
00:31:14Hey, hey, are you okay?
00:31:16It looks like she's with the guard.
00:31:17Hey, hey, what happened? Can you tell us?
00:31:20What's your name?
00:31:23Any luck?
00:31:24I don't know.
00:31:26One minute it has signal, then it just cuts out.
00:31:30Do you remember what happened?
00:31:32Can you call somebody?
00:31:34Hey, hey, look at me, look at me, look at me.
00:31:36Focus, alright? We're gonna help you out.
00:31:43Hey, come check this out.
00:31:44Hold on, I'm trying to get something.
00:31:51Man, come on.
00:31:56The cell's jamming.
00:31:57That's what I was about to ask you.
00:32:02I think it's fine now.
00:32:08Try now.
00:32:11How about there?
00:32:15911, what's your emergency?
00:32:17Hey, look, it's gonna be okay, okay?
00:32:18Hold this while we get you out of here, okay?
00:32:20I'm gonna pick you up.
00:32:25Hey, guys, let's go. Come on.
00:32:38I saw it.
00:32:40It was one of those cell signal jammers.
00:32:42Ain't those illegal?
00:32:43It's the guard, what do they care?
00:32:46Where's she bleeding?
00:32:47Looks like it's her stomach.
00:32:48Man, she's bleeding like a stuck pig.
00:32:54What is that, a gator bite?
00:32:56A gator bite?
00:32:57In Tennessee.
00:33:00Shouldn't the ambulance be here by now?
00:33:02Yeah, maybe we should go check on her.
00:33:03Yeah, they probably don't know where this place is if it's been blocked off all these years.
00:33:06They ain't sound too sure on the phone.
00:33:08Hey, y'all go check on her.
00:33:09Me and Em will stay here and make sure this woman don't die.
00:33:11She'll be fine.
00:33:12Y'all go get help.
00:33:13Yeah, gladly.
00:33:14I ain't go with this much blood.
00:33:23So much for jerky tonight, huh?
00:33:26You think that thing that chased us is what bit her?
00:33:29Could be.
00:33:30What walks on two legs and bites like a gator.
00:33:36Hey Jake, I've been looking all over for those flyers.
00:33:38Have you seen them anywhere?
00:33:40No, the new guy lost them.
00:33:42Oh my god, seriously?
00:33:44That's a really bad way to make a first impression.
00:33:46Hey, come some slack, it's his first day.
00:33:56Do you hear that?
00:33:58Siren, yeah.
00:34:00Sounds like they drove off into the dead zone.
00:34:04Yeah, someone from the guard must have called them in.
00:34:09I'm gonna go see if they need help.
00:34:12Aw man, don't bother.
00:34:14They're gonna tell you to go away like they do every single time.
00:34:18It's not far, I'll just stop by.
00:34:20Alright, if you insist.
00:34:22I'm wrapping up here for the night, so I'll see you later.
00:34:25Copy that, see you tomorrow.
00:34:36Man, I hope we don't get in trouble for moving that barricade.
00:34:38Aren't you the one that said it was probably a mistake in the first place?
00:34:41Yeah, that was before cars with flashing lights got involved.
00:34:46Speak of the devil.
00:35:02What the hell happened here?
00:35:09Amber, check the radio.
00:35:15And why would they have cell signal jammers out there?
00:35:17Because they don't want any information getting in or out of here.
00:35:20Maybe they're hiding that animal?
00:35:24Maybe that's what's killing all the wildlife.
00:35:26I shot it.
00:35:27That's bound to piss someone off, right?
00:35:29I hope not.
00:35:31Maybe Amir was right about messing with the National Guard.
00:35:39There ain't no signal out here.
00:35:41The radio's out.
00:35:42If they're jamming cell phones, they're probably jamming radios.
00:36:09Should we get out of here?
00:36:11We could, but I don't want to leave this woman alone.
00:36:13Maybe we should have told JJ and Amir to stay here.
00:36:16He'll be fine.
00:36:17Well, Amir will.
00:36:18He'll watch JJ.
00:36:20What if there are other Guard members out looking for her?
00:36:22I don't want to get in trouble.
00:36:24We ain't gonna get in trouble for staying in our own cabin.
00:36:26Guess not.
00:36:29You gotta relax.
00:36:30I promise, you'll be alright.
00:36:31But what do we do about that thing out there?
00:36:33Excuse me, sir.
00:36:35Hey, hey, hey, ma'am.
00:36:36You've been hurt, okay?
00:36:37You need to sit back down.
00:36:39Ma'am, ma'am.
00:36:40I'm serious.
00:36:41You've been bleeding a lot, okay?
00:36:42Can you please just go ahead and sit back down?
00:36:51Hello, is anyone out there?
00:36:53We have an injured woman back at our place, and we need help.
00:36:56Is anyone out there?
00:36:58Is anyone out there?
00:37:00Is anyone out there?
00:37:01We have an injured woman back at our place, and we need help.
00:37:10Nah, man.
00:37:14Hey, where are you going?
00:37:16Back to the cabin.
00:37:17There's something ain't right here, man.
00:37:18Come on.
00:37:19Man, don't worry.
00:37:20My white privilege will protect us.
00:37:22Nah, man, it ain't like that.
00:37:23Alright, there's something out here that...
00:37:25What the hell is that?
00:37:30Come here, run!
00:38:32I'm here!
00:38:42Somebody grab her!
00:38:55It took JJ!
00:38:57What took him?
00:38:58The thing we were hunting.
00:38:59Where did it take him?
00:39:00I don't know, it overran me.
00:39:02Do you think it took him to that cave?
00:39:04I can't see straight.
00:39:06We gotta get you inside.
00:39:07Come on.
00:39:12Come on.
00:39:18Doctor, let me in!
00:39:35You know I don't like to be interrupted when I'm working.
00:39:39Trixie's hurt.
00:39:42Go on.
00:39:44There's some rednecks hunting deer up at the old cabin on the north side.
00:39:48They shot her.
00:39:49Is she dead?
00:39:53No, you would've heard her kill Switch.
00:39:56She came when I called her.
00:39:58I tried to buzz her collar, but she was so worked up, she just attacked.
00:40:03Why the hell didn't you come to me?
00:40:05I was out of it.
00:40:06They dragged me to the cabin.
00:40:09Why didn't the alarms go off?
00:40:11I'm sure they did.
00:40:13You probably just didn't hear it through your headphones.
00:40:16I need my music to think.
00:40:21That cabin has always been empty.
00:40:24What happened?
00:40:26Remember when we set the borders?
00:40:28After the animal control incident?
00:40:32I don't know.
00:40:34I don't know.
00:40:35After the animal control incident?
00:40:38We messed up.
00:40:41That cabin's on private land.
00:40:44Come on, Sergeant.
00:40:46What are we gonna do?
00:40:51We brought Trixie to the test.
00:40:54This is an opportunity to grow.
00:40:57You think so?
00:41:00As the Stoics say,
00:41:01what stands in the way becomes the way.
00:41:09This will make you feel better.
00:41:17Doctor, I don't think-
00:41:18Get dressed now!
00:41:32I'm freaking out. What do we do?
00:41:36Sorry, what?
00:41:37We get cell signal on the main road, right?
00:41:39We could drive up there and call for help.
00:41:41No, we gotta save JJ.
00:41:42We don't know how much time we got until that thing kills him.
00:41:45If it hasn't already-
00:41:46Hey, don't say that.
00:41:48He's alive.
00:41:51Maybe Amir and I can go down to the cave and Mark can drive up for help.
00:41:53Mark ain't going nowhere.
00:41:55He's concussed.
00:41:57And I can't make it down to that cave with his leg.
00:41:59I think I-
00:42:01Man, you can't.
00:42:06Look, we following your lead here, Em.
00:42:10I don't know what to do. I can't-
00:42:25I'll have to go down to the cave and get JJ myself.
00:42:29Amir, you could drive up and get help?
00:42:33I can do that.
00:42:36As for the alien, I'll...
00:42:38If I see it, I'll have to shoot it.
00:42:39You shoot it tonight.
00:42:40We'll have enough time to make Alien tricky.
00:42:43So that's what this is.
00:42:45An alien.
00:42:50Let's gear up.
00:43:28Torren, he's alive.
00:43:31Put him on that chair.
00:43:49What's going on?
00:43:51I don't know.
00:43:52I don't know what's going on.
00:43:53I don't know what's going on.
00:43:54I don't know what's going on.
00:43:55I don't know what's going on.
00:43:56I don't know what's going on.
00:44:00You should really use the remote.
00:44:02She responds better to the prod.
00:44:05I want you to find these humanese.
00:44:08And bring them back to me.
00:44:13Do you understand?
00:44:21I'm not going to waste a group of perfectly good specimens.
00:44:28Doctor, think about how difficult it was to manage just one without having to chain it up.
00:44:34Where is this coming from?
00:44:36This is my lab and you either follow my rules or you're out.
00:44:42Out? After all these years?
00:44:52Sorry, sir.
00:44:58I won't step out of line again.
00:45:09Unidentified vehicle at sound order.
00:45:12You see, our alarm is too pleasant sounding.
00:45:15We need something meaner that I can actually hear through my music.
00:45:18Unidentified vehicle at sound order.
00:45:20Go take care of it.
00:45:22Unidentified vehicle at sound order.
00:45:26Don't kill them if you have to neutralize them. We can use them.
00:45:39Alright, I think I'm ready.
00:45:41Wanted a symbolic hunting trip? Girl, I think you got one.
00:45:45Hey, you all be safe, okay? And bring JJ back.
00:45:55This is it. Can't screw this up.
00:46:03That's it. I can't stay back. I'm coming.
00:46:08Mark, sit down.
00:46:10Hell no, man. Sit down.
00:46:13I can't stay back or I'm coming. I can't help anybody sitting on this couch.
00:46:17Right now, Adia, get yourself killed or all three of us.
00:46:20The most helpful thing you can do is stay here.
00:46:37You see it?
00:46:41Where the hell are you going?
00:46:42To get a better look.
00:46:49We gotta move you now.
00:46:51Oh, yeah.
00:47:11Hey, what are you doing? Get in here.
00:47:13No, I can't let him fight this thing alone.
00:47:15Alright, it already took JJ because I didn't act.
00:47:17Now, you can't fight, but I can.
00:47:18Hey, let me at him, alright? I can handle this.
00:47:20No, you couldn't even handle a random lady with a hammer.
00:47:22Now, sit down and shut up.
00:47:28Hey, I found it.
00:47:30I'm out by the old barricade.
00:47:33The old barricade.
00:47:35The old barricade?
00:47:37I found it.
00:47:39I'm out by the old barricade.
00:47:41There's no one here.
00:47:47Come in. Hello?
00:47:49Can you hear me?
00:47:51Stop right there.
00:47:57Sergeant Waters?
00:47:59What are you doing out here?
00:48:01I saw the ambulance. I wanted to stop by.
00:48:03Is everything okay?
00:48:06Everyone's fine.
00:48:09Had a little accident.
00:48:12Look, I'm... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...
00:48:14Do you need anything or not?
00:48:17You're trespassing on federal land.
00:48:19I know. I'm sorry.
00:48:21I just...
00:48:23I wanted to make sure y'all were okay.
00:48:28We are.
00:48:31Sorry to bother you, Sergeant.
00:48:57I saw it. It ran around to the back.
00:48:59It ran around to the back of the cabin.
00:49:02What do you want to do now?
00:49:19Here's what we're gonna do.
00:49:22On the count of three...
00:49:25I'm gonna run out the front door.
00:49:27Lower it to the floor.
00:49:29You go out to the front porch. You're gonna get shot.
00:49:31Are you crazy?
00:49:33Yeah, please. Just let me do this.
00:51:24Nobody move!
00:51:33What the hell is going...
00:51:35Get on the ground.
00:51:37What the hell is going on here?
00:51:39Both of you, now!
00:51:42Come on.
00:52:03He didn't die, did I?
00:53:03You're lucky I'm a good soldier.
00:53:05You are...
00:53:07You are...
00:53:36I couldn't do it. I couldn't do it.
00:53:38Hey, hey, hey. What?
00:53:40He took Amir, and I shot him, but I didn't do anything, and then...
00:53:44Hey, hey, hey. Look at me. Look at me.
00:53:46What was your plan?
00:53:48Hey, hey, hey. Look at me. Look at me.
00:53:50What was your plan? All right?
00:53:52Tell me what your plan is.
00:53:54I'm gonna go down the cave, and I'm gonna...
00:53:56No, Em, what is your plan?
00:53:58All right? Pretend like I'm Dad.
00:54:00I'm gonna save Amir and JJ, and I'm gonna bring them back,
00:54:05because I love them, and because...
00:54:07And because you are strong enough, okay?
00:54:09And because you are capable.
00:54:11I don't think you know how sick Dad was during your life.
00:54:15All right? He was diagnosed when you were five.
00:54:17In the last four years of his life, he was frail,
00:54:19but just because his body was weak doesn't mean that he was.
00:54:25Do you understand what I'm saying?
00:54:27He had his strengths, and so do you.
00:54:30Now you are gonna go shoot that son of a bitch,
00:54:33and you are gonna bring our brothers back here.
00:54:36Do you understand?
00:54:40Can you help me find my gun?
00:54:44I got a better idea.
00:54:47Warning. Transfer error.
00:54:50Warning. Transfer error.
00:54:56DNA transfer. Five percent.
00:55:08That's a good girl.
00:55:18You okay?
00:55:20There's a paramedic that saw Trixie,
00:55:22and the park ranger knows everything.
00:55:26I tied him up. I kept him alive for you.
00:55:28You what?
00:55:29You told me to.
00:55:31I didn't know the whole situation.
00:55:33You should have made a better judgment call.
00:55:35What if they escaped?
00:55:36They're not going to.
00:55:37No excuses, Sergeant.
00:55:40I am so disappointed with you.
00:55:48Come on.
00:56:02I started the conversion process.
00:56:05You sure that you haven't bitten off more than you can chew?
00:56:07I heard you the first time.
00:56:09This is my life's work, too.
00:56:12What if this blows our cover?
00:56:14What if they realize that we are actually with the Guard?
00:56:17We were with the Guard,
00:56:19until they decided that this country was not worth protecting.
00:56:23Hundreds of thousands of men died for this country.
00:56:27My father among them.
00:56:34God blessed us with these wonderful creatures
00:56:37thousands of years ago.
00:56:40Their superior intelligence allowed for us to build
00:56:43an ancient world.
00:56:45And when they left,
00:56:48they laid eggs for us to find.
00:56:51And now,
00:56:54by God's grace,
00:56:56their DNA is fully compatible with ours
00:56:59for fusion and reproduction.
00:57:03Not to mention,
00:57:05their ingenious kill switch.
00:57:08This is a sign, Sergeant.
00:57:10Fuse with them and create a soldier
00:57:13built to protect our country again.
00:57:20I heard you the first time.
00:57:27Now go and bring me another.
00:57:35You don't have to do this with me.
00:57:38I want you to.
00:57:41I won't force you.
00:57:55Where are you going?
00:57:58To get some air.
00:58:08Hello, this is Jacob Martin.
00:58:10I'm up the hill from the Guard's south border
00:58:12on the edge of the dead zone.
00:58:14I have an injured paramedic and I need help.
00:58:20Oh, God.
00:58:21Can anyone hear me?
00:58:30You know, you can kick some ass,
00:58:32but you can't kill me.
00:58:35You know, you'd kick some serious ass back there.
00:58:38You probably would have had him
00:58:40if you had more firepower.
00:58:45I lied.
00:58:47I do have the keys.
00:58:49I just took them when we got here
00:58:51so JJ couldn't get his hands on it.
00:58:59This is, uh...
00:59:01This is Dad's.
00:59:03Heck of a lot easier to use than that hunting rifle.
00:59:06So I just...
00:59:08Put them in, aim, fire.
00:59:14I'm scared.
00:59:16I don't know if I can do this on my own.
00:59:19Bear with me, all right?
00:59:23You want to know why I haven't come to visit you in the city?
00:59:27Because the city scares me.
00:59:29Because the city scares me.
00:59:32City folk, big old busy highways.
00:59:36And because of that, I've hardly seen you since you left.
00:59:40What I'm saying is, big or small,
00:59:42fear wins, you lose.
00:59:45Fear wins, JJ and Amir lose.
00:59:49You are going to be scared.
00:59:52But you cannot let it win.
01:00:00All right.
01:00:02I'm going hunting.
01:02:27Anyone hear me?
01:02:44Oh, yes. Oh, thank God.
01:02:46Oh, thank God.
01:02:50911, what's your emergency?
01:02:52Hello, my name is Jacob Martin.
01:02:54I'm a park ranger at Columbia National Park.
01:02:56I was just assaulted and tied up by a supposed National Guard member.
01:03:00I have an injured paramedic.
01:03:02He is hurt. He can't walk.
01:03:05Tommy is out here trying to get some help.
01:03:27Come on.
01:03:41JJ. JJ.
01:04:04To JJ.
01:04:06What took him?
01:04:07They will hunt him.
01:04:08Where did it take him?
01:04:10I don't know. It held him.
01:04:12Do you think it took him to that cave?
01:04:19Hey, hey, I'm over here.
01:04:23Hey, I know you see me.
01:04:25I'm over here.
01:04:27I'm over here.
01:04:29I'm over here.
01:04:32JJ. JJ.
01:04:41Hey, JJ.
01:04:43JJ, wake up.
01:04:45JJ, come on, man. Wake up, please.
01:04:47Come on, man. We got to get out of here.
01:04:55Come on, man.
01:05:00Stand up.
01:05:06Stand up!
01:05:07I'm trying.
01:05:08Over there, now.
01:05:11See me there. We live here.
01:05:25Come on.
01:05:40I haven't gotten to do this on someone awake in a while.
01:06:37You called just in time.
01:06:39Good on you.
01:06:40Is the paramedic going to be okay?
01:06:42He should be.
01:06:43They said they had a big animal bite on his stomach.
01:06:48We need to find the sergeant.
01:06:50Police are way ahead of you.
01:06:52There's probably like 20 people out there already.
01:06:54Where are they looking?
01:06:55They said they're going to do a little search party.
01:06:57Start on the north side, sweep their way down.
01:06:59Whoa, dude. Where the hell are you going?
01:07:01They're not going to find her on the north side.
01:07:03There's like 20 of them. You're not going to find her.
01:07:09The creature in that egg has something incredible.
01:07:15A kill switch.
01:07:18If I go down, you go down.
01:07:25You see this?
01:07:28This chip connects its kill switch to your biological death clock.
01:07:34So when I put this in your shoulder...
01:07:44Why is she awake?
01:07:46Let him go.
01:07:49Don't you want to know what we're doing here?
01:07:53Maybe you decide.
01:07:55Let them go. Now!
01:08:00What are you doing?
01:08:01Preventing you from destroying everything that we built.
01:08:24What are you doing?
01:08:28Nobody move.
01:08:31This was not the plan, Doctor.
01:08:33Keep an eye on him.
01:08:36Before these emperors destroy everything that we have built.
01:08:58So this is where we are.
01:09:00I don't want you or your friends to die.
01:09:03But if you cooperate, they will live.
01:09:12What the hell is going on here?
01:09:15Your girlfriend is negotiating for your life.
01:09:18My what?
01:09:22That's my fucking sister, dude.
01:09:24You know, your redneck is the same thing.
01:09:27Okay, that is Yankee privilege.
01:09:31That's a stereotype, not privilege.
01:09:34Okay, you say white privilege whenever you damn well please.
01:09:36You're dumbass really trying to argue about this right now with your life on the line?
01:09:39I told you, I will die on this hill.
01:09:42You're literally trying to die on this hill.
01:09:44You're damn well right I am.
01:09:54What are you doing?
01:10:13What's wrong, girl?
01:10:22Help me!
01:10:27Emily, don't.
01:10:28We gotta run.
01:10:29One second.
01:10:30No, Emily, trust me.
01:10:31What are you doing?
01:10:34Help me.
01:10:39He's got a kill switch.
01:10:40Oh, what?
01:10:41You already killed him.
01:10:42Come on.
01:10:43We gotta move.
01:10:44JJ, come on.
01:10:46I can't.
01:10:47My legs are like jelly.
01:11:12You alright?
01:11:13Yeah, my back hurts.
01:11:18Well, I look like Mark's getting that jerky.
01:11:24And I got a signal if we wanna try to call somebody.
01:11:27We're getting the hell out of here.
01:11:30I can't believe they thought she was my girlfriend.
01:11:32That's just gross.
01:11:33I'm gross too.
01:11:34I'm gross too.
01:11:35I'm gross too.
01:11:36I'm gross too.
01:11:37I'm gross too.
01:11:38I'm gross too.
01:11:39I'm gross too.
01:11:40I'm gross too.
01:11:41I'm gross too.
01:11:42I'm gross too.
01:11:43I'm gross too.
01:11:44I'm gross too.
01:11:45I'm gross too.
01:11:46I'm gross too.
01:11:47Y'all don't even start.
01:11:48Or I swear I'll use the slash shotgun still on you.
01:11:52Hey, I'm only here for you, Isabella.
01:12:10I've hunted enough this weekend.
01:12:20I got visual on Sergeant Waters. She is at Wet Work Kings.
01:12:24You should have tied a better knot.
01:12:47You know, you really shouldn't sleep on a concussion.
01:12:50That's a myth.
01:12:57I'll tell you, country music died after 9-11.
01:13:01Carrie Underwood, Darius Rock, Florida Georgia Line did not misuse Florida Georgia Line as an example.
01:13:08People want what they want, don't they?
01:13:10You got them.
01:13:14You were right. They were a lie.
01:13:16I'm proud of you.
01:13:18You know, Dad would be proud of you.
01:13:23Come on. Let's get cleaned up.
01:13:38You put your life on the line out there.
01:13:49That's what honorary brothers do.
01:13:51That's what real brothers do.
01:13:58And it said DNA transfer 5%.
01:14:00So, I'm part alien now.
01:14:03Come on, JJ. You've always been part alien.
01:14:05I don't feel no different.
01:14:09Dude, I was going to be an alien.
01:14:15Lucky I was there.
01:14:17You think they would have turned you into an alien too?
01:14:20You okay?
01:14:22Yeah. I was just thinking.
01:14:27About what's next.
01:14:29About whether or not to move back to Greenbrier.
01:14:35You are going to move back to Nashville.
01:14:38And you're going to show them what Emily Williams is made of.
01:14:41Hell yeah.
01:14:43Maybe y'all are right.
01:14:45Say y'all again.
01:14:48Country girl.
01:15:04Even the parks are busy around here.
01:15:08No more smokes?
01:15:11Figure if y'all can kill an alien, I can kick the six.
01:15:15Well, you didn't kill the alien. It exploded.
01:15:20You get in okay?
01:15:22Yeah, it's alright.
01:15:25I just hate traffic.
01:15:28Yeah, it's alright.
01:15:31I just hate traffic.
01:15:33Driving along, get sandwiched in between two semis.
01:15:37Yes, it was fun.
01:15:41Thanks for coming.
01:15:43Of course.
01:15:45You know Mom and JJ and Amir are going to be here soon.
01:15:48You nervous?
01:15:50Not really.
01:15:52You don't know how a store is going to do by opening day alone.
01:15:56Gotta say, I never thought I'd see you selling hunting supplies.
01:15:59Life's funny like that.
01:16:02Speaking of funny, you seen JJ's new girlfriend?
01:16:06You are never going to guess who she looks like.
01:16:08God, not me.
01:16:10Even better. She looks just like Amir.
01:16:22Hey JJ, come on man.
01:16:24You're going to be late. Your ugly ass girlfriend is out there waiting in the truck.
01:17:12Find anything in the cave?
01:17:15No, no.
01:17:17Just a bunch of Burt Lab stuff.
01:17:23You know, it's actually more stable than you think.
01:17:25I think we can open back up to the public after a few safety checks.
01:17:29Did you hear about that guy that they pulled out of there?
01:17:34He wasn't even in the National Guard anymore.
01:17:36Neither of them were.
01:17:37They just flashed old IDs and a few guns and convinced the rangers who were there like ten years ago.
01:17:44Any idea what they were working on?
01:17:48No idea.
01:17:50Hey John, we need assistance up at base camp.
01:17:54Copy that.
01:17:58You coming?
01:18:00You know, I have a few more things to get back to.
01:18:04See you around.
01:19:50You know, I have a few more things to get back to.
01:20:20You know, I have a few more things to get back to.