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Hola y bienvenido a WatchMojo Español, hoy conoceremos las mentiras que nos contaron desde niños sobre personajes históricos de Latinoamérica… y que tal vez, en realidad, eran más oscuros de lo que pensábamos.


00:00I had to stay out, that Carranza, and I always told my men, Carranza is a bastard, he and his people have always slept on the soft pillow, who is going to believe that they are friends of the poor?
00:17Welcome to Watch Mojo Español, I am Jackie and today we will know the lies that we have been told since we were children about historical characters from Latin America, and that maybe in reality they were darker than we thought.
00:34Number 20. Che Guevara.
00:36This Argentine is an emblem for the Latin American left for his leadership in the Cuban revolution, however the story they told us about his life is full of quite doubtful moments, starting with his birth.
00:52He was officially born on June 14, but according to journalist John Lee Anderson, his high-class parents had to lie to avoid gossip, because at the time of marriage he was already conceived.
01:05In addition, there are different versions about his alleged appointment as a doctor.
01:10At that time, Fidel Castro ascended the Che to commander, being the only one, in addition to Castro, to have that rank. Since then, he had to be treated as Commander Che Guevara.
01:21The famous synthesis of his face that the Cuban government itself did not want to publish, and how true it is that he said, note well, he is going to kill a man.
01:32It is undeniable, whether you like it or not, that the figure of Che is one of those charismatic figures that have a thrilling life story.
01:39Number 19. Emiliano Zapata.
01:41Emiliano Zapata was a hero for the people during the Mexican Revolution, and after his death he became even a symbol for the peasants of all Latin America.
01:53But there are some details of his story that have been denied over the years.
01:59For example, the idea that he was an Indian of humble origin has always been promulgated, when in reality he was a small owner who even had several horses and wore suits with silver buttons.
02:10I understand that you are a great lover of horses.
02:17On the other hand, the famous motto, land and freedom, which was always associated with this hero, was actually pronounced by Ricardo Flores Magón, the politician and writer founder of the Mexican Liberal Party, and considered one of the intellectual precursors of the revolution.
02:36La tierra no se vende, no se compra. Es nuestra madre. Además, es de la comunidad.
02:46Number 18. Bartolomé de las Casas.
02:49The friar was proclaimed universal protector of the Indians, and to this day he is recognized as a symbol of the oppressed.
02:57In fact, it was a strong image for the so-called Theology of the Liberation of the 20th century, a movement of a group of priests concerned about the poorest.
03:07In reality, de las Casas did not treat them so well, it is said that he made them carry their luggage like one more Spaniard.
03:15This ambiguous behavior raises questions about the true nature of his relationship with the natives.
03:23And his proven position was completely slavish. According to his texts for the crown, it was necessary to bring men from Africa to America to replace the forced labor of the natives. An angel of the houses.
03:39In 1561 he finished his book History of the Indians and gave it to the school of San Gregorio, stating that it could not be published until 40 years later, with an obvious goal that at this point we can already intuit.
03:57Number 17. José Vasconcelos.
04:00This emblematic figure is recognized for his multiple contributions in the field of Mexican education and for being a consumed anti-racist, author of the essay The Cosmic Race, and of the phrase For my race the Holy Spirit will speak, which appears on the shield of the Autonomous National University of Mexico.
04:19Saying that what he really wanted to say was, For my race the Holy Spirit will speak.
04:25This is why it is surprising to everyone that after his political disappointment and his declared enmity with the PNR, he began to show affinity towards the Italian fascist regime and German nationalism present in Europe at that time.
04:42This was openly demonstrated through the publication of the magazine Timon, which he directed after returning to Mexico in 1940.
04:51With this you can have a very clear idea of ​​what he was as a writer José Vasconcelos.
04:55Number 16. Martín Fierro.
04:58Many of the historical lies were created directly by literates. The case of Martín Fierro, the solitary Argentine gaucho who wandered the Pampas facing Indians and blacks, is emblematic.
05:12With all the luck of Fierro, he will fall under the jurisdiction, let's say, of a judge who hated him because Fierro had not gone to vote. Then he is sent to the border to fight with the Indians and to work.
05:22For many, including intellectuals, he did exist, but for others he was a character model that represented reality. His analysis is so broad and deep that it seems that he really lived.
05:35A distracted person can be confused by so many mentions. The truth is that there is no historical record that validates these ideas. Martín Fierro is fiction, until the opposite is proven.
05:50Number 15. Maximiliano and Carlota de Habsburgo.
05:54Both were considered historical villains of Mexico for being sent to lead the Second Mexican Empire. In general, the image we have of them is of two authoritarian rulers. However, they do not seem to be as bad as they were taught at school.
06:12There are historians who consider Maximiliano as the first indigenist of Mexico, and in promulgating laws in favor of the workers. And he confirmed the validity of the reform laws, which had meant the separation of the state and the church.
06:25In addition, Carlota de México, when she was in command during an expedition of her husband, took advantage of the time to undertake social projects of infrastructure and charity. For example, she decreed the law of public instruction, which guaranteed free and mandatory elementary instruction.
06:43She founded schools and academies, limited work hours and corporal punishments, as well as child labor, and undertook the improvement of transportation and communications.
06:55Number 14. Isabel la Católica.
07:10The older the character, the more lies exist around him. This is the case of Isabel de Castilla, also known as Isabel la Católica, today present in many streets and Latin churches.
07:24In his reign, he financed and supported the expedition of Cristóbal Colón for what is today the American continent, and although it is believed that he sold the jewels of the crown, that is false. The reality is that he only wanted to give them as a guarantee, and they were not even accepted.
07:53At that time, the lender himself took care of many of the expenses. Of course, the business went round.
08:01Number 13. Antonio López de Santa Anna.
08:15Antonio López de Santa Anna is one of the most controversial characters in Mexican history, and it is attributed to his greed and insatiable ambition the loss of much of the Mexican territory to the United States.
08:30But there is a lot behind this action. For example, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, with which a large part of the territory was lost, was signed to put an end to a series of combats for which Mexico was running out of resources to defend itself.
08:59In fact, when this was signed, the country was under the government of Manuel de la Peña y Peña, while Santa Anna was trying to continue with the war in Oaxaca. What is true to a certain extent is that he sold the Mesilla. However, this was the consequence of a series of negotiations and even invasion threats for which Santa Anna knew that Mexico was at a disadvantage, so she had no choice but to accept.
09:28Number 12. Alfonso Ugarte.
09:40The wars are a good time to create heroes, and they know that well in Peru. It doesn't matter if you won or lost, you can make stories to create that feeling of patriotism and pride for the national symbols. A well-known story, but difficult to believe, is that of Alfonso Ugarte.
10:00The love for his country made him give up his life as a businessman to dedicate himself to military life, and made a vow in which he would protect his beloved flag even with his own life.
10:12The great feat they told us was that in the conflict with Chile, he was besieged by the enemy, and after running out of ammunition and no possibility of escaping, he preferred to jump off the hill of Arica rather than hand over the flag.
10:27The paintings of that moment are emblematic. Over time, the story became unbelievable and difficult to corroborate. In fact, there is no evidence that this happened. They really want to make us believe that the horse also felt patriotic. Let them put his statue too.
10:46With great determination, he took his beloved flag and headed for the top of the hill of Arica, but immediately the enemy soldiers, seeing it, began to chase him. Ugarte knew that the options to save his flag were running out.
11:03Number 11. The Pipila.
11:05Juan José de los Reyes Martínez Amaro, better known as the Pipila, was an insurgent of the independence of Mexico. Known for his key role in the taking of the Alhóndiga de Granaditas, it is said that in the middle of the war action, Miguel Hidalgo told him that the only way to enter would be by burning the door.
11:24So the Pipila, with a heavy slab that he would use as a shield against the rain of bullets, approached with a torch and lit it, thus making possible the entrance of the insurgents. Despite this story, many historians agree that the character did not really exist, but was rather a legend created in order to build a feeling of nationalism.
11:49It is thought that the name of the Pipila would be a metaphor to give name and recognition to all those anonymous insurgents who allowed the taking of the Alhóndiga de Granaditas.
11:57Since there is no historical record about him. In addition, some experts have analyzed the scene and argue that it would not have been humanly possible due, among other things, to the weight and size of the slab.
12:12Historians assure that it is a myth completely unfounded.
12:16Number 10. Fidel Castro. And we return to the Cuban Revolution, probably the last great moment of the continent on the world stage until the creation of reggaeton.
12:28His first leader, Fidel Castro, contrary to what many think, did not have a Marxist or communist formation, nor was his revolutionary idea based on the Soviet Union.
12:39He knew what he wanted, he knew what he said, he knew how he was going to try to captivate you or how he was going to captivate the president or the prime minister of a particular country.
12:49In fact, in 1959, the year of the revolution, the charismatic politician refused to be a communist and for months he looked for a way to negotiate with the United States.
12:59It was after they distrusted him, turned their backs on him and made him dismissals that in 1962, after flirting on more than one front, he decided on the left.
13:10This gives an incredible twist to what we knew about him, right?
13:20Number 9. Miguel Hidalgo. Known as the father of the country for his prominence during the beginning of the independence of Mexico, there is more than one historical lie around him.
13:44First of all, his physical appearance, since he was never painted in life, so that image that we have seen in various history books is an invented version.
13:54In fact, there are previous versions of his appearance, which was evolving to the one we know today.
14:01Of medium height, loaded with back, brown in color and bright green eyes.
14:06On the other hand, there were several witnesses who assured that within the well-known cry of pain, Father Hidalgo included Fernando VII, the then king of Spain, which would indicate that Miguel Hidalgo was not really in favor of independence.
14:22Thus, different historians affirm that what they were actually looking for was a new autonomous Spain, with its own regional government, for which it was essential that the legitimacy of the government, whose head was Fernando VII, was preserved.
14:38The country calls us to its defense. Long live America! Long live Fernando VII! Long live religion! And die the gachupines!
14:47Number 8. Simón Bolívar.
14:49Historical revisionism is a current of historiography that tries to question everything affirmed. If fake news exist, imagine the story.
15:01They say, this in some cases goes too far, and what they told us about Simón Bolívar is the clearest example.
15:09With the eagerness to perfect it and turn it into a revolutionary model to the extent of the Chavista government, they changed our history by painting him as a Marxist in an era in which Karl Marx himself described him as a coward, brutal and miserable.
15:25The strategic ability and military leadership of Bolívar were fundamental for the liberation of much of South America of the Spanish domain.
15:33It is so much what they deceived us about this character that they even rebuilt his face, and even invented a cause of death a little more epic.
15:44The physical and emotional wear and tear for so many years of struggle and disappointment for the disintegration of his political dreams had affected his health, and on December 17, 1830, before boarding, he died in Santa Marta, Colombia.
15:59Number 7. Pancho Villa.
16:01Pancho Villa is, along with Emiliano Zapata, the best known face of the Mexican Revolution, and for this reason his figure is subject of respect.
16:09However, there are some aspects of his life and past that may not be so worthy.
16:16From his past as a bandit, which is not a secret to anyone, to some of the atrocities he committed already in times of the revolution, Pancho Villa collects many more characteristics of villain than of hero.
16:37In September 2014, Raúl Herrera Márquez published the book La Sangre al Río, where he shows the ravages that were experienced during that time, particularly what happened to the Herrera family, as a result of the confrontation between Maclovio Herrera and Villa.
16:54After reading this book, many of Villa's defenders had less arguments for their defenses.
17:01Villa operated in El Paso financially, to buy weapons and ammunition. He was involved in counterfeit operations, but managed to raise a good amount of cash.
17:17Number 6. Atahualpa.
17:20Atahualpa is another character who has been a victim of lies, and we are not talking about Francisco Pizarro's lies.
17:27To begin with, although he is considered the last sovereign Inca, he never crowned himself.
17:33After defeating his brother Huáscar on his way to his asunción in Cusco, he met with the colonialists in Cajamarca, and it was there that Pizarro deceived him and kidnapped him.
17:44Atahualpa then offered to fill a whole room with gold. The tourists and students are told that he fulfilled the payment. However, this was not the case, and the outcome came before, they strangled him with horses.
17:59The Inca had sent gifts to the Spaniards, including some made with gold. This increased Pizarro's hope of finding great wealth.
18:10Number 5. The Malinche.
18:12Its name has been used by Mexicans as a synonym for betrayal to the homeland. In fact, the Royal Spanish Academy defines malincheism as an attachment to the foreign world at a lower price than one's own.
18:26And it is that the Malinche, also known as Doña Marina, had an important role in being the interpreter of the Spaniards during the conquest.
18:44But the story is much more complex, since it is not about a woman who decided to betray her people, but about a teenager who was delivered as a slave as a gift to appease the Spaniards. Even several experts argue that he achieved an understanding between both cultures, without which the conquest could have been much more violent.
19:07Number 4. José de San Martín.
19:23And we return to the liberators of America. It is said that José de San Martín was a strong and vigorous man who crossed the Andes.
19:32But the truth is that he was sick and the epic was a true martyrdom. The biggest lie that surrounds the general is his inspiration to define the colors of the flag of Peru. Supposedly, after his landing in Paracas, he would have fallen asleep and seen red and white birds, which led him to choose the colors of his country.
19:56But that is completely false. The story is a story of Abraham Valdelomarra of 100 years later, and today 100 years later, known as real. At least it is a very poetic lie.
20:11San Martín is the fundamental prose for Argentine history and a key piece in the construction of our identity as a sovereign and free country.
20:19Number 3. Los Niños Héroes.
20:21The feat of Los Niños Héroes is recognized by all Mexicans as a reason for pride and sacrifice for the country. However, there are some inaccuracies within the story that we all know.
20:35And suddenly the director of the military school tells them, you do not fight, boys, children, you do not fight.
20:42First of all, Los Niños Héroes were not alone defending the castle. There was a whole army of people accompanying them in the feat. On the other hand, they were not really so young, since their ages varied between 13 and 20 years.
20:58Finally, Scutia's feat of throwing himself with the flag to defend it is probably an exaggeration, since there is no way to verify it, although there are arguments to refute it, such as the location of the castle's altar in relation to the location of Scutia's body, as well as the wounds on his body.
21:19Little is known about cadet Juan Scutia. His baptism is dated July 1, 1827, in the city of Tepic, Nayarit.
21:28Number 2. Benito Juárez.
21:30Every superhero has a great story of origin, and Benito Juárez is no exception. We have all heard that when he was young, he was playing the flute when a sheep escaped him, and worried about his uncle's reaction, he ran away from home.
21:46But he never forgot that one day he was a shepherd of indigenous origin, and that's why he wanted all Mexicans to be equal before the law.
21:55Well, the reality is much less out of a fable. It turns out that young Benito, far from being proud of his roots as it is believed, was fed up with poverty and decided to migrate to the city, looking to climb. Even worse, there are no records that the future president knew how to play the flute.
22:16The president Zapoteca made the phrase that is attributed to him worth it. For friends, justice and clemency. For enemies, all the weight of the law.
22:26Hey, we haven't reached the end yet, but almost. Just don't forget to subscribe to our channel and activate the bell to receive notifications of our latest videos. Surely you will like them. Now yes, let's go to the end.
22:42Number 1. Cristóbal Colón.
22:45Here is the king of lies, the very discoverer of America. Controversies aside, there are very few aspects in this man's life that seem true from his place and day of birth. Basically, he was a charlatan who tried to deceive Isabel, the Catholic, with false maps.
23:0610% of the profits will be mine, and from now on I want you to name me Cristóbal Colón, Admiral of the Ocean Sea and High Admiral of Castile, Viceroy and Governor of the Indies.
23:18He still trusted him and indeed he arrived in America.
23:22I feel that we have traveled like 2,000 nautical miles and we did not arrive. Oh, haha, we have only sailed like a thousand.
23:31The trip has lasted longer than expected.
23:33Where the Europeans had arrived before, why not? He was not the first, nor did he arrive in three caravans, nor did the pinta or the girl exist. And wait, because the worst is coming. He did not arrive on October 12, but days later, so that date so symbolic is pure story.
23:53We will have to run the already traditional fights on social networks a few days later to respect the historical truth.
24:01Colón kept sailing, and on October 28, and based on his map of the 15th century that did not take into account at all the existence of the American continent, he arrived on a large island.
24:11Aha, there is Zipango, but that was not Zipango, because then he thought it was China, and he called it La Juana, but we all know that Cuba is there.
24:21Which of these data did you not know? Tell us in the comments and do not miss these other original videos of Spanish Watchmojo.
