SCARECROWS CAMP Full Exclusive Horror Movie English HD 2024

  • hace 12 horas
00:06:51What all did they say on the news did they get them I don't know
00:06:56They still might be around killing people
00:07:03In the middle of nowhere. All right, and I'm sure if there was a killer running around
00:07:06You won't be open this place in the next two weeks would they that's exactly what they want you to be me
00:07:11You don't know these people. I'm only mentioning once I've met both of them
00:07:16And yeah, they're a handful both
00:07:18They're trying to move on and what did they say about the murders? I didn't ask him
00:07:23You didn't ask them no, I didn't think it's appropriate I
00:07:28One of the victims was Tina's daughter
00:07:31And over there, that's where it said that well, they burnt him alive in there
00:07:38This just gets worse and worse
00:07:44Look you've got nothing to worry about. All right
00:07:49Would it make you feel any better if you need the details
00:07:52Well, what's fucking difference is gonna make it now?
00:07:55There's no signal here
00:07:57Tina did say she was gonna get Wi-Fi down here. So until then you can get a reception down the road
00:08:04What different does it make it now?
00:08:07Does it
00:08:15Where you going I'm going down the road to get some signals I can see what else you're not fucking telling me
00:08:22What on your own
00:08:36I'm not anymore
00:08:39They're coming to get you man. Oh my god, stop it. It's not actually funny. It is funny though
00:08:44Okay, you getting worked up over nothing over nothing. There's psychopaths running around killing kids and you think it's nothing
00:08:52But you've got me to protect you
00:08:56How many fights have you been in
00:09:00I've you know been in quite a few
00:09:04And how many have you won
00:09:09I'm still there, aren't I?
00:09:13So if I come up to you with a knife you would know exactly what you need to do
00:09:18What a maniac with a knife
00:09:21Absolutely you with a knife I'll be as good as dead
00:09:32You're such a simple thing
00:09:36Look we just start over
00:09:43What exactly did you mean
00:09:46It's safe here, all right
00:09:49In the middle of nowhere
00:09:51No neighbors for miles and
00:09:54Definitely no more killers. All right
00:09:59I'm not staying here. Well, where do you want to stay?
00:10:02Nearby town Airbnb
00:10:05No, cuz we're just gonna waste all our money on a hotel when we can stay here for free
00:10:09I don't want to be another story on the news. Oh
00:10:15Come on, all right, let's finish the lights. Yeah, then we'll go back to the lodge. I'll do a sweep and lock the doors
00:10:25How safe this safe, all right
00:10:29We've been here for three nights
00:10:31No one's been killed and Tina and Mary they stay on the farm
00:10:35No one's been killed and Tina and Mary they stay on the farm. Do you really think that stay here if it weren't safe?
00:10:49I still don't like about
00:11:06All right, let's turn these babies on, okay
00:11:14You wait here, okay, you let me know if they come on
00:11:18Look, you can't just leave me here after all this
00:11:22You just told me
00:11:24It's all right
00:11:25Okay, I'm gonna go around the corner. Yeah
00:11:29You have to turn lights on
00:11:53My god, how does it look?
00:12:00It looks great
00:12:09Come on have a look
00:12:24Don't be a dick
00:12:43Rob I swear to God if this is where you're gonna jump out and scare me
00:12:57Rob if this is one of your jokes
00:13:24If you seriously think you're getting late tonight you better pack this in
00:13:27Are you just gonna stare there or do something about it?
00:13:37Otherwise, I'll have to find someone else on that campgrounds to please me
00:13:51Okay, cut this out
00:13:57I had enough
00:14:16Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, are you okay?
00:16:28Hey when you're waiting for you, I was just doing a recon on the place to see what still needs attention come
00:16:34Where's my own Robert?
00:16:36You haven't seen them since yesterday
00:16:47What are you doing get away from there it's just a scarecrow take it down now
00:16:53Whoa, okay. Just take it down before my mother sees
00:16:57Geez it's not hurting. I don't care. I want it gone. Do you not know what happened here?
00:17:04There's a tragedy here and that thing it's just a bad omen
00:17:10Sorry, Harriet
00:17:13Just get rid of it burn it I just don't want to ever see that thing again
00:17:23You can help me
00:17:53Had to see
00:17:57Two priests and three psychics
00:18:03Not one of them has felt anything evil it's safe here now
00:18:09Did you hear from Robert and Meyer
00:18:11I tried calling them but there was no answer and one of the girls told me there was a bit of a party plan
00:18:17So you might want to make a note to look into that
00:18:22Do you think they found out about
00:18:26Tina let's not go there. I
00:18:29Just don't like the thought of everyone running off scared when they find out what happened here
00:18:35It's over
00:18:36We killed him. I know
00:18:47No one will believe it anyway
00:18:53It's over though
00:18:58Even though they didn't find a body I
00:19:01Mean the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he didn't exist
00:19:11But this place has to be cleansed
00:19:20Two weeks
00:19:24It'll be good I
00:19:27Mean I know mom didn't want this place opened up to the public, but we need to do something before the council try and reclaim the land
00:19:35It's been a trying couple of years
00:19:38And there isn't much inheritance left on my side. I
00:19:42Still can't believe Derek let his life insurance policy lapse
00:19:46Typical men you can't rely on them for anything important. They can't even die probably
00:19:58Anyway, I have a couple of errands to run so
00:20:07I'll go see if I can find Robin Amir
00:20:24Just don't get rid of it. This is gonna be okay. Don't worry about it
00:20:29We'll get rid of it once we get around to cleaning out this caravan
00:20:33This one looks like a bugger to clean
00:20:36It's gonna be one of yours to do
00:20:41Seem worse
00:20:58Okay, so I want you all to be on your toes heads held high and attentive and smile
00:21:04This isn't going to be any ordinary glamping spot
00:21:08This is going to be the best camping location in the whole of the country
00:21:12We want to attract attention of investors from all over the world once word spreads this place would be on the map
00:21:21You will all be the faces of Amityville farm glamping, okay
00:21:26Every guest is a priority and every request has to be heeded. I have faith in each one of you. Please don't let me down
00:21:36We have two weeks to get this place in ship shape, okay
00:21:39I'll be on point on all aspects, but I want each of you to take ownership of anything that you're doing
00:21:45We're a family and I want each of you to see this place as yours as well
00:21:50Any questions?
00:21:52No, okay. Well, let's get to it and no more practical jokes. Okay
00:21:59Mm-hmm. Okay, let's go
00:22:07Have anyone in here
00:22:22I'm not jumpy. You're the one sneaking around when you should be working
00:22:25Believe me it could have been a lot worse. Why are you even up here? I don't need this stressed enough as it is
00:22:34Why are you even in here this is mom and I'm Tina's office
00:22:38I'm sorry. I didn't realize I just thought I could help with what?
00:22:43bills and stuff
00:22:45That's not your job. Your job is ground. Yeah, but I did all these financial things. I just thought I could help
00:22:49I'm sorry. I didn't realize I just thought I could help with what?
00:22:53Yeah, I did all these financial things I did a year of accountancy remember mom and auntie Tina deal with all that
00:23:05Hey, all right
00:23:07Okay, yeah, I'm fine
00:23:11it's just
00:23:12Because of what happened before no, I mean
00:23:16Yeah, kind of it's just a lot for me to get around. That's all
00:23:19I'm sure it's such a good idea to open so soon after everything's happened. Yeah, it needs to be
00:23:24my grandmother had the best intentions for this place and
00:23:28If we lose it, who knows what might happen?
00:23:32At least this way we can have some control over it
00:23:35Just sound like your mom and your aunt talking with you
00:23:39I guess
00:23:41You never told me your side of things anyway
00:23:44But I never will
00:23:46And I never will
00:23:51Well, look look it's nothing to do with you, okay
00:23:54It's just I really don't want to relive that night
00:23:59You might think i'm crazy
00:24:02Harriet you can get a little mad sometimes. Hey, i'm not mad
00:24:09Well, at least you're not the one talking to psychics
00:24:12I just think that they get a little bit of comfort from it. That's all
00:24:15You know knowing that this place is just finally clear of all evil
00:24:21Why don't you finish your talks? Oh, i'm fine. Do you remember? I know you're fine
00:24:27You're a good one to talk. Okay
00:24:29Okay. Thank you
00:24:51So does anyone know what happened here two years ago
00:24:57So this place is cursed well, that's nothing new this place is called amateur village
00:25:05Yeah, but the amateurville house claimed that the brothers shot down their entire family because they heard voices in their head
00:25:11Then the locals burnt the house down because anyone that went in there apparently heard voices telling them to kill them
00:25:18kill them all
00:25:24And then the kids summer camp opened
00:25:29So then what happened
00:25:32So there's this guy called lester and he worked on these grounds like on the side
00:25:38And he was a favorite of all the kids. They all loved him
00:25:42until one summer
00:25:45These kids just went missing
00:25:47one by one they just
00:25:49Turned up dead on the cornfields
00:25:55Turns out lester did it
00:25:57Turns out lester did it
00:26:00He spent too long being exposed to the evil that radiated from the earth
00:26:05And he heard voices in his head telling him he had to make a human sacrifice
00:26:09And the kids summer camp never opened again
00:26:12Until about two years ago a family came here. They wanted to reclaim and expand
00:26:20But when the amateurville house got burnt down
00:26:23When the amateurville house got burnt down
00:26:26The souls got trapped inside they'd seek refuge in anyone or anything that was nearby
00:26:33So this family that came here
00:26:36They got murdered right here on this site where we're sitting
00:26:43They were terrorized tortured
00:26:48They were cut open like pigs in line at slaughterhouse
00:26:53That's not even it there's some survivors, but they swore never to tell the tale
00:26:59Then how do you know about it then some of its public knowledge look it up if you don't believe me
00:27:08But these survivors that walked away
00:27:11Apparently they disposed of the killer. They said it was lester who'd returned to finish what he started
00:27:18But then he just vanished no one knows what happened to him
00:27:22Rumor has it that he's still here. Now. He stalks this site
00:27:26He's just waiting for fresh victims
00:27:29Then he awakens
00:27:32Ready to attack anyone that enters his territory
00:27:38What happened to the survivors
00:27:42That's the crazy part
00:27:44They're here now turning this place into a grampian site bull. It's not bull
00:27:49Tina's daughter and husband died here. Ask me if you don't believe me
00:27:53I don't believe you
00:27:57That's enough dirty talk for one night
00:28:01Come on simon, what's going on? I want to hear this
00:28:06Listen real don't you talk for you in the tent?
00:28:09I don't know
00:28:21Poor guy
00:28:25That wasn't true was it 100%
00:28:32Right who's gonna help me finish this
00:29:06What are you thinking about
00:29:15What are you thinking about her
00:29:20God's sake beth. I was here with you. I'm here with you. There's nobody else
00:29:32I don't believe you
00:29:35I saw you looking at her today
00:29:37What do you want me to do do I blind myself so I don't look at anybody else don't talk to me like that
00:29:48You've got issues
00:29:52How dare you
00:29:55You know
00:29:57You really know how to make someone feel like
00:30:00Yeah, and you make me out to be when is this gonna end?
00:30:03I'm gonna get a shower. I feel dirty walk away. Let me take all the responsibility again
00:30:49You still in bed
00:31:34You don't just stand there simon babe
00:31:42Give me my towel back beth. Is that you?
00:32:21Babe you still in there?
00:32:25Look I know I say some dumb
00:33:17She was probably still sleeping I reckon she made simon do an all-nighter
00:33:22Do you sense the tension between them two?
00:33:24I did they need to chill
00:33:28Yeah, but margo didn't make it any easier for her he couldn't take his eyes off her
00:33:34Yeah, but beth needs to chill and then look it's in her nature
00:33:38Works both ways
00:33:43Well, i'm sure she'll come when she's ready
00:33:47I just hope she pulls her weight because i'm not picking up her slack all summer
00:33:51Not to mention now there's loads of jobs to be done because my own rob just sailed like that
00:33:57Probably got spooked when he heard what happened here
00:34:00Well, it's enough to make me rethink staying here
00:34:11Liza no mad
00:34:15Like margo was telling the truth
00:34:18Says here they never found him. He was suspected but never tried. When's that from?
00:34:25Late the article says 30th september 1981
00:34:30So that mean he was well into his
00:34:33What seven is by now?
00:34:36So Margaret was telling the truth
00:34:40That means everything else she said was also true. Why would somebody want to keep these?
00:34:57Hello hello you two awake
00:35:00Hello, okay, I'm coming in
00:35:16I know it's a lot to take in. I don't understand how this place can still be open
00:35:28It was a long time ago
00:35:31But surely people need to know isn't there some health and safety around this. You know what?
00:35:40It's not as if it's still ongoing
00:35:43It's not as resolved. I know but we have gone to great lengths to make sure that this place is safe.
00:35:52I know what you're saying. How could we be so callous?
00:35:56But I assure you that we are the polar opposite of that
00:36:00We wouldn't have brought you here if it wasn't safe
00:36:02And we certainly wouldn't be opening it up to the public if there was any reason not to
00:36:11I'm sorry. I didn't tell you
00:36:15But this isn't something that we want to remember
00:36:20Let alone talk about
00:36:25This place has seen some
00:36:28Really bad things
00:36:33But it's over now
00:36:37That's why we need to clear out all the old stuff
00:36:42It can't continue to live in infamy
00:36:46What this place needs is a fresh start
00:36:55And we need this to be a success
00:36:57To show that we can recover from adversity
00:37:00Grow as a community and change the past as we see it not focus on what happened
00:37:09And we need you Lily
00:37:13You and people like you strong people with morals and dignity
00:37:23Ready to stand up what they believe in willing to do what it takes
00:37:30Want you to be proud of what we accomplish here we need each other
00:37:40You need to trust me
00:37:53Fresh start
00:38:19Hey guys, you're right. Hey, where have you been?
00:38:22Swing to town check my messages get some supplies
00:38:26No, that shit you said last night. We thought it was an urban legend
00:38:30Turns out it's true. We found proof old newspapers about child murderers
00:38:37Yeah, no, it's true. I read it a few years ago
00:38:40It's worse than I remember that really is. Yeah, but they've been in my life. So don't worry, right?
00:38:45Yeah, but he said they found nobody. Are you sure they didn't just torch him?
00:38:50No, they walked him in his work shed and burnt it down with him inside
00:38:55Do you think it was in the shed we saw earlier I
00:38:59Don't know it was a bit charred, but it definitely wasn't burnt down still standing
00:39:05Yeah, probably the evil inside keeping it from going up entirely. I
00:39:11Bet they built a new shed on top of the old one
00:39:13It's like the worst place to put a new shed on top of an old torture chamber
00:39:19That's why Harriet said it was off-limits
00:39:21It's off-limits
00:39:23That just makes me want to go in even more now. I
00:39:26Don't know. Come on. We can go tonight. We'll just leave everything as it is
00:39:33Come on don't be a couple of don't you want to see what's inside?
00:40:00Simon and Beth have left
00:40:03They just often left without saying anything. I
00:40:08Guess they didn't show up for work this morning and the suitcases are gone. I
00:40:14Don't like this
00:40:19It has to be over I've got this niggling at the back of my mind that something isn't right
00:40:26You wear the ones that are cursed not the land
00:40:30I can't help it first Robert and Meyer now Simon and Beth
00:40:37There's no evidence to suggest that they're dead it just didn't show up to work
00:40:43It doesn't sound strange to you
00:40:45Four people just up and vanish no communication since yes, it's extremely strange
00:40:51But when you've seen the kind of things we have anything out of the ordinary is either not obvious enough or suspicious as hell. I
00:40:59Don't know what to do have we put the lives of everyone in danger, I don't think so
00:41:08Just can't seem to shake this feeling that something bad is gonna happen is happening
00:41:14We need to focus
00:41:16When this place is up and running that this feeling will recede
00:41:19When the camp is full of people and we're preoccupied with taking care of everyone things will get better. You'll see I
00:41:29Hope you're right
00:41:32I just don't know what to do in the meantime to take my mind off things
00:41:38Come on let's get you out of this stuffy room and into the fresh air
00:41:42Thank you, that's okay
00:41:49Thank you for everything we're sisters
00:42:13Don't like this back and climbing on my night. I'm Robert I
00:42:18envy them
00:42:20Sometimes I just get this overwhelming feeling that I just need to get away, but I'm
00:42:24stuck here
00:42:26For who your mom I?
00:42:28Can't leave them
00:42:30Something just doesn't feel right
00:42:34They don't need you this place is cursed nothing can change that
00:42:39If we leave we can be rid of all this
00:42:44Maybe we need to tell you about what happened
00:42:54We came here to make things right to try and move on with our lives
00:42:59You know what my family are like now, but
00:43:03They were a lot worse back then
00:43:08I don't even know how to start
00:43:11Start the beginning
00:43:30What darker than I thought it would be yeah, we're in the country the new streetlights. Yeah, I know
00:43:35Pitch black out here music of the balls for them. Oh shut up Margo. I'm here aren't I think I can do this girls
00:43:42Come back out now. We're already here. It's fine. We shouldn't be doing this
00:43:48Fine go me and Cindy were going sound go
00:43:56I'm gonna back out to you. Let's just get this over with
00:44:15Wait shut them off
00:44:43Need to go tell my mom that I'm leaving
00:44:48Time I went my own way away from all this shit. I
00:44:54Love my mom and my aunt, but I can't do this anymore Dylan just every day being reminded of what I've lost I
00:45:01Just can't do it anymore
00:45:04I'm sure yeah. Yeah, but I need you to help me
00:45:45Don't like this
00:45:51It's filthy in here, it's the last time they cleaned
00:45:56Someone's been in here
00:45:59I know that hiding something. Let's just find what you're looking for and go
00:46:04I don't want to be here any longer than I have to be
00:46:07Keep your eyes open
00:46:16I'm leaving I
00:46:20Heard what you said, but you can't leave I can't stay here. I can feel my skin crawling I get nightmares
00:46:29We all do but you belong here. Why?
00:46:33Because I'm related to you
00:46:35You and mom took on this responsibility. Not me. I
00:46:39Don't want this place to define me. I want my own life
00:46:44Have you spoken to your mom about this no, she's blinkered when it comes to this place she won't listen
00:46:50It's too much history here and it's too much head
00:46:53So you want me to tell her?
00:46:58Listen to you
00:47:04This is all very sudden
00:47:07It's not I've been thinking about it for a while I just I
00:47:12Didn't know how to bring it up
00:47:14This just isn't my legacy. I don't want this to be my legacy either, but it's part of me now my responsibility
00:47:21Just let them have it they can flatten it or build something on the land I can't you know, I can't
00:47:28Well, you can't but I can I need to leave
00:47:38I understand. I just don't know how I'm gonna tell your mom
00:47:47I'll talk about this later
00:48:12Okay, um, yeah, I'm sorry, it's okay what's going on
00:48:20I don't know how to say this. Um
00:48:23It's Cindy and Margo. They've gone to the workshed
00:48:27Her why I specifically told them not to go in there
00:48:30She's so irresponsible
00:48:34I'm sorry, it's not your fault. Do you know why she went in there?
00:48:40They think you're hiding something in there. I
00:48:44Told them not to go messing around where they're not wanted
00:48:49That's okay, thank you for telling me
00:48:53We need to go get them
00:48:55I'm sure they're fine before they hurt themselves. There's nothing in there to find. I
00:49:03Hope you're right
00:50:07My god, what's going on slowly what happened? Where's Cindy?
00:50:14What is this some kind of joke it was not a fucking joke it was like a
00:50:21Like a scarecrow or something a scarecrow
00:50:29I knew it wasn't over
00:50:33What you fucking came about this it can't be we killed it
00:50:39It's back Mary
00:50:42It's back Mary we can't hide from this any longer
00:50:51Peter Paul guy from the newspaper
00:50:54And we'd be here like a seventies now
00:50:57No, he's back
00:51:00You can't deny it
00:51:32Wait, where is he? We'll find him. He's not here. Why was it? Why was the visit? I'll find him
00:51:54What do we do now
00:52:05It's dead
00:52:08Because he this is how it starts phone stead can't call for help. There's a madman in a mask killing everyone. This isn't helping Margo
00:52:17Harriet you Margo Lily go to end of the road and call the police
00:52:24We'll find him when you get to the end of the road you've called the police
00:52:29Just keep going
00:52:32I can't run away from this. This is our home
00:52:35This isn't my home. Come on Harriet. We've got a go but we have to stick together
00:52:41We need to finish this. I'll let Harry and the others go
00:52:45She's my daughter, which is why we're letting her go
00:52:49She can't be a part of this. She needs to live her own life not be a victim of ours
00:52:54You and I are tied to this place
00:52:57I want to see her waste away on this campsite
00:53:00It's not her fight
00:53:04Is this what you want, honey
00:53:10I'm sorry mom
00:53:13It's it's okay. I I just didn't know you felt this way
00:53:19I understand
00:53:21I understand
00:53:25I don't know how to tell you
00:53:30But I can't leave you need my help and I've got to find Dylan
00:53:35No, Tina's right
00:53:37This isn't your battle. We've done this before and we'll do it again
00:53:43Are you sure?
00:53:44Yes, go
00:53:47I love you mom
00:53:51I love you too
00:53:55I love you Tina
00:53:57Come on let's go
00:53:59Just stay together. Okay, just hurry. We'll find Dylan. Go
00:54:11I'm so frightened Tina
00:54:13It's okay
00:54:15It's okay
00:54:17I won't let anything happen to you
00:54:21Come on
00:56:15Yes, please please I
00:56:19Need to report murder
00:56:22Someone's killed my friend
00:56:27Well, no, this is serious
00:56:30No, please just send someone right away. I'm at the Amityville farm campsite. Please just hurry
00:56:39I don't think they believe me, but the funders and wait, can we go now? No, I've got to go back. We're not going back
00:56:47I'm not just sitting here. My mother's over there
00:56:49You didn't see what I saw Harriet
00:56:51Believe me. I've seen worse
00:56:53Come on girls. I'm sorry. I just I don't want to die out here. You're not gonna die out here
00:56:58You don't know that look we can just go we can we can keep driving the police can sort it out
00:57:02I'm not waiting around for the police Margo
00:57:05I'll wait for the police then what on your own?
00:57:10Hey, have you got a plan?
00:57:15I'm in
00:57:18Let's go
00:57:38Two of us goes to the front and one of us goes to the back
00:57:41Okay, one of us can be a distraction where the other one gets the better of it
00:57:44I don't like that plan. So who's gonna be on their own? I'll go on the back
00:57:52No, wait, just follow the plan
00:58:03No, wait, I don't have a weapon or anything it's a work shed just grab anything you can with some weight to it
00:59:13Love you
01:01:43Wake up we need to get out
01:02:13He's we have to get out of here
01:02:22Wake up my mom's please focus
01:03:47Wait, wait, stay away from it
01:04:14Oh Dylan, what are you doing?
01:04:22Oh my god, did you did you kill all of those people?
01:04:30They all deserved
01:04:40What is wrong with you
01:04:43Well right now is this thing sticking out of my back
01:05:01You're a nobody and you're gonna rot in jail for the rest of your life, I'm not nobody
01:05:08You don't recognize who I am Tina
01:05:22He clueless
01:05:27You really don't recognize who I am do you
01:05:32I'm Lester's grandson
01:05:42I can feel him now. You burned him alive
01:05:47Here his screams spill his pain his anguish
01:05:53Most of all his hatred for you
01:06:02When he died whatever lived in him came and it found me that's when they started
01:06:15You were quiet at first like a whisper over my shoulder
01:06:24But day by day they grew louder and louder I realized what I had to do
01:06:46No, we're still here, but we need to go it's Dylan
01:06:50No, it's Dylan. The scarecrow is Dylan Dylan is left his grandson
01:06:57We need to go now
01:09:07Why is the sign here I
01:09:10Just took it down
01:09:12We need to get rid of the name on its curve
01:09:14I'm just sick of looking at it every day. Just being reminded of what happened
01:09:20Names aren't cursed. They can carry a legacy and what legacy does the name amityville carry?
01:09:29Well, we can think about changing the name let's leave the sign for now and just have a talk
01:09:39I just I don't want this place to be muddy by the past, you know, just being known as that murder campsite
01:09:49What happened in the past happened and we can't change it what we can do is focus on the future
01:09:57If you decide to stay we can do whatever it takes to make things right for you and the baby
01:10:04And I'm not leaving and we're not Tina gets out of the hospital
01:10:12Let's have some tea, okay
01:10:34Mom was that you
01:10:37What's what me hun
01:10:41Nothing never mind
