In this episode, I report from Florida's east coast as Hurricane Milton barrels through the state. Plus, more on the shameful disaster response from the Harris administration.
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The Bongino Report brings you the top conservative and libertarian news stories of the day, aggregated in an easy-to-read format to assist the public in getting accurate information. Please subscribe to the podcast at: iTunes: 000 Soundcloud:
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01:53get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to
01:58the facts with your host Dan Bongino. Folks I told you we would be here for a
02:04show because cutesy time is over we've got a freaking election to win we are
02:08down here in Florida unfortunately we are actually going through some really
02:13horrible weather right here we're recording this show early I know you
02:17guys understand and and and just want to say in advance I appreciate all of your
02:22concern but but really don't worry about us I promise me my crew will be okay we
02:27got an election to win I'm gonna stay on top of the hurricane because it's a
02:30national issue but it's not about me we're we've been through some bad stuff
02:35and right now I'm just we live on an island that's being kind of overrun by
02:39water right now and that's just the way it is but don't sweat anything going on
02:44with us worry about the election worry about your neighbors worry about the
02:48residents of Florida and still the residents of other states don't waste a
02:52second of your time on us it is our job to show up here and get a show in for
02:57you and the show matters because we've got to win this election man it is the
03:02most consequential of our lifetime there are no excuses let me get right to it
03:06I've got a lot going on today you all know I can't sleep without my beam dream
03:10powder they have an exclusive discount for my listeners up to 45% off visit
03:14shop beam comm slash Bongino use code Bongino I'm gonna start today in a
03:19moment with a Ron DeSantis clip I want to show you again what leadership in a
03:23crisis looks like it's about preparedness in advance not pulling a
03:27Kamala Harris drinking a freaking beer with Stephen Colbert looking like an
03:30idiot and then showing up like a lump on a log the next day it's some stupid
03:35White House thing sitting there with you pretending to look interested you didn't
03:38care before everybody knows you don't care now either folks let me ask you a
03:43question you think our country's going in the right direction does it feel like
03:46everything's falling apart if you're feeling alarmed you're not alone in fact
03:50Americans from all walks of life have taken action to prepare for whatever is
03:54coming next that starts with having an emergency food supply from my Patriot
03:58supply storing food in your home is the right thing to do we're living in crazy
04:02times people are preparing now right now you can get ready to with a three-month
04:06emergency food kit from my Patriot supply I have one for every member of my
04:11family has delicious foods creamy stroganoff honey wheat bread mushroom
04:15rice peel off the foods pretty good the entire my Patriot supply kit offers 2,000
04:19calories a day calories are survival the food lasts up to 25 years who knows
04:24what our country's gonna look like by then but when that day comes you'll be
04:27ready go to my Patriot supply comm now to order your three-month emergency food
04:31kit for my Patriot supply that's my Patriot supply comm my Patriot supply
04:36comm fellas let's go I'm sorry about the background noise that thunder that is
04:42we're again in Florida and that's what that is if you're hearing that come over
04:48the mic it's kind of directional so I don't know if you guys heard it or not
04:52folks this is what leadership looks like leadership is about planning in advance
04:57leadership is not about showing up after the fact like Kamala Harris pretending
05:02to be interested drinking a beer on Stephen Colbert while Ron DeSantis is
05:07delivering supplies and out there every day doing briefings in the state of
05:11Florida he's my governor and I have always always been a fan of his
05:15governorship the fact that I had a different candidate in the primary has
05:18nothing to do with this man's ability to lead in Florida it has been exceptional
05:23and he's showing you what it looks like here's DeSantis showing how it's done
05:26leadership is preparing in advance not about coming in like a Johnny come
05:31lately afterwards and trying to take advantage of the politics of the moment
05:35check this out we have also worked with the utilities to have the largest
05:40staging of utility workers in linemen in advance of the storm anytime in
05:46American history we will have in Florida by the time the storm arises over 50,000
05:52linemen and those linemen are being brought in from places as far away as
05:57California so as soon as that storm passes you're going to see the
06:01assessments and the power restoration efforts commence immediately
06:05additionally the state of Florida is assisted with the evacuation of 352
06:09health care facilities in the potential why did I play that clip because DeSantis
06:16did the briefings beforehand and understood we are going to need X Y & Z
06:22fuel food electric power how is that done well you're going to have electric
06:28go out because lines are gonna collapse well how do we get them back up we have
06:32linemen who are quite heroic who will get in there how are they gonna get
06:35there how are we gonna clear the roads this is what preparedness looks like
06:39folks when I was in the Secret Service this is what we did before presidents
06:43were getting shot in the head under this new incompetent leadership we walked in
06:47we've got a line-of-sight issue how do we mitigate it put a sniper team there
06:51well we can't can we block the line-of-sight can we put an
06:54obstruction to a to a firearm projectile this is how planning works you have to
06:59plan you have to do the work in advance what the hell is Kamala Harris doing
07:03here I'm gonna play this clip for you she's on a comedy show late night
07:08drinking beer like a freaking clown and she's asked a question about what she's
07:12gonna do differently after the Biden administration failed on inflation
07:16failed on the border failed on public safety failed on global chaos and now
07:19failed in hurricane natural disaster response what's she gonna do differently
07:23the answer is nothing she's gonna give a word salad of an answer about how she's
07:28not Joe Biden yeah we know you're not Joe Biden you're his vice president you
07:31suck dude take a listen what would the major changes be and what would stay the
07:36same sure well I mean I'm obviously not Joe Biden I know and so that would be
07:43one change but also I think it's important to say with you know 28 days
07:49to go I'm not Donald Trump and so when we think about the significance of what
07:56this next generation of leadership looks like were I to be elected president it
08:00is about frankly I I love the American people and I believe in our country I I
08:09love that it is our character in nature to be an ambitious people you know we
08:16we have aspirations we have dreams we are we we have incredible work ethic and
08:22and and I just believe that we can create and and build upon the success
08:28we've achieved in a way that we continue to grow opportunity and in that
08:33way grow the strength of our nation what this woman just say what would he I
08:38don't what I don't even folks do you have a Kamala Harris translator I have
08:42no idea what that bullshit even means she speaks in word salads the words
08:48don't connect into any coherent thought whatsoever ladies and gentlemen the
08:54woman is an imbecile can we stop beating around the bush and warn America
08:59about what's coming if you vote for this moron she cannot even think straight she
09:05is an idiot what else do you need to hear what was that people want to know
09:13you got Stephen Colbert I mean a canoe of the highest order asking a real
09:19question hey Joe Biden and your administration's kind of sucked basically
09:23he doesn't say that because he's too much of a coward are you gonna do
09:26anything different let me tell you about the next generation of leadership what
09:31was that and when she's not speaking in made-up fabricated words word salads
09:40ridiculous absurd disconnected sentences she's speaking in fake accents hat-tip
09:47my team I said to the guys yesterday I said guys please put together a
09:52montage of all of the various ridiculous Kamala Harris accents she
09:58puts out there here it is producer Justin Guy and Michael put this together
10:02this is the lady running for president I told you the woman is an imbecile take a
10:09listen with the plan uppercase T uppercase P the plan and then the
10:17environment is such that we're expected to defend the plan
10:30let's just get through the next 64 days and you all helped us win in 2020 and
10:37we're gonna do it again in 2024 we need an assault weapons ban it's reasonable
10:43to say we need universal background checks that we need red flag laws you
10:48better thank a union member for sick leave you better thank a union member
10:52for paid leave you better thank a union member for vacation time that's good you
11:00guys did a good job I did not see that in advance I thought they were only I
11:03told them go get the French one so now we've got Jamaican French you know who
11:09knows what other I don't know what she's doing folks I don't know what she's
11:13doing who knows I don't know what she's doing I don't know what you just I don't
11:16know why she just can't speak like Kamala Harris and I don't you know it's
11:20really hilarious like Kamala Harris loses her mind when people call her
11:24Kamala Harris your name's Kamala Harris fine I'll call you by any Kamala Harris
11:28have no problem I'm just out but who are you exactly I don't understand yeah you
11:32apparently you're so concerned about us and other people using different ways to
11:36pronounce your name yet you don't seem to be able to speak one like Kamala
11:40Harris you just talk pandering to your audience because you think your
11:44audience is stupid folks these are not incidental small things the woman is a
11:51fraud a fraud folks you may not like Mark Halperin okay Mark Halperin's a
11:58political analyst but the guy's been around a long time he's had his own
12:00things to deal with the guy knows politics he knows politics as well as
12:04anyone when this guy is telling you the deep trouble Kamala Harris is in I
12:08encourage you to listen to him because he's saying something here I told you
12:13about for a while again self-praise stinks who cares I've told you because
12:17it's out there not because I have some deep source in the Kamala Harris
12:21campaign I've got good sources in the party I've already told you I don't have
12:24great sources in the Harris campaign I don't I have better sources in the Biden
12:27operation okay here's the thing with Harris though it is being reported all
12:32over that she is a fake she's a phony she cannot attract people who work for a
12:37living males male blacks male Hispanics even female female union workers so she
12:44cannot attract people because they know she's a fake here's Halperin telling you
12:49what I've been telling you for weeks her internal polls are absolute trash and
12:54garbage listen to this we're talking about Harris a lot on this program for a
12:58couple reasons okay we know what Trump is we don't need to spend every episode
13:02talking about January 6 we'll talk about it people want to bring it up what's
13:06happening now with Kamala Harris is this is an experiment can you win a
13:09short campaign with an untested candidate and what I'm telling you is
13:13happening in private polling is she's got a problem now okay it's not cheering
13:18for Trump it's not predicting Trump will win she's got a problem please bring up
13:22first bring up the New York Times poll so new New York Times poll shows her up
13:27three nationally we all know that three is like the bubble point right if she's
13:31up three she's got a chance to win win the Electoral College but but they'd
13:36rather be at four and they don't want to be a two so three is right at the bubble
13:39I'm not saying this times polls right it's in line with other national polls
13:42now bring up 102 Wall Street Journal has a story about Democrats really worried
13:48about the three Rust Belt states we all know from our contacts in both campaigns
13:54that Pennsylvania is tough for her right now and without Pennsylvania there are
13:57paths but there aren't many there's no path without Wisconsin so you see here
14:02Tammy Baldwin Senate campaign poll shows Harris down three in Wisconsin we all
14:06said yesterday Wisconsin and Michigan are looking worse for Harris than before
14:11sounds like something I told you on the radio show in the podcast yesterday the
14:16Wall Street Journal's reporting this exact same thing folks this woman is in
14:20so much trouble that the Democrat senator Tammy Baldwin who is in real
14:26danger of losing to Eric Hovde in Wisconsin is actually reporting bad
14:31polls from her campaign who does that who launches internal polls saying I
14:36suck someone who's desperate and here's what she's doing you folks know what
14:42she's doing here anyone know she's getting ready Tammy Baldwin who was to
14:48be clear the Democrat senator from Wisconsin a know-nothing buffoon by the
14:53way who should lose to Hovde by ten points she's getting ready to blame her
14:58election loss on Kamala Harris if she loses that's why she's launching bad
15:05internals everything I tell you here we bring receipts man with a freaking
15:10supermarket receipts every time every time Halperin is telling you what I told
15:16you they are in real trouble now we've got to execute because they're going to
15:24cheat don't get cocky kid just like Star Wars
15:28I'll get cocky kid don't execute bring ten people with you because if not you
15:34are gonna get the same incompetent government train wreck we have been
15:39exposed to the last four years I'm gonna tell you some I interviewed Ron Johnson
15:43senators but been all over DHS malfeasance for a long time on my radio
15:48show yesterday be on my weekend show folks I am NOT letting this FEMA story
15:53go they took your FEMA money they whipped it out and they down the toilet
15:58bowl they flushed it down the toilet and they are panicking because you noticed
16:04I'm gonna prove it to you for the first time in a long time we finally finally
16:10have government bureaucrats who flushed your money down the toilet bowl for 30
16:15years by the way Republicans and Democrats on the run saying what the
16:19hell did you do with our money giving them new illegals and now they're
16:22changing their story now they're freaking out I want to play this for you
16:27first though here's my orcas the disgusting hammock ball pouch underwear
16:34shopping loser shopping for high-end clothes while you're drowning and your
16:39neighborhood has been wiped out this piece of garbage is shopping for
16:44high-end clothes giving you the double-barreled middle finger opening
16:48your border to sex traffickers murderers terrorists while the guys shopping for
16:54high-end underwear to secure his nuts this loser watch him on CNN here first
17:00blaming you blaming you and going right to the climate change canard blaming you
17:08for the corruption in the government for noticing that FEMA flushed your
17:13money down the toilet giving it to illegals check this out and this is
17:17important because there has been fear that this misinformation would be
17:21detrimental to those who are affected and you're saying you are seeing
17:25evidence that the that these rumors are setting in and people are not seeking
17:31the aid that is available to them because of these false rumors that is
17:35indeed the case Kate and I will tell you another negative impact of this
17:39deliberately false information it is demoralizing to the men and women at the
17:46federal level at the state and local level who are actually risking their
17:50lives to save others and to bring much-needed relief to those who need it
17:56notice how this garbage pile of a human being there he is there he is he
18:00everything's backwards on the screen there he is what does he got in a bag
18:03hammock pouches really you got a cup in there what do you got our high-end
18:07menswear look at this piece of garbage check him out smile for the camera smile
18:13for the camera you tool this guy who was opened your border you've got a bunch of
18:18illegal immigrants in your community who broke the law and came in you can thank
18:22him you've got a murderer in your community who shouldn't be here or a
18:25terrorist who crossed the border you can thank him you got a kid who nearly died
18:30or did die from fentanyl poisoning you can thank him the single most corrupt
18:36public official not in an elected office I have ever seen in my lifetime this
18:42garbage person garbage person right here garbage
18:47blaming you now for what he calls misinformation about the spending of
18:53FEMA money blaming you maybe he should blame himself the DHS is responsible for
18:58FEMA oh look again FEMA press releases courtesy of Congresswoman Ana Paulina
19:03Luna Luna what do you mean FEMA press releases I thought he said this is
19:07misinformation he's a bullshit artist corrupt lying buffoon folks here it is
19:13on the screen right here DHS announces 380 million for illegals DHS announces
19:2077 million for illegals FEMA awards 110 million for illegals New York City 104
19:27million for illegals DHS 300 million for illegals 340 million for illegals
19:34right there you can read them yourself I thought my orcas said it was
19:37misinformation my orcas is full of shit
19:42by the way here's my orcas is DHS here's a FEMA training slide let's trade this
19:47training slide about white privilege and here white supremacy and race this is
19:53what FEMA is training their people race intersectionality hat tip libs and
19:57tick-tock for this was with training their people on right now you want more
20:01of this folks for the first time we have these people politically on the run
20:07about spending our money and flushing it down the toilet for the first time in my
20:12time covering politics I've never seen anything like this and we are not letting
20:17go ever ever we are getting these people out of office and Senator Ron
20:24Johnson told me yesterday in the radio show that if they take back the Senate
20:27he gets the chair of this critical committee he is going to be conducting
20:31full-blown investigations into this ongoing FEMA scandal about flushing our
20:36money down the toilet I'm going to show you two interviews back-to-back a my
20:39orcas quickly changing his position on something because he knows he is a
20:43corrupt loser and we've got him on the run about what he did with our money
20:49watch receipts incoming folks you having trouble sleeping or staying asleep
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21:47Bongino and use code Bongino for up to 45% off thank you beam we appreciate it
21:53folks if the show is in any way a little glitchy we're sorry we've been some
21:58power has been a little shady over here but I think we're gonna be okay we're
22:02trying to make everything seamless so we appreciate again your patience I want to
22:06show you what I mean with this corrupt the crowd these I'm not kidding when I
22:09tell you this the single most outrageous hire the most destructive
22:16bureaucrat in modern US history is without question Alejandro Mayorkas
22:22there is zero that if a and any honest judge of history I'm sorry if I'm
22:27beating this to death I just can't help it I worked in the Department of
22:32Homeland Security I have never seen a guy lead to so much destruction in my
22:36life the weaponization of his department the the weaponization of the
22:41intelligence branch for censorship the the open border the fentanyl crisis the
22:47terrorists the murderers the sex offenders in the country I have never
22:50met a guy working more against American interests than this guy employed in such
22:56a position of power here's Mayorkas receipts incoming telling you just a few
23:03days ago FEMA's out of money we need more money and then you did what you do
23:10you guys are the real heroes out there you started doing your homework after we
23:14broadcast on the show that FEMA had already wasted a lot of its money on
23:18illegals you started breathing down their necks and their story changed
23:23never seen this before listen to him first in a radio interview telling
23:29people hey man we need more money we're all out really check this out meeting
23:35the immediate needs with the money that we have we are expecting another
23:40hurricane hitting we do not have the funds FEMA does not have the funds to
23:46make it through the season really really interesting FEMA does not have the funds
23:51FEMA there are the funds to make what do they do with the funds oh it was a
23:55different tranche and bucket bullshit there's only one tranche the US taxpayer
24:00I just showed you the press releases you did this you did this you can pat
24:06yourself on the back I hate pats on the back I don't deserve it you do you were
24:10the ones who spread it around on social media you were the ones who put it on
24:14Instagram and snapchat and tick-tock and Facebook and X and truth and rumble and
24:19YouTube you said look here are the press releases these are their numbers
24:25now I want you to listen got this guy politically on the run I've never seen a
24:31government bureaucrat say well we have more money but we'd like Congress get
24:35involved notice how the story you just saw he said you saw it right we do not
24:39have the funds listen to the story now after you went to work check this out
24:45the fact of the matter is and we have been clear throughout and let me
24:49reiterate that we have the resources we need we have the funding that we need to
24:55meet the challenge of Hurricane Helene and the challenge of Hurricane Milton
25:01but we are operating on a continuing resolution that is not stable funding
25:06for the long haul and therefore we need a real budget and not a band-aid for the
25:13long haul because the gravity and frequency of extreme weather events have
25:18only increased as a result of climate change and its real-life impact on the
25:24people of this country see what he does he goes right to climate change because
25:30this guy knows he's busted ladies and gentlemen the climate change thing is
25:36the biggest hoax in human history okay the role of human beings anthropogenic
25:42climate change is up in the air anyone telling you they have a definitive
25:47answer on the human beings role the human beings role in the climate change
25:54hoax is bullshitting you yes there has been an increase in carbon dioxide in
26:00the atmosphere the effects of that anyone telling you they've have
26:04definitive conclusive evidence about what that means in the big ecosystem we
26:10call earth is full of shit this guy is a monster he is lying to you everything
26:18he's telling you is BS you see how the story changed now we have the funds have
26:24you ever heard a government bureaucrat say that folks you did that and you
26:30should be proud of yourself but I show you one more clip about the
26:34Secret Service why because the Secret Service works for Alejandro Mayorkas
26:41they're under the DHS another department this corrupt the crat absolutely cannot
26:48manage so apparently there's a conflict Josh Hawley was on Sean Hannity's show
26:53the other night and brought up what I'm getting from whistleblowers here by the
26:57way is this is absolutely accurate that the Secret Service that works in the DHS
27:02is blocking DHS inspector general people from showing up at specific Trump
27:08sites because protection assets are not there and they don't want the Secret
27:13Service doesn't want DHS IG the inspector general why here's it that
27:18guy's a decent guy from noticing that they're not protecting Trump with the
27:22proper security package even now listen to this more on the other side check
27:27this out you know it sounds like he's still not getting the security that he's
27:31been promised and here's what this new whistleblower says he says that
27:35investigators are not now not allowed to come to all the Trump rallies because if
27:39they did they would see that Trump is not getting the full presidential
27:42protective detail he's only getting it selectively so the allegation is Secret
27:47Service leadership is now saying to its own internal investigators no actually
27:51wait don't don't come to that event come to this one over here and they're trying
27:56to conceal the fact Trump is still not getting the full levels of protection I
28:00don't know why they're doing this Sean other than that they don't want the
28:03public to know the truth and I tell you what I've had enough of this from Secret
28:07Service leadership I really have they need to level with the American people
28:10about what's going on here they need to tell us if Trump is really getting all
28:14the security he needs these rallies need to be safe for everybody who goes to him
28:18and I've had enough of the prevarication of the concealment and the stonewalling
28:23it's got to stop ladies and gentlemen am I hearing I'm hearing from insiders that
28:27is exactly 100% correct and it's because of the reasons I told you they
28:32are not protecting Trump because they don't have the assets they did not
28:37properly plan out for a presidential election they've known about since
28:40freaking 1910 when they took on protection because they managed like
28:45shit that's why and no one in DHS asked the common-sense question of Kim Cheadle
28:52and Ron Rowe when they were in charge are you guys ready for the 2024 election
28:57because the answer was no and the fact that they're even it's even being
29:03perceived now that there are political implications of this that they're
29:07keeping assets from Trump because they don't like him that is the problem
29:11whether it is the case or not is irrelevant the fact that people can say
29:15it proves the Secret Service has absolutely failed and my York is with
29:19them he's in charge folks you know the old buck stops there this guy sucks
29:26everything he manages is shit everything's falling apart FEMA Secret
29:33Service we have one shot to change this personnel our policy you hire shit
29:40personnel you're gonna get shit policy period and I'm sick of my orcas with
29:46this climate change bullshit when a play for you a clip coming up next of an
29:52actual climate change scientist who blew the whistle on this enormous scam
29:57to steal more of your money because it's a scam it's for suckers ask Obama lives
30:06on the water in Martha's Vineyard about climate change you're gonna pay
30:10attention to what he does or what he says and I got more in this Secret
30:15Service thing and a big story about China folks please don't go anywhere
30:20listen I can't tell you what to do but just listen to this story about China
30:24coming up they have infiltrated everywhere folks ever see that movie
30:29leave the world behind last break of the show appreciate your
30:34patience with everything going on you hear that wind out there guys yeah yeah
30:39it's starting to whistle mad bad hey the number one question I get from listeners
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32:39thanks so folks my orcas is disgusting okay him in a crisis again blaming you
32:46blaming climate change blaming you for noticing FEMA pissed away all your money
32:50on illegal migrants and gave US government money to Lebanon and other
32:54places he's blaming you for noticing because he's disgusting he's out
32:57shopping for high-end underwear and a menswear shop while you're drowning and
33:01dying and trying to desperately rebuild your communities and going through where
33:05is it bad out there by the way really is it is it white caps but don't worry I'm
33:14at my or is my you think my orcas is watching is he out there is he sunning
33:19his balls on the beach again what do they do what's my orcas doing anybody
33:22know but actually seen this guy bad man he's gonna blame it on climate change
33:29Justin how old are you so you vividly remember the 10-year period in Florida
33:35where we had no storms hurricanes that hit that you may you lived here correct
33:38folks if you lived here between what was it like 20 2010 and 20 there was a 10
33:44year period in Florida where we did not have a single hurricane hit it happens
33:49it happens there are years we have nothing there are years we get bad
33:54storms like this year it sucks it blows but it happens any asshole on the
34:00internet telling you this is climate change is a freaking moron you should
34:04block or mute immediately for stupidity alone here's a climate scientist who
34:09they tried to cancel for telling you the truth yes carbon dioxide emissions but
34:14there's no doubt about that the question is what impact does it if the answer is
34:18nobody even knows they're all full of shit check this out I came to the
34:22growing realization that I had fallen into the trap of groupthink I had
34:27accepted the consensus based on second-order evidence the assertion
34:32that a consensus assist existed I began making an independent assessment of
34:37topics in climate science that had the most relevance to policy and what have I
34:43concluded from this assessment human caused climate change is a theory in
34:48which the basic mechanism is well understood but whose magnitude is highly
34:53uncertain no one questions that surface temperatures have increased overall
34:57since 1880 or that humans are adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere or that
35:03carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases have a warming effect on the
35:07planet however there is considerable uncertainty and disagreement about the
35:12most consequential issues whether the warming has been dominated by human
35:17causes versus natural variability how much the planet will warm in the 21st
35:23century and whether warming is dangerous folks they don't know nobody has any
35:30idea they're making this shit up there's a lady on the inside she's clearly not
35:34politically motivated saying we don't even know if this stuff is dangerous
35:37they're just making it up to steal more of your money folks the weather is not
35:43good here at all Justin just took a little video that's it's it so we're
35:50gonna play the video for you show you we're not like making it up we're on the
35:53East Coast by the way we're not even the we're not we're just getting hit with
35:58the wind bands now the West Coast is getting buried right now in Florida but
36:03the weather here is not really great so again I appreciate you sticking with us
36:09I know you understand we recorded a little early today but it's only gonna
36:13get worse we haven't even had the the hurricane make it over so when these
36:18guys have it ready to go I'll put it up for you so you can see for yourself what
36:22it looks like back there and this is just the beginning again we're not even
36:25on the West Coast and I can hear my my niece and her children that I think
36:34that one of the kids is getting a little scared so you hear that oh there it is
36:38this is it this is just starting like the water is just starting to come in so
36:43yeah look at a palm tree it's sideways so it's just started that's just right
36:48out the back window outside of the studio here so look is that that's not a
36:52video that's a picture right is that the palm tree going holy Moses man yeah you
36:59can hear it whistling by oh my gosh the neighbor's lawn is gonna be a mess yeah
37:06I don't be under give it an hour as well be underwater I show you a video
37:09last time it's even worse I told you I put this China story out there folks do
37:14you remember the movie this is really important this segment please I'm gonna
37:17just it's gone it's gonna blow away this guy's got some stuff next door that's
37:26gonna just blow away I know it's gonna become a projectile I told you after the
37:30Obama movie I hate to ask you to watch a movie Obama produced but in the interest
37:36of your own personal safety and preparedness I'm gonna throw caution to
37:41the wind and say I think you should watch it it's a Netflix movie I know I
37:45get it it's I'm just telling you just for your own personal safety and I'll
37:49explain my reasoning in a minute the movie is called leave the world behind
37:53Obama produced it now that's really important Obama was the president for
37:57eight years unfortunately but he was he knows a lot of stuff and he gets a lot
38:02of briefings one of the things I've been told by people is that the National
38:05Security Infrastructure realizes that the biggest threat to the United States
38:09right now is an EMP attack or a critical infrastructure cyber attack that wipes
38:14out the internet for us it's the biggest threat the country would basically shut
38:18down water facilities we'd have no way to communicate that we would be fit folks
38:22we'd be finished millions of people would die if you watch leave the world
38:27behind I think it's really interesting that this was the movie Obama wanted to
38:31produce he was passionate about this project I'm telling you it's because he
38:34knows something folks the Chinese Communist Party has burrowed its way
38:39into massive portions of our internet infrastructure if the internet goes
38:44down you are finished no cell phones no TVs probably no I bet
38:48very few people have you know rabbit ear radios anymore we would be finished
38:55having said that I'm trying to scare anyone I just think it's really weird
38:59Obama wanted to do that movie first and was crazy about that movie he knows
39:04something look at this article in the Wall Street Journal receipts incoming
39:10u.s. wiretap systems targeted in China linked hack they note more recently
39:16officials have been alarmed by alleged efforts by Chinese intelligence officers
39:20to burrow into vulnerable u.s. critical infrastructure networks ah such as water
39:26treatment facilities power stations and airports they say the efforts appear to
39:30be an attempt by hackers to position themselves in such a way that they could
39:34activate disruptive cyber attacks in the event of a major conflict with the
39:38United States folks I'm asked all the time so what do I do you should have
39:47some Faraday bags in your house to protect against an EMP number one you
39:52can put these EMP protection devices on your car in your home you should have a
39:58generator just after the generac debacle I cannot recommend this company
40:02yesterday what a mess you should have a generator you should have an extra
40:08supply of gasoline safely stored of course be very careful with that you
40:13should obviously have water filtration and you should have a way to bottle
40:17water if not bottle water itself you should have firearms you should have
40:22ammunition that works and properly stored you should have potassium iodide
40:27you should have water disinfectants and actual disinfectants alcohol peroxide
40:32you should have a stash of antibiotics we've had multiple sponsors with that
40:35product and other companies do it too folks please be prepared you should have
40:41a way you should have some buckets and some barrels to store some water you
40:45should be able to survive for three to six months on your own I made it sound
40:49crazy but folks I'm telling you if they wipe out our grid the only crazy people
40:54are going to be the ones crazily knocking at your door asking for your
40:57food and make sure you have enough ammunition by the way you may need it
41:03to hunt God forbid you need it to protect yourself get yourself a wrist
41:07rocket a slingshot that's quiet that way you can take out some small game
41:11possibly but you may you think this sounds nuts and all the lefties are you
41:15guys they'll be knocking at your door when the satellites go down don't let
41:20that be you by the way I've been itching to get this up because again we were
41:26right there's no need for silly stupid victory laps over a story so important
41:30but again when it comes to preparedness I told you the Secret Service was
41:34grossly unprepared for Donald Trump in this presidential election they have
41:38known about the election in the campaign season I'm not kidding since 1910 just
41:43add four years on to every single presidential election cycle they took
41:47over protection in 1910 and you would have known that you needed extra assets
41:52they didn't so when all the press shows up by the way at Butler County oh look
41:57they note security was extraordinarily tight somehow they found the assets
42:01really strange they note that there was a web of law enforcement at every turn
42:06surveillance drones where were they before what they just find them the
42:10other day horseback dogs armed security officers yellow and white shipping
42:15containers blocking line of sight sounds like something we told you on the show
42:18bulletproof glass surrounded Trump as he spoke the Secret Service is sadly
42:24become an agency putting out fires rather than starting them ridiculous
42:32folks ridiculous all right I hope you understand we're gonna wrap up the show
42:38a little early today I'm sorry folks but the weather is getting really nasty I
42:41want to make sure that these guys can get back we live on a little thin island
42:44that water overflows the road and I can't have these guys getting stranded
42:48here I know you understand if I can't do the radio show later producer Jim is
42:54gonna fill in he will incorporate some portions of this program and I will try
42:58to call in from my house depending on if we have a cell service which I hope we
43:02do so I deeply appreciate your patience you guys mean the world to me please
43:06download the show on rumble use the rumble app or go to rumble comm slash
43:10Bongino we're here every day live at 11 a.m. Eastern Time give us a follow on
43:15Apple and Spotify and you can keep up with me I'll try to keep people updated
43:19on social media but it is getting ugly over here so keep everyone in your
43:23thoughts we really appreciate it it means a lot I'll see you tomorrow you
43:28just heard the Dan Bongino show