مسلسل الطائر الرفراف 3 الحلقة 78 الثامنة والسبعون مترجمة القسم 1 HD

  • 19 hours ago
مسلسل الطائر الرفراف 3 الحلقة 78 الثامنة والسبعون مترجمة القسم 1 HD


00:03:34No, we were done and the other garden
00:03:38Karamın kapısında ne işin var o zaman senin asıl
00:03:44Seyrinin diğerinin odasında ne işi var
00:03:48Ferit burası benim odam
00:03:50Ne oluyor ya burada kafayı yiyeceğim ha şimdi bu ne saçma sapan bir tesadüf böyle bu saçma sapan tesadüfler artık biraz can sıkmaya başlamadım ya Ferit
00:04:00Bizim sensiz bir anımız olmayacak mı artık kız arkadaşımın ta Sapanca'daki oteline gelirseniz olmaz tabi nasıl olsun
00:04:08Sizin otelinizin burası evet dedemin
00:04:14Bu tesadüf işini siz değil de biz mi düşünsek acaba ha Sinan kardeş
00:04:26Hadi Ferit hadi Sinan hadi
00:04:38Ferit gelir misin saçma sapan bir şey ya ne oluyor Ferit ne oluyor ne bileyim ne oluyor bana niye kızıyorsun ya
00:04:49Ben gittim aşağıdan hangi oda dedim beni bu odaya yönlendirdiler yoksa ben niye geleyim ki o kapıya bilmem Seyran orada olduğu için olabilir mi acaba
00:04:57Öh artık diyar ya ben Seyran'ın orada olduğunu nereden bileceğim
00:05:00Ya ne ne ne bileyim ben neyse ne
00:05:02Gider misin lütfen yani benim için geldiysen tabi
00:05:08Ne demek ya o aynen ben Sinan Seyran Felek'ten bir gece çalalım diye geldim buraya değil mi maşallah senin de gözünden hiçbir şey kaçmıyor ya
00:05:15Neyse ben iddianameleri evde devam edeyim zaten çoğu bitmişti
00:05:21Bu herifin burada ne işi vardı Seyran
00:05:27Cidden bunu bana mı soruyorsun
00:05:31Annene sorsana annen ayarladı ya bu otele
00:05:35Bak sakın benim annemi suçlamaya kalkma tamam mı sana soruyorum ben bunu ne işi vardı burada
00:05:40Bana soruyorsun
00:05:43İtiraf edeyim o zaman şimdi benim senin annenle aram çok iyi biliyorsun ya ben istedim aslında bu oteli bu otel olsun dedim özellikle Ferit'i görebilmek için çünkü ben manyağım
00:05:58Ya yeter be deli deli konuşuyorsun ya sana bunu mu soruyorum ben
00:06:02Ne soruyorsun ya
00:06:04Bıktım diyorum bıktım be bu herifin sürekli karşımıza çıkmasından bıktım diyorum artık
00:06:12Aklın orada kaldı değil mi yan odada
00:06:23Allah'ım yarabbim ya ya diyar benim aklım niye orada kalsın ben buraya senin için geldim ya senin için niye aklım orada kalacakmış benim
00:06:32Bilmem yeni evlendiler yan odadalar ne yapıyorlar kim bilir falan
00:06:38Rahatsız olmuyor musun
00:06:41Ne dememi bekliyorsun diyar
00:06:43Evet çok rahatsız oldum eğer Sinan Seyran'a dokunursa kafayı yerim ben diyar
00:06:53Bunları dememi bekliyorsun
00:06:55Gerçekleri söylemeni bekliyorum evet yani bunları
00:06:59Sen niye beni seslendiriyorsun ya
00:07:03Evet Seyran döndüğünde bir malladım hafalladım bütün anılar yüzüme yüzüme çarptı
00:07:12Böyle büyüdüğüm eve girmişimde hiçbir şey aynı değilmiş gibi hissettim evet
00:07:21Seyran senin evindi yani
00:07:24Diyar yapma böyle
00:07:33Ben seninle çok mutluyum
00:07:48Evlen benimle
00:07:51Bu nasıl bir evlilik ya eski kocan sürekli aradan dereden bir yerden sokuyor burnunu
00:07:57Avm'ler bir taraftan pizzacılar bir taraftan yalı gezmeler falan
00:08:01E bir de burası çıktı şimdi başımıza planlı bir şey mi bu
00:08:04Ben bu yalı olayını sana kaç kez daha anlatacağım
00:08:06Neden ya neden o sana gelmezse sen ona doğru gidiyorsun normal bir şey mi bu Seyran
00:08:11Kimse kimseye gitmiyor ya sen niye kafanda kuruyorsun
00:08:14Sence niye kafanda kuruyorum acaba bir düşünsene niye kuruyorum kafamda
00:08:18Bak Seyran bak bana bak paranoyak muamelesi yapma tamam mı
00:08:24Lütfen anla ya beni lütfen anla bana hak ver diyorum ya ya resmen bir yalvarmadığım kaldı senden akıl alacağım artık
00:08:32Tesadüf ya da değil bıktım ben bu adamdan
00:08:35Tesadüf olmayıp da ne olacak ya Allah'ım delireceğim artık ben
00:08:42Cevap vermeyecek misin?
00:08:45Dayanırım sandım
00:08:50Seyran yokken kolaydı tabi
00:08:55Sinan haklı
00:08:58Neyi haklı o Ödün
00:09:00Siz ikiniz anlamıyorsunuz
00:09:05Ama biz sizin eski sevdiklerinizin hayaletleriyle yaşıyoruz
00:09:09Hayır mı diyorsun yani bana
00:09:11Sen o hayaletleri kovmak için mi benimle evlenmek istiyorsun
00:09:15Kendine bir şeyler ispat etmek için mi
00:09:20Yoksa gerçekten benimle evlenmek istediğin için mi
00:09:25Sen o hiç düşünmediğin evlilik yolunda neden benimle yürümek istiyorsun
00:09:33Evet evlenmekten korkuyorum korkuyordum istemedim biliyorsun sen benim istemediğimi
00:09:44Daha önceki evlilik deneyimimde pek hoş geçmedi
00:09:54Ama sen bir erkeğin başına gelecek en güzel şeysin
00:10:01Hatta böyle seninle evlenmek uğruna savaşlar falan çıkmadı o derece
00:10:09Ben sadece yorgundum seni istemediğimden değil
00:10:16Evlilik konseptini satın almıyorsun yani
00:10:19Aynen öyle
00:10:21Evlilikten korkuyorum doğru
00:10:25Ama bize güveniyorum
00:10:28Biz seninle çok güzel olacağız Diyar
00:10:33Çok huzurlu olacağız
00:10:35İnanıyorum buna
00:10:39Lütfen evet de bana
00:10:46Ama Seyran'a hala nasıl baktığını görüyorum
00:10:52Bunu ne yapacağız
00:11:05Onun sana nasıl baktığını gördüm
00:11:08Çok iyi gördüm sana nasıl baktığını
00:11:11Bir de böyle duanı büzüştürüyor ya bana
00:11:14Ya ben sana bu geceliği nasıl hayal aldım biliyor musun
00:11:17Ne hayallerle seçtim
00:11:19Ben hayatımın aşkıyla ilk gecemi yaşayacağım ilk kez dokunacağım ona
00:11:23Saçlarını koklayacağım yanında uyuyacağım
00:11:25Sana aldığım hediyeyi yine ilk o herif görüyor be
00:11:28Çok mu önemli bu bes parçası
00:11:33Önemli o bes parçası
00:11:37Önemli niye önemli biliyor musun Seyran
00:11:47Ben senin ilkin değilim tamam mı
00:11:50Hatta hayatında bir çok şeyin ilki değilim
00:11:52Ve ben bunun farkındayım Seyran
00:11:54Ve bu fikirle barıştım ben
00:11:56Yani bayağı bu fikirle barışık yaşıyorum
00:11:58Kabullendim bu durumu bir sıkıntı yok
00:12:01Ama biz ilklerimizi yaşayacağımız zaman
00:12:04Neden bu herif sürekli gelip burnunu sokuyor İstanbul'a geldik geleli
00:12:08Ben bunu anlamış değilim
00:12:10Bak senden akıl istiyorum ya bak sana danışıyorum Seyran
00:12:13Bari sen bir akıl ver ne yapacağımı sen söyle
00:12:15Ayıp olmasın diye bak
00:12:17Susuyorum Seyran
00:12:35Seyran öyle baktığın falan yok diyor
00:12:39Şaşırdım sadece
00:12:41Hepsi bu
00:12:45Benim şu an tek istediğim şey
00:12:49Bana evet demen
00:12:52Ne olur
00:12:55Beni sensiz bırakma diyor
00:13:08Sana söz veriyorum
00:13:11Seni üzmemek için elimden ne geliyorsa yapacağım
00:13:22Bir şans daha ver bana
00:13:37Tek bir şartla
00:13:41Bir daha Seyranla görüşmeyeceksin
00:13:45Nasıl yani?
00:13:49Bir daha onunla görüşmeyeceksin işte
00:13:51Ya diğer kızı zar zor ikna ettim çalışmak için
00:13:54Şimdi gidip görüşemeyiz mi diyeceğim
00:13:58Onu da sen düşüneceksin artık
00:14:06Bir daha onunla görüşmeyeceksin işte
00:14:09Sokağından bile geçmeyeceksin
00:14:11Camından bakmayacaksın
00:14:13Mahallesine adım bile atmayacaksın
00:14:19Karar senin
00:14:42Bu çok büyük bir adım
00:14:46Sonrasında dönüşüm olmaz biliyorsun
00:14:50O yüzden son kez soruyorum
00:14:53Bir daha Seyranla görüşmeyeceksin
00:14:57Bunun için bana söz verebilir misin?
00:15:43Artık gidelim buradan
00:15:45İyice tadımız kaçtı
00:15:46Bir dakika bir dakika bir dakika
00:15:48Tabii ki hayır
00:15:52Aşkım bence Ferit'in ilk gecemizi mahvetmesine izin vermeyelim be
00:16:01Ne dediğinin farkında mısın şu an Sinan?
00:16:05Ferit'e inat mı biz beraber olacağız?
00:16:07Hasta mısın sen?
00:16:21Ne oldu Seyran?
00:16:24Konu Ferit olduğu zaman çekici gelmiyor muyum artık sana?
00:16:35Dur lütfen bekle beni bak çok istiyorum seni ben
00:16:37Bırakır mısın konuyu?
00:16:39Hayır bir dakika
00:16:41Ne olur bak çok bekledim seni Seyran
00:16:43İstemiyorum Sinan bırak
00:16:45Tamam ben de sana diyorum ki
00:16:47Kapatalım bu konuyu bitirelim bu gerginliği bir tanem
00:16:51Neydi o duydun mu?
00:16:53Ne bileyim neydi?
00:16:57Bir bağırışma sesi geldi sanki
00:17:03Gidelim mi buradan Ferit?
00:17:09Gidelim mi?
00:17:25Özür dilerim
00:17:27İstemiyorum Sinan dileme
00:17:31Beni tanımıyormuş gibi yapma şu an lütfen
00:17:33Biliyorsun ben bu değilim
00:17:35Ben değil sen kendini tanımıyorsun Sinan
00:17:39Ben bu akşam kendimi korumak zorunda kaldım
00:17:43Hemde sana karşı
00:17:45İnanabiliyor musun buna?
00:20:26Hala hoş gelmişsiniz
00:20:28Annem abidin geldi mi?
00:20:30Ha yok toplantısı varmış ya kızım
00:20:32Daha gelmedi de
00:20:34Niye böyle halayı apar topar haber etmeden getirdiniz?
00:20:36Ya geç hele hala
00:20:38Geç geç kızım geç
00:20:44Hoş geldin de ya
00:20:46Geldik işte ne güzel bak
00:20:54Kınaldım değil mi Esma?
00:20:56Evin içi insan dolu
00:20:58Hiçbirini de tanımayayım
00:21:00Ben de dedim en iyisi Esma'ya gideyim de
00:21:02Sizleri bir göreyim
00:21:04Bizi aradı halam gelin beni alın diye
00:21:06Bizde aldık getirdik
00:21:08İyi ettiniz iyi ettiniz
00:21:10Dur ben sana bir kahve yapayım hemen
00:21:16Sana da kahve
00:21:26Ya hala
00:21:28Sen böyle bir şey nasıl yaparsın ya
00:21:32Demek o bebe abidinmiş ha
00:21:42Ya sen neden
00:21:44Bebeği alıp yetimhaneye bırakıyorsun
00:21:46Ya ben onun
00:21:48Halisi yeğen olduğunu bilmiyordum ki
00:21:52Anasına babasına
00:21:56Öldüler dedi Latif
00:21:58Bir gün elinde bir bebekle geldi
00:22:00Dedi ki onun anası babası öldü
00:22:02Halisa'nın ricası var
00:22:04Yetimhaneye bırak
00:22:06Vurdum falan dersin dedi
00:22:08O niye bırakmamış?
00:22:10Koronalara ait bir kayıt olmasın diye
00:22:14Ben nereden bileyim onun
00:22:16Halisi'nin yeğeni olduğunu ya
00:22:18Ya var ya
00:22:20Böyle bir şey var mı ya
00:22:22Ana babasının ölümünde bir parmakları olmasa
00:22:24Böyle bir şey yapmazlardı
00:22:26Ben nereden bileyim
00:22:28Belki eceliyle öldüler
00:22:30Büyüyüp de hak iddia etmesin diyedir
00:22:34Allah senin sayesine
00:22:36Senin hiç
00:22:38Durduran yok mu ya
00:22:40Elin kadını aldın
00:22:42Kireç kuyularına
00:22:44Yatırın yakın
00:22:46Eli sübyana götürün
00:22:48Yetimhaneye verin
00:22:50Ellerim var kim bilir o
00:22:54Bir tane olduğunu bilmiyordum ki
00:22:56Başka da bir şey bilmiyordum
00:23:20Haberi halledemedim de mi bana
00:23:22O iş tamam
00:23:24Senin o
00:23:26Müstakbel varoşunun
00:23:28Elinde ultrason kağıdını
00:23:30Bayrak gibi sallayıp
00:23:32Ben hamileyim hamileyim
00:23:34Dediği görüntüler artık yok
00:23:38Ama biraz pahalıya patladı tabi
00:23:42Sizi çeken kadın
00:23:44İki kat kadar paracık karşılığında
00:23:46Bana bilgi satmayı teklif etti
00:23:48Bende çok merak ettim
00:23:50Bil bakalım ne öğrendim
00:23:54Aristokrat kayınvaliden
00:23:56Sana kumpas kurmuş
00:23:58Yok artık canım
00:24:00Daha neler
00:24:02O kadar da değil
00:24:04O kadar da
00:24:06Al bak
00:24:10Sana nikah ne zaman diye soran kadın
00:24:12Olaydan bir saat önce
00:24:14Nurtenle üç kez görüşmüş
00:24:16Numara onun doğruladı
00:24:28Bak çok güzel
00:24:30Siz ne hakla
00:24:32Hangi akla hizmet
00:24:34Gazetecileri hastaneye çağırırsınız
00:24:36Nurten hanım
00:24:38Siz hangi hakla
00:24:40Benim kızımı hamile bırakıp
00:24:42Nikah yapmadan ortalıklarda dolaşıyorsanız
00:24:44Bende aynı hakla
00:24:46Basına da haber veririm istediğim her şeyi de yaparım
00:24:48Anne yapma lütfen
00:24:50Nurten hanım
00:24:52Belli ki kendiniz göremeyeceksiniz
00:24:54Daha önceden rezilliğinizi görün istedim
00:24:56Fragman gibi yani
00:24:58Bebek doğduktan sonra
00:25:00Kendiniz izlersiniz rezaletinizin filmini
00:25:02Anne lütfen sus
00:25:04Orhan annem adına çok özür dilerim
00:25:06Madem bu olanlar
00:25:08Sizi bu kadar öfkelendiriyor
00:25:10Hemen nikahı kıyın
00:25:12Kapansın mevzu
00:25:18Betül'ü düşünmüyor olsaydım
00:25:20Doğacak çocuğumuzu
00:25:22Bebeğimizi düşünmüyor olsaydım
00:25:26Ben size çok farklı davranırdım ama
00:25:30Bir dakika bir dakika
00:25:34Biz şimdi bu olup bitenleri yiyip yutacak mıyız ya
00:25:38Siz ne hadsiz
00:25:40Ne sudutsuz insanlar çıktınız öyle
00:25:42Çizmeyi iyice açtınız ama
00:25:46Hele Orhan'ı parmağınızla oynatabileceğinizi mi zannediyorsunuz
00:25:52Korhan erkeklerini
00:25:54Parmağında oynatma konusunda
00:25:58Kim sizin elinize su dökebilir
00:26:00İfakat hanım
00:26:04Burdan hemen gitmenizi istiyorum
00:26:06Şimdi hemen
00:26:08Burayı terk edin
00:26:10Size son sözüm
00:26:12Bu dışarı
00:26:16İstenmediğim yerde durmam ben zaten
00:26:22Annem o benim
00:26:34Siz gidin
00:26:36Siz gidin deyince
00:26:38İkisini birden postalayacaksınız zannettim
00:26:40Yıkıldım şu anda
00:27:02Neydi ya
00:27:04Böyle böyle
00:27:08Kadın bırakmayacaksın sen yine yalıda
00:27:14Bana bak
00:27:16Bu Nurten'in fıyasını da sen çıkardın ortaya değil mi
00:27:18Doğru söyle
00:27:28Sen ne ara geldin ya
00:27:32Aşağıda halamlarla oturuyorduk
00:27:34Bir yanımıza gelseydin ya
00:27:36Sen ne zamandır uyuyorsun
00:27:44Sen beni ne zamandır ayakta uyutuyorsun
00:27:52Sen nasıl bana
00:27:56Delireceğim ben bak
00:27:58Ne oluyor ya
00:28:00Tamam anlatacağım sana
00:28:02Şüpheleniyordum ben işte
00:28:04Baba kız fısır fısır konuşmalar
00:28:06Babası beni alır sorguya çeker
00:28:08Ulan çıkacak bunda bir koku
00:28:10Diyordum çıkan kokuya bak ya
00:28:16Vallahi anlatacaktım sana
00:28:18Gerçekten anlatacaktım her şeyi
00:28:20Ama korktum
00:28:22Vallahi çok korktum
00:28:24Neyinden korkuyorsun sen
00:28:26Sana bir şey olmasından korktum
00:28:28Sana bir şey yapmalarından korktum
00:28:32Hala mı duymadın mı ya
00:28:34Hala mı duymadın mı
00:28:36Halisen senin böyle bağrına basacağına gitmiş
00:28:38Yetimhaneye bırakmış
00:28:40Sana da bir şey yaparlar diye korktum
00:28:42Biz böyle birlikte iyiyiz
00:28:44Güvendeyiz diye düşündüm
00:28:46Halis Korhan
00:28:48Benim amcam ha
00:28:54Beni yıllarca
00:28:56Kapısında köle eden adam benim amcam
00:29:00Torununa köpek eden adam
00:29:02Benim amcam ha
00:29:06Beni yetimhaneye bıraktı o adam
00:29:08Benim amcam
00:29:10Ben onu
00:29:18Aşkım sakin ol bir tanem
00:29:20Sakin ol
00:29:22Sakin ol
00:29:56Beni bırakmamışlar
00:29:58Beni terk etmemişler
00:30:04Beni terk etmemişler
00:30:06Malum ben bunu bilerek
00:30:18Annemin kokusunu aldılar benden
00:30:22Annemin kokusunu çaldılar benden
00:30:30Terk etmemişim işte
00:30:40Ben odaya geçiyorum
00:30:50Ne oldu çocuğum ya
00:30:52Sen geri dönüyoruz deyince bir şey mi oldu
00:30:58O oteli sen mi seçtin
00:31:02Kötü mü çıktı yoksa
00:31:04Ama bak
00:31:06Bütün listelerin en başındaydı otel
00:31:08Bak sen geri dönüyoruz deyince
00:31:10Hazal'ın bana yolladığı şeyleri açtım
00:31:12Bak görüyorsun bak ne kadar güzel gözüküyor
00:31:16O zaman
00:31:18Öyle mi anne
00:31:20Ya ne olduğunu bana da anlatır mısın lütfen
00:31:22Anlatırsan ben de anlayacağım ne olduğunu
00:31:24Ferit itiyle
00:31:26Sevgilisini gördüm otelde
00:31:28Ne nasıl yani
00:31:30Ne işleri varmış orada
00:31:32Hemde sizin gideceğiniz gün
00:31:38Evet tam bizim gideceğimiz gün
00:31:42Ferit'in sevgilisinin
00:31:44Dedesinin oteli miymiş neymiş
00:31:46Bir anda böyle karşımda görünce
00:31:48Tepetaklak oldum ya anne
00:31:50Allah Allah nasıl bir kamera
00:31:52Şakası gibi yani
00:31:54Peki tamam tamam çocuğum
00:31:56Sinirlenmekte çok haklısın
00:31:58Ama bana niye kızıyorsun onu anlamadım yani
00:32:00Bana bak Zehra'nın mı öyle düşündü yoksa
00:32:02Annen mi bir şey ayarlamıştır
00:32:04Dedi çabuk söyle bana
00:32:06Hayır tabii ki anne
00:32:08Siz bana ne yapıyorsunuz
00:32:10Biraz gidin hava alın rahat edin
00:32:12Orada baş başa kalın istiyorum
00:32:14Yani seni bana yaptığına bak ya
00:32:16Ya tamam anneciğim
00:32:18Niye yanlış anlıyorsun ki sen beni ama
00:32:20O manada demedim
00:32:22Bir anda öyle Ferit'i karşımda görünce
00:32:24Garip oldum ya
00:32:30Bana bak yani
00:32:32O Zehra'nınla
00:32:34Ferit'in arasında bir şey mi oldu
00:32:36Öyle bir şey mi gördün çocuğuma
00:32:38Bunlar eski karı koca sonuç olarak
00:32:42Bunların aralarında ne olabilir ya
00:32:44Ne olabilir ki bunların aralarında
00:32:46Ne demek o ne diyorsun sen
00:32:48Bak bakayım bana sen
00:32:50Bak buraya
00:32:52Ya bu Zehra
00:32:54Ferit'i unutamamış mı yoksa
00:32:56Hala Ferit'i mi seviyor
00:32:58Olur olur ne bileyim ben
00:33:00Öyle bir şey mi hissettin sen
00:33:02O ne demek ya anne
00:33:04O ne demek ya
00:33:06Sadece ben varım diyorum sana
00:33:08Kalbinde de sadece ben varım anneciğim
00:33:10Tamam çocuğum tamam yani sinirlenme
00:33:12Yani ben ne bileyim seni bu kadar sinirli görünce
00:33:14Bir anda böyle bir şey olmuş olabilir
00:33:16Olmaz hiçbir şey merak etmesin
00:33:18Tamam mı
00:33:20Kimsenin kimseyi unutamadığı falan da yok
00:33:22Aklına yaz bunu
00:33:24O herif de gitti sevgilisini evlenme teklif etti otelde
00:33:28Evet evlenme teklif etti herkes seçimini yaptı
00:33:30Orada bir sıkıntımız yok yani
00:33:32Keyfine bak sen
00:33:34İyi misin
00:33:40Hiç iyi olmadı bu
00:33:42Hiç iyi olmadı
00:34:04Sordun mu annene
00:34:08Telefonunu gösterdi
00:34:10İstanbul'u yakın en iyi butik otel diye aratmışlar
00:34:12Bizim kaldığımız otel çıkınca yere yürümüşler
00:34:14Yani anlayacağın annemin ne diyardan
00:34:16Ne de dedesinden anlayacağın
00:35:00I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry
00:35:30what do we do if Ferit is getting married?
00:35:34their divorce is coming soon
00:35:38what a Ferit, he even wants to make a scene
00:35:43what a surprise
00:35:51oh, so you got the huge Ferit Korhan
00:35:58What's with the face? You still don't smile.
00:36:00It's all thanks to God.
00:36:02Ferit, look.
00:36:04If you're not sure,
00:36:06no one knows yet.
00:36:08I'll take this face off.
00:36:10Isn't there an old lady here?
00:36:12Let her come and talk to you.
00:36:14I'll feel better.
00:36:16What old lady?
00:36:18When I was coming here to talk,
00:36:20an old lady came and talked to me.
00:36:22My grandmother?
00:36:24What? What did you do?
00:36:26I came here to talk to you.
00:36:30You proposed to me
00:36:32because you were afraid of my grandmother.
00:36:34Now I understand.
00:36:38I decided to change my life
00:36:40because I was afraid of my grandmother.
00:36:42Then change your life
00:36:44even more, Ferit.
00:36:46Don't forget the promise you made.
00:36:50Diyar, you helped me convince Seher.
00:37:00Now you're telling me not to see her.
00:37:02How can I not see her?
00:37:04At least
00:37:06let's meet for work.
00:37:08What will happen?
00:37:10No way.
00:37:12I helped you for your job.
00:37:14Not to work together.
00:37:16So keep your promise.
00:37:18Don't forget what I said.
00:37:22I won't change my mind.
00:37:24You know that.
00:37:28See you.
00:37:30See you.
00:37:46Welcome, dear.
00:37:48Are you done?
00:37:50Feyza will clean up.
00:37:52I left early.
00:37:54Don't leave your job to anyone.
00:37:56Take care of yourself.
00:37:58You're right, grandpa.
00:38:00But I had to leave early
00:38:02because Ferit came.
00:38:04What? Is he coming to the hotel?
00:38:06Calm down, grandpa.
00:38:08Take a breath.
00:38:10No, he came to the hotel because...
00:38:12He proposed to me.
00:38:14I'm so happy.
00:38:16Didn't you break up?
00:38:18Is this a child's play?
00:38:20He said I broke up.
00:38:22Because I didn't think he wanted to marry me.
00:38:24But I was wrong.
00:38:28Let them come and ask when we're here.
00:38:30Right, Mr. Ilyas?
00:38:32Wait a minute.
00:38:34Let's get to know each other first.
00:38:36He doesn't trust me at all.
00:38:38Let's see his family first.
00:38:40Let's see his family first.
00:38:42Tell me if you're available tomorrow night.
00:38:44We can meet.
00:38:48Right in front of me.
00:39:32Ferit, where have you been?
00:39:34You didn't tell me.
00:39:36What happened?
00:39:38I proposed.
00:39:44They say there's a miracle in the third one.
00:39:46What do you think?
00:39:48I'm so happy.
00:39:50I hope you're very happy.
00:39:52Why doesn't your voice sound like a newlywed man?
00:39:56He had a condition.
00:40:02He said you wouldn't see Seher again.
00:40:04He said you wouldn't see Seher again.
00:40:06He's right.
00:40:08He's right.
00:40:10Every woman would like you.
00:40:12Besides, it's a marriage.
00:40:14It's serious.
00:40:16I know.
00:40:18What are you going to do?
00:40:20Seher will leave the house anyway.
00:40:22I don't think we'll see each other much.
00:40:24I don't think we'll see each other much.
00:40:26I don't know.
00:40:28I don't think it's a problem.
00:40:30Is that all?
00:40:32What if he comes out?
00:40:34Can you say we can't see him anymore?
00:40:36Can you say we can't see him anymore?
00:40:38I don't know, mom.
00:40:42I've never experienced this with Seher.
00:40:44I've never experienced this with Seher.
00:40:46We're just apart when we're mad.
00:40:48We're just apart when we're mad.
00:40:50This time it's different.
00:40:54I don't want to upset the other.
00:40:56I don't want to upset the other.
00:40:58But what?
00:41:04If that boy...
00:41:06If he upsets Seher...
00:41:12If I don't see her...
00:41:16If I don't see her...
00:41:20What am I going to do?
00:41:22My son.
00:41:24You haven't seen her in two years.
00:41:26You haven't seen her in two years.
00:41:28You haven't seen her in two years.
00:41:30Seher has started her own family.
00:41:32You focus on the family you're going to start.
00:41:34You focus on the family you're going to start.
00:41:36If the other one is going to be sad...
00:41:38If the other one is going to be sad...
00:41:40Don't see her.
00:41:58Don't see her.
00:42:20She should look at you.
00:42:22She should look at the real Seher.
00:42:24She should look at the beautiful Seher.
00:42:26She should look at you.
00:42:28What's on your mind now?
00:42:30What's on your mind now?
00:42:32You're afraid.
00:43:28You won't see Seher again.
00:43:30You won't see Seher again.
00:43:56You won't see Seher again.
00:44:52Where is Sevki?
00:44:56What are you doing?
00:44:58What are you doing?
00:45:00Where is Sevki?
00:45:02I'll ask you one more time.
00:45:04Where is Sevki?
00:45:06Where is Sevki?
00:45:16I'll drive the Seyran family crazy.
00:45:18I'll drive the Seyran family crazy.
00:45:20Why do you say that?
00:45:22Look at our garden in good color.
00:45:24Look at our garden in good color.
00:45:26Don't say that!
00:45:28Don't say that!
00:45:30I feel like I'm in a bad dream.
00:45:32I feel like I'm in a bad dream.
00:45:34Good morning, sweetie!
00:45:36Good morning, sweetie!
00:45:38Good morning, sweetie!
00:45:40Good morning!
00:45:42I give you a new mission.
00:45:44And it's a great morning.
00:45:46And it's a great morning.
00:45:48What do we do, mom?
00:45:50You're not going to leave him alone, okay?
00:45:52You're going to follow every step he takes.
00:45:54And, look, learn what he feels about Ferit getting married.
00:45:59What do you mean? Is Ferit getting married?
00:46:01Yes, with Diyar.
00:46:03Oh, come on.
00:46:04What if we lose another bachelor?
00:46:07Don't be ridiculous.
00:46:09Mümtaz, you and this Gülgün...
00:46:11Don't worry, I'm after Gülgün.
00:46:13Keep going.
00:46:14Okay. And try to understand what they're thinking.
00:46:17I mean, is this marriage real? What are they thinking?
00:46:22Okay, but...
00:46:24...you shouldn't go empty-handed.
00:46:29I'm really going to go crazy.
00:46:37Praise the Lord, auntie. Praise the Lord.
00:46:40I see you're in a good mood today.
00:46:44...when you don't have a table to eat at...
00:46:48...breakfast is so much more enjoyable.
00:46:51Hattu, why aren't you eating?
00:46:58Oh, family of Korhan Yalis.
00:47:05Listen to me. I have good news for you.
00:47:09What is it, son?
00:47:11I'm getting married.
00:47:16I offered Dündar to marry me.
00:47:18He said yes, thank God.
00:47:19Feri, do you realize what you're saying?
00:47:27Don't you think you're rushing a bit?
00:47:29Dad, don't you think you're rushing a bit?
00:47:33Don't you think you're rushing a bit?
00:47:35What do you think?
00:47:36What do you think?
00:47:38After making this decision...
00:47:41...could there be another marriage?
00:47:46Yes, that's a good note.
00:47:47But it has nothing to do with Seyran.
00:47:53I love Diyar.
00:47:56And we think we're ready for marriage.
00:47:59Okay, Diyar sounds good to you...
00:48:01...but by the way, it's a lot of work. You know that, right?
00:48:05Oh, my God.
00:48:06If you want to make me work, you're a whip.
00:48:09Am I a slave?
00:48:10Oh, my God.
00:48:12We can get married and get a job at the same time, right?
00:48:15It's quite normal these days.
00:48:17I mean, I thought you were just hanging out.
00:48:22When did it come to marriage?
00:48:25I'm sorry, little dragon. We forgot to tell you.
00:48:31Congratulations, Ferit.
00:48:35So, my little dragon?
00:48:38Aren't you going to say anything about this?
00:48:41Didn't you like it?
00:48:43God bless you, son. What can I say?
00:48:47May God reunite everyone with the one they love.
00:48:51As you can see, Korhans can get married whenever they want.
00:48:56But if they want to...
00:48:59Would you like Gülgün to give us a sweet surprise?
00:49:02Oh, don't get my mother involved in this.
00:49:07Anyway, I'm going to the workshop.
00:49:11From now on, keep watching me.
00:49:14I'm going to do some housework.
00:50:06What are you doing here?
00:50:10You were saying you were my blood.
00:50:13You were saying you were my life, bro.
00:50:15You were saying you were my life.
00:50:17You were telling me you were my brother.
00:50:21What the hell do you know about love?
00:50:26What the hell do you know about Canbağ and Kanbağ?
00:50:36It's obvious why no one in your family is with you.
00:50:45We have a lot of memories here, don't we?
00:50:50Yes, we have a lot of memories.
00:50:53What are you doing here? Are you here to remember the memories?
00:50:56I came to Hatice Korhan.
00:51:00He sent me a package, but I left it for security.
00:51:04Is that why you came here?
00:51:06You don't even care about Ferit Korhan.
00:51:09Maybe you have some great news for him.
00:51:11This body is full of great news, Ferit.
00:51:14Bro, this kid is getting married again.
00:51:18I went to the other house and proposed.
00:51:21I'm glad, congratulations.
00:51:22Your family is happy.
00:51:24The people at home reacted the same way.
00:51:27What's going on? Why isn't anyone happy for me?
00:51:30They didn't get married.
00:51:32Korhan knows how to destroy those who don't get married.
00:51:41What's wrong with you?
00:51:44What are you talking about?
00:51:46I'm in a hurry, Ferit. I have to go.
00:51:49But I'll be back, don't worry.
00:51:52Congratulations again.
00:52:39Where are you going?
00:52:46When did you get ready? When did you wake up?
00:52:48I didn't want to wake you up, so I said I'd go in quietly.
00:52:52I'm sorry I woke up.
00:52:54Where are you going?
00:52:57To my mother.
00:52:58You're going to your mother.
00:53:06But isn't it good that we got married?
00:53:09In fact, we settled here.
00:53:12Now you can go see your mother whenever you want, right?
00:53:15Exactly. It's pretty good, you know?
00:53:18So you can see your mother comfortably.
00:53:21Right? Everything is fine.
00:53:23There's no problem.
00:53:24I don't know.
00:53:25If you say so.
00:53:27I guess not.
00:53:31Say hi to your mother.
00:53:35I will.
00:53:48You know baby?
00:53:51To you, baby.
00:53:53Where are you going? I'm going out, too. I'll drop you off.
00:53:56No, I'm going to my mother's. We'll meet upside down.
00:53:59I'm going to meet my friends. I'm actually going that way.
00:54:03Wait, I'll get my bag and come.
00:54:16Tık tık.
00:54:17Are we here?
00:54:19I brought you coffee.
00:54:27You could have made it yourself.
00:54:30No, I...
00:54:32I'll go back to Betül.
00:54:34We were getting worried.
00:54:36You know, I'm still sad.
00:54:40Let me see.
00:54:42Let me see.
00:54:51What happened? Why are you so sad?
00:54:55I think Ferit's wedding news is a bit...
00:54:57...worn out.
00:55:04Look at me.
00:55:07Can you make me eat something like this?
00:55:09Don't worry.
00:55:11Ferit didn't even notice.
00:55:13Oh, it's just like the hair-pulling tricks of the person he likes.
00:55:18Oh, it's really heartbreaking to be so beautiful and stupid.
00:55:23I thought it was temporary.
00:55:25I thought so, too.
00:55:27But don't worry, it won't work.
00:55:29But it won't work for you either.
00:55:31Look, I can't speak.
00:55:38No, why are you against this?
00:55:39Why are you against this?
00:55:41I don't understand.
00:55:43It's obvious to me.
00:55:45We're doing business with Seyran.
00:55:47Let's not get into trouble.
00:55:49We don't know what the other one will do.
00:55:51The company's future depends on Seyran, that's why.
00:55:54I don't think the girl will wear these at all.
00:55:57She's cool.
00:56:00Do you know what happens to women in that cool atmosphere...
00:56:03...when it comes to children and marriage?
00:56:06You'll understand when you grow up.
00:56:10Don't be sorry for me.
00:56:12But you mean me.
00:56:16You're not the mother of this house.
00:56:19Actually, I sent it.
00:56:21I'm sorry, baby.
00:56:23That was my decision.
00:56:25It's not like that.
00:56:27I couldn't tell you to stop.
00:56:29But I couldn't go with my mother.
00:56:31I couldn't stand behind my own mother.
00:56:34How am I going to be a mother to this baby?
00:56:39Please don't do that.
00:56:43Don't cry.
00:56:46I mean...
00:56:48...what your mother does is not something you can stand behind.
00:56:52Orhan, when you do something you don't want to do...
00:56:55...can you go against her?
00:56:57Can you put her in front of the door?
00:57:00Can you do that?
00:57:02Of course we can't.
00:57:04We haven't done it yet.
00:57:16Okay, baby.
00:57:18Please don't cry.
00:57:22I feel sorry for you.
00:57:28I might have been a little crazy.
00:57:34Okay, call your mother.
00:57:36Tell her to come.
00:57:39Orhan, thank you so much.
00:57:42Come on, call her.
00:57:44Wait, don't call her.
00:57:46I'll go and apologize.
00:57:48No, no. I'll call her.
00:57:50I'll convince my mother. Don't worry.
00:57:52I'll go.
00:57:54I'll tell her you kicked me out...
00:57:56...and I have to apologize to her.
00:57:58Baby, you must have something to do.
00:58:01I'll tell her.
00:58:03Orhan wanted to come, but I didn't send him.
00:58:05I have things to do outside.
00:58:07I'll visit your mother on my way back.
00:58:09I'll bring him here.
00:58:11But you must pull yourself together.
00:58:13He shouldn't see you like this, okay?
00:58:15Eat something.
00:58:17Take care of yourself.
00:58:19Take care of our baby.
00:58:23See you.
00:58:25Love you.
00:58:36What happened, girl?
00:58:38Did you convince your husband?
00:58:40Mom, you have to go to Feride's house right now.
00:58:43I convinced Orhan.
00:58:45But he told me to come there and talk to Yüzüz.
00:58:48God damn you, girl.
00:58:50Couldn't you hold him?
00:58:52Feride, don't take me home now.
00:58:54Okay, okay.
00:58:56I'll find a cab and go.
00:58:58I'll do what you're going to do.
00:59:01I'll do what you're going to do.
00:59:03I'll do what you're going to do.
00:59:05I'll do what you're going to do.
00:59:07God damn you, girl.
00:59:09My brother told my mother yesterday.
00:59:12Feride proposed to Diyara.
00:59:15Were they that serious?
00:59:17Since he proposed, they must be serious.
00:59:20I mean, isn't it bad to be with someone else?
00:59:25After all, you were married to him before.
00:59:27No, why should I be bad, Hazal?
00:59:30I want it to be good.
00:59:32But this happens a lot, you know?
00:59:33I mean, after all, you got married.
00:59:36He's going to get married now.
00:59:38He says I'm missing because you got married.
00:59:41It happens between such old couples.
00:59:45No, honey. I mean, he must have it in his head.
00:59:47I don't think it's about me.
00:59:49Are you sure?
00:59:51I mean, they've been together all this time.
00:59:53Is it now that they've come to their senses to get married?
00:59:55Why does Hazal care so much about you?
00:59:57I'm sorry.
00:59:59Yes, we have a past.
01:00:00I'm saying we're not crazy enough to marry each other stubbornly.
01:00:13Now, I have to meet my sister at the mall.
01:00:17That's why I changed my plan, Hazal.
01:00:19Can you drop me off right there?
01:00:23Which mall are you going to? Let me drop you off.
01:00:25No, honey. I'll go by myself. Thanks.
01:00:31Oh, my God.
01:00:53Sister, I lied to you that we were going to meet together.
01:00:58Don't get me wrong, okay?
01:00:59Is it okay?
01:01:01With Sinan.
01:01:03What? I understand, Seyran. What are you saying?
01:01:05Don't get me wrong, Hazal. It's nonsense.
01:01:07I had to lie to you. What can I do?
01:01:09Okay, but why did you lie? Where are you going?
01:01:13I'm going to your side, Ferit.
01:01:17Yes, I'm going to tell him not to get married.
01:01:19Oh, Seyran, what's it to you?
01:01:23Because he doesn't want to. I know.
01:01:25He's being stubborn to me. He's making a mistake. He'll regret it.
01:01:26Sister, please. I'm begging you. Don't do it.
01:01:30Let him do whatever he wants.
01:01:33If he offers, let him do it.
01:01:35Just let him go. I'm sick of him.
01:01:38What happened?
01:01:40There's something going on with Abidin.
01:01:42Okay, I'm hanging up. We'll talk later. Bye.
01:02:26What are you doing here, Abidin?
01:02:47You took so much money from my wife.
01:02:50What are you doing in this hole?
01:02:53We're together.
01:02:55So you learned.
01:03:00Look at me. I'm not like Kazim or Sunay.
01:03:07I know you know more than they tell you.
01:03:13That's why you're going to tell me everything.
01:03:17How does he know I'm Korhan?
01:03:19Tell me.
01:03:22How did you find out?
01:03:27Who are you?
01:03:34Tell me.
01:03:38Tell me or I'll break it one by one.
01:03:41I'll break your bones one by one. Tell me.
01:03:44Abidin, calm down.
01:03:47Abidin, look.
01:03:50Abidin, I'm your uncle.
01:04:00Thank you. It smells good.
01:04:03Enjoy. Here's your coffee.
01:04:20Excuse me.
01:04:22Mr. Mümtaz, what was the need?
01:04:27I've been thinking about these bracelets since the first day I saw them.
01:04:38I don't know how to thank you right now.
01:04:42I know.
01:04:44I know, actually.
01:04:47It's enough if you don't call me Mr. Mümtaz, Gülgün.
01:04:53Okay, Mümtaz.
01:04:56Okay, Gülgün.
01:05:00You're in a different mood today.
01:05:02My son is getting married.
01:05:04Is that so?
01:05:06That's great news. I'm so happy.
01:05:08I'm so happy.
01:05:12It's beautiful.
01:05:17Is it your first marriage?
01:05:19The third.
01:05:23You're young and fast.
01:05:26The first two were with the same girl.
01:05:31They couldn't break up.
01:05:35Their love was great.
01:05:36Their love was great.
01:05:43Are they still seeing each other?
01:05:45That's why I'm asking.
01:05:47If it's such a big love, the new bride may be jealous.
01:05:53She's already jealous.
01:05:55She made a condition not to see each other.
01:05:59Did your son accept it?
01:06:01What can he do?
01:06:03He doesn't want to lose the other one.
01:06:07I'm crying.
01:06:15Dad, what are we going to do?
01:06:17I don't know.
01:06:19I don't know.
01:06:21I don't know what to do.
01:06:23Kazım, what are you doing here again?
01:06:26I called you, mom.
01:06:28You can't get enough of your father these days.
01:06:31Thank God.
01:06:33Esma, can I ask you something?
01:06:40Seyran misses me a lot, too.
01:06:48I got it. Coffee.
01:06:50I didn't want coffee.
01:06:52It's raining. I can't drink coffee without an umbrella.
01:06:55My dear.
01:06:59Dad, can I call him?
01:07:00What for?
01:07:02I don't know.
01:07:04He doesn't answer my calls.
01:07:06I don't understand.
01:07:08Sit down.
01:07:10Let me see your mom.
01:07:12It's okay.
01:07:14Come on.
01:07:30Come on.
01:07:49You've gone crazy.
01:07:53Look at me.
01:07:55What are you going to do?
01:07:58Cazim, wait. Cazim!
01:08:02What are you saying?
01:08:03You went crazy over there. Aren't you ashamed of yourself?
01:08:06Girl, that's nonsense. Nothing will happen to her.
01:08:09You won't hear her soul.
01:08:12I don't want to.
01:08:14I don't want to hurt her.
01:08:21But if she does hurt me...
01:08:25...I'll let you know for sure.
01:08:40I don't want Cazim.
01:08:45I'm a 45-year-old man.
01:08:48I've never heard anything like this.
01:08:49Look, Ms. Feride, you're breaking my heart.
01:08:52You're a servant.
01:08:53You don't even know the connection between you and your wife.
01:08:56I didn't leave anyone out, really.
01:08:57I've made a deal with someone else.
01:08:58No, I'm working for free.
01:09:06I'll make you a soup.
01:09:08Don't worry about me. I'll make you a soup.
01:09:24Muhtar, what are you doing?
01:09:27Get out of my house.
01:09:28I'll do something to you.
01:09:36Look at me.
01:09:38Get out of my house.
01:09:41What are you doing?
01:09:42I said, get out of my house.
01:09:46Muhtar, listen to me.
01:09:48What are you doing?
01:09:50What are you doing, Muhtar?
01:09:51I'm telling you to get out! Don't you understand?
01:10:21Oh no, Mr. Orhan. Is something wrong with Betül or the baby?
01:10:32No, everything is fine. Can I come in?
01:10:37Of course, come in.
01:10:51Come in, I'm listening to you.
01:11:05Mrs. Nurten, I know I've upset you.
01:11:11I mean, I left my daughter. I was fired by my future son-in-law. Of course I was upset.
01:11:21I'm sorry I won't say it again.
01:11:26Your daughter is very sad. I know you're sad too.
01:11:31My goal is not to upset you, so I want you to go home.
01:11:37Let's forget this tension between us. What do you say?
01:11:42Look, Mr. Orhan, I'm doing whatever I can for my daughter.
01:11:46I don't want Betül to be sad, but you've seen a lot of marriage.
01:11:51I can't say anything to my husband.
01:11:55Okay, you're right. I'll solve this as soon as possible.
01:12:04Since you understand me, I'll do anything for my daughter. I'll go back to Yalý.
01:12:12Good. Then I'll take you now.
01:12:17No, I have a few things to do. I'll come later.
01:12:23Okay, I won't keep you busy then.
01:12:30But I'm definitely waiting for you tonight.
01:12:34Okay, I'll come. Don't worry.
01:13:05Feride, get up.
01:13:08Feride, get up.
01:13:15Azar called me and said he fainted on the way. What should I do?
01:13:26I hope it's beautiful.
01:13:42My future husband.
01:13:45What did Ilyas Reis say about this marriage?
01:13:49We'll talk when we meet, my future Feride.
01:13:52Are you at the workshop?
01:13:54Yes, honey. Come.
01:13:55Feride, I feel like my heart is going to explode. I'm so excited. Why?
01:14:09Hello. Feride, are you there?
01:14:13I have to hang up now. We'll talk later.
01:14:19I came without notice. I'm sorry.
