• last year
Tuning: Drop B (B-F#-B-E-G#-C#)
Amp: Fender Frontman 10G (I'm unable to Record my Electric Guitar Sound with my New Marshall MG30FX Amp because it Won't accept any of my Guitars with Active Pickups. My Marshall MG30FX Amp only works on any of my Guitars with Passive Pickups.)
Pedals: MXR Fullbore Metal Distortion Pedal, MXR EVH 5150 Overdrive Pedal, and Hoof Reaper EarthQuaker Devices Fuzz Pedal with a Hoof Switch On.
Guitar: Charvel/Jackson RX10D Pointy V Electric Guitar with EMG Active 57 Chrome Covered Humbucker Bridge Pickup and EMG ALX Dummy Neck Pickup.
Recording: Recorded with my Phone and Place my Phone right next to my Amp (Just to make my Guitar Track Louder).

What inspired me to Write this Song is I was trying to Find a New Female Millennial (Elder Emo?) Friend (Born between 1981 to 1991) in Pembroke/Oak Grove, KY while I was Bike Riding to Pembroke/Oak Grove, KY. Some Greasy looking White CIS Men are Terrorizing Me & Harassing Me by Calling the Cops on Me for No Reason. Well, right after my Shitty 26th Birthday (July 20, 2018), that's where I decided to get back find a New Friend face-to-face (January 29, 2014 - July 20, 2018 are the Days that I give up on Looking for a New Friend face-to-face due to Hopkinsville being Flooded with 32,000 BFMV Haters & A7X Haters). I give myself a New Direction on Finding a New Friend Face-to-Face is I would like to try be friends with some Chelsi Lady (Who's Birthday is Aug 23, 1990. Possibly Chelsi E. Robinson) who I've met on both VampireFreaks & MySpace. And maybe ask Chelsi for Help on my Music Business. Well, when I first met Chelsi on VampireFreaks & Myspace, Chelsi was shown with a Gothic Look & a Emo/Scene Hair. That's the Reason. ELDER EMO. But I'm kind of Nervous & Scared to Speak to Chelsi due to Friendship Approval Rejection. And I'm not sure does Chelsi likes/favor/enjoy Bands like The Strokes, The White Stripes, My Chemical Romance, The Donnas, Kittie, SlipKnoT, Bullet For My Valentine, & Avenged Sevenfold.
