Mated to My Fiance's Alpha Daddy Full Episodes Eng Sub

  • yesterday
00:00:10Drugged how are you moving so fast?
00:00:18Please don't kill me
00:00:30Oh, no
00:00:41It's okay, it's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you
00:00:54Are you my mate?
00:01:00Are you drugged
00:01:08As you wish as you wish
00:01:46My god
00:01:52Can't believe I slept with him
00:02:08Just you were were you last night who allowed you into my apartment? I'm not your wife yet. I
00:02:15Am warning you if you dare make any trouble before our wedding I will not help your old man
00:02:20You will die without getting treatment
00:02:23Alpha is my adopted father. I know a hundred ways to make your life miserable
00:02:32We agree that this is a fake marriage get the hell out of here
00:02:40Don't come any closer we agreed to get married and that's it
00:02:49For my music is your wedding tomorrow
00:02:54That voice
00:03:01That voice
00:03:04That's my fiance speaking of which I haven't had the chance to introduce you guys you want to meet before the wedding
00:03:12I've got a few things. I need to take care of but
00:03:21What are you thinking it can't be her
00:03:35Go apartments one-on-one
00:03:38Her address
00:03:41Lucky me I
00:03:43Thought she was gone forever
00:03:45You know if I wasn't in such a hurry to get married
00:03:47I would never consider a weak she wolf like if I wasn't so desperate for money for my father
00:03:51I would never marry a disgusting asshole like you
00:04:17Why are you still bothering me? Oh
00:04:23It's you I I thought you were someone else why are you here you forgot your necklace
00:04:35Warning you if you dare make any trouble before our wedding. I will not help your old man
00:04:40You'll die without getting treatment alpha is my adopted father. I know a hundred ways to make your life miserable
00:04:49You're my mate why hide it we belong together we can't be together. I'm sorry. I'm getting married
00:05:00You're getting married yes
00:05:05And I don't have feelings for you
00:05:10You really feel nothing for me last night was crazy
00:05:15Her body doesn't lie
00:05:18What are you talking about last night? I was really feel anything for me
00:05:22And why are you still letting me stroke your cheek?
00:05:25You saved me and I gave you a one-night stand to repay you. That's it
00:05:32Sorry for interrupting
00:05:38I'm sorry for my father's sake. I have no choice. I hope you find happiness
00:05:43You know you've got some nerve what kind of bride gets drunk before a wedding
00:05:49If my father sees this you and I are gonna have a big problem. Do you understand me?
00:05:58Why is me here yet?
00:06:01I'm here for you
00:06:04I'm here for you
00:06:06I'm here for you
00:06:09I'm here for you
00:06:13I'm here for you
00:06:32Sorry, I'm late back business. Where's your bride Jessie? She's right behind you
00:07:01Dad this is my soon-to-be wife Jessie
00:07:09Jessie this is my dad Andrew say hi
00:07:14This is
00:07:19This is who you want
00:07:22I mean, of course, I mean isn't she lovely
00:07:26Aren't you happy she's the future Luna of the nightclub pack. I think you should begin the ceremony. I
00:07:34Do hope you'll give us your blessing later
00:07:48Hold still dad. Are we good?
00:07:57My wife's dress shouldn't be wet on her wedding day Jessie. Thank you. The priest is waiting. I
00:08:08Was expecting my dad to bring the girl he was from there to be seen
00:08:15Andrew has a better half
00:08:20Much prettier than you too. If he's got a lover, why did he mess with me and say we're mates?
00:08:28Derek do you swear to be with Jessie for better or for worse for richer or for poorer in
00:08:35Sickness and in health till death. Do you part I do
00:08:39Jessie do you swear to be with Derek for better or for worse for richer or for poorer in sickness and in health?
00:08:47Till death do you part?
00:08:55Jessie I do
00:09:15What's wrong
00:09:20I'm eager to see you become our new Luna. I
00:09:26The alpha of the nightclaw pack I'm happy to give witness to this wedding
00:09:34To our new
00:09:36In the future
00:09:37Dad scared me. I'm sorry. I'm feeling a little bit under the weather
00:09:43What's going on? What happened?
00:09:47What are you doing
00:09:52We need to get her to a hospital now, let me drive
00:10:01Are you okay? You're awake. Oh, you're awake. Oh
00:10:09You're awake, thank goodness we can party now. Are you coming since you're fine I'm going to the party
00:10:20Is he really the one that you love what's wrong with me we are weak
00:10:25Without our true mate. We can't go on like this. Do you even like him?
00:10:30Of course
00:10:31He's my husband. Don't fall for his charms. He has another woman. We need to talk
00:10:50Derek is my stepson
00:10:52And I've neglected him over these past couple years I haven't taught him right so I apologize for his behavior I
00:10:59Want to sever our mate relationship
00:11:02What it's for the better, isn't it father-in-law?
00:11:07What if I don't agree you have a better half already?
00:11:11what happened between us the other night was by accident a
00:11:15relationship would only get us in trouble I
00:11:22Miller no reject you. Are you crazy as my mate?
00:11:27If this is what you really want
00:11:31Hey, I Andrew Austin don't do anything stupid except your rejection no
00:11:42Looks like fate doesn't want us that far apart after all. No, we can't just you okay
00:11:53I'm changing. Give me two seconds. What open the damn door?
00:12:01So what open the damn door
00:12:04We have to hide the mate bond, okay, but don't ever cut off the mate bond again. Don't even think about it
00:12:12What did you need to see me about saw my dad come in here?
00:12:17What are you two doing in here alone, I don't know what you're talking about
00:12:22He's not here
00:12:24If you dare embarrass me in front of everyone, I swear to God I will beat you up Derek
00:12:30Dinners almost finished. The guests are still waiting. We're coming out right now
00:12:35by the way
00:12:36When will we meet this woman? I hear you've been seeing
00:12:39Don't worry about me. Come on
00:12:42Let's see
00:12:58The wedding is over dad will be saved
00:13:09Is that a bra by the way, when will we meet this woman I hear you've been seen
00:13:35What happened are you hurt can you stand I'm fine get out
00:13:40You don't keep it down he's gonna find out about us there is no us I know
00:13:47Why is that bra over there
00:13:51What are you talking about?
00:13:56It's fine, I don't need it
00:14:02I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine
00:14:11I'm a healer. Not bad. I guess you're more than just a class
00:14:29Your bill payment is not going through we're gonna have to stop treatment, right?
00:14:49Jesse something's wrong. What happened? What's wrong? I can't get the PAX trust fund money out
00:14:57Your dad might be in trouble you promised me you would take care of him that's why we got married
00:15:01Yeah, I thought I'd get the money once we got married. I
00:15:05Didn't realize there were other conditions what conditions?
00:15:09We have to produce in there
00:15:13What conditions we have to produce in there
00:15:19It's in the contract we don't sleep together
00:15:22Yeah, well things changed. Don't you want the money? There must be some other way. I swear. I will never sleep with you
00:15:28You're my wife. I'll do whatever I want
00:15:33Derek what are you two fighting about now?
00:15:39Hi, Jesse, we're calling from the hospital. I have some bad news
00:15:43We're stopping your father's treatment because you didn't make today's payment. No, no, no, if you stop this treatment, my father will die
00:15:50I'll get the money to you as soon as possible
00:15:56Listen to me Jesse's your wife and she loves you. So you need to respect her understand me
00:16:04She loves me
00:16:08She loves me
00:16:10That got all wrong
00:16:26Hey dad, I'm here now
00:16:30Everything's gonna be fine. I
00:16:34If only we knew how you got so sick why my healing powers haven't worked on you
00:16:40Doc, please give me more time. I'll get you the money. I've just come in to inform you that your bill has been settled
00:16:46Miss Miller
00:16:48It is how is that possible you to get the best team of doctors in the country together and do everything you can to cure
00:16:55Mr. Miller
00:16:56He's your top priority. Got it
00:17:04What's the matter with you just run without looking I'm sorry what's going on? Do you know what these drugs cost?
00:17:12Is this for the poor guys room? I heard he owes the banks a ton of money
00:17:16I don't know why we even bother that old man's already half-dead such a waste like just let him tie
00:17:22His annoying selfish daughter won't let him you can't talk about my father like that
00:17:30How dare you
00:17:35How dare you
00:17:40Are you all right, that's mr. Austin. He's the largest stakeholder here at the hospital
00:17:45It's in your best interest that you apologize to his
00:17:49Daughter-in-law, I'm so sorry. Miss Miller. This is a misunderstanding
00:17:53We misspoke. Please forgive us. Dr. Smith. I'm extremely disappointed in the behavior of your nurses here in the way they treat patients
00:18:02They should be fired
00:18:04Mr. Austin
00:18:05My staff here at the hospital. We follow the wolf's path. It was just a misunderstanding
00:18:11Don't make me do it myself
00:18:16Ladies the two of you you're fired. Let's go
00:18:30Heard you paid for my father's treatment
00:18:33Thank you, Andrew. You don't need to thank me. I'll pay you back. I swear I'll do anything
00:18:44Andrew I want a lot
00:18:55Starting tomorrow and work at the back hospital
00:18:58What your healer I can make you a doctor for our pack. Don't let me down
00:19:06I'll give it my all. Thank you
00:19:11Don't be late on your first day
00:19:20Why are there so many injuries lately, it's the rogue wolf King is attached in her pack and become more and more frequent
00:19:33When in the hospital hire such a beautiful doctor
00:19:36My name is Harry by the way. Oh, Harry our infamous playboy. You can't talk to her like that. She's stunning
00:19:44And when I see a stunning woman I have to shoot myself
00:19:48Do you have plans for dinner that's enough
00:19:53Shut up
00:19:59Why are you being so mean he's trying to be nice just remember the hospital's code of conduct
00:20:07It's okay Harry, he's just a big grumpy
00:20:17Had an amazing day
00:20:20Yes, it was so amazing helping everyone and all the patients even thanked me to Jeff Chris Harry I
00:20:29When in the hospital hire such a beautiful doctor and when I see a stunning woman I have to shoot myself
00:20:45Starting tomorrow Harry is no longer your patient
00:20:51Why because I said so and the discussion I didn't know my mate was such a tyrant lucky me
00:21:00What did you just say
00:21:16Don't answer it
00:21:28I'm fine. Are you still in pain? You need another round of healing from you?
00:21:33Always I really need to thank you. I'm feeling so much better now that I have a great-looking doctor taking care of
00:21:39That's so sweet. Harry. I I'm so glad you're feeling better. How about we get together for lunch tomorrow?
00:21:48She's not available for lunch tomorrow or any day after that
00:21:53I have some business to take care of with and
00:21:56Alpha, I gotta go now. How are you doing? You like that playboy, don't you? I'm just doing my job
00:22:04That includes having lunch alone with him
00:22:09You're insane
00:22:13And Bob cancel my meetings tomorrow, I'm going to the PAC Hospital
00:22:29Haven't seen our newest doctor today. Where's Jesse? She's treating Harry right now
00:22:40I need to take a walk
00:23:00Thank You Jesse
00:23:02Is everything okay?
00:23:04You look a bit off today. I'm just
00:23:07Bit tired. I've been using my powers a lot to help people and I'm just getting used to it. That's all
00:23:21I'm sorry. She collapsed from exhaustion. I'm trying to see my wife get out of my way
00:23:26Alpha said absolutely no visitors allowed
00:23:29Wake up Derek
00:23:34What are you doing here there's no way to speak to your wife I heard Jesse was sick and I just rushed over
00:23:40I was so worried
00:23:42Why don't you go back to work? I can take care of it. It's not us who should go
00:23:47We should stay and take care of our mate. Shut up. Oh, and by the way dad. I
00:23:53Saw the woman you've been seeing
00:23:55She's great
00:23:58What did you just say I
00:24:01I said, she's great. Take care of Jesse
00:24:13Scared the crap out of me. What were you talking about? What are you talking about?
00:24:21Never mind, just we need to have a baby. There's no time to waste
00:24:26Yeah, don't you throw things at me you don't get out right now I will tell everyone about our marriage agreement you'll be embarrassed oh
00:24:35And by the way dad I
00:24:37Saw the woman you've been seeing
00:24:39She's great. We mustn't fall in love with him
00:24:43Maybe we're the one Andrew's talking about forget it. Good night, dear
00:24:49Hey, what's going on here?
00:24:55Hey, hey
00:24:57By the rush you need to rest there are patients in the hospital that need me to heal them
00:25:02The only patient needs to heal right now
00:25:04Is you?
00:25:08Let me transfer some of my power to you to help you recover more quickly
00:25:23Wake up you're in heat
00:25:34Will you show me around the house
00:25:40You want to splendid is this the woman Andrew loves
00:25:46This is how it's supposed to be why do I feel so sad about it?
00:26:03Wait we can't do this. It's wrong
00:26:17Wonderful is that my dad's may is Sofia
00:26:19I mean
00:26:20She's the alphas daughter of the green forest pack if they get married they can team up and finally destroy the rogue wolf king
00:26:28Well, she's super sexy
00:26:29perfect form
00:26:33Really? Yeah
00:26:40It's none of my business who he wants I don't give a shit what's none of your business
00:26:49Shouldn't you be with your fiance fiance also those punches wouldn't hurt a mouse
00:26:58We'll show you a few things
00:27:15Win I win really
00:27:28How's it going I
00:27:34Took that at the hospital
00:27:37They're so shameless
00:27:46How's it going
00:27:53You better go with Sofia
00:28:02Don't dare you flirt with my father. I won't let you turn me into a fucking cock what I did it
00:28:07I saw everything you bitch. I am the future alpha. Don't you dare betray me?
00:28:25We're gonna help you with miss Clark
00:28:28I'm here to help you. Let me
00:28:31relieve your stress
00:28:34I'm actually extremely busy a marriage between two strong packs would be a great thing and you know it
00:28:40So shouldn't we get to know each other better Andrew?
00:28:49Get off me asshole, we're not having sex
00:28:55Miss Clark
00:28:57I'm not sure I can do this
00:28:59How dare you reject me?
00:29:02Is it because of your ex Luna Julia? It's been ten years since she passed away
00:29:11Jesse are you sure you don't want to?
00:29:16Alpha Oh don't make innocent now whore
00:29:26Derek what are you doing? Oh?
00:29:29What are you doing here? I've seen the pictures of you two flirting in the hospital. I know everything
00:29:35I've seen you two together. You must be wrong Andrew, and I are now together
00:29:44And you must be Sofia Clark of the Green Forest pack it's a pleasure to meet you
00:29:50Sofia will be staying with us for a few days
00:29:55This must be a misunderstanding
00:29:56How about this Jesse and Derek move out to their own place?
00:30:00Things will be easier and the newlyweds can be on their own that sounds great keep her pack our stuff
00:30:07We'll move out right away. No
00:30:10Jesse stays here
00:30:15All the wounded warriors at the hospital rely on her healing
00:30:19She's the only one
00:30:20My pack has a healer too. I can ask him to come and help great
00:30:25No, I only trust my people
00:30:28Andrew my packs healer is top-notch. I just heard that she collapsed from being overworked. Why are you refusing my help?
00:30:47I'll be right there
00:30:56Are you okay?
00:31:04Would you actually sleep with him if he didn't force you to
00:31:13Of course he's my husband you two slept together. It's none of your business
00:31:16What do you like more Derek or Harry, what do you mean I'm just curious or maybe you prefer both
00:31:50What the hell how could you sleep with your dad's fiance could ask you the same question my dear wife
00:31:57What I didn't and you rejected me. Thanks to you fucking bitch. Well, you think you can have an affair with my father
00:32:03I'm just gonna take that I can sleep with whoever I want
00:32:07Hey, I don't know what my dad was thinking. You are so much harder than her
00:32:11Shut the fuck up
00:32:15No wonder Andrew rejected you I don't like fake bitches either come back here to apologize you bitch
00:32:29Butler the faucets not working. We are aware by the water ma'am. It will be fixed tomorrow
00:32:36The second bathroom floor still works. Okay. Thank you
00:32:46Sorry, I shouldn't be here wait
00:33:03Looks like we're both still in heat
00:33:09Better leave Jesse. Do you really like Derek? He treats you so poorly
00:33:24Let go we shouldn't we shouldn't
00:33:32There's some there's something I have to tell you Sophia and the other bathroom doesn't work so we can do your work
00:33:47Are you gonna continue our workouts? Oh looks like my new babe isn't satisfied. Yeah
00:34:04I'm gonna fuck you. So this is who you like. This is who you raised
00:34:15Because you're fantastic babe so much better than my lame wife
00:34:20Jesse won't even let me touch her. Mm-hmm
00:34:23It's a shame she doesn't get to experience how incredible you
00:34:30Didn't sleep with him
00:34:34Who's there
00:34:42I'm so disappointed in you me
00:34:46Why should you be able to touch my woman and I can't touch yours?
00:34:51What you did with that bitch is even more outrageous and disappointing
00:34:56Never insult Jesse like that ever again. You understand me. Did you really just hit me because of that bitch? I
00:35:04Said never talk about her like that again. You cheap son of a bitch. You are no position to lecture me
00:35:10That's enough
00:35:14That's enough
00:35:16This arranged marriage has been nothing but a disaster from the start. I want a divorce
00:35:21Arranged marriage. So you want a divorce so you can fuck my dad? What should I call you?
00:35:28What's that mom? I'm not gonna do that
00:35:32You signed a contract
00:35:35Not until the day I die you two will never be together
00:35:45Come on let's go somewhere far away from the shitty family Derek
00:35:51You okay, I'm fine
00:35:53Whatever you decide I'm with you, right? He tried to rape me this morning and then I find him fucking her
00:35:59I can't even take a shower. I
00:36:02Hate it here
00:36:05You really want a divorce
00:36:08I'll see what I could do
00:36:41You're dead
00:36:57Here what happened
00:36:59I'm fine
00:37:00Not a big deal elder. I was wondering can I get my share of the trust money today?
00:37:05I'm afraid not since you don't have an heir yet. You're not eligible for the funds
00:37:10right, but
00:37:12Really need that money
00:37:14Nothing I can do unless you get a new wife and have a baby as soon as possible. What I
00:37:20Hear you and Jesse fight a lot. Maybe you're not right for one another. You should go find someone more suitable for you
00:37:27You're still young
00:37:28She betrayed me
00:37:30I'm not just gonna let her walk off like nothing happened Derek to forgive others is to forgive yourself
00:37:37forgive her
00:37:40Absolutely not
00:37:42You can get a new Luna for your heir and get the money or you can continue to waste time with Jesse your choice
00:37:53I'm glad you see the light
00:38:06You asked for a favor and now it's taken care of
00:38:09Thank you. Don't thank me. Just honor your promise to join forces with the Green Forest pack by marrying Sofia
00:38:22What are you doing you are not a part of my pack anymore it's time for you to get out
00:38:28Derek stop, you know, we may be divorced. But if you two get together, it'll be the biggest scandal in PAX history
00:38:38Okay, you have a place to stay tonight, I don't know yet then you should stay with me
00:38:43I don't want to be in a relationship with you anymore
00:38:47So yesterday you're crying on my shoulder and now you want nothing to do with me
00:38:54Put me down
00:39:03Sit still
00:39:16You'll live here now
00:39:18What no, I won't
00:39:21live on the streets
00:39:22I'd rather be homeless than live here. People might get the wrong idea. I don't want to embarrass the pack
00:39:29The farther away I get from you the better
00:39:32Jesse I
00:39:35Don't care about any of that PAX stuff
00:39:38Just care about you
00:39:40But if you really want to leave I won't stop you
00:39:51Beautiful healer wants to stay
00:39:53What an honor
00:39:55You should be more concerned about your future
00:39:58What do you mean? I?
00:40:00Overheard you talking to the pack elder you promised to take Sofia as your wife what?
00:40:10Just honor your promise to join forces with green for attack by marrying Sofia
00:40:19Steven I never agreed to that whom I marry is my own business
00:40:24You may be the wise wolf, but I'm still the alpha here alpha. You must Steven
00:40:29Watch your words. Sorry alpha. I'll decide who I marry
00:40:34Got it
00:40:40I was just wishful thinking on Steven's part. I never promised anything. So you did
00:40:47There's security cameras everywhere. So I know if you run
00:40:51Damn, his eyes are just amazing if you want to play hide-and-seek, go ahead
00:40:57But if I catch you be prepared to be punished
00:41:21Maybe he does care about me after all
00:41:27The alpha does not give a shit about you, okay, so get over yourself
00:41:33Sofia what why are you calling me? What are you talking about?
00:41:37Andrew used to have an ex-girlfriend named Julia
00:41:40Even though she said he's still in love with her and that's why he won't marry me
00:41:44Okay, you are just a poor substitute and as soon as he's tired of you, he'll dump you
00:41:58The number of new casualties have doubled that of last week
00:42:02Alpha I was on patrol and I ran into the rogue wolf King. He's been he's been what he's been looking for your Luna
00:42:11But apples Luna's dead. He said he wants to take Luna from the alpha the rogue wolf King knows about Jess
00:42:21She's in danger
00:42:25It's painted all over is he coming go for the kill not for the wounds maybe it's
00:42:35Thank You Robert
00:42:40Andrew Austin your new Luna will soon be mine
00:42:48He loves his ex
00:42:50He doesn't love her
00:42:52He loves his ex
00:42:55He doesn't love her
00:42:57He loves his ex
00:42:59He doesn't love her. He loves his ex. He doesn't love her. He loves his ex. He doesn't love her
00:43:06He loves his ex. He doesn't love her
00:43:11The rogue wolf King is mistaken you have no Luna there's nothing to worry about
00:43:17This won't be a repeat of ten years ago
00:43:44If the same thing happens to Jesse do you still miss Julia
00:43:50The last ten years you haven't been able to find anyone to fill that void
00:43:54Do you think you'll ever be able to move on from Julia?
00:44:15Just remembered I gotta go do that thing that I gotta go do so I'm gonna I'm gonna go
00:44:22What did you just say do you still love her your ex
00:44:27Julia the former Luna, why does that matter? It has nothing to do?
00:44:34Where are you going? None of your business? I told you to go home and not come out
00:44:38So I said so what if something happens to you? Why are you always so reckless? I am NOT your doll
00:44:47I'll give you one more chance
00:44:52Whether I live or die is none of your business from now on I'm through with you
00:45:02What do you want from me I'm not your Luna and I'm not your plaything to use in the heat of the moment
00:45:08Have you had enough?
00:45:13Have you had enough
00:45:20Jesse Miller reject you Andrew Austin as my mate
00:45:31Now I won't be a burden to you any longer
00:45:41Andrew what's wrong?
00:45:45Somebody help Andrew
00:45:56To help somebody help
00:46:09His wolf is injured
00:46:11Not quite sure what happened but with his alpha powers he should recover quickly all we can do now is wait
00:46:22Andrew I'm so sorry, please wake up
00:46:32Jesse Miller, you will not steal my Luna throne
00:46:41He's been unconscious for 15 hours
00:47:12We know what you've done to the alpha you drugged him you should never put anything in the office drink
00:47:18What I didn't drug him. I saw it with my own two eyes
00:47:22If I had known that you liked him, I would have stepped aside for you. You almost killed him
00:47:26No wonder Derek told me he felt betrayed
00:47:29You seduced his father to try and kill him now. You've ruined Derek's happiness. You've ruined Sophia's engagement
00:47:36You've ruined our connection to the green forest pack and all because you're selfish kick her out banish her forever
00:47:44Who would dare do that to her?
00:47:54You're awake
00:47:56I'm Jesse didn't seduce me or drug me. So who's been spreading these lies?
00:48:02Oh, I thought for your pack now never set foot on my land again
00:48:10Andrew she's she's a gold digger
00:48:13Worth absolutely nothing. I am the daughter of an alpha heir of the green forest pack
00:48:19You would be stupid to choose her instead of me
00:48:24Money and power don't make a person worthy of love
00:48:27Now Jesse's worked tirelessly to heal the wounded members of our pack this is how you repay her
00:48:34From now on if anybody spreads rumors about Jesse
00:48:37They'll be exiled and anybody that believes these rumors will also be exiled my clear
00:48:50Let's take a walk
00:48:58Thank you
00:49:03Jesse listen to me. I need you to go home and not come out until I give my permission. Okay?
00:49:10Staying away from her might be the best way to protect her
00:49:17I'm sorry, I didn't mean to destroy our mate bond. It was a huge mistake, but I I
00:49:25Love you
00:49:27He's been looking for you Luna I
00:49:30Can't lose her
00:49:32Jesse I
00:49:36Can't be with you. Are you still mad at me? I
00:49:43Just no longer desire to be in a relationship you still love her
00:49:54From now on
00:49:56You go your way, I'll go mine. We're done. What are you waiting for hurry after?
00:50:06You just did the stupidest thing
00:50:45Been in the hospital for so long
00:50:47I'm so tired of the hospital food
00:50:50I'll have to bring some home-cooked food next time though. I must warn you
00:50:55I'm not the best cook
00:50:58My beautiful doctor cooking for me
00:51:01My dreams are coming true
00:51:04Thanks for making me smile again, perhaps maybe we could
00:51:15Andrew alpha
00:51:20Harry is not the one for you. So who is for me then? Is it you? You don't even want me
00:51:28Where are you going? It's none of your business. You can't go back to him who I'm with is none of your business
00:51:37Jesse Miller
00:51:39You're fired
00:51:42From now on you no longer work here
00:51:45No more hospital visits no more flirting with patients
00:51:49You'll go home and you'll stay there and you won't come out unless you want to find out what happens when I'm disobeyed
00:51:54You're firing me
00:51:56Under what grounds you think you can just do whatever you want with me because I like you. I
00:52:03Won't say it again. You're insane
00:52:16Just be a good girl
00:52:18and do
00:52:20as I say
00:52:22Why do you keep changing your mind? Do you like me? Just just tell me
00:52:28What do you want from me
00:52:46What am I doing I understand
00:53:42Love all
00:53:51That's Wolfsbane
00:53:55Maybe dead in two days exactly
00:54:00You tell me where she is. I'll give you the antidote
00:54:08She's the new Luna for Alfandro
00:54:13She's the new Luna for Alfandro
00:54:16Where is she?
00:54:26Andrew what are we what are we doing? What are we?
00:54:33Yeah, I'll be right there
00:54:42See you running away. Will he ever be able to move on? I
00:54:47Think he's still thinking of his ex. I need to take care of something. We'll talk when I get back
00:54:58Stay here, please. I'll go anywhere
00:55:12Come in
00:55:14Jesse, it's your father. He's not doing well. What's wrong with him? He's in critical condition
00:55:18We're taking him to another intensive care at another hospital, but you should come
00:55:35Where are we where's my dad
00:56:11You can go now
00:56:27Ten years Andrew have you been what do you want? Do you know exactly what I want?
00:56:37Ten years ago, I will never give you the young girls of my pack. Don't say no just yet
00:56:46Take a look at this
00:56:54Bring me the girls in two hours
00:56:59You want to see your precious mate die right in front of your eyes
00:57:05If you lay another finger on her
00:57:09Who are you what do you want? Why did you get that you look a lot tastier than Andrew's own
00:57:15You look a lot tastier than Andrew's old Luna you're the rogue wolf king
00:57:29Look at that body
00:57:32Andrew's always got the hottest chicks in his body. He brings those she-wolves over. We'll have our fun
00:57:38I'm gonna really fucking enjoy this
00:57:45I know how to get out of here
00:57:51You're different than the others
00:57:53you have
00:57:55raw power
00:57:56That is so hard to resist my king
00:58:00Our alpha is far stronger than andrew. You'd be lucky to be his queen. Oh, yeah
00:58:07You're gonna enjoy yourself, honey in and out of the bedroom
00:58:16Oh, you smell really good
00:58:24You think you can escape not gonna be that easy pretty one
00:58:33Let her go andrew
00:58:39You got here fast this time where are my girls
00:59:03Damn you are ugly rogue
00:59:0710 years ago. You killed our luna and then you threatened me
00:59:11the pack doctor to poison our alpha
00:59:14But I refused
00:59:16And so you poisoned me
00:59:19Causing me to lay in a hospital bed for the last 10 years
00:59:23And now you dare to threaten my daughter
00:59:27How dare you promote me
00:59:37What about me, huh andrew
00:59:40How dare you come into my territory and challenge me we got this alpha go after her
00:59:55Tell me alpha, which do you prefer?
01:00:01Your old toy or the new
01:00:06They're not toys
01:00:08The new one certainly is cuter
01:00:12You should be thanking me
01:00:14If I hadn't killed the old one, i'm gonna bury you today
01:00:19Let's see who gets buried
01:00:23I killed you once I can do it again
01:00:31Don't i'll do whatever you want if you really care for her trade your life
01:00:38for hers
01:00:43Andrew don't drink it
01:00:46Unless you're dead i'll take your place as alpha
01:00:52What are you waiting for don't you love her if you die the pack is finished think of the girls
01:01:00Drink it
01:01:10Take care of everyone
01:01:13Heal the sick and the wounded
01:01:15And live the life that I always wanted
01:01:26All your wealth power position women everything everything will now be
01:01:44Well done there
01:01:48I'm sorry for everything
01:01:51I'm grateful to have you in my life. I promise i'll be better. I'll be the man that you'd want to be your son
01:02:07Okay, i'm not burying
01:02:16How did you guys do it the road wolf king is a very devious and manipulative man
01:02:21The only way he let his guard down if he thought the alpha was truly dead
01:02:27I'm, so glad you're okay
01:02:33I'm, so glad you're okay
01:02:43You two are mates I thought you'd broken the mating bond, I guess the moon goddess is never wrong
01:03:02I'm, so sorry for all the pain that i've caused you
01:03:06You're my mate
01:03:08and forever
01:03:11Will you marry me yes, I do
01:03:22Looks like we're gonna have a new luna in the pack
01:03:36Hey, hey, you okay?
01:03:41It looks like we have another person in the room
