Vrail video daily motion English

  • 2 days ago
Vrail video daily motion English like and subscribe channel
00:00when i created these subtitles i know its gonna be long but i tried my best
00:30Take me, love me, cover me With your veil that you and I created together
00:59I closed your eyes in the morning and in the night, the jars are hot
01:04And we go down the stairs slowly
01:11In the art of scandals, love, in the time of joy, songs of love
01:16With you forever, please remember me
01:22I took you home, I'll come back
01:28I took you home, I'll come back
01:34I took you home, I'll come back
01:40I took you home, I'll come back
01:46Take me, love me, cover me
01:52With your veil that you and I created together
01:58Take me, love me, cover me
02:04With your veil that you and I created together
02:10I know it's beautiful
02:33I took you home, I'll come back
02:39I took you home, I'll come back
02:45I took you home, I'll come back
02:51I took you home, I'll come back
03:09I took you home, I'll come back
03:15I took you home, I'll come back