101-HD.Glorious Revenge of Ye Feng Ep 101 Sub Indo (独步万古)(Dubu Wangu)

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Glorious Revenge of Ye Feng ,Dubu Wangu ,独步万古 第二季 ,
Glorious Revenge of Ye Feng Season 2 ,Dubu Wangu Season 2 ,

The protagonist genius, Ye Feng, was betrayed and attacked by his senior, and other evildoers, after he refines the Divine Realm pill that would lead him towards Supreme Realm. He managed to fend off and consume the pill, yet finds himself inhabiting the body of his descendant, who bears his name after 500 years later. He pledge to save his current lineage and seeks vengeance, Yefeng embarked on the path of cultivation again, practicing hard and improving while exploring the mystery of the way of heaven.



00:30Is it a world where the wind and rain drift?
00:40If you want freedom, you have to compromise
00:48Is it a misunderstanding brought by pain?
00:52If there is no stubbornness, you have to endure
01:00Facing the pain, facing the light, facing the battle
01:03Not afraid of war, I use my sword to cut through the night
01:06With strength to break through the curse of loneliness
01:09With strength to break through all the darkness
01:12Raise your head, my fist is crazy
01:15I hold my sword in my hand, only for dreams
01:18Look up at the world
01:26Waiting for the light
01:28Waiting for the light
01:30Looking at the hero's return
01:33I can't change my color even if I miss the first song
01:38Waiting for the light
01:40Waiting for the light
01:42Riding the waves
01:45Breaking the rules
01:46The starry sky
01:48The star you left is my color
02:28Thank you for watching!
02:58Thank you for watching!
03:19Thank you for watching!
03:21Thank you for watching!
03:23Thank you for watching!
03:25Thank you for watching!
03:27Thank you for watching!
03:29Thank you for watching!
03:31Thank you for watching!
03:33Thank you for watching!
03:35Thank you for watching!
03:37Thank you for watching!
03:39Thank you for watching!
03:41Thank you for watching!
03:43Thank you for watching!
03:45Thank you for watching!
03:47Thank you for watching!
03:49Thank you for watching!
04:17太弱太弱 求你们这样可上不去 建峰不如你求我
04:25那恐怕要让你失望了 道元剑刺
04:32白费力气罢了 锋刃无形 就算是道元剑刺也奈何不了他
04:47原来是在找阵眼 你倒是一点也不怕死在锋刃之下呀
04:53茅木攻击锋刃 等到灵力用尽 给你夺射的机会
05:01他要出来了 赶快把阵法毁了
05:04看这情况 鬼阵也挡不住 万一是紫锥丢起来
05:08神尊说让我们看好这里 只要不从这里出来 你管他从哪里出来
05:42主人 他们都不见了
05:45可能是传送到了别处 我们得快点
05:50大哥 你我兄弟今日吉星高照啊
05:55加上这三人 有佛慧要的如影就够了
06:12一剑有一剑的力量 就灵力驱使的招式自然威力大减咯
06:18小子 连原力都不会 还敢跟爷爷斗 不如乖乖投降
06:27这么漂亮的小丫头 我倒是想自己留着
06:32蓬莲竟然不受影响 看上去还更强了
06:38这丫头轻轻松松就调动了元气 可真是好强的侍应
06:44不过 双拳难敌四手
06:48剑风 你不如替我办件事 我教你如何调动元气
06:53看来你忘了 我有道元 灵气也好 元气也罢 用道元同换便是
07:02啊 人呢
07:05别玩了 快点把人抓了 为天交差
07:19这丫头好香啊 不如让我先
07:26主人 我没事 我还能打
07:30你敢伤我兄弟 即刀爆斩
07:39你 你一个半生怎么会有这么恐怖的力量
07:50主人 你快把他打死了
07:53说 赵沧在哪儿
07:57赵 赵沧 我 我不认识赵沧啊
08:03不认识 那你就去死吧
08:06别 别杀我 你是说神子赵沧吧
08:11要我说 祖宗您虽然强 但对上神子可是半点胜算都没有
08:24祖 祖宗 真不知道神子在哪儿
08:28对了 幽婆会的人肯定知道
08:33幽婆会是我们清凉城的拍卖会 听说背后是神弓的人
08:38别看我打不过你 我可是幽婆会最强的猎手
08:44当然是猎人了 我们抓到人后卖给幽婆会 幽婆会会给我们分成
08:51这么说 你想卖了我
08:55哪能呢 刚刚是小的有眼不识泰山 您行行好 把我当个屁疯了吧
09:03祖宗 别杀我 我不跑了 我不跑了
09:16神武女 飞闪
09:20不是吧 还有水弓
09:24糟糕 我脑不清
10:20日期在重现 是非恩怨抛下一切终成空
10:31燕国长虹与水月相拥 你浪迹天涯我跟从
10:42往后余生你陪同 写了宾家诉情但愿这一生
10:54携手走过这千帆风景 共赴这一世约定
11:11优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
