"صليت استخارة ومبسوط اني قعدت" .. عمر مرموش يكشف لأول مرة حقيقة عروض ليفربول وأرسنال

  • 8 hours ago
"صليت استخارة ومبسوط اني قعدت"

عمر مرموش يكشف لأول مرة حقيقة عروض ليفربول وأرسنال


00:00Last summer, there was a report about Liverpool, Arsenal and Tottenham calling you. Is this true?
00:10In the season, I don't really focus on the offers and stuff like that, because you don't have anything.
00:16The only thing you have is that you're going to play well, and if you play well, you'll get offers.
00:20Yes, they say that these offers were in the summer.
00:23Yes, in the summer. Of course, they used to talk to me and ask me questions, but everything I said in the beginning, before there was any serious talk,
00:33and that they were coming to buy me or buy Eibe, it was all with my agent.
00:38But of course, I knew that something like this was going to happen.
00:43But you said you were going to cover it.
00:45No, I didn't say I was going to cover it. I was just waiting to see what would happen.
00:48So, if it was on the ground, everything was possible?
00:50It was possible, yes. But thank God, I sat down and I'm happy that I sat down in the end, because as we can see, the decision was good.
01:01Maybe it's a strange question. Do you pray Ishtikhara on a day like this?
01:06I prayed Ishtikhara.
