New Hallmark Movies - Best Hallmark movies - New Chrismas Movies 2024 (15)

  • 2 days ago
00:00:00End goal, or perfect finished product.
00:00:05What we're trying to do here is just take what's in your heart
00:00:09and put it on the canvas.
00:00:10Miss Jamie?
00:00:11Yes, Lizzie?
00:00:13How do we know what's in our hearts?
00:00:15Oh, well, we don't always know.
00:00:19But that's why we're here, right?
00:00:22To figure it out.
00:00:31Oh, sorry.
00:00:45So, what do you think?
00:00:48I think it's amazing.
00:00:50We could build out multiple rooms.
00:00:52We could do reception, the galleries, so we could have art shows and community events.
00:00:58I mean, I think it's perfect.
00:01:01And this is just our second location.
00:01:02Wait till you see what I'm planning for our third and fourth.
00:01:05You are so excited.
00:01:06I am.
00:01:07It's what I love to do.
00:01:09I've spent my life building businesses.
00:01:11You all know this past year of retirement has been hard on me.
00:01:14Hard on all of us.
00:01:16This is a dream come true.
00:01:18Jamie needs help expanding Canvas Creations, and I need to be working again.
00:01:22And you get me out of the house.
00:01:24Okay, yes.
00:01:27How do we make this a reality?
00:01:28Let's talk terms.
00:01:41Have I told you in the last five minutes how much I love you?
00:01:45No, not in the last five minutes.
00:01:48Should I come back later?
00:01:50No, we'll stop.
00:01:52It's not our fault. Spring is in the air.
00:01:54Yeah, which would be a great excuse, except you guys were like this last winter.
00:01:57And summer.
00:01:58And fall.
00:02:00I gotta go.
00:02:08Oh, you two are cute.
00:02:11Here you go.
00:02:14Well, maybe it's time to start dating again?
00:02:19It's been years.
00:02:21Let's please just change the subject.
00:02:25And speaking of subject change.
00:02:28I just toured a space that would be perfect for the second Canvas Creations.
00:02:33That's great, but Canvas Creations was supposed to be the thing you did on the side of painting.
00:02:38And if you expand, you're not going to have time to paint or submit to showcases and exhibitions.
00:02:45Which brings me to my exciting news.
00:02:47I just learned that with three weeks until the Cherry Blossom Arts Festival,
00:02:50the festival lost its usual venue of the Windsor Manor and is switching to the Botanical Gardens.
00:02:55Oh, that is very exciting.
00:02:57Which means that as head and sole employee of the Special Events Permitting Office,
00:03:02I'm going to be working directly with the organizers of the Arts Festival.
00:03:06I could put in a good word for you.
00:03:08For your submission for the Emerging Artist Showcase.
00:03:11That's very sweet. And I do appreciate your muddling.
00:03:16But I didn't submit.
00:03:18What? Why not?
00:03:20Because I'm not painting and I haven't been in almost a year.
00:03:24And even if I was painting, every year I submit to the festival and get rejected.
00:03:27I know it's hard, but you have to keep trying. You can't give up.
00:03:30I don't want to, but every year I watch another artist win the festival's prize.
00:03:36A solo show in Paris.
00:03:39My dream.
00:03:41And I'm happy for them. I mean, I really am.
00:03:44It's just starting to feel like it's never going to happen for me.
00:03:49And this is my dream, but I don't know how to make it more than a dream.
00:03:57I've got an idea. Come.
00:04:03I'm back.
00:04:05Not that I'm complaining, because this is literally my favorite place on earth.
00:04:10What are we doing here?
00:04:12We are getting you supplies.
00:04:14Oh, for what exactly?
00:04:16I think you're already on almost everything in the store.
00:04:19We don't have poster board.
00:04:21And why do I need poster board? Oh, for my sixth grade science project.
00:04:25Remember four years ago when I went through that rough patch and I hated my job working for the event planner and had no luck dating?
00:04:33I remember a lot of ice cream Sunday pity parties.
00:04:35You were delicious.
00:04:37And then I heard about that job at the special events permitting office.
00:04:42My dream job. And then I got it.
00:04:44And then about a month later, I met Tom.
00:04:46And I'm happy for you, but I'm just a little confused.
00:04:49How's that relate to poster board?
00:04:51It wasn't luck. It wasn't destiny.
00:04:54I made it happen with a vision board.
00:04:59I made that vision board and then all my dreams came true.
00:05:03And they came true because you took action and went after what you wanted, not because you collaged.
00:05:08I took action because my vision board helped me realize what I wanted.
00:05:15Jamie, as an artist, I'm sure you'll agree that images are very powerful.
00:05:19And when you have a clear vision of what you want, you'll find a clear path to achieving it.
00:05:23Besides, what have you got to lose?
00:05:25My artistic dignity?
00:05:27We'll take everything.
00:05:28We're not taking any of it.
00:05:29Oh, this too. No need to thank me.
00:05:31I wasn't going to.
00:05:34If you're walking me home to get those collaging supplies in my door...
00:05:37Actually, there's another reason why I'm walking you home, and I'm sorry I waited until now to bring it up.
00:05:41Oh, you finally rented out your unit.
00:05:43That's what I wanted to talk to you about.
00:05:45I know it's sudden, but it just kind of happened overnight.
00:05:48Hey, neighbor.
00:05:49Please tell me your brother is not my new...
00:05:52I'm sorry. I know Max drives you crazy.
00:05:54But he doesn't drive me crazy.
00:05:57Okay, yeah, he drives me crazy.
00:05:59But you know how much trouble I was having finding a sublet, and he never stays anywhere for long.
00:06:03He'll be gone before you know it.
00:06:16So, I thought you were in San Diego.
00:06:18Oh, that was last spring. I was in Tucson, and then Boise, and then Ava mentioned a temp job back here, and I thought, why not?
00:06:24Max got a job as a landscape architect.
00:06:27You got a master's degree in landscape architecture to then work as a groundskeeper at the Botanical Gardens,
00:06:32where Jamie might be displaying her work next month at the Cherry Blossom Arts Festival, if she vision boards.
00:06:38Not only will I see you at the gardens, but I will see you at home, too.
00:06:42Would you believe it?
00:06:44Great big world, and we end up living right next to each other.
00:06:46I really can't believe it.
00:06:50Who knows? Maybe you'll even like having him as your neighbor.
00:06:53And if achieving your dreams isn't reason enough to vision board, you can always collage a picture of Max moving away.
00:06:59Well, that's reason enough for me.
00:07:01You need help with those?
00:07:02You know what? This is the last of it, and I'm truly glad Jamie is helping me out.
00:07:11Ready? Let's go.
00:07:13Oh, yeah.
00:07:15All right. Good luck, you two.
00:07:22No matter how long it's been since I've seen you, you're still the same.
00:07:27Plenty of paint in your hair and everything.
00:07:29Well, I am a painter.
00:07:32That's what I love about you.
00:07:35You know, the paint.
00:07:40Welcome home.
00:07:41Thanks, neighbor.
00:07:43Oh, if you ever want to come by for a beer, I micro-brew my own.
00:07:46Oh, that is a tempting offer. I'll keep in mind.
00:07:52Yeah, I'll do the same.
00:08:10Hey, you forgot your...
00:08:11Collaging supplies.
00:08:15So, you are collaging.
00:08:17Not yet, but more and more I'm thinking about it.
00:08:53Hey, Dad.
00:08:54Hi, honey.
00:08:55The real estate agent just sent over the lease.
00:08:58We need to decide by the end of the week.
00:09:00Well, why wait? I mean, the space is exactly what we're looking for.
00:09:06Let's sign.
00:09:07You don't want to give it a little bit more thought?
00:09:12Why? Are you having second thoughts?
00:09:14No. I'm certain I want to do this.
00:09:16I love building this out and getting to work.
00:09:19Well, I'm sure.
00:09:22I'll look over the lease now.
00:09:24Love you.
00:09:25Love you. Bye.
00:10:05Good morning.
00:10:07You going for a run?
00:10:09Me too.
00:10:12Have a great run.
00:10:15Jamie, call me crazy, but I'm starting to think that you're unhappy that we're neighbors.
00:10:21Did I do something to bother you?
00:10:23You mean besides a lifetime of pranks and jokes at my expense?
00:10:28Max, every time I'm around you, I get hurt or humiliated.
00:10:34Whoa, that is not fair.
00:10:36Okay, give me one example.
00:10:38Okay. Third grade.
00:10:41Okay. Third grade.
00:10:44You nicknamed me Jamie Smiley Man.
00:10:49We were kids.
00:10:50Which stuck with me through high school when you wrote me love letters for an entire year to prank me into thinking I had a secret admirer.
00:10:57That was...
00:10:58A joke?
00:10:59Oh, I know, Max.
00:11:00With you, everything's a joke.
00:11:02On me.
00:11:05Every time you're around me, you're teasing or immature.
00:11:09You're describing 15-year-old Max.
00:11:12We're adults now, so can we start over?
00:11:20Good. Running buddies?
00:11:34Let's, uh, can we try that again?
00:11:36Oh, yeah.
00:11:37Oh, you're painting. Are you working on any showcases or something?
00:11:41No, I'm not showing right now.
00:11:43Why not?
00:11:44Because I'm not painting right now.
00:11:47I opened an art school a year ago, and I'm focusing on that.
00:11:50Okay, well, your dating life. What happened there? You were dating someone that ended?
00:11:56Actually, I forgot something at home. I'll run back.
00:12:04So, how's it going with Max?
00:12:08Fine? Oh, not that bad.
00:12:11Well, remember, you can have anything you want.
00:12:13If you just please don't say vision board.
00:12:18Speaking of vision board, I brought mine.
00:12:21I just don't want you to give up on your dreams.
00:12:23Okay, what if I'm not giving up on my dreams?
00:12:25What if my dreams are just changing?
00:12:29And what if they're not?
00:12:30Why don't you just vision board to double check?
00:12:33Because I don't collage.
00:12:35And paint.
00:12:36I asked myself what I really wanted.
00:12:38Then I made a board, and I focused on it every day, and it came true.
00:12:45Guess who I'm about to meet with?
00:12:47The curator of the Cherry Blossom Arts Festival.
00:12:50I could put in a good word for the Emerging Artist Showcase.
00:12:54I've mentioned your relevance, right?
00:12:57Once or twice.
00:13:55Oh, Renee, it was so nice to meet you.
00:13:57And you too.
00:13:58It's so nice to put a face to a name.
00:14:00And thank you so much for expediting the permits.
00:14:03When we lost our venue, I didn't know what we were going to do.
00:14:07My pleasure.
00:14:08I know what the festival means to this town, and the Botanical Gardens is going to be a gorgeous venue.
00:14:14And so convenient.
00:14:15The Herman Arts Foundation is just down the street.
00:14:17York and 7.
00:14:20That's a block away from my best friend's art school.
00:14:22Canvas Creations.
00:14:24Funny enough, the head of the Herman Arts Foundation was thinking about stopping in and asking about painting lessons.
00:14:29Well, actually...
00:14:30Does your friend not do painting lessons?
00:14:32Oh, no, no, no.
00:14:33She does.
00:14:35Speaking of my friend.
00:14:41Oh, hi, Michael.
00:14:42I missed the meeting.
00:14:45I'll fill you in.
00:14:46The permitting is taken care of, and everything is on schedule.
00:14:50Oh, and that art school down the street from us.
00:14:53The one that you were looking at for painting classes?
00:14:57The teacher sounds great.
00:15:08Guess who has a private showing with the curator of the art festival?
00:15:13I'm hoping it's you.
00:15:15Renee is coming here on Thursday to review your work for the Emerging Artist Showcase.
00:15:19Which would be great, except I have no work for her to review.
00:15:22What about the landscapes?
00:15:23I submitted all my best stuff last year.
00:15:26You're painting?
00:15:28Not exactly.
00:15:29Vision boarding?
00:15:32Show me.
00:15:37Oh, Jamie.
00:15:40It's beautiful.
00:15:43Well, I thought about what I wanted, and...
00:15:46This just came to me.
00:15:48It's after I win the showcase.
00:15:51My first solo show in Paris.
00:15:54This is an exciting opportunity.
00:15:56My first solo show in Paris.
00:15:59This is an exhibit of my art in a colonnade.
00:16:01And this is the man I love bringing me a rose to congratulate me.
00:16:07In this moment, I have everything I've ever wanted.
00:16:13And although this may never happen,
00:16:16I have to say thank you.
00:16:20I'm painting again.
00:16:22I'm happy for you.
00:16:23Now finish it so it can happen.
00:16:26Because you are about to make all your dreams come true.
00:16:42One final signature.
00:16:47And congratulations.
00:16:53Should we celebrate?
00:16:54I saw a donut shop down the street.
00:16:55We could review our notes for our meeting with the contractors.
00:16:58Do you mind if we do it tomorrow?
00:17:00I know, I know, we have so much to do.
00:17:03But I have class later, and I want to get some painting in.
00:17:09Ava got me a showing with the curator of the Cherry Blossoms Art Festival.
00:17:14That's wonderful.
00:17:15Honey, so you're painting again.
00:17:23Oh, hi.
00:17:26Am I too late to join the art class?
00:17:28Do you take drop-ins?
00:17:32Of course.
00:17:34Come on in.
00:17:39Um, they're all…
00:17:41Extremely talented artists?
00:17:44Yes, that too.
00:17:46I didn't realize this is a school for children.
00:17:48Sorry about the mix-up.
00:17:50Well, don't be intimidated.
00:17:52It was everyone's first day once.
00:17:54It's for kids.
00:17:55It's for the young at heart.
00:17:59So, today, we're learning about composition.
00:18:09So, what do you think?
00:18:18I'm Jamie, by the way.
00:18:20Hi, I'm Michael.
00:18:26And the light is coming from…
00:18:29Very good.
00:18:32How am I doing?
00:18:33Well, we don't give grades here, but…
00:18:37You're doing great.
00:18:38You really caught the light here, which is difficult.
00:18:40Is it a little too controlled?
00:18:44A little too concerned with the outcome.
00:18:47You can see all that from this.
00:18:50Art is very revealing.
00:18:54Don't beat yourself up over it.
00:18:56I actually struggle with it in my work, too.
00:18:59So, what do you do to counteract it?
00:19:02Well, when I remember to,
00:19:04I try to let go of expectations
00:19:07of perfection,
00:19:10and just relax and
00:19:16let myself enjoy the creative process.
00:19:20So, what do you suggest I do?
00:19:27Take a new canvas,
00:19:31and this time,
00:19:35don't make
00:19:39let yourself feel.
00:19:44Go on.
00:19:58I'll see you soon.
00:20:00Bye, Miss Jamie.
00:20:01Bye, Lizzie.
00:20:02Remember, composition!
00:20:09what did you think?
00:20:10I think the jury's out on my innate creativity, but
00:20:14the upside is I've got a lot of kindling, so…
00:20:16No, look, this is progress.
00:20:19Don't give up yet. It was just your first lesson.
00:20:21Yeah, I could definitely use another.
00:20:23Yeah, you might like the 13 to 15-year-old class better.
00:20:27Or maybe a one-on-one.
00:20:31Do you offer private instruction?
00:20:35I do.
00:20:38Do you have availability Thursday, 5 p.m.?
00:20:42I do.
00:20:43That would be perfect.
00:20:51You have a date?
00:20:52It's a lesson. He's a student.
00:20:54He's a professional.
00:20:56But he is really handsome.
00:20:58And he has an accent.
00:21:00Oh, maybe.
00:21:03Have you decided what you're going to show Renee tomorrow?
00:21:05I wanted to paint something new.
00:21:07But what are we doing here?
00:21:09Max is redoing our garden.
00:21:13Does that mean he's meeting us here?
00:21:16Yeah. Why?
00:21:17Don't tell me you're going to run away just to avoid him.
00:21:20I wouldn't phrase it like that.
00:21:23You guys?
00:21:33Renee and I will be by at 10 on Thursday.
00:21:36Good luck painting.
00:21:37Thank you. I need the good luck.
00:21:40You headed home?
00:21:41I can walk you?
00:21:44Actually, I have to go to the farmer's market.
00:21:47That's perfect. I have to head there and pick up some basil.
00:21:49I'm making pesto for dinner.
00:21:55So, did I hear Ava say that you were painting again?
00:22:00I'm working on a submission for a showcase.
00:22:03That's awesome.
00:22:04I was actually getting kind of sad thinking you weren't going to make art anymore.
00:22:07I'm kind of a big fan.
00:22:12I remember when you were a kid, you'd be out in your yard for hours just painting with whatever you could find.
00:22:16Chalk, sticks, dirt.
00:22:19Do you remember when you made that massive mud mural?
00:22:22That was awesome.
00:22:23Yeah, well, too bad you can't make a living off of sidewalk art.
00:22:28Yeah, you've also told me your school's going well.
00:22:30Yeah. My dad and I are actually teaming up to open some new locations.
00:22:34Congrats. That's awesome.
00:22:37Hold on. If you're running two locations, and I'm working with kids, where's that going to leave time for painting?
00:22:44I'll paint on the side.
00:22:46Jamie, you're not a paint-on-the-sider. Don't you think you should be focusing on your art?
00:22:51Oh, so now you're an expert on how I should live my life?
00:22:54Well, hang on a second. Let me get a pen. I'll just take notes.
00:22:56Okay. First note. Commit to your art.
00:23:02Really? You're giving me advice on how to commit?
00:23:06I can commit.
00:23:08To what?
00:23:09To following my heart, even though half the time I have no clue where that takes me.
00:23:12Okay, according to Ava, over the past six years, it's taken you to over a dozen cities, jobs, and girlfriends.
00:23:19Okay. I am trying to figure out what I want, okay?
00:23:22Maybe. Or maybe it's just you like the new, the cheats. And then when something loses, it's novelty.
00:23:30Like I said, I'm figuring out what I want. I'm not as lucky as you. You've always known what you want. To paint.
00:23:37Well, as usual, Max, this has been, uh, interesting.
00:23:43Okay, wait. Let me guess. You forgot something at home, and now you have to run and get it.
00:23:49Bye, Max.
00:23:50See you at home.
00:24:50Thank you. What time is it?
00:24:53Oh, time to wake up. Renée's gonna be here in less than an hour. Have you decided what you're gonna show?
00:25:01Oh, Jamie, it's beautiful. Renée's gonna love it.
00:25:06I'm, I'm not showing her that.
00:25:08Then why were you up all night painting it?
00:25:11Because I felt... inspired.
00:25:16But I'm not showing Renée a vision board. I'll just, uh, display some of my old landscapes I haven't submitted before.
00:25:27I'll go clean up.
00:25:41So, Jamie.
00:25:43When did you start painting?
00:25:44When I was in high school. Well, actually, I guess I've always been painting in some form or another.
00:25:50I mean, when I was a kid, I used to sit and make art with anything I could find.
00:25:54But I started seriously painting when I was 15, and then art school, and got an MFA.
00:26:02Well, you are incredibly talented.
00:26:06And there are so many successful elements here.
00:26:10But I'm just not feeling the emotion.
00:26:14Some of your work feels as if it's forced. Almost as if you're playing it safe.
00:26:22Do you have anything else that maybe I could take a look at?
00:26:25Not at this time.
00:26:27Well, then I thank you for sharing. It has truly been a privilege.
00:26:31Actually, she does.
00:26:33No, I don't.
00:26:34She does.
00:26:35You do.
00:26:36I don't.
00:26:37She does.
00:26:38It's beautiful.
00:26:39It's from Jamie's new series about dreams.
00:26:45Well, then I would love to see it.
00:26:47Right this way.
00:26:57I love it. It's heartfelt and bold, and it takes a chance.
00:27:04Do you think you can get it to me in time for the art festival?
00:27:07Yes. So I'm in the showcase.
00:27:11This is in the showcase?
00:27:16Vision board.
00:27:25Wow, you've been busy.
00:27:28Just some potential plans how we could use the space.
00:27:31A list of contractors and vendors, and the start of an operations manual for hiring and best practices.
00:27:37I've also emailed it to you.
00:27:39Dad, you've done so much.
00:27:43I'm excited, and I've got the time, and I know you've got a lot on your plate.
00:27:48Well, it's just until I turn in this painting, and then I promise you will have my undivided attention.
00:27:53Okay, honey.
00:27:55I almost forgot the most important part.
00:27:58What's that?
00:28:24Don't get enough of me at home?
00:28:31How's work going?
00:28:33A walk in the park. It's only my fourth day, so we'll see.
00:28:36Four days? Wow, that's a commitment for you.
00:28:40Can I take a look?
00:28:44It's beautiful.
00:28:46Well, it's easy to make something beautiful when all this is your subject.
00:28:52Well, you're modest, but you're right.
00:28:55Cherry blossom season is the best time of year.
00:29:00When I was homesick, this is the best time of year.
00:29:04I've never seen a cherry blossom this beautiful.
00:29:09The best time of year.
00:29:11When I was homesick, this is pretty much what I thought of.
00:29:15Yeah, they're pretty perfect.
00:29:19Their form, their color, their composition.
00:29:23You know, it's funny, I've never really thought of them like that.
00:29:26Well, what do you think about?
00:29:28How they make me feel.
00:29:33And how's that?
00:29:35Like perfection does exist.
00:29:37Although fleeting, like life.
00:29:41It's all the more precious for its uncertainty.
00:29:50Ava told me that you got accepted into that showcase.
00:29:53With her help, yes.
00:29:56And first prize is a solo show in Paris.
00:29:59Your dream.
00:30:01I'm surprised you remember that.
00:30:03Really, we've known each other for 24 years.
00:30:05You think you've mentioned Paris once or twice or a thousand times?
00:30:09Yeah, it's an artist cliché.
00:30:11Show in Paris.
00:30:13Well, who cares if it's cliché?
00:30:15You know, for once I think I can actually get behind your cavalier attitude.
00:30:28Did I just make you smile?
00:30:30No, you smiled on my own.
00:30:32Oh, okay.
00:30:34Well, thank you.
00:30:36I should get going.
00:30:37Thank you for the walk.
00:30:39You're welcome.
00:30:40I'll come back.
00:30:42Oh, bring your students.
00:30:44It's a good idea.
00:30:46Yeah, I know. I'm full of them.
00:31:09You ready?
00:31:13I chose bottles because painting glass is tricky, especially in this light.
00:31:17So it forces us to stop and really look.
00:31:21You know, and then upon studying it, you realize it's so much more than just glass and a bottle.
00:31:27It's highlights, lowlights, shade, tone.
00:31:30How do you know that?
00:31:32I love art.
00:31:34I painted when I was young. I actually had delusions of being a professional artist.
00:31:38Ah. Well, in the art world, we call delusions dreams.
00:31:47So what happened?
00:31:49I wanted a career path with a bit more stability.
00:31:53But also, I found it too hard to put my work out there.
00:31:57To put myself out there in that way.
00:32:00I know what you mean.
00:32:06Plus, I hate getting messy.
00:32:08Ah, well, that may be hard to avoid because art is messy.
00:32:17I have an idea.
00:32:21The baby steps, putting yourself out there.
00:32:24Canvas Creations is having their spring show.
00:32:28Maybe you could display something.
00:32:31I'll give it some thought.
00:32:35What about you? What's your work like? What do you paint?
00:32:39Oh, I'm not really sure how to answer that.
00:32:43Well, I took a year away from painting, and now I'm back with something different.
00:32:49It looks different. Feels different.
00:32:53So will you show me this magical painting of yours?
00:32:56Yeah, I'd love to. When it's done.
00:32:59That means I get to see you again.
00:33:03I'd like that.
00:33:14So how was your date?
00:33:16It wasn't a date. It was a lesson.
00:33:19But I think we might see each other again.
00:33:22Like as a date or a lesson?
00:33:24I'm not sure.
00:33:27Just as it seemed like he was going to ask me out, he got a phone call and I had to leave.
00:33:30Oh, and how's the Canvas Creations expansion?
00:33:33Honestly, I feel like I'm not really pulling my weight with all the painting I'm doing for the showcase.
00:33:38And what happens if you win the showcase?
00:33:40Are you really going to want to stop working on your solo show in Paris to do marqueting?
00:33:45I don't know.
00:33:47Think about it.
00:33:50Well, aren't I full of good ideas.
00:33:52Don't make me remind you of all the bad ideas you've had over the years.
00:33:56Let's see. Golf cart in a lake?
00:33:59Ring a bell?
00:34:17Golf cart in a lake?
00:34:19Ring a bell?
00:34:21That was a good one.
00:34:23You know what, let's focus on the present.
00:34:25I got another good idea.
00:34:27When you're done here, come meet me at the Rose Garden.
00:34:30I'll give you a special behind-the-scenes tour.
00:34:32Oh, thank you, but I'm busy.
00:34:34I can't hear you.
00:34:36And I'll see you later.
00:34:48So this is our next project.
00:34:52Yeah, we just finished the design, and then we go into the planting process.
00:34:56Do you think you'll stick around long enough to see it finished?
00:35:01I don't know.
00:35:03But I bet you're eager to have a new neighbor, so...
00:35:06Actually, I was kind of learning to enjoy having you as a neighbor.
00:35:10Oh, thanks, Jamie.
00:35:12I wish it didn't need the actually or kind of we're learning to, but besides that, yeah.
00:35:18I think that is the nicest thing you've ever said to me.
00:35:20You're welcome.
00:35:22Oh, we're interviewing for the landscape architect position.
00:35:26I'm confused.
00:35:28You have a master's in landscape architecture.
00:35:31I do.
00:35:33So you're a landscape architect.
00:35:36Yeah, I am.
00:35:38So why don't you apply for the position?
00:35:40No, no, no, way too much responsibility.
00:35:42It's all managing, coordinating, and bureaucracy, and it's the groundskeeper.
00:35:47I just get to play in the dirt all day.
00:35:49Of course.
00:35:50Of course.
00:35:51You know, who knows how long I want to be around.
00:35:52There's no way I'm getting tied down with those obligations and responsibilities.
00:35:55You mean life.
00:35:57No, that's not life.
00:36:00Life is passion and fun and traveling and...
00:36:06Life should be an adventure.
00:36:08Personally, I don't want to have any regrets.
00:36:11But never committing to anything has regrets of its own.
00:36:14Now who's the expert on someone else's life?
00:36:18You're exasperating.
00:36:21Yet you are smiling.
00:36:28Let's go.
00:36:31Ava said that your vision board was going well.
00:36:33Oh, she did, did she?
00:36:36What else did she say?
00:36:38She mentioned something about a shadowy dream man.
00:36:41It was in passing, but this dream man, who is he?
00:36:47I don't know.
00:36:48What do you think he's like?
00:36:52Well, he's perfect.
00:36:54Sounds like me.
00:36:55He's also too humble to know he's perfect.
00:36:57Also sounds like me.
00:37:01He's kind and passionate, charitable, intelligent.
00:37:08Well, he loves art.
00:37:09And of course he's very handsome.
00:37:11Of course.
00:37:13But how does he make you feel?
00:37:15Because there's tons of intelligent, smart, articulate men out there.
00:37:19Me, for example.
00:37:20But what matters is how he makes you feel.
00:37:28I'll give it some thought.
00:37:30Right now, I have to go.
00:37:41I'm sorry I had to run off yesterday and we didn't get to finish our conversation about seeing each other again.
00:37:47For another lesson?
00:37:49I was thinking more like a date.
00:37:57Tomorrow night?
00:38:23I walked out without giving this to you, but I saw it in the florist and it made me think of you.
00:38:40It's breathtaking.
00:38:42See you tomorrow night?
00:39:03The vision board man is Michael.
00:39:06It's like he just stepped out of my painting.
00:39:08This is weird.
00:39:10There has to be a logical explanation for it.
00:39:12Sometimes in life, there are no logical explanations.
00:39:16Like with love.
00:39:30Is that Michael?
00:39:31No, it's Max.
00:39:33Max who?
00:39:34Max, your brother.
00:39:37Excuse me?
00:39:38My brother is texting you and you're smiling, but you're not just like smiling.
00:39:42You are smiling.
00:39:44I'm not smiling like anything.
00:39:46I'm definitely not smiling like that.
00:39:48Nobody is smiling like that.
00:39:52Ava, you asked us to get along, so we're getting along.
00:39:54That's it.
00:40:07Surprise of surprises.
00:40:09You actually showed up.
00:40:10I did.
00:40:11But I can only stay for a little.
00:40:13I'm meeting my dad in an hour.
00:40:21Setting up for that Cherry Blossom Art Festival?
00:40:24Let's go.
00:40:30Hey, you still remember how to drive this thing?
00:40:32I think?
00:40:34All right, yeah.
00:40:35You put one foot in front of the other and you pedal.
00:40:38Let's go.
00:40:40Why don't you take that when we race?
00:40:41How's that sound?
00:40:45Is it weird that we're doing this?
00:40:47Why would it be weird?
00:40:49Because this is like total dating activity and we are not dating.
00:40:53Oh, no, not a date.
00:40:54Just two friends.
00:40:58Since you brought it up, what's going on with your dating life, huh?
00:41:01I thought for sure you'd end up marrying your ex, whatever his name was.
00:41:06I also thought I would marry whatever his name was.
00:41:10So, what happened?
00:41:12Well, he said he thought we'd lost our spark.
00:41:17And if he stayed with me, he'd feel like he was making the safe choice.
00:41:23Yeah, ouch.
00:41:26What did you think?
00:41:28Well, I was heartbroken.
00:41:29And I thought for sure he was wrong.
00:41:32Relationships are more than a spark.
00:41:36They're history and compatibility, sharing lives.
00:41:43But now I'm starting to see he was right.
00:41:46We would have been settling.
00:41:50The breakup was really hard.
00:41:52It made me question everything.
00:41:54I mean, I was so sure my life would turn out this one way.
00:41:59And then suddenly I was 29, single.
00:42:04My heart wasn't panning out the way I thought it would.
00:42:06And I realized I couldn't keep living a dream.
00:42:11So you opened Canvas Creations?
00:42:15It was sort of a plan B that's become a plan A.
00:42:23What about you?
00:42:24You dating anyone?
00:42:31Not yet.
00:42:34Well, this has actually been fun.
00:42:40I just wish it didn't need the actually again.
00:42:45I should get going.
00:42:48But there's something we should do first.
00:42:51Remember, we always used to do this after a bike ride.
00:42:54Brings back good memories.
00:42:56It does.
00:42:59I do remember the last time I was at the bikes.
00:43:02Oh, really?
00:43:03It was that spring when you pulled the secret admirer prank on me.
00:43:07The last letter said my secret admirer would meet me at the bike rentals and reveal himself.
00:43:15I was so excited I told all my friends.
00:43:18And I waited for hours.
00:43:20And he never came.
00:43:23I'm sorry, Jamie, I was...
00:43:25Max, it's okay.
00:43:27We were kids.
00:43:28You know, the funny thing is, I actually really liked my secret admirer.
00:43:33I felt like he liked me too.
00:43:36No matter how mad I was at you for that.
00:43:40I actually kept the letters.
00:43:42I know.
00:43:43It's because, I don't know, they meant so much to me.
00:43:47Where'd you get that material, anyway?
00:43:51I wrote it.
00:43:53No, really, come on.
00:43:55Really, I wrote it.
00:43:59Well, how'd you come up with it?
00:44:01I thought of you.
00:44:05I thought of the look on your face when you would fall for the joke.
00:44:09Yeah, that one.
00:44:12Bye, Max.
00:44:23Hey, Renee, it's Jamie.
00:44:24I wanted to let you know I'll be turning in my painting tomorrow.
00:44:38Oh, come in, I just need to grab my bag.
00:44:43Wow, lovely place.
00:44:49Shall we?
00:45:00I thought we'd check out this music in the park event.
00:45:11You okay?
00:45:13What's going on?
00:45:15Oh, yeah.
00:45:17Just a funny coincidence.
00:45:30Oh, I didn't know they had live music here.
00:45:33It's a new monthly arts and culture series.
00:45:36Different sponsors bring in musicians and artists.
00:45:39I'm thinking of hosting a painting exhibit here this summer.
00:45:43You're going to host it?
00:45:45I might have buried the lead a bit, but I actually head up an arts foundation.
00:45:52The Herman Arts Foundation.
00:45:54The Herman Arts Foundation that sponsors the Cherry Blossom Art Festival?
00:46:00Yeah, yeah.
00:46:03The painting I told you I was finishing is for the Emerging Artist Showcase.
00:46:08Wow, what a small world.
00:46:12There's something wrong.
00:46:16Well, I guess I'm just wondering if this is a conflict of interest?
00:46:24Oh, no, no, it's a happy coincidence.
00:46:28I don't judge the showcase, I have no effect on the outcome.
00:46:32I mean, I'll be at the judging to represent the foundation, but I have no sway on who wins.
00:46:39I see.
00:46:42So you'll be at the judging?
00:46:44Of course.
00:46:47What's wrong?
00:46:50Nothing is wrong.
00:46:57You are never going to believe what happened.
00:46:59What's wrong? How was the date?
00:47:00Better question is, who is the date?
00:47:02Michael is actually Michael Herman from the Herman Arts Foundation?
00:47:08No way.
00:47:09Yes way.
00:47:12When I told Renee about Canvas Creations, she mentioned the head of the foundation was interested, but I didn't realize that that was Michael.
00:47:18Huh, how funny.
00:47:20No, not funny.
00:47:22Who cares?
00:47:23So you went on a date, he's not a judge, right?
00:47:26No, he's not a judge.
00:47:28And I won't be a contestant.
00:47:30Why not?
00:47:31Because I can't display a painting of a shadowy man giving me the exact rose Michael gave me standing in front of the colonnade exactly like the one he took me on a date in front of the art exhibition exactly like the one he plans on hosting this summer.
00:47:51Oh, yeah, that's bad.
00:47:55What am I going to do? My painting is due in five days and I have nothing.
00:48:00No, you have something.
00:48:03Do you have five days?
00:48:08I know I said I would deliver it today, but I need a few more days.
00:48:14Jamie, I need your painting in four days.
00:48:17Will you have it finished?
00:48:19I have already made waves accepting your unfinished submission.
00:48:22Otherwise, I will have to give you spots to someone else.
00:48:25I understand.
00:48:42Hi, honey.
00:48:43I thought we didn't start construction until next week.
00:48:46The contractor had a cancellation so he could begin earlier.
00:48:49Oh, that's right.
00:48:51Dad texted me about that.
00:48:53They were sad.
00:48:55He's been here with the workers since 7 a.m., so he just went to get them lunch.
00:48:59That is so sweet.
00:49:01I feel bad.
00:49:04I mean, I should be the one here at 7 a.m.
00:49:06I should be the one getting them lunch.
00:49:08It's okay, honey.
00:49:09He knows this is a hectic time for you.
00:49:11So, I have been waiting.
00:49:14Tell me all about Michael.
00:49:17He's great.
00:49:18He's smart.
00:49:23Very handsome.
00:49:25I mean, he is literally my vision board come to life.
00:49:36I don't know.
00:49:37There's something missing.
00:49:38When I first met him, I got, like, fluttery.
00:49:44And I didn't have that last night.
00:49:47I know.
00:49:48There's not always an immediate connection.
00:49:51So, we're going out again.
00:49:52He's going to take me to an art show opening.
00:49:55So, I think it just takes time.
00:50:01You shouldn't have to convince yourself.
00:50:14Who is it?
00:50:16It's me.
00:50:18Come in.
00:50:22I just made a bunch of cookies, and I figured I better get them out of my apartment before I eat them all.
00:50:27And I thought of you.
00:50:29Well, that is very sweet.
00:50:35Is this your painting for the showcase?
00:50:38Can I see it?
00:50:44It's very minimalist.
00:50:48Okay, what happened? I thought you were almost done with this.
00:50:51Well, long story short, be careful what you wish for.
00:50:58My last painting went awry.
00:51:03And instead of taking it as a sign I should give up on art, I've never wanted to paint more.
00:51:11That's great.
00:51:14Yeah, but I have a blank canvas.
00:51:16What would you tell one of your students?
00:51:23I would tell them not to focus on making, but on feeling.
00:51:31I would tell them to have fun.
00:51:36I would tell them to be playful.
00:51:51That was playful, no?
00:51:54You didn't.
00:51:56I did.
00:52:08Oh, okay.
00:52:23I dare you.
00:52:25Oh, it's coming.
00:52:26Go for it.
00:52:27It's coming.
00:52:28Go for it.
00:52:29It's coming.
00:52:32Nice try.
00:52:34I should get back to work.
00:52:40But thank you for the cookies.
00:52:43No problem.
00:52:58I like this.
00:52:59Those are interesting.
00:53:00Those are gorgeous.
00:53:03After you.
00:53:13Oh, there's some curators I want you to show your work to.
00:53:16Oh, I don't think I'm ready for that.
00:53:18Of course you are.
00:53:19I've no doubt you'll stun them with your talent.
00:53:23Well, it's very sweet, but first I actually have to have something to show them.
00:53:30What about your showcase submission?
00:53:32I thought you were almost finished.
00:53:33There was a hiccup.
00:53:37That hiccup sounds stressful.
00:53:41It is.
00:53:42It's a stressful time.
00:53:44I had to start over on my painting while also teaching and working with my dad to open another canvas creations.
00:53:52We're looking to franchise, so it's...
00:53:54That's incredible.
00:53:56You think?
00:53:57Of course.
00:53:58It'll be a steady source of income that gives you security.
00:54:00Yeah, that's true.
00:54:03But, I mean, the expansion means I won't have any time to paint.
00:54:06Now, maybe, but it's a short-term sacrifice for a long-term gain.
00:54:11And you can paint on the side, right?
00:54:15Yeah, but I'm a painter, not a paint on the side.
00:54:19Yes, but art is a living, it's an uncertain future, as you know.
00:54:26I'm not saying you should give up on painting.
00:54:30I know how difficult the art world is, and it's good to have a backup plan.
00:54:36Should we see the work?
00:54:50Thank you for bringing me.
00:54:52Thank you for coming.
00:54:56Michael, I think you're wonderful, and I've really enjoyed our time together.
00:55:06But, you're using the past tense.
00:55:10I mean, we have so much in common, it seems like we'd be perfect.
00:55:17And yet, somehow, I just don't think we're the right match.
00:55:23But I'd still love to teach you, if that's something you want.
00:55:31I'll give it some thought.
00:55:46You never stop.
00:55:49Well, there is a special magic to night gardening.
00:55:53The flowering plants come out.
00:55:56The jasmine.
00:55:59I'm glad I caught you.
00:56:01I have something for you.
00:56:02Come on.
00:56:07Wait here one second.
00:56:15For your inspiration.
00:56:19And if that doesn't work, my micro-bro.
00:56:28No problem.
00:56:29That's very sweet.
00:56:35Good night, Jamie.
00:56:38Good night, Max.
00:57:08Good night.
00:57:39Hey, Dad.
00:57:45Hi, honey.
00:57:51Just wondering if you're on your way.
00:58:00We were supposed to pick out paint today.
00:58:02I'm actually already back at the studio.
00:58:05Dad, I am so sorry.
00:58:07My piece is due in three days and I was up all night working on it.
00:58:10I completely forgot we were meeting.
00:58:14That's okay.
00:58:15We can pick out paint some other day.
00:58:17But, Jamie...
00:58:21Good luck with your piece.
00:58:39I come bearing cake.
00:58:41Thank you so much for picking it up.
00:58:43You're welcome.
00:58:46Hey, you have not texted me back since your date with Michael.
00:58:50Are you hiding something from me?
00:58:57Hey, guys.
00:59:03Thank you for picking up the extra cupcakes.
00:59:05No problem.
00:59:11So what do you think?
00:59:18Your daughter is so talented.
00:59:20Miss Jamie.
00:59:24Hi, finishing time.
00:59:26I knew you could do it.
00:59:28I'm so proud of you.
00:59:31Thank you so much.
00:59:32Of course.
00:59:41So, what do you think?
00:59:45Well, I think it's safe to say this is an occasion where you can say even a kid could have done this one.
00:59:53It's great.
00:59:55We're lucky to have you as a teacher.
00:59:57Oh, vice versa.
01:00:08Excuse me.
01:00:10Is that Michael?
01:00:11Yeah, I didn't know he was coming.
01:00:17Well, I'm glad you decided to show your work.
01:00:20I decided it's good to put myself out there.
01:00:23Even if I don't get the reception I hoped for.
01:00:27Jamie, I won't try to pretend.
01:00:29I like you.
01:00:31I was hoping we'd have a future.
01:00:34I know that like with painting, what matters is how it feels.
01:00:43Who is that?
01:00:44That's Jamie's dream man.
01:00:47Wait, wait, who is that?
01:00:49His name is Michael.
01:00:50He runs the arts festival.
01:00:53Jamie's dating him.
01:00:56I'm sorry, Max.
01:00:57I didn't want you to get hurt.
01:00:59Why would I get hurt?
01:01:00Come on, you have a thing for Jamie.
01:01:02You've always had a thing for Jamie.
01:01:04A thing?
01:01:07Well, what is the right word for 15 years of unspoken feelings?
01:01:12Max, maybe it's time to speak those feelings.
01:01:15Because we saw you and Jamie before and it looks like she feels it too.
01:01:19Yeah, I gotta go.
01:01:24Baby steps.
01:01:33Hey, uh, you hungry?
01:01:36I made dinner.
01:01:39I could eat.
01:01:42Wow, your apartment is so nice.
01:01:47I'll try not to be offended by how surprised you sound.
01:01:51I thought that you shouldn't have to wait until your show in Paris to eat French food.
01:01:57Well, I have no idea how I'll possibly win that show, but thank you.
01:02:03You know how to stir?
01:02:05Ah, stirring is about the limit of my culinary talents.
01:02:09Well, at least you have that.
01:02:14I didn't know you cooked.
01:02:16Yeah, you know, I dabble.
01:02:19Tonight I made a Parisian dish called pomme aligot.
01:02:24It's just a fancy way of saying mashed potatoes with fondue on it.
01:02:29So the French birth Cezanne and Monet and now their greatest masterpiece, cheesy potatoes.
01:02:38What about their true masterpiece?
01:02:40Monet's water lilies.
01:02:42Oh, French fries.
01:02:45Of course.
01:03:10So, um, I saw you at the art exhibit talking to...
01:03:18What's going on between you two?
01:03:20Well, um, I was teaching him to paint, and we went on a date, and then I ended things.
01:03:36You know, I'm not sure exactly.
01:03:39But things are over between you now?
01:03:44Okay, um, glad to hear that.
01:03:52I have something to tell you.
01:03:56Remember that whole year I pretended to be your secret admirer?
01:04:01I wasn't pretending. It wasn't a joke. Everything that I wrote was true.
01:04:07That's how I felt.
01:04:11I was gonna tell you that day at the bikes. I was there.
01:04:15But when I saw you, I just, I chickened out.
01:04:20And now I'm here, trying to find the courage to tell you that 15 years later, I'm still an admirer.
01:04:33But I don't want it to be a secret anymore.
01:04:39Jamie, I have feelings for you.
01:04:44Well, um, thank you for telling me.
01:04:50I mean, I really don't know what to say. I... Spending time with you has been great.
01:04:57But, Max, I worry that next week you'll be interested in someplace else.
01:05:07Something else. Someone else.
01:05:10I mean, I know you.
01:05:12No, no. You, you think you know me.
01:05:16But this, this is who I am.
01:05:22Someone who wants to be with you. Someone who always has.
01:05:31Well, um, can I think about it?
01:05:35These cheese potatoes are not gonna eat themselves.
01:05:40Bon appetit.
01:06:09So, Sundance or Golden Light?
01:06:13Uh, well, they're both great. You decide.
01:06:18I've never known you to be laissez-faire about paint.
01:06:21Yeah, they're both good options.
01:06:24You don't like either? I think I have some samples in the back.
01:06:34I finished my painting.
01:06:36That's wonderful.
01:06:38And as soon as I did, I felt like I want to start another one.
01:06:44And that made me realize I want to be painting.
01:06:49And on my breaks from painting, teaching.
01:06:54I don't want to be running a big business. I don't want to be hiring or marketing.
01:06:59So tell your dad.
01:07:01But he's so excited. I mean, I haven't seen him this happy in years.
01:07:05Plus, we've sunk so much time and money into this place.
01:07:10I mean, it feels wrong to consider pulling away, but...
01:07:16It feels worse to keep going, knowing every minute I'd be here, I would want to be painting.
01:07:24I found the samples.
01:07:40Oh, Jamie. Please tell me you have some good news.
01:07:44Yes. I finished this morning.
01:07:47Full disclosure, it's not the painting you approved, but...
01:07:51Renee, I think it is so much better.
01:07:58Here's a picture.
01:08:08And you'll have this delivered to me by tonight?
01:08:10Yes. Tonight.
01:08:17Excuse me. Thank you. Thank you so much.
01:08:26Why are you avoiding me?
01:08:28I'm not avoiding you.
01:08:29Yes, you are. Since your date with Michael.
01:08:32What happened? Did you elope?
01:08:33Uh, no. The date was fine. Michael likes me. He expressed he hoped we'd have a future.
01:08:41Why do I feel like I should hold the confetti?
01:08:43Because I ended it.
01:08:44What? Why?
01:08:45Because I'm falling for Max.
01:08:47Oh, Jamie. You know I love Max, but you know how Max is. He can't commit to anything.
01:08:51I know. Michael seemed so perfect.
01:08:53Are you talking about a future?
01:08:55Again, I know. It makes no sense.
01:08:58You painted that whole vision board about Michael. I mean, that has to mean something.
01:09:01I think it means that in painting what I thought I want, I realized what I need.
01:09:09I just don't want you or Max to get hurt.
01:09:13I don't either.
01:09:16Oof. I have to go. Dinner tonight?
01:09:19Oh, yeah. Tom and I are going to Patricio's for pizza. With Max. I guess we can double date now.
01:09:28Okay. Bye.
01:09:31Oh, perfect.
01:09:40Jamie just left.
01:09:43Sad I missed her.
01:09:44I bet you were.
01:09:45I bet I am.
01:09:46She told me something's been going on between the two of you.
01:09:49What did she say?
01:09:51Look, Max, you know I love you, and I think you're all of these amazing things,
01:09:55but I don't want you to sweep Jamie off her feet into some whirlwind romance,
01:09:59and then two months from now just up and leave her.
01:10:02I would never do that.
01:10:03Are you sure? Because you don't have the best track record.
01:10:06Yeah, I know, but—
01:10:07You never thought you could have her, so you didn't have to take your feelings seriously to actually commit.
01:10:12And Jamie deserves someone who can commit.
01:10:15She was just dating someone who wanted to, and she broke it off with him to be with you.
01:10:20Just don't hurt her.
01:10:36Hey, new neighbor.
01:10:39Are you free? I want to show you my painting before I turn it in.
01:10:43Actually, I'm not. I have something to do with work, so—
01:10:46Oh, work.
01:10:49Okay, Max, what's going on?
01:10:51Jamie, I—
01:10:54I think you should be with Michael.
01:10:56Are you joking?
01:11:02Look, we both know that you deserve someone who can give you everything.
01:11:06Someone who can commit.
01:11:07Okay, well, I didn't ask you or anyone to commit.
01:11:12But it's really good to know you still can.
01:11:15I mean, Max, you pursued me.
01:11:17You told me that you had feelings for me, that you always have.
01:11:20And now I have feelings for you, and you're pulling away.
01:11:23Why? Because you're so scared of anything even remotely resembling commitment?
01:11:31Because I want you to be happy.
01:11:33No, that is not why.
01:11:36It's because this is who you are.
01:11:39It's because this is who you are.
01:11:43You get so excited about something or someone,
01:11:47and then the second it stops being fun and starts being real, you just get scared and run away.
01:11:54You talk a big game about following your heart and living with no regret,
01:11:59and the truth is, that is either all talk,
01:12:03or when it comes to us, there is just no heart and no regret.
01:12:16So I guess it's true then.
01:12:20Every time I'm around you, I get hurt.
01:12:24I can't breathe.
01:12:33I can't breathe.
01:13:03I can't breathe.
01:13:34Hi Jamie, it's Renee.
01:13:36I needed your piece last night, and so I have no option but to replace your painting.
01:13:43I'm sorry.
01:14:04Honey, we've been trying to call you.
01:14:06Jamie, what's going on?
01:14:08What's going on is I lost my place in the showcase,
01:14:11and I am not going to win the show in Paris,
01:14:13and I have no idea what my future as a professional artist looks like,
01:14:17but, even with all of that, I still don't want to give up on painting.
01:14:24Dad, I'm sorry.
01:14:26I know this entire expansion was a mistake,
01:14:29Dad, I'm sorry.
01:14:31I know this entire expansion was my idea, and you're trying to help,
01:14:35but I just want to paint, and to teach when I can.
01:14:39I know you do.
01:14:40I'm glad you realized it too.
01:14:42That you knew?
01:14:45Well then why didn't you tell me?
01:14:46You had to figure it out on your own.
01:14:48I'm just glad you did it now, and not 20 years from now.
01:14:54I'm sorry.
01:14:55Don't be sorry.
01:14:56I'm sorry.
01:14:57Doing just this was fun.
01:14:58It gave me a reason to get out of bed in the morning.
01:15:00You mean other than your wife, and daughter.
01:15:05I'll find something else to do.
01:15:09You know, Dad, you want me to be happy,
01:15:13and I want you to be happy too.
01:15:18Do you love this?
01:15:21If I helped get it running, and consulted as an artist in residence,
01:15:27could you continue without me, and run the business?
01:15:30Is that something you'd want to do?
01:15:34Then yes.
01:15:36I mean, it'll be hard without you,
01:15:38but I'll be happy knowing you're doing exactly what you should be doing.
01:15:44But, Jamie, how did you lose your spot in the showcase?
01:15:48Oh, I messed up my painting.
01:15:51And you can't fix it?
01:15:56But, maybe I could start over.
01:16:26I can't believe it only gets better
01:16:27Now I finally, finally, finally, finally know
01:16:32Oh, I can't believe it only gets better
01:16:37Better, better, better, better, better, better, better, better
01:16:42Better, better, better, better, better, better, better
01:16:45It only gets better
01:16:56Better, better, better, better, better, better, better, better
01:17:14You're here! I thought you lost your spot!
01:17:16I did, and I have no idea if this will work, but I...
01:17:20We'll be back.
01:17:21Okay, for sure.
01:17:24I had to give your spot to someone else.
01:17:26I know, and I completely understand,
01:17:29but I have just poured my heart into this, and I was...
01:17:35I was just hoping you could...
01:17:50I can't put this in the showcase. It wouldn't be fair.
01:17:54I understand.
01:17:55But we can still show this.
01:17:58You can?
01:18:02You'll see. Leave it to me.
01:18:11Where have you been? I've called a hundred times.
01:18:13I know, I'm sorry. Long story short, right after I told you about Max,
01:18:19he, in typical Max fashion, lost interest and broke it off,
01:18:24and he said he thought I'd be better dating Michael.
01:18:26Oh, no.
01:18:27Oh, yes.
01:18:28No, that's not what happened.
01:18:31I gave Max a talking to, and I might have been a little harsh
01:18:34and said that Michael was what was best for you.
01:18:38I'm sorry. I had good intentions.
01:18:43So, Max backed off because he wanted what was best for me?
01:18:51Who thought that was Michael?
01:18:53Ava, look, I know Max and I do not make sense,
01:18:58but when I'm with him, I feel like I'm doing a painting.
01:19:04You know, like, I think it's where I should be.
01:19:08It's all I've ever wanted for you.
01:19:13Maybe next time, just, like, a little less meddling.
01:19:20Besides, you would make the best sister-in-law.
01:19:25Or aunt.
01:19:26You're pregnant.
01:19:29It's still early.
01:19:33I'm so happy for you.
01:19:35I have a million questions. I want to hear everything.
01:19:39Right now.
01:19:40You have to go find Max.
01:19:43Is he here?
01:19:44Yeah, he's at the garden.
01:19:46Hi, gotta go.
01:19:47Okay, bye.
01:19:48All right, everyone, if I could have your attention, please.
01:19:50We are about to announce our winner of the Emerging Artist Showcase.
01:19:55If I could have my judges step on stage with me, please.
01:20:07I have to talk to you.
01:20:09Uh, can I wait a minute?
01:20:11I'm sorry. No.
01:20:13I can't.
01:20:14I'm so sorry. I'm just in the middle of a job interview.
01:20:16Not an interview. You know the job's yours if you want it.
01:20:19The landscape architect position?
01:20:22You're staying.
01:20:24Give me a minute?
01:20:30Someone wise, who apparently knows how I should be living my life more than I do,
01:20:35told me that not committing comes with regrets of its own.
01:20:39And you were right.
