Il medico, la studentessa - (The Doctor...the Schoolgirl (1976)) ita

  • 19 hours ago
Genres - Comedy, Mature | Sub-Genres - Commedia Sexy All'Italiana, Erotic Film | Release Date - Mar 20, 1976 | Run Time - 95 min.

Claudia is a medical student who encounters many sexual complications with several men.

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00:02:21Vidal a me a key allora secondo le nuove disposizioni la mia qualifica quella di personale non insegnante
00:02:28Si va bene va bene allora dottore
00:02:33Se non le dispiace faccia entrare gli studenti e mi raccomando quattro alla volta non voglio chiasso qui
00:02:41ordine ci vuole disciplina
00:02:45Fascista siamo ancora in pieno medioevo
00:02:49Esami scrutini voti tutti strumenti del potere per traumatizzare questa povera gioventù
00:02:55I quadri sono esposti non via fallate piano senza spingere
00:03:04Bosco avanti
00:03:12Aveva detto quattro per volta non esageriamo sono entrati tutti e gli altri
00:03:18Latitanti con tu macchie si capisce e tanto lo sanno che sono tutti promossi
00:03:23allegria allegria
00:03:25Questa non è più una scuola questo è un casino
00:03:39Parini matura
00:03:44Poletti matura si va bene ho capito promossa
00:03:52Doretti matura
00:03:55Gloria testata promossa
00:03:58Ma che mi frega ti dicevo nazareschi matura perdon matusa
00:04:05Si mariani mariani
00:04:09Tu quanto rompi che c'è matura
00:04:13A me va bene pure acerba
00:04:17Claudia taglia corto con rossana ma non capite non me ne frega niente della promozione e per il viaggio
00:04:23ora possiamo partire partire partire
00:04:26Londra ci attento
00:04:28Londra sei tutta nostra
00:04:30Si ci dovremmo dare il volo
00:04:32Il soggiorno
00:04:34Pronto Rosanna cosa dici non sento
00:04:37Daniella oh poverina mi dispiace
00:04:42Daniella Daniella cosa c'è
00:04:46momento Daniella si è stata bocciata
00:04:51Porca miseria come sono contenta è stata dura ma ce l'ho fatta ero così preoccupata con questa storia di tutti i promossi
00:04:57Pronto la FAO mi passa il 231 per favore
00:05:14Pronto ci sei tu una bellissima notizia sono stata bocciata ora non dovrò più partire per Londra
00:05:22e no
00:05:24Avremo tre mesi tutti per noi
00:05:27e sbrigati a imbarcare per l'africa quella stronza di tua moglie
00:05:34Ma che ci trovi in un uomo di 40 anni è come averne due davetti
00:05:42Chi va la
00:05:43Ad un esame superficiale si direbbe umanoide di sesso femminile di razza bianca capelli biondi occhi azzurri
00:05:50pure bonarella cosa desidera il colonnello Raselli ma lei chi è la sua amante ma non lo dica nessuno
00:05:58Non è possibile
00:06:00Non è proprio impossibile
00:06:02Non esistete
00:06:04Il processo è diventato troppo duro
00:06:06Non c'è niente da fare
00:06:08Adesso provo con questo
00:06:10Niente da fare non esiste per il colonnello Raselli
00:06:12A voi miei tradi
00:06:14Papà devi firmarmi il consenso per i viaggi in Inghilterra sono stata promossa agli italiani
00:06:18Ma questo non è il momento
00:06:20C'è un'operazione in corso
00:06:22Tu stessa
00:06:47Ci risiamo
00:06:49Un'altra fra tutti
00:06:51Il mio braccio sinistro
00:06:53Il braccio sinistro
00:06:56Sbarcai sulla costa
00:07:02Al comando di un pugno di prodi soldati
00:07:08E attraversai
00:07:12Le linee nemiche
00:07:14Che ci fronteggiavano
00:07:18Nel deserto infuocato
00:07:21Così raggiunsi
00:07:25Il comando
00:07:28Del maresciallo Rommel
00:07:32La volte del deserto
00:07:34Battendomi la mano sulla spalla
00:07:37Mi disse
00:07:43Forse è meglio di no
00:07:47Voi siete la più gloriosa
00:07:49Testa di un momento
00:07:51Non ho ancora finito
00:07:53Dove eravamo
00:07:55Ma sei impazzito
00:07:57Ho detto testa di ponte
00:08:05Ecco papà
00:08:07Una firmetta qui
00:08:13Ma perché proprio in Inghilterra
00:08:15E dove dovrei andare
00:08:17Ma che so io
00:08:19C'è la Spagna e il Cile
00:08:21Paesi pieni di sole
00:08:23Paesi sani, seri, ordinati
00:08:25E tu che ne dici Luisa
00:08:27Veramente gliel'hai promesso
00:08:29E poi l'inglese si impara in Inghilterra
00:08:31E va bene un colonnello ha una sola parola
00:08:33Ma preferirei che tu non avessi nulla a che fare con quella gente
00:08:35Ma via papà
00:08:37Gli inglesi sono un popolo civile
00:08:39Questo lo credi tu
00:08:41Perché tu non sei di Tobruk
00:08:43Sono una razza perfida e aggressiva
00:08:45E' un salamane per bacco
00:08:47Che Dio li maledica
00:08:53Insomma speravo di non avere niente a che fare con loro
00:08:55Ma da te
00:09:03Ha telefonato l'ufficio storico del ministero
00:09:09Ma due giorni più tardi
00:09:11Capisci micione
00:09:13E' stata promossa
00:09:15Ma come chi
00:09:17Claudia, la mia figliastra
00:09:19Non te ne frega niente
00:09:21Ma non capisci
00:09:23Ora se ne andrà a Londra per due anni
00:09:25E io sarò più libera
00:09:27E così potremo vederci più spesso
00:09:29Ti richiamo dopo
00:09:39Sempre al lavoro la mia cara Penelope
00:09:41Per gli orfanelli non si fa mai troppo
00:09:43Questa sera la porterò alle dame di San Vincenzo
00:09:45E' quasi finita
00:09:47Meglio così
00:09:49Perché presto partiremo anche noi
00:09:53Sì certo
00:09:55Ti annuncio che ho accettato il comando della scuola di motorizzazione
00:09:57A vivo Valencia
00:09:59A vivo Valencia
00:10:01Ma se l'hai sempre rifiutato
00:10:03Oh sì perché Claudia doveva completare gli studi
00:10:05Ma adesso
00:10:07In Grecia, in Turchia
00:10:09E poi
00:10:11Due anni sono lunghi
00:10:13Ma che importa tanto qui non abbiamo più legami
00:10:15Ma questo lo dici tu
00:10:17Le dame di San Vincenzo, le opere assistenziali
00:10:19E poi tu qui insomma
00:10:21Adesso sei stimato
00:10:23La non ti faranno mai generale
00:10:25Oh di questo proprio me ne frego
00:10:27Oggi la storia la fanno i colonnelli
00:10:29E poi ormai è deciso
00:10:31Ah sei qui
00:10:35Riprendiamo pure le nostre memorie
00:10:37Ha telefonato l'ufficio storico del ministero
00:10:41Allora dove sono rimasto
00:10:43A trent'anni fa
00:10:57Luisa che cosa vuoi che ti mandi da Londra
00:10:59Qual è il regalo che preferisci
00:11:01Che tu rimanga qui
00:11:05Ma che dici sei matta
00:11:07Volevo dire che mi dispiace vederti partire
00:11:09Io ti voglio bene come se tu fossi
00:11:11Veramente figlia mia
00:11:13Anch'io ti voglio bene
00:11:15E per questo che ti lascio sola con papà
00:11:17Ma non me lo strapazzare troppo
00:11:19Alla sua età la seconda potrebbe essergli fatale
00:11:21Ma che dici, che discorsi fai
00:11:25Arrivo, arrivo
00:11:27Dai dai dai dai
00:11:39Dai amore
00:11:43Che bello finalmente
00:11:47Sono cosi emozionato
00:11:49E tu e tu
00:11:53Dai amore
00:11:55Su dai
00:11:57Gli stucas apparvero nel cielo
00:11:59Alle prime luci dell'alba
00:12:03E lì cominciò la battaglia di Tobog
00:12:07Nebbia in Val Padana
00:12:13Cara ti vedo preoccupata
00:12:15E per Claudia
00:12:17Ci ho ripensato
00:12:19Sai cosa significa Londra per una ragazza giovane e inesperta
00:12:29Non me ne meraviglio
00:12:31Ogni giorno se ne sente una
00:12:33Su quella malefica città
00:12:37Tratta delle bianche
00:12:41Maniaci sessuali
00:12:43Ma questo non lo credo
00:12:45Gli inglesi sono sempre stati un po' come si dice
00:12:47Loro si ma gli altri
00:12:49Gli orientali
00:12:51I gialli
00:12:53Ma Claudia va in collegio
00:12:55E proprio in questi ambienti
00:12:57Che i marocchini cercano le ragazze da adescare
00:12:59I marocchini
00:13:01Marocchini, tunisini, algerini
00:13:03Gli inglesi in Inghilterra
00:13:05Ne sono rimasti pochissimi
00:13:07La fine che merita
00:13:09La perfida albione
00:13:11Fece bene Hitler a bombardarla
00:13:45Aiuto me
00:14:02Papa, help me!
00:14:19The Moroccans! Help! The Moroccans!
00:14:22Oreste! Oreste!
00:14:24What's going on?
00:14:26Nothing, nothing.
00:14:28It was just a bad dream, a very bad dream.
00:14:50Claudia, you're not leaving anymore.
00:14:53Why shouldn't I leave?
00:14:55No, no, no. I've thought about it for a long time.
00:14:58You can't leave. It's too dangerous.
00:15:01Dangerous? I'm sorry, you know.
00:15:04But what kind of danger?
00:15:06Everything. Drugs, perversion, sex, violence, rape, Moroccans.
00:15:12London is the capital of vice.
00:15:14And you're too young and still too inexperienced.
00:15:17Who put you up to this nonsense?
00:15:20I know what I'm saying. As a father, I have a duty to protect you.
00:15:24And I'm old enough to take care of myself.
00:15:27No. You're still a child. I won't let you leave.
00:15:34Luisa, tell your father to stop this nonsense.
00:15:39You know your father, dear. When he decides, he decides.
00:15:43He's a man of one piece.
00:15:48Well, if you want to know, I don't care about your absurd worries.
00:15:52I'm leaving anyway.
00:15:58You can't leave without my written consent.
00:16:04Fascist! Duce! Mussolini!
00:16:08And you think you can offend me?
00:16:18You'll pay dearly for this!
00:16:36Come on, let's move, or we'll all end up here.
00:16:39Move, it's late.
00:16:40No, I'm not leaving.
00:16:42Hey, what's wrong?
00:16:43My father doesn't want me.
00:16:45What's the matter?
00:16:46Nothing. But I can't leave without his consent.
00:16:49I'm only 18.
00:16:51You're still so young.
00:16:53I'll see you in three months, when I'm an adult.
00:16:56I'm sorry.
00:17:00I'll see you in London. I'll be waiting for you.
00:17:04Bye, Claudia. Don't catch him.
00:17:06Kill him, he's old. He's running away to England.
00:17:10Bye, Claudia.
00:17:12We'll write to you.
00:17:17And so, Gianluigi will leave her alone in London.
00:17:20What a nice trick.
00:17:24But even your godmother, what a son of a bitch.
00:17:27And to think that she seemed happy that I was leaving.
00:17:30I don't care. First she's happy, then she's against it.
00:17:34I'd go all the way.
00:17:35They can't break the boxes for no reason.
00:17:38They're afraid of London, of the Moroccans.
00:17:41Why? What do the Moroccans have?
00:17:43Oh, my Cicci.
00:17:46Excuse me, I have to go.
00:17:57What kind of people are these?
00:17:59Do you want me here with you? Then accept me as I am.
00:18:02You won't have her with me. It was your father who decided.
00:18:05Look, don't give her to me to drink.
00:18:07I don't have time to talk.
00:18:08The ladies of San Vincenzo are waiting for me.
00:18:10There's a gift delivery.
00:18:11Here, good.
00:18:12Then go clean the ass of the orphans.
00:18:14I don't allow you to talk to me in this tone.
00:18:16And to think that I considered you a friend,
00:18:18and instead you're a viper.
00:18:20Since you set foot in our house, you haven't stopped me.
00:18:23It's been years since you tormented me, but now I really want to tell you.
00:18:26You're on my balls.
00:18:27Enough, Claudia.
00:18:29Enough, for fuck's sake.
00:18:31You circled my father, and now you take advantage of him.
00:18:34Then, Admiral Dennis,
00:18:37by slapping me on the shoulder,
00:18:40with a loud voice, he told me...
00:18:42You have a fucking head.
00:18:43I don't know.
00:18:47You broke my boxes.
00:18:50This Dennis had a clear idea.
00:18:52Did you see that?
00:18:53Is it possible that now in all the places where you talk,
00:18:56the barracks are clean?
00:18:57And go to hell, too.
00:18:59Oh, my God.
00:19:00Luisa, Luisa.
00:19:01Let's get on our feet.
00:19:02Come on, help me. Do something.
00:19:05Oh, Luisa.
00:19:06Take a look at this.
00:19:07She's fainted.
00:19:08Now the attack is coming.
00:19:10She's fainted.
00:19:11We need the ambulance and the first aid.
00:19:13To the military hospital.
00:19:14Alert the command.
00:19:15Mr. Colonel, perhaps it is enough to call the gentleman from the villa next door.
00:19:18He is a doctor.
00:19:24Please, doctor.
00:19:25Follow me.
00:19:26Good morning.
00:19:27Who is this hand?
00:19:28My wife, doctor.
00:19:29Come on, please.
00:19:31What is it?
00:19:34The beatings are regular.
00:19:35The temperature is normal.
00:19:36There is nothing to say.
00:19:37But you...
00:19:38Do not worry.
00:19:39I'm the doctor.
00:19:40I came to see how you are.
00:19:42Much better.
00:19:43It's nothing.
00:19:44Give the lady a couple of these pills.
00:19:46The lady will be fine.
00:19:47All right.
00:20:04Don't worry.
00:20:05It's just an amongst us hindrance.
00:20:08If you need anything, call me.
00:20:10Only two?
00:20:12Who would have imagined it to have a similar neighbor?
00:20:15He's just a pretty bump.
00:20:19Go ahead?
00:20:24Because he's a little...
00:20:29and are placed on the back of the abdomen, behind the peritoneal cavity,
00:20:34and on the sides of the last two dorsal vertebrae and the first two lumbar vertebrae.
00:20:42What do you think? Do you like it?
00:20:45It's not bad, but it doesn't tell me much.
00:20:47I find it so cool that just looking at it gives me goose bumps.
00:20:51It's a matter of skin.
00:20:54The main function of the kidneys is to purify the blood from many catabolites,
00:20:58mainly urea.
00:21:00Does anyone have any questions?
00:21:03Professor, when you pee, you don't know how to stop it.
00:21:06What does it depend on?
00:21:10Why do you want to stop it, Miss?
00:21:12The face, the face.
00:21:14At the end, to the left.
00:21:17He fooled you.
00:21:19You have to use more subtle and convincing arguments if you want to win him over.
00:21:22Does anyone have any serious questions?
00:22:25Did you hurt yourself?
00:22:26Oh God, what a pain.
00:22:28Come to my house. I'll give you a medication.
00:22:35You'll see.
00:22:37She'll be back in a few days.
00:22:40Come on.
00:22:56Now I'll take you home.
00:23:00Wait, it still hurts.
00:23:06Get up.
00:23:09Come on, come on, walk.
00:23:10I can't.
00:23:14I assure you that you can get home on your own.
00:23:22You're not very cordial, Doctor.
00:23:24After all, we're close to home.
00:23:25We could even become friends.
00:23:27Miss, how old are you?
00:23:29Almost 18.
00:23:32I'm about twice your age.
00:23:34I could be a friend of your parents.
00:23:37Come on.
00:24:01Help, I'm sick.
00:24:03What a pain.
00:24:04Oh my God.
00:24:05What's wrong, Claudia?
00:24:07Help me, please.
00:24:08Why are you screaming?
00:24:09Claudia, my child, what's wrong?
00:24:11It hurts, it hurts.
00:24:13Where does it hurt?
00:24:14Here, in the belly.
00:24:15It's terrible.
00:24:16It must be indigestion.
00:24:17No, it can't be.
00:24:18We ate white rice and boiled fish.
00:24:20It must have been fish bone.
00:24:22Do something, please.
00:24:24Let's take her to the hospital.
00:24:25No, a doctor.
00:24:26Call the doctor, please.
00:24:29I understand.
00:24:30The pig.
00:24:31The doctor next door.
00:24:34I'm going.
00:24:36Here we are.
00:24:37Ah, doctor.
00:24:39Good morning.
00:24:41Come in.
00:24:43Ah, you're the one who's sick.
00:24:45What's wrong?
00:24:46Where does it hurt, miss?
00:24:48Here, doctor, here.
00:24:51Leave us alone.
00:24:52The doctor has to see me.
00:24:56Does it hurt here, if I push?
00:25:06Excuse me, but where then?
00:25:07Down there.
00:25:09It covers.
00:25:10No, no, they can stay.
00:25:12I've already finished.
00:25:13There are no doubts.
00:25:14It's just indigestion.
00:25:16It will be enough for the lady to respect a whole day of fasting.
00:25:19Thank goodness.
00:25:20I really thought ...
00:25:21A fool.
00:25:22But since there is a ration left, why don't you stop at the table with us, doctor?
00:25:25What do you have to eat?
00:25:27Milk tea.
00:25:30Are you okay?
00:25:31Why not?
00:25:33The poppa is ready.
00:25:40Here's my specialty.
00:25:42Chicken and veal in green sauce.
00:25:44I understand, miss, that it must be a suffering for you,
00:25:47but in some cases abstinence is necessary.
00:25:53So, as I told you, dear doctor,
00:25:55the divisions of the Reich
00:25:58were placed on the border line
00:26:02in this formation.
00:26:04To the right, the heavy artillery.
00:26:08In the center, the Panzer division,
00:26:12that commanded by the Feldmarschall Guderian.
00:26:19To the left, the light units.
00:26:23Oh, and we must not forget
00:26:25that in 18 days the resistance of Poland was broken.
00:26:31The provision of the forces on the field
00:26:34repeated practically the same line-up
00:26:39of the final attack on Warsaw.
00:26:42Here it is, precisely.
00:26:43With this line-up,
00:26:45the army approached implacably
00:26:47to crush the Low Countries.
00:26:50Like a hand of iron.
00:26:52Not the hand.
00:26:53But how not?
00:26:54This is history, my dear.
00:26:57The enemy had no escape.
00:26:59The war machine of the Third Reich,
00:27:03clasped it in a hand of iron.
00:27:09Sorry, I got carried away in the story.
00:27:12Yes, indeed, you let yourself be taken a little too much.
00:27:16What did I tell you, dear?
00:27:17I'm a storyteller.
00:27:19My memories will be stolen.
00:27:21You'll see.
00:27:22Only your daughter is distracted.
00:27:24It's just that I'm not well, you know.
00:27:25I'm afraid that fasting is not enough.
00:27:27And we'll need a good dose of olive oil for the young lady.
00:27:30I completely agree.
00:27:32Olive oil has always done good.
00:27:35More to the right.
00:27:36More to the left.
00:27:37And now tighten your nose.
00:27:39Lift your head.
00:27:41With this, she will get over her disorders.
00:27:49Come on.
00:27:57Come on.
00:28:27Come on.
00:28:52Every time I think of him, I feel like mixing everything.
00:28:54Well, this is love.
00:28:55But what love?
00:28:56This is purgatory.
00:28:57But this son of a bitch will pay for it.
00:29:06If we go into his house,
00:29:07maybe we'll be able to understand what kind of man he is.
00:29:10One who gives up a girl like you,
00:29:12I smell a little.
00:29:22Look here.
00:29:23This window is open.
00:29:25Let's jump in.
00:29:26Come on, come on.
00:29:43the doctor did a good job.
00:29:54Where do we start?
00:29:58From that closet over there.
00:30:10Who would have imagined it?
00:30:14A doctor who treats these people.
00:30:16I'm not surprised by what happens in hospitals.
00:30:19For me, he's a sadist.
00:30:21What do you say?
00:30:22Let's go see in his room.
00:30:41Let's see what's in the socks.
00:30:51Come on.
00:31:14Hey, look what I found.
00:31:21Come on, let's read it.
00:31:31My little boy.
00:31:33My little boy.
00:31:35It's been a long time since you gave your kitten a bath.
00:31:38Are you in the mood?
00:31:39That idiot husband of mine wants to stay here another week.
00:31:42He says the mountain air makes him feel better.
00:31:45I need other things to make me feel better.
00:31:48Oh, I get it.
00:31:49This one has a lover.
00:31:57Damn it.
00:31:58Look where the blanket ended.
00:32:01I don't know where you usually put it,
00:32:03but it's not bad on the bed.
00:32:04But it's the one Luisa made for the ladies of San Vincenzo.
00:32:08This big son of a bitch.
00:32:10And she's the doctor's lover.
00:32:11Now I understand everything.
00:32:12It was she who blocked me.
00:32:14If I had left for London,
00:32:15Dad would have taken her to Vivo Valencia.
00:32:17And goodbye, doctor.
00:32:25Great, it's abundant.
00:32:26Barretto, come on.
00:32:29What are you doing?
00:32:36Well, thank you.
00:32:37And goodbye.
00:32:38Come back for lunch, dear.
00:32:39It's not possible, dear.
00:32:40I have a breakfast in the field with General Viglionese.
00:32:43But, sir.
00:32:48I'm out all day too.
00:32:51Don't wait for me for lunch.
00:32:52I'm with Daniela.
00:32:53All right.
00:34:17THE END
00:34:47THE END
00:35:52Please don't hurt me anymore.
00:36:00Please, no.
00:36:08Please don't hurt mebefore you do that.
00:36:16I don't know what you're talking about.
00:36:18I don't know what you're talking about.
00:36:20I don't know what you're talking about.
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00:41:24I don't know what you're talking about.
00:41:26I don't know what you're talking about.
00:41:52I don't know what you're talking about.
00:41:56Following the chronicle is a civil duty, as well as a military one.
00:42:02Oh, yes, yes, it must be.
00:42:05But you know what joy it is? Robberies, kidnappings, thefts, robberies, extortions.
00:42:10My dear, every rose has its thorns. Go ahead, please.
00:42:16Diabolical lovers.
00:42:19Latest news from the prosecutor of Catanzaro.
00:42:23Glamorous confession to the trial of the diabolical lovers.
00:42:28Elesio Malaspina, the murderer of Renato Pincherlone,
00:42:32has declared that he was forced to kill the husband of his lover with a kitchen knife,
00:42:38because he was bribed by them.
00:42:40In other words, we can't eat in peace.
00:42:43This newspaper sends me all over the place.
00:42:46My dear, if you really don't want to hear it, we can turn it off.
00:42:50What do you think?
00:42:52It would be better, wouldn't it?
00:42:54Why? These are the cases of life, aren't they?
00:42:57They can happen to everyone.
00:42:59Then listen to them. I'm going to sleep.
00:43:10Good night.
00:43:31Come, come and see.
00:43:34They didn't wait long.
00:43:36Oh my God, it's disgusting.
00:43:40What a shame. This is a terrible mosaic that is gradually coming together.
00:43:46There are only faces missing.
00:43:52Leave it, I'll answer it.
00:44:04Come on, let's call him now.
00:44:07These two scoundrels must suffer.
00:44:21Hello? Hello? Hello?
00:44:25This is the management of Colonia Montese.
00:44:28We will have a unique opportunity for you.
00:44:30An Indian-class laundry to be named. Are you interested?
00:44:33Wait a minute, wait a minute, let's think.
00:44:36Don't forget the whip, please.
00:44:49Here, here it is.
00:44:51The heads have also arrived.
00:44:53Now it's really complete.
00:44:55I'm running away to South America.
00:44:58What else is there?
00:45:00What else is there? What else is there?
00:45:02Come here, don't leave me alone.
00:45:04What else is there? What else is there?
00:45:08Enough with the war.
00:45:10Let's smoke the Calumet of peace, but at my house you are dressed as an Indian.
00:45:13His general.
00:45:15But it's a stupid joke.
00:45:17Joke? No, there's nothing to be quiet about here.
00:45:19But who can have a reason to blackmail us?
00:45:21We will not be blackmailed by anyone.
00:45:23And you as an Indian.
00:45:25You dress only for me.
00:45:39Move to the right.
00:45:41No, more to the right.
00:45:43To the left now, I said.
00:45:45And intensify on the edges.
00:46:02Dad, take a picture.
00:46:04I'll take a nice picture.
00:46:06Immortal, your father in the course of the operation,
00:46:08seized historical documents.
00:46:10To sink, push, raid.
00:46:14Do you want a nice picture too,
00:46:16or do you think you are not photogenic dressed?
00:46:21What is this story that you have planted?
00:46:22I do not understand you.
00:46:24What do you mean?
00:46:26Come on, stop acting.
00:46:28Come on, get in position,
00:46:30I'll take a picture of you with the bows.
00:46:32We will never consent to your stupid request.
00:46:36And I'll show Dad the pictures.
00:46:39You will not do it.
00:46:41Dad, I have to tell you something.
00:46:44Where are you?
00:46:46Is it important?
00:46:48Very important.
00:46:50It's about ...
00:46:52What do you want to tell him?
00:46:54There is no hurry.
00:46:56Come on.
00:46:59Do we beat the flask?
00:47:01I said raid.
00:47:03To sink.
00:47:05To break, deflate, break.
00:47:15It was her.
00:47:17Stupid, but I had to imagine it.
00:47:19Anyway, I hope you have settled the matter.
00:47:20Of course, we will not be fooled by a little girl.
00:47:22Yes, it's all right.
00:47:24Only ...
00:47:26Only what?
00:47:28Only that ...
00:47:30No, no, no, I say only that.
00:47:32Well, for once you could also dress as an Indian.
00:47:34I dressed as an Indian?
00:47:36No, never.
00:47:38If you do not do it,
00:47:40Claudia will show the pictures to my husband,
00:47:42he does not feel right.
00:47:44It will be a way to let him know.
00:47:46A little rough, but ...
00:47:48But you want to joke?
00:47:50No, no, no, I do not want to joke.
00:47:52But you look good in that way.
00:47:54It was my fault, I did not know.
00:47:56It's all right.
00:47:58You see, he's right.
00:48:00He does not know the way.
00:48:02Well, now you will see.
00:48:04And you are an Indian?
00:48:06Yes, I am Indian.
00:48:08I'm sorry.
00:48:10I love you.
00:48:12I love you too.
00:48:14I love you too.
00:48:16I love you both.
00:48:18I do not believe you ...
00:48:20Apart from the fact that I'm Colonel Raselli,
00:48:22I have the idea that you are starting to raise your elbow a little too much, son.
00:48:26I'll show you that I'm on a diet.
00:48:39Ah, doctor, it's you.
00:48:41Ah, how funny.
00:48:42Our doctor is full of imagination.
00:48:45Don't you think, Luisa?
00:48:46Of course.
00:48:47You should see him tame the chickens.
00:48:51Please, have a seat.
00:48:52It's a great find.
00:48:54It's all so monotonous here.
00:48:56No, no, no.
00:48:57A real Indian never sits on a chair.
00:48:59On the floor, please.
00:49:01Have a seat.
00:49:03How funny.
00:49:09What is it? A headache?
00:49:11By chance?
00:49:12A real capo should never have anyone on his head.
00:49:16On the floor!
00:49:17On the floor, I said!
00:49:18Yes, yes, yes, calm down, calm down, of course.
00:49:25How funny.
00:49:28So, how is General Custer?
00:49:30I've already killed one, but there's another one around.
00:49:33Another one?
00:49:35One who takes pictures, who writes notes, who calls.
00:49:39Ah, well, he must be the usual mythomaniac.
00:49:41He must be.
00:49:42But if he doesn't stop messing with me,
00:49:45I'll make him end up like the other one.
00:49:50Do you know what I did to the other one?
00:49:52Well, vaguely, very vaguely.
00:49:54Come on, do something, do something.
00:49:55And he was telling me...
00:49:57I cut him to pieces.
00:50:00I opened his sternum,
00:50:02I extracted his heart,
00:50:04and then I ate him.
00:50:07Still hot.
00:50:12Ah, Custer.
00:50:13Ah, Custer.
00:50:14But I'll cut off the hand of this bastard who writes notes.
00:50:17Like this, like this, like this.
00:50:18It seems right to me, very right to General Custer.
00:50:21Would you like a whisky?
00:50:23No, no alcohol.
00:50:24Alcoholics have been the ruin of the Indian race.
00:50:29113 were the knights of Custer at the interdiction of Bob McCormack.
00:50:33I've only shot more than 200.
00:50:36But I don't want to deal with you.
00:50:38You're the only one in this business that doesn't matter.
00:50:41You're my friend.
00:50:42And with you I want to smoke the Calumet.
00:50:44Ah, yes, of course.
00:50:50Oh, my finger.
00:50:58I demand that you give me the photos immediately.
00:51:00Do you want the photos?
00:51:02Here they are.
00:51:09They're all yours.
00:51:13Does the doctor always say that you're a good girl?
00:51:16She's a whore.
00:51:17A filthy, filthy whore.
00:51:19But look here, but look here.
00:51:24Go in your underwear to the university and take lessons.
00:51:28Ah, I've taken you around.
00:51:30I gave you the photos, but the negatives have reappeared.
00:51:33And now it's starting again.
00:51:34What can we do?
00:51:35Now we just have to support her.
00:51:37But do you realize?
00:51:38In your underwear.
00:51:38We're crazy.
00:51:39My professional dignity goes in the middle of it.
00:51:42The university is a serious thing.
00:51:44But don't say bullshit.
00:51:47A professional like me will never compromise in the workplace.
00:52:05So, do we want to hurry?
00:52:07But, but, my daughter, my daughter, why don't we think a little?
00:52:11But in short, do you realize what you're asking me?
00:52:14The pants.
00:52:15I said the pants.
00:52:17The pants.
00:52:24The pants.
00:52:26Here, good.
00:52:27I'll give them back to the university after he's taken the lesson.
00:52:41I'll give them back to the university after he's taken the lesson.
00:53:12Come on, let's go.
00:53:20Professor! Professor!
00:53:22I was looking for you.
00:53:23I have to talk to you.
00:53:24I have to talk to you absolutely.
00:53:26How are you?
00:53:27Are you well?
00:53:28Thank God I met you.
00:53:29Come here, Professor.
00:53:30I have to tell you something.
00:53:32Professor, I wanted to put you on the news of the last meeting of the teaching body.
00:53:35The teacher-student relationship has a critical point.
00:53:38They no longer have a direct relationship.
00:53:39They are becoming the absolute masters of the university.
00:53:42Unemployment, occupations.
00:53:43Yes, above all, above all.
00:53:44Group exams, promiscuity, intolerable, believe me.
00:53:47I don't know what to do anymore.
00:53:48I don't know where to put my hands.
00:53:49You have to give me an absolute help, Professor.
00:53:51Believe me.
00:53:52What can I do?
00:53:53Don't worry, Professor.
00:53:55I assure you, we'll talk about it later.
00:53:57We'll talk about it later.
00:53:58We don't take these kids anymore.
00:53:59We don't take them anymore.
00:54:00We don't know what to do.
00:54:02Professor, you're right, you're perfectly right.
00:54:05Yes, but we have to...
00:54:07Professor, where are you?
00:54:08I'm here.
00:54:11I don't know how to calmly talk about such an important problem.
00:54:15Because, you see, they'll make us lose our minds.
00:54:18Who are you talking to?
00:54:20If you only wanted to take care of this thing personally.
00:54:24If you wanted to listen to the discussions with us.
00:54:26To listen to all these problems that we face every day.
00:54:29We don't know what to do on our own.
00:54:30Because we have to be...
00:54:31We'll talk about it later.
00:54:32We'll talk about it later, Professor.
00:54:36What is it?
00:54:39Oh, my God!
00:54:40It's an indecency!
00:54:42We're going to get married!
00:54:43We're young people now!
00:55:09They have already had several opportunities to examine the laboratory
00:55:14in detail how much we have repeated.
00:55:18Now, analogously to what I have already said about pulmonary echinococcus,
00:55:23you can also have in the liver
00:55:26unilocular cysts and multiocular cysts
00:55:30or alveolar cysts.
00:55:32Unilocular echinococcus forms a cystic tumor.
00:55:37The multiocular one is a hard tumor
00:55:41that simulates carcinoma.
00:55:49Who told you to bring the patient here?
00:55:51I'm not doing a demonstration today.
00:55:55We brought the 124, the liver patient.
00:55:58Yes, but I didn't tell you today.
00:55:59I can't do it now.
00:56:00Bring him tomorrow.
00:56:01You can't.
00:56:02The professor has to operate him today, this drunkard.
00:56:04His liver is full of stones.
00:56:05When will he be here tomorrow?
00:56:08Fuck you, you're the doctor.
00:56:11One moment, one moment.
00:56:12Put him here, next to the catheter.
00:56:25Here we are.
00:56:26Let's move on to the practical demonstration.
00:56:29We're doing well.
00:56:30We even have the mat.
00:56:32The cyst is perceived by applying on the surface
00:56:36the index and middle finger of the left hand
00:56:39with a slight pressure.
00:56:41Do it slowly.
00:56:42After that, it is percussed
00:56:45with small, dry and light strokes.
00:56:50Fuck you.
00:56:52The index and middle finger
00:56:54will perceive a slight vibratory flow.
00:56:58A slight vibratory flow.
00:57:01After that,
00:57:03we try to tighten the cyst
00:57:06between the index and middle finger
00:57:08of the left hand
00:57:09and it is slightly percussed on the middle part.
00:57:13Fuck you, you idiot.
00:57:17It is obvious that we are in front of a patient
00:57:19who presents himself in an unusual condition.
00:57:23I present you Benedetta.
00:57:25A very rare case.
00:57:26This is a patient...
00:57:29I don't give a fuck.
00:57:37I'm sorry, but the professor wants to see you right now.
00:57:39He's taking a lesson on syphilis.
00:57:41And this is...
00:57:42No, no, wait a minute.
00:57:43I'm sorry.
00:57:44I haven't finished yet.
00:57:45Come on, let's go.
00:57:46We can't wait any longer.
00:57:47I haven't finished yet.
00:57:48He wants to see you right now.
00:57:49I haven't finished yet.
00:57:50Fuck you, you idiot.
00:57:52Give me this sheet, please.
00:58:14Sit down, please.
00:58:24So, okay.
00:58:25Slippers and newspaper.
00:58:26And please, barricade the door.
00:58:28This neighbor of ours worries me a little.
00:58:35Well, now you'll be happy.
00:58:37Give me the negatives.
00:58:38To have the negatives, the doctor has to make love to me.
00:58:43If the doctor doesn't show me how to be a man,
00:58:46no negatives, and dad will be informed of everything.
00:58:49You're bluffing.
00:58:50You wouldn't be able to do it.
00:58:52Do you believe it?
00:58:54We'll see.
00:59:03Dad, look what I found.
00:59:08What is it?
00:59:09A modern sculpture?
00:59:13For me, it's a ass.
00:59:15Or a pornographic photo.
00:59:17Enough with this nonsense.
00:59:19But, dear, how are they?
00:59:21What do you think?
00:59:23Well, you have to understand.
00:59:25She's a lady of charity.
00:59:27But don't worry, dad.
00:59:29If you're interested, I'll try to get you some more.
00:59:32Maybe even more.
00:59:33No, you won't get anything from dad.
00:59:35Do you understand?
00:59:36How nervous you are, dear.
00:59:37Claudia is joking.
00:59:39I know, but I'm a little tired of jokes.
00:59:42You need rest, my dear.
00:59:44Do you want to go with me for the big maneuvers in Sardinia?
00:59:47No, dear, thank you, no.
00:59:49The place is here, next to her.
00:59:51I wouldn't be calm to leave the girl alone.
01:00:09But look if this was an ass to throw away.
01:00:12The Stukas.
01:00:13The Stukas.
01:00:14The Stukas.
01:00:18Once again they fought on the enemy defenses.
01:00:21And the battle of Sicily had begun.
01:00:42The Stukas.
01:00:47Then, okay, little replicant.
01:00:49You'll have the doctor.
01:00:51But right after, you'll deliver the negatives.
01:00:54All right, I think it's right.
01:00:55Goods versus goods.
01:00:57The doctor is not a goods of exchange.
01:00:58He is a man with a capital letter U.
01:01:00He hasn't shown it yet.
01:01:02He looks like a doll to me.
01:01:03A doll?
01:01:04You'll see what he's capable of doing to you.
01:01:06Let's hope so.
01:01:07I really want to have a little fun.
01:01:09For you, it's the only chance to have a man like him.
01:01:12If I wanted a man like him, I would even marry him.
01:01:16This is good, the doctor who marries you.
01:01:20Why, what do I lack?
01:01:23You are not a real woman, but only a stupid capricious girl.
01:01:26Let him say that.
01:01:29Luisa, Claudia, what is this mess?
01:01:32Do I have to order the bonfire?
01:01:40Luisa, Claudia, children, help me to prepare the departure.
01:01:43Tonight I have to be in Sardinia to take command of the great maneuvers.
01:01:46I feel strong like a lion.
01:01:48And as Garibaldi said in the Amixio,
01:01:50here we make Italy or we die.
01:01:54For me, we die.
01:02:09How am I?
01:02:15Will he like me like this?
01:02:16You look like one of those.
01:02:18Then I'm going well for him.
01:02:20He's used to whores.
01:02:22Then I'll tell you everything, eh?
01:02:39So, do we want to start?
01:02:50Ah, yes, yes, yes.
01:02:52For me.
01:02:53Do you drink something?
01:02:55No, thank you.
01:02:56If you allow me, I'll have a glass.
01:03:00When I'm at work, I never drink.
01:03:09Drink, if it gives you courage.
01:03:13I'm ready.
01:03:15So let's play?
01:03:16How do we play?
01:03:18Yes, of course.
01:03:19You're the doctor and I'm the sick.
01:03:30It's comfortable, please.
01:03:35I have the hole.
01:03:37Here it hurts.
01:03:39Ah, yes?
01:03:40And where?
01:03:41Where does it hurt?
01:03:43Here on the belly, on the appendix.
01:03:46What a beautiful hole.
01:03:47But where is the appendix?
01:03:49Entering to the left.
01:03:50No, not there.
01:03:52More up.
01:03:53Ah, yes, yes.
01:03:54It's more up the appendix.
01:03:55The appendix is where you want.
01:03:57My kitten.
01:03:58My chicken.
01:04:00My dog.
01:04:01My cat.
01:04:02My chicken.
01:04:03But in short, let me understand.
01:04:04You are a doctor or a veterinarian?
01:04:07Now I'm just a man.
01:04:10Do not be impetuous.
01:04:13Control yourself.
01:04:28I know it's typical of you.
01:04:29You like to play with the ball.
01:04:31That's why I put them.
01:04:35Wait, wait.
01:04:36Do not take me.
01:04:37Do not do it.
01:04:38Please do not touch me.
01:04:40Listen, listen.
01:04:41I have to tell you something interesting.
01:04:43You like striptease, do not you?
01:04:54You like to watch.
01:04:57Come on.
01:05:05Come on, take me.
01:05:06Take me if you can.
01:05:09Come on, love.
01:05:20But you're bad, huh?
01:05:22Oh, how bad you are.
01:05:24Things must be savored slowly.
01:05:26Yes, yes.
01:05:27You're right.
01:05:30You're not bad.
01:05:31On the contrary.
01:05:33Come on.
01:05:35Now I really want to see what you can do.
01:05:37Please, I do not want to run.
01:05:40I want you.
01:05:45Beautiful, my little man.
01:05:46But what do you want to do?
01:05:50Make love to you.
01:05:52Repeat that I did not understand.
01:05:54Make love to you.
01:05:56Even stronger.
01:05:57Make love to you.
01:05:58Make love to you.
01:06:00Make love to you.
01:06:02Make love to you.
01:06:04Make love to you.
01:06:09But I have no intention of making love to you.
01:06:11How could I?
01:06:12With a stupid who disguises himself as an Indian and walks around the city naked.
01:06:15It seems serious to you?
01:06:16At your age?
01:06:18Sorry, but if you wanted it.
01:06:19I was kidding.
01:06:21I just wanted to have some fun.
01:06:22Tell me a little.
01:06:26Then I was right.
01:06:28You're bad.
01:06:30You do not give me anything.
01:06:32I give you the negative.
01:06:36I make love only to those who marry me.
01:06:42It's the same as the battle of the Indians.
01:06:47Colonel, the troops are closing in.
01:06:50It's incredible.
01:06:51It's impossible.
01:06:52I'll take care of it.
01:06:59Make love to you.
01:07:02Make love to you.
01:07:04Make love to you.
01:07:11Honey, from now on, the nightmare is over.
01:07:14No one will disturb our happiness.
01:07:16We can see each other whenever we want.
01:07:18Even every day.
01:07:20Of course, honey.
01:07:21And your husband?
01:07:23He has his soldiers.
01:07:25He plays the war.
01:07:28He has no thoughts.
01:07:30He plays.
01:07:32He plays the war with the soldiers.
01:07:41Let's call the doctor and the nurse.
01:07:43Let's call the doctor and the nurse.
01:07:48I love you.
01:07:56Yes, my love.
01:08:00Where are you going?
01:08:01Is your friend here?
01:08:03Who is it?
01:08:04It's me.
01:08:05Shall I undress?
01:08:13Yes, undress.
01:08:15Undress, my love.
01:08:16My love.
01:08:31What are you doing?
01:08:32Are you undressing?
01:08:34Did you tell me?
01:08:35I always do what my husband tells me.
01:08:46Yes, yes.
01:08:48As you wish.
01:09:15That's how I like it.
01:09:26Take me.
01:09:32Take me if you can.
01:09:33Take me if you can.
01:09:54My love.
01:09:55My love.
01:09:56Is that you?
01:10:01I'm the headmaster of the university.
01:10:04You've got the wrong number.
01:10:11What are you doing?
01:10:12Do you feel unwell?
01:10:20Why don't you undress?
01:10:25Undress, my love.
01:10:26I only make love to those who marry me.
01:10:50I'll marry her!
01:10:52Who's going to marry you?
01:10:54I'll marry her!
01:10:56Who's going to marry you?
01:11:00Yes, Claudia! I'm in love with her and I'll marry her!
01:11:03Are you crazy?
01:11:04I'll marry her!
01:11:06I've never been so lucid in my life!
01:11:08I'll marry her! I'll marry her!
01:11:10I'll marry her!
01:11:16I'll marry her!
01:11:21I'll marry her!
01:11:23I'll marry her!
01:11:25Yes, I'll marry her!
01:11:31I'll marry you!
01:11:33I'll marry you!
01:11:35I'll marry you!
01:11:37Besides the fact that he's not my type, try to talk to my people.
01:11:40What's the matter?
01:11:41Nothing, I've just received a disgusting marriage proposal.
01:11:45Claudia, I want to marry you.
01:11:47You wish!
01:11:49You won. I came to ask for your hand.
01:11:52But I need my father's consent.
01:11:54Without his signature, there's no London, no marriage.
01:11:57Yes, but after everything that's happened, what's the point?
01:12:01There's only one way to win him over.
01:12:15Welcome back.
01:12:23The suitcases.
01:12:27Dad! Dad!
01:12:30What happened to you?
01:12:33I had an accident on the battlefield.
01:12:35But I gave up.
01:12:37Where's my darling Penelope?
01:12:39No, Luisa.
01:12:41Hi, Orestes.
01:12:42What's with that face?
01:12:44Are you still sick?
01:12:48Did you take all my suitcases?
01:12:50Look, there must be my fighting suit.
01:12:53You should have come with me.
01:12:55I had a great time.
01:12:57Fighting in the woods.
01:13:00In the woods.
01:13:07Our neighbor wants to talk to you.
01:13:09I thought I'd invite him to dinner tomorrow night.
01:13:12Who? The madman?
01:13:14Yes, him.
01:13:16I have to tell the infirmary to be ready.
01:13:19There's no need, Dad.
01:13:21He's calmed down lately.
01:13:25You can't marry him.
01:13:27Why not?
01:13:29He's my lover.
01:13:31Don't you like him?
01:13:33You won't marry him.
01:13:35If he agrees, no one can stop me.
01:13:37Your father doesn't know anything.
01:13:39You should tell him.
01:13:41Maybe he'll change his mind.
01:13:43Come on.
01:13:48Doctor, what can I do for you?
01:13:52Do you want some red wine, Doctor?
01:13:55No, thank you. I've already had enough.
01:13:58The doctor wants to say something to Dad.
01:14:00Why don't you let him talk?
01:14:02Of course, of course.
01:14:05Yes, of course.
01:14:07It's a delicate matter.
01:14:11Claudia and I...
01:14:14I wanted to say that at the table
01:14:16you should never talk about serious things.
01:14:18Yes, of course.
01:14:19So, do you want that glass of red wine, Doctor?
01:14:22I've already told you I don't want it.
01:14:24Yes, no, maybe it'll do me good.
01:14:26Because, as my old commander used to say...
01:14:30The colonel...
01:14:37Yes, yes, that's him.
01:14:38The legendary commander of the Arditi?
01:14:41You'll hear it when you say his name!
01:14:44What a blow, what a pain, what a pain!
01:14:46We found ourselves in the desert,
01:14:49among a thousand enemy fires,
01:14:51without water and without food,
01:14:53without ammunition and without fuel,
01:14:55without a future and without hope,
01:14:57when he, General Persichetti,
01:15:00found the solution that allowed us to save our lives.
01:15:03And how did he do it?
01:15:05He launched a radio call.
01:15:07Yes, a call that said our position.
01:15:09Ah, and so they arrived in time to save you.
01:15:12No, never!
01:15:13They never arrived!
01:15:14The call was indicated to a wrong position.
01:15:17It was never known whether it was intended or accidental,
01:15:19but the enemy moved in that direction,
01:15:21leaving us a free boat to pass.
01:15:23And at nightfall,
01:15:24sliding on the sand,
01:15:26we rose from thirst and hunger,
01:15:28crossing the enemy lines.
01:15:30Ah, Africa of 1942, eh?
01:15:32Barbary of 1969.
01:15:34Yes, Africa, or maybe Russia,
01:15:36or, or...
01:15:38Greece, on the Piraeus.
01:15:40Ah, I don't remember well.
01:15:41Sometimes my mind gets foggy.
01:15:43Of course, with this wine.
01:15:45But maybe I'm wrong, Campagna.
01:15:47For me, you're wrong, Vignetto.
01:15:49But what does the place and the time matter?
01:15:51The idea was brilliant,
01:15:53because the man was brilliant.
01:15:55General Persichetti was my master in life
01:15:58and under the arms.
01:16:00Ah, how much dust on my boots!
01:16:02They should give me the Marshal's staff.
01:16:04Here, good.
01:16:05You have the dust,
01:16:06they give you the staff,
01:16:08and so you make the wine yourself.
01:16:10In truth...
01:16:11It's late.
01:16:12You'd better go to bed.
01:16:13We'll stay with the doctor.
01:16:15Yes, I'm really very tired.
01:16:18You'll excuse me.
01:16:24Come and see us whenever you want.
01:16:26You're very nice.
01:16:28The hand, the hand.
01:16:30Mr. Colonel.
01:16:32I, I ask you for the hand.
01:16:34No, no, no.
01:16:35The hand of your daughter.
01:16:38Claudia's hand?
01:16:39What for?
01:16:41I'm in love with her and I want to marry her.
01:16:57Debbia in Val Padana.
01:17:05I'm not at all sorry for this doctor.
01:17:08He's a good boy.
01:17:12But he'll be twice as old as Claudia.
01:17:15He's too old for her.
01:17:17The best marriages always happen between people
01:17:20who have a good age difference.
01:17:22Look at ours.
01:17:25I just wanted to say that this doctor is a strange guy
01:17:28and then with everything he's done,
01:17:30there's little to trust.
01:17:32He was a good soldier.
01:17:34He's a good soldier and he's also a good husband.
01:17:39Look at me.
01:17:42The Stukas?
01:17:43The Stukas?
01:17:44They weren't there.
01:17:46But there were the bombers.
01:17:48And if there's one thing that's always terrified me,
01:17:50it's the bombings.
01:17:52And then,
01:17:54I was ambushed.
01:17:56What a fool.
01:17:58But are you really sure that Luisa will tell your father the truth
01:18:01and stop the marriage?
01:18:03She's too hot to let him escape.
01:18:05I'd go easy on her.
01:18:06If you don't have the courage to talk,
01:18:08you'll end up married to the doctor.
01:18:10Luisa will talk. I'm sure of it.
01:18:12And then?
01:18:13The mess I want will happen.
01:18:15Only then will I be satisfied.
01:18:18It suits you very well, miss.
01:18:22How beautiful.
01:18:23Yes, tomorrow I'll make a great figure.
01:18:26Now tell me that I'll make the last adjustments
01:18:28and I'll bring it back tomorrow morning.
01:18:31It's going to be a great day.
01:18:34You can be happy, sir.
01:18:36Your daughter is the most beautiful bride in the city.
01:18:40You're not getting married tomorrow.
01:18:41Tell your father it was a joke.
01:18:43I'm not joking at all.
01:18:45You're the one who has to tell dad that the doctor is your lover
01:18:47and that you didn't let me leave for London because of him.
01:18:50Only in these conditions do I give up the marriage.
01:18:52Do you think he can't do it?
01:18:54Now I'll go to him and tell him everything.
01:18:55And you're going?
01:18:56Dad's over there.
01:19:03But look at the world we live in.
01:19:07The husband, after surprising his wife with the rich lover,
01:19:10apologizes and leaves the room.
01:19:13The next day, he goes to the lawyer
01:19:15and asks them for compensation for immoral and immaterial damage.
01:19:21What a shame!
01:19:22There's no sense of honor anymore.
01:19:24We needed a gun.
01:19:26Let's leave it.
01:19:27It's up to us to destroy them both.
01:19:33Did you want to tell me something, dear?
01:19:35No, nothing, dear.
01:20:33He doesn't know how to get married.
01:20:35The husband is the lover of his wife's stepmother.
01:21:18Delightful brides,
01:21:20you have come here today to find a marriage of your own free will.
01:21:25Is it true?
01:21:27Yes or no?
01:21:28I'd like an explicit answer.
01:21:33Well, then you don't have to.
01:21:37If there's someone who opposes this holy union,
01:21:40have the courage to say it right away.
01:21:43I repeat, this is the time to speak.
01:21:48If there's someone who has to speak,
01:21:50speak right away,
01:21:52or shut up forever.
01:21:56No one?
01:21:57Then I'll go.
01:21:58I'll proceed.
01:21:59Go ahead and proceed.
01:22:01No, because I don't want anonymous notes to come out,
01:22:04mysterious phone calls,
01:22:07So, I'll go to the villa,
01:22:09and whoever has to speak, speak.
01:22:13I'm waiting.
01:22:18Whoever has to speak, have the courage of their actions.
01:22:23Did I explain myself?
01:22:26But it's unheard of.
01:22:28My daughter is as clear as a fountain of water.
01:22:32For heaven's sake, I don't want to say it,
01:22:34but there's not only the past,
01:22:36there's also the future,
01:22:37we have to think in time.
01:22:40in the quiet of a domestic fire,
01:22:42there are the most turbid passions,
01:22:44the most turbid and insane concupiscences.
01:22:48Do you know what you feel in confessionals?
01:22:53In short, decide.
01:22:56Here I am, really...
01:22:58You see?
01:22:59There's someone who opposes.
01:23:02Well, I mean,
01:23:03there's truth in his wise words.
01:23:10Then let's postpone this ceremony
01:23:12until everything has calmed down.
01:23:14In short, that's enough.
01:23:16I order you to proceed without hesitation.
01:23:18One moment.
01:23:19I'm in charge here.
01:23:24It's them, of course.
01:23:27for the last time,
01:23:29have you decided?
01:23:31I love Claudia.
01:23:32Claudia loves me.
01:23:34Are you sure?
01:23:36I don't mean to say it,
01:23:37but he's rather old.
01:23:39Let's say he could be your father.
01:23:40I'm not even 40 years old.
01:23:42And you don't think so?
01:23:43Our Lord Jesus Christ,
01:23:45who was who he was,
01:23:47at his age he had already died seven years ago.
01:23:50What do you mean?
01:23:55Let me finish.
01:23:57Don't you know that,
01:23:58according to the latest world statistics,
01:24:00after the Vietnam and Cambodia massacres,
01:24:03the average life expectancy has dropped to 39 years?
01:24:06So, son,
01:24:07don't get your hopes up.
01:24:09You've already lived a year too long.
01:24:15And I'm talking to you, Miss.
01:24:17Think about it.
01:24:18Don't worry.
01:24:20Because you're practically a widow
01:24:22before you're even married.
01:24:24A potential widow.
01:24:26Mathematics is not an opinion.
01:24:29that's enough.
01:24:30Either you marry us,
01:24:31or we'll go to the mayor's office.
01:24:32Ah, yes.
01:24:33We'll put it on this plan.
01:24:35We'll make a deal.
01:24:37I did what I could.
01:24:39Are you happy?
01:24:45Filippo Cinti,
01:24:46are you going to marry
01:24:47the present Claudia Raselli?
01:24:53And you,
01:24:54Claudia Raselli,
01:24:56are you going to marry
01:24:57the present Filippo Cinti?
01:25:09No, stop.
01:25:10They can't do it.
01:25:12The husband is my lover.
01:25:18is it true what Luisa is saying?
01:25:20Yes, it's true, Father.
01:25:24I'll kill you!
01:25:29I'll kill you!
01:25:33I'll kill you!
01:25:38I'll kill you!
01:25:39I'll kill you!
01:25:41I'll kill you!
01:25:42I'll kill you!
01:25:44I'll kill you!
01:25:46Get him!
01:25:54Both of them!
01:25:59Watch out!
01:26:15It was just a joke, don't worry.
01:26:26What a fucking joke!
01:26:28A real low blow.
01:26:30I made a fool of myself.
01:26:33I'm leaving for London.
01:26:35Why don't you go for that course of high strategy?
01:26:46Oreste, I'm ready to leave if you want.
01:26:50My place is next to you.
01:26:52Not even the honour of the arms has been granted to me to wash the offence in blood.
01:27:04The passengers of flight 238 of 9.30 for London are asked to present themselves at the boarding.
01:27:11The passengers of flight 238 of 9.30 for London are asked to present themselves at the boarding.
01:27:25I came to say goodbye. Have a nice trip.
01:27:28I'm going to London too in a little while for a surgery congress.
01:27:32Maybe, if you believe, we can meet there.
01:27:35Maybe. London is so big.
01:27:37Listen, why don't you give me your phone number?