1. How to Achieve Financial Success and Responsibility
2. How to Understand the Top One Percent Income
3. How to Cultivate Self-Control for a Meaningful Life
4. How to Balance Sacrifice and Future Success
5. How to Take Responsibility for Your Financial Future
2. How to Understand the Top One Percent Income
3. How to Cultivate Self-Control for a Meaningful Life
4. How to Balance Sacrifice and Future Success
5. How to Take Responsibility for Your Financial Future
00:00Do you know how much money you have to make in order to be in the top 1% in worldwide terms Oh worldwide
00:06Yeah, because we're not fifty three thousand dollars a year. It's thirty two
00:10You make thirty two thousand dollars a year in the top one percent
00:13Let's say you can have a meaningful life by adopting responsibility
00:16But it's a heavy load you got to be awake and alert and on your feet and moving towards something difficult
00:21You have to have some self-control and you have to sacrifice in the present so that the future is better
00:26It's complex you have to integrate a lot
00:28And when you take on some responsibility your life has meaning think I want a meaningful life
00:32It's like maybe you do if you're willing to take on the responsibility. What's the alternative?
00:37Well to garner a lot of unearned sympathy for your victimization
00:41Position and to at the same time take down the people who are willing to take more responsibility than you
00:46It's a nasty game. So I know how who the rich is. The rich is always someone who has more money than me
00:51That's who the rich is I don't put myself in that category, you know, especially if I'm pursuing this victim mentality