[ENG] EP.19 Love in the Desert (2024)

  • 15 hours ago
Love in the Desert (2024) EP 19 ENG SUB


00:30I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don
01:00t know what to do with my life I don't know what to do with my life I don't know what to
01:22谁也呼啸 世人看不透 Whoever shouts, the world can't see through
01:27听自由 听自由 不自由 Listen to freedom, listen to freedom, not freedom
01:29谁自由 你在笑 而我在你左右 Who's free? You're laughing, and I'm smiling in your face
01:52城主 灵柱还是老样子 冰刺阁戒备森严 根本进不去 城主 灵柱还是老样子 冰刺阁戒备森严 根本进不去
02:04你觉得他还能活几日啊 你觉得他还能活几日啊
02:08城主 倒也不是奴才弃人忧天 只是觉得这一切太过顺利了些 难免有诈
02:16城主 奴才有一人可用
02:44门主 魏将军来报 说云配的人马早我们一步击退了顾河 将鄂纳契族人救出
02:51并在大漠安营扎寨休整一日出发云配 另外 城主此时特地寻来一名医官为您诊断 要不要挡掉
03:01不急 先让他们过来 事情要一件一件办 他这个时候来 恐怕
03:10我的身子已经好了六七成 他们此刻过来 不过就想看看我还能活几天
03:17那么好 我们就把这出戏给他演完
03:28城主 兄长 青云身体抱恙 无法起身相迎 哀请见谅
03:38青云不必多礼 这是我寻遍大漠找的最好的名义
03:45快请老先生给青云问诊吧 先生请
04:10脉来如斗转 来去捉摸不定 并无稀疏 是心之死脉
04:18您再诊诊 先生可有什么好办法
04:21先试针看看 但老朽也说不好 可能只是延长几日寿命 还请先生尽力一致
05:15你为何要杀我 霍青云 你杀了我母亲
05:19我未曾杀你母亲 胡说 这是证物
05:25护送他母亲去云配的小队的确还没有复命 许是路上出了些意外
05:32你还拿借口来骗我 我要怎么信你啊 青云 这种人死不足惜
05:38战兵 无论你信不信 我真的没有杀你母亲 今日我也不会杀你
05:44你告诉我 是谁告诉你我在这里的
06:02青云 你的心太软了 留下此人对自己 对天都都是麻烦
06:18兄长思虑周全 青云不急
06:25青云 都怪为兄没有保护好你 你的伤怎么样了 怎么不派人来通报我一下 让我一直担心你
06:36兄长 这顿鞭伤的确伤了我的元气 青云还需静养 兄长恕不远送
06:56霍青云 你命可真大啊 又让你逃了
07:06展主 奴才乔战胆令牌 好像是网流的物件
07:16以咱们灵主之身份 怎能屈于人下 若真是和网流有关 那他定是门主无疑了
07:29我的好弟弟 本事真大呀
07:37今日看他对您的言行尚存手足之情 料他一时半会儿也不会对您出手 咱们讨会待实 不怕找不到机会
07:54我堂堂天都城主 竟如虫一般发行狗货
08:21那战为人狡诈 向来是无理不起早
08:29门主 我刚刚审问了几个孤河的人 孤河的刀剑军械 竟是云配神将他们提供的
08:36那战早已孤河定下盟约 见机骚扰北漠上的小部落 所得绿洲已经赢 云配分期 他们得三
08:44此番他们趁着北漠大乱 伺机想要吞并弱小部落 壮大势力
08:50又是那战贼喊捉贼 养口自重的把戏
08:56另外 云配统领想要接厄纳契一族 迁居木南
09:00既然来了 那就一起留下吧
09:10主上 有密报
09:24留几个废物 居然还让他活了下来
09:30看来这天独领主 有九条命了
09:57城主 派兵出去这么久了 可有消息了
10:01天都扣下了我派出去的兵马 以及所有额纳契的族人
10:08天都 这是为何
10:11我想这件事你最清楚 天都要和云配谈条件
10:20谁 谈什么条件
10:26他提的条件不用我说 我想你应该明白
10:31我是不可能会答应他的 我宁可折了这些人
10:36但就是可惜了 额纳契的族人也要跟着一起陪葬
10:44城主 我现在已是云配城的城主夫人
10:48与额纳契一族也有血缘之亲 他们也是云配的子民
10:54若是此番让所有额纳契族人陪葬 不仅会让世人看清我云配
11:03所以 城主 请三思 于情于理不能妥协
11:17我自请人马 带我族人入关
11:23你可想清楚了 你此行面对的可是霍景云
11:30他竟然想让我去 我去又何妨
11:43那么你想要的一切 我都会给你
11:47谢城主的信任 我会尽力而为
12:18云配军听令 在
12:21天都领主 且我母族额纳契子民
12:25寇云配将士 来挑衅我云配之威严
12:29今日劳烦众将士们 与我前往天都
12:33皆亲族兄弟 迎血脉固有
12:36无畏无惧者 必有功劳
12:39无畏无惧 无畏无惧
12:42无畏无惧 无畏无惧
13:12无畏无惧 无畏无惧
13:16无畏无惧 无畏无惧
13:20无畏无惧 无畏无惧
13:24无畏无惧 无畏无惧
13:36看好他 如有异动 当场处决
13:43Yes, sir.
13:49Chief, why would you arrange this?
13:53I want Huang Beishuang and Huo Qingyun
13:56to compete with each other in front of the world.
14:00It's hard to predict people's heart.
14:03Who will have a crush first
14:06will have a weakness.
14:09If Huang Beishuang can really kill him,
14:12she will be able to ease the burden of our future.
14:16If Huo Qingyun
14:18leaves Huang Beishuang behind,
14:21she will be despised by the world.
14:26At that time,
14:27I, Yun Pei,
14:28will also have an excuse to send troops to her.
14:31If she returns empty-handed,
14:34then the woman
14:36that Huo Qingyun loves the most
14:37will be me, Yun Pei.
14:40I can also use Huang Beishuang as a shield
14:43At that time,
14:45when the two sides meet face to face,
14:50she will definitely have a way out.
15:19Slowly, slowly.
15:21I'm so tired.
15:23Why is there so much to do?
15:25My legs are numb from sitting for so long.
15:27Everyone has a hard time.
15:29Come, come, come.
15:29Slowly, slowly.
15:38Didn't you say you didn't like this outfit?
15:41If you don't like it, then don't wear it.
15:44Like it?
15:46How can I not like it?
15:48That's fine.
15:49If you like it,
15:50I'll make you a few more.
15:55Do it.
15:58Hey, boss.
16:06The opportunity has come.
16:07E'na Ji has been detained by Tianzhu.
16:09Huang Beishuang is trying to kill Tianzhu.
16:12Let's go.
16:12Let's go, Sister-in-law.
16:16Let's go.
16:28How did it go?
16:29Miss Shuang's team
16:30is in Yun Pei's camp.
16:33Did you say you wanted to see her?
16:34She said
16:35she didn't have time to make an appointment.
16:36She didn't need to make an appointment in advance.
16:54Can you talk to me?
16:57I'll be satisfied
16:59for a while.
17:02I won't disturb anyone,
17:03I just want to have a quiet talk with you.
17:06You shouldn't be in the tent.
17:09These days,
17:11I miss you all the time.
17:14I want to be with you.
17:17You shouldn't be here.
17:20You go.
17:23I want to see you.
17:41Tomorrow's peace talks, I hope you won't be emotional.
18:03Make the best choice for Tian Du.
18:18Gu Junyu, let me go.
18:20How dare you steal my man?
18:22Are you crazy?
18:41When did you know I'm the ninth princess of Maxue?
18:44After you came here.
18:46Then how could you be so rude to me?
18:54In the eyes of your master, everyone is a dragon.
18:59It's my fault to kill your mother.
19:01But my feelings for you are not false at all.
19:05Don't you think it's absurd to talk about feelings now?
19:11I know you don't want to forgive me.
19:14But I still have a great cause.
19:17When everything is settled,
19:19I will die in front of you.
19:20I don't want to hear your empty words.
19:23I will definitely avenge my mother.
19:32I gave you this knife.
19:35So you ordered the soldiers to assassinate me a few days ago.
19:50Answer me.
20:01I just want to kill you.
20:12Now this knife is in your hand.
20:16Do it.
20:26What are you waiting for?
20:28Do you think I dare not?
20:41Do it.
20:51Don't you want to say it?
20:54It means you still have me in your heart.
20:59Dying is easy for you.
21:01I want you to live well with this guilt.
21:05Huang Weishuang.
21:08In your eyes,
21:11what do you see?
21:41Fei will send you back.
22:12Northern border
22:33Northern border
22:34Let them go.
22:38The northern border is my world.
22:41Even if it's Yun Pei,
22:43I don't want to get any benefits in my territory.
22:47The northern border leader acted on his own will.
22:49Do you prefer to bear the blame of the world?
22:51I don't care.
22:55hate is good.
22:56Grudge is also good.
22:58I want to keep you.
23:00I want to keep you by my side.
23:03Do you know what this means?
23:06Yun Pei starts a war.
23:08So what?
23:12Northern border
23:30Huo Qingyun.
23:32Fulfill your promise.
23:34Let go of my people and Yun Pei's soldiers.
23:37Otherwise, I will kill Fei.
23:42Northern border
23:44Do you think
23:46I will give up
23:49for a group of horses?
23:52Others can't.
23:54I can.
23:57Do you really want to do this to me?
24:06This is your life.
24:08I can't afford to delay.
24:09Give it to someone else.
24:29Huo Peishuang
24:31I have never been gentle to you.
24:36But if I can conquer you,
24:39I will not hesitate.
24:42Don't force me.
24:44If you want to die in my heart,
24:47you can show
24:48the power of your Northern border.
25:10You can't.
25:24You are the real one.
25:28You are the real one.
25:35Huo Qingyun
25:36Huo Qingyun
25:38You and I
25:40have nothing to do with each other.
25:42In this life
25:46never see each other again.
26:06In this life
26:07never see each other again.
26:08In this life
26:10never see each other again.
26:11In this life
26:12never see each other again.
26:13In this life
26:14never see each other again.
26:15In this life
26:16never see each other again.
26:17In this life
26:18never see each other again.
26:19In this life
26:20never see each other again.
26:21In this life
26:22never see each other again.
26:23In this life
26:24never see each other again.
26:25In this life
26:26never see each other again.
26:27In this life
26:28never see each other again.
26:29In this life
26:30never see each other again.
26:31In this life
26:32never see each other again.
26:33In this life
26:34never see each other again.
26:35In this life
26:36never see each other again.
26:37In this life
26:38never see each other again.
26:40In this life
26:41never see each other again.
26:42In this life
26:43never see each other again.
26:46Why did you give me this?
26:50I have no family and no relatives
26:52The only person I can trust
26:54is you.
27:02Promise me
27:05Don't open it until I'm dead.
27:10Okay, I promise you.
27:13Don't say it again.
27:28Just take it as a dream.
27:30When you wake up,
27:33forget it all.
27:36The dream is not over yet.
27:38Remember your promise to me.
27:42I will do whatever I promised you.
28:05I promise you.
28:30Young Master.
28:32Uncle, please sit down.
28:40Don't worry, Young Master.
28:42If I can live to the end,
28:44I will remember you
28:46as a knight.
28:49Even if a thousand years have passed,
28:51no one will forget you.
28:53Uncle Huo,
28:55don't make fun of me anymore.
28:57Young Master,
28:59don't force yourself.
29:01Life is like this.
29:03Emotions change.
29:06I'm afraid
29:08we're not meant to be.
29:11I have a blood feud.
29:13I don't know where to go.
29:15I shouldn't have involved him in this.
29:19If there is inevitably a war
29:21between the Heavenly Capital and the Clouds,
29:23what will you do?
29:28Don't let Nazhan know your weakness.
29:33she will take it away
29:35and everything we do
29:37will be in vain.
29:39I understand.
29:41There is already a child
29:43who died for you.
29:45We can't let him die in vain.
29:49Uncle Huo, you mean...
29:51The 49th City Master of the Clouds,
29:54Na Qida Zhao Yue,
29:56has no son,
29:58has a noble character,
30:00and is good at martial arts.
30:01Congratulations to the City Master,
30:03Zhuo Jiwu,
30:05for the position of City Master.
30:07The order of the Clouds.
30:13Congratulations to the City Master.
30:15Congratulations to the City Master.
30:18how dare you fabricate a book?
30:20Aren't you afraid of being punished by Heaven?
30:27This book was written by my father's wife.
30:29Mr. Zhong,
30:32General Wu.
30:34Go with Mr. Rong
30:35to pick up Wu Ding.
30:37I'm going to the funeral.
30:41there is a plum blossom mark
30:43on the child's shoulder.
30:46Do you remember An Er?
30:50Ruo Bo's child.
30:53There is a plum blossom mark
30:55on An Er's shoulder.
30:57In order to save you,
30:58my brother used a trick to change the Crown Prince
31:00and give An Er to Nazhan.
31:03Nazhan is poisoned.
31:04She won't let him go.
31:07When I was young,
31:09I didn't pay attention to the mystery.
31:12Plum blossom mark.
31:16Huo Bo,
31:17what is
31:19this plum blossom mark?
31:31Young Master, please have a look.
31:33On the left shoulder,
31:35why are you asking this?
31:42Huo Bo,
31:44An Er
31:46may still be alive.
31:56It's the Emperor's men.
31:59It's the Emperor's men.
32:01Protect the Empress Dowager.
32:06we are looking for the Emperor's men.
32:08Chase them.
32:09Protect the Empress Dowager.
32:23Chase them.
32:27Chase them.
32:40You have lost weight recently.
32:43You need to rest well
32:44and take care of yourself.
32:50I can't sleep well.
32:54I know what you mean.
32:55But the military power is in his hands.
32:57We can't control it.
33:02So what?
33:06I let him survive several times.
33:10In the future,
33:13it will be more difficult.
33:16we can't sit and wait.
33:19Let's ask him to come to Yun Ci Pavilion
33:21and then we will act.
33:26Yun Ci Pavilion
33:41I secretly investigated
33:42and found this note
33:44in Liu Qi's room.
33:55It's true.
33:56I'll bring someone.
33:59It's not the best time now.
34:00Don't alert him.
34:12What's up?
34:15Master invites you to Yun Ci Pavilion
34:17to discuss political affairs.
34:19I know.
34:20I'll go now.
34:25Yun Ci Pavilion
34:55Yun Ci Pavilion
35:25Yun Ci Pavilion
35:27Yun Ci Pavilion
35:29Yun Ci Pavilion
35:31Yun Ci Pavilion
35:33Yun Ci Pavilion
35:35Yun Ci Pavilion
35:37Yun Ci Pavilion
35:39Yun Ci Pavilion
35:41Yun Ci Pavilion
35:43Yun Ci Pavilion
35:45Yun Ci Pavilion
35:47Yun Ci Pavilion
35:49Yun Ci Pavilion
35:51Yun Ci Pavilion
35:53Yun Ci Pavilion
35:55Yun Ci Pavilion
35:57Yun Ci Pavilion
35:59Yun Ci Pavilion
36:01Yun Ci Pavilion
36:03Yun Ci Pavilion
36:05Yun Ci Pavilion
36:07Yun Ci Pavilion
36:09Yun Ci Pavilion
36:11Yun Ci Pavilion
36:13Yun Ci Pavilion
36:15Yun Ci Pavilion
36:17Yun Ci Pavilion
36:19Yun Ci Pavilion
36:21Yun Ci Pavilion
36:23Yun Ci Pavilion
36:25Yun Ci Pavilion
36:27Yun Ci Pavilion
36:29Yun Ci Pavilion
36:31Yun Ci Pavilion
36:33Yun Ci Pavilion
36:35Yun Ci Pavilion
36:37Yun Ci Pavilion
36:39Yun Ci Pavilion
36:41Yun Ci Pavilion
36:43Yun Ci Pavilion
36:45Yun Ci Pavilion
36:47Yun Ci Pavilion
36:49Yun Ci Pavilion
36:51Yun Ci Pavilion
36:53Yun Ci Pavilion
36:55Yun Ci Pavilion
36:57Yun Ci Pavilion
36:59Yun Ci Pavilion
37:01Yun Ci Pavilion
37:03Yun Ci Pavilion
37:05Yun Ci Pavilion
37:07Yun Ci Pavilion
37:09Yun Ci Pavilion
37:11Yun Ci Pavilion
37:13Yun Ci Pavilion
37:15Yun Ci Pavilion