
  • yesterday
00:00It has to calm down.
00:03Between the game, there are some things that are not clear.
00:05To tell you everything, the game is underway.
00:07But to tell you, it's that Brooks has...
00:09I'm going to tell you.
00:10It's that Brooks has looked at supporters who seemed...
00:13I put all this in the conditional.
00:15Who seemed to have mimicked monkey gestures.
00:19Yeah, that's clearly the subject.
00:21There's everyone around.
00:23It's trying to calm Brooks down.
00:24We don't know what he said yet, but it still feels serious.
00:28You know that in Madrid, in Spain, there were very important cases on this subject.
00:34There are some gestures that should not be made either.
00:37I see small things on the part of some players of the French team.
00:40Don't fall for it.
00:42Don't fall for it.
00:44Don't fall for it.
00:48There are some players of the Blues who claim that the people of the French team
00:52go back to the locker room, while Brooks, you see, pointed his finger.
00:55I confirm, that's exactly it.
00:57The pseudo-supporter, because I'm not going to call him a supporter.
01:00The pseudo-supporter who would have mimicked monkey gestures under the armpits,
01:06you would have understood it easily, to accompany Brooks' exit.
01:10Like what? Really stupidity and human stupidity.
01:16I'm speechless.
01:17Sincerely, Alex, I haven't heard anything from you since earlier.
01:23I don't understand that in a relatively healthy rivalry, like we are on YouTube,
01:31there are already shitty images that exist in the real sport,
01:35but that it happens on YouTube, I'm speechless, sincerely.
01:39The French are hesitating to go back to the locker room.
01:42Peat is going to confirm that to us, because I saw, it seems to me,
01:46Yannou, as head of line, who had...
01:49You have to be careful with some gestures, but I'm going to privilege the one who said
01:53let's go back to the locker room, because that's the one you have to put forward.
01:56Yeah, clearly, that's what's going on here.
01:58All the players are going back to the locker room.
02:00Brooks, who confirmed to someone in the audience, a Spaniard,
02:04who would have clearly mimicked Brooks' exit,
02:07well, just simply the monkey.
02:09So everyone is leaving.
02:11But that's a good picture.
02:12Look, Peat, on the second screen, we also see Coco extending,
02:15he almost has tears in his eyes with Mr. Referee.
02:17He doesn't have tears in his eyes, Alex, he's crying.
02:19Because he's thinking, what's that? What's that? What does that mean?
02:22He's crying.
02:24One of their players has been touched by the actions of their own fans, supporters.
02:34Sincerely, it's overwhelming.
02:39It's overwhelming to see that.
02:41We're here at a party.
02:44No, no, he told me he didn't necessarily prefer to talk.
02:48Coco, who was an absolute cream on the first one.
02:50Yeah, yeah, yeah.
02:51There was a lot of confusion, etc.
02:52He was adorable.
02:53He's always been super cool.
02:54And now there's the referee, Coco and Said,
02:56who are discussing to find a solution too.
03:01How can we see that?
03:02Try to get closer, Peat.
03:03How can we see that again?
03:06I'm going to talk to my players.
03:12I'm going to talk to my players.
03:14Calm down, calm down, calm down.
03:16Said is going to talk to the players.
03:18That's it, Said asked to talk to Coco too.
03:20Mr. Referee wanted to know what was going on between the two men.
03:24Said explained that he wanted to talk to Coco quietly.
03:26He said in Spanish to Mr. Referee that he was also going to talk to his players
03:30to find out whether or not it would be the return of the match.
03:33For me, the reaction of the Blues is the right one.
03:36That's the one we need to have.
03:37Because the gesture we saw is, of course, absolutely incredible.
03:41Our faith is on Brooks' side, of course.
03:47Allow me to put on the conditional again, because the image has not been shown.
03:52But of course, when I see Brooks doing this monkey gesture,
03:56I accompanied this movement.
03:58Of course, I think so.
04:00I think so.
04:03Not more than average, of course.
04:05Of course.
04:06Of course.
04:08Charles, who is with us on the sound, Douag is going to join us.
04:11So we will be able to reconnect Douag with us
04:15because he follows this match closely in his stands.
04:18We will stay, of course, connected and be attentive to all these images.
04:23Douag, that's all we don't want to see.
04:26That's all we don't want to see.
04:28I was a bit in the first stand too, because it happened right next to the French camp.
04:32You have the big French camp that makes the turn there,
04:34which was on the left of the Spaniards' box.
04:36And it happened right behind the Spaniards' goalkeeper.
04:39And so, for once, Brooks, on his way out,
04:41he wanted to go through there to go faster, to save time for the match.
04:44Of course, we also play the monkey to get back to the score.
04:46And right away, he got caught by several people.