Xena Bloopers, Blunders, & Wardrobe Malfunctions

  • 2 days ago
Xena Warrior Princess behind the Scenes Comic Relief
#xena #comicrelief


00:00Hi everyone, I'm Lucy Lawless and thank you so very much on behalf of all the cast and
00:08crew down in New Zealand and here in LA for your support over the last 18 months.
00:13It's been a real rollercoaster ride for us and the show has just been a phenomenal success.
00:18I hope we have not yet begun to peak, but your participation in that has been more than
00:24we dreamed.
00:25Thank you very much.
00:27We've got a lot of things coming up in the next season that we're very excited about
00:30and you as official members of the Xena Warrior Princess fan club will be the first to know
00:35about them.
00:40Who are you?
00:42They call me Xena.
00:45My name is Xena.
00:50My name is Xena.
00:54Come at me again.
00:55Quick, quick, quick.
00:57That's a lie.
00:59Then why does every traveller, Bertina?
01:13Then why does every traveller...
01:15That is a lie.
01:19Then why does every traveller between here and Corinth have a story to tell about an army
01:23led by Xena?
01:24Get your people out of here now!
01:31They'll kill you.
01:33I still have a few tricks up my sleeve.
01:38I don't have any sleeves.
01:42Hey, what's the line?
01:45I still have a few, uh...
01:49They'll kill you.
01:52I still have a few ideas left.
01:55And who knows?
01:57Maybe I can turn this to my advantage.
01:58No, no, no.
01:59There's been a change of plans.
02:03There is a big shipment of gems coming in to Piraeus.
02:07Athens' entire army and fleet are there.
02:09You mean you haven't heard about the expedition?
02:14Most of Athens' army are on their way to Piraeus.
02:20Her smile is daylight itself, her voice as sweet as a siren's song, and when she takes
02:27that dress off...
02:32Oh, Fragrance.
02:33Oh, Fragrance.
02:34Oh, Fragrance.
02:35Oh, Fragrance.
02:36Oh, Fragrance.
02:37Oh, Fragrance.
02:38Oh, Fragrance.
02:39Oh, Fragrance.
02:40Oh, Fragrance.
02:41Oh, Fragrance.
02:42Oh, Fragrance.
02:43Oh, Fragrance.
02:44Oh, Fragrance.
02:45Oh, Fragrance.
02:46Oh, Fragrance.
02:47Oh, Fragrance.
02:48Oh, Fragrance.
02:49Oh, Fragrance.
02:50Oh, Fragrance.
02:51Oh, Fragrance.
02:52Oh, Fragrance.
02:53Oh, Fragrance.
02:54Oh, Fragrance.
02:55Oh, Fragrance.
02:56Oh, Fragrance.
02:57Oh, Fragrance.
02:58Oh, Fragrance.
02:59Oh, Fragrance.
03:00Oh, Fragrance.
03:01Oh, Fragrance.
03:02Oh, Fragrance.
03:04Oh, Fragrance.
03:05Oh, Fragrance.
03:13He hasn't got an evil spot in his whole body!
03:16Oh, come on!
03:17We've all got an evil spot somewhere!
03:20Pull my finger.
03:26Your Highness, have you seen the kids?
03:29No, no, you, you, shit, shit, get down.
03:40I suppose this would follicwise into ya.
03:47Bad hair day, huh?
03:53Magmar told me that his former boss has got a big ego.
03:56Almost as big as yours.
04:00Nothing is as big as mine.
04:03Go on.
04:08When Malthus, no, I was joking, I was acting, I was acting.
04:14All right, we're secure, what's next?
04:16Well, I've got to think in reverse here.
04:18I slower myself down to the hoo-ha there.
04:21Then after I do that, you swing the box out
04:24when I do the yada-yada.
04:27Then I just return to the gods.
04:29We don't need it anymore.
04:39Most of Athens' army are on their way to Anatolia.
04:45I left a friend back in the last village.
04:47She defends them.
04:51You know, I still can't believe it.
04:53I picked up the sword and it came right for me.
04:57Maybe they thought you were a threat.
04:59You're waiting for the right moment to say I told you so.
05:23Which one?
05:37Help me!
05:40They're bloody nesting in me.
05:43That's it, that's it, that's it.
05:46I'm not going to die.
05:48I'm not going to die.
05:49I'm not going to die.
05:51That's disgusting! Oh my God!
05:57This is Gabrielle we're talking about. How different can she be?
06:02This is Gabrielle we're talking about. How different can she be?
06:08This is Gabrielle we're talking about. How different can she be?
06:15Alright, go home everybody.
06:18Well I've got some bad news for you. You're not a warrior.
06:20Oh great, great. Hit a man when he's down.
06:22Listen, I've beaten the... whoops... Lisa...
06:26Let's do it again.
06:32You just made me mad now, little girl. Real mad.
06:41People like this used to be my victims.
06:44I keep that in mind every time we come up against a warlord like them.
06:51Sit. And action.
06:56This chamber is not only to the royal family.
06:59Good. I want you and Philemon to stay here until...
07:06And action.
07:08This chamber is not only to the royal family.
07:12Now we'll be right, we'll be right, we'll be right.
07:17And action.
07:20This chamber is not only to the royal family.
07:31I just wanted to do that.
07:34Alright, alright. Just go on up to the nursery and I'll catch up with you there.
07:40Wait for me in my room. I won't be long.
07:45She's on the seashore, on the seashore.
07:48Peter Pfeiffer picked a peck of pickled peppers.
07:51A peck of pickled peppers Peter Pfeiffer picked.
07:55Peter Pfeiffer. Hey, come here Renee. Come on.
07:58The stars at night are big and bright.
08:03Deep in the heart of Texas.
08:07The sage and bloom is like perfume.
08:10Deep in the heart of Texas.
08:21Yeah, you two sisters.
08:23Maybe I'll try that.
08:25You see, I have a friend who's a bit intimidating.
08:28Who might that be?
08:31Zina. Guess who he knows.
08:35You're so good.
08:38I'm sorry.
08:43Don't you take another step.
08:45What are you doing? He's with Hercules.
08:47That's exactly why I don't want to met him out back.
