Actualización sobre el estado de salud de Jorge Lanata

  • 2 days ago
La vida y la salud del periodista argentino Jorge Lanata están en discusión. A pesar de su condición médica delicada, se mantiene la esperanza debido a las posibilidades médicas existentes. Lanata, quien es un paciente inmunodeprimido y trasplantado de riñón, ha sido sometido a varias intervenciones quirúrgicas. Se espera una nueva operación exploratoria para evaluar su estado actual y posiblemente unir su intestino.


00:00Evaluating the life of Jorge Lanata, because many people say, ask, but there are possibilities, there are no possibilities.
00:07I say, I know you are a woman of faith.
00:09Exactly, there are medical possibilities.
00:13And that, I cling to that, and I think he is, I have said it a thousand times, he is a gladiator.
00:20He is a gladiator, Jorge, so I cling to that, and there are medical possibilities.
00:26And also, for all of us who are believers, there is also the miracle, but there are medical possibilities.
00:40You are still sedated, right?
00:42Yes, yes.
00:43I consult you because Elba just left and said, short, he says that you did not tell him today that Jorge was going to be intervened.
00:51Look, I was, they told me yesterday, I came to see my dad.
00:55At three, four in the afternoon, I was an hour, I spoke with the head of therapy and she told me that today the operating room was booked for nine.
01:02No, we never talk, she never warns us either, so I thought the hospital was warning her.
01:11They just told me that he had said that.
01:14In theory, the hospital warns us both, things at two.
01:20It's not that I didn't want to let him know, I knew since yesterday and I thought she did too.
01:25They didn't tell you?
01:27Because I was in front of him.
01:29It was also said that Barbara had not been notified of the operation on Wednesday.
01:34No, no, impossible, impossible, the doctor told him in front of me.
01:37You just said the other way around, today it happened that Barbara Sabin did not tell you?
01:42What I don't want right now is more nonsense.
01:47It shouldn't have happened what happened this morning.
01:50No, no, I don't think it was the spirit of making joint decisions that are worth the revenge, I asked for it expressly.
01:57Let's leave it, let's hope it doesn't happen again.
02:00It's not good for Jorge, it's not good for the nerves.
02:03We saw you very close to Facundo these days, he is also accompanying him.
02:07What happened? Did they suspend him from work?
02:09Was it an Elba request? What can you tell us? We don't want to bother you anymore.
02:12Well, that's a legal issue, I don't want to talk about it, but it's what they know.
02:18Yes, yes, him and Francisca, the employee.
02:22Was this because of an Elba request to justice?
02:25He sent a letter of document, I don't know well how that was sent.
02:38We are working live with our colleague Marcelo Padovani at the door of the Italian hospital.
02:43Hello Marcelo.
02:46Hello Luciana, how are you? Good afternoon.
02:48We are actually here at the Italian hospital waiting for news.
02:52Well, as his wife Elba said, there are always medical possibilities.
02:59So, the family and of course we all wish Jorge a quick recovery, as we have been pointing out this week.
03:07We were here all week.
03:09You know that Elba was talking about the operating room,
03:13that they didn't tell her that the operation was going to be yesterday at 9 in the morning.
03:18It was going to be, that's what I mean, yesterday at 9 in the morning,
03:21that the daughters had told her.
03:24Well, she pointed out an error in the hospital.
03:27Now what we do know, and not from official communication,
03:30because there is still no medical part from Thursday night,
03:34but we do know from Elba's statements that they are going to intervene again next Monday.
03:42Of course, a third intervention.
03:44The 48 hours that follow a third intervention, exactly.
03:48Of course, when the interventions are made, the daughters are present,
03:54at least Bárbara, who is the eldest daughter.
03:56And also Bárbara, this week, let's remember Lucy,
03:59it seems to you that she had a legal recognition to intervene in her father's health.
04:04That is, anything that is done must have the authorization
04:09and the good will of her daughter Bárbara, who is her eldest daughter, right?
04:15So, well, waiting for news here.
04:17Elba is inside, Elba is here inside.
04:20We spoke today, in the morning, with Elba.
04:23She looked good, she said she had a good night.
04:26That is important.
04:27But the last medical part, if you like, we point out the most important parts.
04:31Come on, let's remember.
04:32They say that, well, she is, of course, with mechanical ventilation.
04:36She is an immunodepressed patient, right?
04:38This must be reiterated, we always point it out because it is an important fact
04:41and the doctors also point it out.
04:43Why? Well, because she is transplanted.
04:45She has a kidney transplant.
04:48This is a complication, diabetes.
04:50Of course, her lungs are not quite well
04:55because of how she has smoked in the course of her life.
04:59A personal choice, right?
05:01Well, and I have to say that she was sedated too,
05:06that she was sedated with, and I already said this, with mechanical ventilation, right?
05:11Good, yes, let's remember.
05:12But she had a good night and her wife and her family
05:15have hopes that she will recover soon.
05:18I hope so.
05:19Thank you, Marcel.
05:20Well, let's add to this that Marcelo gives us, which is part of the medical part,
05:24to Dr. Fernando Sicchero to understand a little
05:27what happened yesterday with Jorge and what is going to happen on Monday.
05:30How are you, doctor? Thank you for attending us. Good afternoon.
05:34Good afternoon on Saturday. How are you?
05:35Good, Fernando, a great pleasure.
05:36Yesterday, what was it? An exploration? An intervention?
05:39On Monday there is a third or is it the second?
05:41No, it seems to me that since the cream began to complicate the issue of her intestine,
05:52the truth is that what they have to do now is see how it evolves,
06:00what we called the other day, we talked about ischemia, right?
06:03The loss of irrigation of a part of the intestine.
06:07Of course.
06:08A part of the intestine dried up, it came together again,
06:12and what the colleagues are seeing now is if that union is permeable,
06:19it does not separate, and if there is no other sector of the intestine
06:24that can be ischemic again.
06:28So what they say is, we did the first surgery, we reviewed it,
06:34and now we are looking forward to improving his overall condition.
06:38You can imagine that it was not good.
06:40Yes, so delicate, 120 days, of course.
06:42The cream was not good, they operated it urgently.
06:45It has to be improved from the surgical intervention at 24, 48 hours, it has another.
06:53It seems to me that they have left the weekend to stabilize very well
06:58and see the surgery on Monday, which may be tomorrow at 3 in the morning.
07:04Let's see if we understand each other.
07:06This occurred due to an emergency.
07:09This was an emergency.
07:10It was not planned.
07:11The intestinal ischemia is an emergency.
07:13Of course, and you can't move the time you want.
07:16It is and it is now.
07:18And it is now.
07:19So that now, always, if you schedule,
07:23it will always better order the patient, the operating room,
07:29everything you need for surgery to be a success.
07:34Now, you can never think exclusively of success when it is an emergency.
07:39So tomorrow, if you tell me,
07:42you know what, doctor, the last part says they reopened it.
07:44And welcome.
07:47We are absolutely 24 hours a day behind these critical patients.
07:53And we are not going to say, well, we had scheduled for Monday and we got ahead.
07:58No, it was a matter of need.
08:00Now, if it happens all Sunday and on Monday they are going to explore it again,
08:05it was fulfilled with the primary premise of having it 48, 72 hours stabilized
08:12to operate it again.
08:14Good to understand.
08:15So this third operation would be another operation, an exploratory intervention.
08:22Do you mean in Creole to know how that is?
08:26How is it evolving? Exactly.
08:29What happens is that you, so far, let's say,
08:33I don't have the direct information, so I don't speculate about things I don't know.
08:37No, but in general terms.
08:39Can I say something?
08:41Because what Bárbara said is that on Monday what is going to be done is,
08:44if it's okay, the intestine is going to be joined.
08:47Of course, directly.
08:49Surely a previous exploration will be done and it will be intervened.
08:55What happens is that there are two ways to do it.
08:57That is why I say that it is a purely technical issue,
09:00by which you can do what is called terminal terminal anastomosis
09:04and the intestine joins at that moment
09:07or the two portions of the intestine are separated,
09:11facing the outside through a hole in the abdomen.
09:15And that is called dysfunctionalizing the intestinal transit.
09:20It is left as at rest to the intestinal transit.
09:24And you can see how those sectors of the intestine
09:27spend the hours and stay alive.
09:31Why do I say alive?
09:33Because they remain irrigated.
09:35They don't have ischemia.
09:37So what do you do?
09:38After checking it again
09:41and doing some technical maneuvers
09:44where I have to give it some elasticity,
09:47they join again.
09:49But beyond this question, doctor,
09:51the general picture is very complex, very delicate,
09:54because to all the problems it has,
09:56this new inconvenience is added, which is not the central one.
09:59This complicates the picture of Jorge even more.
10:03Of course, it was what we were saying the other day.
10:06Per se, acute intestinal ischemia is a surgical emergency.
10:11It doesn't matter what happens to the patient apart.
10:14I mean, let's understand that.
10:16If it is serious, yes.
10:18Unfortunately, it was like one could say,
10:21he was not lucky, right?
10:23Of course, everything was added.
10:24He came back with a fever from Santa Catalina
10:26and an intestinal ischemia appears.
10:28Poor Mr. Lanata, something else.
10:31But that was solved as they had to solve it,
10:34as an emergency.
10:35Now, in the context that surrounds Mr. Lanata,
10:39he has three or four things
10:42that condition a better evolution.
10:45What are they?
10:46That he is ventilated, right?
10:48That's one.
10:49So, being ventilated,
10:52his lung is also in direct contact with the outside
10:55through the respirator.
10:57And that, statistically, medically,
11:00increases the chances of the lung being infected.
11:05Do you understand?
11:07Then, he has a lot of affection
11:10because he is transplanted, immunosuppressed.
11:13Immunosuppression, so that the kidney is not rejected
11:16and continues to function,
11:18has as a counterpart that immunosuppression
11:21also depresses a little immunologically
11:24and can also be infected.
11:26The third thing, he is immobilized.
11:29All of you have said it hundreds of times.
11:32The number of days he is hospitalized
11:35makes Mr. Lanata have less energy.
11:38So, well, there are a lot of causes.
11:41That's why I said that in the context of his general illness,
11:45the truth is that acute intestinal ischemia
11:48is a serious condition.
