War of the Worlds: Extinction

  • 2 days ago
When a rogue general from the planet Emios attacks Earth, a team of archeologists must track down an ancient artifact that can prevent extinction.
00:00:00General Scullers log. Earth was dying. Humans fled in search of a new, inhabitable planet.
00:00:30And they found ours, Emios.
00:00:38Emios was peaceful and prosperous until one month ago when Earth attacked.
00:00:43Humans looked just like us, but they were hidden behind their armor, and their advanced weaponry dropped from the skies like rain.
00:00:53While our troops under my command mounted a formidable defense...
00:00:59...refugees began pouring in from Earth.
00:01:03To my disgust, the leaders of Emios began negotiating a ceasefire.
00:01:08Some of my troops even turned on me, choosing to peacefully welcome our dangerous invaders.
00:01:14Even my beloved daughter Clea began to support them.
00:01:19I knew then what I know now. We must keep fighting no matter what.
00:01:24If we don't, these invaders will take over Emios completely, leaving us with nothing.
00:01:32Even as Emosian leaders and soldiers insist on providing refuge for the Earth invaders who laid siege to our home first, my army will fight on.
00:01:46Earth's aggressors must know that we will never back down. Never.
00:01:50General Sculler, out.
00:02:20We're under attack! What about the ceasefire?
00:02:23They're turning fire!
00:02:26Hostile fire! Engage! Engage!
00:02:51Let's go, Miguel!
00:02:55Let's go back there, come on!
00:03:27Who are these people? Are they Emosian?
00:03:30No, Dad. They're refugees from Earth. We have to get these humans to safety.
00:03:33Clea, are you crazy? That's a blatant act of treason.
00:03:37They aren't soldiers and their planet is dying. Humans are allowed safe transport to Emios.
00:03:42Clea, are you blind? Their kind are attacking our planet.
00:03:45The war is over. We have to help them. They don't deserve to die.
00:03:49Dad, there's a ceasefire. Haul off your troops!
00:03:54Wait! There's too many hostiles that way. Just head back to base and I'll call them off.
00:03:59I'm trusting you.
00:04:02You go, understand? Now. Take them with you.
00:04:06We need to get out of here.
00:04:08This way. Come on, let's go.
00:04:11Come on, we've got to run!
00:04:14Keep up, come on! It's getting closer!
00:04:16It's getting closer!
00:04:18Run, run, run!
00:05:18Sir, respectfully, it's your responsibility to authorize swift military action.
00:05:26And we are way, way beyond the point of mercy.
00:05:30They have come here to eradicate us. They have come here to wipe us out.
00:05:35My condolences for the loss of your daughter.
00:05:38But I cannot condone this action and the lives of billions more would be threatened.
00:05:41Quite frankly, Consul, I did not come here for your sympathy.
00:05:47I came here for a worm strike. Now authorize it!
00:05:52Mobilize a fog class arsenal cruiser convoy. Do it, now!
00:05:56Escalating military action is no longer an option at this time.
00:06:01You surrender? Is that it? You surrender?
00:06:05I cease fire. So peace talks can be established and met by both sides.
00:06:10So more humans can travel here to Emios. We are ready to welcome them.
00:06:16Your obsolescence is outmatched only by your cowardice.
00:06:23You are not dismissed!
00:06:30You're pathetic.
00:06:34General Sculler!
00:06:50At ease, Lieutenant.
00:06:56Leah. I can't believe she's... she's gone.
00:07:03She loved you, Moffat.
00:07:08Sure did.
00:07:11Well, Moffat, we're never helpless as long as we never avoid the brutal facts.
00:07:17And the brutal fact is that decisions have to be made.
00:07:22What kind of decisions?
00:07:25Nito's surrendered and he's ordered all military divisions to stand down.
00:07:29I refuse to quit, to give in to an enemy that has taken so much from you, from me, from all of us.
00:07:44So what do you say, Moffat? You in?
00:07:48Absolutely, sir.
00:07:51Excellent. We will respond in kind and destroy all life on planet Earth at once.
00:07:57That will require an offensive utilizing every ship we have.
00:08:02We will utilize the Terra Modus to destroy their planet.
00:08:07Sir, that's a myth. Many have searched, none have found it. I mean, there are theories that...
00:08:15The device is real. Planetary Intelligence keeps classified dossiers on the Terra Modus.
00:08:21Our government has been well aware of this planet killer.
00:08:25Only high-ranking defense commanders such as myself have had access to the dossier.
00:08:31Sir? Do they know where it is?
00:08:35What we do know is that there are three different keys in three different locations on planet Earth.
00:08:40After each key is inserted into the Terra Modus, it will unleash disasters that will wipe out humanity.
00:08:46But without the Terra Modus, we cannot begin to even figure out where these keys are located.
00:08:51No one in the Archaeological Divisions has ever searched for its whereabouts. Is that correct?
00:08:58Not a one. We've been convinced it wasn't real by superior officers.
00:09:04Well then, Moffat, you'll be the one to find it.
00:09:10Why should we tolerate humans searching for the Terra Modus?
00:09:14Why should we tolerate humans on our pristine planet when they've refused to stop polluting their own?
00:09:21Earth transports keep bringing refugees here. You're going to board one of those transports and return to Earth.
00:09:28But the Earth's atmosphere is poison.
00:09:32I've arranged for you to have a tracheal filter surgery during transport.
00:09:36That will allow you to blend in easier with humans once you're there.
00:09:40I'll have your documents ready in time for your departure.
00:09:42Yes, sir.
00:09:44Me and my entire team will have the same procedure so that we'll be ready the second you tell us that you've found the Terra Modus.
00:09:51If you find it, Moffat, you win the war.
00:09:55If you don't, Emios will cease to exist.
00:10:01Do it for Clea.
00:10:04Yes, sir.
00:10:43You are not cleared for wormhole entry path mark 5. Command identified.
00:10:51Half cannon's ready. On your mark, General.
00:10:55Exit point release.
00:11:02Both batteries target wormhole station gate on my command. Stand by.
00:11:07Final warning. Surrender now or I will order your vessel fired upon.
00:11:13Stand by to fire.
00:11:29Station gate is dismantled. The wormhole is severed. Human transports can no longer land at Emios at this time, General.
00:11:39Very good.
00:11:42Hundreds of millions of them still remain on the planet, so I intend to eliminate every last one of them once I get my hands on the Terra Modus.
00:11:53Even if that means sacrificing my own life to do it.
00:12:01Let's see how they handle their own weapons, shall we?
00:12:06Prepare to fire on my command.
00:12:11This war has only just begun.
00:12:53Nairobi has just been hit with a plasma cannon fired by an Emios and Arsenal cruiser.
00:12:57Captives are in the hundreds of thousands. The Kenyan government has just declared a state of emergency.
00:13:02An Emosian cruiser in orbit?
00:13:03Emiosian registry affirmative. Position 180 miles above Earth.
00:13:08General, Zeta-1 station has been destroyed. The wormhole entry to Emios has collapsed.
00:13:24Earth has yet to mobilize any form of counter-attack, sir.
00:13:28They will.
00:13:30Moffat's been on Earth two months now. Here's her last report sent twelve hours ago.
00:13:38A pyramid-shaped item in the ProVet Museum's artifacts has nearly identical markings to the ancient Cerda region in South America.
00:13:46But we don't have much time. The humans are prepping it for transport to Emios, along with several other artifacts.
00:13:51Clear evidence points the pyramid-shaped item to being the Terra Modus. The museum is located in Los Angeles.
00:13:59There's a sign.
00:14:09I see...
00:14:24Same markings.
00:14:26Why is there two of these markings?
00:14:29Same markings.
00:14:39Just imagine everything we're leaving behind on Earth, still undiscovered.
00:14:45Well, think of it as a new beginning, Sybil. A fresh start for everyone.
00:14:51Emosians, humans, come together.
00:14:54Yeah, except one of them wasn't aware of the arrangement.
00:14:58And can we at least agree that it'd be nice to walk outside and not need this to breathe?
00:15:04Yeah, agreed.
00:15:10I guess it's maybe not the best time to ask, but...
00:15:17Have you given any thought to what we talked about last night?
00:15:22Moving in together is a big step.
00:15:24Yeah, yeah.
00:15:25Let's just get to Emios first, and then we'll figure out if we're ready. Okay?
00:15:30Yeah, yeah, of course.
00:15:38Oh, let me help you with that.
00:15:43Hear that?
00:15:45How can you not think it's a music box?
00:15:47The markings on the dial are far too similar to Proto-Certat circa 1300 BCE.
00:15:52That predates Swiss mechanics by 3,000 years.
00:15:56You sound like your sister. Cut and dry, no margin for error.
00:16:00Marie and I haven't seen eye to eye on much.
00:16:03Especially after I refused to return to the IEDS once we invaded Emios.
00:16:07Listen, you did what you thought was right, and that's all that matters.
00:16:10Can I help you finish packing this item to go through the transports?
00:16:12No, we're almost done. Scott's already captured the digitized images.
00:16:18All that's left is to secure it for travel.
00:16:21This item has to be very carefully stored.
00:16:25There are fragile moving parts inside.
00:16:30Any theories as to what it is yet?
00:16:33We think it might be some kind of obscure puzzle box.
00:16:36Or music box, even though it predates all other music boxes by thousands of years.
00:16:42The markings on the dial, iconography dating back to around 1300 BCE?
00:16:49We've been working for months to decipher these symbols.
00:16:53They seem to correspond to a unique style of writing,
00:16:56but of course we've only begun to scratch the surface.
00:17:05Okay, let's go.
00:17:08Arsenal Cruiser has made no attempt for radio contact.
00:17:11Emios is not holding to the ceasefire, sir.
00:17:17If that's true, they would send more than one Arsenal Cruiser.
00:17:22There's something wrong here.
00:17:26Williams, scramble Starhawk Flightwing Alpha.
00:17:31We're at DEFCON 1.
00:17:33This is Polar Base Vertex. Starhawk Flightwing, what's your status?
00:17:36Alpha, scramble Starhawk. Alpha, scramble, repeat, we are at DEFCON 1.
00:17:42We need recon on that cruiser!
00:17:54Starhawk's on approach, sir.
00:17:57Initiate descent.
00:18:09Emioso Arsenal Cruiser now in approach...
00:18:13to Los Angeles.
00:18:31Shibble, Shibble, come in.
00:18:33Let me handle this.
00:18:35Yes, Andres, I told you not to contact me again.
00:18:38Shibble, listen to me.
00:18:40I need you and Jill to get to one of the bomb shelters immediately.
00:18:44Whoever you're with, take them with you and get to safety now.
00:18:47Why? What's happening?
00:18:49There's been an attack.
00:18:51Nairobi was hit by an Emioso gunship and now they're headed to Los Angeles.
00:18:55What about the ceasefire?
00:18:57It's Emioso's Arsenal Cruiser. We're under attack.
00:19:00It's picking off Starhawk like they're nothing.
00:19:02I expected the humans to put up much more of a fight.
00:19:06This is...
00:19:08who we were forced to negotiate peace with.
00:19:15What's going on?
00:19:17I don't know.
00:19:19I don't know what's going on.
00:19:21I don't know what's going on.
00:19:23I don't know what's going on.
00:19:26Starhawk's down.
00:19:48Find Moffat.
00:19:50Find the Terramotus.
00:19:51Find the Terramotus.
00:19:53Burn the entire place to the ground if you have to.
00:19:56And don't you dare come back without it.
00:19:58Yes, General.
00:20:17There's guys out there in uniform with guns.
00:20:20We need to move everyone to safety.
00:20:22Okay. Okay.
00:20:24Protect the artifacts.
00:20:46You okay?
00:20:50You okay?
00:20:57Where's the Terramotus?
00:21:17Alexis, you're one of them.
00:21:19We can't let Sculler have it.
00:21:21We're making a mistake finding the keys.
00:21:23We can't destroy Earth.
00:21:25Had a change of heart, have we, Lieutenant?
00:21:28You don't have to do this.
00:21:30The human race doesn't deserve to die.
00:21:32I've seen their compassion.
00:21:34They're not all our enemies.
00:21:36They only want to survive.
00:21:38The same as we do.
00:21:40And I have my orders.
00:21:42Give it to me.
00:21:50You're coming with us.
00:21:52Destroy her communicator.
00:21:54Yes, sir!
00:21:57Please, please, it's of no use to you.
00:22:00Let's go.
00:22:02No, no, don't take her. Take me instead.
00:22:04No, no, no, I've studied it.
00:22:06I know the protoceratic symbols, the backgrounds.
00:22:08I know.
00:22:10I have read her notes.
00:22:12Her hypothesis is all wrong.
00:22:14You need me to help you.
00:22:16Jill, it's okay.
00:22:17I'm gonna be all right.
00:22:19Mom, I love you.
00:22:21I love you.
00:22:24Bye, Mom.
00:22:26Stay there, or I'll have her killed.
00:22:48Colonel Skellig.
00:23:02Found it, sir.
00:23:11How did you find it?
00:23:13I found it.
00:23:30And, uh...
00:23:35She changed sides, sir.
00:23:37She tried to destroy the device.
00:23:39I had to stop her.
00:23:41But we have a prisoner, sir.
00:23:42A human who studied the Terra Modus,
00:23:44and I thought it'd be best to question her
00:23:46over all the rest.
00:24:04The prisoner, sir.
00:24:12Activate the Terra Modus.
00:24:14Tell me where the first key is.
00:24:17I know nothing about it.
00:24:19You're running out of time
00:24:21before I end your life
00:24:23in ways that you could have never,
00:24:25ever imagined.
00:24:28Now, activate the device,
00:24:33I can destroy the Earth.
00:24:36I'll just have to kill me, then.
00:24:38That's your plan anyway, isn't it?
00:24:40Kill everyone on the planet?
00:24:43Only you have no idea how to do it.
00:24:45And neither do I.
00:24:47Bring the 439th, sir.
00:24:49They can translate this.
00:24:51No, I need actual knowledge
00:24:53of the Terra Modus.
00:24:55Knowledge that you have.
00:25:00Sir, incoming message from your daughter.
00:25:02Patching her through.
00:25:06Dad, they took her. They took Mom.
00:25:08They had Nemoji infiltrate the museum,
00:25:10and she's been working with us for weeks.
00:25:12They know where we were
00:25:14and what they were looking for, thanks to her.
00:25:16They took your mother? Where?
00:25:18I don't know where.
00:25:20They think she knows something about an artifact.
00:25:22What artifact?
00:25:24Scott, Mom and I have been studying it.
00:25:26Yeah, we don't know why they would take it,
00:25:28but that's definitely what they were after.
00:25:30Alexis said something about keys,
00:25:32that the human race doesn't deserve to die,
00:25:34and they were making a mistake looking for the keys.
00:25:36Somehow, these keys are gonna destroy Earth.
00:25:38Chill, what keys? What are you talking about?
00:25:40I need you to get to Maria
00:25:42and tell her the Nemoji have captured your mother.
00:25:44They may come back for you now. Do you understand me?
00:25:46I'll be there in 20.
00:25:52Yes, Dad.
00:25:54Midhurst saw the Emmy Ocean Arsenal cruiser in the city,
00:25:57but we were told to take no further action.
00:26:01Maria, your mother is on that ship.
00:26:06Keep in close contact
00:26:08and send me any briefings that come in.
00:26:10Speaking of which,
00:26:12I'll route to your base now.
00:26:14I need you two to put your differences aside
00:26:16and work together on this.
00:26:21And, Dad,
00:26:23we'll get her back.
00:26:34Do you think there's something inside the Terremotus?
00:26:37Something they need?
00:26:40I think it's the dial inside the Terremotus
00:26:43that's key to really understanding this thing.
00:26:45Positioned in a certain way,
00:26:47hopefully it reveals what we're looking for.
00:26:51These glyphs,
00:26:53they're strikingly similar to Protoceratops' letter form.
00:26:58Maybe the dial opens the pyramid
00:27:00and the keys' locations are inside it.
00:27:02We just need to figure out the combination.
00:27:05But it could take decades to understand those symbols.
00:27:10I've got our notes here.
00:27:12There's no door or panels on the artifact.
00:27:16Mom kept thinking it was a music box.
00:27:19She would hear chimes in it.
00:27:21Yeah, but nothing like that existed before 1707
00:27:24that we know of.
00:27:2940 segments on the dial,
00:27:31Protoceratop-like glyphs,
00:27:3315,000 syllables in the English language.
00:27:35Do we think the combination is a word
00:27:38or a series of words?
00:27:40A phrase?
00:27:43How could any of this possibly be a threat to human existence?
00:27:47If we'd known what it was,
00:27:49we would have destroyed it.
00:27:51Alexis or whoever she was tried to,
00:27:53and they killed her.
00:28:02Do you think your mom would be able to read this
00:28:05thing they stole?
00:28:07Possibly. We took careful notes.
00:28:08Scott and I have been trying to decipher it further,
00:28:11see if we can get some clues to where they might be taking her.
00:28:13Yeah, no, I brought her notes
00:28:15and all of the reference guides that are in here.
00:28:18Well, we would know where Mom is
00:28:20if you didn't leave the IEDS.
00:28:22She would be in a secure facility on Emios.
00:28:25That wouldn't make her any safer.
00:28:27This whole conflict began on Emios
00:28:29when we invaded a peaceful planet.
00:28:31We don't get to pick and choose
00:28:33our complex we like or don't like, Jill.
00:28:35They threatened us first,
00:28:36and now we're on the vertex.
00:28:38And I fought on Emios to save humanity.
00:28:40We invaded Emios.
00:28:42Gun shooting, God help whoever got in our way.
00:28:44Why did you abandon your own military?
00:28:46I refused to return because this war was unjustified.
00:28:49We went about this the wrong way
00:28:51and it is going to cost us everything we have left.
00:28:53Emios is the only thing we have.
00:28:58The Emiosians said that this device
00:29:00reveals the locations to keys that will trigger disasters
00:29:02that will destroy the world.
00:29:04Wherever they're taking Mom,
00:29:06if we can get there first,
00:29:08if we can decipher the Terra Modus
00:29:10and get to the keys before the Emiosians do,
00:29:12we may be able to save Earth.
00:29:23Sergeant, set up the hangar.
00:29:26Copy that, General.
00:29:28Scott, Jill, follow me.
00:29:34We must find the first key.
00:29:36Lieutenant Batt,
00:29:38your team failed to kill the others
00:29:40that were with Sybil
00:29:42at the time of her capture, correct?
00:29:44If there's a base nearby,
00:29:46perhaps that's where they've gone.
00:29:48Redhurst Airfield, sir.
00:29:50It's in the vicinity.
00:29:57Activate the Terra Modus
00:29:59or I'll have Lieutenant Batt here.
00:30:00Wipe that base off the map.
00:30:02You understand?
00:30:04Okay, look at how this one over here...
00:30:06No, but it's exactly the same.
00:30:08See how that matches?
00:30:10Right there.
00:30:12See how that's the same?
00:30:15Let's move towards that.
00:30:17See how that matches?
00:30:20Yeah, that could be it.
00:30:22So did we figure out how to save Earth yet?
00:30:24Scott and I have been studying
00:30:26the symbols on the dial
00:30:27and building combinations
00:30:29that correspond with geographic locations.
00:30:31Yeah, but only geographic locations
00:30:33that were built between 3500 and 1500 BCE.
00:30:36So we've narrowed it down
00:30:38to 206 possible combinations.
00:30:42I mean, these look like random words.
00:30:44Head's bronze.
00:30:46Bronze head.
00:30:48Circle blue stones.
00:30:50I mean, it's all gibberish words.
00:30:52Keep in mind,
00:30:54we're dealing with dead language,
00:30:59Okay, so how does all this
00:31:01help us figure out where Mom is?
00:31:03Well, Alexa said they're looking for keys,
00:31:05but maybe the keys aren't inside the box.
00:31:09What if the dial points us
00:31:11to the location of where they are?
00:31:13Right, from the markings on the turn modus
00:31:15we can see ancient burial carvings
00:31:17from Egyptian-Peruvian tableau.
00:31:19And that suggests that these two cultures
00:31:22have a much deeper connection
00:31:23than we've ever previously thought.
00:31:27I am done playing games with you.
00:31:40That means forward I
00:31:42in a later Surtat dialect.
00:31:45What is this symbol here at the top?
00:31:57What is this symbol?
00:31:59This one here.
00:32:01Queth. Double or two.
00:32:03Something having to do with two.
00:32:05A dual, a ruler, king.
00:32:10What just happened?
00:32:12What have you done?
00:32:14It locked itself into position.
00:32:17So we're thinking that the keys
00:32:19may be located in burial sites.
00:32:23These Fae's variants.
00:32:26King to four empire, right?
00:32:28That's the second ruler, fourth kingdom.
00:32:30Two ruler, four kingdom.
00:32:32That has to be Cthulhu,
00:32:34second pharaoh of the fourth empire.
00:32:36Dench. Stay.
00:32:38Could be empire or regime.
00:32:45Where's the key?
00:32:49Tell me.
00:32:56He's buried in the...
00:32:58The Great Pyramid of Giza,
00:33:00the resting place of Khufu,
00:33:02second pharaoh,
00:33:04fourth dynasty of Egypt.
00:33:06That has to be where they're going.
00:33:08I don't see anything that suggests
00:33:10Peru for the first key, so...
00:33:12It has to be Egypt.
00:33:18You two make a good team.
00:33:26You better not be lying.
00:33:32Okay, I guess we're going to go to Egypt,
00:33:34help save mom and stop them
00:33:36from destroying Earth.
00:33:40Good work.
00:33:51Come on.
00:34:18Bat, come in.
00:34:21Bat, I need a status report.
00:34:23Go ahead, sir.
00:34:27Searched three chambers so far, general.
00:34:29There's no sign of any key yet.
00:34:31We must unleash the first disaster
00:34:33before the others find the key's location.
00:34:36Do you understand that?
00:34:46Incoming Earth craft!
00:34:49I mobilized the Starhawks
00:34:51from the IEDS base in Aqaba, Egypt.
00:34:53They've been waiting ever since
00:34:55he appeared on their radar.
00:34:57Copy that. We'll proceed with caution.
00:34:59Well, hopefully, Skuller's hands will be too full
00:35:01dealing with the Aqaba fleet
00:35:03to notice your approach to Giza.
00:35:05But baby, you better be careful.
00:35:07Thanks, dad.
00:35:09Take us down.
00:35:11We have to get that key before Skuller does.
00:35:13Time to show them
00:35:15this thing can do.
00:35:50You've lied to us.
00:35:52There is no key.
00:35:54Look, let me carry the Terramotus.
00:35:56You're not to be trusted.
00:35:58That artifact is thousands of years old.
00:36:00It is ancient and fragile.
00:36:02That's why it isn't working.
00:36:04This is the location.
00:36:06Maybe your general made a mistake.
00:36:13I hear it.
00:36:16What is that sound?
00:36:17Where is it coming from?
00:36:19It's coming from the Terramotus.
00:36:22Like a music box.
00:36:26We can rule out the king's and queen's chambers
00:36:29and the Grand Gallery.
00:36:32Why is that?
00:36:34Do you know how many tourists
00:36:36have been through this place touching everything?
00:36:38If there was a key in one of those chambers,
00:36:41some bored 12-year-old would have found it years ago.
00:36:43Keep an eye out.
00:36:44So what do you suggest?
00:36:46It means that the key is probably
00:36:48in a place that's closed off from the public.
00:36:52The unfinished subterranean chamber.
00:36:54It was supposed to be King Khufu's burial chamber
00:36:56before he wanted it moved to a higher spot.
00:37:00Why is it playing music?
00:37:02I think it's leading us to the key.
00:37:06You better be right about this.
00:37:08I hear something, General.
00:37:10So do I.
00:37:13Someone's coming.
00:37:16This way.
00:37:38Jim, Maria, look out!
00:38:10Jim, there's a machine.
00:38:18All right, stop shooting or she dies.
00:38:21Get up!
00:38:34Now you'll unleash the first disaster!
00:38:37All right.
00:38:57Come on, Jim, Ben, let's go!
00:39:01I got her!
00:39:02No, no, no!
00:39:08General, the first key has been inserted into Terra Modus.
00:39:11The first disaster appears to have started.
00:39:13Yes, yes, yes, yes.
00:39:15I have confirmations of volcanoes erupting worldwide.
00:39:18The first step towards the Earth's total destruction.
00:39:22Remember the war, Glenn.
00:39:24Move it, let's go!
00:39:26Let's go, come on!
00:39:28Guys, let's go!
00:39:30Come on!
00:39:33Ben, come on!
00:39:53There are alerts of extreme volcanic activity.
00:39:56Show it.
00:39:59Eritrea, El Salvador, Mexico.
00:40:03These haven't erupted since the 1800s.
00:40:05Most of them have been dormant.
00:40:07Up until now.
00:40:09I don't know what's going on, General.
00:40:13Your emotions are justified.
00:40:16The key triggered the first disaster,
00:40:19which set off a wave of volcanic eruptions
00:40:22that's killing tens of millions of people on your planet.
00:40:26And the other two will finish the job.
00:40:31Trust me, the more lives you end,
00:40:35the easier it is to accept loss.
00:40:40No, never again.
00:40:42I used to say that to myself many, many years ago.
00:40:49Now, the second key.
00:40:53Tell me where it is so I can trigger the second disaster.
00:41:01The pyramid began to collapse as soon as Bat put the key in the pyramid.
00:41:04We lost the key and Ben's gone.
00:41:07And who knows how many more casualties.
00:41:10We can't afford any more losses.
00:41:13Jill, get your head back in the game.
00:41:16I just need to know that you're an asset.
00:41:19Or our liability and how many others are going to get killed.
00:41:21Well, back off, Maria, okay?
00:41:23Jill's the reason we're here and we're alive.
00:41:29Not all of us.
00:41:31And there's still time.
00:41:32Not all of us, okay?
00:41:34And there's still hundreds of millions of lives at stake on this planet.
00:41:38Let's find where the second key is located and stop the next disaster from happening.
00:41:42Or would you rather keep wasting time attacking me?
00:41:44I'd rather you not hesitate.
00:41:46Because the Jill Ifano that I used to know,
00:41:49she would have acted, not hesitated.
00:41:51Focus on the mission.
00:41:53Copy that.
00:41:55Okay, okay, okay.
00:41:57The first key, it was located at an ancient burial site.
00:42:01And then based on the Egyptian-Peruvian tableau,
00:42:04we can predict that the next key will probably be at an ancient burial site.
00:42:09We just need to keep one of the remaining keys from Sculler and he loses.
00:42:13Based on the time period,
00:42:15how we can assume that it's likely made of bronze,
00:42:18Mortise design, barrel type.
00:42:22So, if we're making the connection between the cherished keys
00:42:25and Egyptian and Peruvian cultures,
00:42:27then chances are one of the remaining keys is somewhere in Peru.
00:42:31Do you think that's where Sculler's headed?
00:42:33What about the list of words and syllables?
00:42:36Can that help?
00:42:38I think there's so many possibilities.
00:42:40Why don't you read some out loud? Maybe we can rule them out.
00:42:50Okay, bronze head.
00:42:52Heads, bronze. Bronze heads.
00:42:53Easter Island.
00:42:55That place with the big heads?
00:42:57No, no, no. That's not made of bronze. It's carved from ash.
00:43:01Ash? Are you sure?
00:43:03Yes, Maria, he's sure. It's his job to know.
00:43:07Bronze heads could be San Sing Boy.
00:43:09Wow, I mean, that place has been hit clean for decades.
00:43:13I would have a hard time believing the key's there.
00:43:15What about us? Suns, bright.
00:43:17Bright sun rays.
00:43:19Bright sun.
00:43:20Bright sun rays, bright sun.
00:43:22It could be Matul.
00:43:24There's no one buried at Matul.
00:43:26Okay, uh, blue stone circle, circle, blue stone, stone, blue circle.
00:43:32Wait, that has to be Stonehenge, right?
00:43:37There's no one buried there.
00:43:39Yes, there are.
00:43:41Okay, all right, so...
00:43:46We have the Great Pyramid.
00:43:48The Great Pyramid.
00:43:50And going on our Peruvian-Egyptian theory,
00:43:54we can assume the next location's in Peru.
00:43:57So that would mean the other name on the list.
00:44:01What are you doing?
00:44:03What do you see?
00:44:05A triangle.
00:44:07Not just a triangle, an isosceles.
00:44:10Two sides of equal length.
00:44:12Exactly. Same as the termotus.
00:44:14Okay, so it's an isosceles triangle.
00:44:15You can point that in any direction in the world.
00:44:18It doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be pointed to Stonehenge.
00:44:21No, no, you can't.
00:44:23Okay, if you change the location, the size of the triangle changes.
00:44:26And keep in mind, we start in Egypt and we finish in Peru.
00:44:31Okay, are you sure that there's three keys?
00:44:34That's a good point.
00:44:36Although, based on the evidence, I'm fairly certain there's only three keys.
00:44:40Wait, what if the dial itself represents the third location?
00:44:46Yeah, that could be right.
00:44:48Okay, that there were three slots for the keys.
00:44:51So let's start there.
00:44:53You better be right.
00:44:55We have no time for mistakes lost in translation.
00:44:57We need to head to Stonehenge.
00:44:59Uh-huh. Let's go.
00:45:02Let me be very direct with you, okay?
00:45:04The longer you delay, the worse it will be for your daughters, do you understand?
00:45:13I will tear your daughters into pieces!
00:45:17You will beg me to kill them.
00:45:23They fought back and they will continue to fight.
00:45:26They fought back and they will continue to fight.
00:45:38I'll find the keys.
00:45:41You know I will.
00:45:44It's just a matter of how much more agony you want your daughters to endure.
00:45:49Until then, you know I'll enjoy torturing them.
00:45:57Four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
00:46:08Newgrange, Ireland. That's where the second key is.
00:46:14Are you certain?
00:46:16One hundred percent.
00:46:21You've chosen wisely.
00:46:22You've chosen wisely.
00:46:26Let's go.
00:46:41This is incredible.
00:46:44Yeah. Yeah.
00:46:48Did you know this was under here?
00:46:52I think I see lanterns up ahead.
00:46:54How is that possible?
00:46:56Natural gas vents, but they must have been burning for thousands of years.
00:47:23But this is the only chamber.
00:47:26Every alcove empty.
00:47:28The device has been dead quiet since we entered the inner corridor.
00:47:33Explain yourself. Are you sure we're at the right location?
00:47:37Are you going to blame me every time that thing isn't doing its job?
00:47:40No, I'm not going to blame you.
00:47:42I'm not going to blame you.
00:47:44I'm not going to blame you.
00:47:46I'm not going to blame you.
00:47:48I'm not going to blame you.
00:47:50Are you going to blame me every time that thing isn't working the way you expect?
00:47:54The second key isn't here. Where is it?
00:47:57Well, maybe the Terra Modus got damaged in the fight.
00:48:01The device is undamaged on the ship, yet here it fails to be operational?
00:48:05I don't know what to tell you.
00:48:08What did I tell you about giving the General the truth?
00:48:11I can't protect you from harm if you refuse to cooperate.
00:48:14You've already done enough harm.
00:48:17All of you.
00:48:20She lied to us.
00:48:23We're at the wrong location.
00:48:26There is no key.
00:48:32Did you bring us to the wrong location?
00:48:39You've made a terrible mistake.
00:49:05This must have been the burial chamber.
00:49:07If the second key is anywhere, it's probably here.
00:49:30Are you sure it's in the walls? I mean, it really could be anywhere.
00:49:38Wait, wait, wait, guys.
00:49:40I think I found something.
00:49:42Hold on.
00:49:44What if it's booby-trapped? The last chamber collapsed on us.
00:49:46Don't touch anything.
00:49:47We've got to be careful.
00:49:51Okay, okay, wait.
00:49:53The pyramid collapsed as soon as he put the key inside the Terremotus.
00:49:57Not before.
00:49:59Are you sure about that?
00:50:01We removed the key.
00:50:03We can't let Skuller have it.
00:50:05Okay, well, let's hurry.
00:50:13What's happening?
00:50:15Did you remove the key?
00:50:17I don't know. Is that coming from above?
00:50:19We've got to get out of here.
00:50:21Go, go, go, go!
00:50:23Come on!
00:50:25Come on!
00:50:32They tortured me. I'm so sorry.
00:50:35Forgive me.
00:50:37Tell us where the key is, or I'll blow your mother away!
00:50:39Tell us where the key is!
00:50:43No, I can't.
00:50:45I can't. There's too many lives at stake.
00:50:50Get the key.
00:50:58Get on the ship all of you, now!
00:51:00We got you, Mom. It's okay.
00:51:02We got you!
00:51:04Let's go. Move it. Move it!
00:51:06Come on.
00:51:10Not you.
00:51:12Give me the key.
00:51:14Move it!
00:51:23We're gonna be okay.
00:51:33Where's the keyhole?
00:51:42I don't know.
00:51:50Come on.
00:51:52Give me the key.
00:52:12Come on.
00:52:44No, no, no!
00:53:19Don't you ever quit.
00:53:43We're moving.
00:53:51Stella, you son of a bitch!
00:53:56Jill, is that you?
00:54:00Jill, is that you? Can you hear me?
00:54:04I'm here.
00:54:06Are you hurt?
00:54:08No, no, no. I'm fine.
00:54:09I'm fine.
00:54:11Are you alright?
00:54:13Scott, Scott, we're gonna get out of this together.
00:54:18I know we are. I know we are, but listen to me.
00:54:21The second key.
00:54:24It's been inserted into the pteromodus.
00:54:30There's only one key left before the Earth is completely destroyed.
00:54:34Sir, there's a series of earthquakes happening all over the United Kingdom.
00:54:37When did that start?
00:54:39Minutes ago.
00:54:41The largest magnitude 9.3 sent it off Salisbury.
00:54:44And there's other reports of it happening all over Northern Europe.
00:54:54Initiate and open the frequency to the Arsenal Cruiser.
00:54:57I will speak directly with General Sculler.
00:55:01Sculler must be stopped.
00:55:03We can't make him turn the final key.
00:55:05So your daughter has planned to stop me.
00:55:19No, please, please stop hurting them.
00:55:28Hey, wait! Stop! Stop!
00:55:36Don't hurt them! Don't hurt them!
00:55:39Stop! Stop it!
00:55:51The third key.
00:55:54Find it.
00:55:56We have to stop hurting them.
00:56:15General, we're receiving a transmission.
00:56:18From who?
00:56:20General Alfaro, sir.
00:56:23General Sculler.
00:56:25I am General Andrea Alfaro of the IEDS.
00:56:30I'm asking you
00:56:32to stop this
00:56:34crusade of yours.
00:56:36To stop your desire to destroy the Earth
00:56:38and kill millions of innocent people.
00:56:40We can meet
00:56:42face to face
00:56:44and come to a suitable solution, you and I.
00:56:49Well, well, well.
00:56:51General Alfaro.
00:56:54To what do I owe this great,
00:56:56great pleasure?
00:56:58This has to stop.
00:57:00This killing of innocent people,
00:57:02millions of innocent people,
00:57:04it must stop now.
00:57:06We can compromise.
00:57:08We can negotiate, you and I.
00:57:12You have nothing of value to me.
00:57:15It was me,
00:57:19It was me.
00:57:21I gave the order
00:57:23to invade your planet,
00:57:27No one else is to blame.
00:57:29I did it to save the Earth.
00:57:32My planet.
00:57:34I gave the order for our troops to
00:57:38your pristine planet
00:57:41so we could take it
00:57:42after we had destroyed our own.
00:57:44There's no one to blame but me.
00:57:47It was my call.
00:57:49Jill, Maria,
00:57:51I'm so sorry.
00:57:53It was a lie.
00:57:55We attacked Emios
00:57:56over a lie.
00:57:58We invaded a peaceful planet.
00:58:03what have you done?
00:58:05All those innocent lies?
00:58:07What would you have me do, Sybil?
00:58:09Let our daughters die
00:58:10on this planet?
00:58:12They're gonna die anyway.
00:58:14I'll give you the location for the third key
00:58:16if you guarantee
00:58:17safe passage for Jill and Maria
00:58:18back to Emios.
00:58:20Sybil, no!
00:58:21Don't do that, Sybil!
00:58:25Your daughters will be given
00:58:26safe passage to Emios
00:58:28once the wormhole
00:58:29has been re-established.
00:58:31No, Sybil, don't!
00:58:32You can't!
00:58:34Cover Jill.
00:58:35Yes, sir.
00:58:36Sybil, listen to me.
00:58:37Think of all the children.
00:59:02Where did you take her?
00:59:06Where did you take Jill?
00:59:09Maria, is that you?
00:59:10Can you hear me?
00:59:16Maria, where did they take Jill?
00:59:18I don't know.
00:59:19Sculler took her.
00:59:20Where did they take her, Maria?
00:59:21I don't know!
00:59:27The third location
00:59:29is the Chauvon
00:59:31de Hautard in Peru.
00:59:38Jill, let me go!
00:59:39Let me by!
00:59:40Let me see her!
00:59:43Oh, my God.
00:59:46You're pathetic, General.
00:59:50You see, Sybil,
00:59:52humans don't care about
00:59:53anyone else's lives,
00:59:54but their own.
00:59:58I beg you, please.
00:59:59Earth took away my daughter.
01:00:02Now Remios will take yours.
01:00:07Why are you taking her?
01:00:11don't do this!
01:00:18This is my catastrophe.
01:00:19I will stop Sculler myself.
01:00:21Copy, sir.
01:00:25Let her go.
01:00:29your time to London
01:00:30is 15 minutes at Mach 6.
01:01:01T-minus five minutes,
01:01:02arson cruiser.
01:01:07They're both gone, sir.
01:01:09Good riddance.
01:01:11Set our coordinates for Peru.
01:01:12We need to find the third key
01:01:13and trigger the final disaster.
01:01:16Arson cruiser is taking off,
01:01:17but I'm detecting two human bodies
01:01:19in the river below.
01:01:20Both alive.
01:01:41Where's your mother?
01:01:43I couldn't save her.
01:01:51What happened?
01:01:52The water was too strong.
01:01:54I lost her, man.
01:01:55I lost her.
01:02:00You knew.
01:02:02I left the IED a leak, man,
01:02:04because this war was a disgrace
01:02:06and you were the one who ordered it.
01:02:08You kept the secret from us.
01:02:10Jill, I had no choice.
01:02:12It was the only thing I could do.
01:02:13Our plans,
01:02:14they would have destroyed us
01:02:15before we even entered their atmosphere.
01:02:18Don't look around.
01:02:19This is winning.
01:02:20Tens of millions have already died.
01:02:22Sculler is going to answer for all this.
01:02:25He still has Scott and Maria.
01:02:27He's headed for the third key.
01:02:30I know where it is.
01:02:32Your mother told Sculler.
01:02:34In exchange for you and your sister's lives.
01:02:38Back to stay with the ship.
01:02:40I'm going to retrieve that third key personally
01:02:43for Cleon.
01:03:07The device has led us to the precise location of each key.
01:03:33If they're on site already,
01:03:34he may know where it is.
01:03:37We level the site
01:03:38and bury Sculler and the device with him.
01:03:41Scott could be with them.
01:03:43Mom was his main source of information on the Terra Modus.
01:03:45He could be relying on Scott now.
01:03:47We can't take that chance.
01:03:50Sometimes sacrifices must be made, Jill.
01:03:53You sound like Sculler.
01:03:55Maria could be with them too.
01:03:58Besides, Scott and I are...
01:04:00I don't know what we are.
01:04:01I just know I...
01:04:02I can't lose him.
01:04:03Or Maria.
01:04:05And we can't let Sculler trigger the next disaster.
01:04:13Activate the proximity jammer.
01:04:15And if he has gotten there before us,
01:04:17maybe he won't notice our approach.
01:04:25Hey, Scott.
01:04:28I think I found a way out.
01:04:35Come on.
01:05:05You find Scott and Maria,
01:05:06I'm going after Sculler.
01:05:10Got it.
01:06:26We gotta go.
01:06:27We gotta get to the third key location before Sculler does.
01:06:30Come on!
01:07:01Oh, I can't lose you again.
01:07:02I don't care what danger we're in.
01:07:05I miss you too.
01:07:09Where's Sculler?
01:07:11I think we just landed.
01:07:13He must be still on site.
01:07:15All right, come on.
01:07:16Hey, it can't be that far.
01:07:20Let's go.
01:07:22Come on.
01:07:52Come on.
01:08:22Come on.
01:08:42It's over.
01:08:43Your crusade failed, Sculler.
01:08:46Earth is safe,
01:08:47and you'll be held accountable for everything that you've done.
01:08:53Come on.
01:08:55Come on.
01:09:23Come on.
01:09:47He's dead.
01:09:48He's dead.
01:09:52And he deserved it.
01:09:54Shoot him!
01:09:56Shoot him, Jill!
01:09:58Killing him won't bring Dad back.
01:09:59It won't bring Mom or Ben back either.
01:10:01Do it.
01:10:03Do it.
01:10:04Shoot me.
01:10:06Shoot me!
01:10:07He murdered them!
01:10:08You want to let him get away with that?
01:10:11You don't have the guts.
01:10:13Do it.
01:10:14Do it!
01:10:15Coming here to destroy Earth
01:10:17makes you no better than those who ordered the attack on your planet.
01:10:21Is that right?
01:10:24The man who planned that attack was your father!
01:10:28You think...
01:10:31I'm going to let his daughters live...
01:10:35after you took my Clea?
01:10:39Do you?
01:10:45That'll come off.
01:11:16You triggered the final disaster!
01:11:19You doomed this planet and everyone on it to die!
01:11:22We're going to die in here! Let's go!
01:11:24Let's go!
01:11:41No, no!
01:11:42No, no, no!
01:11:44No, no, no!
01:11:45Let's go! Let's go!
01:12:08Hold on, we're going to jump.
01:12:16Now floods.
01:12:18Each one of them are catastrophic by themselves,
01:12:21but you trigger all three at once, it's...
01:12:26It's the end of the world.
01:12:31Wait, don't disembark.
01:12:37Remember to plant those white calla lilies for me, okay?
01:12:40Yeah, what are you talking about?
01:12:42The garden.
01:12:43It's going to be wonderful.
01:12:46It's our garden.
01:12:48We're going to plant it together.
01:12:50What are you... I don't understand.
01:12:54He's still down there.
01:12:55And so is the Terra Modus.
01:12:57Yeah, so is her.
01:13:04It means that...
01:13:06there's still a chance I can stop this.
01:13:08There's still a chance I can stop this.
01:13:10What are you...
01:13:11I can save Earth.
01:13:12No, Jill, that's suicide.
01:13:14Maria, this time I'm not hesitating.
01:13:16Activate escape pod.
01:13:17Scott, I love you!
01:13:28Damn it, Jill!
01:13:35We have to get to her.
01:13:37Those currents are going to kill her.
01:13:54No, no, no, no, no, no!
01:14:07You risked your life...
01:14:09to save Maria?
01:14:11The Terra Modus.
01:14:13You left it in the anteroom, didn't you?
01:14:24disaster is unleashed.
01:14:28Every human will die.
01:14:32Earth flits.
01:14:34Not everyone on Earth is a monster that must be murdered.
01:14:38Humans came to destroy my...
01:14:41peaceful planet.
01:14:45Violent murderous ones.
01:14:48I came here for justice.
01:14:52This isn't murders.
01:14:56It's retribution.
01:14:59Those rocks won't hold back the water much longer.
01:15:01Those thoughts are coming in.
01:15:03We have to move.
01:15:04Come on.
01:15:15Come on.
01:15:16I can't.
01:15:21No, no, no.
01:15:23My weapon.
01:15:24I got it.
01:15:25My weapon.
01:15:27Come on.
01:15:28Come on.
01:15:32Where's Jill?
01:15:34She hasn't come back up.
01:15:36She hasn't come back up.
01:15:37I don't know. I don't know.
01:15:39Jill, where are you?
01:15:41What does she mean the Terra Modus is still down there?
01:15:43The flood's already happened, so the damage is done.
01:15:46Maybe, maybe not.
01:15:47Maybe she can stop it if she pulls the key out in time.
01:15:52Water's coming.
01:16:07You okay?
01:16:08I'll be all right.
01:16:10I'll be okay.
01:16:14I'm human.
01:16:16And you're still alive.
01:16:19And there are plenty more like me that you sentenced to die by unleashing this flood.
01:16:32You didn't win.
01:16:34You won't return to Emeo, Sahiro.
01:16:36You'll be held responsible for the deaths of hundreds of millions of innocents on Earth.
01:16:43So what was it all for?
01:16:52It was Clea.
01:16:54My daughter.
01:16:55My daughter.
01:16:59All she ever wanted to do was help people.
01:17:03You can, you can still make her proud.
01:17:06We can stop the floods from destroying the Earth, but we have to act now.
01:17:13The war is over.
01:17:15We have to help these people.
01:17:18Show them mercy.
01:17:21They don't all deserve to die.
01:17:23Help me.
01:17:25Help me.
01:17:31Your compassion's my Clea.
01:17:39She could never give up.
01:17:45Let anybody...
01:17:47Not even her enemies.
01:17:49We can still make this right.
01:17:52Both of us, human and Emeo-shian, fighting together.
01:17:56I know.
01:17:58I'm just...
01:18:01tired of fighting.
01:18:04So tired.
01:18:06It doesn't have to end like this for either of us.
01:18:10The third key.
01:18:12We can...
01:18:13We can remove it from the terremos. We can stop the flood.
01:18:16We can make them recede.
01:18:19Maybe Earth...
01:18:22Maybe Earth isn't doomed to die.
01:18:25After all...
01:18:30We've got to go.
01:18:32Go, go, go, go, go.
01:18:34Here we go.
01:18:37The inner chamber is above the water, but not for long.
01:18:40We have to find the terremotus.
01:18:43I left it down here somewhere.
01:18:45The Earth's going to keep flooding until we remove the third key.
01:18:49Get a hold.
01:18:56Do you see it?
01:19:01I got this.
01:19:10Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
01:19:11I see it.
01:19:18The one at the top. You've got to remove the third key.
01:19:46I got it.
01:19:49Let's go. Let's go.
01:19:52Let's go.
01:20:06Wait, there they are.
01:20:08Go, go, go.
01:20:11Wait, the water's receding.
01:20:13I think... I think she did it.
01:20:15You have to get to them. Come on.
01:20:22Scully, you traitor!
01:20:24That's a lie.
01:20:25It's over, Batman.
01:20:27You won't finish this.
01:20:28I will!
01:20:30Go, go, go, go, go, go.
01:20:32Come with me. We can both go.
01:20:33No, I'll cover you.
01:21:07You stopped Scully?
01:21:09Is he dead?
01:21:10He saved my life.
01:21:12He helped me save all our lives.
01:21:17It's like life on Earth gets a second chance.
01:21:23I want our future children's first memories to be of playing outside,
01:21:27just like ours were.
01:21:31Future children. Does that mean...
01:21:34I meant, like, way in the future.
01:21:38Oh, right. Yeah. Of course.
01:21:40But I can't wait to plant those calla lilies.
