SSUNDEE My New Favorite Game (Crab Champion)

  • 2 days ago
SSUNDEE My New Favorite Game (Crab Champion)

00:00Alright boys welcome to a new game called crab champions
00:03It's me and Zod versus Biffle and Niko you guys ready to start a run ready
00:07We each get one attempt at a run as you can see here
00:10We're on the first level of all of those oh however far you get in one attempt wins
00:15So how this works check this out get out of our call Biffle and Niko. We're gonna win
00:19Okay, so you can see all these mobs right and we got to shoot him and kill him
00:23But they can do damage does but in the bottom left we have 200 health
00:27After every round oh gosh that crap yeah
00:31Right there should be a check. Yeah chest spawns right here right see you open ears. I'll open mine
00:36I'm opening mine
00:38So we can get a buff and we can get us a build each that makes it extremely strong is on time shot
00:44Shots deal more damage, but damage is dealt over time or higher caliber shots deal more damage
00:50But clip size is reduced so bottom left you can see our health bottom right I have six shots should I get the higher caliber?
00:56Okay, I look at the bottom right six
00:59Five oh, no, it's I do more damage, but I have less bullets. Oh, no, that's fine
01:03It's okay. I got dual shotguns right look. I'm doing sharp shot sharp shot sharp shot
01:07Okay, so means that we got to do this guys listen if you ever touched a crab hit the like button what I don't
01:14You've ever seen water hit the like button hit the subscribe, but okay next level should we get a health chest or a random chance?
01:20Oh, we should do random. Let's do random cuz that could give us more damage
01:25Next level so at the end of that little line. There's a boss that we got to kill and then we I'm scared
01:31Don't do a grenade at him
01:37I killed him all my health. I just lost that help up, but what why are crabs attacking crabs ah?
01:44You know that oh, I would do good so the guy that made that song crab song right he apparently worked on help make this
01:51game to
01:54Crystal over here
02:03Okay, so the crystals do stuff got it. I'm gonna open my chest what I get
02:08Yuri, what's this endurance heal after clearing each island? Oh?
02:13Oh, that's good. Oh, and I regenerate enemies spawn spike strikes when it eliminated a chest
02:20Times up are we doing it?
02:22We get three times the lucky chest oh, there's also shops to that we can spend money in so whenever these enemies die
02:28They spawn like spikes so oh
02:32No, this is bad for you, yeah, I gotta get close to my
02:37Only throw grenades only grenades only grenades only grenades
02:43How do you think those losers are doing cuz they're so dumb and ugly they're probably that they've already died
02:47Yeah, well, that's just cuz they're dumb, and I'm gonna throw a grenade at all these
02:50Guys I just feel like on you your sniper crabs dude. Oh, are they oh?
02:57Okay, let's go look for crystals
02:59We got double the chest. That's what 2x means. Did you know that no?
03:03I just figured that out efficiency get chance to gain ammo when dealing damage. I just got that too. Oh, that's broken
03:09I'm doing I'm doing that one driller destroying destructible rocks has a greater chance to spawn loot
03:15So we destroy those rocks, but it can drop more stuff. I'm getting
03:18An efficiency chance to gain ammo when dealing damage doing that one okay, so this is flawless get an extra reward chest of taking
03:25No damage, are you ever are you gonna take damage that I mean?
03:29I'm not 171 out of 200. I'm not a 200 200 don't take damage done. Okay. I'll try
03:34Okay, so this is a horde round we have to survive you can see on the right for 43 seconds
03:38I'll just run and don't die so I don't take damage. I'm scared, but is it just one of us or both of us
03:43I think yeah, I don't know
03:48I'm running. I'm totally good. Don't shoot it at me. God. I'm running
03:5426 seconds that they were gonna kill two of them. They're cornering us side rod. I'm running. I'm literally behind you
04:04Don't take damage that
04:10Don't be the one
04:19We go to the shop for this too, okay, I'll trick shot shot steal more damage one hip firing, but less damage when aiming
04:25Oh, I don't do it aiming. I'm doing that one trick shot so whenever I just shoot
04:29I do more damage okay blind fire shot steal more damage, but spread in heavy is heavily increased. I literally shoot a shotgun
04:36Yeah, what is that? Oh?
04:38All right, I just increased my damage like five times Oh shop ready go shop. Yeah, I'm ready. Let's go shots poison enemies
04:44Oh just trying to show you a chance to spawn loot zigzag shot
04:47Don't I kind of want the health unless you need it guy. I take the help
04:51I'm gonna get poison shot fortitude max health got it. Oh nice. Okay, so we can also reroll
04:55So you can see in the top left we have $84 this cost $40 there. We go. There's a 64 damage grenade
05:02Grenades do more damage. Okay. What I don't have enough for that silver armor gain two armor plates. I'm getting the armor
05:08I'm gonna do movement speed, and I'm good to go all right. Let's do it. We gotta hurry. We gotta hurry
05:12We got a dab. What is it? Oh go go go kill chest economy chest economy. Let's do skills
05:22We can take damage now, I don't care anymore
05:26Dude I do so much damage now. This is fabulous. Oh you can see in the bottom left
05:31I have two shield bars. There's a boss so there's a mini boss. Oh, yeah
05:40Don't take damage when I have these shields right do those shields regenerate after every I
05:46So, I don't know. Okay. So look at the bottom left. I have two shields. Well one and a quarter
05:53Big claws melee range increase don't care big mag clip size increase. Oh, I'm doing increase. Yeah
05:5940 to 70 on my clip. I just went from 5 to 9. Oh great. Yes. I'm doing operate
06:06Okay, so what I did did I get my shield back? No, I didn't those shields are only oh
06:11That was not a good upgrade to buy. It's not permanent
06:14So why did you tell me about that? You literally did on your own accord? Oh, I forgot I can poison
06:18I knew yeah, I remember I could just like I can shoot from a distance just poison guys
06:24Yeah, I kind of want to be cool like that. Well, you gotta get good first if I die
06:27Am I out forever am I dead? I think you're dead like until the next wave
06:32Yeah, until we clear an island if I survive then you revive oh you can see our health on the top left
06:37You almost died you suck. I'm fine. What are you talking about? You're not gonna upgrade just okay
06:41What is this upgrade high caliber shot steal more damage, but clip size is reduced shot steal more damage when hip firing
06:47All right, I'm gonna grab that. Yeah. Yeah, just keep doing that critical fall
06:58We got to survive for 65 seconds
07:02I don't know if we're gonna
07:04Stick it with you. So if I take damage, it's your fault. No, I followed you. Just keep just keep dashing
07:07They're shooting fires up. They're shooting fire. So if you take damage, I'm never talking to you again. You have to go
07:17I didn't I'm just running. I'm not even fighting. Okay
07:25Everywhere I see them so you can see how many kills we have in the top left
07:29I have 135 you have 94 so I have a shotgun that thing don't be
07:33There are also a bunch of different weapons guys
07:35If you want us to do another video on this hits a like button, we'll play a different weapon
07:38We'll dab on each other just dab for a second. Come on
07:44Did we get flawless
07:49Yeah, they're really dumb and ugly I agree sharp shot shot steal additional flat damage I'm flat I'll take that
07:55Okay, I'm gonna take fast shot shots are faster and are less affected by a drop-off
08:00Why are we crabs? You know, I
08:03Haven't even questioned that yet
08:04Oh, and then we got boss after this dud performance bonus chance to get an additional reward chest when flawlessly clearing an island
08:11Do you think we can flawless more and get more?
08:13We could try
08:15Hold on. Okay, so I'm gonna do reroll. I shot shot freezes enemies. Oh
08:19What I got 14 bullets. I did have five. Okay time for the boss. You ready? If I go I'm ready. I'm scared though
08:25What if we die when I'm gonna die? We're literally built different
08:29Oh my gosh, remember don't take damage. Don't take damage because we get more chest. Okay, he's literally only after you
08:35So that is up to you. I'm throwing grenades. I'm easy me too. I boys it I
08:42Wait, no, I have a shield that might the shield my block out. I don't know but he's just stuck in that corner. Oh
08:49I literally froze him. Oh, keep shooting. Keep shooting. I
08:53Took watch out. Watch out. Those are damage. I took damage. I took damage, but no, I I have a shield
08:57Maybe I didn't we got four chests. I think
09:02Healing chest epic chest key chest healing chest. Okay. I got a double kids
09:07I got really useless bronze armor all you can eat. No ammo is used for a short time after eliminating an enemy. Okay, cool
09:15Okay, I'm gonna get a key and then more armor look at my arm in the bottom left I like a billion
09:20Okay, ready? Hey buddy bio. Oh, we're go. We're still going next world. We're still going. Oh, we're in
09:28Everything's just dying. Yeah. Okay. I thought you were doing that. Well, there are things up top. Oh, they're ants. I don't like it
09:34I don't like them. I don't like them. Oh, I see. I'm taking damage
09:38Spike chest a chest that contains epic loot, but deals 30% of your max health is damage
09:43I want epic like but elemental upgrade
09:50Image we can get double. Okay, but what if you don't get it? That's the sad part. Yeah, then I'll cry and I'll poop
09:55That we're trying to say things like that, I know you can't
09:59Don't take damage. I'm not trying to why are you taking damage that I'm literally full health as we speak. Yeah, but you're a grub
10:06Just say things over the best. Oh, oh, I jumped out just in time
10:16This is your fault tell us you were watching the left side, okay now we're turning on each other so much damage
10:24You want to know what's doing damage on the other side of the map? What I just realized is my turret
10:29Oh nice, my turrets literally destroying them to feed all enemies. Oh, I am
10:35Did you get your chest wait, there's two I only got one
10:38Okay, so this is gonna do damage to me though. Look at my health in the bottom left. Oh
10:43Careful damage shot shots deal more damage. Okay grenades deal more damage big chest chest contain more loot choices to choose from
10:50I'm just gonna do more day. Oh
10:53I got heal after eliminating the enemies. I live it's life steel fire close-range AOE blasts along with your shots
11:01Aren't you close range? I'm gonna I can't do spike chest again. I can't I'm gonna die. We should take health
11:06I think health will be the way to go
11:09Play safe for one round and we'll play extra unsafe. Okay. Here we go. Let's do it. Watch out. Oh god, don't
11:17Wait, I have a hundred health
11:20Look at those you see I shoot like a pink purple thing. I have like double shotgun. Oh, wait. No, that's your
11:27Arcane bullets. Yeah
11:30I'm taking more health. I have 400
11:33Damager element. Let's get elemental
11:35This is say we're gonna dab. You know, I'm saying let me know stay next to my yard turrets
11:39Oh good call. Oh, there's a big thing, you know
11:42there oh
11:44The money thing. Yeah, I got 600 all hairs. Don't let's go. They're actually destroyed
11:49Yeah, I know look at my kills
11:51You're catching up a kills cuz your tears not because you cuz you're really bad turrets are a part of me part of my
11:55Body. Oh, no, I can't hit these things. I got you
11:58Don't worry. I'll save you like I always do damage. I have not but I'm pretty
12:07My turrets and me are doing so much work right now, okay. Yeah, but you're not doing work
12:11I'm literally about to catch up on kill. Oh, I have more. Oh
12:15I got double chest. You got double. Why am I not kidding? Oh, cuz I don't have that perk it only counts for you
12:20Yeah, and you're you're ugly
12:24Ice cube damage increase to frozen enemies shots shock enemies. I have that too. I kind of want to take it
12:31Should we become lightning? Yeah, I'm gonna get double poison double poison double poison
12:36Fire mace balls along with your shot with their shotguns
12:41Look at my yes
12:4512,000 DPS done
12:47Okay, I think you're good here. Take that much. Yeah, there you go
12:49I think I win Grim Reaper heal after eliminating enemies. You should take the region
12:53The region is actually really helpful, dude after I eliminate enemies. I heal that one's really good. Actually, that's right better than
12:59I gotta do flawless. Gotta do flawless. Yeah, I told you I'm fine. I can take damage on a heartbeat crabs
13:07Said your health you're literally dying. Fine. I'm literally I'm rejecting and life-stealing
13:20Take damage. Oh the blind school. Hi
13:25So much damage you're just okay. No, no, I get it now you're just taking all my kills
13:30That's what's happening. Oh, yeah, I'm watching them. I took that. I took your turds kill
13:40Got two chests for that one weird. How did you get?
13:44Teammates chance to fire high damage bullets along your side your shots. Okay, cool. Oh we can get spike chest from this one
13:51Two times economy. Oh, but if you don't get it though
13:53Let's do it. Let's do it. Let's do it. Let's do it. Let's do it. What if I get it?
13:57The falling above what's up?
13:59I'm scared. Do not if you flawless this to is that time is that for chest? It's just gonna kill me. No
14:04No, this is spike enemies. Oh, I thought it was spike chest
14:09Okay, good thing I told you yeah, I was gonna hug them and kiss them
14:14I think I took damage that
14:17You have to get times four though. Sorry. I'm doing all the damage while you just wait. There's a reload arc right here
14:22What is that? Um?
14:24In what I'm grab this cuz it's only for you before the round ends. Come here. We're loading powerful
14:29Oh god, only Zod can collect this. Wait, what this is only you I got no the next thing next to it
14:34I just have a thousand. I have a thousand. I have a thousand. Why'd you get that? I don't know but I'll take it
14:39There's a lot of them. I'm scared. I just shoot so much
14:42Hey, I just see you. I don't even see you. Actually, you're just economy chest economy chest economy chest. I got three
14:50Okay, cool shot prices are discounted I'll take it and then this one large crystal bundle gained
14:573,700 crystals how why do you get that Zod? This is another flawless. We could double fall as false Zod
15:04I'll never talk to you again
15:07Yeah, I know I saw that they were gonna
15:10Hey, thanks ping. You see my ping right there. Well, you actually can
15:15Said we have 20 sec 30 seconds. Look at how many there are
15:25Me I'm literally helping so much getting really caught up in kills though. Oh, you're good first one to 300 wins. Oh weird
15:31I got 300
15:37I'm going and I'm taking all the kills. What's up boys?
15:43Go ahead and read all your upgrades. I'm gonna click this now. You'll never know. No, no, no, no. No, no
15:47Why why why I shocked enemies? I
15:49So mean poisons and damages, okay
15:53Wait, how much money do you have for this shop? 1,800? Oh weird. I have five thousand four hundred. Oh
15:58And things are they cost 20% less just deal more damage
16:03I have it to all you can eat no am was used at a short time after eliminating an enemy
16:07Cool piercing wave fire slow damaging waves along with your shot
16:13So my DPS checking Oh
16:2040 I saw 48
16:23How why so strong can I reroll I'm rerolling, uh, let me grab this one. I got every roll
16:29Are you broke? It's odd
16:32All you can eat grenades explode into clusters of daggers. Yeah damage increase after clearing each island
16:39Yeah, I I want something. Sorry. You're just taking these crystals for more money
16:51I'm having fun. Oh, let me get close to him
16:56He hit me ow, do you see the damage that I'm doing to him side? Yeah, I see that I bit he's dead
17:04Sick wait, we're your chest though. I don't need chest. Yeah, but it's the only thing I have on you. Okay, stop
17:12Why give me a more sexy turrets I am ready go hey, you're a bad person I want you to know that
17:18I'm not dude. I just shoot. I just like I poison them. I freeze them. I shoot them with a foot. I feed them
17:25What does that mean? I'm not I don't know
17:28Are you good? So why are you on fire? I don't know. I'm just dying
17:32So much stuff
17:39Stop it. You better pick your thing. I pick I pick spike chest. I didn't even heard
17:44Like get more upgrades
17:46No, go kill him. Okay, I'm running. I'm gonna hide in this chest if I'm hiding in a chest. They can't see me, right?
17:59Need more money, I'm getting more crystals for money Zod. I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm what
18:04Why were you not helping you were you were killing crystals instead of helping your team needed money, Zod?
18:13I only have three four thousand
18:15You don't need money
18:17You let me die
18:19No, don't oh Zod me. You literally let me die. Oh, I'm alive. Oh, you're back there. Oh, you only have like 20% health
18:25I have like no health. Spike chest, ow. Spike chest, ow. The spike chest hurts, Zod. Good, I'm glad. Heal up, sir. Eliminating enemies
18:32I'll take that. Chance for shots to scatter into smaller shots on impact. Cool, man. But hey, man, look at our health
18:37We're not looking good for this next one. Yeah, but you know skill chest
18:42Oh, I'm regen, I'm regening, we're fine. Oh, are you? I think. Oh, I am too. Ow! 2 HP.
18:49216. Oh, I am regening. Okay, cool.
18:54You're dead. You're literally dead, aren't you? What do you want me to do when I'm on 1 HP? Zod, you're dead. What do you want me to do?
19:01Don't die. Ian, you can't die here. What is this fire crap? It's fine. I do a billion damage. He looks mean. Ow. Ow, Zod.
19:10Oh, hey, I'm back. Island 23. Oh, Zod, you're almost dead, aren't you? Increase clip size. Spread and recoil heavily reduced. Zod.
19:16I have two grenades now. Zod, this is a flawless round. Zod, okay? I'm not gonna flawless. This is a flawless round, Zod.
19:23What do you want from me?
19:25Come on, Zod. You got this. I think I take damage. Zod. That purple thing, I don't know if it's damage or not. Oh, gosh, look at all the crabs.
19:31I know I see them. I'm scared. Zod, I do a lot of damage. I don't know if you see that. Oh, no, no. Yeah, I've been told. But do you have two grenades?
19:37Oh, you have two grenades? Yeah.
19:39Love them all I want. I took damage, Zod.
19:41You had one job. You could've just sat next to all my turrets. How many turrets do you have? Three. How do you think I'm getting all my kills?
19:48I could just infinitely shoot, Zod. This is not going well for you. It's really not, but we're fine. We did it. Spread and recoil heavily reduced.
19:56Okay, magazine size doesn't matter anymore. Okay, heavily reduced. I'm literally gonna shoot a sniper bullet. I didn't even need any of those.
20:03How much money do you have? Enough. I'm not telling you because you're gonna bully me.
20:06Do you have 5,000? No, I don't have 5,000. I have 3,000. Let me go get these crystals.
20:10Okay, cool. What is this? Grenades grow explosive mushrooms when exploding. That's a legendary.
20:15Can I have... Why'd you take it? Sorry. Can I have something?
20:18Split shot. Okay, I'll take that. Healthy combo. Okay, you can have that one. Or a shot.
20:23Here, get this one. This one's nice. You can do multiple grenades. Oh, nice.
20:27Piercing shot. Let me see what my grenade does. Oh, it shoots grenades everywhere.
20:32Okay, Grim Reaper. Heal after. Okay, I'll take it. Fire rate increased for a short time after eliminating enemies.
20:38Oh, I can do this. I'll do this. I'm fine. Okay, let's go. I have to fall asleep now. I'm ready.
20:42Random or spiked? Spiked, obviously. Come on, Zod. I think this is the last one, I think.
20:47I am doing so much damage. Yeah, I am too. I have 600. Wait, how much health do you have? 570.
20:54Yeah! I'm in fire! I'm being very cornered. I can't take damage. I just heal it instantly.
21:00I'm dying, I'm dying, I'm dying. I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine. If I get hit, I just heal it instantly.
21:04I don't care. Stop rubbing it in. Zod, I think I'm unkillable. Cool, so we just win then. Cool.
21:10I think I'm unkillable. Sick. Yeah, I'm back to 4-0. Wait, where's your chest?
21:15Oh, spiked chest. I got too weird. Ow. Juiced. More damage. Let's get another arcane blast.
21:21Oh, no. Can we do another spiked chest? Yeah, homing thorns? Okay, let's do it.
21:27Oh, wait, I have 46 HP. I have 200. Oh, no. Oh, cool, okay. What do we do?
21:32Zod, I'm healing. Zod, I'm healing. Yeah, no, me too, me too, me too. We have the same thing.
21:38I'm on 10 HP. I'm dead. I don't know what I died from. Zod. I was just dying.
21:42Oh, they're homing thorns. Look on the right. Whenever you kill enemies, thorns rush you.
21:49No grenades. I'm fine. Run. It's all up to you, Ian. It's all up to you.
21:57The homing thorns were not nice to me. What happened to that boss? Wait, that's a boss?
22:02Zod, I'm back to pretty much full health. How much life steal do you have?
22:06Wait. Okay. Can you stop being broken? Like, what is happening? I'm having fun.
22:13Hey, where's the chest? Oh, wait, they're right there. Oh, I got three. How many did you get?
22:17I got two. Oh, a spike chest. There's a spike chest. It hurts a lot.
22:21Wait, do I die if I open this one? I can't open it. I can't open it either.
22:25Okay, I'm gonna get the piercing wave, bulletproof, spark explosion. Okay, cool.
22:29I can't get this spike chest. Me neither. I'm on 1 HP. Let's do economy.
22:34We don't need... Okay, fine. Yeah, yeah. Let's get money. Sure.
22:37We can't die here, Zod. I'm on 1 HP.
22:40Okay, just shoot him. I'm shooting him, Zod. I died.
22:44Zod, I have 1 HP. I have 1 HP.
22:47Oh, I have 29 HP, Zod.
22:50Whatever you... Oh, go in the lava. It heals you. It heals you. I promise. Go in the lava.
22:53Zod, stop. No, go in the lava. I promise. I promise. I promise.
22:55No, I'm healing, Zod. I'm healing.
22:57Wait, there's a heal thingy over here. I can heal. Get it. I'm healing, Zod.
23:01You are on the corner. You are so cornered right now. No, I'm not.
23:07I threw a nade, Zod. What do you want from me?
23:10Do more. I killed them all. I'm at full health.
23:13Cool. Hey, Zod. What do you think?
23:16I'm sitting here on 1 HP every round, and you're just fine.
23:20I don't know why you're not... I don't know why you're dying so much, Zod.
23:24You just got the most broken stuff. How?
23:283 seconds. 2, 1. Good job, man.
23:31Wait, how did you die? I don't want to talk about it.
23:34Don't talk to me. I got chests. Yep, me too.
23:36Economy. Oh, I get 1,000 crystals. Thank you.
23:39And lower shop prices. Let's go to the shop.
23:41Yeah, that's exactly what you need. How much money do you have?
23:444,000. I don't care what you have. I got 6,000.
23:47Grim Reaper. I can heal more. Freezing enemies.
23:50Enemies freeze. All nearby enemies when eliminated.
23:53Can I... Okay, I was going to have... Okay, cool. Or a shot.
23:56Okay, I was going to take... Here, you can take a repelling dash. There you go.
24:00This is awful. You left the worst one for me.
24:03No, you can have that. Go ahead. I mean, I took it, but okay.
24:06Vampire. Okay, cool. More damage. Okay, fire rate increased.
24:10What? You're just taking everything.
24:12Hey, Zed, I think I win. I mean, we win, right?
24:15Yeah, we're teaming. Still got 1,000. I'm going to roll again.
24:18Should I steal more damage? Okay, let's see my DPS. You don't need that.
24:21Oh! Okay. Are you doing the nades too with that?
24:24Boss. Are you ready? I think this is the final boss, Zed.
24:28I think. I don't know. You know what? You're going to fight him, okay?
24:31Oh, look! King Skull! All right, you get him.
24:34Okay, I'm throwing a grenade at him. Oh. Oh.
24:37Okay, here we go. I'm going to dash in. Okay.
24:40Hit him with my stuff. Oh.
24:43I'm not helping. I haven't shot once, by the way.
24:47Cool. You don't need me. You just don't need me.
24:51Legendary chest. Oh, we won!
24:54That was it, Zed! Let's do it!
24:58There we go! We got the crown!
25:01Hey, boys, we beat the whole thing in our first run.
25:04What? Are you serious?
25:07Boys, hit the like button. Hit the subscribe button.
25:09We did it. They're bad and dumb and ugly. Sorry.