MrBeast latest Video 7 Days Exploring An Underground City

  • 2 days ago
MrBeast latest Video 7 Days Exploring An Underground City


00:00We are spending the next seven days in this massive underground city.
00:04How does this place exist?
00:05Although it may look like something straight out of the future,
00:08this city is built inside of a mine dating back over a thousand years ago.
00:13And with countless uncharted tunnels and chambers,
00:15who knows what horrors we'll run into.
00:18These are the stairs that descend into the city.
00:21How old are these stairs?
00:22Older than us.
00:23All right, now that we're down here,
00:24look at how high up the ceiling is.
00:28We are 400 feet underground right now,
00:30and somehow this village just exists.
00:32This is nuts.
00:34During World War II,
00:35when Romania was getting bombed,
00:36thousands of people would hide here.
00:38And now, just a bunch of YouTubers live here.
00:40And soon enough, we found a great place to spend the night.
00:42I think we should camp here.
00:44You're the boss.
00:44Our stuff is all the way up there.
00:46With our home base decided,
00:47we all went up to grab our bags.
00:49And using all of our collective brain power,
00:51we discovered the best way to get them down to camp.
00:55Oh, that's awesome.
00:56That's dead on.
00:59We just finished fishing everything out of the water.
01:03Our food for the challenge consists of bagged food,
01:05and we each brought a personal bag.
01:06What's in yours, Carl?
01:08Let's look at somebody else's.
01:10You get the point.
01:10You guys want to know what's crazy?
01:12We've barely seen any of this underground city.
01:14The walls that surround us are actually hiding a bunch of tunnels.
01:17There's even a chamber bigger than the one we're in now.
01:20However, what these guys don't know is that every single day,
01:24I'm bringing a famous YouTuber to help us explore these tunnels.
01:27But the more YouTubers that joined us,
01:29the deeper the city would fall into chaos.
01:31You just got here, bro!
01:32We're going to bed at a reasonable hour,
01:34because I have a big surprise in the morning.
01:36That's ominous.
01:37Day one in the underground city was a success.
01:40We'll see you in the morning.
01:42Good morning!
01:44Oh, boy.
01:45It's gonna be a great day.
01:46First thing in the morning,
01:47I took everyone to the elevator for my big announcement.
01:50Starting today, every single morning,
01:52a famous YouTuber is going to be joining us.
01:55Our surprise guest, coming down from the surface,
02:00is Gideon!
02:04Welcome to the underground city.
02:08Whoa, this is a legit city.
02:09Whoa, there's even a Ferris wheel here.
02:11But that's not all.
02:13So we have not been up these stairs yet,
02:15and is that not the most ominous stairs you've ever seen in your life?
02:20Boys, come over here.
02:21Laserbeam has a fear of heights.
02:22Why are we doing this to him?
02:23Today, we're conquering your fear of heights.
02:26Oh, my gosh!
02:27Now he's so calm.
02:28If I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die.
02:30I'm not gonna worry about it.
02:31Oh, God.
02:33All right, we have a lantern to go exploring.
02:36I feel so much safer now.
02:37Well, don't get too comfortable,
02:38because just around the corner,
02:40we found this menacing door.
02:41Access forbidden.
02:45Oh, heck no.
02:49I'll check it out.
02:49Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
02:51All right, guys, looks safe.
02:53Are we sure there's not, like, people living down here or something?
02:55Only one way to find out.
02:57This does feel like a very haunted area.
03:01Oh, no.
03:02These boards either held up a sign that said,
03:05don't enter, that someone ripped down.
03:06They definitely did.
03:07Or they're just here for decoration.
03:08I think they're here for decoration.
03:10Follow me.
03:10This doesn't look creepy at all.
03:12Hey, everyone, for 1,000 years,
03:14they've harvested salt from the salt mine.
03:15This is a dark chocolate sea salt feastables bar.
03:18Hear me out.
03:18Why don't we put more salt on our sea salt bar?
03:20Straight from the source.
03:22That's so good.
03:24It tastes really good.
03:25And after climbing multiple sets of stairs.
03:27Where is this lateness?
03:28I'm not sure.
03:29Going where we probably shouldn't.
03:31Wait, what does this say?
03:32Do not pass.
03:33What does that mean?
03:34Carl, put your hands like this.
03:36We probably can't put this on camera.
03:38As eerie as those tunnels were,
03:39the creepiest were still yet to come.
03:42But for now, we headed back to camp.
03:44As you can see, Jideon joined us in the bedroom.
03:47Tomorrow's gonna be a fun day.
03:48We have a super special guest.
03:50We'll see you in the morning.
03:53All right, it's the start of day three,
03:55and you know what that means.
03:56Let's go see who the special guest of the day is.
03:59Send him down!
04:00I see a shadow, there he is!
04:02Is it kind?
04:03Maybe it's speed?
04:04I see two of them!
04:05There's two of them?
04:06Today, the two guests are...
04:10Sam and Colby!
04:14If you don't know already,
04:15Sam and Colby specialize in exploring
04:17abandoned and haunted places.
04:18So it'll be interesting to see what they think
04:20when we explore this 1,000-year-old tunnel system.
04:23Are we going?
04:24See how high the ceiling is?
04:25Well, apparently, there's like a window
04:26where you can look down.
04:27And I want to see Landon's reaction
04:29because he's terrified of heights.
04:32Meanwhile, the others are gonna upgrade our base camp.
04:35All right, all right.
04:36You'll do stuff here,
04:37and then you'll do stuff over there.
04:38Oh, I get it.
04:39You're supervisor.
04:41Yeah, okay.
04:41Has no clue what's going on,
04:42tells us what to do.
04:43Let's get to work, let's get to work!
04:44As we went deeper than before,
04:46I never could have guessed
04:47how sketchy these tunnels would get.
04:52I think Sam and Colby should lead the way
04:54because they have more experience.
04:55We love creepy holes, you know?
04:56That makes sense.
04:57Yeah, lead the way.
04:58You're getting further and further away.
04:59I'm right behind you.
05:00Oh, we got two ways.
05:01This way.
05:08I got Colby so good.
05:09That scared the crap out of him.
05:11Anyways, we kept walking
05:12until we eventually came across this ominous staircase.
05:15This is sketch.
05:16Oh, there's just a gigantic cross up here.
05:19Wait, wait, wait.
05:20What do we make of this cross?
05:22The one thing that we know about these salt mines
05:25is there is a legend
05:26that there was one spirit seen,
05:29and they created an altar at that location
05:32because it's where the hauntings are.
05:33This is the spot.
05:35That sounds awesome.
05:36Let's keep going.
05:39That's the hole that leads to the camp.
05:41Oh, is that the hole?
05:42I feel like there's a fence for a reason.
05:44Should I go over there?
05:46I'll watch from here.
05:47Jordan, I can see our camp.
05:56Whoa, they're way up above us.
05:58How's it going?
05:59We have salt, boys!
06:01They just yelled we have a shower.
06:03How did you do that?
06:04First, we'll make a showerhead out of the cap,
06:06and then we'll hang our water jug.
06:08Landon, come check this out.
06:10Um, I'll, uh, I'm coming.
06:12Landon, you can't be this afraid of heights.
06:14I'm coming, bro.
06:15I'm coming.
06:15This is our camp.
06:17No, no.
06:18No one touch me.
06:19We're overcoming our fears.
06:21Having now explored 50% of the mines
06:23and with a way to wash our reeking bodies,
06:25this underground city was finally thriving.
06:27But there was still plenty to do
06:29because by the next morning, we had to welcome
06:32our day four special guest coming down the elevator!
06:36Wait, they're short!
06:37Is the biggest Twitch streamer on the planet,
06:40Kai Sinat!
06:44Welcome to the underground city!
06:50All right, Kai, I want you to jump and stomp
06:52as loud as you can.
06:58What the heck?
06:59Kai, now that you're here, we have a big family.
07:04And nothing's gonna get between any of us.
07:08Is that foreshadowing?
07:08Bro, you just got here!
07:11Oh, god!
07:14I specifically saved one secret tunnel for you.
07:17So let's go explore it.
07:18So using these boats, we crossed the underground lake.
07:20That's right, a lake that's underground.
07:23And on the other side, our next set of tunnels
07:25was through this hole in the wall.
07:26Yeah, actually, Carl should go first.
07:28I'll go first.
07:29There's a door in the hole!
07:30What is behind that door?
07:31We gotta get in there.
07:32That is awesome.
07:33You got it, you got it, you got it, you got it.
07:35Oh my god!
07:36So after using Sean's back, we were ready to explore.
07:39See you, Sean.
07:40Bye, Sean!
07:41I see this in movies all the time.
07:42When we get past the door, we're gonna die.
07:44What's the game plan?
07:45You gotta go straight, then you gotta make a left,
07:47then right is always right.
07:48So make that U-turn half circle opposite
07:50of your left-hand side.
07:52But once you go straight, you take five steps back, OK?
07:55So after trekking through this sketchy tunnel.
07:59Wait, what happened?
07:59It literally just opened up into a giant dark void.
08:02They told me there was another cavern just
08:04as big as the other one.
08:05So I thought it'd be fun if we brought
08:07the world's brightest flashlight.
08:14That's wild.
08:16Hey, wait, be careful.
08:16There are ledges here.
08:17Yeah, I'm gonna jump.
08:18Wait, you're gonna jump?
08:19Bye, guys!
08:20Kai, where are you going?
08:22Save the safe to end.
08:24Yeah, this is cool.
08:32It sounds like I'm over there.
08:33Now they're all down there in the middle of the cavern.
08:35I'm gonna turn the flashlight off to scare them.
08:42Come on!
08:44They're leaving us.
08:48Hurry, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on!
08:49Go, go, go, go, go, go, go!
08:52Lock him in.
08:53He's leaving us!
08:56Later, nerds!
08:58Open it!
09:00You're gonna break Karl's arm.
09:03Yeah, I'm letting you go.
09:05Hey, man.
09:06What's what?
09:07Is that trying to leave us?
09:09I heard you say later, losers.
09:12He tried to trap us in here for a night.
09:14No, no, you can stay down there.
09:16So attention's running high.
09:17After a long day of exploring, we decided to turn in for the night.
09:20But Karl was about to strike again.
09:22This time, with Gideon's help.
09:24We're gonna prank the rest of the team.
09:25Everyone's asleep right now.
09:27We're gonna have this mannequin standing on the bridge.
09:29We're gonna have a speaker behind him.
09:31We're gonna play a Kai song.
09:32Let's start rolling, Avalanche.
09:34We ready?
09:35I think we're ready.
09:39Yeah, I'm ready to roll.
09:42Are we being attacked?
09:45I'm playing my song.
09:46That's your song?
09:48See that light over there?
09:49All the way at the top?
09:51At least it's a good song, though.
09:53Whoever has done this has made a great enemy in their life.
09:56What are you gonna do tomorrow to get revenge?
09:58Oh, boy.
09:59I will dedicate my entire life to their destruction.
10:02I will wipe them and their entire family from existence.
10:05Lines are being drawn.
10:06Enemies are being formed.
10:08These last few days are gonna be interesting.
10:10I'm gonna try to go back to bed.
10:13I'm the only one awake right now.
10:14Everyone is still asleep after what Carl did last night.
10:17But I think our guest is about to arrive.
10:19They're coming down right now.
10:24Good, bro.
10:25It's Logan Paul.
10:26Usually, Jimmy's here to give a tour, but he's asleep right now.
10:28We can go wake him up.
10:29Oh, I'm gonna do that.
10:30Yeah, you wanna go do that?
10:34Hey, yo!
10:36Good morning, Logang.
10:37What's poppin'?
10:38Chandler's excited to see you, man.
10:39I can tell.
10:40Our day five guest is WWE superstar Logan Paul.
10:45Let's go.
10:47This video is just me seeing how many famous people I can drag in this pit.
10:50Hey, guys.
10:51You notice someone who's not here?
10:53Last night, it was Carl and Gideon just, like, running pranks on us.
10:56And I think I can speak for everyone here.
10:57They're getting exiled today.
10:58This was Carl's bed.
10:59He won't be using this anymore.
11:01I hope where he's sleeping now is comfortable.
11:03I was sick of that guy anyway.
11:05All right.
11:05Laser beams going a little crazy.
11:07One final thing.
11:08I think Carl is still asleep.
11:09We're gonna go wake him up.
11:13Wakey, wakey.
11:16I just woke up to Logan Paul.
11:18Carl, I got a surprise for you.
11:20You might be a bit sleepy, but just come up here, buddy.
11:22So I threw your bed into the water.
11:25Dude, I hate this underground city, bro.
11:26With the prank war actually starting to bother some people,
11:29Kai decided to step up and become the mayor of the city.
11:32Does anybody object of me being mayor?
11:34I vote that the shortest person here be the mayor.
11:37I don't object.
11:38To establish some order in the city,
11:40Mayor Kai first punished JDM and Carl for last night's prank.
11:43And I've got to warn you.
11:44With the city's population having grown to now nine YouTubers,
11:47everything you're going to witness from here on out is just pure chaos.
11:51Kai, you'll sleep in the elevator.
11:53If they're in the elevator, how do we get up?
11:55We got to take 15 flights of stairs, Kai.
11:57You're not thinking.
11:58Bro, you just got here, bro.
12:00You just got here last night.
12:01Why is he the mayor?
12:02I'm just gonna say it.
12:03All right.
12:04We need to start acting on these orders.
12:05You guys, go ahead and carry your stuff to the elevator.
12:07Enjoy your dictatorship.
12:09Hey, enjoy your elevator.
12:10Yeah, enjoy your elevator, buddy.
12:12Bro, me laying down this way is looking like a penthouse.
12:14And me laying like this is still an elevator.
12:17Now that the criminals are gone, Kai, what do you want to do?
12:20First things first.
12:20I think we should have a place just for storage.
12:23It should go right there.
12:24So just to clarify, we're moving our belongings away from our beds for no reason?
12:28No, because Kai told us.
12:30Honestly, this does nothing.
12:31Now we just have to work for our clothing.
12:32All right.
12:33Maybe making Kai mayor wasn't such a good idea.
12:35So after doing some more of Kai's ridiculous demands,
12:38the day one boys and I set off on our daily exploration.
12:41All right.
12:41We'll be back in around two hours.
12:42So while we've explored just about every tunnel and room in this underground city,
12:46I have a special one here that I really want to show you guys.
12:49All right.
12:50See this dead end right here?
12:51What if I told you it's a fake dead end?
12:56There you go.
12:58It's a fake door that led to a giant tunnel.
13:02Where does the tunnel lead to then?
13:03Let's find out.
13:04All right.
13:04Get this.
13:05The tunnel was so long.
13:06We literally had to run down it.
13:08Still going.
13:09This is the longest tunnel I've ever seen in my life.
13:11I see the light.
13:12And at the end of the tunnel, I built a Zaxby's.
13:17Brand new Mr. Beast box available in every single Zaxby's.
13:20That comes with the feastables bar.
13:21And meanwhile, back at camp,
13:23the other boys had way too much time on their hands.
13:25I think we move all their beds to the bridge, bro.
13:28That's the day one bridge.
13:29This is the new gen.
13:30Let's do it.
13:32I got Jimmy's and then I'll grab Blazer's.
13:33I've never been this happy in my entire life.
13:35The Mr. Beast box comes with great chicken,
13:37your favorite sides from Zaxby's,
13:39and it's about to disappear forever.
13:40So if you haven't tried it, go get it now.
13:42Zaxby's also has a ton of sauces.
13:45Hey, this is good.
13:46This is good sauce.
13:47Yeah, right here.
13:52For the first 30 days in October,
13:53we're giving away $10,000 and a random drawing
13:56for people who buy feastables.
13:57And on Halloween night, we're giving one lucky winner
14:00one million dollars.
14:02Just post a photo of you holding a Feastables bar
14:04and tag Feastables.
14:05The Feastable bars in these Mr. Beast boxes
14:07can also be used to enter the giveaway.
14:09I'm so happy right now.
14:10Don't miss out.
14:11Go and get yourself a Mr. Beast box from Zaxby's
14:13while you still can.
14:14I think we're all on the same page.
14:16The other people in the city do not need to know about this.
14:18We did not eat Zaxby's.
14:20Now, what I failed to realize is what would happen
14:22when you leave a bunch of content creators alone
14:24with nothing to do for hours.
14:26Why do you guys have ski masks on?
14:28While you guys were gone,
14:30you may saw that we made this a better city.
14:32So we'll have a town hall meeting
14:34to discuss the new changes that we've made.
14:36Okay, this better be good.
14:37Are you guys ready?
14:38Kai, what the heck is going on?
14:39Welcome to York new city.
14:40This is our current state.
14:41Everything is just so messy.
14:43It looks bad, right?
14:44Go to the next slide.
14:45We let the new gen sleep here from now on.
14:48So what about the day one-ers?
14:49You guys are now on a bridge.
14:51Well, we have a master bedroom.
14:52Somebody's sleeping on the raft.
14:54All right, I think I've seen enough.
14:55Day one-ers, come on, come on.
14:57I'm taking my day one-ers.
14:58Come on, come on, let's go.
15:00Have fun.
15:00Yo, where y'all going?
15:01No, we can't let them get back to the base before us.
15:03They're right, they're right.
15:04No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
15:06Shut up, Salvo, shut up.
15:10Kai, we all wanted to talk to you about something.
15:12You've turned into a dictator.
15:13Honestly, really quickly.
15:14We gotta move our beds over here.
15:17I don't quit, bro.
15:18I hate being mayor, bro.
15:19You gotta make all the rules of this stuff
15:20and everybody gotta follow it.
15:22Ah, ah, I almost broke my neck.
15:23You good?
15:24As a show of peace, I brought you some food.
15:26If you guys follow me here,
15:27I brought you all a lunch lead.
15:28I get a prime end-face of this.
15:30It's nice, the cheese tastes like actual cheese.
15:32It's good.
15:33It actually is so good.
15:35So after a day of establishing a new leader,
15:37toppling a corrupt government,
15:39and then becoming friends again,
15:40we decided to call it a night.
15:42All right.
15:44Good night, you hooligans, we'll see you tomorrow.
15:50Good morning, everybody.
15:52Will everyone please meet me at the elevator?
15:55Who do you guys think is the next inhabitant
15:57of the underground city?
15:58I think it's Eyeshow Speed.
15:59He's literally streaming right now in Romania.
16:01It's the entire side, man.
16:02It could be Jinxy.
16:03All right, let's see who it is.
16:04That's me, that's me, I can tell.
16:06Send him down.
16:06That's a massive box.
16:08It's a girl.
16:08Oh, it could be a girl.
16:10For our day six special guest
16:12of the seven days underground city.
16:18All right, here we go.
16:24What is that gigantic box?
16:26Simon, you're gonna be excited for this box.
16:27All your favorite things are in here.
16:28Which way do you want me to open it?
16:29All right, just open it.
16:37Let's go.
16:38For day six, we actually have two guests,
16:40Big Star and Speed.
16:42So boys, welcome to the underground city.
16:45Yeah, we've done this tour like six or seven times
16:47at this point, right?
16:48All right, follow me, boys.
16:49If you guys want, we can hit the highest point of the cave.
16:52All right, why don't you promise me you won't jump?
16:53It's not too high, though.
16:54Wait, is that water?
16:55Don't jump, bro.
16:55It's water, though.
16:58Are you gonna lie, bro?
16:58I love y'all, but y'all stink.
17:02Dude, y'all stink.
17:03I'm not even playing, bro.
17:04You just look like you stink.
17:05I just took a shower.
17:06There's no showers here, though.
17:07You'll see.
17:09Stop lying!
17:10You're lying!
17:11Oh my god.
17:11Bro, you're lying.
17:12Stop lying.
17:12That's moist.
17:13It's moist.
17:14How do you smell?
17:15Hey, lift it up.
17:18Dude, get out of there.
17:20Is that Old Spice?
17:21Yes, you know.
17:24Come on, stinky boy.
17:25Get your hands away from me.
17:26And unsurprisingly, the first thing Vikkstar and Speed wanted to check out
17:30was the underground soccer arena.
17:31Y'all played a game yet or not?
17:33How have you not played a game?
17:34What have you been doing for seven days?
17:36Blue's on a team.
17:37Chandler, Speed, Logan over here.
17:38Yo, yo, yo, yo, the athlete.
17:41It's a stacked team.
17:42It's even.
17:43All right, let's do it.
17:44Come on, Speed.
17:44Come on, Speed.
17:45What's up?
17:45Come on, get it up, get it up.
17:46Okay, okay, punch it.
17:49All right, keep it square.
17:50Kick it as hard as you can.
17:51Go, hit him!
17:57Blue team won.
17:57Blue team's won.
17:58Let's keep the tour going.
17:59And as we were going to check out the golf course,
18:01we caught something on camera never seen before.
18:03We caught Logan without a problem.
18:05It's so weird.
18:06Don't put that in, don't put that in.
18:07After soccer, we played some golf,
18:08which honestly, Laserbeam could use some practice with.
18:13I'll give you $100 if you get a hole in run.
18:15Right here?
18:15Yeah, bro.
18:19We even climbed the massive fair sweep.
18:21Oh, you do some dumb stuff when you're bored, huh?
18:23If I get injured, the WWE is going to be pissed.
18:25So will my fiancee, though.
18:27I'm going to be a dad.
18:27What am I doing up here, dude?
18:29We also projected a video game on the cave wall.
18:32We're creating history right now.
18:33We're the first ones to ever play in here.
18:34Hole too big!
18:36Hole too big!
18:36And lastly, we climbed to the very top of this cave
18:39just to play the most insane game of catch you've ever seen.
18:42The only thing stopping us from falling is this wood.
18:45It's not even stable.
18:46Let's get in position, boys.
18:47Let's get in position.
18:48Try to catch this feasible bar.
18:50Here we go, here we go.
18:51It's a parachute.
18:52And just so you understand how high up we were,
18:54it took nearly 10 entire seconds for our Feastables bar
18:58to reach the ground.
18:58Oh, that is coming down.
19:00Oh, god.
19:02Our boys dropping marshmallows.
19:04Here they come!
19:05That's it!
19:08I see him.
19:09One, two.
19:12Dude, it's so close.
19:13Logan, it's a prime model.
19:15You got it.
19:15You got it.
19:16You got it.
19:16Three prime, baby.
19:19Let's go!
19:20Of course, when it's prime, he catches it.
19:22And for the last night in the city,
19:23we made a campfire in the amphitheater to wind down.
19:26All right, everybody.
19:26What was your favorite part of the video?
19:29Well, it's actually going to be leaving.
19:32I enjoyed the frenzy.
19:34I enjoyed toppling the dictatorship.
19:36Why is he in the mirror?
19:38Enjoy your dictatorship.
19:39I don't want to quit, bro.
19:41It's too much work.
19:42My favorite part was just dragging all these YouTubers
19:45to the middle of nowhere, deep underground,
19:47and forcing them to hang out with me.
19:48It was a lot of fun.
19:50I'm grateful for you all coming out.
19:51Thank you so much.
19:52And boys, with only one day left in this underground city,
19:55we've really started to fill this room up.
19:57All right.
19:58Cut the lights off.
19:59We'll see you tomorrow for day seven.
20:01All right, guys.
20:01Good night.
20:02Good night.
20:02Good night, everybody.
20:08Time to go home.
20:10Please hurry.
20:10And after we cleaned up this entire camp,
20:12it was finally time to leave this underground city.
20:15This was fun.
20:15I'm going to miss all of you.
20:16I just got here.
20:17Why is everyone leaving?
20:18I've been here forever.
20:19I can't wait to leave.
20:20Our first time seeing sunlight in a week.
20:25Oh, it's so bright, dude.
20:26Oh, my god.
20:27Now go outside and touch some grass yourself.
