Surah As Saffat , Tilawat As Saffat , quran recitation , learn quran

  • 7 hours ago
Quran Tilawat
Quran recitation
Islamic recitation
Quran reading
Tilawat Quran
Quranic verses
Surah recitation
Ayah recitation
Surat ul Ankabut
Emotional Quran recitation
Heart-touching Tilawat
Beautiful Quran recitation
Soul-stirring Quran
Inspiring Quran
Arabic Quran
Quran in Arabic
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Ramadan Quran recitation
Quran for relaxation
Quran for stress relief
Quran for motivation
Quran for guidance
Quran recitation for anxiety
Tilawat Quran for sleep
Quran surahs for protection
Quran verses for success
Quran recitation for focus
00:00I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
00:06In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
00:13By the rows of rows
00:20And the rows of rows
00:24And the rows of rows
00:28Indeed, your God is One
00:33Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is between them, and Lord of the east
00:41Indeed, We have adorned the world with the adornment of the stars
00:53And protection from every rebellious Satan
01:02They will not hear to the highest assembly, and they will be struck from every side
01:12Destroyed, and for them is a permanent punishment
01:19Except for one who catches the catch, and a burning flame follows him
01:27So ask them, are they more severe in creation than those We created?
01:35Indeed, We created them from sticky clay
01:44Rather, you will be amazed and they will be dazzled
01:48And when they are reminded, they do not remember
01:53And when they see a sign, they ridicule
01:59And they say, this is nothing but obvious magic
02:09When we die and become dust and bones, will we be resurrected?
02:20And our forefathers?
02:27Say, Yes, and you will be humbled
02:33So it is only one sound, and suddenly they look
02:44And they say, Oh, woe to us, this is the Day of Reckoning
02:50This is the Day of Decision, which you used to deny
03:00Gather those who have wronged and their wives and those they used to worship
03:07Other than Allah, so guide them to the path of Hell
03:15Stop them, indeed, we ask
03:21Why do you not help each other?
03:26Rather, today they have surrendered
03:31And some of them turned to others, asking
03:40They said, You used to come to us from the right
03:50They said, No, you were not believers
03:55And we had no authority over you
04:02Rather, you were a rebellious people
04:08So the word of our Lord came into effect upon us, Indeed, we are tasty
04:20So we misled you, Indeed, we were unaware
04:27So indeed, on that Day, they will share in the punishment
04:35Indeed, this is how We deal with the criminals
04:42Indeed, when it is said to them, There is no deity except Allah, they are arrogant
04:55And they say, Are we to leave our gods for a mad poet?
05:07Rather, he has brought the truth and confirmed the messengers
05:15Indeed, you will taste the painful punishment
05:23And you will not be recompensed except for what you used to do
05:31Except for the servants of Allah, the sincere
05:36Those will have a known provision
05:43Fruits while they are hated
05:49In gardens of pleasure
05:55On couches facing each other
06:00A cup of wine will be served to them
06:09White, tasty for the drinkers
06:16There will be no gossip therein, nor will they be removed from it
06:24And with them will be lowly, lowly
06:30As if they were hidden eggs
06:38So some of them will approach others, inquiring
06:48A speaker among them will say, Indeed, I had a relative
06:58He will say, Are you of those who assert?
07:04When we are dead and become dust and bones, are we to be excused?
07:16He will say, Are you looking?
07:22So he looked and saw him in the midst of Hell
07:31She said, By Allah, if you were, you would have been judged
07:37And if it were not for the favor of my Lord, I would have been of those brought in
07:44So are we not to die?
07:49Except for our first death, and we will not be punished
07:56Indeed, this is the great triumph
08:02For the like of this, let the workers work
08:08Is that a better descent or the tree of Zaqqub?
08:15Indeed, We have made it a trial for the wrongdoers
08:23Indeed, it is a tree that comes forth in the origin of Hell
08:32And the branches of it are as if they were the heads of the devils
08:39So indeed, they will eat from it and fill their bellies with it
08:48Then indeed, they will have upon it a burning desire
08:57Then indeed, their return will be to Hell
09:05Indeed, they have put their fathers astray
09:17So they will be hurried upon their footsteps
09:24And most of the ancients have gone astray before them
09:30And We have certainly sent among them warners
09:38So see how was the end of the warners
09:46Except for the servants of Allah, who are sincere
09:51And indeed, Noah called us, and how excellent is the one who answers
09:59And We saved him and his family from the great distress
10:06And We made his descendants to be the survivors
10:12And We left upon him among the later generations
10:17Peace be upon Noah among the worlds
10:23Indeed, it is such that We reward the doers of good
10:30Indeed, he was of Our believing servants
10:37Then We drowned the others
10:42And indeed, of his sect was Abraham
10:49When he came to his Lord with a sound heart
10:57When he said to his father and his people,
11:01What is it that you worship?
11:04Is it a falsehood of gods other than Allah that you desire?
11:11So what is your thought of the Lord of the worlds?
11:19Then he looked up at the stars
11:25And said, I am sick
11:30So they turned away from him
11:34Then he turned to their gods and said, Will you not eat?
11:43What is it with you that you do not speak?
11:48Then he struck them on the right
11:55So they came to him, turning
12:01He said, Do you worship what you carve?
12:06And Allah created you and what you do
12:12They said, Build for him a building and throw him into the fire
12:20So they intended to do evil with him, so We made them the lowest
12:28And he said, Indeed, I am going to my Lord, He will guide me
12:36My Lord, grant me of the righteous
12:41So We gave him good news of a boy
12:46So when he reached with him the effort, he said, O Abu Najja, indeed I see in dreams that I am slaughtering you, so see what you see
13:05He said, O my father, do what you are commanded, you will find me, if Allah wills, of the patient
13:19So when they both submitted and laid him on his forehead
13:27And We called him, O Abraham, you have confirmed the vision. Indeed, it is such that We reward the doers of good
13:45Indeed, this is the clear trial
13:54And We saved him with a great sacrifice
13:59And We left him in the last
14:04Peace be upon Abraham
14:10Thus do We reward the doers of good
14:15Indeed, he is of Our believing servants
14:22And We gave him the good news of Isaac, a prophet from among the righteous
14:30And We blessed him and Isaac and their offspring, both doers of good and unjust to themselves, clearly
14:45And We certainly blessed Moses and Aaron
14:52And We saved them and their people from the grave of the transgressors
14:59And We helped them, so they were the wrongdoers
15:05And We gave them the straight Book
15:10And We guided them to the straight path
15:15And We left them in the last
15:21Peace be upon Moses and Aaron
15:26Thus do We reward the doers of good
15:32Indeed, they are of Our believing servants
15:39And indeed, Ilyas was of the messengers
15:45When he said to his people, Do you not fear Allah?
15:52Do you call upon Baal and despise the best of creators?
16:00Allah is your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers
16:10But they denied him, so indeed, they will be brought forth
16:17Except for the sincere servants of Allah
16:22And We left him in the last
16:27Peace be upon Ilyas
16:33Thus do We reward the doers of good
16:40Indeed, he is of Our believing servants
16:46And indeed, Lot was of the messengers
16:53When We saved him and his people all together
17:00Except for an old woman among those who remained behind
17:06Then We destroyed the others
17:12And indeed, you pass by them in the morning
17:20And at night, do you not understand?
17:24And indeed, Jonah was of the messengers
17:30When he ran to the loaded ship
17:35So he contributed, and he was of those who were in need
17:40So the fish took revenge on him, and he was to blame
17:44Why, then, was he not of those who glorify Allah?
17:52He would have remained in his womb until the Day they are resurrected
17:59So We cast him into the sea while he was sick
18:07And We brought forth on him a tree from which he was cut
18:16And We sent him to a hundred thousand or more
18:23So they believed, and We gave them enjoyment for a time
18:29So ask them, is it your Lord who has daughters while they have sons?
18:36Or have We created the angels females while they are witnesses?
18:46Unquestionably, it is from their falsehood that they say
18:55Allah has given birth, and indeed, they are liars
19:02Has He chosen daughters over sons?
19:07What is the matter with you? How do you judge?
19:11Do you not take heed?
19:15Or do you have a clear authority?
19:21So bring forth your Book, if you should be truthful
19:29And they placed between him and the jinn a lineage
19:36And the jinn knew that they would be brought
19:45Exalted is Allah above what they describe
19:52Except for the servants of Allah, the sincere
19:57So indeed, you and that which you worship
20:03You are not against it in dissension
20:11Except for he who is the fire of Hell
20:15And there is none of us except that he has a known station
20:24And indeed, it is We who are the exalted
20:32And indeed, it is We who are the exalted
20:37And indeed, they used to say
20:42If only we had a reminder from the ancients
20:50We would have been the sincere servants of Allah
20:56But they disbelieved in it, and they will soon know
21:02And indeed, Our word has preceded for Our servants the messengers
21:09Indeed, they are to them the victors
21:16And indeed, Our soldiers are to them the victors
21:23So turn away from them for a while
21:28And observe them, and they will see
21:33Do they seek to hasten Our punishment?
21:38And when it descends upon their courtyard, then evil is the morning of the warners
21:47So turn away from them for a while
21:52And observe, and they will see
21:57Exalted is your Lord, Lord of Might, above what they describe
22:06And peace upon the messengers
22:11And all praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds
22:18Allah Almighty has spoken the truth
