
  • 4 hours ago


00:00I woke up this morning with a dead body at the foot of my driveway.
00:14I want Manfred dead.
00:15Are you guys ready?
00:16Galena, we got wind turbines.
00:17It's a business investment.
00:18In exchange for fronting the wind farm, we want 20% of all energy generated.
00:19We also want 20% of all your hydroponic wheat crop.
00:20We got another offer less than an hour ago.
00:21Pressure, right?
00:22I can make it work.
00:23I can make it work.
00:24I can make it work.
00:25I can make it work.
00:26I can make it work.
00:27I can make it work.
00:28I can make it work.
00:29I can make it work.
00:31Great, General.
00:32Donny, you're interested in selling this joint.
00:33And what are you asking for the place?
00:34Oh, shh.
00:35One last question.
00:36Would you buy a car from this guy?
00:37Sure would.
00:38We got a deal.
00:39The boss was supposed to call me back.
00:40Then I'll find that bulls-eye and hang the alert.
00:41It sounds like there's a suggestion in there.
00:42A conversation with all interested parties.
00:44The starters.
00:45We're on Earth, Dad.
00:46I'm teaching them not to lose their lunch money.
00:47We're on Earth, Dad.
00:48I'm teaching them not to lose their lunch money.
00:49We're on Earth, Dad.
00:50I'm teaching them not to lose their lunch money.
00:51We're on Earth, Dad.
00:52I'm teaching them not to lose their lunch money.
00:59How about telling your teachers?
01:01You never drop a dime on anybody.
01:02Oh, look how beautiful the school grounds are.
01:03Yeah, it's really nice, John.
01:04It's got a play set for everyone to play.
01:05When I was a kid, we had two trash cans and an alley.
01:06Look at this place.
01:07It's like a museum.
01:08It's like a museum.
01:09It's like a museum.
01:10It's like a museum.
01:11It's like a museum.
01:12It's like a museum.
01:13It's like a museum.
01:14It's like a museum.
01:15It's like a museum.
01:16It's like a museum.
01:17It's like a museum.
01:18It's like a museum.
01:19It's like a museum.
01:20It's like a museum.
01:21It's like a museum.
01:22It's like a museum.
01:23It's like a museum.
01:24Look at this place.
01:30It's like Ding Dong School.
01:31Proper home.
01:32That's before your time.
01:33Get it out of your system.
01:34Mr. Rogers, where are you?
01:35Okay, dad.
01:36Is this completely necessary?
01:38He's my guardian angel.
01:39Can't Biggs come?
01:40No, not today.
01:41It's Stanley's only.
01:42No, he's too big to fit behind a desk, anyway.
01:43But I need you two to be in your best behavior today.
01:45They're lucky they get our kids.
01:46The acceptance rate is less than 10%.
01:47Everybody wants their kids to go here.
01:48That's why they're lucky to get our kids.
01:50The acceptance rate is less than 10%.
01:52Everybody wants their kids to go here.
01:54Good morning, hi.
01:56Dr. Fogle, welcome to Meridian Day School.
01:58Tina and Freddie, my father Dwight.
02:01And who have we here?
02:03My name is Ryan.
02:03And I'm Cody.
02:04That's Huckle and Jekyll.
02:06Wonderful, wonderful.
02:07This is Vanessa.
02:09She'll be showing you around while I talk to your family,
02:13Hi guys, should we go exploring?
02:18I'm sorry, this gentleman here, will he be joining us?
02:22Oh, you don't want him joining you.
02:24But he'll disappear when I disappear.
02:28Today I will be kind.
02:30I will be respectful of others and their differences.
02:34I have great ideas.
02:36I am empowered.
02:38I am in control of my own happiness.
02:42You know, they should try some push-ups.
02:46As you can see, we greatly encourage
02:48self-expression and creativity.
02:51That's very nice.
02:52Excuse me for one moment, please.
02:54You know, my hair was getting kind of gray,
02:56so the other night I bought this stuff
02:58from the pharmacy.
02:59I put it on the hairbrush, put it,
03:01make your hair darker.
03:02Since you're dark, how's it look?
03:04You look like Dracula.
03:05It's not funny.
03:08In addition to a robust academic program,
03:11we also stress sport.
03:13You have a football team?
03:14Heavens no.
03:15Far too violent.
03:16We do, however, field tennis, basketball,
03:19and swim teams, with the emphasis being on teamwork.
03:23For example, in basketball,
03:25we stress passing to one another,
03:27without the focus solely being on outcome.
03:30How do you know who wins if you don't keep score?
03:33Well, every child wins in the quest
03:36to develop into kind and thoughtful members of society.
03:41Hey, you guys ever think about going to class
03:44to like street smarts?
03:44How to survive?
03:45Like, okay, this guy comes up to you,
03:47or this person's trying to hustle you.
03:49Give it a fancy name,
03:50like whether it's social intelligence.
03:52Here's what I'm thinking.
03:53No, but give me a minute.
03:55Math and things, and people learn all this stuff.
03:57They're never gonna use,
03:58but like how to park a car, a bank account,
04:01take care of-
04:02So, I assume you have a playground?
04:03We do.
04:04I'd love to show you.
04:05This way.
04:06I was on a roll here.
04:09You have theater here?
04:10When are the auditions?
04:11There aren't any.
04:13Every child gets to play Annie, girls and boys.
04:17Every child is called Little Orphan Annie,
04:19not Little Orphan Annie.
04:20It's supposed to be like a little girl, right?
04:22But every child gets to play Annie,
04:24and there's a new Annie in each scene.
04:26That way, every child gets a chance to be a star.
04:29You like rabbits, Mr. Manfredi?
04:32I do, in a dish.
04:33What's up, Doc?
04:36Any other questions?
04:38How do you resolve conflicts here, Dr. Popov?
04:40We adhere to the ruler system.
04:41And now you're talking.
04:43Crack across the knuckles, does wonders.
04:46He's joking.
04:47It's an acronym, Mr. Manfredi.
04:50R, recognize your feelings.
04:51U, understand your feelings.
04:53L, label your feelings.
04:55E, express your feelings.
04:56And R, regulate your feelings.
05:02You should put music to that.
05:05I'm gonna go wait in the car.
05:05Yeah, that's a good idea.
05:06Nice meeting you.
06:18Take a hit.
06:20That was a ruse.
06:25What the fuck are you doing?
06:28I'm playing a game.
06:29Were you in a coma with your eyes open three days ago
06:31when I told you to stay alert?
06:32I'm alert.
06:33I'm just, uh, high.
06:36This is not the time or the place.
06:38If a weed shop is not the time or place,
06:40then where is it?
06:41Fred, I hired you to be security.
06:44Do your job.
06:47Grace, Dwight's sister Joanne
06:50might stop by the shop later.
06:52She wants to learn about the business,
06:53so you show her around, yeah?
06:55You're not gonna be here?
06:56No, no.
06:57Jimmy and I have to head to the wind farm.
06:59We gotta see how those repairs are coming along.
07:02What's the story with the hydroponic greenhouse?
07:04When we build it, they will come.
07:06But to build it, we need those turbines fixed
07:08so we can get the juice flowing.
07:10Got an ETA?
07:12A few months.
07:14I wouldn't be adverse to working there.
07:17Have you worked at a weed farm?
07:19I grew up on a regular farm.
07:22Well, somehow I never took you for a country girl.
07:24I was.
07:25Milked cows, raked the stalls,
07:29flocked hogs, you name it.
07:32If a position opens up, I would love to discuss it.
07:36Right, yeah.
07:37Duly noted.
07:39Oh, are you still packing?
07:43Okay, all right.
07:44Just call me if there's anything.
07:46Fred, get the fuck up.
07:47What did I say?
07:50Why don't I play Annie?
07:53Why not?
07:54I could do it.
07:55You got 37 other Annies.
07:57And how about a scoreless basketball game?
07:59That's gonna be really interesting.
08:01Wait, what's the score?
08:02Come on, man.
08:03You can't be serious about sending those kids
08:06to that nuthouse.
08:07I am.
08:08Do you know how hard it is to get into any school right now?
08:10It's not real.
08:11It's not realistic.
08:12They're training them to be Patsy's and Fall Guys.
08:16I like to think that I taught my kids
08:17to be pretty strong, thank you.
08:19Not everybody sees the world as the hellscape
08:22that you do, Dwight.
08:23Do you not watch the news?
08:26You gotta be ready for everything.
08:27You can't be naive and gullible like they want you to be.
08:31And listen to what they're saying all the time.
08:33This is not the world you grew up in.
08:35Everything's changed.
08:37Human nature does not change.
08:39Are you kidding me?
08:40Look around you.
08:41Nothing is the same.
08:42In life, everything changes.
08:45Except Dwight.
08:45Except Dwight.
08:47Because he used to be a pain in the ass.
08:50Get out of here.
08:51Guess what?
08:52He's still a pain.
08:52I'm still a pain in the ass.
08:53You know what you're saying?
08:54Okay, so what?
08:55I'm dependable.
08:57Oh, by the way, I got you that lazy boy.
08:59You did?
09:00Yes, just so I could live with you.
09:02That's really what it came down to.
09:04I love you guys.
09:05Thank you very much.
09:06Hey, forget what I said about the school.
09:08The hell with it.
09:09You got the chair?
09:13My lawyer approved the contract,
09:15so at this point, it's just a matter
09:17of getting the go-ahead from GM.
09:19So when can we meet the reps?
09:21It's in the process of being scheduled.
09:23Meantime, there's no harm in me showing you the ropes.
09:26Oh, shit, I'm all ears, Donnie.
09:27All right, now.
09:28Anyone can sell cars.
09:30There's no secret formula.
09:32What distinguishes a dealership are two things,
09:35service and marketing.
09:38For example, if a customer comes in for an oil change,
09:41we wash his car for free, give him an air freshener.
09:45Doesn't cost a lot, makes a huge impression.
09:48It also creates a subtle psychological dynamic
09:52where the customer feels he owns you,
09:54so he becomes loyal to you
09:56no matter how much you upsell him.
09:59That's key.
10:00See, how else can you tell one dealer from another?
10:04You need an image, a gimmick.
10:06Now, you may not believe this,
10:08but I'm not a real cowboy.
10:10Get out of town.
10:11No, seriously.
10:12I've never been on a real horse in my life.
10:14I think I'm actually allergic to them.
10:16But you've got the boots on and everything.
10:18That's all part of the image.
10:20Donnie Shore's auto corral is actually my wife's idea.
10:24That's the brand, see?
10:26What's more all-American?
10:27What's more wholesome than a cowboy?
10:29Uh, a baseball player.
10:31Ha, I'm not even close.
10:33You got Pete Rose with the gambling,
10:35them other guys with the drug scandals, see?
10:38But cowboys, they're universally admired.
10:42Hey, have you ever seen my commercials?
10:44I have, actually.
10:46Here, check out the latest.
10:48Howdy, partner.
10:49It's Tulsa's friendliest car dealer, Donnie Shore,
10:52ready to make you rich.
10:54That is not a real horse, see?
10:55Don't say it.
10:57You say you want a Mustang?
11:00You'd rather have a Bronco?
11:03A Jaguar?
11:04Say no more.
11:06Whatever you're looking to saddle up,
11:08come on down to Donnie Shore's auto corral,
11:11and we'll make a deal.
11:12Sure enough.
11:14You're just full of surprises, aren't you?
11:16Ha, ha, ha.
11:17Ha, ha, ha.
11:18Yeah, we don't know what we're doing.
11:23Fucking cut down the peachy joint.
11:24I just picture a component using the meatballs.
11:27Cookie Gucciaro, son.
11:29It's a pigsty in here.
11:30Smells like a goddamn frat house, too.
11:33Oh, you're gonna throw that out?
11:36Hey, Zip, why don't you go get us a marriage license?
11:38You sound like my wife.
11:41I'll clean up.
11:42Because God knows, if I don't do it,
11:43no one else will.
11:44You know who used to keep this place spotless?
11:47It's a mental case with, uh, what do you call it?
11:51Why do you think Chick trusted him again?
11:53Right after all he did?
11:54Beats me.
11:55You want some Benedict Arnold?
11:56Always a Benedict Arnold.
12:00Ha, ha, ha.
12:01All that chicken catch is sitting there.
12:03It's his spot.
12:04Fuck chicken.
12:05As far as I'm concerned, it's Pete's.
12:07Yeah, Pete.
12:10Like when his family made sense.
12:12Chicken never could hold his liquor.
12:14I know a man would say booze was...
12:17Truth, sir.
12:22What are you getting at?
12:26Pete's legs?
12:27Kicking like crazy?
12:29That's what he said, ain't it?
12:31I heard him.
12:32So what do you think he meant?
12:34He killed him.
12:35What the fuck do you think I think?
12:37What am I gonna do?
12:46What the fuck's going on?
12:49You guys hang around here too much.
12:52Maybe there's some calling there.
12:54Could still be made out west.
12:59How's that gonna work?
13:01We arrange a sit-down.
13:03Us, Bevilacqua, Dwight.
13:06I mean all this tit-for-tat shit.
13:08It's bad for business.
13:10You sit down with Dwight?
13:14Who are you?
13:16Henry fucking Kissinger?
13:18Fuck you.
13:19You want peace?
13:20You do like my old man.
13:23I don't give a fucking heads up until they beg for it.
13:25And how is that supposed to work?
13:27What are we gonna do?
13:28We're gonna go to war?
13:29He's a thousand miles away.
13:31And besides, we got a scouting crew as it is.
13:38All right, make the calls.
13:39Get everybody together.
13:43It's the right thing to do.
13:45I wasn't asking for your fucking permission.
13:47It's okay as a city.
13:49What about it?
13:51I mean, when is payback time?
13:53They tried to kill you, man.
13:55I think I sent a pretty brutal message.
13:57That's all?
13:59Listen, the guy went home with a black fucking trash bag.
14:01Maybe Bevilacqua will get the message.
14:03Maybe he won't.
14:05My old football coach used to say,
14:07the best defense is a good offense.
14:09Your football coach?
14:13I don't know.
14:16That's profound.
14:18Everyone knows football players make the best hitmen.
14:20You gonna mock me, man?
14:22I'm serious, man.
14:26Did you ever hear of the Colombo family?
14:28Yeah, basically.
14:30It's this mafia family.
14:32They were involved in this long,
14:34stupid, protracted, bloody war.
14:36A lot of guys got whacked,
14:38dead and gone.
14:40Total waste.
14:42But all they had to do,
14:44is bide their time.
14:48Feel like you make us look weak.
14:50Did you ever kill anybody?
14:52I'm curious.
14:54You know I haven't killed nobody.
14:56Well, it's disturbing.
14:58Unless you're a fucking psychopath.
15:00Well, if it's a matter of life or death.
15:02But it's not.
15:04But I was there.
15:06Well, you weren't involved.
15:08But I wasn't an innocent bystander.
15:10That's exactly what the fuck
15:12you are.
15:14And you're gonna stay that way.
15:16As long as I'm around.
15:18Think she's gonna trust me?
15:20I'm over the ice cream.
15:22Let's take a hike.
15:26How's everybody doing today?
15:28Try the strawberry.
15:30I recommend it.
15:32Let me tell you something.
15:34An eye for an eye
15:36makes the world go blind.
15:38You ever hear that?
15:41That's Italian?
15:43No, he was an Indian.
15:45Not like Jimmy the Creek, a real Indian.
15:47He was a pacifist.
15:49And he followed Jesus.
15:51Martin Luther King followed both of them.
15:53Martin Luther King, I know.
15:55I like to think even he would have whacked Bevilacqua.
15:57Martin Luther King would have whacked Bevilacqua?
15:59That's food for thought.
16:03What's the plan, Skip?
16:05Retaliating or what?
16:07I'm thinking about it.
16:09I can't go unanswered.
16:11No one fucking asked you.
16:15New York.
16:23It's Vince.
16:25Chickie's calling for a sit-down.
16:27With who?
16:29Us, these guys, and Tulsa.
16:33Yeah, you fucking mind?
16:35I get in the same room with that fucking guy.
16:38Tit for tat shit. It's bad for business.
16:40Yeah, well, I don't have tits, and I don't have tats.
16:42You know what I have?
16:44I have a fucking grieving widow and a giant fucking hole in my organization.
16:48Let's come to some kind of financial agreement.
16:50That'll make you happy.
16:52Manfred, he agrees to that?
16:54He will.
16:56Give me this.
16:58BB, it's Chickie.
17:00What's the fucking holdup?
17:02Chickie, can you deliver this guy?
17:04Because he's not listening to no one.
17:06That's how it's fucking done.
17:26All right, we gotta come up with a name,
17:28but if we're gonna get into the car business,
17:30we need something that sticks, right?
17:32So what do you got?
17:35How about something like that?
17:37Too generic.
17:39A little bit.
17:41Auto heaven.
17:43Auto heaven?
17:45You mean where cars go to die?
17:47Of course, the Nostocars.
17:49A deal you can't refuse.
17:51I like that, but we're trying to hide what we do.
17:53You know, kind of like keeping under wraps.
17:55That is a cool name, though.
17:57It is.
17:59I'll tell you what.
18:01Why don't you write one of those jingles on your guitar?
18:03What, you mean like me being in the commercial?
18:05Why not?
18:07I can't act.
18:09Oh, but Donnie's sure is great.
18:11Good point.
18:13All right, yo, let's get this interview.
18:15Think about the jingle.
18:17It's a great idea.
18:33Made it.
18:35Better late than never.
18:37Better never late.
18:39Tusha, let me introduce you to the guys.
18:43Alana's our electrical expert.
18:45He knows gearboxes and such.
18:47Milo's our blade runner.
18:49Fixes the wind turbine blades.
18:51Milo's a graduate of the Indigenous People's Sustainable Energy Repair Program.
18:53Oh, he's also certifiably insane.
18:55How so?
18:57You kidding?
18:59These towers are 35 stories.
19:02It gets repelled down all the way from the top.
19:04Holy shit.
19:06So the rumors that Indigenous people are not afraid of heights is bullshit.
19:08You see, back in the day,
19:10our people would volunteer for work
19:12up high on buildings and bridges.
19:14So everyone assumed that they weren't afraid of heights.
19:16The truth is, they were, of course.
19:18But they were also afraid of starving.
19:20So they took the jobs that nobody else wanted.
19:22So what do you think?
19:24You want to join me up there on top?
19:26Fuck no.
19:28Someone is afraid of heights.
19:30Someone is afraid of a lot of things.
19:32That is why someone
19:34never leaves home without...
19:40Let's go, man.
19:56Fuck me.
20:00What's up?
20:02What's wrong with you today?
20:04I gotta pay you now?
20:06Here's what the boss man said.
20:08Yeah, well, you know what? I ain't got it right now.
20:10So can you just tell me, give me a fucking break?
20:12I'm pretty sure he'd get you a break by not blowing your brains out.
20:14You think this is funny?
20:16A little bit.
20:18Hey, man.
20:20Nose up Dwight's ass.
20:22A year ago, what were you, a fucking Uber driver?
20:24A lot of days is long gone, my friend.
20:26Yeah, well, let me tell you something, son.
20:28Things may be peaches and cream for you right now,
20:30but you better pray
20:32you never get on his bad side.
20:34Because he will fuck you
20:36eight ways this Sunday.
20:48Hey, my boy.
20:50Knock, knock.
20:52Hey, just in time.
20:54How about a cup of joe?
20:57Sounds good to me.
20:59Is that a percolator?
21:01I'm old school, what can I say?
21:03Coffee pots just don't do it for me.
21:05You're visiting Pilot?
21:07Well, I could lie and say,
21:09yeah, how you doing, Pilot?
21:11But I'm really here to see you, because
21:13there's this new Italian restaurant, Pilot.
21:15It's great, I'd like to ask you out.
21:17You free tonight?
21:19That's presumptuous.
21:21Yeah, a little presumptuous.
21:23If I say yes, it'll make me seem easy.
21:25How about this?
21:27You got the kind of hair that poets write about.
21:29Hair to use that line.
21:31Still working?
21:33Of course.
21:35Okay, well, I'll see you tonight.
21:39I gotta ask you something.
21:41About this restaurant.
21:43Wait a minute.
21:45Did you come here to ask me out?
21:47Or to ask me about pressure?
21:49No, I didn't ask you out, but I figured
21:51I'm here, so why not?
21:54I don't know if I like this.
21:56Don't get upset about it. It's no big deal.
21:58I don't care. Forget it.
22:00Forget I even mentioned it. I'll see you tonight.
22:08What do you want to know?
22:19What's his problem?
22:21He likes to flatter myself
22:23and say it's me, but
22:25it's deeper than that.
22:27He's excessive.
22:29He likes to be in control.
22:31He keeps squaring up to me
22:33like he wants to do something,
22:35like this territorial imperative,
22:37like don't get too close.
22:39But he's getting too close.
22:41It's bothering me a lot.
22:43He's weak.
22:45That's why he takes on partners
22:47that can back him up.
22:50He's some criminal.
22:52Now he's got new people.
22:54They're at that fundraiser. Maybe you saw them.
22:56The Chinese guys?
22:58Yeah. A little sketchy.
23:00Very sketchy.
23:02I bet they're out in New York.
23:04They have this group called the Triad.
23:06Like a gang time.
23:08Anyway, they find suckers
23:10and they get them to front them,
23:12give them money, get them licensed,
23:14and these mutts, they drink over,
23:16grow the shit, throw it on trucks,
23:18and that's who they are.
23:20That's how you've done your homework.
23:22I gotta know how this guy thinks
23:24or how he doesn't think.
23:26I don't know, but
23:28I would steer clear
23:30of pressure.
23:32Bad news.
23:34He's bad news.
23:38You think I'm a scary guy?
23:40You're cute.
23:48You good?
23:52But if I'm not careful...
23:54You need a bathroom, man.
23:56Oh, I can see that.
23:58You're a real dainty, meticulous eater.
24:00Stains are just another form of evidence.
24:02I don't envy the way
24:04you must sleep at night.
24:08Ah, fuck, of course.
24:18We have nothing to talk about.
24:20Then just shut up and listen.
24:22Chickie's calling for a sit-down.
24:24Us, you guys, and Casey in Atlanta.
24:26Now Chickie wants to talk?
24:28I mean, he's a pretty little ebb with Dwight
24:30since you know he helped Troy to have him whacked.
24:32Those potheads that Dwight calls a crew
24:34may be ignorant,
24:36but you know the code.
24:38You never say no to a sit-down, period.
24:40Well, since when did you become the fucking peacemaker?
24:44People change when situations change.
24:48I'll run it up,
24:50but no promises.
24:52Just make it happen.
25:01Can I get a wet nap, please?
25:07You ever get high when you're working?
25:09We used to all the time,
25:11but not really lately.
25:13Why not?
25:15Dwight wants us to stay alert,
25:18and you should feel free.
25:20You know what? I feel great.
25:22This place is so cool.
25:24You have a recording studio.
25:26People love it.
25:28They get high.
25:30All their inhibitions disappear.
25:32Suddenly, every guy is Bruno Mars
25:34and every girl is Taylor Swift.
25:38So, um, Bodhi told me
25:40that you used to sell Girl Scout cookies.
25:42I did. I did.
25:44Me too. Jennings, Troop 14.
25:46I'm completely addicted to Thin Mints.
25:48Uh, no, not for me.
25:50Samal is.
25:52Actually, I could go for one right now.
25:54I mean, literally nothing goes better with coffee.
25:56Or when you're high.
26:00Oh, you know what?
26:02That's it.
26:04You know what this place is missing?
26:08Munchies. Munchies.
26:10I mean, half the people that come in here are high.
26:12Yeah, the other half don't even get high.
26:14Just, you know, cookies.
26:16Little cakes.
26:18It would fly off the shelf.
26:20Next time I come in here, I'm gonna make some cookies.
26:22We're gonna lay them out and we're gonna experiment.
26:24Sounds great.
26:26Just remember to keep them away from Fred.
26:28You can have whatever you want.
26:34Afternoon, Armin.
26:38I take it Manfredi's here.
26:40Yeah, he's in the stable with Margaret.
26:45Uh, the black kid.
26:47Does he work with Manfredi?
26:49His name's Tyson Mitchell.
26:51Thinks he's a gangster.
26:53The low levels are gazy.
26:57She is beautiful.
27:01Well, now that I've got you both here,
27:03I want to pick your brain.
27:05Do you think that Hunter has a temperament to race?
27:07Oh, yes.
27:09He's very manageable.
27:17Mr. Manfredi.
27:23I see we're both here breaking in fillies.
27:25I'm gonna break in your jaw
27:27if you don't stop interfering
27:29in my fucking business.
27:33You mean the wind farms.
27:35I do recall you being the one
27:37rhapsodizing about the virtues of competition.
27:40Good competition.
27:42Not the shit you're trying to pull.
27:44Oh, in any case, you've bled a little.
27:46You're in so far over your fucking head.
27:48You have no idea of the world
27:50you're fucking around in.
27:52Oh, I think you get that backwards, you see.
27:54You're in over your head out here, pal.
27:56Not me.
27:58You see, you can come here
28:00and get whatever you want,
28:02but you can't.
28:04Including her.
28:06Whatever's happening here,
28:08take it someplace else.
28:12Saved by the bell.
28:24What's going on?
28:26A little male pattern madness.
28:28Hey, don't shoot me.
28:30We got a date.
28:36Hey, Tom Brady.
28:38Fence called.
28:40Him and Chicky want you to sit down with them
28:42and Benelacqua.
28:48but maybe it isn't such a bad thing
28:50coming to terms.
28:52I mean, do we really want to keep looking over our shoulders?
28:54He's sick of it when I help him, too.
28:56He'd be stupid if he ain't.
29:00What are you doing in there?
29:02Oh, nothing.
29:05Where do you want to do this meeting?
29:09Sometime next week.
29:11It's gonna end the Civil War.
29:13That's the place. Atlanta.
29:15Is that a yes?
29:17Let me think about it.
29:19Me and Tyson are on our way.
29:21You pick up Mitch and Bigfoot.
29:23Bodie wants to show us something on the wind farm.
29:25Will do.
29:27Business is good?
29:29Must be. Look at all that green.
29:31As long as people have hope.
29:33Gameland is alive.
29:41What's happening here?
29:43Why did you pull these men out of the field?
29:45I just needed them for a special assignment.
29:47What kind of assignment?
29:49Nothing to do with you, Jack.
29:53These men work for me.
29:55They work for me as well, remember?
29:57This is a partnership.
29:59All the mobiles are yours.
30:03Kind of like how you came to me with the poppy field.
30:07Partnership cannot survive without balance.
30:09I'll show you the same level of respect that you show me.
30:31You know these guys?
30:35That's something you did.
30:41Isn't this your property?
30:43Not since you signed the lease.
30:47Can I help you, gentlemen?
31:01Hey, Jimmy.
31:05These guys showed up. They're trashing the equipment.
31:07God damn it. Who are they?
31:09They're losing their fucking shit.
31:11We need help.
31:13We're on our way. Hit it.
31:15What the fuck?
31:31Come on.
31:51Go, go, go.
32:31Come on.
32:53Damn, Tyson.
33:30Yeah, bitch.
33:45Call them up.
33:47Get up. Get up.
33:50Who sent you?
33:56Tell me who sent you, or he's going to pull your fucking face off.
34:07Yes, sir.
34:08I think I took you long enough.
34:14I had a few things to do.
34:26Come on, let's get out of here.
34:42Well, howdy, Bill.
34:43Isn't that what you cowpokes say?
34:45I'm busy, what do you want?
34:47I was hoping that you and I could compare notes about Dwight Manfredi.
34:51Notes on what?
34:52Honestly, he's been stepping on my toes a little.
34:56What's that got to do with me?
34:58Well, you and I haven't worked together in a while.
35:02That's because I made your Chinese partner buy me out.
35:04Well, that was your choice, Bill.
35:06Frankly, I wanted you to stay.
35:08What's on your mind, Cal?
35:10Well, I was hoping that you'd come back in somehow.
35:12And somehow, maybe we could rekindle some new arrangement.
35:16You familiar with that phrase?
35:21Enlighten me.
35:22Let sleeping dogs lie.
35:25Well, I've got a proverb for you.
35:28True fellowship among men must be based upon a concern that is universal.
35:34It is not the private interest of the individual that creates a lasting fellowship among men, but instead, the goals of humanity.
35:43Do you know what that one means?
35:47It means you're eating too much trap suey.
35:50I'll see you, Cal.
36:12Sorry I'm late.
36:14I thought you stood me up.
36:16No, standing you up never. I had a doctor's appointment.
36:20Yeah, clean bill of health.
36:22Think they gave me 24 hours.
36:24Thank goodness. Let's eat.
36:27You know, I'm only here on three conditions.
36:29Only three.
36:31Let's hear them.
36:32No talk of business.
36:34No talk of politics.
36:36And definitely no talk of you know who.
36:38Forget him.
36:40Okay, so what do you want to talk about?
36:46I want to know what you were like as a kid.
36:48Come on, you want to lose your appetite? That was a horror.
36:52I was not a lot of fun.
36:54They should have tied me in my crib and left me there.
36:57I'll tell you what, I'm interested in your journey, because you're a mystery.
37:02Oh, no, no I'm not.
37:04I'm telling you, I'm pretty good at reading people.
37:07I can't figure you out, so spill it, sister.
37:12Mr. Mantreni?
37:14May I start your evening with champagne, sir?
37:17Did you order this?
37:18That me?
37:19Oh, it's a gift, sir, from Mr. Thresher.
37:21Oh, my God, does this guy ever stop?
37:25It is true, right?
37:26It's one of the finest bottles in our cellar.
37:28One of the finest?
37:29Yes, he said he would like to make sure you had a memorable evening.
37:34You know, I'll tell you what, why don't you keep Thresher's account open and bring us the actual finest that you got?
37:41Perrier Joie Belle Epoque 2002.
37:44It's exceedingly rare.
37:46And expensive.
37:47Yes, it's $6,000 a bottle.
37:52That's all?
37:56Who has two bottles?
37:58As a matter of fact, why don't you bring a bottle to that table over there, that nice couple?
38:03Very well, sir.
38:07How about that?
38:08Don't boast me, Thresher.
38:10I'm going to have a memorable evening.
38:12I'll say.
38:13I'll say.
38:14Margaret, you look fantastic.
38:20Beautiful room, beautiful booze, beautiful woman.
38:25So let's get started.
38:27How you doing?
38:30Let's get this thing going.
38:32That sounds familiar.
38:43I'm going to have a memorable evening.
38:45I'm going to have a memorable evening.
38:47I'm going to have a memorable evening.
38:49I'm going to have a memorable evening.
38:51I'm going to have a memorable evening.
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39:05I'm going to have a memorable evening.
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