Why people leaving canada

  • 2 days ago
Listen why most of the people are leaving Canada
#viral video


00:00This is Canada, the second-largest country in the world in terms of area, just above America.
00:06The Pacific Ocean is in the west of Canada, the Atlantic Ocean is in the east, and the Arctic Ocean is in the north.
00:12Canada and the U.S. border is the longest border in the world.
00:16And interestingly, 80% of Canada's population lives within a 100-mile radius of this border.
00:22In fact, 50% of Canadians live below this line.
00:26This province of Canada, Ontario, contributes around 40% of the world's GDP.
00:32A major reason for this population pattern is the extreme cold weather in Canada.
00:37And especially on the northern side, there is snow everywhere, or there are too many lakes and rivers.
00:4350% of our land's freshwater lakes are in Canada.
00:48Canada is rich in natural resources.
00:51Canada has the world's fourth-largest oil reserves.
00:55In addition to this, Canada also has large reserves of potash, uranium, coal, geothermal energy, and natural gas.
01:03Because of the countless lakes and water reserves, 60% of Canada's energy comes from hydrothermal plants.
01:10And that's why Canada is the second-largest country in the world to generate electricity from water.
01:15Canada's main industry is real estate, mining, and manufacturing.
01:20And it's all in these provinces.
01:22And that's why the majority of the population lives here.
01:25Despite these great conditions, Canada's graph has been going down very quickly in recent years.
01:31In 2021, only 45% of immigrants became Canadian nationals.
01:36These were the people who came to Canada 10 years ago in 2011.
01:41If we compare this ratio with 20 years ago, in 2001, 75% of immigrants became Canadian nationals.
01:48This means that many people who are now coming to Canada do not want to stay in Canada in the long term.
01:54According to a recent survey, 20% of immigrants coming after 2018 are thinking of leaving Canada.
02:02This is a very worrying thing.
02:05Because when immigrants from any country leave Canada or are not interested in taking their nationality,
02:11then this is a very dangerous sign.
02:14And the first and biggest reason for this crisis is the cost of living.
02:19This colored circle is showing you how much the prices of houses have changed in Canada in the past 10 years.
02:25Housing prices have almost doubled since 2008.
02:30According to a very famous Canadian vlogger, in the city of Waterloo, Canada,
02:34a one-bedroom, one-bathroom apartment, which used to cost $900 per month in 2017,
02:40is now $2,000 in 2023.
02:44That is, in 6 years, the rent has gone up by 120%.
02:48Similarly, in 2015, the mortgage to buy a house was $1,400 per month.
02:54Now it is around $3,500 per month.
02:58This means that in the big cities of Canada, where most people live,
03:02a small one-bedroom apartment rent is $2,000.
03:06And if you want to buy it, then its mortgage is $3,500 per month.
03:12In such a situation, in Canada, the average monthly salary is between $4,000 to $6,000 per month,
03:19then high tax rate, and food and travel expenses.
03:22How can you afford so much rent or mortgage?
03:26And this $6,000 per month salary is also in some upper-range, white-collar jobs.
03:31In Canada, the average annual salary is $60,000.
03:35That is, $5,000 per month.
03:38That is why in a recent survey, it was found that 63% of Canadians do not have a home.
03:44And they have literally given up on this idea that they will never be able to buy a house.
03:50And the reason for this is, let's say, if your annual salary is $60,000,
03:55then after tax, it will be around $50,000.
03:58And if you live in the main cities like Toronto, Vancouver, or Waterloo,
04:03then your annual rent will be $20,000 to $25,000.
04:07In this, let's say, $5,000 of food expenses, which is the minimum,
04:12then car insurance, then medical insurance, and then sometimes shopping, especially warm clothes.
04:17Because it is very cold in Canada.
04:20So in the end, you don't have enough money to buy an average house in these big cities.
04:26It will take you at least 10 to 15 years to save enough money to buy an average house of your own.
04:33So these rising housing prices are the first reason why it is becoming difficult for people to live in Canada.
04:40Especially those who have come to Canada after 2019.
04:44The second reason is the slow job market.
04:46Actually, Canada is heavily dependent on natural resources.
04:50And that is why most of the investment is in mining, manufacturing, or the real estate sector.
04:55Canada's 17% GDP comes from natural resources.
04:58And Canada's 50% merchandise exports are also from these natural resources.
05:03Similarly, the biggest loss of this housing bubble is that all the money goes to real estate instead of industry.
05:11Because house prices are rising so fast that investors want to invest more in real estate than in business.
05:18And when industries are not needed, how will jobs be created?
05:21Similarly, Canada's two largest export industries, oil and car manufacturing, are declining rapidly.
05:28In Canada, most of the oil comes from Alberta, and about 70% of it goes to America.
05:34This oil extraction and mining is a little expensive for America.
05:38And that is why America is now extracting comparatively cheaper oil from its own oil reserves.
05:44Because of which the demand for Canadian oil is declining.
05:47And as a result, revenues related to oil are declining.
05:50And they are laying off people.
05:52Similarly, after the recession of 2008, the car manufacturing industry in Canada is continuously declining.
05:59In 1999, there were 3 million cars made in Canada.
06:03While by 2020, this production has remained at 1.4 million.
06:07And the biggest reason for this is that these companies are now shifting from Canada to Mexico.
06:12Because there, labor costs are very low.
06:15The most popular people in Canada are students.
06:18Especially those who go from India and Pakistan with the hope that by getting an admission in a degree,
06:24they will make money by doing some part-time work.
06:26And then finally, they will become national by doing PR etc.
06:30But now, the situation has changed a lot.
06:32In part-time jobs, most of the cleaning etc.
06:35or in warehouses, there used to be labor work jobs.
06:38But now, those are also almost full.
06:40Because in the past few years, so many people have gone from South Asia to Canada,
06:45that occupancy in labor jobs has not been left at all.
06:48And even in skills-related jobs like IT, Engineering or Finance,
06:52the competition is very tough.
06:54Actually, in COVID, Canada had a big hit.
06:57Because of which many businesses were shut down.
07:00And then the next year, the Russia-Ukraine war started,
07:03which led to a global recession.
07:05And on top of this, in all this time,
07:07especially from Asia, lakhs of immigrants and students came to Canada to make a career.
07:12So now the situation is that people have oversupply and there is no work at all.
07:17The best thing for you is that if you want to go to Canada,
07:20then you should have some exceptional skill
07:23which very few people have there.
07:25Because in the last year, between 2021 and 2022,
07:29the number of people who came to Canada,
07:31the same number of people did not come to Canada in the last 20 years in any one year.
07:35So in short, there are a lot of people and very few jobs.
07:38The third reason that is making Canada less desirable is increasing violence.
07:43Since 2020, there have been a lot of cases of armed robbery and murder in Canada.
07:49According to many Canadian news agencies,
07:51such violent crimes have never been seen in Canada.
07:55And the most dangerous thing in all this is unprovoked random attacks.
08:00Since COVID, attacks on ordinary citizens have become very common.
08:06You must be going on the street and suddenly someone will stab you in the body,
08:10or push you, or punch you and run away.
08:13In 2021, there were attacks on about 1,700 people in Vancouver alone.
08:18According to crime experts, the main reason for these attacks is mental illness.
08:22Since COVID, many people have been mentally affected due to unemployment, inflation and strict taxation laws.
08:29And they are doing such things again in frustration.
08:32Unfortunately, most of the victims were Asians on whom these attacks took place.
08:36So it is possible that racism also has an element.
08:39But overall, if you ask any such person who has been living in Canada for many years,
08:44then he will confirm to you that recently the violence and crime rate has increased a lot.
08:49And the last thing that has damaged Canada's reputation a lot is the health care system.
08:55Canadians had the most pride in their health care system.
08:59But now it has also been badly affected, especially after COVID.
09:03Many Canadian vloggers have raised this issue
09:06that before 2019, you could go to the clinic at any time and you would get an appointment with the doctor on the same day.
09:14But now people have to wait for weeks and even months.
09:18At present, the average wait time in Canada is 20 to 27 weeks.
09:23That means if you have any disease, your number will come on average after 4 months in the National Health Service.
09:29Yes, if you have a serious disease, you will have to go to the emergency,
09:33but admission is also done on the basis of priority.
09:36For example, patients with heart attacks or accidents are on priority,
09:40while the rest are on hold.
09:43Similarly, cancer screening has also been kept on low priority,
09:46which has increased the risk of late cancer diagnosis in people.
09:50So all in all, Canada is not the same Canada that we have heard about.
