• last year
Fetele Winx iau o pauză pentru a sărbători Halloween-ul în Gardenia. Ele sunt invitate la o petrecere de către vechea dușmană a lui Bloom, Mitzi. Însă Jolly, o zânișoară a cărților, prezice un mare pericol. Mitzi plănuiește o farsă pentru fetele Winx, dar istețele zânișoare vor fi adevăratele eroine ale petrecerii.

Dublajul a fost realizat de JP Studios.
Versiunea în limba romană:

Cristia Comănescu
Ilinca Pîrlogea
Sebastian Deaconu
Claudiu Dinulescu
Maria Văduvă
Alexandra Păun
Ama Comănescu
Ionuț Taloș
Matei Brăila
Alessia Varaș
Mara Talin

Traducerea și regia - Sebastian Deaconu
Sunet - Sebastian Deaconu și Alan Franta
Producători - Sebastian Deaconu și Cristia Comănescu


00:00If you wish to shine, come with us!
00:05Wings, of power we unite!
00:08Nothing will stop us!
00:10With your help and mine, we will win!
00:14Wings, happy and bright!
00:17Our world is born!
00:19Happiness gives wings and looks!
00:23If you wish to shine, come with us!
00:28The magical race is trying to shine!
00:32The adventure is trying now!
00:35Let's fly among the clouds today!
00:38Through time and space!
00:40We color life with a lot of fantasy!
00:44With your help and mine, we will win!
00:48Wings, of power we unite!
00:50Nothing will stop us!
00:52With your help and mine, we will win!
00:56Wings, friendship is stronger!
00:59Everything we have is more valuable!
01:01Happiness gives us wings and looks!
01:07We are strong!
01:12We fly among the stars!
01:16With this light we are!
01:20Our power is Wings!
01:26In the last episode of Wings,
01:28Stormy gave up and tried to sabotage Musa's concert at Red Fountain.
01:33Her father, Hobo, was put in danger,
01:36but Musa and Riven saved him in time.
01:38Hobo agreed to let Musa continue to sing.
01:54Well, girls, now each of you will have to present your part of the project.
01:58Flora, do you want to start?
02:00Our presentation is about magic dimensions.
02:02Please, Flora, don't read!
02:04Explain with your own words!
02:06Well, we were in Magix, which is a kind of intersection of magic dimensions,
02:10and at the same time we are invited to a Halloween party.
02:14Hello, what?
02:16Magic energy circulates here the most,
02:18being the place where the most important things happened.
02:20Halloween, lanterns, scary costumes...
02:23I also talked to an old tree...
02:25Halloween parties are this evening,
02:27with scary lanterns and games with zombies.
02:29Vis-a-vis Magix, we have wild animals in this area.
02:33Magic energy knows absolute minimum.
02:35Hey, is this guy named Jack,
02:37who will host a scary Wings party tonight?
02:40At Alfea, the kids learn to use their powers in a positive and clear way.
02:44For the scary ones, with strong boys,
02:46and everyone wants to see them on Wings.
02:48There is also the Cloud Tower,
02:50a school where wizards use magic to do harm.
02:53Specialists are here to balance things between schools,
02:55to take care of the wild animals,
02:57and, of course, to come to meetings with us.
02:59There will be a party for Wings with many virtual types.
03:02It will be scary.
03:04A virtual party?
03:05Sub-Zero generating a world like this?
03:08What a stupid idea!
03:10Tecna, I see you're going to a party in an hour,
03:13but first you will write a report.
03:15A report of at least 100 pages,
03:17which will be on my desk tomorrow morning, please.
03:39What are you doing, cutie?
03:41Wonderful! I'm going to a party with pumpkins tonight!
03:44Oh, I'm so happy for you!
03:46Come on, you can come too!
03:48Uh, Livi?
03:50Is there a shadow hanging over you?
03:56I can't see it!
03:57Come on, let's go, let's go, let's go!
04:00The book says that a horrible fate awaits the traveler!
04:06The book says that a horrible fate awaits the traveler!
04:16Let's go!
04:17Let's go!
04:24The caravan!
04:25The travelers are on the road!
04:26The sun is setting!
04:27The travelers are young!
04:30The scavengers are in line!
04:32The danger is waiting to attack the traveler!
04:37The three sisters on a team!
04:39Does this mean hatred, suffering and betrayal?
04:41My dear friends!
04:46Aren't you going to a party?
04:47A horrible fate is waiting for you!
04:48You won't be able to hold back a single lie!
04:52Come on, girls, the caravan is waiting for us!
04:55I'm coming for a prophecy, Jolly.
04:57The three sisters can be...tricks.
05:00But, after all, why would they go to the caravan?
05:03That's right, so tonight we'll let them have fun.
05:06Even if in the garden only the little ones can see you,
05:08try to stay away from accidents.
05:10We promise!
05:15Wow, did your friend invite the whole city?
05:18No, Halloween is an international party, but there are also private ones,
05:22like the one we're going to.
05:24And everyone wears a costume.
05:26Tarot cards, come on!
05:28My Tarot cards will reveal my destiny!
05:30Come on, please!
05:34Dogs, please!
05:36Come on, guys, we're at this party, there's nothing there, come on!
05:41Does your friend know you're coming?
05:43Well, Mitzi is not exactly a friend, but she told me you girls could come too.
05:47But, of course, if you had...
05:52Oh, you're back in town!
05:55Hello, Mitzi!
05:56And these are your new friends?
05:58Yes, let me introduce you to the Wings Club.
06:03The party is at 8 o'clock.
06:05Try not to look so confused, okay?
06:10I was waiting for you, baby!
06:12By the way, have you seen the blue T-shirt?
06:14Hey, let's not think about Mitzi tonight, okay?
06:17A party is a party.
06:18Luma, what's in the costume?
06:20Hey, I'm very bad.
06:22Well, that's kind of hard to explain, Locket.
06:24I don't understand.
06:34Compared to this place, the cloud tower is much warmer.
06:37Are you sure we're going the right way?
06:39Yes, we're almost there.
06:41Ugh, it's so cold.
06:43Hello, Flora!
06:45Huh? Huh?
06:48A black cat just talked to me.
06:51Flora, leave this place alone!
06:55The three flying birds are so close to us, I can feel them!
06:58Come on, Jolie, we're supposed to have fun!
07:00Don't be strange!
07:02Oh, what a sculpture!
07:04What a beautiful face!
07:05We're here.
07:07This is the house.
07:09Wow, just like in the video game, Resident Evil 2!
07:18It's going to dance, isn't it?
07:20Did you hear that?
07:26Artificial sounds!
07:27Adumascodeus Alba!
07:31Who's there?
07:32Are you fake, too?
07:33Come on, girls!
07:42This house is a little bit creepy.
07:44Isn't it?
07:51Who are you?
07:52I'm Bloom, and these are my friends.
07:54Here we have the imitation.
07:56Please, come in.
08:03You have a very nice costume.
08:05I'm not a guest. I work for Mitty.
08:14I'm not a guest. I work for Mitty.
08:25Nobody's going to meet us?
08:27How ugly!
08:29This party is kind of creepy.
08:31And so dark!
08:33Good evening, girls!
08:34If you don't feel well, come see me.
08:36I'm a doctor, you know?
08:38You're the reason I don't feel well right now.
08:41Then maybe you prefer my assistant's help?
08:45Hey, how did we get here?
08:47Is Mitty around?
08:49So what?
08:50Do you really think she has time for you?
08:52Mitty wouldn't waste her time with girls like you.
08:55Oh, Mitty!
09:02Oh, I'd like to introduce myself to her.
09:08Oh no!
09:10The show's over!
09:13You loser!
09:14I don't want to see your face ever again.
09:16Do you understand?
09:20Bloom, I'm so glad you came.
09:22Isn't this dress absolutely gorgeous?
09:24Oh, yeah, it's something else.
09:26Something else?
09:27What kind of compliment is this?
09:29Aren't these guys adorable?
09:31I made them at the store.
09:32It cost me a fortune.
09:34Now, speaking of costumes,
09:36I find yours very disappointing.
09:38I told you to wear something elegant.
09:40This is a party, not a funeral.
09:42Pupuja, wear sunglasses if you can.
09:45And why would I do that?
09:55Oh, wow!
09:58How did you do that, Pile?
10:00You look so real.
10:01I can't believe it.
10:02I wish I could wear something like that once in my life.
10:06You look much better than you did in 2902,
10:08but you're still wearing a camouflage.
10:13Would you like me to take care of the lights?
10:15They won't help.
10:17Anyway, I have a plan to scare them to death
10:19with these ugly eyes.
10:25Senza no alejar!
10:28And now you'll see what the future holds for Studio Black.
10:37Hey, look at you!
10:39It's you!
10:48Oh, no!
10:49The three sisters with their devices
10:51will ruin the party!
11:11The book!
11:15The books!
11:16The danger is coming to us!
11:18We hope they're not Trix.
11:20Our guests are thirsty.
11:22Take care of them.
11:24Isn't he cute?
11:26He's even more mysterious than Helia.
11:28Honestly, he has nothing in common with Helia.
11:30Don't worry.
11:31I'll introduce you.
11:32No, wait!
11:33Hey, what's up?
11:36Where are you from?
11:38Nice party, isn't it?
11:40Would you like a drink?
11:41It's a vampire specialty.
11:49I can't stand vampires.
11:50Oh, Mitzi's friends are very scary.
11:52They're so antisocial.
11:54Well, who am I supposed to give this drink to now?
11:57I suppose it's a good excuse to meet someone new.
12:04Hey, I'm Plum.
12:05Would you like a drink?
12:06Leave me alone!
12:09Come on, it went well.
12:15Oh, sorry about your costume.
12:17And this drink's leg is very hard to get out.
12:24These drinks are very good.
12:26It would be a shame to ruin them.
12:30Okay, they're red.
12:32Red like blood.
12:34My face is full of wind.
12:37I'm taking off my white bear mask!
12:45Did you see the weird girl?
12:47Relax, Jolie.
12:48They're just boring people in weird costumes.
12:52They look like they're strong.
12:54You're talking to yourself.
12:55That's what happens when you spend too much time with Plum.
12:58The danger is coming towards us.
13:00Can you feel it?
13:02I'm starving.
13:10Who are you?
13:11Just a group of friends who deliver cakes.
13:14Excuse me.
13:18Of course, dear.
13:20Very, very special cakes.
13:24Dear Cotovleac, I made them especially for Mitzi's birthday.
13:27Do you want to see?
13:28Give me one.
13:30Which one do you want?
13:31This one here?
13:41I think you left your earring on.
13:44What a pathetic girl.
13:51I love it here!
13:54Don't look at me.
13:55You asked for it.
13:56Jolie, are you sure this is a good idea?
13:59You're perfectly right, Livi.
14:01I should have made her ears.
14:04Digit, this creature is worrying me.
14:07I really don't think this house is too safe.
14:10What I find strange is that this creature comes from this image.
14:17The three faces without a face.
14:18Just like Jolie said.
14:20Let's alert the others.
14:24I don't like this phase with the three sisters.
14:26If they are Trix, we are in great danger.
14:28Tecna, the creature you saw looks like the one here somehow.
14:32And this creature starts from the back of the image.
14:37Renovated 15 times in 20 years.
14:39Mysterious Villa Taceri.
14:41No construction worker would want to be near that place.
14:43The master would have aborted.
14:46This house is haunted.
14:49This explains all the strange sounds I heard last night.
14:52Bloom, quick!
14:53Mitzi is sick.
14:54She asked you for help.
14:56Mitzi, what happened?
15:01I saw them, all three of them.
15:05They are still alive.
15:06The mirror.
15:09Mitzi saw the three sisters who were in the mirror.
15:13Mitzi saw the three sisters who lived in this house more than a hundred years ago.
15:18There was a joke about this in the newspaper,
15:20about how their little sister was killed when someone tried to demolish the house.
15:25The fourth sister?
15:28They say that in order to avenge their death,
15:30the three sisters made a pact with some sorcerers
15:32who turned their clothes into blood and since then nothing has been heard of them.
15:36Tecna, I saw a mirror.
15:38Well, then why didn't you tell me?
15:40Well, I thought it was a farce.
15:41Mitzi saw them.
15:42They say that when the three sisters come to announce the return of the youngest,
15:46the mirrors break as they pass by them.
15:49So these girls are kind of ugly, aren't they?
15:53So, that means that...
15:55Yes, the three sisters were here.
15:58And what if the fourth one comes back?
16:02What happened then?
16:04She has red eyes and her blood is like a white mask,
16:06like the bear and a shadowy eye.
16:09They say that her gaze makes you nervous,
16:11and anyone who looks at her is like a convict.
16:13Bloom, you're the only one who can help me.
16:16You have to stop her.
16:17The four sorcerers will revenge, I'm sure of it.
16:20We'll help you, Mitzi. I promise.
16:34Why is everyone so scared? What happened?
16:37Another type of friend of ours.
16:40Hey, look at the mirrors!
16:45More of them broke at the same time without us doing anything to them.
16:48It's definitely a sign.
16:50Yes, that's what I felt in the presence of the four invaders,
16:52who seem to be ghosts.
16:57Girls, look here.
17:01It's the fourth sister.
17:03Everyone stay here, it's dangerous.
17:05Winx, follow me.
17:12Come on, everyone stay close.
17:14I can't stand the darkness.
17:17Come on, it's just a cloud.
17:19Start, stop, start, stop.
17:21Stella, we're not allowed to use magic on the ground.
17:24Besides, it breaks the element of surprise.
17:30Wait a second, there's someone there!
17:34It looks like a skeleton.
17:44It's just a cloud.
17:46Someone could step on it.
17:48The eyes are red, red as blood,
17:51the face is full of ice,
17:53anyone who touches it will die in tears.
17:58Be careful, girls.
18:00Now we know who we're dealing with.
18:09It's enough.
18:10Are there really three sisters?
18:12But the rest was made up by me.
18:14Now everyone will take a pumpkin and move on.
18:17It's time for the last number.
18:27I knew it.
18:37I just saw some lights.
18:39Of course you saw them, they're right here.
18:42They were floating over the funerary stones.
18:44We're surrounded by ghosts.
18:46The stars of our celebration are not very smart, are they?
18:58Hmm, perfect.
19:00Now, everyone...
19:06It burns, the eyes are dark,
19:08the eyes are red, red as blood.
19:16The three faces are faceless.
19:18This house is saved.
19:20The fourth sister is here.
19:23Don't be afraid.
19:25Don't be afraid.
19:33Of course, girls, come on now.
19:35It's related to a postcard, it was a farce.
19:38Ugh, you're such a liar.
19:40I understand why everyone said she had a worm face.
19:43Oh, come on now.
19:44Admit that you were at least afraid.
19:56What's your name?
19:57The rat club?
20:01I mean, if it was a real ghost, you'd be the first to run away.
20:05Sweetie, it's right behind you.
20:14A ghost!
20:16It's a real ghost.
20:17There's nothing under the cupboard.
20:26Despite your prophecy, tonight ended properly.
20:30My mission is not to understand the ghost,
20:32but to highlight the possibility of a future zombie.
20:35And Stella helped us so much.
20:42Come on, everyone, let's dance!
20:45Hey, I didn't know you could dance.
20:47I've never seen you before.
21:15Sweetie, I love your hair.
21:17It's so chic.
21:19I refuse to dance.
21:20I'm in a very bad mood today.
21:22Everyone has a dark side.
21:24Hey, thanks for thinking of me.
21:26You're having a great time tonight.
21:35In the next episode,
21:37the girls spend the day as students in the tower in the clouds,
21:40to stop them on the trickster.
21:42In the tower in the clouds,
21:43to stop them on the trickster in their mission,
21:45they steal a part of the codex.
21:47But first,
21:48they have to save the girls together with the director,
22:12In the next episode
22:42We are Winx
22:46No one is like us
22:50We fly to the sky
22:53And we steal
22:55Higher and higher
22:58The magic power of us
23:00It's Winx!
