(PC) Silent Hill 2 Remake - 07 - Dif. Standard / Puz. Standard

  • 13 hours ago
(PC) Silent Hill 2 Remake - 07 - Dif. Standard / Puz. Standard
00:00Heyo guys, the name's Wolfuhagen and welcome back to the Wolves' Den where we're going to continue on with some more Silent Hill 2 remake.
00:07We just defeated Pyra- well, we didn't really fight Pyramid Head, we just evaded him, and we are now on the opposite side of the town.
00:16We are back to the normal world.
00:22In the old, previous Silent Hill world, you would actually see the place changing into Silent Hill. This one just puts you directly into Silent Hill.
00:33And I should look around to see if we can smash some windows, because there's a health in here!
00:42We've got to see what else we can get out of this place.
00:52We're just scrounging around, we're going to make our way to the other side.
01:02I don't think there's going to be any monsters around here yet.
01:10Oh, bullets! How much bullets do we have?
01:1410 or 33, meaning we didn't spend a bullet. Nice.
01:18We didn't spend a bullet on Pyramid Head.
01:26This is open.
01:32I was going to say, the walking dude thingies now explode.
01:51The old thing.
01:53Let me just straighten my back for a second.
01:58We've got a lock here. I don't think it's going to mean anything.
02:02Or is it? Outside of a building?
02:06And it's at least daytime in the morning where I... It's 3 o'clock.
02:13And I don't need to get freaked out in being in the early hours of the morning.
02:19Where are we going? Just up? That's it?
02:49Hey, it was you, wasn't it? You're the one who stepped on my hand.
02:56Maybe I did.
02:59What's a little girl like you doing here anyway?
03:02I don't know. What's a big dum-dum like you doing here anyway?
03:06Hey, that's not very nice. Didn't your parents teach you any manners?
03:15What you got there?
03:17None of your business.
03:20You didn't love Mary anyway.
03:22What? Hey, wait!
03:27How do you know her name?
03:37We're back to being very paid.
03:46Not getting through here.
03:51They're probably going through there.
03:58Think there's anything else?
04:01We're all in here. Yeah.
04:04Uh-oh. What are we doing?
04:09You won't need to worry about anything on the doors.
04:13Oh, on the walls, not doors here.
04:16Push ourselves through here.
04:19Do a bit of a look around.
04:22See if there's... Oh, God.
04:25Bit of a crossroad here.
04:28Don't exactly know which way to go, but...
04:34Maybe there'll be an item somewhere.
04:39Like here.
04:42It would be better if we got health.
04:45This is good. Health is better.
04:49Mary, could you really be here?
04:52Oh, God.
04:54Gotta watch out. We don't want to go into the park just yet.
04:59What is this?
05:03Patrick Chester, son of Edward.
05:06He fought and died for the people, for liberty, and for all of our tomorrows.
05:12His memory lives on.
05:15I don't think it's gonna mean anything.
05:19I don't remember it meaning anything.
05:22It'll let me have health.
05:24Next row. Let's see.
05:27Let's save that row.
05:29Gonna go up and down.
05:32Hope that something of interest pops up.
05:44I'm pretty sure you guys would give me a health.
05:49Somewhere. Maybe on the seat.
05:52Or in a trash can.
06:02We got a syringe. Nice. Oh, there we go.
06:07We got our health.
06:09Better than nothing. Better than nothing.
06:12Let's go to the next row.
06:15Is this locked?
06:18Yes, it is.
06:22That leaves us with only one place to go.
06:27I wanna check these seats first.
06:51Yes. Forever. I'm sure.
07:193PS Silent Hill. Shit.
07:22Okay. That concludes our little walk around.
07:27Let's go and...
07:31What is this? Is this a sprinkler or something?
07:38I guess it's a sprinkler.
07:42Okay. We have no choice.
07:49There's... Okay, there are three.
08:01And they are not usable.
08:06I think you put like a coin in them as well, so we don't have coins.
08:12Why are there headless statues here?
08:21Some things just shine and they don't give you anything.
08:27There's gotta be something here to pick up.
08:33Okay. Two men holding hands.
08:38Or should I say two people?
08:42Two people.
08:47I'm just scouting the area.
08:51Alright. The pier is probably gonna be where we want to go, so let's not go there.
08:56Come on. Give me some ice cream.
09:01Someone's gotta have a health here.
09:05You wouldn't leave me hanging, would you game?
09:19Okay. Nothing.
09:24Not going through here.
09:29Let's see.
09:35Yeah, well it looks like we're kind of good.
09:40Got this thing.
09:42In memory of the 67 who died of illness and now sleep beneath the lake.
09:50So, what happened?
09:53Please flood.
09:55No swimming or diving permitted in this area. Yeah, I agree with that.
10:01Something's gonna happen here.
10:19No. You're not.
10:26Do I look like your girlfriend?
10:31No, my late wife.
10:36I can't believe it. Your face, your voice. You could be...
10:39My name is Maria.
10:43I don't look like a ghost, do I?
10:51Sorry, I got confused.
10:57Where are you going?
11:00I need to find Mary.
11:03Didn't you say she died?
11:09Didn't you say she died?
11:16Yeah. Three years ago. It's just...
11:20I got a letter from her.
11:23A letter?
11:24I know how it sounds. I'm not... I don't...
11:27Hey. It's okay.
11:29So, what did the letter say?
11:38She said she was waiting for me.
11:42In our special place.
11:45And that's here?
11:54Anyway, I haven't seen her.
11:59Is this your only special place?
12:02I, uh...
12:06I don't know anymore.
12:11There was something. I just... I can't quite...
12:20I think I might know. I mean, there's this one place.
12:25Not far from here.
12:30What kind of place?
12:33The kind two lovers might call special.
12:39I can show you if you want.
12:43Unless you have somewhere else to be.
12:47Something else to do.
12:51Hey. Easy there.
12:54I'm just messing with you.
12:58Come on.
13:00It's this way.
13:03You're coming with me?
13:06Can't you just tell me where it is?
13:10You're just gonna leave me here?
13:17With all these monsters around?
13:19No, I just...
13:22Is it because I remind you of her?
13:30You loved her, didn't you?
13:38Didn't you?
13:40All right, just...
13:44Come on.
13:46So it's okay?
14:01Come on.
14:20Okay. Anything here?
14:25Come on. Let's go.
14:27Let's go. We're going.
14:31We have zero point.
14:33Just follow.
14:38We've already collected everything here, so we are good.
14:41Don't need to look around.
14:43And she's gonna open up those water bottles.
14:47Oh, it's already open.
14:51Could've sworn.
14:53Yes, that's right. It was locked.
14:58It's nothing.
15:03It's all green.
15:05Okay, no.
15:07All right, there's nothing.
15:09This place we're going to, what is it exactly?
15:12It used to be kind of a special place for young couples in these parts.
15:15There's something here.
15:17I think it's easier if I just show you.
15:19It's so far from home.
15:21Let's flip it, and we have...
15:32There's gotta be something here as well.
15:37We've got a fine tooth and comb in this place.
15:40Bolts, nice.
15:43Three bolts, enough to take out maybe one?
15:54Okay, before we go up the stairs...
15:58There's still some more places we could've done this.
16:29Hmm, didn't leave anything behind.
16:39I might find tooth and combing video games.
16:43Looking for items.
16:46It's like filling out the map.
16:50And covering the fog of war.
16:56And this is going to lead us...
17:01To the front?
17:02Or are we just on the opposite end, I think?
17:20I'm going to turn off my own speaker on my side by one.
17:37There's stuff.
17:41Oh, grapes.
17:47Got some health.
17:51So what are we doing here?
17:52Are we just restocking our inventory for the next big battle?
17:58Oh, we're on the opposite side of that gutting.
18:02And the male side is not.
18:05Can we unlock it?
18:18We came from here?
18:19Okay, I think that's it.
18:21Let's move on.
18:26I wonder if I should use the health.
18:33Maybe we should.
18:37Okay, we're back in the green.
18:52Hopefully they'll be nice enough to give us more health.
19:19We can go through there.
19:22Not going through there just yet.
19:24Let's go check out that police car.
19:31The Popo.
19:38Come on, Popo.
19:39You don't have no health for me?
19:40No ammo?
19:44Come on, the Popo.
19:50Alright, nothing in that.
19:53Nothing in here.
19:54That sucks.
20:12Good work, green car.
20:21We've got an average amount of health.
20:24You startle me.
20:43That section looks good.
20:53Unfortunately, nothing to pick up on this side.
20:58There is.
21:05No item.
21:06We need a...
21:08That's very interesting to know.
21:13It's not this thing, unfortunately.
21:17Oh, we've got a point of interest.
21:19Does that show up?
21:22It does.
21:24Garage, check.
21:30When we come around, we'll find it.
21:32We'll be back.
21:44Go through here.
21:49Nine deaths.
22:10I wanted to put the mod in for her, but supposedly her eyes bug out in cutscenes.
22:15So I thought, we'll keep it original.
22:21Oh, this is blocked off.
22:32And also, there's a well over here.
22:42Go through here.
22:46Go down that way.
22:52Let's go through here, but we're going to have to go down that way afterwards.
23:00Getting through there.
23:03There are some cars in that here, though.
23:06How's the...
23:12The motel.
23:18Oh, another safe point.
23:32Let's do the safe, since we've been banging some stuff up.
23:48Come on, there's drinks in here!
23:54Nothing comes out of it? That's so sad.
24:00We've got a safe.
24:06If anyone needs anything, I'm fixing the pipes at 1-0-7.
24:20Safe point.
24:33A really helpful safe is going to be at 1-0-7.
24:43Fortunately not.
24:49You know what to do.
24:55Don't mind me.
25:01What do I do?
25:14We don't need to keep all this.
25:20So, our point of interest is 1-0-7 already.
25:27But I'm the worst vandal there ever is.
25:34Why don't we get a tech book? Let's go in here.
25:51Oh, help.
26:00I should watch other people's streams and see how much health do they have at this point in time.
26:08This is 1-0-6.
26:17And 3-B health.
26:20We going up? We going up.
26:33Oh, we're going through here.
26:36This is 1-0-8.
26:391-0-7 is bordered, so we have to go through 1-0-8.
26:46Probably not the best thing to do.
26:55Doing that probably triggered something.
27:08I suppose that's the old school outfit.
27:12We going to pick it up?
27:23Are you going to put some health in there for me?
27:40Just come through to fix the P-Pace.
27:43Let's go.
27:481 less. 3 to... 3...
27:541 more. 8.
27:571, 1 less. So, 0, 4...
28:043, less 0, 1 more.
28:14Let's take a photo, shall we?
28:19Because I am not going to remember that.
28:24We'll use this afterwards.
28:33We got some nice handgun shells.
28:37Not handgun shells, handgun boards.
28:40That's going to be the new improved version of guns and gun shells.
28:45Oh, thank you! I'm so happy to get health.
28:50Oh, guess what? We only came here for the code.
28:58Hey, you think I'd look good in this one?
29:22So, we got the code. We're going to go back.
29:26Going back.
29:31One thing I want to do...
29:38How about audio?
29:43How do we do this?
29:491, 1 less. Which makes it 0.
29:533, more 3.
29:561 more.
29:598, 3.
30:03Makes 5.
30:060, 1 more.
30:10Let's get rid of this fool.
30:14What's going on?
30:24That's a bit busy.
30:27A bit busy, gal.
30:32Nothing else in here? No extra legs?
30:38Didn't even have to use any bullets.
30:48So, what did I actually get?
30:53I kind of got put off from the yelling.
30:59Let's go to the inventory.
31:01Oh, there's the gate.
31:06Let's do a bit of a quick save here.
31:10Got it, got it.
31:23Alright, let's go!
31:27Thank you for the fanfare.
31:36We're going to Chick's Garage.
31:39Or not.
31:45She now gets attacked.
31:48Oh, we're on the opposite side of the little peasant.
31:53So, what's going on?
32:15Oh, we're going through there, no doubt about it.
32:21Uh, should we?
32:28We should go through here.
32:30Have a look.
32:34No specialties.
32:43So, James.
32:47Three years.
32:49That's a long time.
32:51What will you tell her if, when, you find her?
32:55That I love her.
32:59Oh, then.
33:01Lucky her.
33:03What's that supposed to mean?
33:05Like I said, three years is a long time.
33:22It's just all exploration, we can't go through here.
33:27Can't even jump the fence.
33:35Oh, there's a hole, there's a wall.
33:44Oh, freebies.
33:46From America.
33:59Oh, there we go.
34:03I wonder if there's a difference between a running shot and a standard shot.
35:26Keep it...
35:27Stay close.
35:29That's my breakthrough.
35:39Oh, what's that?
35:40Something over there.
35:41Just a little bit.
35:45Oh, it's only a walker.
35:47I just thought a walker was a crawler, I should say.
35:51It's not too dangerous.
35:56You, on the other hand...
35:57Oh, there you go.
36:03Do you want to go?
36:04I'm bringing you back there.
36:06Why are you away from your friend?
36:08Take her.
36:09She can't die.
36:18No damage.
36:22Where's your friend?
36:24Nobody wants you.
36:35If we can sustain as many bullets as we can, that's better.
36:39Oh, hello.
36:40Oh, he's attacking me.
36:43Very nice.
36:52There's nothing here.
36:55This is the quick way.
37:00Fucking you.
37:03You're a bastard.
37:12We finished him.
37:14There's another walker somewhere.
37:18Another walker Texas Ranger.
37:25The radio's not going up so good.
37:30I think we're going to need all this ammo later, to be honest.
37:38What's this?
38:00Oh, there's another one?
38:10We don't actually have to worry about the other guys.
38:16He knows I'm here.
38:18He knows, he knows.
38:39Which way should we go?
38:41Which way?
38:45I'm taking both sides.
38:55Nothing in here.
38:58This side's boarded up.
38:59The other side we can go through, which looks a lot more emptier.
39:01This side looks like it might have something.
39:03So let's go through this side.
39:12Oh, it's legs.
39:14Look at your legs.
39:22You sure caused me a lot of damage.
39:29And there's something around here as well.
39:33Out of the sky, you ruckusing...
39:42You can get some flesh for it.
39:53There's something around here.
39:58Oh, come on.
40:00Come on, you've got that head in.
40:11You can run around, can't you?
40:13Oh, there's another one of our friends.
40:15I'll take the broom.
40:17He's going to take the broom.
40:23I took two hits.
40:24Equals to one broom.
40:26Maybe if I move, it counts.
40:27Oh, ah.
40:28Come here, bro.
40:29I want the open.
40:30Let's see.
40:32That's horrible.
40:44Let's see.
40:55That's horrible.
40:59Attacking these monsters, to be honest.
41:02Like, it's not that scary. These guys aren't scary, these guys are easy.
41:06Unless you've got the black versions.
41:08Imp versions.
41:09Those guys are a bit harder, because they explode.
41:14And you don't really know when to back off.
41:19The ones that don't explode, they're fun to kill.
41:21Like fodder.
41:27Easy fodder.
41:28Something's around here.
41:37As long as they don't be legs.
41:40Ah, she-bones.
41:42And it has to be legs.
41:53You're lucky you've got a decent health.
41:58Well, the little health symbol didn't come up.
42:00So, we're doing good on health.
42:07Let's see.
42:14Anyone here?
42:18There's some table tennis.
42:23Some ports.
42:28There's nothing around here.
42:29Radio's not going off, so we're good.
42:33We're good for the moment.
42:46Oh, no!
42:57What is this shit?
43:06Something's around here.
43:13What the?
43:15Fuck you, legs!
43:21Oh, that's not very bad.
43:23Let's wait for the attack.
43:30I think it's good to wait for the counter on the legs.
43:33You can get a few hits in.
43:34That's okay.
43:35But if they back off, wait for the counter.
43:38I think that's the best way to approach that.
43:49Oh, what's going on here?
43:51Oh, it's a pushover.
44:01Seems like we're finished in this area.
44:12More boards.
44:14We have how many boards?
44:16Won't even tell me.
44:26Sounds like a very nice, new, clean table tennis.
44:29Well, probably for a moment.
44:31Maybe we'll just...
44:35Oh, what?
44:52I'm already hit.
44:53For real.
44:57Still stuck.
45:08I already need to go.
45:11It's a long way around.
45:14Oh, you piece of shit!
45:20Oh, this guy's a ninja.
45:23Oh, you delayed.
45:25You delayed hit there.
45:31Delayed a piece of poop.
45:35Give me a piece of bread.
45:44Alright, help me up.
45:54It's pushing me a little bit.
46:02Oh, you're up there.
46:03You will die.
46:06There's another one upstairs?
46:08This one?
46:11Let's go through the fence.
46:27Aim at my sight.
46:29And the music stops.
46:31So where are we?
46:33Where are we?
46:34We are...
46:36Over at Heaven's Night.
46:42Come on.
46:44Put that health for me here.
46:49Where are we going as well?
46:54Okay, we can't go up this way, so it has to be...
46:57Let's have a small check.
47:02Well, okay.
47:05Once we get to the next save point, we'll cut this one off.
47:09We'll do the next one.
47:12I think we...
47:13Get two rounds in?
48:22Okay, what's going on here?
48:25There it is.
48:26Oh, there's a beer tab.
48:28And probably a seat that looks like a sausage.
48:32A very shiny beer tab.
48:35Other than that...
48:37Nothing else. There is a box.
48:40And that's it.
48:43I just think a health here would be nice.
48:46And yes, they do.
48:48Thank you for...
48:49Another syringe.
48:50Which is awesome.
48:51I want the small ones right now.
48:54I want the small drinks.
48:56I guess this is a double heal.
48:58Was I injured before?
48:59Because I don't think I got the red around me.
49:02I think they may have free healed me.
49:16There was something there.
49:17Someone's been eating some Chinese, a noodle.
49:20I want to take the ammo.
49:25Ready to kill it.
49:29Oh, these are just...
49:31Photos you collect.
49:33I just realized they're just photos.
49:36They have absolutely no significance.
49:43No freebies.
49:44No freebies.
50:00Don't worry.
50:01The thing is not going.
50:03The thing is not going.
50:05We all good in the city.
50:07What is this?
50:23I have zero idea which way to read that.
50:26I have zero idea which way to read that.
50:36And this one is...
50:49More small ones.
50:51We got four and four.
50:52It's weird.
50:53Couldn't help.
50:54Sixty-nine bullets.
50:57Also good.
50:58Let's see if we can get through here now.
51:07It scared me.
51:09It's like, there's no one here.
51:11What's that shoulder there?
51:13That's got to be a fan.
51:19What are these? Sexy booths?
51:25I'll go through them.
51:31There's some...
52:17Come on, don't give me that look.
52:22I was just kidding.
52:24What is this?
52:27Is this...
52:28The special place you meant?
52:31Don't be silly.
52:33Just have to go through and out the front.
52:41Then again...
52:43Now that we're here...
52:48Can't we stay?
52:51Just for a little while.
52:54Catch our breath before we head back out there.
52:57I don't have time to take a break.
53:00Mary could be out there, waiting for me.
53:04I know.
53:06It's just...
53:09This place, this whole thing, it's like a nightmare.
53:12I just wanted to get away from it, even for a second.
53:14I'm sorry.
53:15No, it's...
53:19Sorry, I didn't mean to...
53:25I guess this place is getting to me, too.
53:37Am I crazy?
53:41You know, for...
53:43Thinking she could be here.
53:50Crazy is one word for it, I guess.
53:55I can think of another.
54:00What's that?
54:11That's a nicer way of putting it.
54:23What are you doing?
54:25Something to take the edge off.
54:40You sure?
54:48Be that way.
54:51Here's to...
54:56To hope.
54:57And I.
55:10We should probably get going.
55:18Ready when you are.
