Sin City, sex, lies, and betrayal

  • 2 days ago

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00:00Sin City, the adult playground of the world. The perfect backdrop for a steamy romance
00:08between Debbie Flores Nevarez, a beautiful 31-year-old ambitious showgirl.
00:14She had one of those perfect lives where she was single, pretty, had a lot of good friends.
00:21And 32-year-old Jason Blue Griffin, an equally driven, charismatic dancer.
00:27He was very physically fit, very outgoing, very self-confident, and I think women were
00:31attracted to that.
00:33He was a principal dancer in Cirque du Soleil's Beatles tribute, Love at the Mirage. She was
00:39a former law student from Baltimore whose star was rising in the hit burlesque show
00:44Fantasy at the Luxor Hotel.
00:47She just had the passion, the spirit, you know what I mean, of wanting to perform.
00:53Matthew Guerrero danced with Debbie professionally. He never met Jason, but he had friends who
00:58knew him well.
00:59He was like a nice guy, and they said that he was really cool.
01:04This homemade music video clearly suggests they liked each other a lot. So what could
01:13have gone so horribly wrong on a cold December night when Debbie disappeared?
01:19She was very active on the Internet and on her phone, and because all of those things
01:24stopped immediately after the 12th of December, the missing persons section took the step
01:30to involve homicide.
01:33Las Vegas police were on high alert, and Celeste Nevarez was on a mission to find her little
01:39In my mind, hope was very much alive for her. She was pushing me to find her, and I was
01:46doing everything I could, no matter what the cost.
01:49Police immediately questioned her boyfriend, Jason Blue Griffin.
01:52He graduated from Juilliard. He's the first, I believe, African-American lead in a Cirque
01:57du Soleil show.
01:58For Griffin, a star performer, Las Vegas served as a veritable candy store for his insatiable
02:05appetite for women.
02:07He was on a daily basis texting at least four, six, sometimes eight women at a time.
02:14With Griffin's incessant womanizing made for a volatile relationship with Debbie,
02:19Griffin's own home video capturing one of many heated exchanges.
02:23You knew it was going to be me when you walked out, but basically, especially at times, it's
02:28There were 14 9-1-1 calls in a one-year span.
02:36Griffin had once been arrested for battery on Debbie, but nothing directly linked him
02:42to her disappearance, even though he was the last person to see her alive.
02:47Did you kill Debbie?
02:49No, I didn't kill Debbie.
02:51During police questioning, Griffith actually pointed the finger at Deborah's ex-boyfriend,
02:56whom Deborah once claimed had beaten her.
02:59She was upset that that charge or whatever didn't stick.
03:02Four days after Deborah's disappearance, a possible break in the case.
03:07We did locate the vehicle.
03:09Deborah's maroon Chevy Prism is found six miles from her home.
03:13It was hidden behind this wall, but it wasn't a random robbery.
03:18Her purse was still inside.
03:20A license plate was not attached on the vehicle.
03:25Weeks go by, then the big break.
03:28A friend of Jason Griffith's comes forward and tells cops she's been keeping a secret
03:33for almost a month.
03:35That friend's name?
03:36Kaylee Casorso.
03:38Not long after Debbie had gone missing, Kaylee Casorso had been contacted
03:43by Jason Griffith, who told her that he had some items that he needed to move
03:48and could he store some of those things over at her apartment.
03:52Casorso tells cops Griffith arrived at her apartment in a U-Haul truck
03:57along with his roommate Louis Colombo.
04:00She recognized Louis Colombo and Jason Griffith in the back of this U-Haul truck
04:06trying to manipulate a large plastic container that she could see
04:10was filled with cement.
04:13Casorso demanded to know what was in the storage container.
04:17The answer was shocking.
04:19He said, Debbie's in there.
04:23Casorso was terrified.
04:25Debbie's corpse encased in cement in a household plastic container.
04:31She told him to leave and never come back.
04:33What Casorso didn't do was immediately call police.
04:37You failed to call the police, right?
04:39I don't care.
04:40But once she did, police knew Griffith was their man
04:44and they knew how to get to him through his roommate,
04:47childhood friend, Louis Colombo.
04:50We had hoped that maybe Louis Colombo might be the weak link
04:53and give us the information that we needed.
04:56Colombo sings like a bird admitting Griffith and Deborah
04:59fought the night of the 12th
05:01and yes, Griffith strangled Debbie
05:04so she couldn't call the cops.
05:08Griffith convinced Colombo to help him get rid of the body.
05:12Mr. Colombo's a little down on his luck.
05:14Jason had done things for Mr. Colombo that Mr. Colombo felt like he owed him.
05:21But what happens next plays out like a horror movie.
05:24Griffith and Colombo take Debbie's body already buried in cement
05:28to an abandoned house.
05:32The information about the house was given to them
05:34by another girlfriend of Jason Griffith.
05:38Louis told us that they knew it was going to be empty
05:40until it was foreclosed on.
05:42But once they get there, they've got a new problem.
05:46There's fluid leaking out of the bottom of this container.
05:52Griffith borrows a scene from his favorite TV show.
05:55This is kind of where the Dexter factor comes into it.
05:58They went and got tools, a sledgehammer, a saw,
06:02cleaning items, chemicals used to try and mask the smell.
06:08This surveillance video actually captures Griffith
06:11picking out the container for Debbie's body.
06:15Once he leaves the store, Debbie's cold-blooded boyfriend
06:19does the unimaginable.
06:21He digs her dead body out of the cement
06:24and then starts hacking it into pieces.
06:28Louis told us that he used this hammer to break the cement up
06:33to now take Debbie's body back out of this container.
06:37Debbie's now dismembered body is placed in two cement-filled tubs
06:41stacked on top of each other and hidden in a bedroom closet.
06:47Louis Colombo returned with a can of spray foam insulation
06:50and he used it to seal the gaps around the door.
06:53And there, Debra's body remained for weeks
06:56until Kaylee Casorso's conscience got the better of her
07:00and she blew the whistle.
07:03I don't think that Jason really ever thought
07:05that he would get caught for anything
07:07because that's how he functioned in his daily life.
07:10He is absolutely a pathological liar.
07:12The lies don't stop, even in police custody.
07:16No, I didn't kill Debbie.
07:17Not on purpose and not on accident.
07:19But once cops show him the surveillance video,
07:22from U-Haul, Walmart, Home Depot
07:25and the pile of evidence against him,
07:27Griffith changes his story, claiming self-defense.
07:32He was sobbing.
07:33He was very, very, very upset.
07:36The only thing that was missing?
07:38Actual tears.
07:40It took two and a half days for a jury
07:42to convict Jason Griffith of second-degree murder.
07:45I should have said something, but I didn't.
07:48Griffith was sentenced to only ten years in state prison.
07:52The dancing Romeo in a cell
07:54entertained by the lies?
07:56Dancing in his head.
07:58Jason still, to this day, has no remorse
08:01and doesn't feel like he did anything wrong
08:03to his friends or to these women
08:05or even to Debbie.
08:10Griffith came up for parole,
08:12but his appeal was denied
08:14and he remains behind bars.
08:16Colombo avoided being charged
08:18by agreeing to testify.
08:22For more UN videos visit
