• last year
Your privacy and security belong to you. No one should be able to know when you’ve read, opened, or clicked a link. Nor should they know what location, device or email app you use. It’s just not right!

MailTrackerBlocker app: https://apparition47.github.io/MailTrackerBlocker

Post: https://macjunky.com/post/your-email-privacy-should-always-matter
Newsletter: https://macjunky.com/newsletter
Contact: https://macjunky.com/contact

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00:00If you've been watching my videos for a while, you know that I love email.
00:06I love using email.
00:07I like the way it works.
00:09I like the simplicity of it.
00:11I like out using Apple mail because it's the simplest and the one that just works.
00:17It's from Apple.
00:19But there's one part of email that I don't like and that's all the tracking
00:24that gets done by emails that I receive that you receive.
00:29Were you aware that the amount of so for instance for every 10 email you get
00:34from companies of you from individuals.
00:37It doesn't it's not quite true, but even some individuals have they pay
00:43for an app to be able to track that email.
00:47So you will receive an email.
00:49They will know where you were how many times you opened it what time you
00:55opened it where you were as in your location what computer you use whether
01:00it's on the phone or whatever they gather all this information and it's
01:04crazy and no one needs to know when so if you if I sent you a snail mail an
01:12actual letter you receive it you read it at no one else is injecting their
01:17kind of crapola into it.
01:20They don't need to know that you've read it or you've seen it.
01:24Privacy and security to me very high on the list of things.
01:31I check for when I use these apps use my apps and help my clients with their
01:37apps very very important.
01:39So when I came across this app and there has been a few in the past but
01:46they haven't really worked so well.
01:48So I found a way in Apple mail that you can stop these trackers now.
01:55Hey, which is an email service from Basecamp do this.
02:02They'll put a banner up saying this email is tracking you.
02:05So what's happened is that some guy has come up with similar kind of thing
02:10for Apple mail.
02:11It's a little little X if it's blue means you being tracked if it's not blue
02:16means that you there's no tracking and it works really well.
02:18I'll put a link to it below.
02:19It's called a mail tracker blocker.
02:23So it's a very simple thing and it and it seems to be working works really
02:28It does stop not you can never stop everything but it's good to be able to
02:33stop as many as possible and he updates it like daily or weekly the database
02:39There's a it's a double-edged sword.
02:42There's another issue here for marketers.
02:45If you're a marketer and you're sending out emails, if you're a small business
02:49like I am and sending out emails, I'd like to know if that that person has
02:55clicked a link or has read it as as as opened it not necessarily read it but
03:01opened it now.
03:02I'm in two minds with this because I don't want to be tracking my emails at
03:09But for the marketing, it's good to know that someone's actually received that
03:17email or have clicked it meaning then I can create better content because they
03:22like that video and not that video.
03:24That's the level the only level I have of tracking.
03:30So marketers have actually tried to come up with a way not maliciously to
03:36figure out how to fix this for them.
03:41And the way to do is just literally send an email and say, by the way, do you
03:45still want to be on the list?
03:47By the way, are you interested in so you're actually having a bit more of a
03:51conversation than looking at numbers and tracking everything.
03:54So there's there's pros and cons, but the the cons outweigh the pros.
04:03Is that right?
04:04It's a weird way of saying it, but basically there shouldn't be any
04:07tracking on email marketers have to deal with a way of finding out what
04:13their audience wants rather than tracking it as in.
04:17Oh, I know when you opened it kind of thing.
04:19So anyway going back to the original thing.
04:22I'll put a link below to that app.
04:25You can install it into your Apple mail and stop being tracked privacy and
04:31security belongs to you not to the corporations who want to make money off
04:36of your information.
04:38If you have any questions, let me know.
04:40There'll be a link down below to book a call and as always have a great day.
04:44See you in the next one.