Types Of Animals

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00:00Today, we will learn about animals.
00:04At first, we will study about pet animals.
00:07Pet animals are domesticated animals.
00:12At one point, they were wild, but over hundreds of years, they have lived alongside humans
00:18and have been domesticated by them.
00:23They're usually animals that share our homes and provide us with love and companionship.
00:28Normally, a pet animal depends on us for food, shelter, water, and all its other needs.
00:35Let's see some pet animals one by one.
00:39Dog A dog is very helpful in nature and is considered
00:43man's best friend.
00:45It guards the house from thieves with care.
00:51Some species of dogs are trained to detect criminals.
00:56Cat Cats have been kept as pets for thousands
00:59of years.
01:00They are very fast and can catch rats and other rodents easily.
01:07Cow A cow is very useful and gentle by nature
01:10and gives us milk.
01:13The cow eats grass and hay.
01:15Cow dung is used as fertilizer in fields.
01:20Buffalo They are very large animals.
01:24Cow keep buffalo for milk and for drawing carts and for plowing the field.
01:36Ox The ox is a muscular, massive, and sturdy
01:40draft animal.
01:41It is used to pull carts, plows, and sleds.
01:46Pig Pigs are very intelligent animals.
01:49They have an excellent sense of smell.
01:52Pigs farm pigs for meat.
02:00Sheep The furs of sheep are very long and soft.
02:04These furs are sheared and made into wool.
02:07The sheep can survive in tough climates easily.
02:17Guinea Pig Guinea pigs are very social herd animals.
02:21They like to be with others of their own kind but also thrive from human affection.
02:29Chihuahua Chihuahuas are small, comical, entertaining,
02:33and loyal little dogs.
02:39Hamster Hamsters are small rodents that are commonly
02:42kept as house pets.
02:44They have many different colors including black, gray, brown, cream, yellow, orange,
02:50or a mixture of a few colors.
02:54Goat Goats are among the earliest animals domesticated
02:57by humans.
02:58We get milk from the sheep goats.
03:00Their milk is very nutritious and good for our health.
03:08Alpaca An alpaca is a domesticated species of South
03:12American camelid.
03:14It looks like a small llama in appearance.
03:16They are exclusively bred as fleece animals.
03:20Donkey It is a useful animal.
03:23It has been used as a working animal for at least 5,000 years.
03:27It is used for pulling carts.
03:33Horse It runs very fast and so it is used for carrying
03:37people as well as loads.
03:39It is also used for riding, racing, pulling carts, and in the circus.
03:48Camel It is called the ship of the desert because
03:51it can walk through and without water for so many days.
03:55It is used to carry loads and people in the desert.
04:00Now let's learn about wild animals.
04:03It lives on its own without any help from human beings.
04:06A wild animal finds its own food, shelter, water, and all its other needs in a specific
04:11natural habitat.
04:13Let's study some wild animals one by one.
04:23Lion The lion is called the king of the forest.
04:26It has a dynamic and majestic appearance.
04:29It roars so loudly.
04:31They are meat eaters.
04:39Tiger The tiger is fierce and very strong.
04:43Tigers live in forests and woods where they hide and chase animals.
04:54Panther It looks like a leopard without dots.
04:57They have excellent eyesight and sense of hearing.
05:00They are carnivores or meat eaters.
05:05Fox It has a very good sense of smell and hearing.
05:08It is mostly active at night.
05:11It lives in a burrow.
05:13They eat both plants and animals.
05:17Elephant It is famous for its big body, intelligence,
05:20and obedient nature.
05:22A male elephant contains two long white teeth, known as tusks.
05:27They eat grasses, small plants, bushes, fruit, twigs, tree bark, etc.
05:37Bear Bears are large mammals that eat mostly meat
05:40and fish.
05:41Many bears also eat plants, bulbs, and small insects.
05:46Deer Deer have long legs typically suited to the
05:49environments they live in.
05:50They can jump high and swim well.
05:53They love to eat fruits and grass.
05:56Giraffe Giraffe is the tallest animal in the world.
05:59The giraffe has a body length of almost 9 to 15 feet and eats grass and herbs mostly.
06:07Zebra It has a unique pattern of black and white
06:09stripes, which makes it more beautiful.
06:12They eat grass, shrubs, herbs, twigs, leaves, and roots.
06:17Hippopotamus The hippopotamus is the world's third largest
06:20land animal, after the elephant and the rhino.
06:24It is an herbivore and eats mostly grass.
06:27Rhinoceros The rhinoceros is most famous for its large
06:30horn or horns right on the top of its head near its nose.
06:35They eat only plants.
06:37Monkey The monkey is funny and a very intelligent
06:41The diet of the monkey includes nuts, berries, and fruits.
06:44Its favorite fruit is a banana.
06:47It lives in the jungle and jumps from tree to tree.
06:50Chimpanzee The chimpanzee is a medium-sized ape with
06:54an expressive face, a small nose, a big mouth, and large ears.
06:59The chimpanzees are considered the most intelligent of all animals.
07:04The chimpanzees eat fruit, vegetables, birds' eggs, and insects.
07:13Panda Panda bears are very large and very cute animals.
07:17They eat mostly plants.
07:20Koala The koala is an Australian animal.
07:23It has very furry, gray-colored hair, a rubbery, little black nose, sharp claws, and fuzzy
07:30Now you know a lot about animals!