Tangled Show at Disneyland Park

  • 20 hours ago


00:00And now, the moment you've all been waiting for.
00:28And now, good gentles all, please welcome those loquacious lovers of legends and lore.
00:39Those versatile Viscounts of voluminous verbosity, as they portray a panoply of personalities under this preeminent proscenium.
00:52Please welcome Mr. Smythe and Mr. Jones.
00:58Well, hello there! Can't we get a huzzah?
01:03Well, I'm Mr. Smythe. And I'm Mr. Jones. And how is each and everybody doing today?
01:10Welcome to the theater, the famous Royal Theater. And while we're in the theater, I say let's do a play.
01:16Using our imagination, as well as good enunciation.
01:22Together we will be creating a creation that will take your breath away.
01:33For all the world is a stage, my friend. Attend and hark, if you've an ear to lend.
01:39We're gonna tell a tale with once upon a time at the start. And there's a happily ever after at the end.
01:45I say, Mr. Smythe. Yes, Mr. Jones? What story shall we players play today?
01:49Ah, today we shall render upon these boards an adventure that is most hair-raising.
01:54Oh, well said, Mr. Smythe. For today we tell the timeless tale of...
02:01It's a very special tale of a very special girl. She's full of hopes and dreams and a little something like you.
02:07Ah, if she put some work into it, makes a minor to her sister, she could make her wish come true.
02:13Maybe it only works if you work with imagination, self-courage and determination.
02:20If she can conquer all her fears and trepidation, well then she just might make it through.
02:28For all the world is a stage, my friend. Attend and hark, if you've an ear to lend.
02:35And here's one thing on which you can depend.
02:40We're gonna make a little magic if you all do your part.
02:44We will create a little carnival of courage and heart.
02:47We're gonna tell a tale of once upon a time at the start.
02:50And there's a happily ever after at the end.
02:57Happily ever after at the end.
03:03Thank you, thank you very much and welcome to the Royal Theater.
03:06To help us tell our story today, we have two special guests.
03:09Oh, two special guests?
03:11Who's on first?
03:12A young lady with golden locks.
03:13Oh, presenting Goldilocks and her three dancing bears!
03:16No, no, we do not have three dancing bears.
03:18Only two?
03:20Just one?
03:21No, there are no dancing bears.
03:22Presenting Goldilocks and no dancing bears!
03:25Wait a minute, please, you're being ridiculous.
03:26Well, maybe they could be the dancing bears.
03:28I see a papa and a mama, no baby.
03:29No, there are no dancing bears and no Goldilocks.
03:31But you said a young lady with golden locks.
03:33Yes, Rapunzel.
03:34Rapunzel doesn't have any dancing bears.
03:37She's our first guest.
03:38Our first guest?
03:40Who's on second?
03:41That is the question.
03:42Oh, I can hardly wait.
03:43You gentles all, it's time to give a warm welcome to our first royal guest.
03:44The one.
03:45The only.
03:46The one and only, Rapunzel!
03:53Princess Rapunzel, it's an honor to be in your presence today.
03:56And we are most delighted that you have accepted our invitation to join us in a live performance of your story.
04:01It's my pleasure.
04:02After all, who better to help tell the story of Rapunzel than Rapunzel?
04:06This is going to be such an adventure.
04:08Now remember, we are here to assist you in any way we can.
04:11Should you wish to know to stand, we shall show you.
04:14Should you want to know what to say, we will tell you.
04:16If you wish to recognize one of us for most outstanding performance by a player in a leading role, drama or comedy,
04:22we shall kneel before you in humble gratitude.
04:28I'm sure you'll both be wonderful.
04:31Very well then.
04:32Are you ready?
04:34Then let the play begin.
04:35Once upon a time, there was a radiant young lady named Rapunzel.
04:39Who lived at the top of a tall, tall town.
04:42From the time that I was just a baby, my mother never allowed me to go outside.
04:46Each day as Rapunzel gazed out her tall window, she wondered when would her life begin.
04:51My dream was to go see the floating lanterns that appeared in the night sky every year on my birthday.
04:57But today, like every other day, Rapunzel's banterings were interrupted by the sound of a familiar voice.
05:05Mother Gothel?
05:06Let down your hair!
05:09Let me undo that for you.
05:11Wait a minute, wait a minute.
05:13You have no idea how long it takes to braid this.
05:16Ah, but of course.
05:17Stunt hair please!
05:21What's that?
05:22That is a theatrical representation of your hair.
05:27I love this hair!
05:29Rapunzel, I'm waiting!
05:31Coming, Mother?
05:32Immediately, Rapunzel lowered her hair so that Mother Gothel could easily ascend the steep copper wall.
05:41Apple, dearie.
05:44It should be noted by all in attendance that Mother Gothel was not Rapunzel's real mother.
05:49That's right.
05:50I was kidnapped by Mother Gothel and I was just to be.
05:53And why was Rapunzel kidnapped?
05:56Mr. Jones!
05:57Because of her magic hair!
05:59Which keeps Mother Gothel!
06:00Prepare to stop them all!
06:01And I am on it!
06:05Rapunzel, dear.
06:08Rapunzel, dear.
06:09Mommy's feeling a bit run down.
06:11Why don't you let me brush your hair while Mr. Spide sings your magic song?
06:18Whenever I sang the magic song, my hair began to shimmer and glow.
06:23And as it glowed, it kept Mother Gothel young with its special healing powers.
06:28As Gothel brushed the entranced hair, the years went away.
06:32Let's hand to the hourglass thus for the days of our lives.
06:36Why, thank you, my dear.
06:38Ah, princess.
06:42Well, thank you, my dear.
06:43Now go get me my milk.
06:50Oh, do you know what I see?
06:52I see a strong, confident, beautiful young lady.
06:55Oh, look.
06:56You're here, too.
06:58Realizing this might be her last opportunity, Rapunzel summoned up the courage to ask.
07:03Well, I was wondering.
07:05I mean, since it's my birthday tomorrow, would you please take me to see the floating lanterns?
07:10It's my only birthday wish.
07:12Oh, absolutely not, Rapunzel.
07:15Sorry, Sam.
07:16Flower, gleam, and glow.
07:17Let your power shine.
07:18Make the clock reverse.
07:19Remember what was mine.
07:21I told you, my dear.
07:22This world is a dangerous place filled with ruffians and thugs, which is why I keep you locked in this beautiful tower.
07:30Seriously, Sam.
07:32Flower, glow, power shine.
07:33Clock reverse.
07:34My, my, my.
07:35For your own safety, my dear, you will never, ever, ever, ever leave this tower, ever.
07:42Trust me, Rapunzel.
07:43Mother knows best.
07:47Rapunzel was determined to see the floating lanterns before she did what any imprisoned 18-year-old girl would do.
07:53She went back to the frying pan and headed for the window.
07:56Looking down, she spotted a young man climbing up the tower.
07:59A stranger?
08:00And as he hauled himself up into her tower room...
08:03The hearty huzzah for Flynn Rider!
08:08Who would think Rapunzel did what any imprisoned 18-year-old girl who just knocked out a climbing stranger would do?
08:16After that, she went through his alliance, found the royal crown, and hid it.
08:21Now surely I can convince him to take me to see the floating lanterns.
08:25What Rapunzel didn't know was that the crown was stolen.
08:28Flynn was a wanted man.
08:30Look, Blondie, there is no way I will ever, ever, ever, ever take you to see the floating lanterns.
08:35Okay, okay, I will take you to see the floating lanterns.
08:39Anything to get that crown back.
08:41And so Rapunzel let down her hair.
08:45And down the tower they climbed.
08:48Okay, this isn't weird.
08:50Climbing down the hair.
08:51As they scaled down the stone wall, the stranger introduced himself as...
08:58Flynn Rider.
09:01Oh, dear.
09:03And before Rapunzel could say...
09:05Oh, hairbrush, Flynn!
09:06Hair came from the crown and they were off running on their new adventure.
09:09I can't believe I did this!
09:12This is so fun!
09:14I just hope they don't run into any ruffians or thugs.
09:17Hoping to end this adventure as quickly as possible.
09:20And to avoid being arrested by the royal guard, Flynn said...
09:23Hey, are you hungry? Because I know a great place for lunch.
09:26Thus he led the way to the snuggly duckling cavern.
09:30Which, as it turns out, was filled with ruffians and thugs.
09:37Oh, wow! You look at this bunch!
09:39This is a mean-looking bunch of ruffians and thugs.
09:41Look at that one!
09:42Never trust anybody sucking on their thumb.
09:44And don't let this one in the bucket hat fool you.
09:46I think I've seen them on the kingdom's most wanted list.
09:49You know what, Blondie?
09:50I think things we both want a lot safer.
09:53We just turned you around and got you back at home.
09:56What do you say?
09:57Let's go back to your tower and I'll get my crown, okay?
10:01Excuse me?
10:04Are you Flynn Rider?
10:06Do I look like Flynn Rider?
10:08What do you think? Does he look like Flynn Rider?
10:12Get him!
10:13Get him!
10:14Wait a minute!
10:15Give me back my stranger!
10:20I need him to take me to see the floating lanterns.
10:25It's my dream.
10:27Donovan, have you ever had a dream?
10:34I had a dream once.
10:41I've got a dream.
10:45I've got a dream.
10:48See, I ain't as cruel and vicious as I seem.
11:03Thank you so much.
11:04Oh, thank you.
11:05There's more!
11:06Though I did like breaking femurs.
11:08You can count me with the dreamers.
11:10Like everybody else, I've had a dream.
11:12Hey, I've got a dream, too!
11:14Take it away, Palorotti!
11:16I've got scars and lumps and bruises.
11:18Plus something here that oozes.
11:20And let's not even mention my complexion.
11:23But despite my extra toes and my goiter at my nose,
11:26I really want to make a love connection.
11:29He's got a dream.
11:30He's got a dream.
11:31I've got a dream.
11:32She's got a dream.
11:33She's got a dream of floating lanterns.
11:36Happens every passing hour.
11:38She's so glad she left her tower.
11:40But all year round we hope she's got a dream.
11:43His way down deep inside, we've got a dream.
11:54Suddenly, out of nowhere, came a brand new character nobody had ever seen.
12:04Well, I've seen him.
12:05That's Maximus, the horse of the royal guard.
12:07He's after me!
12:12Follow me!
12:14It's a secret passage.
12:25They ran from Maximus through a twisting, turning cave.
12:28It's my last day.
12:29Broke out in the sunlight, only to realize...
12:31Look out!
12:32We're standing on the edge of a precipitous cliff.
12:34A towering whistleblower on one side.
12:36A deep chasm on the other.
12:39Quickly, Rapunzel tossed her hair across the chasm.
12:41One last jump for Queen Bee.
12:43Flynn, follow me!
12:44Within two minutes, Flynn was trapped and Maximus was on his sword run.
12:56Ha ha!
13:01Sorry, I'm a little hoarse.
13:03Suddenly, with the swing of a carrion thrust, Maximus knocked the frying pan.
13:07How dare Flynn tell me...
13:12Flynn, catch!
13:17That's Flynn was able to follow Rapunzel to safety.
13:22However, their victory was short-lived.
13:25But Maximus lifted his hula dance fingers and grabbed the precipice.
13:29Releasing a flood of water.
13:31Flynn and Rapunzel found themselves trapped in a cave, too dark to find their way out with a water level rising.
13:42I never should have left the tower. This is all my fault, Flynn.
13:48My real name is Eugene Fitzherbert.
13:54Someone might as well know.
13:57Well, I've got magic hair that glows when I sing.
14:02I've got magic hair that glows when I sing!
14:11Rapunzel's hair illuminated the water with its magic light and led them out of the cave! Huzzah!
14:19Once on Highland, Eugene kept his promise and took Rapunzel to see the floating lanterns.
14:26Wait a minute, wait a minute! Where's the boat?
14:28What boat?
14:29We were in a boat.
14:30She's right, we were definitely in a boat.
14:32We don't have a boat.
14:33But it was so romantic.
14:36You can't leave that part out!
14:48What is that?
14:49It's a theatrical representation of our boat!
14:53Oh, I love the theater!
14:58Sir Samuel?
15:00Every year on this day, the King and the Queen release the lanterns in honor of their lost daughter.
15:05They're so beautiful!
15:07As the sky filled, the lanterns warmed up.
15:10I realized...
15:11I was falling in love.
15:14And at last I see the light.
15:19And it's like the night is new.
15:23And at last I see the light.
15:27And it's like the sky is new.
15:31And it's warm and we're in love.
15:36And the world is so beautiful.
15:43All at once, everything is different.
15:48Now that I see you there.
15:53Now that I see you there.
16:10What is this picture?
16:11That is the symbol of the royal family.
16:13The King, the Queen, the missing princess.
16:15The missing princess?
16:18The missing princess!
16:20Eugene, I have to go!
16:21As quickly as she could, Rapunzel raced back to her tower.
16:24Rapunzel, where are you going?
16:25Rapunzel, where have you been?
16:27Out there.
16:28Discovering who I really am.
16:31I'm the missing princess!
16:38Well, Krabo, you figured it out.
16:41But you and your magic hair aren't going anywhere.
16:43You're staying right here, keeping me the fairest of them all.
16:49Rapunzel, I've discovered who you really are!
16:52He's dying!
16:53Well, that's the circle of life, my dear. Now come along.
16:55Where are we going?
16:56Where no one will ever find you again.
16:58We can't let him die!
16:59We can't let him live!
17:00He'll expose our secrets!
17:01But please, please let me heal him and I'll go away with you forever.
17:05I promise.
17:07Knowing that Rapunzel never broke a promise,
17:09Mother Gothel agreed to allow her this final act of kindness.
17:12I can't let you do this.
17:14I can't let you die!
17:15Rapunzel, if you do this, you'll die.
17:17It's only possible to strengthen Eugene Crabbe Gothel's knife hand.
17:21Cut Rapunzel's hair!
17:22My precious! Oh, my precious!
17:27My golden hair suddenly lost its magic.
17:29Causing Mother Gothel to wither into a shrieking old hag!
17:34Now curse you, brat!
17:36See what Gothel has done!
17:38For Gothel will die now!
17:41Just have a bit of fun!
17:46What a world!
17:47What a small world after all!
18:21At last, Eugene! I see the light!
18:24Everything is different now that I see you!
18:27The last breath, Eugene, under the birds!
18:29You were my little dream.
18:33And you weren't fine.
18:38Rapunzel was heartbroken.
18:40From finding her dream, she lost true love.
18:43And all that remained was a single tear.
18:46That tear fell upon his cheek.
18:49And it began to glow.
18:52See, the same magic that was found in Rapunzel's hair
18:55was also present in this single tear drop.
18:57That healing light flowed through Eugene and his friends
18:59while swarming throughout the Tower Room.
19:01And with that light, came new life.
19:04And new love.
19:09We returned to the kingdom
19:10and introduced Rapunzel as the missing princess.
19:12At this point, the king
19:14and the queen
19:15my real mother and father
19:17welcomed me with open arms.
19:19And it was long before Rapunzel married Eugene.
19:22And Eugene married Rapunzel.
19:24We all lived happily ever after.
19:30Let's give a warm round of applause
19:32for Rapunzel!
19:36Let's give a huggy huzzah for Peter Ryan!
19:40And of course, here's for
19:42the Samuel of Morocco!
19:49I'm sure you've seen a little magic
19:51that you all need to find.
19:52If you can see it, that's a crime.
19:54So let's clear it and find it.
19:56You're gonna feel it.
19:57There's just a lot of time to spend.
19:59And we're gonna have a happy ever after.
20:02Happy end.
20:06Happy ever after at the end.
20:09We love you, Rapunzel!
20:11We love you, Peter.
20:12We love you so much.
20:13We love you so much.