Men's Major World Series 1080p/60 (2024) Sat, Oct 12, 2024 10:44 PM to 11:24 PM

  • 2 days ago
00:00And I think still to this day that black bat holds the number one spot so today
00:06I have a great news because
00:08We're gonna bring him back the one piece bat in a 240 standard
00:12Wow, and we're gonna have the chance to go hit those bats and do some tests. Let's do it
00:46We're back at the men's major final game of the long softball day one of the longest
00:54Days every year we start out with eight teams. We're down to two
01:00See Don Cooper walking across the concourse
01:03Excited about his new combat bat line coming out Bradley Jones Jason Matusik
01:08Corey Briggs all swinging that two-piece white hand or pink handle white barrel pink letter in combat
01:16That's what they've been talking about on social media a lot
01:28Another question, how many homers do they get it is unlimited here at the men's major World Series
01:3875-foot bases. It's a baseball field goes up to 385 and center
01:44Dudley Stadium ZN ball
01:47Josh Brown appreciate the shout out
01:50Kendall Wellborn, I am wearing normal clothes
01:53No, man, thong today
01:59It's like Ike Werlow gonna lead things off tap of two
02:06Chasing a big number
02:18Tapped it to the second baseman can now double clutch, but still got rid of it just in time for the force out of first base
02:28Junkies back at the hotel FYI, you know, he's there
02:36So I did hear that Cole Campbell had to leave early
02:38I'm not sure about Tavares
02:40But just keep in mind we did have a lot of weather issues this week a lot of changes people got family
02:46Family comes first softball should be secondary. So if players are missing this week
02:51It's all because we had to take care of the more important things in life first softball should just be a fun game
02:55I know we take it quite serious. But do people do need to make sure that the home base is taken care of first? No
03:03Jacob Neal now going four for four on a championship Saturday
03:08He could have had second but he decided to hold up
03:12That's right missile Tavares other power hitter. Oh, I did
03:16May have rolled his ankle pretty bad. How did it hurt? It was purple real quick
03:20So since he wasn't gonna be able to play he was able to get a flight home a little early
03:27And we did see Jeffrey Redden who took in a bad
03:32At the double and hit a home run after heart failure and all the issues he's had that was one of the most
03:39Heartwarming stories I saw all week. I was great such a great guy
03:43Such a great guy
03:49That's her we cap
03:52through the five six Oh
03:54Bradley Jones mishandles it balls gonna roll to the fence caps not gonna push it too hard
03:59He's just gonna take second. Nino is gonna score in place of Neal and that's their first run across in the second inning
04:10Someone just said, Ohio State's in a battle DW
04:14I'm gonna download the game and watch it in the plane
04:19I don't want to write the Florida final
04:21I saw it was like down seven two minutes to go and I'm not switching my phone off the chat right now
04:26I'm curious if they finish that game
04:28Florida Tennessee, let's see how fast I can get somebody to comment
04:38DWB binge-watching college football next week in between videos editing
04:48Tennessee won in overtime. Thank you
04:51disappointing with that result
04:53Florida played well then the clap walk to Heron. They've been doing that a lot
04:58I got a little upset on that one time against us and I decided to clap during Joey's at bat, too
05:03so there's behind I gave him the business there in the first inning when they did it, but
05:09Didn't stop them
05:11Stay true to theirselves
05:18Thanks fellas appreciate all the chat shout outs about the football score
05:23Look where Corey Briggs is playing. That is a deep setter
05:33Bradley Jones hugging the wall looking up and Streets hits it too far for him to handle
05:41One of my favorite hitters to watch, I've been saying it for all season
05:51See a Savannah get in the box gyrated his hips a little bit
05:56Acevedo a unique player
05:59From New Mexico, right? I believe so came up with the New Mexico
06:03Challenge Cup teams where we first saw him honeycut
06:07Got some decent talent coming out of New Mexico
06:16Long drive but foul for Acevedo
06:22This is the if game for those that are asking in the chat
06:34He's been hitting the right center gap pretty well, I'm looking one for right now if he's gonna change with two strikes
06:41Rolled it a little little late on that swing up misplayed by Canel, but still got him at first base
06:47I'm trying to take that inside pitch to the right side. Yeah, it's hard to do
06:54What's your streets standing 20 feet off the plate
07:00Someone asked who's home team Rismando won the coin flip. This is the if game they are home
07:07Rismando scored 15 in the bottom of the first right now straight play has scored four in the first four in the second two outs
07:14nobody on
07:16trailing by seven
07:23Roxby currently a resident of Louisiana
07:29Florida guy for a very long time
07:34Missed it fouled off close to the stands
07:38Great catch leaping over the side of the rail Marshburn brings it back and gets the third out
07:44Marshburn who had an ESPN highlight play a few years back in this park doing something similar
07:51Just did it again
07:56The foot into the fence to brace himself got his bare hand up on the top of the cushion that way he didn't fall too
08:04Excellent play. What a great play great spatial awareness. We'll be back
08:09That's where it's Rismando hitting in the bottom of the second
09:28All right, we are back moving into the bottom of the second you've got DW and Dan Kirkwood here in the booth
09:36Jake Neal is your pitcher came in for Josh Jones after they had a little bit of an explosive first inning
09:43He was able to shut them down after a couple extra runs
09:45Looking to try to keep Rismando a little lower here in the second inning keep straight play in the game
09:52You got Corey Briggs leading off
09:58As we've mentioned several times before for you new viewers out there he's swinging that new combat
10:05White bat with the pink handle and pink lettering
10:14Somebody asked who's on the hit-and-sit show next week
10:23Briggs with a line drive tailing out the center, but Chad Erickson is there to make the catch
10:34The hit-and-sit show is scheduled for Tuesday at 11 a.m. Eastern Time
10:44Steve Robbs manager of I-57 roofing and Jason Magnum
10:50See if we get any other panelists
10:55Still early major still going on
10:58There's been some rumors flying around. We'll hold those until Tuesday. I'm sure plenty more will unfold over the next coming weeks and months
11:08Get Kevin Bay's at up in the box
11:14Bay's I had quite a few home runs earlier in the day. He's been hitting a little more base hits the last few at bats
11:20Hits a smash up the middle and pitcher and the middle infielder just missed it. He's gonna stop at first
11:28Erickson did a good job of getting the ball in quickly and that'll be a single for him
11:32Bringing up the top of the lineup. We got Tyler Marshburn coming back into the plate. Tyler has been on top of the plate
11:39Pulling the ball uncurly
11:41Uncharacteristic most of the time for him as he is a great spray hitter anywhere on the field
11:45But I think he's just feeling it going to left field the rest of all of today so far
11:50We'll see if he continues with that method
12:07Swinging foul ball looks like it's going to go out of play defense gives it chase, but that lands about six rows up in the bleachers
12:23The ball gets thrown back on the field
12:26Players slow to get back in their positions. It's been a long day for a lot of these guys
12:29It is straight plays only second game
12:31But it is their 11th or so game already this week because they did win the double-a earlier
12:40Straight play won the double-a I
12:4357 roofing won the a Ely real won the men's be
12:47And I 57 not only won the a they took fourth in the double-a and fourth in the major
12:52So they probably played the most games out of every team here this weekend. It's a very impressive run fun to see
13:00Almost held off Rosmando and beat them twice in the major that would have been crazy
13:04There's one
13:06Double play Marshburn hits it to Dickens Dickens able to quickly get over to the middleman and hustle that ball over to Rocks be at
13:13First that is a doughnut in the bottom of the second keeping straight plays hopes alive to get back in this game
13:20And we will wait on the top of the third to see what type of type of offense they can muster Dickens Heron
13:27And Roxby will be back
13:31Welcome to smash it sports your destination for premier baseball and softball gear, but smash it sports
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14:35All right, we're back top of the third little momentum shift maybe for
14:41Straight play with the double play
14:44Question on the chat was about 16-inch world's
14:52slow pitch softball association
14:5516 inch glove nationals was over Labor Day weekend and Rosamondo went there on a challenge on a podcast
15:04Helmer accepted the challenge and they actually ended up winning they had to earn it. I mean
15:10There's some they got two to one game. They won
15:14And then they went had to go to the if game they had to come out of the losers bracket
15:18Sort of like they did it here
15:21Got Chad Erickson leading off here
15:23It was fun, and they have the contact information for all the conference teams trying to get them to come like next year
15:30You know what 16 inches a really fun game. I enjoy it more than 12 inch to be honest
15:35Do you ever pitch it?
15:38They do a national tournament in Yuma, Arizona every year and Memorial Day weekend
15:43They always have several Chicago teams that fly down
15:46I've seen other guys that I used to play ball with like Keith Anderson come down for it
15:50No bouncer up the middle base that makes the play to Pearson for out number one
15:55Yeah, I was interested 37 feet is the pitching distance and you can throw it up to 12 feet
16:01So when you're shortened 13 feet from the rubber regular rubber that looks like it's 16 foot pitch
16:07You can only pump fake twice before you have to deliver the ball. You can pick off you can lead off
16:11Yeah, you can lead off and pick off players. It's a short game smaller field sometimes 250 foot fences
16:18easier on the body
16:22Dickens with a shot out to left
16:25Just off the top of the wall
16:27That bounces far away from Bradley Jones Dickens does have no problem getting the third base
16:35Yeah, I'd love to
16:37To go to Chicago for a 16-inch tournament. That would be really fun
16:40We have a we have a good group of guys that I play with every year
16:44Stewie Lopez
16:45Put the team together about 20 years ago him and Aaron Martinez have been doing it for a really long time
16:49The team name is hot sauce see Jared Hunt see Matt Fox all playing out there to Ryan McClanahan
16:56Got some good players out there that transition from both the the 12-inch game to the 16-inch game
17:08Deserne with a 720 spin after hitting that ball
17:16Spin what is that? It's just part of the whip. Yeah
17:20I mean you just start falling forward your momentum kind of leaning you off balance
17:24You have the right balance as you make contact
17:26But you lose it afterwards Dale Brungard used to spin almost 360 when he swung. Yeah he did
17:31We saw Brungard this year. Did we?
17:35Yeah, I missed it. I was I was on vacation. I wanted to go to the Super in the A, but
17:41Didn't work out in my plans
17:45Caught the corner Isaiah Worlel up again
17:52Good eyes landed right on the dish
18:00Driving right Briggs is playing quite deep. So he's able to round and get behind that very quickly keep Isaiah to a single
18:09He's playing a little more shallow
18:10He might take away a couple balls that are falling but those could be doubles because he'd be running more towards the wall instead
18:15Of in to cut those off
18:17Giving the runner a chance to get the second base with less momentum and throw that ball hard in
18:24Straight play giving us a game here
18:32Can away at that big 15 run first by Rispondo
18:38Neil there's a shot down the left field line. Is that gonna hold?
18:44Just foul. That's why we have six umpires in this game
18:47We've got one at every base and each line has somebody about halfway down the left and right field line as well
18:53so no callers should be missed and if not
18:56We do have the ability to challenge for the first time at the men's major world series
19:00You can ask the umpires for assistance
19:02And if they still feel like they're not getting the call right and they want to challenge you are allowed one challenge
19:07If you do win your challenge, you're eligible for a second challenge
19:17It's like we got about 1,900 people watching on the live stream right now
19:23Marsburn was just in the middle and Neil goes five for five in his five at-bats between both championship games
19:32excellent swing
19:34That's one of my favorite things to do when you see an umpire or an unfielder jump and you hit it behind him
19:40It's hard to do because it's tough to really get that last second swing. What's Clark telling Marsburn? Don't jump
19:54Stay home. I mean Clark, so it's a minute out of the moment. Would you charge that as a meeting if he?
20:00Stayed for another 10 seconds. I'd be arguing for it. That's close
20:07But Marshburn makes that play and make some spectacular
20:10Steals all the time. I'm not telling Marshburn to do anything else. You just do what you do
20:15Briggs playing the deepest center field. I've seen all year
20:18Trayway Slade just asked does anyone utilize the challenge? Yeah, I've seen at least 10 challenges this major
20:24Most have been upheld did see a couple overturned. I think at least three. Rismando had the first one
20:31I think day one there was eight challenges and Rismando was the only one to win one
20:35Yeah caps back on it. I
20:3857 every time if his legs hurt, you don't have to run if you hit it out. I 57 lost a few challenges
20:44Yeah, we lost one. They probably don't want to see another challenge for a while. I'm biased
20:49I watched one of the Rismando challenges
20:51They overturned and it was not as close as the one that we had that we didn't get overturned. So I
20:57Don't know but that's just my opinion. I'm gonna leave it that
21:00You can hear Streets talking to Trav that on-field cameras picking up the volume
21:07Such treats or cap, I think was streets. They said Dan Heron
21:16Oh, he's going to and he beats it hells onto the bag
21:22Don't know. I don't know
21:24I don't know
21:26Who he's going to and he beats it hells onto the bag
21:32Great hustle giving streets the ability to use a little more of the field if he wants to taking away that force at first
21:40So we are sitting top three right now one out
21:44Straight play in the if game are the visitors they did lose the coin flip
21:50Down to 1513 streets is in the box
21:54He hit four home runs in the first game another one right here would tie the game up
22:01Standing way way off the plate potentially looking to go backside
22:08Travis trying to pitch him to the outside corner as well
22:13Two balls outside
22:22What do you know another home run
22:26Treats over the palm trees such a stun to run shot ties the game at 15
22:33former batting champion
22:36So someone said DW will this be utilized Trayway
22:39Next season through tournaments or is it just for the major?
22:41I doubt that we'll ever see this anywhere else besides the major because we need multiple cameras to get multiple views
22:48We don't have the ability to zoom in when we're just using the cameras by home plate
22:52So don't expect to see any challenges coming times anytime soon except for at the major
23:01Acevedo shot out to left
23:03Briggs trying to run it down gets there grabs it with the bare hand off of one hop and throws it in quick
23:08Acevedo still easy up into second base doing a little dance mark quick impression
23:14The wick we'll call it the wick gotta do it
23:26So after Riz Mondo puts up 15 in the first
23:31They hit a donut in the second and straight play does not flinch continues to fight
23:36Puts up four in the first and second
23:38We're already at seven in the third tie ball game in on second one out with Roxby at the plate
23:45Soundfielders still real deep
23:48Time out here comes Barnes
23:50Well, we have the timeout. I want to tell everyone since we have so many people watching conference you triple check it out
24:01for the softball world
24:03Especially conference you triple sa
24:08Stats dense games tournament reports game. They have the tournament reports
24:13Probably take you another month and a half to get the month major tournament report in
24:19But anyway starting Monday will release
24:23Condensed games and highlight videos daily about 1030 a.m. Eastern each day until Christmas
24:32And then we'll be about out of videos and until the challenge cut
24:37Gives us something to look forward to over the next coming couple of months and weeks
24:41Our goal is to keep you triple sa softball in your mind
24:46365 days a year
24:48That's the goal and we release about 365
24:52highlights and condensed games
24:58Them out there on the you triple sa live YouTube page
25:03if you sign up for
25:06Sign up for the page. You can get alerts when a new one hits
25:14Corey Miller wrote MVP of the major so far seems to be whoever's taking a flip for Rezzie Corey remind yourself that this is only
25:21Based on seating the only flip was the if game
25:24Yeah, so since Rosamondo was the one seed they automatically were home all tournament
25:32They picked up that number one seed at the conference championship, which was
25:37Questionable to play out to begin with because we've been in all three hurricanes. What a pick by Pearson at first. That was a great pickup
25:45short quick hop
25:47Marsh burn got rid of it quick, but Pearson with that first base mitt over there if anybody hasn't noticed
25:52He is not using a traditional glove. He's using a first baseman's glove
25:59Yeah, you're right we've had hurricanes at the last two major events and the conference championship got cut short
26:06Rosamondo ended up beating straight play in the championship
26:10There's no games at all on Saturday, which was crazy
26:22Chad's gonna give him a lead here in the second or third. Chad's trying to earn an envelope next year
26:35Chad gets better every tournament. We see him over the last three years
26:41Someone asked is KP the best you've seen DK
26:44This year what 873 on the year. That's just video game numbers
26:50Video game it's not even fair and when I try to tell people he started out
26:54Hall of Fame classic duel on baseball fields Arizona went to Phoenix went to Memphis
27:00He didn't see a 300-foot field till Chicago and he still had almost a 900 on base
27:07KP is the best softball player right now now that can change all the time
27:13Riley was the best for a couple years
27:16Dickens getting them fired up with a two-out two-run homer. They're up 18-15
27:24Buddy Wolfe is on the bench right now for Rosamondo. Somebody just asked about that in the chat
27:30See the replay of Dickens swing right in the wheelhouse
27:40Who all they got over there Wolfe, Riley and
27:47Yep, got Rekert, Wolfe, Matusik, Riley, Mike Manning listing as a player just in case Brett Helmer's the manager
27:56Got a ton of coaches over there in that that dugout whereas straight plays only got a couple on the bench
28:02They've got Nino. They've already used Neal and then they have their sponsor left
28:07DeZern gets it out. DeZern's pumped
28:10Adrenaline pumping here
28:15That's 11 already this inning. There's your replay. He did the spin
28:26What's the max roster size we are allowed to have up to 20 players on the roster
28:35Teams will utilize coaches and put them on the rosters teams like primetime have 20 actual players and even rotate some in and out
28:42during the year
28:43So they almost have 25 when they rotate
28:47Certain guys certain times of the year
28:55That looked like a miss hit Bradley Jones is gonna get there
28:59That'll retire the side but not not before straight play puts up an 11th spot takes a four-run lead going into the bottom of
29:06The third if you tuned in after the first inning and saw it was 15 to 4 with Rosmondeau leading and home
29:12You probably thought this was already done. But straight play is making this a game folks. They are not going away
29:19Stay tuned we'll be back
30:25We're back with the bottom of the third Rosmondeau chasing four
30:30Shout out to Keith Clifton on the chat
30:33fan from the 80s
30:35Joys the condensed games
30:38Check out the condensed games been doing them since
30:422019 I think the sw48 YouTube channel and now the utrip will say live YouTube channel. I
30:49Got the idea from the Big Ten Big Ten does those football games? Yeah, it's awesome
30:54You can instead of watching a game for two hours watch a game in my 25 30 minutes. Wish I would have started
31:002010 takes a lot of work though. I appreciate what you do. We all do so it's fun. I
31:09Have so much content right now on my laptop
31:13If something happened to that laptop
31:17We'd be in trouble I have all a bunch of the be the a
31:22Will straight play move to major next year?
31:25Word on the street is they might
31:27Winning the double-a heard some sponsor names being thrown around
31:30We'll leave that till Tuesday for the hit-and-sit show, but keep an eye out Tuesday
31:35You can send DW at utrip will say comm send me your rumors. Send me your good rumors. We'll see we'll discuss
31:45Tuesday 11 a.m. Eastern the hit-and-sit show on YouTube and Facebook
31:54Jason Magnum
32:01Maybe Joelle has a respond
32:05Probably sick of softball right now
32:10That won't last long
32:14Best guys in the game, you know Steve Robb Steve Robb's for my 50 sub he's gonna be on the show
32:19Oh, he's swung at a bad pitch, but he whacked it out of here
32:24And that wasn't even a big one like it looked like it killed it
32:27But it didn't make the scoreboard it landed in between the fence and the bottom of the scoreboard
32:34Just happens to be so strong. I was way inside I think
32:38But a lot of the guys like I said are crowding the plate trying to take left field all the way out
32:46Anybody else that's a that's a fly out
32:52Looks like it's gone canal with another home run adding to his ever-growing lead
33:02Looks like maybe Chad Erickson's back in center. Yes. How's the beta on the left and Street still in right? Yep
33:15Two big swings here, but only two runs
33:19Rosamondo is gonna out homer straight play
33:21Straight plays doing a really good job of base hitting it and scoring a bunch of runs as well
33:27Hadley Jones
33:30Badman Jones wax double
33:35Look out cars
33:39There's a street back there somewhere
33:58That ball might have landed on the stadium Parkway
34:10Great stop by Isaiah got rid of it quick, but the throw overthrown
34:14Bradley is not gonna take second base. Joey cap runs over to the dugout to pick up that ball
34:19Did it roll in the dugout? I can't see from this angle
34:23Looks like Bradley Jones has taken second base on the overthrow
34:28Excellent stop by Isaiah Werlow moving to the middle of the field backhanding that ball unfortunately could not finish the play
34:40Bradley is no slow runner. So he knew he needed to get rid of that quick. He did everything in his power to try
35:00Doing a shift moving Dickens from short to second
35:05Yep, Isaiah were low slides from second to third bud moves from third to short putting your best defensive guys on the right side with
35:11Everett being a lefty
35:15Doesn't matter though because he's gonna hit it over everybody's head
35:20They come on over the batting cage that ties the game up at 19
35:43Phil's hit what roughly 800 the last two seasons in a row
35:48Yeah over 800 this year and kind of a quiet, you know
35:53We didn't talk about him as much because of what Pearson was doing. Yep
35:57But in in other years, he might have won the batting time
36:03800 was always the number then flip decided to do 839
36:09Dennis Rooley had like an 827 I think one year. I think Wegman was close one year
36:14I think about 55 or 60 in Cincinnati at his home park. Oh
36:17Matt walks John Kings in the house
36:26Streets is one of the batting title, I believe. Yep
36:33Old pal Rockoff, we've got to play with that the major this year. He won a batting title. I think back in 2010 with ages
36:43He's still got every swing in the bag, what up Chris, so
36:50Yeah, I'm alright you
36:52Chris Aninos in the house
36:55Need us
36:58He was leading the home runs Chris and you know, yeah, I think he might be trailing now, but yeah, he's trailing now
37:05Enough games
37:12Travis Clark standing in runner on first he walks
37:17Fans heckling now strike so the beers flowing and it is
37:24The Canino's had a permanent smile on his face. Yep. He's always a good dude. Always happy. I've never seen him, man
37:34Kills it to plays every position on the field. Can't wait to see him in toys for tots in December
37:39Always playing with lockdown a really really good police force team
37:44Well struck
37:47Mac three run home makes him pay for that walk and the lead 22
37:51No, you didn't pimp it right away. He wasn't sure if he hit it
37:54He took a couple steps down the first baseline, but then he knew better
37:57He's got to be able to do it. He's got to be able to do it
37:59He's got to be able to do it. He's got to be able to do it
38:01He's got to be able to do it. He's got to be able to do it
38:03He's got to be able to do it. He's got to be able to do it
38:06He took a couple steps down the first baseline, but then he knew better
38:13That's his 17th
38:2521 total home runs for Bubba Mack in the men's major world series impressive
38:31All it's going in the hall of fame this year how cool briggs whacks it out of here that combat's pretty hot
38:42I don't even know if I have 121 at bats at the men's major. It's not easy to get that many of that
38:47Yeah, you gotta win a few games
38:49Gotta be on a top team to get those numbers
38:57Agree evan hardy the fact that there is no beer can pyramid being built on the net this year
39:03Very disappointing that was fun to watch the previous year
39:06A team must not have come this year. Yeah got less teams here or they're still playing
39:12Only I think what 76 to 34 or something like that men's team teams due to the weather
39:18Not that many women's dnc
39:21Teams either
39:24Bayzat rolls one over to second base dickens makes the play
39:31That is the first out of the inning
