Zorro the Chronicles: THE RETURN - Episode 1

  • 2 days ago
00:00Leonardo Velazquez, step away from the señorita.
00:12Sorry, my friend, but the pretty lady is mine.
00:22Hey, I'm sorry, but señorita Naranja has just told me she'd rather be eaten by me.
00:39Again? Come on, you'll just get yourself hurt.
00:42You'll just get yourself hurt.
00:58Land! Land in sight!
01:06California! Bernardo, can you smell the air?
01:10This is the air of our home country.
01:12Yes, Bernardo, five years. Five long years since we left for Spain.
01:17It seems so long ago. Quick, let's gather our belongings.
01:28I look forward to seeing Inés again. Her letter has worried me.
01:31Something terrible seems to be happening in California.
01:34All those innocent arrested. Good people ruined.
01:37She mentions the new viceroy as a useless and greedy profiteer.
01:41And she seems to hate that Los Angeles captain.
01:44Yes, I would love to fight, but it would be one against a hundred.
01:48And we'd only end up in prison or worse.
01:50And by the way, apart from that gala sword, I should not be seen with all these fancy swords.
02:04Bernardo, from now on, I must appear as a useless fencer.
02:08I no longer like weapons. I'm all about books.
02:11And as for you, you will pretend to be deaf.
02:14You'll see. People will talk in front of you.
02:17And we shall learn many interesting things, I'm sure.
02:21These are nothing more than big golden bowls.
02:23Today, we are facing a new challenge.
02:32Those are just two pesos a piece.
02:42Inés! Father!
02:50You're taller than me.
02:52And you, little sister, have turned into a real beauty.
03:02Father, such a pleasure to see you again.
03:05So, what have you learned at the Royal Academy for the past five years?
03:09Your heads are fuller than when you left, I hope.
03:12Father, I've got some bad news.
03:14During the last of the King's celebrations, Bernardo stood a little bit too close to a cannon.
03:19And since then, he's been deaf.
03:22What a horrible story!
03:24Oh, Bernardo! Poor Bernardo.
03:29Ah, what a stroke of bad luck.
03:31But I am glad that you are back home now.
03:34You'll see. We'll adapt to you.
03:41You incompetent fool!
03:44Watch where you're going!
03:45Hurry up, you over there!
03:47Go on! Sergeant Garcia!
03:50Yes, Captain.
03:51This bunch of good-for-nothings is asleep!
03:54What are you waiting for? Wake them up!
03:56You want this to last until tomorrow?
03:58That'll teach you to rebel against the taxes.
04:01You heard the Captain. Back to work.
04:04Go on. Quick.
04:14Calm down. Be nice.
04:20Help! I can't swim!
04:32Garcia! You idiot!
04:42Don Alejandro.
04:47What a wonderful surprise to see you here.
04:51Diego, my son.
04:52This is Captain Monasterio from the Los Angeles garrison.
04:57And this is Bernardo Velazquez, Captain.
05:00The son of my former estate steward.
05:03We are back from Barcelona, where we studied.
05:07You two want to change the world like every other student?
05:11Me? No. I'm not into politics.
05:14But if you want to talk about poetry or philosophy, I'm your man.
05:19Forgive my friend. He is deaf.
05:21He understands sign language, but nothing else.
05:25I don't have time for such idiotic rubbish.
05:31My nails!
05:40I must take leave now.
05:42Sadly, my duty as a soldier is about to deprive you of my presence once again, Senorita Inés.
05:55That was funny, Bernardo.
06:00Rally round! To Los Angeles! And at the double!
06:04Yes, Captain. Right away, Captain.
06:08What? You're not happy?
06:10You should have paid your taxes then.
06:13Let's go, everybody.
06:24My poor back. When will there be a harbor in Los Angeles?
06:28These four days of traveling have been the death of me.
06:31Oh, Diego. Would you have preferred to walk home and sleep under the stars like those unfortunate peones?
06:39Diego, please.
06:40When we were little, we used to love sleeping outside, didn't we?
06:43But what are you saying?
06:45That Monasterio is a brute who abuses the peasants and dominates the whole region.
06:51I know. I could talk with the Captain about an excellent book I read about power.
06:55The Prince, by Machiavelli.
06:57Diego, actions are louder than words.
07:00Come on! Didn't the two of you get my letter?
07:04Yes, I did. But I don't like conflicts. It's just too boring.
07:09I've got it!
07:11We have to invite Captain Monasterio to the hacienda and explain to him that violence has never solved anything.
07:17I'm sure he'll understand and free the peones.
07:31Stop, please!
07:33In the name of Viceroy Don Esteban Parasol, the representative of His Majesty in California,
07:39anyone who has not paid their taxes is sentenced to jail until their families have paid their debts.
07:45Sergeant Garcia, now!
07:47Yes, sir, Captain!
07:50Do you still believe we just need to ask the Captain nicely?
07:55Captain, these new taxes are unfair and insane.
08:00Who among these modest people can afford them?
08:03Show some mercy. Please, free these good people.
08:11Don Alejandro de la Vega, the taxes have been set by the Viceroy in Monterrey, and everyone has to pay.
08:18Oh, yes, yes.
08:20Well, the Viceroy is wrong, then.
08:23Don Parasol has been entrusted by your King. We all have a duty of obedience to him.
08:29Even you, don't forget it.
08:32Yes, don't forget it.
08:35Father, the Captain is right. It may be better not to annoy the Viceroy.
08:45On the contrary, I shall return tonight back to Monterrey to tell Don Parasol how I feel about all this.
08:53Tiego, stop!
08:59Don Diego!
09:15Home at last! So good to be home again.
09:19Don Diego, welcome home.
09:21Thank you, my friend.
09:35Oh, poor Dios!
09:38Maria, this has to be the best sopita in the world.
09:42Sorry, Doña Maria.
09:44Chiquillos, I missed you.
09:48Oh, hands off! This is for our dinner.
09:51If I let you, there would be nothing left.
09:53Shoo, shoo! Get out of my kitchen, you bunch of thieves!
09:59Oh, God!
10:06You must come to the jail with me.
10:08Let's at least bring those unfortunate peonies a good dinner.
10:14I'd love to, but I am too exhausted for my travels. Tomorrow, all right?
10:19How can you be so selfish?
10:22Come on, get up!
10:33I do not like this at all, Ines.
10:35Do not provoke those soldiers.
10:37Maria, I can't just stand here and do nothing
10:39when innocents are suffering under this evil captain's boots.
11:04Corporal Gonzales!
11:05Yes, Sergeant?
11:06Go and watch the prisoners. I have to go out.
11:10Oh, I watched them all afternoon. It's your turn, Sergeant.
11:14Yes, but I am your superior, and I say you must watch them again,
11:18because I have to go and think about we do if...
11:24there was a mutiny, because they've not been given any food or water.
11:28And where are you going?
11:30To the inn, of course. To ask for tomorrow's menu.
11:34So there. Sergeant Garcia!
11:37Yes, Captain?
11:38Why are the prisoners sleeping on bales of hay?
11:42This is not a hotel!
11:44You have five minutes to take these bales out of the cells and give them to the horses.
11:50Oh, no!
11:59Good afternoon, Captain.
12:01I am certain that these prisoners must be a burden for the army,
12:05so I brought you food to feed them.
12:07Please, please! Water!
12:11I am very sorry, Senorita de la Vega.
12:14The prisoners have already had their dinner, and they do not want anything else.
12:26Hey! Arrest him, and put him in jail with the others. That'll teach him.
12:31Oh, I mean...
12:36Hands off, soldier! Let go of him! I forbid you to take him!
12:48Looks like everyone's having a ball.
12:50Senores, may I please join your party?
12:53What does that mean? Who are you?
12:55My name is Zorro, and I'm here to bring justice back to Los Angeles.
13:00The town obviously needs it.
13:02And for a start, I'm going to free your prisoners.
13:05What? Throw this buffoon in jail at once!
13:09You know what they say, the more the merrier!
13:16Lances, grab your weapons! We're under attack!
13:21There! He's there! Catch him!
13:24Go, go!
13:33My keys!
13:37Watch out for the wasps!
13:40Watch out for the wasps!
13:53Catch him!
13:56Come on!
14:01You bunch of bumbling idiots! You are useless! The shame of the army!
14:07I'm over here!
14:21No, not here. There!
14:23Listen, I'm trying to help you out.
14:26If you don't make an effort, it's not going to work.
14:32You fools! Give me that!
14:35Garcia! Let go, man! Let go!
14:39Yes, sir, Captain!
14:54Run away, quick! Go and hide in the hills, and take the food with you!
15:00Thank you!
15:01Senores, do you really want me to fight against all of you with just this simple whip?
15:07All right, then.
15:20Captain Monasterio! Something terrible has happened! All the prisoners have escaped!
15:28No one stayed to watch the cells? Garcia! Gonzales! This will cost you your life!
15:34Not again!
15:46All right, I surrender.
15:50Or maybe not.
16:03Oh, look at that, Gonzales.
16:13He's very good.
16:17Stay behind me, Corporal.
16:22Captain! Look here! I have captured Zorro!
16:26I'm your sergeant, and I'm the one who led to this arrest!
16:32Are you quite sure, Senores? Because I don't see any handcuffs around these hands.
16:37Arrest him! Take the horses, quick!
16:41You're weakening, you scoundrel! You have found your master!
16:47You have found your master! Remember my name! Garcia! Sergeant Garcia!
16:59My sword!
17:05No! Please!
17:07This one is for you, Sergeant!
17:12Capt. Tenzoro! Move away! Make way!
17:25Quick, Tornado!
17:41Blasted Zorro! We shall meet again!
17:45Goodbye, Captain!
17:49Where did that man come from? It all happened so fast!
18:07Diego, listen! It was amazing!
18:09We went to the prison, and the captain almost arrested Bernardo.
18:12And then a man arrived. He had a mask on. He said his name was Zorro.
18:17He fought all alone against... Diego, wake up!
18:21Oh, he's hopeless!
18:33Diego never used to be that way before he went to Spain.
18:36He's turned into a lazy good-for-nothing.
18:39What a shame! I don't recognize him at all.
18:43I wrote to ask him to come and help us, but all he does is sleep all day.
18:48I feel like sending him back on a ship. It's really too bad.
18:52But look at me. All I do is talk, talk, talk, and you can't even hear.
18:57Oh, Bernardo, what's going to happen to us?
19:07Do not take another step, senor, or you may well end up with a headache tomorrow.
19:12I won't hesitate to... break this vase over your head!
19:15Who are you? And what are you doing in our house?
19:18I don't recall inviting you in.
19:20And by the way, how do you even know about this passageway?
19:27The greatest good-for-nothing to have ever returned from Spain. In person.
19:31At your service, my dear sister.
19:35What? So from the beginning, you've been making fun of me?
19:39You were just acting a part?
19:41What about you, Bernardo? Are you really deaf, or...
19:44Ugh! I don't know which one of you I'm going to knock out first!
19:49Hey, Ines! Ines, listen! I can explain!
19:55You should see your faces! It's priceless!
20:00Diego! Bernardo! At last, you are home! Come here!
20:07Hang on, sis! You're going to smother us!
20:09And now's not the time for that!
20:11Diego! Bernardo!
20:13Diego! Bernardo!
20:15Hang on, sis! You're going to smother us!
20:17And now's not the time! I need a nap!
