00:00Hello, in this video, this video is addressed to my twin flame, Shia.
00:05For those just watching, I thank you for watching.
00:08It is 6.35 p.m. and I have a crime report to work on.
00:15Any of this information cannot be used against me or you'll be sued or sent to jail for trying to illegally frame me.
00:24This video is addressed to my twin flame, Shia.
00:26Anyone else that's watching, you have to want to help Shia Alyssa, not attack her.
00:33Help Shia Alyssa.
00:35So, Shia, I'm not going to make this video too long because I need to, um,
00:44I just spent almost five hours, four and a half hours straight,
00:51sending myself photographs that I'm taking off of the Canon camera
00:59of all the evidence of the hacker on Internet Archive messing with the images.
01:11Any of them I had showed you.
01:14So I have, I have to, hold on.
01:23And Shia, they really want to, uh, attack you.
01:26They're trying so hard to try to make me, uh, feel like I'm angry at you and I'm not angry at you.
01:34So this is extremely, uh, detailed.
01:37I have to write about the attack and how it occurred.
01:40I have to write the images.
01:41I'm highlighting the images, the date the images were taken.
01:44This is too much for my brain to handle.
01:49However, I have to do it.
01:51Uh, and then I have to email to make sure,
01:54and I have to write in the subject line of each email the image,
01:59what it's about so that I document, can document whether or not
02:06what I'm doing is being tampered with by the hacker.
02:09So just to give you an idea, I, I'm writing each email, highlighting the numbers,
02:17writing, like, say there's like 11 images, uh, that's in regards to one attack.
02:25I have to do part one, part two, part, email one, email two, email three, email four,
02:30and I'm saying part one, two, three, four, five,
02:33and then how many emails are attached to each part.
02:36It's, it's just wicked annoying and painful.
02:40Um, but I have to do it.
02:44So, um, I have two that I've already looked through
02:57and two of the Canon Parashot camera discs I've already looked through.
03:05So, and also, what else?
03:13So, this is the current one, Canon Parashot, that I have, that may have more evidence,
03:27and then there's just one more that I have not gone through.
03:31So I'm going to now make a document, put all of,
03:38I'm not going to show you too close because I, I don't know what I wrote.
03:43All of this, all of this, and this, and this, and it's,
03:58I had to go through Magnify because I cannot put those Canon camera shot images
04:05and plug them into a computer or a cell phone because the hacker will delete them.
04:10So I have to go do that and it might take me until,
04:15actually it might not take me as long as I think.
04:19I'm going to type all of this, download all the images,
04:25not all at once, I'm going to download the images,
04:30write down the email information in the document,
04:35paste the image within the document and then do each email,
04:40and download each email at the time that I write in the document.
04:45I'm going to also email all of the documents that I just showed you recently to the detective
04:56and INTR space ARCHIV for the records so that they know that that's part of the evidence.
05:14There's proof that it's religious discrimination because I was using the Holy Quran.
05:23There's proof that it is, there's a weird thing about the hacker not liking vintage food,
05:31like it's deactivating from it.
05:34But I'm not going to take responsibility for this happening because
05:39this criminal starts the interests in wanting to attack a lot of people.
05:50So, let's hope that this will be the way to get this criminal put in jail because
06:00apparently it's not going to be the way that we thought it was going to be, Shia.
06:06And there's a reason for it.
06:09Because apparently we can't really get direct help, Shia, because so many people don't like us,
06:18so many people are after us, and if people are not interested in us,
06:23then we're going to have to go to jail.
06:27We can't really get direct help, Shia, because so many people don't like us,
06:33so many people are after us, and if people try to help us, those people are in danger.
06:40So they're helping themselves because they're in danger because of who they are,
06:48not because they're associated with me.
06:54So, I will maybe be able to review these documents of what I'm showing you
07:03with all the attacks on screen share on Canva sometime, not tonight.
07:11I have everything from my desk that I had to take out of my desk in order to try to find these
07:20Canon camera shot desks. They're actually in the closet in my shelf.
07:29So, I'm not going to... I'm extremely uncomfortable.
07:36They're torturing me, as usual.
07:43I am not mad at you, Shia. They're trying to use the Rocky images in order to make me be angry.
07:56Like, you're like 50%. They're saying all these lies.
08:01You're 50% in love with the person that's taking over my body,
08:06even though that was addressed to Alberto, because half of him is not him.
08:12You see a small clip of him, and then he looks himself.
08:17I know that's artificial. I know what he's going through is artificial and murder.
08:27So, they're trying to use AI right now to make it natural to attack you,
08:34and me actually attempting to not attack you.
08:37So, they're trying to say that my member did all kinds of spells to make you like her.
08:47They're saying you are still married to the criminal that stole your identity and made a child with it,
08:58and this is because it's been going on all day. They've been saying this to me.
09:04And that, don't get angry, Shia, and don't act like I'm saying this to make you angry.
09:08I have to explain to you so that it diffuses the spells, breaks the spells.
09:14And they're saying that she tortured you for so long that you,
09:24and you're okay now with having a child with her,
09:30and you are having an affair because you had a child with her.
09:38She's familied you, so all of these things.
09:43So, Shia, I'm not angry at you, but these demons in my body and in my brain
09:47are extremely trying to use the synthetic duplicate of me to make it like I'm angry at you.
09:53And then they're saying all these things that you're angry at me.
09:58I can't be angry at you because I know people are violating my body,
10:03and I know that I'm getting tortured, and my root chakra is being violated involuntarily,
10:11and there's nothing I can do to stop it.
10:13There's absolutely no romance and love involved.
10:18This is pure torture, pure physical torture and rape.
10:23And, but I've been, they are trying to do that to SCX harass me a lot,
10:32and I told you a little bit, remember?
10:34I've been telling you a little bit about it.
10:37So, I'm not angry at you, Shia.
10:42I finally was able to put, hey, where'd you go?
10:50I put you, I finally cut, hold on.
10:58Oh, I finally got your picture, and I put it in next, on my heart.
11:05I finally cut your photo of you out.
11:08Finally, I played your video for hours and hours last night.
11:14This is disgusting, though, the fact that a lot of my DNA is not me.
11:22I am really, really angry that we both got tricked,
11:27and somehow we're both just like chronically 24-7 cheating on each other, and we're not.
11:33We're chronically having torture and crime being done to us,
11:36and being accused that we're cheating on each other,
11:41because people are nonstop sexually assaulting us and sexually harassing us.
11:56But even if I'm not getting torture or chakra torture,
11:59they're trying every single five minutes, and I'm being told that.
12:03When like a couple hours went by today, they're like,
12:07when there's time that's where I'm not getting tortured,
12:12they're trying nonstop every five minutes, or every minute.
12:16Every five minutes they're trying it.
12:19So, I actually slept a lot last night.
12:25I'm asking the neighbor down the hall to send an email to Detective and Internet Archive about the hacker.
12:35Hacked into his computer, too, and that he's a witness, etc.
12:41And if you can email Detective,
12:47anonymously, and say that your electronics are hacked into, too, and you know who did it,
12:55I was told by a telepathic supporter to tell you that.
12:58Hold on, let me get my notes.
13:01But the more I do these subliminal...
13:02And now that I'm doing all these subliminals,
13:04they're chronically making me feel like I'm not being treated.
13:14Like you're not being treated, or I'm not being treated.
13:18And you know, I'm not being treated.
13:21And I'm not being treated.
13:22I'm not being treated.
13:23Now that I'm doing all these subliminals, they're chronically making me feel like the curing ruckus don't matter, and like I have to feel extremely guilty about it, and like it's not as important anymore.
13:40They did this whole spell, though, to try to, like, I can't even explain it right now. However, they tried to make it like it's the only thing that will work, no, it's the only thing that I can listen to no matter what.
13:56If I listen to anything else, and now it's like this whole power trip, like the cure-on ruckus page, and ruckus just don't work, that's why I use these subliminals. No, these subliminals are very important. These subliminals are very important, and they, I believe, are overriding a lot of the AI, Shia.
14:16And my body is looking more and more mutilated. I think they're doing humiliation rituals with my hair. But I had put olive oil on it last night, and I braided it. That's why it looks a little bit oily.
14:29So, but I'm constantly being, all of these attacks on Internet Archive are about all of our past lovers, and we are still cheating on each other, and we are not available for each other.
14:59We are taken by these criminals that are torturing us and doing crime to us, and that is a lie, Shia.
15:11So I don't have a backup on this video, so I have to stop it really soon.
15:17So it was received because I looked out and I taped the envelope on the neighbor's door about sending an email.
15:32And these entities think that they have superpowers because they are men inside females and males inside females.
15:51Males, no, females inside of males, males inside of female bodies. No, it's not superpowers. It's called drag.
16:01And you're going to see it more and more, Shia, because whatever, whoever, the criminal that took over my body and turned into me, I'm looking at past photos on my Canon Parashot, like practically like a replica.
16:20So don't believe what you see, Shia, because this criminal's been doing this since around 25, I'm pretty sure.
16:30So it's going to take some time to get rid of, get my looks back.
16:35And they're constantly talking. So my mother in the voicemail kind of hinted at something.
16:48They're constantly harassing me, saying that she watched all of the criminal's films.
16:57And that doesn't really matter. That doesn't really matter if you did or didn't. And I'm pretty sure you didn't watch any of the films these past eight years.
17:08It doesn't really matter. There was possession involved. You were probably forced. And it doesn't matter.
17:16It's not really a big deal. That actually proves nothing. And you've had possession. That's not really a big deal.
17:27At the time, when I was 24, I saw podcasts and videos of that criminal. I wasn't liking what I was seeing. I was cringing.
17:40So there's a whole thing, like this told, that was a humiliation ritual if you had to watch those films. That's a humiliation ritual.
17:55She did not, he did not like you. It's a man. It's going to be proven when they all deactivate, they're all going to turn into what they are.
18:05All of these entities, when they deactivate, they're going to turn into the sex that they are. She's a man.
18:16So, she's mutilated your parts. She's mutilated all of your parts. She's mutilated all of your parts.
18:28And yeah, I'm extremely angry that it has happened to you and it's been going on for 20 years.
18:33And, but you would have to be extremely angry at all of the crime that's happening to me.
18:45You'd be extremely angry at all the crime that's happened to me.
18:51Yeah, that's not really proving anything. That's not proving marriage that you saw films where she was probably, it was probably all AI.
19:09She's a complete fraud. She's not talented. He is, he, he, she.
19:21Did my, did my mother say that in the voicemail to attack me? It's possible.
19:27But what it comes down to is, she lost and now she's angry.
19:33She's taking it out on me and she's still going to use this criminal that's tortured you against me.
19:40Just like this criminal on my computers, she's still, technically I'm not defending, but if she's not going to say that her, if she's not going to say anything.
19:57But she has told me she wants to live to see this person go to jail with telepathy.
20:06I'm not calling her back. And she did sound a little fake on the voicemail.
20:13But she, she's not completely fake because I, because she really, I really spent a lot of time with her.
20:22Partly because it was partial kidnapping. Part of it was I really was rejected socially and didn't have much of a life.
20:35Yeah, it was controlled and it was criminal, but at the same time, she's my mom, just like your parents are your parents.
20:44But they're constantly saying, well, I'm not defending her. She's going to get karma and justice.
20:50And it is filthy disgusting that she would continue to try to use this person that stole your identity against me.
21:01But there's no way I'm going to say she can't watch these videos. These are public videos. She can watch them.
21:08And if I say not to watch them, she's definitely going to watch them even more.
21:16So, I don't, I don't, I, should I add, I'm not going to keep rambling on.
21:30But this person that has stole and mutilated your body through another body that's not yours.
21:46She has a large private part and it was in the, in the, the Rakia image it was, it showed you.
22:01So I did do some research last night. I went into vintage menu and they have 207 pages of vintage menus.
22:15And I'll show you some of that research another time.
22:18And I do tap into your feelings and emotions, Shaya. I actually do get more calm when I know I do actually, I'm actually very close with you, Shaya.
22:35Sometimes I can tell when you're angry. Actually, typically with anger, it's always, I don't, I can't tell that when you're angry, but I can tell when you get calm.
22:46I can tell when you get calm.
22:54But this is truly insanity. I've been told millions of times with automated AI that I am a cheater and I've had past lovers.
23:05I'm not saying thousands of times with automated AI. It's like millions of times.
23:11This is pure insanity. It's pure S-E-X-U-A-L harassment.
23:29And this whole identity theft thing, I can't actually process it. I can't talk about it too much. It's too sick. It's too sick.
23:40But I've been so grossed out by my body for so long, and I've figured it out. Finally.
23:52But in regards to...
24:41I don't think that they, I think it's an excuse, though, if they can't participate in helping.
24:47This has been going on for 15 years, and this is why I've been towards you for 15 years.
24:53Because there's no one else, this could be a reason, this could be them not wanting to back down and saying there's still a chance that Alyssa could die.
25:01And that's why I haven't received the help.
25:07If I'm acting like I'm being angry at you, I'm not angry at you.
25:11I'm very angry at the situation.
25:14They're just trying to make me feel S-U-I-C-D-A-L.
25:20I know for a fact you cannot do any posts because you're being threatened that you are going to be in trouble.
25:27You're going to be in trouble.
25:29She's threatening you.
25:31The man in the female body that stole your identity is threatening you.
25:36And in saying that they have things on you, not that they have things on you, that those posts could be used against you.
25:45So that's why you're not posting.
26:02But this is a little bit much.
26:05At this point, I'm 39 years old, now all of a sudden I'm turning, I am not me.
26:13I am one of my members and you don't like me like her.
26:17This is just, this is out of control.
26:20I'm not me.
26:22I'm not Alyssa.
26:24I'm not Alyssa.
26:26I'm not Alyssa.
26:28I'm not Alyssa.
26:30This is out of control.
26:32There's no way that that's true, that that's happening to you.
26:38There's no way.
26:40And if it is, there's...
26:42But whether it is or not, there's nothing that I can do.
26:45And there's not a lot of people that are telling me...
26:52But there is interference happening.
26:57Where they're trying to get me mad at you and make you feel like this is going to separate us all, but it's not the truth.
27:06They're all going to jail.
27:08They're all going to jail.
27:14But I'm in a lot of physical pain.
27:18And I really do miss you, Cheyenne.
27:22I really, really wish that I could talk to you and hear your voice.
27:28This is really sad.
27:31It's sad that it's gone on for so long.
27:34And they do use it against you when they say this because you don't like me, you don't want to be with me.
27:40And I know it's not the truth, Cheyenne.
27:42But these are the subliminals, subconscious subliminals they tell me all day long.
27:46And they tell to me directly with V2K.
27:58But if you get attacked with this video, with anything that I say...
28:04They could be using AI masks to turn me into other people to attack you.
28:08They're going to be using voice to change my voice.
28:12This was not supposed to be an attack against you.
28:16Time is up, and this is not supposed to be occurring anymore.
28:21I've been brutally tortured for 39 years.
28:2425 years, even more brutally tortured.
28:29And then at 32, 30 years old, even more tortured.
28:33And then at 36, even more tortured.
28:37And this was supposed to all stop 25 years ago.
28:41So this is...
28:44So Cheyenne, there's people right now remote viewing this conversation.
28:50And they're going to do everything in their power to make you get triggered.
28:56You don't have to give me any...
29:02You don't have to give me any signs, Cheyenne.
29:04You don't have to post anything on social media.
29:09You don't have to do anything. Don't get triggered by this.
29:12Just relax, Cheyenne.
29:17Because I'm not trying to get you to have a reaction and get extremely upset.
29:24I'm telling you what they're telling me.
29:27And now that I don't listen to the Karanrakis 10 hours a day...
29:35They're manipulating the images of the Karanrakis to make it attack me.
29:43Because I deserve it because I don't listen to Karanrakis 10 hours a day.
29:50There's no one that should be getting worshipped.
29:53And they tried to do this whole spell like I was worshipping all the Rakis in the Karanraki pages.
30:01Because I was listening to it so much.
30:04No, I was listening to it so much.
30:07I have... My ears are sore from the noise of listening to the Karanrakis on my headphones.
30:17Not because it's loud.
30:19Just to have... It's mental exhaustion to have to listen to the Karanrakis.
30:25Because it's so... It's like a fight against these demons.
30:29But now that I'm listening to these subliminals...
30:32Now they're going to try to do the rotation and try to get these images to attack me.
30:40To make me feel like I'm doing something wrong by listening to a different type of sound.
30:48That's working and deactivating AI.
30:51Do not stop listening to these subliminals, Shaya.
30:54They're working.
30:56There's... And it has nothing... They're working, Shaya.
31:12I'll talk to you tomorrow, Shaya.
31:15Do not worry.
31:18Anything that I said in this video, do not get triggered.
31:22I know the truth, Shaya, because I know what I'm going through.
31:26I know I'm not cheating on you, Shaya.
31:28I'm not having an affair with... On you.
31:32So I know that you're not cheating on me.
31:34You're not having an affair on me, Shaya.
31:37So I'm going to talk to you tomorrow.
31:39I love you, Shaya.
31:40Thank you everybody for watching.
31:41Thank you so much, Shaya, for watching.